#ox pussy destroyer
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I love when @itsxroxannex introduced Ox like "Hey that's one of my male bottom straight OC but I don't think I'll draw him so much"
And the all the fans understood "Hey that's one of my male bottom straight OC and you will all draw him getting flustered by women and I'll watch eating popcorns"
Then he just became the
Definitely not sorry for that
Anx but only with women
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[NSFW] put a name in my inbox and my muse will answer: (thesleepydestroyer)
[NSFW] put a name in my inbox and my muse will answer:
How interested they are in having sex with them:
60/40. The only thing that keeps him from going after that pussy (cat) is the fact that Beerus can and will break his ass into a million pieces.
How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them:
Once again, Baby does not “pay” for something he gets for free. Besides....everyone knows you lure in gods with food more than zeni.
If they would rather bottom or top them:
I’m not sure he’d be able to choose a position. XD Obvious Beerus is in charge, so whatever kitty wants, kitty gets.
How good they think they would be:
100 percent. Because even going casual with a destroyer would be more than enough to please even a stubborn ox like Baby.
If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them:
I doubt by the time they get started that any of those places would still be in one piece....
If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love:
First two. Baby is very difficult to build a bond with, and Beerus is in love with himself. So it would definitely start out as a way to blow off steam and satisfy those....um....
“Manly urges.”
If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick:
Probably another god (Quitela or Champa.) If anything for Baby to get strong enough that even a teeny tiny god can learn to be afraid of the big bad Tuffle.
If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen:
Probably not. Mortals as a whole are beneath the likes of people like Beerus, let alone a scrawny Tuffle strong enough to snap Goku in half like a twig.
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ManOU, MinOs, Mises, MOses
JOseph, JesUs,
