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Had to change the class for them recently (mystic was interesting, but, ultimately, a pain in the ass for everyone involved) so I went insane and did a fool creature redesign. I really want to do smth more coherent later, but these are an exercised in procrastination, and considering that, I am pretty happy with how it turned out
#my art#dnd#oc: ovir#dnd artificer#dnd barbarian#you can't tell by how they look yet but trust me we'll get there eventually#rn they are mostly in shock from the whole “a god decided to give me 10 extra limbs and change my magic” thing#aasimars are weird *shrug*#aasimar#oc
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The party in the game I DM! They're pretty chaotic-
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#DnD#Dungeons and Dragons#shifter#rogue#drow#wizard#aasimar#mystic#OC: Marien#OC: Ryleth#OC: Ovir#Friends' OCs#MoA#Truc Draws
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I’m like a girl but if a girl was agonising over the inherent tragedy of fossilised dinosaur nests. Ones that hadn’t even had the chance to set their eyes upon the open sun, only felt the warmth through their shells before the world was covered in dust. Those who had hatched earlier than their siblings, but were too small, young, and weak to leave the confines of the nest pits yet, excited to one day explore the world, before their futures were cruelly cut short. To the parents that lay down by their offspring, accepting of something that they might have been able to grasp in part but not in totality. In shell fragments and mineralised bones laying side by side beneath the layers of earth.
#Moss go tf to sleep#dinosaurs#I might have implied that interest of mine in a few posts before about the nhm but yeah#I own 3 dinosaur encyclopaedias#My favourite shirt is a graphic of Sophie from the nhm. Have I mentioned I like the nhm#sorry I saw a Wikipedia caption mentioning the parental behaviour of Maiasaura to their nests and got emotional#I was mentioning nesting behaviour of birds on a biology homework that nesting was probably irrelevant to. I need to think about creatures#so that I can retain somewhat of an interest in this subject#one of my friends (wants to do zoology undergraduate and also loves dinosaurs) understands the pain#maiasaura#ovirators#I want to talk about oviraptors and now is not the time but you can guess how they got their name from ovum#alright goodnight dear strangers on the internet#and good afternoon and good morning#I hope you are all well. I like you lot#Dinosaur tag
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Essencia De Ladrão [Abilio rap part W.O Monster]
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(via Nollywood Actress Peggy Ovire Responds to Kie Kie's Stance on Bill Sharing in Marriage)
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Old English versus Middle English versus Modern English?
The Old English language is the primitive form of our modern tongue, spoken by the Anglo-Saxons who migrated and settled the area now named for them around the 5th century AD.
After the invasion of Duke William the Bastard in 1066, the language began to change under the influence of the French and Norman languages, and by the 13th century evolved into the Middle form of English as well as the Early form of Scots.
The Middle form of English continued the trend of continental influence, and by the 15th century had evolved into the form known as Early Modern English, which in turn evolved into Modern English by about the 17th century.
Old English was the language of Beowulf; Middle English was the language of Geoffrey Chaucer; Early Modern English was the language of Shakespeare and the King James version of the Bible; and, of course, Modern English is our present tongue, though it has undergone some major changes since the 17th century.
Example (Our Father) in Old English:
Fæder ūre þū þe eart on heofonum, Sīe þīn nama ġehālgod. Tōbecume þīn rīċe, Ġeweorðe þīn willa, on eorðan swā swā on heofonum. Ūrne dæġhwamlīcan hlāf sele ūs tōdæġ, And forġief ūs ūre gyltas, swā swā wē forġiefaþ ūrum gyltendum. And ne ġelǣd þū ūs on costnunge, ac ālīes ūs of yfele.
Example (Our Father) in Middle English:
Oure fadir That art in hevenes Halwid be thi name Thi kingdom come to Be thi wille don On erthe as in hevenes Give to us this day oure bred ovir othir substaunce And forgiv us oure dettis As we forgiven oure dettours And lede us not in to temptacioun But delyevr us from yvel
Example (Our Father) in Early Modern English:
Our father which art in heauen, hallowed be thy name Thy kingdome come. Thy will be done, in earth, as it is in heauen. Giue vs this day our daily bread. And forgiue vs our debts, as we forgiue our debters. And lead vs not into temptation, but deliuer vs from euill
Example (Our Father) in Modern English:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.
