#owg tls
koushirouizumi · 1 year
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kresnikcest · 1 year
it's funny bc i consider anything in the OWG to be like, the tip of the iceberg for obscure JP lore but i somehow COMPLETELY forgot that failing Origin's Trial would result in Origin creating a cycle without humans even tho i read it in yume's tls
iirc they usually use 循環 to refer to the cycle of soul reincarnation in X1/X2 but caveat at the end of this post, so i'm assuming that in that case, Origin's threat was that humans would be completely removed from the cycle of reincarnation? as in spirits would only be reborn into other spirits, instead of humans <-> spirits
but since the mana generated by humans is explicitly necessary for spirits to exist as well, i suppose this is where chronos' whole "humans will become mindless shells for generating mana" thing comes in, so all existing humans would be... kept in stasis and unable to die and become spirits? and existing spirits would be prevented from incarnating into humans?
i mean i guess it would work in that case. but wouldn't it be nice if the game made that a little more obvious...
unless 循環 refers to the continuous cycle of the universe being reborn that origin refers to in his short story, which would be a wholly different sense? imagine if ludger knew "if you fuck this up you not only cause the death of all humanity but you will reset the entire universe AND wipe out humanity"
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
Koroushi and Hikari
Assuming you meant Koushirou, I will write about Koukari here, anon. <3
Send me two names among the following 12 and I’ll write a short analysis post about them:
Taichi Yagami | Yamato Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Koushirou Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Jyou Kidou | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Daisuke Motomiya | Miyako Inoue | Iori Hida | Ken Ichijouji
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Whether canon provides input on them or not:
It does - one might have to take a very close look to notice it though. The screenshot taken from the episode above might be the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning these two, as they’re getting paired up during the World Tour arc in 02 to travel to Hong Kong together. However, ever since Hikari was introduced in 01, very late in the series, there have been several instances of Koushirou being curious about her (and her strange connection to the Digital World), him interacting with and encouraging her - and he’s actually the only person Taichi tells about their childhood, thus he’s aware of her having been prone to sickness and getting hospitalized due to it. In fact, one of Koushirou’s main roles in the Dark Master’s arc is being the (emotional) support system of the Yagami siblings, which provides a nice set-up for the two of them - at least in theory. Because unfortunately, they don’t interact as much with each other just on their own. 
With Hikari being Taichi’s sister and Koushirou being his best friend, it should be a given to assume that there’s at least some kind of familiarity between them, but for the most part, the viewer has to guess how deep their bond actually goes. Hikari obviously tags along with Taichi’s group in 01 and then again with the new Chosen Children in 02, as the entire group treats Koushirou as their mentor there, but they’re not really seen talking to each other a lot. That’s even more obvious in Tri, where they’re maybe standing next to each other once or twice (culminating in the stageplay, where they aren’t interacting at all). Kizuna at least provides a shot of him panicking once he notices that she’s in danger, so he immediately contacts her brother - which basically summarizes his overall interaction theme towards her: She’s in danger/sick/some kind of otherworldly state, so he does whatever it takes to (help) saving her. The reboot, despite putting them together in Team Light, doesn’t show much interpersonal interaction between them either and the only notable thing that happens in regards to them in the novels is Koushirou sneaking out of his room in the middle of the night to confirm that the beeping dot on his digivice is indeed Hikari Yagami... 
The most interesting framing may take place in the PSP game, because it actually lets them bond; They’re talking about physical things they’re being attached to (her whistle vs. his laptop), about flowers and “the thought that counts” - and Hikari actually has a lot of praise for Koushirou as well, boosting his self-confidence in the same way he did for her in the anime, so he ends up offering to teach her how to use computers and that’s probably why she knew how to send mail in OWG... Then again, there’s also the infamous (non-canon) love letter drama - which creates a humourous non-existing “love triangle” between Koushirou, Mimi and Hikari in which it is at least implied he maaaaay have written the letter for Hikari... 
So tl;dr, there is not nothing and there IS a lot of soft potential.
Whether I think why and how they’d work:
Based on the fact that I just spent quite a while talking about the sheer potential of these two - I definitely believe that they could work. First of all, as mentioned above, they should be close(r) to each other due to their closeness to Taichi. Second of all, we see Koushirou’s protective and kind nature shining through towards her in 01. Paired up with their curious and sweet interactions in the PSP game, I am convinced that the “hyperempathic girl with the magical connection to the Digital World” and the “knowledgable support guy with a technological interest in the Digital World” could be a great (contrasting) combination to end up as a romantic couple. They’re both “weird” (and in their own worlds) in their own ways, both incredibly prone to self-sacrifice and can get pretty mad at others for doing the same (Taichi in particular, but I’m sure they’d be the same towards each other too), so they already have a lot in common. Curiosity and the will to create a wonderful, symbiotic future for the Digital World and the real world is also something that could connect them.
Thanks to the “I’m gonna teach you how to use a computer” bit, I am also sure that they’re very communicative, talking and texting on the phone/computer a lot and there’s a reason why people often headcanon Hikari providing pictures of the Digital World to Koushirou for his studies. I mean, why else would he have opened a shady looking link coming from her immediately (in Kizuna) if he wasn’t at least somewhat used to her sending him things? It’s incredibly endearing to imagine them being kind and supportive towards each other’s goals - ESPECIALLY since Hikari is aiming to become a kindergarden teacher and who would be more suitable to help her than the person who likes to teach, rant and ramble anyway??? 
They’re both not very offensive/forward when it comes to (facing) their feelings though, in fact, they tend to keep those to themselves rather consistently. Thus, it may be a veeeery persistent slow burn - and Takeru would prooobably have the time of his life dropping hints towards both of them. Koushirou might not get it and Hikari would pout at him and get defensive - but they’d get there. One day, for sure.
I also love the idea of them going on double dates with Taichi and Sora - Team Light should generally be much closer than what canon was showing and I cannot imagine Taichi not giving Koushirou his blessings (despite everything that happened in the infamous love letter drama mentioned above).
Whether I’d prefer them as platonic or romantic ship:
In case it hasn’t been obvious, I love the idea of these two falling for each other and helping the other to realize that their self-sacrificing tendencies have been quite unhealthy in the past - growing and healing while building a future for the Digital and real world together. However, I also like the idea of them just being platonic study buddies, as outlined above, forever giggling together over Taichi bluescreening his PC for the millionth time.
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