#over the da game window so. magnus it was
azarland · 4 years
fuck game mechanics only letting rogues learn lockpicking uhh azriel can pick Most locks, mainly the simpler ones, & he learned by practicing on his own chambers’ door & chests, & he learned entirely so he could sneak into his siblings’ rooms when they were away to mess with their things & also to get into the kitchen in the middle of the night for his & magnus’ midnight snacks
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xenosgirlvents · 5 years
Honestly, after seeing some batreps with the new marines Codex Supplements, along with a few other factors, I've hit the point of planning to quit 40k. It just sucks seeing my faction(The fucking Death Guard), get curbstomped both in the lore and the crunch, abd they have a fucking primarch (fuck kaldor draigo!). And to think, i started in Christmas of 2016 and have already hit my bullshit limit. To conclude, fuck GW and fuck the SPESS MUHREENS AND DA EMPRAH(as the dumbass fanboys say).
On crunch all I can say is: unlike Lore this does ebb and flow, this does come around. There was a time where Jain Zar could defeat almost every special character from the Marine factions thanks to Disarming Strike and there was a brief window at the end of 7th Edition where the Avatar of Khaine would defeat both Roboute and Magnus in a fight because their Melee attacks came with Soulblaze which rendered him immune to said attacks.
I understand the frustration completely, trust me I do I am still incredibly depressed over how lacklustre Jain Zar is in crunch, but all I can say is that on this matter, at least, things do change. Without a doubt we are in a period of time where Marines will, most likely for a year or so, be quite dominant and, in particular, win in almost all individual unit-on-unit match-ups, but this can change and does tend to change so at least I can assure you this will not be an indefinite, or even necessarily long, state of affairs.
On the lore side, sadly, there is nothing like this. I can’t offer much, if anything because, yeah, that’s just what GW and BL write: Marines always winning. That’s 90% of all lore in 40k. Death Guard, sadly, are no exception. I’ve said before it’s indicative of how absolutely terrible at stakes and tension GW is that they cannot fathom that consistently introducing major antagonists by having them lose undercuts any sense of threat. This was repeated with Mortarion and the Death Guard who’s massive reintroduction was done through the vector of the Plague Wars...a conflict they lost. Out of the gate GW defangs any of their non-Loyalist Space Marine factions in the lore and sadly this won’t change, unlike the crunch. 
I’m afraid I have no advice here I can give. The problem that exists is that the model game itself tells players they are free to invest in all factions and that they will have a return on their emotional investment and the model game is written to try to excite the attention of a player in the faction they choose. But then the wider setting is written with the understanding that there is only one faction you can invest in; Space Marines. This disjoint is what is so upsetting. Many of us become interested in 40k for non-Space Marine factions but then, when trying to move into the deeper setting, are simply confronted with the stark reality that GW doesn’t care about any faction but Space Marines in the wider setting. 
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symbianosgames · 8 years
Warhammer: The End Times – Vermintide erhält einen Haufen neuer Verbesserungen.
Zum Thema ab 18,99 € bei Amazon.de Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide für 22,39 € bei GamesPlanet.com Die Warhammer-Fantasy-Welt ist riesig und bietet viel Platz für Geschichten und Legenden. All diejenigen, die mehr über die Hintergründe von Warhammer: The End Times - Vermintide und die Historie von Überstreik erfahren möchten, haben Grund zur Freude. Denn der neue Lorebook-DLC macht genau das möglich und das beste daran ist: Der DLC ist kostenlos!
Dank der neuen Erweiterung sind von nun an in allen möglichen Missionen von Vermintide Seiten aus dem Buch der Überlieferungen zu finden. Durch das Aufsammeln dieser Seiten schaltet man Lorebook-Einträge frei, auf denen dann ausführliche Infos über die Welt von Überstreik zu lesen sind. So kann man noch mehr über die Orte, Bestien, Geschehnisse und Helden aus dem Spiel erfahren.
