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is-the-owl-video-cute · 11 months ago
Hazmat Hole 1: Overture
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I went back and forth on whether to do the pilot or not, but ultimately decided not to. Pilots are meant to be an episode 0 that isn’t necessary to understanding the plot. I may go back to it after episode 8 if I’m not completely sick of this.
It starts off with a story book narration about how hell started because Lucifer was a rebel or something and just states very vaguely that he had big ideas heaven didn’t like. Also Adam was the first man, Lilith was the first woman but she didn’t like Adam and liked Lucifer better they fell in love or whatever and Lucifer gave Eve the apple and he and Lilith were banished to hell. I wish I could lie and say I was skipping over details but they used more words to explain that in about as much depth as I did there. Anyway. The important part is that Charlie is a princess of hell as the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith and the angels go down to hell annually to purge excess souls.
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These two start off annoying and by god I do not see them getting any less so. Charlie is legitimately the most generic Disney Princess rip off I have ever seen in my life, complete with reading books aloud bursting into song. It’s genuinely jarring to hear her swear because you can tell the voice director basically just told her actor to pretend she’s auditioning for the little mermaid. Vaggie is annoying because she’s written like a middle schooler’s first “strong female character”. She’s the emo love interest in a B movie that was straight to video and made by people who don’t actually know what emo is.
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Appropriation Deer is literally just here to make wise cracks and occasionally move in ways that make animators cry and deviantart users in 2010 scream in joy.
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They could probably cut the budget in half by not having him in the show. Anyway no he is not here to do anything besides whine about how television sucks and emphasize that he’s only there at all because he’s into watching people fail and cry or whatever. He’s very flat as a character since he’s just there to be tumblr bait.
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Angel is here and spends the entire episode being sexually aggressive to the point of making everyone there uncomfortable and that’s the entire joke. That’s it. He’s a gay man who says penis and wise cracks and sexually harasses the men in the hotel. Because that is how vivziepop writes her mlm characters.
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We get a two for one easy joke with these two. Haha gay man is harassing a man who isn’t gay as well as haha asexual gets hit on but he says no way.
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Angel is here because “crack is expensive” and they don’t charge him rent there.
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Which he says while drinking a whole bottle of liquor to establish he’s an addict because vivziepop is as subtle as a bull in a China shop.
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And thus we are taken to our first musical number. It’s very underwhelming.
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Also Vaggie sings like she’s getting over a cold and plugging her nose and trying to do an impression of a duck.
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The opening number also leaves me with a perplexing question. Can you die in hell? Do you go to super hell if you die in hell?
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And we get our first real sexual harassment/assault joke from a giant slug flasher trying to make Charlie touch him in the middle of a musical number. I’m sure this bodes great for how angel’s abuse will be treated.
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I hate that I know this but as someone who did shamefully hate watch sausage party twice I have to point out that Adam here is literally just a rip off of a sausage party character.
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Everything down to the voice direction is literally just a rip off of the main antagonist of Sausage Party, the douche. This is probably somewhat intentional as vivziepop was a massive fan of that movie when it came out, but if you’re going to make an homage that borders on plagiarism (this is a joke I’m not accusing her of plagiarism here but it’s giving original character, donut steel), does it have to be from sausage party? Does it really? There’s other movies. Anyway he doesn’t say much, just establishes himself as a douche.
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Back at the hotel they start filming a new commercial since Alastor intentionally made their first commercial bad because he wanted to make fun of them and hates TVs just that much. Nothing very interesting happens. Angel is hot horny. Husk doesn’t want to be there. Alastor makes a deal with Vaggie to help as long as she never makes him go on TV again.
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We go back to Charlie begging Adam to stop coming to hell and killing demons by the hundreds every year and Adam says no in frankly one of the only songs that I like from this series. Sadly, it’s still terribly annoying and repetitive.
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Viv posted meme please clap.
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Isn’t this the homophobic character from the pilot? Didn’t realize she was given a male voice to imply she’s either a drag Queen or trans I guess. Great. I’m sure it’s a very artistic and respectful choice and not every other more likely reason this was the casting decision.
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The episode ends with the discovery that an Angel was killed during the last extermination so they plan to come back in just six months to kill every demon in hell. I might care if any character established themselves as anything other than a vessel to spout boring exposition and sex jokes for twenty minutes.
And that’s episode one. It’s honestly just boring and all of the explicit language sounds extremely forced and awkward.
0/10, the one okay song wasn’t enough to save it. Too much exposition dumping.
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agro-carnist · 2 years ago
Hoo boy. So on top of dealing with COVID, I also had an incredibly stressful day yesterday. I’ve calmed down enough today to make this post addressing what happened. If you haven’t seen yet, @/is-the-owl-video-cute and some of their followers have been saying some horrible things about me
This started because I blocked them some time ago. I did this because I was tired of seeing them always going on tangents. I started being upset with them back when they were having really bad takes on vulture culture, but did not block them then because I wanted to leave it as water under the bridge since they were still an educated figure on raptors. But consistently they kept ranting about things I didn’t agree with or just didn’t want to see as I was only interested in the animal welfare based content. I blocked them silently because I did not want to start any fights with them. Just not be involved with that anymore and continue our lives. When they noticed they were blocked by me, they and their followers began speculating as to why, which ended up with them bringing up a lot irrelevant things and assuming many things about me.
One of the assumptions is that I am a proshipper. I am not. And I do not like being dragged into online shipping discourse. I am not interested in being put into an “us vs them” dichotomy and I am not comfortable being involved in that discourse. 
