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drreporting · 5 months ago
What stores would you guys like to read about Owen and Amelia? Or other characters? Send me asks.
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rollinscarisi · 7 years ago
How Does A Moment Last Forever II
So this story got such a good feedback from you guys, I definitively wasn’t expecting it. Thank you so much!! 💜💜💜💜
Here is the part 2 some of you asked for! Hope it was worth the wait!
Part 1 can be found here (x), if you need a reminder. 
How Does A Moment Last Forever II
Meredith looked at the ultrasound screen and saw what looked to be a blurry image of a tiny baby.
Amelia’s world stopped. Breathe Amelia, just breath. – she told herself. She felt Owen’s grip on her hand tightening and his voice calling her name. She could hear the confusion, the questions and the surprise.
But all she could do was look at Alex Karev, knowing he would understand the look in her eye.
“Alright, everybody out!” One by one, the others started leaving the room, Meredith being the last, but not before gently squeezing Amelia’s shoulder, letting the neurosurgeon know she was there for whatever she needed.
Amelia closed her eyes, grateful for Alex’s attitude, taking charge of the situation.
“Amelia?” Owen was still holding onto her hand, with no intention of letting go. “Amelia, wha-“
“Hunt, out!”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Alex sighed. He was never a fan of the trauma surgeon. “Look, this is her business. Not yours. You’re not her husband anymore, you made sure of it, that was your choice. So, get out!”
Owen clenched his fists and took one last look at Amelia, who still had her eyes closed, and reluctantly left the room. He still felt like he had a right, on some level, to be there, after all, she was pregnant with his baby, he hoped so. But as much as he hated it, Karev was right. He wasn’t her husband anymore. And not for the first time, his stomach tightened at the notion.
“Is everyone gone?”
Karev turned back at Amelia, “You can open your eyes now.” She did as he said, and there was no hiding the tears already forming in her eyes. “Want me to leave too? So you get some alone time to think?”
“Can you stay here? Please…”
“Of course.”, Alex said, as he took a seat on the stool previously occupied by Owen.
The two doctors sat there in silent for what felt hours, when in reality only a few seconds passed.
“What am I gonna do, Alex?”, her voice so soft, almost souding like a scared child.And even though Alex knew she definitively wasn’t a child, he also knew she was feeling absolutely terrified.
“I can’t answer that for you.”, he grabbed her hand, “But I am going to be here, for whatever you decide.”
“I can’t abort this baby. I mean, it’s a miracle, right? A baby is a miracle.”
“Then you keep the baby. I know you’re gonna love this baby no matter what.”
“I feel like I already do. Is that weird?”
Alex smiled, “No, it’s not weird.”
“God, everything is such a mess right now. I’m divorced and my ex-husband and father of this baby, who I may or may-not still have feelings for, is in-love with another woman. This is not how I imagined I’d be a mother again.”
“I thought you didn’t want kids…?”
“Owen thinks so too… Because that’s what Tumor Amelia told him.” She laughed somberly, “But I do, I’ve always wanted kids, lots of them.”
“Well, you’re off to a good start then.” Amelia laughed, her real laugh, and Alex felt like his job was done, at least for the time being. “How’s the pain?”
“Better, it’s mostly uncomfortable right now.”
“Do you feel ready to talk to Hunt?”
That was a very good question. Did she? Logically, Amelia knew she had to. He had the right to be there for the child. And she had absolutely no doubt he would be. She knew for certain that this baby was going to have the most wonderful and loving father any child could hope for.
“Give me 10 minutes, and then let him in, please.”
Alex nodded and silently left the room. And to no one’s surprise, there was Hunt standing right outside, noticeably anxious and worried.
“How is she? Is she still in pain?”
“No, mostly uncomfortable.”, as much as he didn’t like the guy, Alex was glad the trauma surgeon seemed to be worried about Amelia, and not only for the baby.
Owen moved forward, ready to enter the room, but Alex blocked his path. “Give her 10 minutes. Let figure herself out, alright?”
The trauma surgeon nodded, grateful for Karev for being there and supporting Amelia, even if it made him feel jealous, obviously wanting to be the one Amelia trusted herself with the most.
Eventually Karev left with Jo, when the resident showed up asking how Amelia was feeling. Bad news always travel fast, and an ambulance exploding was no exception. Owen anxiously waited the 10 minutes Amelia had asked for. Never had 10 minutes felt more like torture.
Once Alex left the trauma room, Amelia lost herself in her thoughts.
She had found out about the baby not even an hour ago, but, weirdly enough, she already felt a connection to it. But was she ready for a baby? A tiny human being, completely dependent on her. As much as she tried to go about her days as if everything was completely fine, her life was a mess right now. She was recently divorced, something she never thought she’d be, and to try to cope with it, Amelia immediately threw herself into a big surgical project.
Starting a no-feelings-friends-with-benefits relationship with Owen had been a mistake. A very pleasurable mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. The issue was, she really, really missed sex and the man was so damn good at it. But then they had ironically started talking about feelings and she ended up sending him off to Teddy.
Another mistake. She felt like crap once she realized he had actually gotten on a plane and fled to Germany. But she did want him to be happy. And if it meant without her, she’d have to learn how to deal with it. 
This new part of the equation, this unexpected miracle baby, definitively complicated things. For everyone.
A knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts. A second latter a head of red hair could be seen, his blue eyes silently asking if he could come in. She silently nodded.
Funny how silent communication was never their problem. If only they were able to use their words and communicate like the two adults they were...
They stared at each other for a few seconds, blue on blue, until Amelia broke the silence.
“So, um,- I’m pregnant. But you know that already.” Straight to the point, there was no use in dancing around the elephant in the room. Amelia tried her hardest to keep the attitude she had going for the past few weeks, but her voice was quivering due to the crippling anxiety she had been feeling ever since she heard her baby’s heartbeat.
“It’s mine, right?”
“Of course it’s yours! What, you think I’ve just been sleeping around?”
“No, no, not at all.”, he quickly tried to fix it, knowing he was close to offending her, “I just- God, Amelia, we’re having a baby!” he smiled big, the kind of smile that form wrinkles near the eyes, probably the biggest smile Amelia had ever seen on him.
“Yep. We are…” she tried her hardest to control the tears that were threatening to fall. But she failed miserably.
As soon as Owen saw her eyes watering, he quickly made his way to her, wrapping her in his arms.
“It’s okay, it’s alright.”, he placed a gently kiss on her hair. “Shh, it’s okay.”
“This is a mess, Owen. What are we gonna do?”
“That doesn’t matter right now.”, he said, running his fingers through her brown locks, “You’re okay.”
Physically yes, but her mind was usually her biggest enemy, and that was way more dangerous.
“You’re safe, Amelia.”  
She wanted so hard to believe his words.
But she didn’t feel safe at all.
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bridgertonandchocolate · 7 years ago
Missing Moments 12x04
Owen was getting on her last nerve. Sure, she loved her brother and missed him immensely over the past ten years, but there was only so much she could take.
Ten years changed a person. They both changed. And while their old dynamic continued organically, they still weren’t the same people they’d always been, but neither of them would bring it up. Who would after what they’d both been through?
Regardless, he shouldn’t be with her right now. As much as she also couldn’t stand Amelia, she was his wife and he needed to be with her. Currently, Owen wouldn’t sit still. First he was sitting in the chair beside her bed, then he was pacing maniacally at the foot of her bed, then he was taking deep breaths in and out before he’d sit back down in the chair.
After he did this for about the thousandth time, Megan finally started to lose her calm demeanor.
“Dude. Stop it.”
“Stop what?” he asked, slight concern on his face.
“Your heavy breathing. It’s seriously creepy.” After a moment. “Is Amelia awake?”
“Yeah. She woke up about an hour ago.” About the time he had come back to her room and his incessant habits started.
“And so naturally you’re here with me.”
“Don’t start this again.”
“I thought I knew you better than that Owen. But maybe not. Since you’re natural instinct is to just run away and avoid all of your problems instead of facing them head on.” She continued as she could see Owen’s face turning red and she was hoping she’d infuriate him enough that he’d leave her alone. “You two were made for each other, you know that?”
“You’re driving me insane!” Owen raised his voice as he continued pacing.
“Right back at ya! I’m sure she’d like to see you.”
“I’m sure she wouldn’t. She’s in a lot of pain. I think she’d rather just be alone.”
“Oh my God. You are THE dumbest person on the planet. I was alone for ten years. And I’m seriously screwed up. You already seem screwed up beyond repair. Both of you do. Maybe it’s time to start healing.”
At that moment, Maggie knocked on Megan’s outer door and motioned for Owen to step out. He could tell that Maggie had been crying and immediately thought the worst.
“What’s wrong? Is she okay?” Owen asked as he closed the door behind him and immediately crossed his arms, his go-to defense mechanism when he didn’t actually want to know the truth.
“Yes and no. She’s in a lot of pain. I need you to convince her to take something. Please. I can’t stand to see her like this it’s killing me.”
Owen raised his eyebrows at her. He knew Amelia would never take painkillers, even if it’d save her life. He knew how much sobriety meant to her and that if she did cave in and take something now that she’d regret it. Nevertheless, he followed Maggie to Amelia’s recovery room. Day 1 was  always the hardest.
He peered in at Amelia, her head wrapped. Lying on her right side, her hands gripping the pillows like a lifeline, all of her muscles so tense. Simultaneously holding her breath as tears rolled down her cheeks.
He stepped in as quietly as he could manage, then lowered the rail of her bed. He hoped this would work and she wouldn’t reject him. He stepped up and laid down, his chest pressing slightly into her back, careful of his movements so he wouldn’t jostle her.
He placed his mouth close to her ear and began to whisper to her.
“Amelia, it’s me. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. You don’t need the medicine. You’re so strong - the strongest person I know. Pain is temporary. This is temporary.” He covered her hands with his, loosening her grip so she would grab onto his hand instead. “Take some deep breaths. And relax the rest of your body.”
As he spoke softly to her, he could feel her grip began to lessen on his hand as her breaths began to even out and he could tell she was no longer sobbing. He could feel her whole body begin to relax under his touch and eventually Amelia drifted off to sleep.
That night, Owen slept in the chair beside her bed, keeping a close watch over her. Watching her sleep, he could tell that the pain was lessening minute by minute and she looked peaceful.
Owen watched over her until DeLuca came in for his check and Amelia began to stir. Amelia opened her eyes just in time to see him exit her room.
To be continued...?
What did you think? Should I continue this? Let me know.
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jordan202 · 7 years ago
The Journey - Part Twenty Three
thank you @jia911 and @bluebelle18 for your incredible help.
Previous chapters are HERE.
Timeline for Part 23:
It sets entirely between episodes 11x22 and 11x23. After Owen comes back and finds Amelia about to have a relapse, he comforts her and talks her out of it. Amelia then asked him to stay with her. What happens next? 
The Journey – Part Twenty-Three
Amelia paced back and forth in the kitchen, trying to concentrate on the task ahead. It was nearly nine in the evening and she was mixing ingredients while looking over her shoulder every two minutes.
After Owen had agreed to stay with her, he’d walked her inside, proceeding to unceremoniously flush the bag of oxy she’d given him down the toilet. Then, after repeatedly asking her if she was okay, Owen said he’d make a quick trip to his trailer to get cleaned up and drop his bag but would be back in no time to spend the evening with her.
Amelia had quickly gone upstairs, suddenly taken by the urge to look her best after the mess she’d just made of herself. The neurosurgeon had gotten in the shower, dried her hair and put on a pair of dark leggings and a fitted long sleeve shirt. Then, she went back to the ground floor and patiently waited. And when it felt like too much time had passed already and maybe that meant Owen had changed his mind about joining her, Amelia looked at the clock and noticed it had only been thirty minutes since he’d left.
Amelia had been so deeply immersed in her grief and the turmoil of emotions that she’d barely paid attention to anything else. Now, after crying tears that had been stored for long months, she finally felt lighter and somewhat even free. Sure, she was still grieving, and probably would be for a long time. But now Amelia also felt like she could do it in a healthy way, so that the pain she’d avoided for so long wasn’t going to destroy her like in previous moments.
And because she was in a better shape of mind, the neurosurgeon could shift the focus from that to more pressing matters. Owen had just come home from a long deployment and Amelia realized he was probably in need of care too. That man was so tough and so grounded that sometimes she forgot that at the end of the day, he was only human. No matter how talented Owen was at concealing his pain, it did not mean he was immune to it.
The neurosurgeon thought back about the first time she’d been alone with Owen in that house. It had been a random weekday, and he’d knocked on her door looking for her brother. Derek had been at work, just like his wife so Amelia had the house entirely to herself. And even though that wasn’t the original plan, Owen had stayed with her and entertained Amelia throughout one of the best evenings she’d had in Seattle.
Back then, she’d made waffles and Owen had complimented her. He was probably hungry after a long day of traveling and Amelia doubted he’d have anything to eat at home.
Feeling particularly inspired and unusually motivated, the neurosurgeon occupied the kitchen, quickly gathering the ingredients she would need. By the time Owen finally made it back, ending her agonizing anxiety, the house smelled like fresh food, making him instantly realize just how hungry he was.