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it'z ben a months na ambelez nmn oct na kaagad
pwidi time out muna ಥ_ಥ
juicecolored ang heeeeraaaaaappp ng environment sa mf college, sarap mag drop out mukang pera pa yung school namen nyagahahahahahahahahahahaha
sapilitan camping ah pag di sumama bagsak????
e hindi sumama, pinang lisensya q na lang
eto bagsak oh 🖕🖕🖕🖕
whahahahahhaa pero shet, alam ng parents q na sumama aq sa camping pero pinang lisensya q yung peraaa (╥﹏╥).
well to da resq nmn mga neghus q sa kanila raw aq slip ovir... thx puu for 2nights and 1day??!!! kpl mu koyah
pero eon lg, d2 na q mag lalabas ng hinanakit kixa sa anue..... hehehe
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A Ukrainian Jew shows up at the office of OVIR and asks for permission to emigrate to Israel. “Why do you want to leave the best country in the whole world?” asks the OVIR agent. “I have two reasons,” the Jew says. “When my neighbor gets drunk, he bangs on my apartment door and screams: ‘Just wait until we put an end to the Communist regime: Then we’ll stand up and get rid of all you Jews.’ Well, I don’t want to wait.” The OVIR agent smiles. “Don’t pay any attention to him. The Soviet regime will last forever.” “Well, that’s my second reason,” says the Jew.
#jacen reads#anti communism tag /#the hidden part of the joke is that it would be unlikely said Ukr Jew would be allowed to actually emigrate at all in that time frame lmao#antisemitism cw tag /
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Happy STS! Your story gets told from someone else's perspective. Whose is it?
Well, even though Wings gets told from 5 different POVs, our 2 mains and 3 side/mains, I think it would be fun from all the angles - Oni would have a fun perspective as a sand sprite obsessed with Brela. Ovir would have a dark way of telling the story and his secrets. Era and her messed up idea that everything is a competition and she would do anything to win, even if it means sabotaging others or using them. Emril would be a wild ride.
Definitely gives off a different vibe but it would absolutely show off a dark side of the world that is happening in the background!!
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77 motivos para não cometer suicidio
1. Ovir um eu te amo
2. Pode dizer isso de volta
3. Comer um chocolate
4. Passar um dia na rua longe de casa
5. Viajar para conhecer alguém
6. Tomar banhos quentes
7. Ver pessoas sorrindo
8. Mudar a vida de alguém
9. Superar uma decepção
10. Assistir filmes com alguém por ligação
11. Ovir sua música favorita pela vigésima vez
12. Dormir em uma ligação
13. Achar fotos antigas
14. Conhecer novas pessoas
15. Conseguir algo de valor
16. Plantar algo e ver crescendo
17. Fazer uma tatuagem
18. Aprender a cozinhar
19. Tirar fotos engraçadas
20. Cantar em um karaokê
21. Dançar feito maluco
22. Cantar no chuveiro
23. Fazer a própria versão de uma música
24. Ter piadas internas
25. ver raios
26. Se apaixonar
27. Olhar pela janela do carro
28. Sentir o cheiro do mar
29. Videogame
30. Polaroids
31. Fazer memórias
32. Sentir a brisa em um dia quente
33. Mudar o corte do cabelo
34. Encarar seus medos
35. Fazer algo que valeu a pena
36. Ajudar alguém
37. Ler teorias da conspiração
38. Dormir
39. Acordar e sentir o cheiro do café
40. Estalar o corpo
41. Meias engraçadas
42. Tirar nota máxima em algo
43. Fazer algo que você realmente quer
44. Passar o dia sem fazer nada
45. Ver videos durante a madrugada
46. Virar o travesseiro para o lado frio
47. Ter um animal de estimação ou fazer compania ao que tem
48. Chorar no ombro de alguém
49. Dar um abraço apertado
50. Se fantasiar no Halloween
51. Assistir aos fogos queimando no ano novo
52. Seu próximo aniverssário
53. Olhar as nuvens
54. Andar de barco
55. Encontrar um lugar no mundo onde você se encaixe
56. Mergulhar
57. Ir a festas
58. Experimentar a vida
59. Cometer erros
60. O simples fatos de estar vivo quando tantos já não estão mais
61. Ver a si mesmo se recuperando
62. Ser uma inspiração
63. Se sentir importante
64. Fazer as pessoas felizes
65. Só existir um de você no mundo
66. Ver suas cicatrizes sararem
67. Achar soluções
68. Nunca estar só
69. Melhorar
70. Ter amigos
71. Ter irmãos
72. Ter pais
73. Ter avós
74. Não estar sozinho
75. Querer estar vivo
76. Ver como o mundo é maravilhoso
77. Continuar.
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Here we go, finishing character design less than two hours before starting a new campaign
Meet Ovir, they are definitely not a freak
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Made two goofy discord stickers/emoji for @kamichka-spichka and @katarrinskey 's idiots yesterday
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#DnD#Dungeons and Dragons#shifter#aasimar#rogue#mystic#OC: Marien#OC: Ovir#Friends' OCs#MoA#Truc Draws
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Učinkoviti načini za povečanje produktivnosti
Zakaj je produktivnost pomembna?
