#ova subtitles have the same but its less glaring
blueiight · 1 year
do you have a recommendation how to get into logh? Bc I heard about the anime series but I never heard about the books and I was wondering if you'd recommend checking those out first before watching the show version?
id say watch the ova first (NOT THE BBL NEW ANIME NO LAWD PLZ). i think s1 is most divergent from the books and the rest of the ova szns match p well s1 isnt rly that divergent where it diverges is that it just draws from the first 2 books as well as adding subplots from the gaiden LNs that wasnt translated in english (afaik) / invents some of their own that even as campy as they seem cuz its 80s this do supplement characterization imo if i just read the first 2 books w/o the ova itd be hard for me to rly give af abt kircheis & yet the memory of him is so impt . also half of the books was translated by toasters. this was my watch order.. iwatched s1 died at the finale then watched the kinnaka gaiden ovas -> s2 s3 died at ep that shall not be named -> spiral labrynith -> s4 -> gaidens once more cuz i died. then looped the main ova. start w/ the main ova then gaidens i overthought this answer
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