“What are you doing?” Owen asked with a large smile, surprised to find Amelia in the kitchen looking reinvigorated.
“Cooking us dinner.” She returned his gaze and Owen felt his heart skip a bit. Oh, how he had missed that dimpled smile. “I figured you’d be hungry.” Amelia sheepishly added, slightly blushing.
Owen took a few steps in her direction, seeing she was putting golden, crispy waffles on two separate plates. Her consideration touched him immensely. She didn’t have to do anything, but it looked like she was trying to please him and the intention alone made Owen remind himself as to why he’d fallen for her in the first place.
The trauma surgeon smiled charmingly at her, communicating everything he wanted to say with his eyes. Amelia was flattered by the look of appreciation on his face.
“You know, since you have been gone for so long, I imagined you’d like some kind of homemade, traditional food.”
“So you made me Belgian waffles?” Owen raised one eyebrow, clearly teasing her by the way he smirked adorably.
“No,” the neurosurgeon returned his smile, feeling her heart fluttering with contentment just by having his company back. He had a point but she wasn’t going to give in that easily. “They are Amelia-waffles.”
“Ohh…” Owen pretended to be surprised and convinced. He leaned over, grabbed the small jar of syrup and poured some on the golden waffle before taking a bite. The way he nodded his head as his swallowed the piece showed how pleased he was. “Yeah… They are delicious.” Owen gazed at her, sustaining her look. “The kind I can only find right here at home.”
Amelia’s smile slowly transformed as she felt his eyes heavily lingering on hers. She was deeply pleased that he seemed to really like what she’d made especially for him.
“Do you want another?” She grinned contagiously.
“Sure.” Owen answered with honesty.
When they were done eating, Owen helped her with the dishes, despite Amelia’s protests that he should rest after the long day he’d had. Truth was, after the storm had come and gone, she felt a little awkward to be standing so close next to him without touching.
Just an hour ago, Amelia had broken down and cried in his arms, exposing her soul. And now, they seemed to be talking like two civilized people who were unsure of how to approach a difficult subject.
“So…” Amelia finished putting the last plate back in the cabinet near the sink. “What do you want to do now?”
Owen turned his head and met her eyes. The answer was very obvious to him.
He wanted to take her upstairs, close the door behind them and kiss every bit of her body until he felt her melting in his arms moaning his name as she was assaulted by the most incredibly sensations, just like it had happened many times in the past.
But he knew Amelia was in a particularly rough time of her life and he’d never take advantage of her fragile state.
“Be with you.” Owen settled for saying, watching with delight as her entire face transformed with a smile.
Amelia reached out her hand for him and Owen took it, following her to the living room in silence.
Now that she’d let her guard down and was finally allowing herself to be the woman he’d come to fall for, Owen couldn’t help noticing how her eyes were once again filled with the liveliness he adored so much about her. Not for the first time, he associated Amelia’s image with the one of a child, with such purity and innocence that it inspired the most primitive thoughts of protection and care in him.
But at the same time, there was nothing remotely childish about the way her clothes outlined her feminine body. As she curled up on the couch next to him, so close that he could feel her warmth, Owen felt his pulse racing. Her shapely thighs were covered but the fitting leggings left very little to imagination, especially when he could easily remember each one of her delicate curves.
There was something very domestic about the way she would relax with her back on the couch, gazing at the TV while distractedly flicking her hair. Owen could very well think they were frozen in time, redirected back to a moment when nearly a year ago, they’d spend nights just like that one, comfortably sitting beside each other while doing something as mundane as watching TV.
But of course, everything was different now. They weren’t together anymore and Owen couldn’t simply lean over and randomly kiss her, no matter how much he wanted to.
“Did you call your mom?”
Amelia’s voice interrupted his thoughts and Owen blinked repeatedly, trying to focus on the question before shifting his attention to her.
“Hm, I went to see her before I came here.” He replied, impressed that she’d bothered to worry about that. He saw the look of approval on her face and imagined if there was more to it. “Why?”
Amelia shrugged her shoulders, as if the subject embarrassed her, but decided to be honest nonetheless.
“She came to see me.” The neurosurgeon confessed, watching as a frown formed on Owen’s face. “She was desperate that she hadn’t heard from you,” Amelia explained, hoping Owen would understand. “She hadn’t heard from you and she told me…” Her voice trailed off as a lump formed on her throat. Evelyn’s words were replaying in Amelia’s mind and all the fear she’d felt was promptly coming back to her. “She said there were gunshots fired.”
Owen noticed the way Amelia bit her bottom lip at the same time she defensively wrapped her arms around legs that she was trying her best to keep her emotions in check. Without thinking, he reached out his hand and took hers, rubbing it with his thumb.
“I am sorry you had to hear that.” He said with honesty. Earlier that day, when Owen had gone to see her, his mother had already expressed how terrified she’d been after spending nearly two weeks without hearing from him, especially after knowing that his camp had been under attack. He had no idea Amelia had shared her concern, and could only imagine how that must have added to her stress.
“What happened?” Amelia asked with genuine interest, looking him in the eye with fear.
Owen smiled tenderly, touched by her reaction. There he was, safe and sound, but the idea of the danger he’d gone through was still enough to make Amelia so bothered that she couldn’t hide her reaction.
“It was nothing.” He replied with a gentle smile, determined not to worry her.
“Owen,” Amelia pleaded, getting nearer, “talk to me about it. Please.” Her fingers grabbed the palm of his hand that was still touching her. “You have to talk about it too. You need to.”
Owen took a deep breath and studied her gaze with interest. Amelia was genuinely concerned. He’d lived much worse than what had happened in this last tour, so he didn’t feel like he was unbalanced or too traumatized. But she surely couldn’t imagine that nearly being shot wasn’t the worst he’d been through.
“We were celebrating Christmas one night and this hmm… This rebel group that had been joining forces against the government for a while took advantage of the distraction caused by the holidays and opened fire against our camp, even though we were only in a medical mission.” He told her, watching as Amelia’s eyes enlarged with alarm. She looked so adorable worrying about him that Owen wanted to smile. “It is okay, it was no big deal.” He couldn’t contain a chuckle and leaned over, with every intention to hold her and make her not worry too much about it. She’d had enough on her plate already.
“Wait, what?!” Amelia fired back, splaying a hand on his chest to push him away. “Are you serious?”
Owen noticed how worked up she was and frowned in confusion.
“Are you honestly telling me that while I was worried to death that you had died you were getting aimed at by terrorists and it was no big deal?” Amelia’s voice lost its pitch as she stared at him with incredulity stamped all over her face. “After lecturing me on how I shouldn’t hide from my pain?” She stared at him accusingly. “You could have died! You could have been shot!” She closed her fist and hit the side of his arm. “I seriously want to punch you right now for being so… so…”  
Owen waited until she finished her sentence, but Amelia seemed unable to come up with an adjective that described what she was feeling, making him raise his eyebrows in a mock expectation. As anticipated, she didn’t take it very well, scowling with fury.
“God, why do you have to be so frustrating?” Amelia complained, breathing in and out irregularly. “Why can’t you just for once admit to how you feel?” She gazed into his eyes and asked with propriety. “You don’t have to be so tough all the time, you know? You can tell me things. I can take it.”
Owen’s smile slowly faded as he kept staring into her eyes. She was actually mad at him because he had dismissed what she considered to be a great trauma. Owen wasn’t naïve enough to think that this last tour hadn’t accounted to anything traumatic for him, but he also knew that it was far from being the worst he’d been through in a war zone. If he were to be completely honest, operating on Danny Hill while the boy fought for his life had been scarier than anything else, making the gunshot noises outside seem distant and oblivious.
But Amelia sat up straight with her back erect, furiously looking at him while accusing Owen of not letting his guard down. Deep down, he knew it was true. Owen was much more comfortable taking care of the people he loved than letting them be there for him.
And very few people had ever offered to do so, anyway.
In all honesty, less than very few people had ever given Owen the chance to actually feel secure enough to let his guard down and trust them with his vulnerabilities. But only one amidst them all had given him a good enough reason to do so.
And right now she stared at him with an almost pleading look, expecting him to reciprocate her bravery and actually access his emotions.
“The night we got attacked there was this kid who got shot.” Owen was surprised when he heard his own voice. He wasn’t sure what reaction exactly he was expecting, but in Amelia’s eyes he saw sympathy and understanding, so he felt comfortable enough to keep sharing. “He was nineteen years old.”
“God…” Amelia whispered, taking his hand between hers and giving it a reassurance squeeze. “Did you know him?”
“Yeah.” Owen let out a breath and distractedly looked around the room, too touched by the subject to sustain eye contact with her. “His name was Danny.”
“What happened to him?” Amelia asked with interest.
“I operated on him that same night.” Owen narrated the events, recalling the awful moments of tension. “Our supply room and ward area had just been completely destroyed by a bomb but he was bleeding, so I had to do something.” The trauma surgeon exhaled slowly, for the first time getting in contact with the emotions he’d felt at the time. “Danny had a grade four liver laceration and I had to use a Pringle Maneuver to make sure he wouldn’t bleed to death.” Owen scanned his eyes from the TV back to her face. “Our supply tent had also been nearly destroyed and of course in the middle of nowhere we didn’t have a blood bank. I was scared he was going to die in my hands, and all for nothing.”
“Owen, I am so sorry…” Amelia got closer to him and rubbed his forearm affectionately, deeply touched. “What did you do?”
“What I could.” Owen replied with honesty, letting out a heavy sigh. “After six hours and a full sternotomy to access the inferior cava so I could stop the bleeding, I was finally able to reconstruct the vessels.” Owen swallowed hard and nodded his head in denial, rejecting the fear he’d felt that night. “For a moment, after I closed I thought he wasn’t going to pull through…” His eyes got lost but then looked back at Amelia, finding an unknown needed comfort in her understanding gaze. “He was nineteen, Amelia… He took a bullet to warn us we were under attack. And his heroic action saved most of our lives.”
Amelia identified the distress in his face and quickly supported her weight on her knees, unceremoniously wrapping her arms around Owen’s neck to pull him for an embrace.
“He must be a really tough kid.” Amelia said, impressed. She thought about it and slowly pulled apart, gazing at Owen with renewed admiration. The technicalities of the surgery he’d performed would make any hepatic surgeon jealous. But his impressive skill wasn’t what touched her the most; it was his kind, decent heart. “I bet you made a huge difference to the many people you helped in these past months... It makes me so proud to know that.”
Owen looked at her, smiling discreetly for he didn’t know what to answer. Slowly, Amelia’s hand traveled from the back of his neck to his shoulders, discreetly splaying on his chest.
“Did you feel alone out there?” She asked, hating herself for wanting to know the answer to her next question. “I mean, did you have anyone to keep you company?”
Owen knew by the insecurity in her body language that she didn’t mean someone to talk to, or just some random co-worker. Amelia was actually asking if he had been emotionally or even physically involved with someone during the time he was gone. The realization completely threw him off his game.
“There hasn’t been anyone, Amelia.” He replied with honesty, looking deeply into her eyes. “No one since you.”
Amelia felt shivers running down her spine and sustained the intensity of his gaze. In her heart, she felt relieved at his confession, at the same time she felt stupid for letting the monster of jealousy consume her. But Amelia couldn’t help it. The thought of Owen being with anyone else annoyed her too much because she hated to think his care and his affection might have been shared with another woman who perhaps had been there for him when she couldn’t be.
She noticed how Owen kept staring at her, as if waiting for her to answer the same question he’d just had.
Amelia’s shaky voice confessed, failing to contain the intensity of her confession.
“You are the only one too.”
Her reply numbed him, but as he realized Amelia had spoken in present tense, Owen felt something bursting inside his chest and couldn’t help himself any longer. Leaning over her, this time he didn’t give Amelia any room to resist. But she didn’t seem to want to. Her expression showed how much she welcomed his touch when Owen held her face between his hands, looking deeply into her eyes as he gently laid her on the couch.
Amelia had just admitted that he was the only one who had occupied her thoughts and it was too much for Owen’s already fragile self-control. Giving in to the urge that had been consuming him for quite a while now, he covered her lips with his, feeling his entire body igniting at the familiar and yet mind blowing contact.
Slim, feminine arms wrapped around his neck, pulling Owen closer. He lost himself in the familiar touch of her lips, deepening their kiss as Amelia’s familiar scent numbed his senses. Owen couldn’t begin to explain how much she’d missed that proximity, the warmth of her touch and the affection she reserved for him whenever they were together.
Reaching out for it, his hand slipped under her shirt, urging to feel her closer. Amelia shivered as his open palm slid on the curve of her waist, gently giving her a firm squeeze before finally splaying on her back. When she felt the reaction of his body pressed against her thighs, Amelia took of one of her hands to his leg, unceremoniously pulling him closer to her body in an obvious signal she was fully on board with taking things further. The neurosurgeon had already lost her breath, eager to pull off Owen’s shirt when he abruptly pulled apart.
Amelia was caught off guard and simply stared at him in confusion, watching as he stood up and kept his distance, running his fingers through his hair in obvious frustration.
“What’s wrong?” She slowly sat up, trying to make sense as to why she’d been so suddenly rejected.