“O” Words: GOd, LOrd, gOds, gOdesses, Old, JehOvah, CristO, ChOsen, GOne, One, ALOne, LOnely, Only, WOn, WOrLd, WOrd, SwOrd, VOice, COntainer, COntained, SpOken, ChOke, TOday, SwOrn, WOrn, MissiOnary, MissiON, PermissiOn, SOrry, SOft, CeremOny, COntact, PrOvidence, PrOphecy, JOan Of Arc, PrOphet, TraditiOnal, AdditiOnal, SOn, HOspital, BOrn, LOck, VOw, SwOre, COvenant, RainbOw, Ordained, Order, ChaOs, Organize, COmmitment, COmmit, COmment, CO-(ed), Ordinary, ExtraOrdinary, PrescriptiOn, WOman, BrOad, ROyalty, POwer, POwerful, BOdy, BOne, BOLd, PersOn, PeOple, BOard, WhOre, HOe, ShOvel, HOse, BrOthel, HerO, HerOin, NOn, cannOn, IrOn, IrOny, FOrward, TOward, DirectiOn, COntrast, ZerO, HOLe, HOLy, CrOss, ArrOw, VisiOn, HOrn, HOrny, HOrdes, HOLLy, DOnkey, GOlden, LOve, ErOs, ROse, ArOse, TOast, MemOry, COde, COdex, SOlved, ResOlved, COt, COtTen, COrn, COrner, HOme, HOtel, POrtal, POrt, POrtland, Oxygen, HydrOgen, FOrth, COmmand, MOrtal, ImmOrtal, AtOmic, AtOm, BOmb, BOmbsheLL, BOmbard, ArmeggedOn, AnnihiLatiOn, WOw, Ow, LOst, LOsing, MOney, COst, DOLLars, COins, StOne, DiamOnd, COincide, FreedOm, MacrO, MicrO, MicrOw, MicrOwave, TheOry, COven, Oven, StOve, COLLege, COver, COrrect, HOney, POwer, PLOw, Owned, CrOwned, SLOwer, ShOw, ShOwer, FLOw, Over, COver, HOver, ON, Off, NO, NOrth, NOt, KnOt, NOte, SOng, WrOng, LOng, LOnging, LOdge, TrOt, TerrOr, TerrOrism, StatiOn, WOOd, LOg, ALLOw, ALLOwed, HaLLOwed, ShaLLOw, LOw, BeLOw, BeyOnd, CLOthes, Origin, Original, POcket, ConstellatiOn, NatiOn, CivilizatiOn, ExpressiOn, SLOw, Oh!, BOise, IdahO, JerOme, New YOrk, CalifOrnia, CalifOrnicatiOn, ChicagO, MexicO, AppOintment, CancellatiOn, SOda, DOS, Operating, OS, TaO, COme, GO, StOp, GO, HOt, COld, FrOzen, DOwn, DrOwn, Own, FrOnt, TOp. AtOp, TOtal, FOrever, FOnt, DOes, SOng, ROck and ROLL, ROLL, ROLe, TOne, ALLegrO, ChOir, ChOrd, Orchestra, TempO, TOnal, AtOnal, TenOr, SaxaphOne, PianO, KeybOard, BanjO, CellO, ObOe, TOm TOm, NOva, MOre, LOcate, FOrce, COpe, HOpe, NOpe, COre, MiLLiOn, BiLLiOn, ZiLLiOn, SpOt, PrO, COn, COngress, COck, Ostrich, MOnkey, FOx, GOat, WOLf, CrOw, COLLie, WOLverine, WerewOLf, ALLigatOr, LiOn, DOg, HOrse, POny, FOx, DOve, OwL, FOwL, COw, LivestOck, POrk, HOg, BacOn, HOwl, FLOwer, Oats, COward, MOnday, NOvember, TObber, COp, POlice, DemOn, DaemOn, DemOnstrates, FOretell, Oath, MarjOrie, FLOat, MOtel, MOnster, MOre, MOvie, ShOw, RadiO, StereO, IgnOre, IgnOrance, SnOr, SnOt, COmbat, PrObLem, PrOgrammed, PrOgrammer, LOse, VenOm, FOrty, BOx, BLOck, BOxing, SpOrt, TOLd, StOry, HistOry, BOnd, BLOnd, StrOng, LOng, HOld, MOld, BOld, RatiO, RatiOnal, ALmOst, AwesOme, MOst, MOist, POpe, POp, VOwel, IOn, RadiatiOn, ThOr, ROme, ROam, ROman, MegaphOne, TOmb, MOlest, SOviet, Over, TOss, POssess, Obsess, Observe, MOve, RemOve, DrOve, TOe, PrOverb, PrOverbial, COat, COte, COLt, ROcket, SOlve, AbsOlve, Olive, WrOng, SnOw, FrOst, NOw, NOel, ExpeditiOn, ROad, SchOlar, POrtal, Open, CLOse, CLOth, CLOthes, SOcks, COmpact, NOse, NOstril, ThrOat, IvOry, ThOse, TOes, DO, DOn’t, DOes, DOesn’t, DOing, SO, TO, Or, GrOss, DepOsit, RepositOry, ROck, ROLL, COntext, BLOw, BLOwn, BOw, BOwel, BOwl, BrOwn, CrimsOn, ViOLet, ViOLence, CinnamOn, Orange, Ox, AffOrd, FOr, FOrty, FeLon, FeLOny, ELabOrate, Orate, Ornate, IncantatiOn, WOrk, JOb, SOrcerer, SOrcery, SOre, SOar, Oar, WOre, LeprOsy, Odd, Odyssey, WhOle, Odin, Osiris, DragOn, COmb, COmbine, ChOice, TOgether, TOad, SOme, SOnnet, SOnic, SOnar, WOrry, SOap, Opera, NOah, MOses, JOhn, JOe, BOb, Obese, JOin, GhOst, HOst, HOstile, MeLOn, LOnely, LOan, Ocean, IcOn, IdOL, DOLL, AndrOid, DrOne, CLOne, CybOrg, AndrOmeda, CLock, CLOak, JOke, JOker, VOLt, RevOLt, ByrOn, AmbrOsia, BrOther, Other, AnOther, Offering, MatrimOny, MOther, POke, NOne, NOise, POint, AppOint, AnnOinted, HarmOny, FrOm, FOrm, InfOrm, POverty, Overt, DOpleganger, Orgy, Ogre, DOck, ROt, MaggOt, FaggOt, BOat, MOat, ROmance, InnOcent, HirOshima, GOdziLLa, WOrst, ShOrt, LOng, PerfectiOn, SOciety, SOcial, POrt, POrtland, KnOw, KnOwledge, WhO, HOw, AnatOmy, CLOset, FLOck, LOcket, LOcker, Object, Okay, OK, PrOmise, PrOcreate, FOrnicate, MethadOne, NarcOtic, SOmething, NOthing, GnOme, LOt, WeapOns, EOn, NeOn, TOnight, BOy, SaLvatiOn, ELation, RedemptiOn, AttentiOn, Omen, MirrOr, DeceptiOn, COexist, TOrn, LessOn, StOrm, NeOphyte, DefinitiOn, ScOre, PrisOn, POise, POse, POser, PastOr, COttage, CathOLic, MethOdist, EpiscOpalian, TelepOrt, InvasiOn, EvOLve, InvOLve, COLLar, InvestigatiOn, ImaginatiOn, NOrth America, ApOstle, ImpOssible, POssible, PrOtein, CarrOt, LOad, ReLOad, AmmO, DeveLOpe, ELOpe, WrOte, ROte, WindOw, WidOw, NegrO, Oriental, Orient, AdOre, AmOre, BeLOved, SmOke, TOke, DOpe, WOrthLess, TwO, HedOnistic, MOnastic, POLygamy, Once, SecOnd, DestrOyer, WeapOn, StOmach, ReligiOn, GOvernment, DemOcracy, POLOtics, DemOcrat, PLatO, AristOtle, GenOcide, Official, POLand, NOrway, HOLLand, FOreign, SeasOn, ReasOn, TreasOn, InvasiOn, HarbOr, MOnths, POst, Offensive, ShadOw, VictOry, BOth, BOther, COmplex, RecOrder, RepOrter, BrOken, TOy, COma, COmma, PeriOd, COmply, FOrnicate, SymbOL, ErectiOn, StOckings, TOLe, TOLL, Oak, YeLLOw, RibbOn, HeLLO, COncave, CONvex, MOtive, SeniOr, FictiOn, MOment, VOmit, VibratiOn, ElatiOn, DistOrt, TelevisiOn, DimensiOns, ReceptiOn, DeceptiOn, MOde, MOLe, AcceleratOr, AcceleratiOn, NOwhere, SOmewhere, VapOr, VapOrize, PrOper, ExOrcist, RadiOactive, SeniOr, MOrning, WOrms, POd, SelectiOn, DetectiOn, GrOw