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motoergosum · 4 years ago
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Trying an oval chainring. I didn’t even realize I was riding an oval until halfway through the trail. Seems to match my punchy cadence better than round. 🤘 🤓 🛠 #mtb #mountainbiking #mountainbikes #mtbtrail #mtbtrails #ovalchainring #oneupcomponents #mountainbike (at Oak Openings) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG4DCEIHrqV/?igshid=1kp435lrn95zj
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vpacebikes · 7 years ago
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Some #bikeporn for the next #gravelbike season - @eastoncycling EC90SL crank set + @absoluteblack.cc Oval 42T chain ring - 450 g #eastoncycling #absolutblack #ovalchainring #qrings #rotorqrings #gravelgrinding #cncporn (hier: VPACE Bikes)
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hirobumik · 5 years ago
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ENS Lite #3 S-TRAIL 静岡 0315 先週はENS S-TRAIL、コースはどこも気を抜け無い楽しさ。前日の雨でぬかるんだコンディションも午後には回復。気候も良くて良い休日となりました。 人間の方は天候の回復について行けず、安全走行。 このところ定位置の50代3位でした。 次はてっぺんに行きたいな〜 今回からインストールしたPushindustryのHC97と新しいダストシールの慣らしが終わり次のレースが楽しみです。 最初の4枚の写真は@_haru_photo #ENS #shizuoka #s-trail #suntacruzbicycles #hightower #nicemountain #sunnyday #pushindustries #HC97 #acs3 #hope #EVO #orange #ovalchainring #mountainbikelife #mtblife #mavicdeemax #mavic #maxxis #miniondhf #msc #msccassette (S-TRAIL) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Bkm6OHgyE/?igshid=c0a82ye4ghgb
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heimlichtrainierer · 6 years ago
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#oneupcomponents #ovalchainring #eggsnthings https://www.instagram.com/p/BoyEGURhh-f/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mgd0yzkdzq2z
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rgmtb-blog · 6 years ago
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Installed this new @absoluteblack.cc #ovalchainring on my #trekremedy8 and it looks great! I can’t wait to give this bad boy a try👍 #mtb #mountainbike #mtbporn #mountainbiking #ethirteencomponents #sramgxeagle #absoluteblack #absoluteblackoval https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn3tN2chGx1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e1ln3zlldy7c
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xandei-blog · 7 years ago
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Let's try the... #ethirteen #wolftooth #ovalchainring #srammtb #drivetrain #bikeparts #mtblifestyle #mtblife
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biketripspb · 7 years ago
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Сложный ремонт и аккуратное снятие шатунов Shimano произведенное @biketripspb Извлечение прикипевшей от зимней соли педали из шатуна и правка поврежденной резьбы. Далее перерезание ремонтой резьбы под съемник в замен сорванной. Шатун пытались снять неправильным съёмником и повредили резьбу. Все проблемы были устранены, а шатуны дополнили овальной звездой с 44 зубьями от @Garbaruk_components #narrowwide #crankrepair #kubel #cyclus #cyclustools #shimano #garbaruk #garbaruk_components #oval #melon #ovalchainring #104bcd #biketripspb #велоремонт #велосервис #Веломастерская #велосервис_спб #велосервисспб #веломастер #веломастерская_biketrip #biketrip (at Biketrip Профессиональная Веломастерская)
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pochmauibike · 8 years ago
32T oval chainring? 🤔 I haven't test ride on trail yet. Hopefully this week. — #ovalchainring #shimanoslx #bicycle #mountainbike #boomerang #gif
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apothecarydan · 9 years ago
It lives!!! ...for now. 😆 #🚴🏽💨 #absoluteblack #ovalchainring #trekbikes #trekmarlin @5ears ,I did it! (at Grand Forks, North Dakota)
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hirobumik · 5 years ago
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ENS Lite #3 S-TRAIL 静岡 0315 先週はENS S-TRAIL、コースはどこも気を抜け無い楽しさ。前日の雨でぬかるんだコンディションも午後には回復。気候も良くて良い休日となりました。 人間の方は天候の回復について行けず、安全走行。 このところ定位置の50代3位でした。 次はてっぺんに行きたいな〜 今回からインストールしたPushindustryのHC97と新しいダストシールの慣らしが終わり次のレースが楽しみです。 #ENS #shizuoka #s-trail #suntacruzbicycles #hightower #nicemountain #sunnyday #pushindustries #HC97 #acs3 #hope #EVO #orange #ovalchainring #mountainbikelife #mtblife #mavicdeemax #mavic #maxxis #miniondhf #msc #msccassette (S-TRAIL) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-BiSWZnZho/?igshid=1tp9l5sqlbzaw
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whosbahd · 10 years ago
Review - Absolute BLACK Oval 32t chainring 104 bcd, n/w
Late last night I mounted the new 104 bcd chainring onto the Middleburn crank on my Salsa Selma Ti single speed. I followed the highly complex instructions on the AB website to properly setup and tension the chain in about 2 minutes. 
Directions to install Absolute Black oval chainring on a singlespeed:
There is a small mark (triangle shaped) on the inner circumference of the chainring.This mark Must sit behind the crank arm.Position the crank between 3 & 4 o’clock (largest part of the chainring will face up) and then tighten the chain the same way as you would on a round ring.