Owen seemed to struggle but finally made eye contact with her. In his eyes, Amelia could see he was a tortured man.
“Nothing is wrong,” he whispered back at her, exhaling deeply. Owen tried to contain the intensity of his reactions at the same time he focused on keeping rational so he wouldn’t lose his mind. “The problem is just how right this is…”
Amelia kept staring at him in obvious confusion. Owen seemed to pick up on that because he took a deep breath before finally sitting down next to her.
“We can’t do this, Amelia.” He turned his head and looked into her eyes. “Not like this.”
“Why not?” She asked, hating to feel that insecure. Owen had just made her believe he’d missed her and he’d also just admitted he hadn’t been with anyone else. Amelia had interpreted that as a signal he was still into her, but maybe she’d misunderstood it?
“Because you’re grieving.”
The neurosurgeon frowned slightly. Owen noticed that was not what she expected to hear, so he forced himself to explain.
“You’ve just been through an emotional rollercoaster and you’re still too fragile.” He reached out for her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “You’ve been distant from people and from human contact for all these months and it’s only normal that you’re craving for some intimacy.” Owen analyzed, noticing as she was following his trail of thoughts. “But, it’s not going to fix anything,” he affirmed with conviction before softening his expression, “and it’s most definitely not going to help both of us get back on track with our lives.”
“What do you mean?” Amelia asked, confused about his last statement.
“You’re not sure this is what you want.” Owen said with conviction. In his mind, he was pretty sure what he wanted. He had always been. Ever since they had started seeing each other, Owen had always been serious about dating her. But Amelia still had some personal things to work on before she could devote herself to a relationship and he had to respect that, for her sake and his. “And before you can work it out and figure out for sure what you want from now on, it’s not fair to me or to yourself that we keep confusing ourselves like this. Sex is only going to make this even more complicated.” He finalized, looking away to control his urges.
“I thought you wanted it too…” Amelia said with a broken voice, clearly thinking he’d rejected her.
Owen lost his patience completely.
“You think I don’t want you?” He breathed out nervously, digging one hand through her mass of dark hair to force her to look into his eyes. Amelia was startled with his reaction, but not intimidated. She sustained his gaze as he nervously kept on staring deeply into her eyes. “You think I haven’t spent every night in that goddamn hell house thinking about you? Wishing I had you?” Owen closed his eyes and sighed with frustration, unable to help himself. Pulling her closer, he fought the urge to crush her lips with his and settled for brushing them on her temple with agonizing gentleness. “Amelia, for God’s sake I want it more than anything… The problem is, I don’t want a one night stand with you.” Owen pulled apart to once again look into his eyes. He wanted a lifetime. But to go ahead, he had to be sure she was on the same page. “A one night stand is not enough and if I can’t have it all, then there is no point torturing me. Please, understand.”
Amelia didn’t notice she was tearing up. Owen’s eyes were exhaling so much intensity that she was awed by his raw honesty. She understood exactly what he meant. Being with him for the night and then having to figure out her entire life in the morning sounded too complicated. No matter how much Owen tried to deny it or pretend it didn’t matter, he was grieving too. Of course he was just as confused. And she knew he had a point.
“I am sorry.” She apologized for things not being as easy as she wished them to be. “I know you deserve better than all of this.”
Owen tilted his head in compassion. Amelia couldn’t seriously think she wasn’t worthy of him.
“So do you.” He affirmed with conviction. “You deserve better than going through all of this. You deserve better than not feeling good enough.” Owen kissed her forehead, hoping she believed his words. “I hope you know how much you deserve to be loved…” He confessed, thinking about the promise he’d made to Danny and not yet kept. “And maybe one day you will allow yourself to be loved.”
Amelia felt a familiar constriction on her throat at the sound of his sweet words. Somehow, Owen seemed to always know where to go to touch her the deepest.
“And if that day ever comes, you have to know one thing.” He used his index finger to gently tip her chin up, forcing the neurosurgeon to look into his eyes. “Whenever you’re ready, I am here.” Owen smiled gently, containing his overwhelming emotions. “And I will never say no to you.”
Amelia felt her heart fluttering at the meaning of his words. She knew he meant he would never reject her physical advances, but that was not all to it. Owen was admitting he wouldn’t reject loving her and she felt profoundly touched by his loyalty to protect both of their feelings when he could have easily given in to temptation.
Wrapping her arms around his torso, Amelia buried her face in his chest, feeling strong arms surround her in response.
“I know we shouldn’t go there,” her voice sounded muffled through the barrier of his shirt. “But can we please just give ourselves one night?” Amelia looked up to meet his expectant eyes. “I am not talking about sex, I am talking about you and me, just… Just staying here and going to bed without worrying about anything.” Her voice faltered. “Just like old times.” She smiled sheepishly, embarrassed about her proposal. “Maybe we can forget that my family is gone, or that you just came back from war or that… I don’t know… That everything is a mess and we don’t know what’s going to happen next.” Amelia listed, anxiously. “And maybe… maybe just give ourselves this night to take a break from everything?” She saw Owen’s eyes sparkling after hearing her proposal. “I know in the morning all the issues are still going to be there, but maybe tonight they don’t have to be here.” She looked around the room, eager to spend some time with his company. There was no one else in the world Amelia would rather be with and she wanted to enjoy that evening to the fullest. “Just be here.” She nearly begged, out of words to convince him further and then remembered of what he’d replied when earlier that evening she’d asked what he wanted to do “Be with me.”
Owen took a deep breath and exhaled slowly at the same time he took both his hands to her face and gently cupped her cheeks.
“I’d love that.” He smiled contagiously at her. Owen needed that break as much as she did and he wasted no time in letting her know it. “I haven’t had a good night of sleep in months.” He confessed, recalling the makeshift beds in the desert.
Amelia thought back about the past nine months in her life. She couldn’t remember one night in which she’d slept peacefully. Every day, she just felt more tired. But it was like her mind just wouldn’t shut down and she’d figure it was more productive to simply avoid sleep altogether than to lie awake in bed at night, staring at the ceiling while the worst thoughts ran through her head.
And then as Owen’s hand joined hers and they calmly went upstairs, she figured that even if she spent the entire evening awake, it would still be an upgrade just for having his company.
Once in her bedroom, Owen couldn’t help drawing some parallels. During the intense few weeks he had been with Amelia, they had spent nearly every night in his trailer, with the exception of the times one of them had to stay at the hospital or were engaged in something else. He’d been to Amelia’s room a few times before, but they’d never been together on her bed.
The surroundings were exactly like Owen remembered, except the room looked like it hadn’t been used in a while. The bed was made and everything was neatly in its place, which he knew wasn’t very much like Amelia.
“You’ve been cleaning.” He pointed out with an amused smile.
Amelia looked at him, blushing.
“Sometimes, when Richard kicked me out of the hospital for being there too long and I didn’t have anything to do, I’d tidy up my bedroom.”
She tried to make it sound unimportant but Owen could easily imagine Amelia engaged in an intense physical activity like heavy house cleaning just to clear her mind off disturbing thoughts.
“You must be exhausted.” She commented after seconds of silence. Owen was still looking around and Amelia felt her stomach churning once her eyes saw the vacant spot on the wall where a painting had once been. She followed his gaze and realized he’d just noticed it too, but was too polite to ask anything. “I… I accidentally broke it.” Amelia explained, feeling like somehow she owed him an explanation. After all, the object had been a present from him.
“It was too ugly, anyway.” Owen looked at her with a forced smile but Amelia could see his eyes were slightly clouded by something that resembled sadness. She felt guilty to remember she had angrily thrown the painting on a wall during a fit of rage.
Amelia felt like she should say something but she couldn’t quite figure out what. So she settled for looking at him while Owen pulled the covers to her bed. The neurosurgeon felt like an awkward atmosphere was forming so she let him do the task while going to one corner of the room looking for a comfortable shirt.
Owen had just finished arranging the pillows on the bed when he turned his head to ask Amelia if the temperature of the room was okay. But he wasn’t prepared for what he found instead.
With her back turned to him, Amelia had just finished taking off her top, unintentionally exposing to him the gracious curves of her body. Owen didn’t realize he held his breath at the very moment his eyes got a hold of her, or how his heart rate accelerated as he studied the familiar shape of her feminine waist.
Her skin looked as flawless as Owen remembered it to be, and he wanted more than anything to go to her, feel her warmth under his touch and bury his face on her neck, exploring every bit of her body. Her delicate round shoulders rotated in a gracious movement as she reached out for a piece of clothing inside a drawer. He hadn’t meant to look, but now that he was watching her, Owen couldn’t get himself to stop staring. The surgeon wondered if, even months later, being with her would still be as delightful as he remembered it to be.
And once Owen spotted the soft fabric of an old shirt swiftly hiding her tiny figure, he realized how dumb he must have been to ask himself a question to which the answer was very obvious.
Of course Amelia was as adorable as he remembered. And it physically hurt him that he couldn’t have her.
Feeling frustration building up in his stomach, Owen forced himself to divert his gaze and got inside the covers, taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart. Soon after, Amelia asked if she could turn off the lights and when he nodded affirmatively in response, the neurosurgeon engulfed the room in total darkness, sneakily joining him in bed seconds after.
Owen felt the discreet movement on the opposite side of the mattress as she silently got beneath the covers. He desperately wanted to touch her, but had no idea if he should. Amelia had invited him there, but they’d made the promise not to cross any lines. And now Owen was starting to regret his decision of agreeing to spend the night there, because it felt like absolute torture to lie down next to her without touching or even speaking.
It was obvious Amelia was just as restless because she wouldn’t stop moving, apparently trying to get comfortable. But only when she finally turned to face him and her voice interrupted the silence, Owen figured out she was actually struggling with something.
“I am so sorry…” She cried with a broken voice, wrapping one arm around his chest at the same time she buried her face on his neck, like a kid who was too embarrassed after being caught. Owen was just about to ask what was happening when her muffled voice explained, “I didn’t accidentally break the cow… I threw it against the wall… I didn’t mean to…” Her voice faltered and Amelia didn’t realize she wasn’t making any sense, since she had consciously done it. Owen immediately held her closer to him, wondering why she seemed so affected and upset. “I didn’t want it to break and now it’s completely destroyed and…”
“Shh….” Owen kissed the top of her head to interrupt her, hating to see how distressed she was. Amelia’s delicate body was nearly shaking next to his and he wanted more than anything to end her suffering. But he still hadn’t made complete sense of the situation and in order to know what was going on, Owen needed to find out what had really happened. “Why did you throw it? What happened?” He asked patiently.
“I was mad at you.” Amelia sheepishly confessed, still unable to lift her eyes from the crook of his neck, too mortified at her childish reaction.
Owen couldn’t contain a chuckle as he gently lifted his upper body, directly forcing her to bring up her eyes to meet his gaze.
“You were mad at me?” He frowned, distinguishing her eyes even in nearly total darkness. How could she be mad at him if he had just returned home that same day?
“Because I thought you’d died.” Amelia hysterically admitted, hearing his fit of laughter following her irreverent confession.
Owen wrapped both his arms around her and brought her body closer to his. He just couldn’t believe how amazing that woman was. Amelia was so spontaneous and honest that it completely won him over. After kissing her forehead, he explained with a gentle tone.
“I plan to live for many more years, Amelia.” Owen struck her hair with one hand, while the other aimlessly played with her fingers on his chest. He wanted to add that he hoped to do it by her side, but perhaps that night wasn’t the best moment to do that. “I am not leaving you anymore. I promise.”
Amelia heard the comforting sound of his words, feeling her body and mind relaxing with the trustworthy words he’d spoken. It felt amazing to be in the security of his arms, because in that moment, Amelia was sure Owen would never let anything bad happen to her on his watch.
“I am so sorry I broke our painting.”
Her voice was nearly a whisper, but it was the way she claimed they shared possession of the object that made Owen’s heart sink in his chest.
“I’ll buy you another.” He stated, kissing her forehead. He would buy her the world if it meant seeing her smile again. “You can choose one that’s even uglier than the first.”
Amelia chuckled with lighthearted contentment, relaxing completely. She had just opened her mouth to reply, but exhaustion was winning the battle against her reason. It had been months since she had properly slept through the night. It would usually take her hours to fall asleep after going to bed.
And yet now, for some reason, being inside Owen’s embrace and hearing his reassuring words worked like magic to soothe her into calmly dozing off.
The sound of Amelia’s laughter was the last thing Owen focused on before the promise he’d made to Danny Hill came to mind. Owen knew that he had to keep it, because he’d given his word. And even though the sentiment was true, the trauma surgeon wasn’t sure if Amelia would be prepared to hear it.
But Owen also knew that if he kept overthinking, he wouldn’t get to do it, which would ultimately add more guilt and anxiety to his already restless heart. Taking a deep breath, he decided to gather up the courage and finally say it, before he missed the opportunity to do so.
“Amelia…” His voice sounded hoarse when Owen gently caressed her hair, unsuccessfully looking down in search of her face in the darkness of the room. “I love you.”
He held his breath in response, startled that the lack of response from her could mean she was rejecting his confession.
But her body language didn’t confirm Owen’s suspicion. She was still very much relaxed, leaning against him with an arm wrapped around his chest and the side of her face comfortably lying on his shoulder inside his embrace.