, GrOans, MOans, AbandOn, MeditatiOn, DevOte, ApparitiOn, WOnder, WeLcOme, FOrmat, PrOgress, AttentiOn, Offspring, AnalOgy, MOdify, MOdified, ExpLOde, ImpLOde, Ode, ManifestatiOn, WisdOm, IntentiOns, FissiOn, ReactOr, ReactiOn, DetOnate, BOast, NOde, CLOnazepam, MethadOne, TOwn, EscOrt, TestimOny, WhOa!, LiberatiOn, CannOt, PerfOrm, InfectiOn, COmic, COmedian, COmely, HOmely, BOnd, Oil, PrOfit, COmpetative, POverty, PrisOn, BigOtry, Offensive, SOciety, PrOject, JOy, ArrOgant, CherOkee,
“OO” Words: GOOd, COOL, FOOL, VOODOO, BOOst, SchOOL, BLOOd, COUpLe, COntrOL, COOk, MOOn, HOrrOr, POisOned, COnsOlidatiOn, OperatiOn, DOctOr, DetOnatiOn, RObOt, EcOnOmics, OvercOme, FOretOLd, CartOOn, BOOb, COOperate, COrrespOndence, COrpOratiOn, NeighbOrhOOd, EpisOde, MicrOscOpe, COrpOreality, SpOOf, OctOber, DOgsbOdy, OverLOrd, GOOgle, POOr, POOp, OriOn, OniOn, CrOOk, CrOOked, HOLLOw, EmOtiOn, HOLOgraphic, LOOk, LOOse, ZOOm, BOOm, SOmehOw, BLOOm, CacOOn, FOLLOw, PrOOf, POOL, SnOOp, FOOt, TOOth, FOOd, TOmatO, POtatO, NOOn, MicrOphOne, BOOk, PhOnOgraph, PhOtOgraph, COmpOser, MOnO, POrnO, ShOshOne, NOOdle, POOdle, HydrOcOdOne, KLOnOpin, MOOr, SOOthsayer, PrOtO, LOOp, LOOphOLe, SOrrOw, TOmOrrOw, COnsOnant, COmmOn, COmmOnplace, COOrdinate, COOrdinates, CrOssbOw, OverdOse, COLLabOrate, TOO, ChOOse, POsitiOn, POtiOn, MOtiOn, LOtiOn, POseidOn, MOnOgamy, AlcOhOl, KangarOO, MOOse, GOOse, MOOd, MOOdy, SpOOn, ApOstrOphe, COnsideratiOn, HOrizOn, InfOrmatiOn, PrOtOtype, PrOtectiOn, PrOtectOr, PrOmOtiOn, AstrOnOmy, AncestOrs, AstrOLOgy, PrOcreatiOn, PsychOLOgy, TelepOrtatiOn, COLLabOratiOn, APOLLO, ApOLOgy, POLiO, BOttOm, OdOr, TOOL, ROOt, RebOOt, SpOOf, ALOOF, ROOf, FLOOr, DOOr, BrOOm, ROOm, GLOOm, DOOm, SOOn, SOOner, ZOO, TOrsO, AnglO-SaxOn, MOngOLOid, MOngOlia, StOOd, COLLabOratiOn, EcOnOmy, TrOOps, OppOsite, BOOth, COLOr, FOrnicatiOn, OverLOad, NOn-fictiOn, DistOrtiOn, POrtiOn, MOLestatiOn, VapOrizatiOn, PrOcreatiOn, PrOpOse, DevOtiOn, COmfOrt, DiscOmfOrt, KLOnOpin, COmpetitiOn, TechnOLOgy, COnditiOns, LOOt, LOOting, BOngOs,
“U” Words: QUeen, ZeUs, PerseUs, DaUghter, SUn, TrUth, TrUe, GUard, GUardians, GUide, RULer, ILLUminate, LUnar, JerUsalem, MUslim, MUst, ReqUired, PersUade, EqUaLity, QUality, CUp, RetUrn, TUrn, SUpernatUral, SUperhUman, Unimaginable, BULL, AssUmed, HOcUs-POcUs, NatUre, NatUral, HaUnt, RegULar