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myriadimagines · 7 years ago
Poison Ivy or Harley Quinn
harley quinn!! i love her omg like she’s insane but she seems so fun and she’s gorgeous ajsdhakd also i don’t know much about pamela 
send me two characters and I’ll tell you who I’d rather date… and why!
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usergirlfailure · 7 years ago
Top 5 celeb crushes
amber heard
hayley kiyoko
lupita nyong'o
tessa thompson 
kat mcnamara
send me top 5
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montygreen · 7 years ago
Oooh since you’ve watched the Mindy Project (I’m on season 6 now on Netflix), what do you think abou the Danny/Mindy ship? And between relationships/hookups along the show, which one was your favorite? And favorite Mindy boyfriend?
I stopped watching it in the middle of season 4 tbh when they ruined Danny’s character for me. I really, really loved the Danny Mindy ship until they made Danny really controlling and sorta dick towards Mindy in season 4.
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pb-seeker · 7 years ago
I’m doing a moodboard about a book with two people of Indian descent and they’re young (like 17-20) and all Indian actors/actresses I know are way older than that (and couldn’t pass this age I mentioned). Do you have suggestions for them? The name of the book is When Dimple Met Rishi.
Hi there! Some of them don't have a lot of resources, tbh. But you can use them for a moodboard beacuse you don't really need a lot of pictures, so I leaved them there.
Bhavesh Balchandani, 16.Siddharth Nigam, 17.Faisal Khan, 18.Karan Brar, 18.Ehren Kassam, 20.Suraj Partha, 20.
Reem Sameer Shaikh, 15.Avneet Kaur, 16.Sparsh Khanchandani, 17.Ahsaas Channa, 18.Soma Bhatia, 19.Avika Gor, 20.Surangana Bandyopadhyay, 20.Ulka Gupta, 20.Urvashi Umrao, 20.
Slightly older but may work.
Darsheel Safary, 20.Tanay Chheda, 21.
Lakshmi Menon,  21.Namitha Pramod, 21.Kelly Gale, 22. Niveda Thomas 22.
Here you go! I hope one of these works for you!
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sadpandanet · 7 years ago
On dealing with the feeling of rejection and social failure... I've been attending the same school for more than 10 years and now, in the final year, I feel like I'm not part of the dynamics, even though being from a small school with small groups of people. I have trouble gaining intimacy with people, being close friends. I've tried so much, in different ways, and now I'm so tired. My fear is that repeats again in my life, that I'm the actual problem here.
When trying to make friends just remember to be yourself. Sometimes personality types just don’t mesh well and that is totally okay. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t make friends with certain people. Not everyone is meant to get along.
Being intimate with people can be difficult so just take it slow. Gradually share deeper and deeper things with each other. Take the time to really get to know each other and remember to always be yourself.
Be bold. Ask someone to hangout. Start conversations with people. Just try and communicate. I know it’s easier to wait for someone else to initiate conversation but sometimes they are just as afraid to talk to you as you are to talk to them.
Set goals for yourself. Plan to start a conversation with someone or plan to share a secret. Whatever you’re comfortable doing make it your goal to do so and don’t worry if you don’t complete it because there’s always tomorrow.
Remember that not everyone gets along. Try to not take it personally when you don’t mesh with someone. It’s just how things go sometimes. You’re not meant to get along with everyone and that’s okay. If you remind yourself that it’s okay to not get along with everyone it will be easier.
Just always remember that making friends takes time and sometimes we get into points where we may not have a ‘close friend’ for a while and that’s okay. Just take things slow and try to be bold and insert yourself into conversations and groups and try to reach out to people. Do some things you haven’t done before but always be yourself. Don’t be afraid to initiate with someone and always remember that it’s 100% okay if you don’t make a friend right away.
If you’d like additional advice here is a link to a site I found.
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studyquill · 8 years ago
Tips on avoiding ink bleeds on notebooks and so?
use notebooks with either thick or really smooth paper! also, certain inks bleed more than most so it’s mostly trial and error to see what bleeds through your paper.
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protcns · 8 years ago
Any tips on avoiding staining between pages in the notebook?
Hey! I’m not quite sure what you mean by staining, but I hope it’s safe to assume that you mean when the ink bleeds through to the back of the page? (Please message me again if you meant something else!!!)
Tips/Things To Remember:1.  Pages will bleed depending on the thickness of the paper and the type of pen.2. Gel pens generally tend to bleed more than typical ballpoint pens.3. Fineliners (and markers) also tend to bleed through most papers.4. I think the cheapest/most efficient way to reduce bleeding (on any kind of paper) is to find a pen that isn’t too inky. 5. You can also try writing really lightly (it sounds stupid, I know). I’ve been surviving using a fineliner in my notes just by writing lighter than my normal pressure.
Other: Pairing the right pen with the right notebook.Journals- Journaling usually includes markers, fineliners, and Extra Thick Pens, so it’s safe to get a notebook with thick pages.Class Notes- If you use a notebook for your notes, I’d personally say buy a cheap thin-page notebook and use a regular ballpen (not only do they not bleed, but they last longer). If you do decide to add colors, I suggest colored gel pens rather than fineliners, but that’s up to you!