Owen stretched his neck looking for eyes, and it was only when he noticed they were closed that he realized Amelia had already been sleeping when he’d spoken the words. Lying against the soft pillow, the trauma surgeon let out a heavy sigh of relief to see she hadn’t freaked out like he feared she might have.
Owen still blinked a couple of times as he stared at the ceiling, thinking about how life had a funny way of doing things. He’d kept his promise, but Amelia hadn’t been able to hear it. Maybe they just weren’t meant to be. Maybe that one night was all he was ever going to get before they each went their own way. As much as it hurt, it was better to accept that.  
But as Owen closed his eyes, finally joining Amelia in a deep sleep, he failed to see that the happy smile lingering on her face after his confession proved the complete opposite.
Alright guys, so I know it took me a while to update this, so in case any of you are wondering or having a hard time figuring out the past references, here are some:
- The painting Owen buys for Amelia is a part of chapter 13.
- The first waffle scene is a part of chapter 6 
- the promise Owen makes to his patient is on chapter 21 
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cailesss · 9 years ago
Two of us
Amelia played with the ring putting new weight on her finger. She smiled to herself and felt another arm make its way around her as he shifted his body to spoon her from behind tightly holding her, and putting his chin on her shoulder. "Hey there." He smiled kissing her bare shoulder. "Hey there fiancé." She giggled turning to lay on her back to see him better. He propped himself up with an elbow and traced light patterns on her hand. "I like the sound of that." Owen cooed. "I like saying it almost as much as I like being engaged to you." Amelia smiled. "That ring does look sexy on you." Owen flirted. "Hmm, you look sexy on me." Amelia said flashing him a wicked grin. He chuckled and rolled towards her, cupping her cheek and kissing her. Her fingers ran through the hairs at the back of his neck and he moved down to kiss her neck. "Owen." She said as he nipped at her jawline. He stopped his actions and looked up at her with a slight worry in his face. "I love you." She smiled. His eyes lightened and his face grew into a loving smile as the crinkles on his forehead showed. "I love you too Amelia Shepherd. I don't know what I'd do without you." Owen hummed. "Defiantly not this." Amelia giggled shifting their body weight and moving herself on top of him, her legs on either side of him. "You're quite a catch, I'm waiting for you to see how out of my league you are." Owen replied running his hands on her legs. "Haven't you heard? I only fell in love with you to be your hot wife that uses you for your money." Amelia teased. "Not even for the sex?" Owen gasped. "Hmm.. Maybe." Amelia winked. "But Owen, I am not out of your league. I happen to adore sexy gingers, so I for one cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you." She smiled and bit her lip. He pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and sat up slightly to kiss her again. "That makes two of us." He replied nuzzling his nose against her skin. "Now, about me being sexy on you.." He grinned flipping them over again as she giggled and continuing their antics they had planned for the rest of the night.
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drreporting · 1 year ago
What if Amelia’s family came to the wedding?
When Amelia walked into her wedding reception, she was simply happy to see her family gathered together to celebrate her special day. She couldn’t wait to dance, laugh, and catch up with her sisters Nancy, Kate, and Liz, as well as her mother, Carolyn.
But as the night went on, Amelia realized that her family had other plans. They were determined to remind her of the moment she almost ditched Owen at the altar and use it as a pressure point in almost every conversation.
Nancy was the first to bring it up, casually mentioning it in a conversation about the weather.
“Remember how it was pouring rain on your wedding day, Amelia? Almost like the universe was trying to tell you something,” she said with a smirk.
Amelia rolled her eyes and tried to brush off the comment, but Kate couldn’t resist chiming in.
“Yeah, and then you ran off and left Owen standing there like a sad puppy. I’m surprised he still wanted to marry you after that,” she said, causing the table to erupt in laughter.
Amelia felt her face flush with embarrassment. She had been struggling with her addiction at the time and it had caused her to make a rash decision. But she had worked through it and she and Owen were stronger than ever.
Liz, the youngest of the sisters, joined in on the teasing.
“And let’s not forget how you were about to leave Seattle without even telling anyone. Poor Owen had to chase you down at the airport. How romantic,” she said sarcastically, raising her glass of champagne.
Carolyn, who had been quiet up until this point, couldn’t resist adding her two cents.
“I have to say, I was very disappointed in you, Amelia. I raised you better than that. Leaving a man at the altar is just not something a Shepherd woman does,” she scolded.
Amelia had had enough. She stood up from the table, her fists clenched in anger.
“That’s enough. I made a mistake, a big one. But I’ve apologized to Owen and we’ve moved on. It’s time for all of you to do the same,” she said firmly.
Her family was taken aback by her outburst, but they could see the pain in her eyes. They all apologized to Amelia and she could see the genuine remorse in their faces.
As the night went on, Amelia was able to let go of the hurt and enjoy her wedding reception with her family. But she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that they had used such a vulnerable moment in her life as a weapon in their conversations.
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rollinscarisi · 7 years ago
I’m Still Here
So I haven’t written anything in months, literally. But after the premiere I wasn’t really sure what I was feeling so I decided to wirte something. Was it a good idea? I don’t know, but I hope you like this little story anyway.
TBH this isn’t my best work but it’s almost midnight here and Amelia has a brain tumor so you can cut me some slack.
BTW here is my updated masterpost! 
“Dr. Hunt, do you have a minute?”
Owen looked up from a patient’s charter to find DeLuca standing next to him, looking rather worried.
“Um, I’m kind of busy here actually-“ He had only taken a few days of absence and it felt like a year’s worth of paperwork had piled up, just like that.
“Yes, I get that, but-“
“Can it wait?”
“Well not really, it’s kind of urgent and-“
“Look, I’m still not fully back to work and if they had an emergency at the ER I would’ve been paged, so-“
“It’s about Dr. Shepherd!”
And just like that the intern had his full attention.
“What about her?”
The trauma surgeon’s body language changed immediately. His shoulders were tense and the little muscle in his jaw started ticking, the way it always did when he was nervous.
His marriage with Amelia may be on the rocks, possibly over, and his mind may be swimming around with doubts, but damn, he still loves her with everything he has.
“DeLuca, what about her?!” he realized the intern looked a bit scared but quite honestly he didn’t care.
“It’s not really my place to tell, and Dr. Shepherd told me to be quiet about this and not tell anyone but I think it’s not the kind of thing you keep to yourself and honestly I’m worried about her...”
“DeLuca...!” his voice warning him he better get to the point.
“Dr. Shepherd has a brain tumor.”
Everything around him stopped.
It couldn’t be.
He must have misheard.
There is no way Amelia, his Amelia, the brilliant neurosurgeon, has a brain tumor.
How can the universe be this cruel?
DeLuca’s voice brought him back down to earth. “Dr. Hunt?”
“What did you say?”
The intern wasn’t sure if he should really repeat himself, but the threatening glint in the trauma surgeon’s eyes left him no more to argue. “Dr. Shepherd has a brain tumor… I’m certain she wasn’t aware, but it’s starting to affect her work and to be honest I don’t think she’s taking care of herself properly and-“
“Where is she?” he noted his voice sounded different but he was too out of it to care.
“Dr. Hunt, I’m not sure if-“
“I’m only going to ask this one more time, where is she?!”
“She hasn’t left the on-call room on the 4th floor for a couple of days and-“
He was off before he heard the rest. Getting to Amelia was the only thing on his mind.
He knew that with the way things were she was probably going to push him away but tough luck on her, he wasn’t going anywhere.
He ran as fast as he could, climbing up the stairs as fast as his legs would allow him, ignoring the way his lungs were starting to protest.
She couldn’t stop staring at it. 
She spent her entire adult life staring at MRI’ scans, studying them, analyzing them, fascinated with the wonderful tumors and aneurisms they showed. 
She lived for those little butterflies she felt on her stomach every time she encountered a tumor. The thrill she felt just by looking at them. The excitement she felt every time she needed to plan a surgery. It was glorious. 
And now here she was, staring at a massive 10 cm left frontal lobe tumor.
And all she felt was sadness.
Absolute and utter sadness.
She would’ve considered it beautiful, if only it wasn’t in her own brain.
She needed to figure out a plan fast. She needed to push emotions aside and think rationally about this. And who would operate on her? She obviously can’t operate on herself and Derek is still dead. It seems it’s possible for other people to come back from the dead except the ones she loves...
In a way she’s glad for Owen. He is so happy his sister is back and he can finally stop feeling guilty for having stopped looking for her. So she’s happy for him, she really is, but that doesn’t mean that she isn’t feeling a little jealous that her brother is still dead.
And what about Owen?
Should she tell him? Part of her thought that yes, he deserves to know and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want his comfort. She’s not even sure if he’d comfort her after the things she’s said. 
Well that’s not true, she knows he would. Because that’s how he is, she knows him. He would never turn his back on her, especially during a time like this, no matter how hurt he is. 
She was suddenly pulled from her thoughts when the doors burst open and he walked in. 
“Hey! How’s Megan?” Amelia cleared her throat. 
Really? Is she really making conversation as if nothing is wrong? Is she really trying to keep this a secret from him?
“She’s good, recovering well.”
“That’s great, it’s good that she’s-“
“And how are you?”
Her eyes opened ridiculously wide, “Me? I’m good, yeah, really good!”
He laughed a little, a low laugh, full of bitterness. He said nothing though. 
They stared at each other for what it felt like hours, Owen daring her to lie to his face again. 
Amelia was trying to read his face, there was something about his eyes, although she couldn’t quite get it. Until she did and figured it out. 
“Who told you?”
“Really? That’s what you’re worried about?”
“I’m worried about lots of things, one of them is knowing who’s the person that can’t keep a secret so I never tell them anything again,”
“Amelia stop!” he took a deep breath, as if to calm himself down, “You have a tumor…?”
“Yes, thank you, I’d almost forgotten about it hadn’t you mentioned it…”
“Damn it! I’m trying to talk to you! At least act like you care!” he practically yelled.
They stared at each other again. It seems that is the one thing they’re good at… But after a while Amelia’s voice cut through the silence.
“I do care…” she looked up at him from where she was sitting on the floor against the bed. Her voice small and scared “I’m just afraid that after everything I did and said, you wouldn’t care… And I’d be alone. And I don’t wanna be alone. Because I’m really, really scared.”
Amelia could feel the tears coming, but she was fighting them with everything she had.
“Damn it Amelia.” his voice much softer now.
Owen made his way to her and crouched down, sitting himself next to her and gently but firmly pulled her to him. It felt good to hug her, to have his arms around her and feel the heat radiating off of her.
Over her head, he looked at the scans and tried to ignore the chill that ran down his spine. That thing is the size of a grapefruit…
When he first heard she had a tumor he imagined something small. But now looking at the scans he realized how wrong he was. It is huge. He was scared for her before, but now he was absolutely terrified. Amelia lifted her head from his chest while his hands continued stroking her hair. “It’s um-“ she wiped the few tears that managed to fall, “it’s a 10cm left frontal lobe tumor, as you can see.” “Have you done more tests?” “No, only a ridiculous number of MRIs...” she took a deep breath, taking comfort in the feel of his fingers running through her hair. “I keep hoping that with each MRI the results change. As if it was a mistake and the tumor won’t be there anymore...”
Owen nodded, not really sure of what to say. What do you say when someone is you love is in this position? What is the best way you to help them? He desperately wants to help, but the only way he knows how is to be there for her, for whatever she needs.
“You know in the area this tumor is it changes a person’s social behaviors, their impulses and responses... What if when we take it out-“ she stopped as another tear fell down her cheek, “if we take it, I’m not the same person? What if the person I’ve been all these years is just this tumor?”
“That won’t happen, you will-“
“You don’t know that…”
“Yes, I do! When they remove it, you’re still going to be you. You’re still going to be Amelia Shepherd. You’re still going to be here.”
“Why are you here?”
He gave her a little smile and wiped away her tears, and a few of his own.
“Because I know the amazing person you are. Because the universe is cruel and you, of all people, don’t deserve this.” He stroked her cheek, “Because I love you, despite everything.”
“I pushed you away, I ran away... I spent all that time away from you and now I might not get to have it back… I might not have the time to make up for it...”
“Amelia, you will-“
“Not sure if you still want me but-“
“Of course I want you!” he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead “Listen to me, you will get through this,” she started shaking her head “Yes you will! You will! And I’ll be here every step of the way, you hear me?” she nodded “Only freaking superheros, right?”
She laughed a little, wondering how he even knew about that and repeated after him.
“Only freaking superheros...”
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bridgertonandchocolate · 7 years ago
So Grey’s has got my creative juices flowing this season. I can’t remember the last time I wrote Owen and Amelia, but I may give it a shot. Who’d read a Missing Moments from episode 4? There’s something that really bugged me about last night’s episode and I’m thinking of writing what I would have liked to see. Yes? No? Let me know.
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karadanuers · 9 years ago
A Sticky Situation
Lack of Owen and Amelia scenes made this happen. WARNING: Owen and Amelia, being absolutely filthy. You know the drill. 