ThUnder, TUnnel, SatUrated, FUnnel, CUnt, ShUt, HUt, SLUt, JUnk, TrUnk, JUgs, FUck, SUck, SpUrt, ActUal, MinUte, ErUpt, ErUpted, CrUsh, CrUelty, HUnk, DUke, AbUndance, FUnk, ULtimate, NUn, PUre, PUrity, DUst, BUry, BUrial, AttitUde, StUff, ApplaUse, FigUre, PaUse, HUnt, HUnter, BUnk, BUnker, PUssy, BUrn, BLUrred, BUrned, BUrns, BUrnt, AdjUst, Church, RepUblican, RepUblic, UntiL, HUrt, Umber, Um, Uh, DUmp, DUmpster, MUm, NUmb, NUmber, QUarter, MUrder, Unarmed, CUrse, CUrtain, CUrtail, CUre, VersUs, BUs, StUpid, DUmb, SUccUbUs, IncUbUs, SUrge, SUrgical, LUggage, TrUck, HUb, HUh, HUge, TrUst, AnnOUnce, CULtUre, TrOUnce, TrUmp, VacUUm, GUy, CrUd, ThUd, FUzz, AbsUrd, AUnt, Uncle, IssUed, AssUaged, PLUg, BUd, NUts, BUy, SecUrity, CPU, CirUit, BULb, InpUt, RUin, JanUary, FebrUary, JUne, JULy, AUgUst, PaUL, FrUit, HUmingbird, BUt, FUtUre, BrUsh, InsinUate, InsULate, EmascUlate, FUn, FUnny, HUmor, HUman, HUmane, VaLUes, VirtUes, EvaLUate, DrUid, BeaUtiful, BeaUty, MaUdLin, Uber, Use, Used, FUse, FLUsh, PUnch, NaUght, NaUghty, LaUnch, LUnch, AUdience, AdventUre, Under, BUddha, JesUs, JUdas, U.S., Us, United, Unity, PUblic, Pubic, University, StUdent, StUdy, PUberty, DUal, DUality, DUet, DUel, DUdes, DUds, SpUd, SpUtnic, SUds, DUes, HUndred, BUcks, TUb, GUt, LUng, BUtt, SUicide, SUpper, CrUst, MUmmy, SecUre, InstrUment, MUse, MUsic, SUng, ALbUm, BLUes, BLUegrass, TUne, TUba, TrUmpet, GUitar, FLUte, LUte, DrUm, TUrn, PUt, RaptUre, RUptUre, Fur, DrUgs, PUnk, PUke, SUit, SUite, NUit, MUg, MUgger, SkULL, Underling, LangUage, CaUse, Fury, NUisance, BUg, RUg, PLUme, SUbmarine, SUbway, FLUke, LUcky, TUna, SaUce, BUrger, PLUm, LettUce, SaUcer, CUt, Up, AUdible, FUn, FUnny, LaUgh, UnpLUg, LUcid, SUcculent, MUtiny, MUck, CUte, VUlgar, PLUck, CUm, Urine, Urinate, Urinal, TUrd, DUng, FraUd, PLUck, DUck, JUice, DUke, DrUnk, PUrple, BLUe, TUmble, RUmble, StUmble, AssUme, ResUme, SUb, StUb, SnUb, SnUg, NUtrients, SUpply, Universe, MUlti-Verse, JUpiter, SatUrn, MercUry, VenUs, UranUs, TUesday, SUnday, ThUrsday, SatUrday, BUiLd, RebUiLd, BUiLt, Dupe, MULe, PlagUe, FLU, VirUs, StatUe, EnUciate, ExecUte, ExecUtive, AccUmULate, UraniUm, NUclear, ExcUsed, SULLen, MUndane, SUpra-mUndane, CULtUre, GUest, GUess, QUest, ReqUest, QUeer, MarijUana, AUthentic, SUper, SUper NOva, SUpreme, SUrprise, LiqUid, SqUid, SqUirt, UniqUE, BUsted, BUst, AUstralia, QUiet, QUit, QUiLt, Unitary, AqUariUm, AquariUs, PlanetariUm, SanitariUm, HaLLUcinate, PLeasUre, SUre, AssUre, Um, Urn, SUpplant, SUrvey, SUrreal, SUbmit, SUmmit, SUmmer, MUtants, VULgar, QUe, TUmble, Uber, JUstice, JUst, UnJUst, JUdge, HUng, JUry, SUrrender, CaptUred, DUty, DULL, FULL, PUsh, PULL, PULse, FUeL, CULL, CaUght, SpiritUal, RitUal, Bi-LingUal, AngUish, DistUrbing, Unthinkable, GradUate, GradUaLLy, GUiLty, QUakers, JUvenile, PUnish, ArgUe, GUiLe, BegUiLe, GeniUs, GUns, HUrry, RUn, AbUndance, StrUctUre, PrejUdice, HUnger, SUffering,