The proship accusation was just the small thing though. Later I was being accused of something that I truly could not take. I have thick skin, not much will really get to me in the online world, but this is one thin that gets me to my core. As you guys know, I’m a therian. I have another tumblr blog where I talk about my therianthropy and general alterhumanity. An anon shared this with owlvid, and because of what they found, I am being called a zoophile.
I am being accused of this because of this post I reblogged. Owlvid has deliberately misinterpreted the message of this thread to accuse me (and others that have been dragged into this) of being a zoophile/apologist (some of their posts call me an apologist and others insinuate I am a zoo myself, or has anons saying that I am a zoo). Some things they are claiming:
That I and others are claiming therians are all zoophiles and that zoophilia is good
That the post did not say raping animals is bad; more claims that it says zoophilia is “good and normal”
MORE asserting that the post claims therian = zoophile, and that it says therians SHOULD identify as zoophiles
That there are zoophiles in the thread
Let’s get this clear: none of these claims are true. The thread does not say that being a zoophile is “good” or “normal” or that therians are all zoophiles or should identify as zoophiles, and there are also no zoos in the thread. Every person in the thread made it clear that bestiality is immoral. The point was to not immediately demonize people with involuntary attractions. People with paraphilic disorders should not be treated as automatically predators. People don’t just decide to become zoophiles. And some people’s alterhumanity relates to their illnesses or disorders. Having a paraphilic disorder is morally neutral. It is having sexual contact with an animal that is morally reprehensible. I and others don’t want to stigmatize people with disorders or treat them like monsters for things they did not choose and can not get rid of. As for owlvid saying that none of the “zoophiles” in the thread said they were getting help - that’s because nobody in the thread is a zoophile. I would also like to point out that this demonization of those suffering with paraphilic disorders keeps them from seeking professional help and drives them to seek people that will enable their urges. There’s also a lot of other reasons why someone does not go to therapy, which I believe many of the people accusing me would agree with, including financial barriers, or being part of a demographic that is often dismissed by psychiatric professionals. People paraphilic disorders need support, not constant demonization. This is why I reblogged that post. People like owlvid insist that these people are inherently predatory, and anything less than full acceptance of their own monstrous nature means they are defending bestiality or trying to normalize zoophilia. Zoophiles, even when they are aware of the immorality of acting on their attractions, need to admit themselves to therapy immediately, no matter the situations, and failure to do so means they are evil, and they should also not try to seek a support group of like minded individuals because then they are promoting their attractions. I don’t see this mindset as anything but reductive and harmful. It will achieve the opposite of what we all want - for animals to be safe from sexual abuse.
There is another thing that owlvid and an anon has said about me:
That I am suspicious for working with animals/I am a danger to the animals I work with
I am appalled by this. Nothing could make me more sick. To insinuate that I chose this line of work so I could abuse animals is unacceptable to me. I work with animals because I want to help them and because I have an interest in medicine. I made this whole blog all about doing good for animals and have been doing this for years. I’ve even talked about how bestiality is immoral and animals cannot consent to sex for years. I have made enemies with big name zoos online. LycanTheory and Toggle the Rat hate me and have attacked me because I am anti bestiality. That all this could be undone because of a single post that has been willfully misread and misinterpreted is incredibly insulting to me.
And another reason why I spend the better part of yesterday feeling faint and nauseous: I suffer from OCD, which includes intrusive thoughts that horrify and disgust me. Owlvid mentioned intrusive thoughts on their blog, so they should know how awful they are. I have zoophilic intrusive thoughts, and on my worst days make me question myself, who I am as a person, and make me want to hurt myself. Accusing someone with intrusive thoughts of actually wanting to do those things is incredibly triggering. Owlvid surely did not mean this, but it hurt me greatly anyways. I am not a zoophile. I do not condone bestiality. I am disgusted by animal sexual abuse. I am just not a reactionary when it comes to discussions about paraphilias.
I cannot stand for this attack on my character. I cannot stress enough how disgusted, appalled, infuriated, demoralized, upset I am by this.
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kedreeva · 3 years ago
Hey, just so you know, is-the-owl-video-cute has been taking shots at you and calling you an abuser, proshitter, and probable pedophile on their blog. IDK if you are getting anything nasty yet, but I just wanted to let you know. From what I know of the pigeon drama, it's way overblown anyways and Owlvid thinks they know more than a fucking VET
I appreciate the heads up, but I could not care less what that blog thinks of me, as its run by a very mean spirited anti who hates AO3 and that's what they're pissy about today lol anyone that's been here any length of time can make their own judgment call on me. I got nothing to hide, and won't be sucked into drama. I will just continue to block people that can't behave themselves, and live my life.
That being said, I know why they're acting a fool is also because I refused to get into the pigeon drama when asked. I hadn't looked into the situation at the time someone asked me, have never been made aware of any of it, and I'm still not going to get into it, but it looks like it goes a lot deeper than I knew when I responded initially. I don't and have never followed TRL; my interactions with the loft are from when I took in ~20 pigeons from a hoarding rescue situation last May, and needed help getting them fed and cared for, and they helped. What I thought was going on was a well-known pigeon keeper's birds caught a virus and said keeper lost some and was treating the rest. What was actually going on was that, but also more. Such is life, there's always stuff people don't know. If the owlvid account wants to expend energy being a dick about it toward me that's their problem.
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