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“Are you sure it’s fine? We’re basically stealing her car.” Owen quietly murmured, shutting the car’s door once he was inside. Amelia grasped the keys and threw them in his direction, a small smirk playing on her lips. He didn’t know what she had planned, but he was already against it. Her smirk was anything but good. She was a ball of evil, and since he hadn’t heard the two bickering in days, he had a bad feeling something happened and this was Amelia’s way of getting back at her.
“We’re not stealing her car. We’re borrowing it.” Amelia clarified, buckling her seatbelt and turning to Owen. At the sight of his raised eyebrow, she groaned. “We’re sisters now, right? And that’s what sisters normally do. They share stuff.”
“I don’t trust you one bit. What did she do this time? Did she wash your favorite shirt without your permission? Did she put your shoes in your room? What is it?”
“You make it sound like I get mad over the dumbest of things. Plus, she washed the shirt I wore to a concert.  Kellin Quinn spat on that shirt. I was going to sell it on eBay but now I can’t, and it’s all Meredith’s fault.”
“Are you listening to yourself?” Owen chuckled, putting the keys in ignition. Normally he wouldn’t agree to leave the house at four in the morning but Amelia promised it would be worth it, which lead to quickly running his hands in his hair and trying his absolute best to shuffle out of the apartment without waking April up. “You sound like a distraught teenager.”
“Get out.” Amelia suddenly said, the most serious expression Owen had ever witnessed plastered on her face. “You sound like Meredith. I don’t need another annoying Meredith. One is enough.”
“That isn’t any good.” Owen mumbled, inching closer to her. Amelia felt her breath hitch in her throat, almost aching for him. She might’ve called him over at such a late hour simply because her fingers weren’t enough for her anymore. Maybe she needed the real thing, and Owen was definitely the right person to call.
Amelia suddenly got out of the car, leaving Owen flustered and confused. Just when he thought something was about to happen, she left the car. Before he could follow her out, he noticed that she opened his door and stuck her hand out, her eyes sparkling in the darkness, a tiny smile on her lips. Owen grinned, grabbing her hand and abandoning the car keys in his seat.
Shutting the door behind him, he pulled her hand and turned them around, slamming her back against the car. She huffed in pain and Owen smiled, running his fingers up and down her arm slowly. She shivered at the sensation, her stomach clenching at the feeling of his fingers on her skin. Even when clothed, his touch did things to her.
“You smell like Cheetos. I can’t believe you ate it without me.” Owen whispered, making Amelia burst out in the laughter. His love for Cheetos was almost scary, and she knew that sending him a picture of the packet would drive him nuts, resulting in almost a million desperate pleas to keep some for him.
Turning around to face him completely, she reached her hand up to his face. Moving her thumb on to his cheekbone, the laughter died in her throat when Owen’s eyes darkened.
“Oops,” She said, her voice barely above a whisper. She rested her hand on his shoulder, the other supporting her body against the car; his hands, which were on her shoulders, drifted to rest against her waist.
Locking eyes, Amelia felt like she couldn’t breathe. The proximity of his body to hers, the warmth of his torso pressing against her smaller frame, was enough to make her squirm. He smelled faintly of cologne and soap, intoxicating her senses. In a flash, he pressed his lips to hers, lifting one hand to cradle her jaw while the other held tight against the fabric of her shorts around her hip.
The sensation of his lips on hers made Amelia’s heart leap, returning the kiss enthusiastically. When she slid her tongue across his lower lip, initiating more, Owen groaned. The vibrations from the noise against her chest made her smile, encouraging her even more.
She reached up, threading his hair through her fingers and pulling him even closer to her. Their tongues danced together, lips moving in sync easily. When Owen took her lower lip between his teeth and pulled lightly, Amelia couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped her throat. 
Owen kissed her even deeper, grasping tightly at the waistband of her shorts. His lips left hers, trailing kisses along her jaw until he reached her ear. “It’s a little chilly outside. Lets go back in the car.” His voice was husky as he continued pressing his lips to the sensitive skin of her neck.
“What are you waiting for?” Amelia gasped at the sensation, warmth pooling in between her legs. She tightened her thighs, already feeling the need for some kind of friction. At her words, Owen stopped. His lips were swollen and red, his eyes still dark and his voice low. The look he was giving made her feel like prey and she loved it.
It was all the confirmation he needed. In an easy movement, Owen grasped her waist with both hands and pushed her inside the car, quickly shutting the door behind him. The space was incredibly small, but they somehow managed. She scooted to the edge, hitting her back against the car door on the opposite side, pulling Owen in between her legs by his belt loops.
He cradled her face in his hands, kissing her passionately. Amelia’s chest was tight with adrenaline, and she felt like she couldn’t get close enough to him. She held him around the torso, his shirt balled in her fists as she moved her lips against his.
She inhaled deeply when his lips left hers once more, creating another trail to her other ear. His hands trailed down, his slightly calloused hands rough against her skin. Owen nibbled her earlobe lightly, pushing himself against her core when she let out another light moan. 
“Amelia,” He punctuated his words with kisses against her collarbone. “You need to tell me when to stop.”
She brought a hand to the back of his head, grasping tightly as he continued to suckle the skin. His teeth nipped at the surface, his tongue quickly following to lave off the sting. Her vision was hazy with arousal, her eyes hooded against the feeling of his mouth on her skin.
“Don’t,” She managed, pressing herself against his erection. “Don’t stop.”
Amelia could feel his lips tighten into a smile against her skin. Taking her mouth with his again, Owen’s hands began to roam her body, exploring her curves. His hand came to a stop on the underside of her breast, squeezing it through the fabric of her shirt. She arched into him, desperate to feel more of his skin on hers.
Owen took it as a sign to continue on, pulling her shirt up and signaling that she removes it. She stopped kissing him momentarily, discarding her shirt and throwing it as far away from her as possible. He wasted no time in pulling her bra down, watching hungrily as her nipples pebbled in the cool air.
Suddenly Owen stiffened, closing his eyes tightly. “Shit, Mia. I forgot…” He leaned forward, resting his forehead on hers. “There’s a security camera,” He groaned, motioning up towards the ceiling to their left. “Meredith set it up last week.” 
Amelia tried her best not to groan at loud. Of course Meredith would set a security camera outside the house, right where she’d park her car just so she could watch everything. Meredith was just like those annoying mothers who went to absolute extremes just so they could monitor whatever her daughters were up to.
Amelia’s stomach dropped, realizing that what they were doing was being filmed. Underneath the embarrassment, she felt something else bubbling up to take its place. 
“No problem. I’ll get you a copy.” She smiled, pulling his neck forward to reclaim his lips with hers. With her right hand, she felt in between their bodies until her fingers found his erection, straining tightly against the front material of his jeans. Running her palm up his length, she grew even more excited as his eyes fluttered shut at her touch. 
“Wait,” He paused, wrapping his fingers around her wrist and stopping her movements. “First things first,” The corners of his mouth lifted into a smirk. “Remove your shorts.”
Amelia raised an eyebrow in question, but followed his instructions. Lifting herself up slightly, she unbuttoned her shorts and pushed it down her legs, exposing her thighs. “Now,” He instructed, “Scoot forward and lean back on your hands.” 
She inhaled deeply, her body beginning to tremble in anticipation. This situation was entirely out of her comfort zone, but the fear and anxiety she felt was overpowered by her arousal.
She had done this all before, it wasn’t something new but they’d never gone this far together. They never did it when they knew her crazy sister was watching them.
She followed his gaze as he knelt down in front of her, concentration etched on his face as he trailed his fingers under the lace of her panties.
Glancing up to her face, Owen smiled at the blush against her skin. She wouldn’t be surprised if he could hear her heart pounding; the beats so hard against her chest it felt like she might faint if he kept this up. He lifted his eyebrows and tugged the material down, Amelia lifting her hips at his wordless command.
Instantly she felt exposed, all but naked to his gaze and the camera on the ceiling that was watching them both. Owen’s eyes were glued to her core, his Adams apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. He kissed a trail from her knee to her center, teasing her until she moaned and thrust toward him, unable to wait. Taking the hint, Owen took a long lick, dragging his tongue through her folds leisurely. 
“Owen!” Amelia gasped at the sensation, his tongue circling close to her most sensitive spot. She leaned back on the seat completely, arching her back in the air. When he realized she was no longer sitting up, Owen paused.
“Sit back up,” He commanded, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I want to see your face as I make you come.”
Amelia could do nothing but comply, her jaw hanging open at his direction. Nodding mindlessly, she lifted herself back up on to her elbows, wanting him to resume his actions as quickly as possible.
As soon as she was situated, Owen delved back into her folds with renewed vigor. Pushing into her wetness with his tongue, Amelia couldn’t refrain from moaning his name again. Dragging his tongue back up to her clit, he made lazy circles around it until Amelia began to squirm.
“Please,” She moaned as she scrunched her eyes shut, desperate and needing more. At her words, Owen inserted a finger inside her, stroking her walls while running his tongue over the tight bundle of nerves that made her moan loudly. Inserting another finger, the pressure inside her coaxed another gasp from her throat as she tightened her thighs around his head.
Slowing down his actions, he waited until Amelia loosened her grip and opened her eyes before resuming the pressure and pace she wanted. Increasing his speed, Owen focused on stroking her clit with the tip of his tongue with tight, fast circles.
Within moments she could feel the pressure building, making her tremble in pleasure. The pressure built in waves, until all at once it crashed over her, leaving stars in her vision. She vaguely recognized calling out Owen’s name as she came, his tongue still gliding over her and licking up her wetness.
As she came down from her high, her breathing was erratic and her thighs quivered from the onslaught of pleasure. She looked to Owen, staring at her with an intense look that made her stomach tighten in anticipation. He wiped the excess wetness from his chin after helping her sit up, her limbs weak from the powerful orgasm.
Amelia reached for his belt, eager to release his erection and return the favor. Despite the slight tremble that was still coursing through her body, she quickly undid the button and pushed his boxers down his hips in one movement, eyes widening as his cock sprung free.
Wrapping her fingers around it, Owen thrust into her grip with a groan. Amelia smiled, the hardness of his erection pulsing against her fingers was enough to make her own thighs clench together with desire. A small drop of moisture beaded at the tip and she slid her thumb across the top, swirling it around to drag along the base of his cock. Hitting the sensitive spot underneath the head, Owen froze, grasping her shoulders tightly.
“Amelia,” He forced his eyes open, “I need you. Now.”
“Wait,” Amelia spoke, lifting her hands to the hem of his shirt. “I want this off.”
With a smile, Owen complied, exposing his torso to her as he lifted it over his head and tossed it on to the floor.
“That’s better,” Amelia smirked, grabbing his hips and pulling him closer to her. She grasped his erection, positioning it at her entrance and locking eyes with Owen.
After a moment’s hesitation, Owen pushed himself into her deeply, his eyes fluttering shut as his hips pressed against hers. The feeling of his hardness inside her was satisfying, but she needed more. 
“Owen,” She groaned, kissing down his neck and tasting the salty skin around his collarbone. He thrust into her with force, rotating his hips once he reached the apex of her thighs once more. 
Amelia dragged her nails down his back, clutching him behind the hips as she lifted hers to meet his thrusts.
He lowered his head to her neck, kissing upwards until he reached her ear, taking the lobe in between his teeth. The force of his hips slamming into hers, the fullness of his cock inside her, and now the way his tongue was worrying the sensitive skin behind her ears was an assault on Amelia’ senses, causing her eyes to roll back in pleasure.
“Touch yourself,” Owen moaned into her ear, wrapping his fingers in her hair at the base of her neck and pulling lightly.
Following his direction, Amelia reached in between their bodies to stroke her clit, feeling waves of pleasure as her finger ran over the surface. “Oh god,” She realized, “I’m going to come again.”
“Keep going,” Owen grunted, pushing even deeper into her core. He pulled at her hair again, forcing her head back so he could suckle her collarbone. Amelia could feel herself tightening around Owen, enhancing the feeling of his movements. 
“Amelia,” Owen moaned, the sound vibrating deep in his chest. As she felt his cock pulse inside her as he quickened his pace, the added sensation pushing her over the edge.
Screwing her eyes shut, she couldn’t help but shout his name as she came for a second time. “Owen!” The sound died in her throat as she gasped as wave after wave crashed over her, each one more intense than the one before it.
They both slowed their movements to a stop, panting and out of breath. Their bodies were sticky with sweat, their skin hot against one another. Owen rested his forehead against Amelia’s, offering her a tired smile. “I don’t regret leaving the house at the crack of dawn for you. Not one bit.” 
“That’s good to hear.” Amelia tiredly mumbled, running her fingers in his hair and dropping her head against the window. Owen inched closer to her, moving his head to her chest and leaving it there. “When does your shift start?”
“At six, or six thirty. I don’t recall. What about you?” If she continued playing with his hair, he was bound to fall asleep any second now. His voice was laced with exhaustion and it was incredibly difficult to keep his eyes open.
“Six. I’m going with Meredith only, since Maggie starts at nine.” She waited a beat until realization dawned on her and Owen sprang away from her embrace, staring at her with a bewildered expression on.
“Shit. Shit. Fucking shit.” Owen cursed, rummaging the car for his clothes. “Absolute fucking shit. She’s going to be out any minute now.”
Amelia leaned forward, opening her car door and throwing him out. “Go go go. Run off before she comes. Move!”