“OU” Words: SOUL, YOU, YOUr, YOU’re, COnsciOUs, UncOnsciOUs, SUbcOnsciOUs, ResUrrectiOn, SUbAtomic, YOUng, YOUth, IntUitiOn, QUestiOn, SUrvivOr, TOUch, COUntry, PrOstitUte, AssUmptiOn, COUntry MUsic, COUnty, COmpUter, COmpUtatiOn, MUtatiOn, ExpLOsiOn, COmmUtatiOn, EnOrmOUs, InnOcUOUs, AmmUnitiOn, JUniOr, PrOdUced, PrOcedUre, COmmUne, COmmUter, ResOUrce, InstrUctiOn, MiracULOUs, COmmUnicate, COmmUnicatiOn, COM, StUbbOrn, BrUtaL, ShOtgUn, MOnUment, COmply, COnstrUctiOn, OUtward, SitUatiOn, HOrUs, VirtUOUs, COmpUtation, ROUte, SOUth, SOUthern Baptist, UnknOwn, AUthOR, AUthOrize, POUr, SOUnd, ArrOUnd, FOUnd, PrOfound, JOUrnalism, OUt, WOUnd, SOUnd, FOUL, MOUth, SnOUt, LOUd, DUngeOn, PrOUd, HOUse, BOUnce, BOUnd, AbOUnd, WOnderOUs, JOUst, WOUld, COUld, ShOUld, OUch, POUch, SOLUtiOn, ThOUsand, AUtObiOgraphy, AUtOmObiLe, AUtOmatic, SOUr, SOUp, HOUr, cOntrOLLed SUbstance, MeasUre, DevOUr, POpULatiOn, ViciOUs, VenOmOUs, FUriOUs, DeleriOUS, InnOccUlate, OccUpy, ReligiOUs, COmpOUNd, FOUr, FOUrth, PrOnOUNce, PronOUn, PrOnUnciatiOn, RenUnciatiOn, EnUnciatiOn, RUmOrs, TUmOrs, RenOUnce, COUrt, COUrting, NOUn, RebOUnd, CaUtiOn, MOUse, LOUse, BLOUse, UndO, UndOne, FLOUnder, NauseOUs, SUbcUtaneOUs, AUdiO, FamOUs, MOUse, IbUprOfen, MOUnt, MOUntain, FOUntain, POUnd, OUnce, BOgUs, TrOUbLe, BOUght, ThOUght, ThOUgh, ALthOUgh, BrOUght, COncLUsiOn, ILLUsiOn, POdiUm, ShOULder, BOUlder, HUmOr, HUmOrOUs, AmOrphOUs, ArOUse, PLUtO, COnstrUct, COnstrUctiOn, SUrrOUnd, ArOUnd, ArOUse, PerniciOUs, DrOUght, FOUght, OUgt, SOdiUm, PLUtOniUm, OUtbreak, MOULd, HOUnd, MOUnd, FOUnd, VariOUs, NefariOUs, HilariOUs, ROUtine, SOviet UniOn, RUssia, POLygamOUs, MOnOgamOUs, DangerOUs, COUnt, COUnter, AccOUntant, ObLiviOUs, LasciviOUs, POUt, GOUt, OUtpUt, PUrpOse, PUrpOsed, GhOUL, MysteriOUs, DeliriOUs, DeliciOUs, PreciOUs, NOUrish, FLOUrish, RidicULOUs, BUttOn, OdiOUs, ROsebUd, HarmOniOUs, GlOriOUs, SagitariOUs, COmmUniOn, UniOn, RighteOUs, COmmUne, FOUnder, InstitUtiOn, COmmUnists, InvOLUntary, PsychOLOgy, BiOLOgy, NeurOLOgy, PhiLOsOphy, FLOUnder, OminOUs, COntinUes, UnLOck, SeriOUs, WarLOck, SpOUt, RevOLUtiOn, EvOLUtiOn, MiracULOUs, UnifOrm, CUneifOrm, EUrO, EUrOpe, AstrOnaUt, COstUme, ROUgh, PrOcUre, PrOdUce, PrOdUctiOn, ObscUre, MOUrn, TOUgh, OccULt, AstOUnding, NUmerOLOgy, EdUcatiOn, ALOUd, UFO, PetrOLeUm, HippOpOtamUs, ManipUlatiOn, COrrUptiOn, SUperstitiOns, ResOUrces, COmmUnity, POmpOUs, ManitOU,
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