The bolt holes are threaded so all that is needed is the bolt - no messing with the rear bolt nut with awkward slots. Just tighten each bolt evenly and go. Super easy, though my knee found out today that chain tension needs to be more precise than with a standard round ring setup. 
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Western Massachusetts techi goodness: 18miles of Batchelor Street / Earls Trails
I usually run a 32x22 for the trails we rode today. I went with the 32T oval with a 21t cog out back. It was a good pick, though with the major leaf litter limiting speed/momentum and awesome traction from the oval ring (keep reading!)  I would have been fine with a 22t cog out back.
We rode 18miles, 2k climbing, hitting both neighboring networks of Batchelor Street and Earls Trails. Trail conditions and descriptions are relevant of course, but It’s fair to say Batchelor Street in the Holyoke Range includes some of the most technical XC trails in New England: they are fast and twisty and require constant big efforts over punchy rocky climbs. Today’s ride was ideal for testing the range of the new oval ring. We did slow technical trails and then the faster longer steady climbs and descents of Earls. 
The oval ring feel and diatribe
I expected it to take a while to get used to the feel. Not so. Out of the parking lot I sensed a strange increased propulsion feel, yet there was no disruption to spin. It was easy to spin circles and my brain didn’t hesitate all day keeping things moving. Only once there was the slightest sense that the oval ring disrupted my efficiency. All day the ring inspired confidence. 
The oval ring doesn’t make pedaling easier. it makes the pedal stroke smoother. You spin through the deadspot faster so that when you get to part of the ring where power is put down, there is already more momentum so more mmmph is applied. This may or may not officially be ‘more power’. I have no idea and don’t care. (I don’t have a physics degree, sorry) It felt smooth, consistent, and my muscles appreciated it. 
As is true with most tech, I believe stronger riders will benefit the most from oval rings. Momentum is hugely important in technical single speeding. The oval ring and quickness into the power zone means that a slightly different effort is required to power into and out of short steep climbs where momentum is key. In these situations I would enter the incline with less speed, yet could pedal sooner coming out of the challenging spot I was looking to roll or hump through. Effectively this meant a more steady speed through rough sections (instead of more drastic ‘hammer then coast’).
Core strength and balance skills were called upon more yet overall muscle fatigue was reduced because efforts were consistent. For this reason I believe the oval ring will be fantastic for endurance racing where a harder gear can be pushed with less muscle fatigue as miles add up (or so I hypothesize).
What I liked about oval.
Muscle exertion seemed to remain more constant than the round ring where strong standing efforts require a lot more power than when sitting and spinning flat. Even now at the end of the day my leg muscles feel more evenly fatigued, instead of stronger intensity in large muscle group of the thighs. 
Less recruiting of back muscles. This could be due more to chiropractic work two days ago, but I was not recruiting lower back muscles when standing and hammering. My upper body was very much involved, yet the back stayed out of it as more groups of leg muscles seemed to be firing to provide the required effort. 
Traction was very noticeably improved. There were many slow grinding leafy technical inclines on our ride. I could retain traction with this ring noticeably better. This is difficult to explain, but it just worked. More traction for reals.
What I didn’t like.
The chain fell off twice. This was very likely user error. The 9 spd chain was fairly worn and my tension at the beginning of the ride was a bit too loose. After the second drop with badly bonked knee, I tightened the chain and it stayed on just fine. It makes sense that there is less wiggle room for chain tension with the oval rings. This setup will require more attention to chain wear and dialing in tension every few rides. 
It didn’t make me faster! This winter I was planning on eating more cake while drinking more stout to get faster for next race season. Unfortunately (fortunately) this isn’t a magic bullet.
The take away. 
I love single speeding because it’s bliss to connect with the bike and simply be in the right gear more often than seems possible. After this first ride I’m convinced that the oval ring will contribute to this bliss. I’d even venture to say it will rock the 1x9,10,11 world.  Try one and you might not go back.  I look forward to getting my paws on a 34t ring to see if there is any difference. Also I look forward to experimenting with different gear ratios to see how the experience changes. 
Thanks for reading.  I am not sponsored by Absolute Black in any way. You can find the reviewed 104bcd oval 32t ring on their website here. 
Here's my rig with the ring installed:
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rgmtb-blog · 6 years ago
My turn to feel some oval chainring love! Rocking a 30th on both the #santacruznomad and #trekremedy8 Who else out there runs an oval chainring? Thx @absoluteblack.cc for sending these my way! #ovalchainring #mtbporn #mountainbike #mtb #mtblife #upgradeday #mtbparts https://www.instagram.com/p/BnlaoZfhXnw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11b9hsbk7elzz
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hirobumik · 5 years ago
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今日は七国峠に Nice Mountain ☀️ #suntacruzbicycles #hightower #nicemountain #sunnyday #pushindustries #HC97 #acs3 #hope #EVO #orange #ovalchainring #mountainbikelife #mtblife #mavicdeemax #mavic #maxxis #miniondhf #mcs https://www.instagram.com/p/B9-9_6PnCCZ/?igshid=4f1xku1zx94z
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