Owen ran off towards his car, half naked. He turned around, gave her a small wave and entered his car, driving off to god knows where. Amelia sighed in relief; happy she wasn’t caught having sex in Meredith’s car. Meredith’s brand new car. 
In that very second, she saw Meredith exit the house and slowly walk towards the car. She was squinting her eyes, trying to make sure her eyes weren’t deceiving her this time. Amelia put her bra on and pulled her shorts up, looking for her shirt. 
“You’re early.” Meredith announced, throwing her stuff on the passenger seat beside her and entering the car. She turned around and stared at Amelia, not reacting anymore to seeing her half naked. “This is odd.”
Amelia exited the car and opened the door to the front passenger seat, throwing Meredith’s stuff to the seat behind her. “You shouldn’t be complaining otherwise I’ll start coming late again.”
“I’m not complaining!” She said, raising her hands up in surrender. Meredith turned around, looking for something behind her. She threw Amelia’s shirt in her direction and continued her search, mumbling angrily when she couldn’t find it. “I can’t find Zola’s drawing. And why are the seats so sticky over here?”
Amelia was hoping Meredith would never find out. Otherwise, they’d never hear the end of it.
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gl211 · 10 years ago
Could you do number 9? "Don't you ever do that again!"
So this really just a lot offluff.  With the prompt line thrownsomewhere in the middle. I needed some fluff today- hence this little piece.
These drabbles have been so fun!If anyone wants to see any of the other ones, submit them before tomorrownight, as I’m going to finish up with these specific drabbles this weekend!Enjoy xo
“How much longer do you thinkshe’s going to attempt to work?”
Owen glanced at Jackson as theyounger man came up next to him, both of them leaning against the desk as theywatched a very pregnant Amelia struggle and attempt to write her name on thesurgical board.
“Knowing Amelia- until the lastpossible second.”
Jackson smirked at his response,as he tapped something into the tablet. They both looked up at the sound of something hitting the floor, to bemet with the image of Amelia bent over clutching her stomach.
Owen practically jumped over thedesk, Jackson hot on his trail, as he gently grabbed Amelia, as she looked up,her blue eyes frantic. She grasped his forearm as she continued to clutch herstomach.
“I think we need to page Robbins.”
“I’ve got it!” said Jackson as hequickly turned back around walking towards the desk.
“You might want to tell hersomething.” said Amelia as she watched Jackson furiously dial numbers on thephone.
“That I’m really not in labor.”
Both Jackson and Owen’s heads spunaround so fast as Amelia suddenly popped up, standing completely normal. Shereached down for the marker she dropped and turned back towards the board.Jackson quickly hung up the phone as both men looked incredulously at her.
“Is she serious? Seriously?”
Jackson huffed off in the oppositedirection as Owen continued to just stare at Amelia. Feeling his threateninggaze, she turned around.
“What?” she questioned.
“Did you really just do that?”
“I didn’t have a choice!  If you two were going to talk about me youcould’ve at least done it out of earshot. I’m being mommy-trackedtwenty-four-seven. I’m pregnant. Not an invalid.”
“You’re 36 weeks pregnant. “ hereasoned. “You should be taking it slow.”
“I’m fine. I know my limits. I’m only doing surgeries that are six hoursor less. I take a ten-minute sitting break every hour, where I drink water andI let Edwards close up all of my surgeries. I’m doing absolutely everything I’msupposed to be doing.”
He wanted to argue with her, buthe knew she was right. She’d done everything to ensure that this pregnancycould go as smoothly as possible. He didn’t doubt that she knew her body andit’s limits. But it was Amelia, and his kid; he was allowed to be riddled withworry.
“Don’t ever do that again, okay?”
“Fine.  I won’t. But hey, at least we know how you’llreally be when I actually go into labor. A basket of crazy.”
He narrowed his eyes at her as shelaughed, and then leaned in to kiss her forehead. She felt his hand restagainst her stomach and she allowed it to rest there for a moment beforeshooing it away.
She had always hated PDA. Therewas a place for it and work wasn’t one of those places. But with Owen, shecould never hate it, if anything she had to refrain from melting into a pile ofmush.
“Go. I have surgery in ten. I’ll meet you back at the house later. Okay?”
He nodded, as he went to turn, butwas stopped by Amelia grabbing his arm. She smiled before leaning in andkissing him quickly. She let go of his arm and stepped back putting her handson her hips. He smirked at her before quickly turning and leaving, heading towardsthe ER. She put her hands on her stomach, rubbing slowly as she felt the babykick.
“Okay you. Let’s keep theintestine punching to a minimum. If you’re good, I promise there will be icecream later.
Owen entered the house fully expectingto find Amelia in their living room off the entrance.  The last three weeks it had become her ritualto come home from work and sit completely propped up with pillows, watchingsome trashy reality show while indulging in ice cream.
He peered into the living room tosee the TV off with no one there. He walked into the kitchen to see her hunchedover their island, one hand grasping the counter, the other tightly clutching herstomach.
“Oh great. Who’re you trying tofool now?’
He watched her look up at him, herblue eyes wide. Her eyes. Her eyes always gave off how she was feeling, whatshe was thinking.  Her eyes read directlyinto her soul. It was one of the many things he loved about her. But he lookedinto her eyes, which locked with his, and he didn’t see playfulness or humor.
“How long?” he asked as he quicklywalked over to her.
He wanted to reach out to her, butas his arms went out to her, she shook her head violently. She held one fingerup, asking him to wait, before clasping both of her hands together so her handswere together in a fist, leaning completely against the counter as acontraction came on. 
He heard her try and stifle back acry and moved towards her, not caring if she hated it. He undid thewhite-knuckle lock she had on her hands and replaced it with one of his, as shegratefully squeezed it, looking up as the wave of pain ended.
“About two hours.”
He had to bite his tongue fromfreaking out about the amount of time she had let pass. He wanted to yell andquestion why she hadn’t called. He was freaking out. He could feel his heartpractically thumping out of his chest. They were about to become parents. Thenext time they’d come home it would be with this tiny little person relying onthem for everything.
“Okay we need to leave now.” saidOwen gently as he put his hand on her lower back in attempt to lead her out ofthe room.
She remained fixed in her spot; heturned towards her, one hand still laced in hers and one that had been tryingto move her forward. She shook her head and closed her eyes.
‘No. I can’t do this.”
“No.” she snapped as she flinched away from him and waddled to theother side of counter. “I thought I could do this but I can’t. I’m sorry, butno.”
“Amelia you’re in labor we need togo to hospital.”
“If we go to the hospitaleverything changes.”
“Well yes. But in a good way. Mia,we’re having a baby. This is a good thing.” he said as he walked closer towhere she had moved.
“You don’t get it! Once we gothere, it's out of our hands.” she said as tears welled in her eyes, she moanedagain as she leaned forward a little bit as her body rebelled against herwords.
He finally made theconnection.  The last time she had donethis, she didn’t get to come home with a baby. She had been alone. This day, amoment similar to what was happening now, had been one of the worst days of herlife.
He walked up behind her pressinghis hands against her hips, where her hands currently were in fists, in what hecould only assume was to try and relieve pain. She tried to pull away, but hishands moved hers out of the way and pressed firmly, partially to keep her frommoving, but in attempt to help. He rest his head, sort of against hers, herhead bent as she tried to focus on what was happening.
They stood like that until she wassure that her contraction had ended.  Herbody unbent, as she stood up straighter, moved out of his grasp. She turnedaround, staring directly at him.  Shesighed as she tried to swallow the lump she felt in her throat. She movedtowards him, her arms  wrapping around him, as she leaned against him. She felt his handgo to her hair, his fingers getting tangled in her locks as he tucked a piecebehind her ear.
“I’m scared.”
“I know. I am too.”
She swat at him, getting a grinfrom him. She wasn’t sure how he did that. He always managed to get herself outof her own brain, right when the world felt like it was going to collapsearound her.
“You’re not supposed to say that!”
He smiled again, finally get thesmallest hint of a barely there grin out of her. She put her hands against hischest, as his moved from her back to encircle her stomach.
“What if-“ she started.
“Don’t think like that.  We’re going to go to the hospital, just likewe normally would. We’re going to wait for a few hours and your probably goingto be throwing ice chips at me and locking me out of the room. But then we’regoing to have a baby. And then in a few days we’ll get to come home.”
“They’re going to let us leavewith something that little? Are they crazy?” she teased.
He laughed at her banter, knowingthat he had succeeded in getting her out of the heart-wrenching place she hadbeen heading towards moments earlier. She smiled, this time a real one, as hekissed her softly.
“You’ll be there the wholetime?”
“The whole time.”
She nodded as she let go of hishand stepping in front of him, reaching for the bag they had left on thecounter for when this moment would finally arrive. He reached and took it fromher, as her hand went to wrap around his bicep, squeezing slightly as her bodytensed up again.
“Alright. Let’s go before I havethis baby in our kitchen.”
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thisonesforthelonelyworld · 10 years ago
Beautiful Distraction
A/N Hi, I know this is terrible and I haven’t posted in a while, but I’m extremely sleep deprived now and my brain isn’t functioning properly.  I don’t have many ideas for the prompts in my inbox right now, so it’s taking a while, I’m sorry. But please, if anyone has any interesting prompt ideas, send me them!! Also, sorry for any grammar mistakes!! this one’s for you snowwhiteandthehaileyhuntsman !! hope you like it!!
“Um...Doctor Shepherd. I think that other doctor over there really wants your attention.” The patient said, while looking weirdly out the doors, towards the nurse’s station.
Amelia looked over and tried not to roll her eyes at Meredith’s antics. She was performing a brief neuro exam on her patient who had just woken up after his surgery. Meredith was waving her hands about and trying to whisper shout to get Amelia’s attention while simultaneously scaring off some nurses when she nearly back-handed them.
“Just ignore her Ben.” Amelia said to her patient with a smile.
As Amelia was going to the nurse’s station to update Ben’s chart and towards Meredith, she spotted Owen at the end of the hall, talking to Avery. He was wearing his usual ‘chief’ attire which today, consisted of a light blue button down and a beige tie. Her mouth might as well have been watering. She was so focused on Owen that she didn’t see where she was walking and she collided with someone and she ended up on the floor.
“Dude. Woah, watch where you’re going.” It was Alex and he was trying not to laugh as he offered her a hand. By this point everyone had stopped what they were doing and was looking at her. Including Owen. He looked like he wanted to come over and help but he didn’t and for that Amelia was thankful because if he had then there would have been an even bigger disaster.
Maggie who had to hold her breath to stop laughing, eventually let out a loud snort. Then everyone’s attention was on her. Amelia still bright red, stood up and walked, as graciously as she could, the rest of the way to the nurse’s station without looking anyone in the eye. Everyone eventually returned to their tasks and Amelia let out a huge breath of relief.
“What did you want Meredith?” Amelia inquired as she updated Ben’s chart.
“Well… I was… wondering if you were busy Wednesday to Friday?” Meredith asked.
“Most likely not. Why?”
“So maybe you’ll watch the kids for those two days and let them sleepover at your place?”
“Yeah. No, sure. Why though? You usually only let them stay for the one night though. What’s going on?”
“I know, it’s just Hunt wanted some of us to go and speak at a conference in Chicago and nobody from general could go so I volunteered because it could be good, you know. And Maggie here is also going so she can’t babysit and…” Amelia drowned out the rest of Meredith’s reasons when she heard Owen laugh while he was still talking to Avery.
She was mesmerized by him. The way all the lines around his face would appear when he was happy or laughed. The way his eyes would soften every time he looked at her. The way he fidgeted when he was talking to someone he didn’t want to. The way he talked using his hands to emphasise certain words. The way he would wrap his arm around the back of his neck whenever he became sheepish, as if he was caught stealing cookies. The way his eyebrows would lower and scrunch up when he was confused. And the way his eyebrows would raise when he was concerned, showcasing his soulful cerulean eyes. She wanted to know everything about him.
She didn’t realise that she was making ‘heart’ eyes at Owen all this time so when Maggie literally shoved her face in front of Amelia’s she damn well nearly had a heart attack. Plus she was blocking the view.
“What the hell Maggie? What are you doing?” Amelia exclaimed incredulously.
“Well I did what I had to do. Where did you go? You were completely out of it for a 5 solid minutes. I was prepared to stick a needle into you to get you to snap out of whatever trance you were in. We’ve been calling your name and everything. You were the one minute and then you just kept mumbling ‘yeah’ to Meredith’s questions. Even though half of them weren’t even questions!!” Maggie rambled.
Amelia completely forgot Meredith was there, so when she looked at Meredith, she kept turning her head back and forth, looking at Owen and then back Amelia with narrowed eyes. Crap. Meredith recognised the look. It was freakishly similar to the one Derek would often give her.
While Maggie was still rambling on, Meredith made eye contact with Amelia and quietly observed, “You love him.” It wasn’t a question.
“Wait, what!! She loves who?” Maggie whipped her head around so fast to look at Meredith that Amelia thought she’d get whiplash.