Im Buch der Überlieferungen stehen etliche Fakten über die Orte und Bewohner von Überstreik.
Außerdem wurde mit dem Patch 1.6 ein neues Update für Vermintide veröffentlicht, das gemeinsam mit dem Lorebook-DLC 12,5 GB groß ist. Damit soll auch ein neues Patch-System für das Spiel eingeführt werden. Denn auf Wunsch der Community sollen in Zukunft die Updates mit einer wesentlich geringeren Downloadgröße daherkommen.
Auch interessant für Fans von Vermintide: Kostenloses Update fügt VR-Modus hinzu
Patchnotes von Patch 1.6
Neue Features:
Added new "Lorebook" to Red Moon Inn and "Lorebook Pages" to all levels
Added secrets to Summoner's Peak
Bug Fixes:
Resolved an issue where the Rat Ogre would get killed if pushed into walls by explosions
Fixed ingame sounds not always being lowered or muted when in a menu
Fix for Town Meeting bronze achievement
Optimized Slave Rat Art
Optimized skaven corpse props
Corrected German localization for "Accept" and "Cancel" buttons in the launcher.
Various crash fixes
Fixed some texts being fitted too tight around images at certain resolution and window mode combinations
Fixed jumping-dodge exploit
Fixed some formatting and layout issues in various languages
Adjusted pinning distance on torso actors to reduce intersection problems.
Black Powder: Fixed exploit
Chain of Fire: Added VO for intro
Horn of Magnus: Fix for cases where player hot joins a game at the end event and spawns outside the area
Khazid Kro: Fixed bug causing machine sounds and shaking to continue after middle event
Khazid Kro: Players no longer able to get stuck on crates at a specific location (Storeroom)
Khazid Kro has had part of the ceiling repaired
Red Moon Inn: Made the outline for the shrine encompass the entire altar, and not only the book
Red Moon Inn: Removed a cup that kept falling into the lorebook!
Summoner's Peak: Fixed floating rope prop
Supply & Demand: Fixed exploit
General - Reduced Ogre damage on a lot of weapons, most notable: 1h Axe light attack, Falchion, 2h Hammer light attack, Glaive heavy attack - Increased Ogre damage on a lot of weapons, most notable: 1h sword light attacks, Crossbows (Note: Regular Crossbow, Not Volley Crossbow), Warpick charged level 2 attack - Fixed Skullcracker not properly triggering headshots when used with a projectile based weapon - Added buffer to all push chain actions to remove accidental double pushes
Fireball Staff: - When not charged the fireball explosion has a radius of 0.75 meters and deals no damage to Stormvermin. It still applies a burn effect which damages Stormvermin. - When fully charged the fireball explosion has a radius of 3 meters and deals damage to Stormvermin as well as applying the burn effect. - The heat cost of the charged fireball has been reduced
Bolt Staff: - We reduced the general damage output of the staff since in most cases it just resulted in large amounts of overkill damage. - The headshot multiplier was increased to compensate for the above to not reduce it's effectiveness as a dedicated special killer weapon. When you lock onto something, it should die. - The amount of time needed to acquire full charge has been cut in half. So you should get fully charged bolts out in half the previous time. - We reduced the heat cost on level 2 and level 3 bolts.
Conflagration staff: - Tweaked dot damage applications to be more consistent (The dot damage applications were bugged and very polarised where your dots either did a lot of damage or barely any damage, should now work more consistently) - Conflagration staff: The fire-patch now staggers unarmoured targets in the area of effect, meaning they will take more Damage over Time (DoT) applications and be stunned for longer. - Increased dual wield daggers blocking move speed from 85 to 90%Reduced dual wield swords and sword/dagger blocking move-speed from 95% to 85% - Changed Sword and Dagger sweeping heavy attack from 3 to 2 targets - Fixed a bug with the Rapier charged attack would not reach charge level 2 (piercing an extra rat and having added knockback) when charging the attack fully
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