Some people choose to write in inky gel pens because they like the darkness (? is that even the right term?? haha) of the ink. There are many non-gel/non-waterbased type pens that are still fairly dark. I suggest exploring Pilot and Faber-Castel pens!
I hope this answered you! Enjoy your day
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iliminoal · 8 years ago
What helps to you stay focused? And other: what's your main motivation right now?
While studying? I usually get all my stuff, to make sure i don’t have to get up, put on some music or rain sounds so I don’t get distracted with other people and that’s basically it
My main motivation right now, proving them wrong maybe my future.my family, my goals, my dreams
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jcndeukie · 7 years ago
For the band ask: AnaVitória
eu já ouvi as músicas mainstream delas, mas nunca foi completa, então vou colocar como se eu não conhecesse, okay?
Do I know them already?: yes | no | kinda;
First song youtube took me to: (eu ignorei fica e agora eu quero ir porque eu já conhecia) trevo (tu) ft. diogo piçarra;
First Impression: cara eu nunca parei pra perceber como as vozes delas são gostosa de escutar??? e a letra também é muito linda!
Do I like it?: sim!!!
Would I listen to more from them?: sim! 
Rate (from what I heard): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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aliteraryprincess · 7 years ago
3 and 4 from Bookish Questions :)
Thank you!
3. Your current favorite book?
Well, this would actually be the same answer as the next question.  So instead I’ll give the book I’ve read most recently that I’d consider a favorite, which is Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke.
4. Favorite book of all time?
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë.
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montygreen · 7 years ago
A thing that annoys you about a show you like? For me is how they use deadly situations so much in The 100 (and massacres too), with little to no transitions, that doesn’t shock me anymore. It’s rather saturated for them.
Well with The 100 what drives me nuts is some of the blatant racism (Octagon the white saviour really.)
Also, ever since I watched The Get Down most of the shows I’ve watched seem overly white? I’ve been spoiled by good rep on a tv show and now I’m back to lacking representation.
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onevida · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
Crespos & Cacheados • curly appreciation - learning to love my natural hair was one the best things I've ever did for myself (@oxebrazgirl).
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notahammer · 7 years ago
tarastarr1 replied to your photoset
“We are the Dora Milaje. We are the daughters of the 18 tribes of...”
eyyyyyyyy what is this! So cool! How did you do the typography on the last panel?
This tutorial, basically. There’s also some similar fonts that I love (you’d need a subscription for these, though.)
oxebrazgirl replied to your photoset  
“We are the Dora Milaje. We are the daughters of the 18 tribes of...”
@notahammer did you use Photoshop to do it or something else (or a combo of softwares)??
Photoshop + Illustrator.
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birdkoskincare · 8 years ago
Você é brasileira ou portuguesa?? Porque vi você citando alguns livros em pt aqui
portuguesa! c: (50% ahah mas cresci e vivo em portugal)
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merakiblr-blog · 8 years ago
Oi! Acho que já nós falamos uma vez, antes de eu fazer esse Tumblr eu tinha (tenho, aliás, está inativo) o blog Miss Sorrisos. Não tenho certeza se esse Tumblr é do mesmo blog Meraki (reconheci pelo nome), mas de qualquer forma: OLÁ 👋
Olá! não sei se já nos falamos antes, mas achei seu tumblr incrível, principalmente as causas que apoia :)
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gringoslur · 7 years ago
maga estoy re sole no tengo mutuals latines, a quienes me recomendas?
mhmhm here!: @tchhanclas @roseylime @mixedican @gaymestizo @amaralanegra @ceibos @uruguayanabombada @ratwhisperer @17o98 @bornlucky @starryprince @versrights @neymrjr @sweettangerinee @spacelxtina @brainfondue @im-not-a-real-hero @talkngfishbone @ctrlance @cassiancalore @black-girl-boom @the-mighty-microwave @mulatt-hoe @curles @coolgirl @mirtilus @freckledai @vonlipvig @kevindaymutual @saintmilady @thelovelylights @mojigateria @poppypups @angrycorgi @la-ponderosa @cubaned @hojarascas @lesbianparaguas @sabinafall @finnpoeofficial @gettingbi-er @laurakinniey @forestprincette @fucksmulder @michipichi12 @mariahsavedthegays @tiolance @ebilyn @oceannbf @lazulishine @startea @flash—thunder—thunder @jollythunderstorms @nyenke @checheres @cvptainbucky @dwjjk @you-are-the-author-of-this-story @lavendermatrix @busco-un-alma @gasinas @duskianfae @butchphobic @tiddaylicious-voltron @blancquita @comosedice @latinerd @kaligaga @upsetkarkat @newstitchess @la-victoria-rosada @stripespolkadots @kyotosunrises @kisaageckos @atolito @cremaymembrillo @lafleurbrasileira @macaroonii @teamwinexo @moharamos @unbrokenraven @hilo-de-oro-bordes-de-infinito @ohdammitlila @andromndas @chachki-bane @vaqita @lalabnf @oxebrazgirl @drnkonlove @chupamelove @bitacora-azul @icantimagineaname @petitegio @ghoulry @lighthouxe @crescent-beam @aoi-herondale @myclaraty @gaydaisyridleys @dasakuryo @flamengofc 
uuuuuuh im tired, check this  and this posts if you want more latine people!!! also if you are latine like this así te sigo amewe. 
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