Amelia blushed and looked back down at the abandoned chart. She hadn’t really figured her feelings out herself so she didn’t reply to Meredith’s statement. Maggie was determined to find out who Amelia was supposedly in love with, so she scanned their surroundings for any males. She saw Alex in a patient’s room, but it couldn’t be him, he was with Wilson. There was the two interns standing over there, but Amelia would definitely not go for the interns. There was Richard who had just came up so he couldn’t be it. Then finally, she saw Jackson and Owen talking at the end of the hall. Jackson was with April though, so that left…
“HUNT? ITS OWEN ISN’T IT? Oh my gosh!!” Maggie shouted so loud that Owen turned to look at the three sisters, in confusion. As he looked over, all three gave him a small smile but he only wanted to see Amelia’s smile and that cute little dimple, but not to seem too obvious, he tried to not linger at her face.
“Maggie!!” Amelia and Meredith both whisper-shouted.
“Sorry.” Maggie said sheepishly.
Meredith did not miss the look Owen gave Amelia when he looked over. Apparently he reciprocated her feelings. She looked over at Amelia and gave her a small genuine smile. “I’m happy for you Amelia. He’s a good guy. He obviously makes you happy, and that’s all me or Derek could ever ask for.” Meredith wrapped an arm around her.
“Yeah, from the time I’ve known him, he’s one of the good guys. Keep him, especially if he cooks, does his own laundry and cleans up after himself. If there’s anyone who deserves happiness in this hospital, it’s you.” Maggie added.
Amelia wondered how she ever got so lucky with these two.
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cailesss · 9 years ago
First Date
"So dinner tonight?" Amelia asked tapping her tablet. Owen looked up from his charts. "Are you asking me out on a date?" He grinned. "I'm actually waiting for a response." She replied putting it down and looking over at him with a wicked grin. "Hmm.. I don't know." Owen lied pretending to think about it. She suddenly got nervous and her confidence started to fade. He noticed her sudden change. "I'm kidding, I don't have to think about it. Name and time and place and as long as you're there, I will be too." He smiled. She exhaled in relief. "Meet me outside at 7 then?" She asked. He nodded and a nurse ran over saying a patient was asking for him about a surgery. He excused himself and walked away with Amelia watching him as he went. The long day seemed to take forever and Amelia had felt like she'd been tapping her foot impatiently all day. It had been awhile since she was on a "first date" All over again and even though she knew Owen and he knew her, she felt like a high schooler all over again. It was ten til 7 and Amelia had finished up a consult and told Edwards to keep track of patients that had surgery planned for the following day. "Go, have fun on your date." Stephanie said shooing her out. Amelia sighed and went to change into her clothes, meeting Owen going the same direction. "Hey." He smiled. "Hi." She replied. "On your way out?" "Yeah, I'm about to go on a date with a beautiful woman, and I have to admit I'm pretty nervous. I hope she likes me." Owen teased. "Oh really? Something tells me she really does, and you won't have anything to worry about." Amelia played along. He smiled and took in her side profile. They both changed quickly and Owen walked over as Amelia was throwing her shirt on. "Already on the first date? I mean not that I'm complaining." Owen snickered. She rolled her eyes playfully. "Very funny." She smiled. "Ready?" She asked picking her bag up and slugging it over her shoulder. He nodded and they walked out towards the main entrance. Midway through Owen's hand moved towards Amelia's and his fingers gently interlaced hers. She had to hold in the grin that she felt growing feeling his fingers against hers. They got to the car and Amelia drove, leaving Owen to wait and find out where they were headed. "A drive in?" He asked as they pulled into the lot. There were cars scattered facing a large viewing screen with movie previews playing. "We're just on time." She smiled. "Come on." She said getting out and walking around to the back of the car. She opened the truck to blankets sprawled out, pillows laid down, and snacks. "Nicely done Amelia Shepherd.." Owen grinned. She hopped onto some pillows and sat down and Owen followed as they let their feet dangle off the car. Grease played on the screen as they had small talk. "Would you rather.. Live on an island with anyone of your choice or any choice of food?" Amelia asked. "Hmm.. Is the other person considered food if I bring them?" Owen asked. You'd go cannibal?" Amelia laughed. "We probably taste like chicken." Owen said looking at her. "Gross." She laughed throwing candy at him. She turned towards the movie and started to actually pay attention as Owen shifted moving onto his side and looking at her. She looked out of the corner of her eye at him and noticed him staring. "You're missing the movie." She grinned. "Am I?" He retorted. She turned her head towards him and scooted closer to her finding her hand again. His thumb grazed her knuckles. "Still nervous?" She asked. "Maybe. My dates pretty cool though, except for the fact I really want to kiss her but I don't want to rush it." He admitted looking up at her. "I think you should. She wants you to." Amelia smiled leaning her head closing to him. He didn't waste anymore time and closed the space between them and kissed her. It might not have been their very first kiss, but every time he kissed her, it felt like the first time and he didn't have to hesitate to know she was going to be his last first kiss. It was short yet sweet kiss and Amelia opened her eyes as they both separated. "Think I'll have a shot for a second date?" He grinned. "Defiantly." She smiled. He grabbed some pillows and propped them behind him and put his arm around her as she curled closer to him.
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greysanatomymeanttobe · 10 years ago
I’ll Follow The Sun
This is part three and the last part of The Eye Of The Hurricane and Luckiest Girl On Earth. Hope you like it :)
It was perfect. It had to be. Everything had to be perfect. She looked at the table she had set for the twentieth time since she had gotten back from the meeting.
"I told you already that it was perfect, now go check on the food before it burns!"
"Stop, Richard! Everything has to be perfect!!"
"It will be! He will just be happy that you're going to have a baby, so just relax for a minute!” 
After the meeting, Richard had taken her out for coffee. Of course she had taken tea and Amelia had told him all about finding out about her pregnancy. He had told her how proud he was for her not freaking out, but she had explained it was all because of Lexie. "If it wasn't for her, I would've fainted and I could have brought severe damage to my children." He had then offered to help her with the preparations for dinner, which she gladly took because she had only one hour left to prepare everything. Before they had arrived at the loft though, he had dragged her in this toy store, where he had bought her two stuffed animals. She didn't want to accept it at first, said it was ridiculous that he was buying her this, but he insisted. 
"Oh my god, the food!!" She ran towards the kitchen and checked on the pasta. It wasn't anything special; to Amelia's annoyance the grocery stores had allready closed when she realized there weren't any ingredients for a fancy meal, so they just had to do with spaghetti carbonara. Richard looked up at the clock above the kitchen door and finished folding the last napkin. "I need to go, Catherin is waiting for me and I think Owen will be here soon." He walked over to Amelia and kissed her cheek. "Good luck, not that you need it."
"Goodbye Richard, thanks for this afternoon and thanks for helping me."
"You're welcome. See you tomorrow at work." He walked out the door and waved goodbye before closing the door. Amelia lighted the candles and took the sauce from the stove. She checked over the table again and saw that there was indeed nothing missing. She quickly ran towards their bedroom to change into a dark blue cocktail dress, that she loved. She was fixing her make up, when se heard Owens keys ramble in the hallway. She put a hand on her stomach and smiled. THIS WAS IT.
"Amelia?" She walked into the living room and smiled at his confused facial expression while looking at the table with the white tablecloth and the candlesticks. She walked up to him and kissed him. Something she had been dying to do all day. Wrapping her arms around him, he put his hand on her hip as his other moved to her hair. She loved how it always seemed to end up there, caressing her dark locks of hair. She was the one to pull away and motioned towards the table, telling him to sit down. He did suspiciously sit down and as she walked back into the kitchen to grab the food, he asked.
"Amelia, what's going on?" Amelia walked back into the room with two plates of carbonara and answered mysteriously: "Nothing! I just wanted to make you dinner." 
"Uhheuh?" said Owen skeptically, but he didn't ask about it until the end of the dinner. Amelia had sat through all the small talk about the hospital and their patients patiently but she couldn't wait to tell him the news. She was sitting on her hands so he wouldn't notice them shaking in excitement and got up only to grab desert, which were simple brownies and vanilla ice cream she found in the freezer. She remembered buying it a few weeks ago, but she had forgotten about it until she needed it that afternoon. Even though it was one of her favorite deserts, she barely managed to take a few bites, which of course Owen noticed.
"What's wrong?" He asked concerned. "Normally you drag me all around town to the places with the best brownies."
She gave up and put down her fork.
"There's nothing wrong. This is one of the few moments in my life that everything is perfect. I'm here with you, my husband, we're having a lovely dinner..."
"Yet you're not eating your favorite desert?" Amelia laughed and got up.
"I'm just anxious to give you something." He arched an eyebrow in curiosity and Amelia laughed again; he looked so silly when he did that. She took a deep breath and walked towards one of the cabinets near the tv. She didn't have a fancy box, so she just pulled out the red shoebox from her new shoes from about three weeks ago. She handed it to him and she almost danced from excitement to see his face. 
"You bought me heels? Thanks I've been waiting for these since I was twenty-four." He said jokingly. 
"Stop it! I'm trying to be all romantic and whole and stuff and you're ruining it." But she was still smiling and he started laughing. He opened the box and his smile fell. His face looked shocked when he saw what's inside; the two teddy bears Richard had bought and the picture of their two babies. As Amelia saw Owens face she got nervous and started rambling.
"I found out this morning, that’s why I went home early. I'm sorry I didn't take you to the first ultrasound; I know you should've been there, but I had to know for sure that we were actually having a healthy baby and I was so scared and I didn't want you to go through the same..." Her last words were cut off by her squeal, because he suddenly jumped up from his chair and picked Amelia up, twirling her around laughing. He put her down again and kissed her fiercely.
"We're going to have a baby?"
"Babies actually, twins." His eyes were sparkling and he kissed her again. 
"I can't believe it."
"Well you better, because it's happening inside me right now." At this Owens eyes fell down on her stomach and he kneeled down. 
"Hey there, you two!" And he kissed her belly button. She giggled at the tickling feeling and pulled him back up, because her lips were missing his. She still heard the rain raffling down on the roof of the loft and suddenly he pulled away and said: "Let's dance!” 
Amelia smiled at the father of her babies as he walked to the other side of the room to turn on the radio. As he walked back and gave her his hand, she put her hand on his shoulder and sighed happily as she nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck. She listened to his heartbeat, the music and the sound of the raindrops. 
She was jumping up and down in her rain boots on the grass, but Liz said she was doing it wrong. "You have to sway to the music like this. Dumdumdumdumdudududum." And she swayed along every rhythm.
She caught her breath and pulled away from Owen as he looked at her confused. But she only ran towards the radio and pulled out an old music CD from the Beatles.
"I just remembered a song that I used to dance on with my sisters." She slid in the disk and a few minutes later the tunes of "I'll follow the sun" came crashing out the speakers. She wanted to turn around and walk back to Owen, but he was already standing behind her and slid his arms around her body so his hands were resting on her stomach. Swaying slowly on the rhythm they danced until they lost track of time.
One day, you'll look
 To see I've gone
 But tomorrow may rain, so
 I'll follow the sun
 One day, you'll know
I was the one
 But tomorrow may rain, so
 I'll follow the sun

 And now the time has come and so, my love, I must go
 And though I lose a friend
 In the end you will know
 One day, you'll find
 That I have gone
 But tomorrow may rain, so 
I'll follow the sun

 And now the time has come
 And so, my love, I must go
 And though I lose a friend
 In the end you will know
 One day, you'll find
 That I have gone
 But tomorrow may rain, so 
I'll follow the sun
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scorstunning · 10 years ago
I really loved drowning seriously amazing can you write part 2?!
Hey anon, I will try my best here, hope you like it :)
Owen just watched the whole scene with a smile on his face. He really loved that Amelia’s friends were there to support her. She’d this big huge smile on her face and everything was lighter on his heart just for watched. Then she decided to introduce him to James. And his day became a nightmare.
‘James, this is Owen. Owen this is James, my ex fiancé’
Fiancé? That means that he saw her naked? All of her? That she loved him? And he still can make her smile that big? What the fuck?
Amelia just watched how Owen’s face fell down once she said the word ‘fiancé’. He looked hurt, and after he said hi to James he just walk away. She was worried about Owen, but she knew that has nothing she could do to help him right now.
Owen was laying on the on call room when Callie came in. She looked at him and realised how sad he was.
‘Hey whats wrong?’
‘I’m fine’
‘No, you’re not. The last time I saw you that sad was when Cristina was gone. What is going on Owen?’
Owen bit his lip, he didnt know if was a good idea to tell Callie about Amelia. But again, he only talk with Callie and Amelia and he needed to talk about that feelings with someone.
‘I.. well, have this girl right? And we had this thing like a year ago, and then it was over and I left, and when I came back its just, I realised that my feelings grew stronger y’know? I’d spend a year without even hear her voice and I fell even harder for her and she is in pain right now and I want to help her and hug her but she is my friend and her ex fiancé is here and ugh whatever.’
Callie looked at him, she’d never seen him like that. He looked like so depressed, that made Callie’s heart ache. She wanted to help him.
‘Who is this girl?’
‘I dont think I can tell you that Callie.’
‘Ok, I want to help you, but I need to know who she is Owen.’
Owen looked at Callie, she was his closest friend, if she couldnt trust her, well…
‘Its Amelia.’