Produktivnost ni le merilo, kako hitro opravljamo naloge, temveč tudi, kako učinkovito dosežemo svoje cilje. V hitrem tempu sodobnega življenja je pomembno najti načine, kako ostati osredotočeni in optimizirati svoje delo, ne da bi pri tem žrtvovali kakovost ali dobro počutje.
Preizkušene metode za večjo produktivnost
Načrtovanje dneva Začetek dneva z jasnim načrtom pomaga ohraniti osredotočenost na ključne naloge. Uporaba tehnik, kot je metoda »najpomembnejših treh nalog« (MIT – Most Important Tasks), zagotavlja, da se najprej lotite najbolj kritičnih obveznosti.
Tehnika Pomodoro Ta priljubljena metoda temelji na izmenjevanju obdobij intenzivnega dela (25 minut) in kratkih odmorov (5 minut). Po štirih ciklih sledi daljši odmor. Tehnika pomaga ohraniti visoko stopnjo osredotočenosti in prepreč\uuje izgorelost.
Odprava motenj Motnje, kot so obvestila na telefonu in nepotrebni pogovori, močno vplivajo na našo produktivnost. Uporaba aplikacij za blokiranje motečih elementov ali ustvarjanje tihega delovnega okolja lahko bistveno poveča vašo učinkovitost.
Postavljanje jasnih ciljev Cilji naj bodo specifični, merljivi, dosegljivi, relevantni in časovno opredeljeni (SMART). To poveča verjetnost, da jih boste dosegli, in vam omogoča spremljanje napredka.
Ustvarjanje učinkovitih navad
Navade igrajo ključno vlogo pri produktivnosti. Dobre navade, kot so redna telesna vadba, zdrava prehrana in dovolj spanja, pozitivno vplivajo na energijo in zmožnost osredotočenja.
Jutranja rutina: Jutranji obredi, kot so meditacija, raztezne vaje ali zapisovanje dnevnih ciljev, vas lahko pripravijo na uspešen dan.
Večerna refleksija: Ob koncu dneva si vzemite nekaj minut za razmislek o doseženem in načrtovanje naslednjega dne. Ta navada pomaga zaključiti dan z občutkom dosežkanosti in zmanjšuje stres.
Premagovanje izgube motivacije
Vsakdo se kdaj znajde v obdobju, ko mu zmanjka motivacije. Pomembno je prepoznati te trenutke in ukrepati:
Spremenite okolje: Včasih preprosta sprememba okolja – na primer delo v kavarni ali knjižnici – lahko povrne osredotočenost.
Poiščite inspiracijo: Branje knjig o osebni rasti ali poslušanje motivacijskih podcastov vam lahko pomaga prebroditi obdobja nizke motivacije.
Spomnite se na cilj: Ko veste, zakaj nekaj delate, je lažje premagati trenutne ovire. Podobno kot pri strateških igrah, kjer morate vedno imeti v mislih končni cilj, tudi pri povečani produktivnosti ostanite osredotočeni na dolgoročne rezultate. Za navdih pri razvoju strategij si lahko ogledate več na https://betonred-si.si/.
Zaključek: Majhne spremembe za velike rezultate
Povečanje produktivnosti ni nujno zapleten proces. S postopnimi spremembami in vzpostavitvijo zdravih navad lahko dosežemo pomemben napredek. Pomembno je, da smo dosledni in se zavedamo, da je vsak korak naprej uspeh. Poskusite uporabiti zgoraj navedene metode in opazujte, kako se vaša produktivnost poveča.
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Frederick Leonard Clarifies Marriage Rumors and Kissing Roles
Frederick Leonard, a Nollywood actor, has confirmed that his marriage to Peggy Ovire has no cracks, as several bloggers and followers had thought. Rumours of a split in the actor’s marriage emerged after his wife posted Christmas-themed images in which her spouse was absent. An Instagram site also claimed that the couple is having a marital problem because Frederick routinely cheats and…
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Peggy Ovire reacts to husband’s outburst on alleged marital crisis
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