Callie was honestly expecting that the girl would be Maggie or some scrub nurse, but looking at him, remebering everything she knew about Amelia she realised that they fit so well together.
‘First of all, you need to show her that you are the right one for her. So, why do you like her in first place?’
Owen closed his eyes. 
Why I like Amelia, is this some joke? 
‘I love her eyes, I love how everytime I look at them she stare back at me and make me feel like she is seing my soul. I love her smile, I love that she have a left dimple that appears when she’s smiling or when she got really angry. I love how everytime she is really excited about something she wrinkles her nose. She got so cute when she does that. I love that when she is fighting someone she stands on tiptoes. I love her strenght, she is so strong and I love how she only show her fears and her weakness when she is with me, I just love her. Everything about her.’
Callie looked at him, watery eyes
‘This is probably the cutest thing I ever heard you say. I will help you to get her back Major Hunt.’ Callie said, smiling.
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drreporting · 1 year ago
How “It” Came To Be Pt. 2
If Amelia had to guess when she and Owen might’ve conceived the twins, it would’ve been the day their sink actually broke. It was a couple days after the gala, a Monday, and Amelia thought she’d have the house to herself. At least, that’s what Owen told her last night. He assured her she could sleep late and not worry about getting the kids ready for school, which was true; there were no kids in the house as she ventured through it. But, as she stopped by the kitchen to make some coffee, she saw a pair of legs sticking out from under their kitchen sink. Owen hadn’t noticed her presence yet, so she took her time ogling at the way his arms flexed while he attempted to pull out one of the pipes. She didn’t know why, but the sight of him sweating as he exerted himself arose a primal response in her.
“I thought you’d be at work,” she began, startling him into banging his head against the pipes below the sink. She giggled softly as he slowly resurrected himself from within the cupboard, rubbing his forehead. He had on a pair of shorts, and he was topless, so she could see the beads of sweat running across his body, which oddly looked more toned than usual. Or maybe she was just horny.
“I would’ve been,” Owen voiced as he grabbed another tool next to him, “But someone broke the sink this morning, and neither Rosie nor Ryan would confess to it.”
“You think they broke the sink?” Amelia laughed, walking back to the coffee maker to finish her coffee.
“I know they did, I just don’t know how,” he grumbled, returning beneath the sink, “And Bailey is getting angrier every second I’m not at the hospital, and I’ll probably have to shower again even though I showered literally ten minutes ago.”
“Hmm,” Amelia hummed as she poured herself the coffee. She then went to sit on the floor, perpendicular to Owen, as she observed him trying to remove the pipes from one another.
“Why are you making that noise?” the trauma surgeon queried. He peeked out just in time to see her bottom lip tugged between her teeth. “And why are you looking at me like that?”
Knowing she had been caught, Amelia quickly recomposed herself, combing a hand through her hair as she sipped her coffee. “Just admiring.”
“Can you pass me that wrench while you’re there, admiring?” he retorted sarcastically. She frowned, not appreciating his tone of voice, but handed him the wrench regardless. She knew what she wanted, she just had to figure out how to get it. “I can barely see under here…” he grumbled, muttering a few words after that. She barely heard the words as she softly grazed her fingers against the light hairs on his chest, making him jump and almost hit his head again. “What are you doing?” he exclaimed.
“Nothing,” she innocently replied, her fingers trailing down the centerline of his torso now.
“That is not nothing,” he stated, removing a small pvc pipe from under the sink. He was still focused on the sink, and not her. “Oh, I found the problem.”
“What’s the problem?” Amelia asked, setting her coffee aside. She pretended to look under the sink and pay attention, but her true intention remained unknown to him.
“Well, it’s not good,” Owen stated. He was hoping it was clogged food or something along those lines, but it seemed more complicated than that. “Whoever did the plumbing on this sink is an idiot, firstly. And secondly, the drain plu-,” He went silent, immediately losing his train of thought as he felt her hand in his pants.
“The drain plug?” he heard Amelia’s voice faintly, encouraging him to continue explaining.
“The drain plug,” Owen murmured, trying his best to focus, “The chain for it is tangled in-,” A low moan escapes his mouth as he felt the warmth of her mouth now enveloping him. “Amelia…”
“What?” she asked after some seconds.
“I have work,” he muttered condescendingly, but he knew she would ignore him. Rarely ever did she care about his schedule if she wanted something like this. This, he knew. So, he wasn’t surprised when she ended up straddling him now, completely overriding his senses.
“Work can wait,” she said, grinding against him and eliciting another low moan from him.
“My hands are dirty,” he tried again, “I can’t touch you.”
“I don’t want you to touch me,” she whispered, and something in the way she said it made him last as long as a 10 second radio ad. But he knew she wasn’t done yet, not until she was satisfied.
He dared to peak out from under the sink, and he watched as Amelia rode him, touching herself as she completely ignored him. This pleasure was entirely for her, he was simply a participant that required no response or work. And, truthfully, it turned him on even more; the idea that she was just using him. So much so that he found himself going over the edge again. He knew she could feel it, her movements became more urgent, and her moaning was getting louder.
“Again,” she commanded him, and somehow, his body listened. Within another minute, he found himself ejaculating again, this time bringing her over the edge with him. She had milked him like a cow, and effortlessly too. Now he was dizzy, and spent, but evidently glad for the release.
“I think I need some water,” he chuckled, poking his head out from under the sink. He looked at her and smirked, seeing the prideful, content smile on her face. “And you need an exorcism for whatever that was.” She blushed a bit, feeling self conscious now that she was thinking clearly again.
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rollinscarisi · 8 years ago
Dirtier Than Expected
So some girl in the Omelia GC said they wanted a smutty fic based on Amelia’s “Married sex is dirtier than I expected” phrase on 13x03. I know some people on the fandom have written something like this but I wanted to give it a try anyway.
Also, this is my first time writing smut so let me know what you think, and if I should just go back to my normal fluff/angst stories…
It started with his fingers slowly running up and down along her thighs.
Amelia opened her eyes, as best as she could and tried to focus on the clock on her nightstand and it read 5:17am. Why was he even awake? They had at least another hour and a half till they needed to get up for work. Besides, wasn’t he satisfied from last night’s activities?
And as erotic as it felt, the touch of his fingers on her skin was also quite soothing, and without even realizing, she was lulled back to sleep. Owen didn’t even realize she had been awake for a little bit.
Next time she felt it, it was his lips kissing down her back. The rough touch of his morning stubble felt heavenly in contrast to the softness of his lips. Slowly opening her eyes, Amelia looked at the little clock and it read 5:31am…
She tried to go back to sleep, but his lips were getting dangerously low, and his hands were shamelessly squeezing her butt cheeks. Amelia arched her back and moaned his name.
In response, she feels him smile against the bottom of her spine and kiss his way back up, towards her neck, where he leaves a gentle bite.
“Good morning, wife.”
She moans because hearing him say that still gives her a certain special tingle.
“Kiss me…”
“Where do you think?” Amelia smiled at the way his eyebrow raised, clearly meaning he wasn’t thinking of her lips.
“I don’t know… There are a lot of place I could kiss, you know?”
“Oh yeah? Like where?” She bit her lip, encouraging him to show her exactly all the place he had in mind.
“Like… Here…” he placed a kiss on her forehead, “And here…”, another one on her neck, “And here…” his lips touched the skin of her chest between her breasts, enjoying the feeling of the swell of her breasts touching his each cheek, “And here…” this time the kiss was placed just below her belly button, “And here…” he kissed her panties, placed himself between her legs using his shoulders to spread them apart, and slid her panties to the side, “And here…” a gentle kiss was placed just above her clit.
Her breath catches then, long before his fingers have trailed to her glorious centre. And she’s already wet, like the anticipation is killing her. His fingers play against her, dipping in and out, circling her clit until her hips are moving against him.
He opens his mouth and immediately starts to suck hard on her clit, occasionally going lower and letting his tongue come out to play, sliding through her folds.
She’s incredibly turned on, wetter than usual he thinks, and he relishes in the knowledge of having control over this astonishing woman’s body.
He’s determined to make her come. So he let his fingers join the fun, knowing it drives her absolutely crazy when he stimulates her like this. His fingers dip in and out of her, the movement coordinated with the way his tongue his stroking her clit.
Amelia’s hands slide down her body, till she can grip his ginger hair, pressing him closer to her. She does this when she’s close, he knows. It’s her tell. So he ups his game and within seconds she’s coming undone.
It’s surreal to watch, he thinks, watching this woman shatter under him. Her head goes back and her body shakes for a moment before she sags and he almost has to catch her as she tries to get a hold of herself.
She still has her eyes closed, still recovering from the insane orgasm he just gave her, and senses him lifting his head from her chest, to place a kiss on the tip of her nose. In the distance, she hears his voice letting her know he’s going to take a shower.
And she lies there, until she hears the shower has stopped running. She gets up, picks up a random t-shirt, a few sizes too big that surely belongs to Owen, and makes her way to the bathroom, leaning against the doorway to admire the way the water droplets run down the skin of Owen’s abs till they dry on the towel wrapped around his waist.
He catches her eye in the mirror, smirks and starts shaving the slight beard that always grows over night.
There’s something about having a handsome man, as strong built has Owen, standing on her bathroom in nothing but a towel and shaving his beard that makes the blood rush through her body and a heat shoot through her core.
Amelia moves herself between Owen and the bathroom sink, and pushes herself up to sit on it.
“I’ve always wanted to do this.” She wraps her legs around his waist, linking her ankles together and bringing their bodies close. Amelia takes the razor from his hand and carefully runs it along his cheek.
“Careful…” His words are meant to tease her, the same way his hands are grabbing onto her butt cheeks, massaging her muscles. His eyes are shining with lust and an irresistible urge to kiss her.
“This would be easier if you stood still and didn’t try to kiss me. Not mention less dangerous.”
“You’re very kissable…” His face moves forward, trying to plant a kiss anywhere he could, but Amelia’s strong, yet delicate, grip on his jaw stopped him.
Amelia repeats the delicate movement of stroking the razor blade along his skin several times, carefully smoothing out his cheeks, jaw and chin. And with each movement, she can feel him hardening through the towel.
“There, done.” Her words are combined with her delicate finger stroking his, now smooth, cheeks.
“Uh uh. We’re far from done.”
His hands go to the hem of the t-shirt she’s wearing, his t-shirt, and pull it up revealing the extent of her delicious, extremely kissable skin.
And he teases her.
Because he loves the sounds she makes. And he knows that, despite saying the contrary, she does too.
“Owen,” she pouts, but he is determined so presses her against the bathroom sink, his front to her back. She gasps at the temperature contrast of her skin and the counter and catches his gaze in the mirror.
He lifts her leg easily and he lines himself up with her entrance. He isn’t gentle as he slides inside, and she makes a keening moaning sound as he stretches her. He pauses there, lets them both really feel it before he pulls out, just as painfully slow. His next thrust is just as patient and forces her to feel every damn inch. Her breath hitches as he bottoms out and her fingers squeeze at the hand still splayed over her stomach.
He doesn’t give her time to adjust either, but starts up a slow, hard, steady rhythm that has her breath catching, whimpering and whining with each inward thrust.
They eyes never leaving each other on the mirror.
It’s hot and incredible erotic. They really couldn’t care less that they’re going to be late for work.
“Don’t you dare come,” he tells her, nips at her ear, her jaw and her neck. “Not without permission, do you hear me?”
He’s using his ‘army voice’, she knows. And it’s dangerous territory, because the things that voice can make her do…
She nods, can’t make words work. It’s enough and he drops his face into the back of her neck. He leaves marks all along the side of her neck down her collarbone while each thrust, each bite of his teeth, pushes her just a little bit higher each time. It takes less time than she’d like to hover at that edge, her body begging his while she moans and keens with his every touch.
“Not yet,” he tells her. “Don’t you come yet, sweetheart.”
“Please,” she gasps. “Please can I?”
He holds her on that edge for what feels like endless moments, every push against her glorious, every twist of his hips pressing against her clit just right and it takes all of her concentration to keep herself from flying.
“Oh look at you, that’s my girl.”
He needs to stop and she whimpers, her hands clenching on the back of his head, gripping his blonde locks.
“Please,” she begs.
He hums, but it isn’t permission.
“Please, please, please, please.”
His hand comes up, presses against her mouth. “Not yet.”
She isn’t sure how much longer she can hold on though, arches against his every thrust, moaning and whining.
“Ready?” he asks, his own voice wrecked. “Are you ready to come for me, Amelia?”
She nods beneath his hand, needs to come more than she needs to breathe.
“I’m going to touch you,” he tells her. “I’m going to touch you and you’re going to come around my cock, screaming my name.”
She nods frantically. She’s perched on the edge, ready to fall at his smallest command. She feels him squeeze his hand between them, gasps as his fingers press against her, circling purposefully.
She does and she screams his name as she clenches and flutters around his cock. Her vision whites out and her lungs struggle to pull in air as the orgasm overtakes her.
The flutter of her muscles around him sets him off too and he groans into the back of her neck.
“So good Amelia.”
When she finally floats down, he’s stroking her hair, his own body limp.
“Oh my god, Owen.”
Married sex is dirtier than she expected.
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