#ouyang yujing
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rhk111sblog · 1 year ago
Malaysians will be given more Scholarship Opportunities by China and the Railway that China is building in Malaysia is now almost halway complete; A Chinese Nickel Company has started Production in Indonesia; A Chinese Automotive Company is investing Usd 285 million to build a Factory in Thailand and a Chinese Display Panel Company is expanding is Factory in Vietnam
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komahinaonfire · 4 years ago
Sumuzhe (song) English translations
苏幕遮 is a loanword and it ‘originally refers to the “浑脱” dance music from Turpan (Ancient Gaochang) in Xinjiang today. “浑脱” means “bags”. It is said that dancers use oil bags to fill the water and splash each other, so the Tang people also call it “cold-water-splashing play of the barbarian” (泼寒胡戏). In order not to cast cold water on the head, the performer wears an oiled hat. The word of the oiled hat in the Gaochang language is transliterated as “苏幕遮”, so the song and the lyrics in the song are called “苏幕遮”. Someone translated it as “Screened By Southern Curtain”, who did not consider its origin and took the words too literally, especially the rootless word “Southern”. According to this, I think the literal translation “Oiled Hat” would be vulgar and prefer “Water-bag Dance”, which not only shows that it is dance music, but also allows the reader to appreciate the content and image of the dance.’
Reference: https://polyglotclub.com/wiki/Language/Literary-chinese/Culture/A-Translation-Company-on-the-English-Translation-of-the-Name-of-Tune-in-Tang-and-Song-Poetries
苏幕遮 is also the name of a poem written by Fan Zhongyan and here’s a translation  by Julian Farmer with Liang Yujing.
A green, cloudy sky; and yellow leaves covering the ground –
              there are even autumn colours in the waves.
Over the waves, there hangs an emerald green mist.
Mountains catch the setting sun; sky and water fuse.
              The fragrant grasses are heartless,
but move further, now, beyond the setting sun.
There’s homesickness and wanderlust.
              When each night comes,
only happy dreams afford me sleep.
With the bright moon, on the balcony, I’m not to be alone!
              The wine poured in my worry-guts
transforms itself to lovesick tears.
Here’s the song lyrics and my translations:
Light sweat from the loose clothing speckled onto the blot-ink painting
Lazy, slender hands beckoning the sale of a popular book
These two lines are from a poem by the poetess Li Qingzhao: (蹴罢秋千,起来慵整纤纤手。露浓花瘦,薄汗轻衣透。
可怜落花叩玉枕 拂袖人还昏睡
The pitiful flower petals float down and knocks agains the jade pillow, the person wearing billowing sleeves is still asleep.
The cool breeze brings about a slight chill and irritation; one side of the woman’s face is dolled up beautifully, while the other side is wrinkled with worry
As she looks into the mirror doing her makeup, she spies upon the noisy conversations going on behind her
People full of feeling have always been full of distress.
(From the poem 怨王孙 by the poetess Li Qingzhao  里春晚。重门深院。草绿阶前,暮天雁断。楼上远信谁传。恨绵绵。
多情自是多沾惹,难拚舍,又是寒食也。——宋·李清照《怨王孙》 The imperial city, late in spring. Double doors, a secluded courtyard. Grasses are green before the steps, at dusk the wild geese no longer fly. Who sends a distant letter to the person in the room aloft? Regrets stretch on and on. 
People full of feeling have always been full of distress. It’s impossible to cast aside. And now, the Cold Food Festival again.)
梦断不成归 几分憔悴
My distant dream did not carry me home, as I feel somewhat withered.
(This line is also from another Li Qingzhao poem: 夜来沈醉卸妆迟。梅萼插残枝。酒醒熏破春睡,梦远不成归。
Drunk last night, I delayed taking off my make-up. A withered sprig of plum blossoms still sits in my hair. Sobering up now, their scent interrupts my spring sleep,  my distant dream did not carry me home. No sounds of people now, the moon hangs longingly in the sky. The green blinds are lowered. Again, I toy with the fading flowers, pinching out, again, what fragrance remains, to make it last, again, a little longer. )
锦瑟无端声悔 赢得满行泪
The embroidered harp for no reason produces a sound of regret, achieving streaks of tears.
(From the poem Embroidered harp by Li Shangyin:锦瑟无端五十弦,一弦一柱思华年。The embroidered harp for no reason has 50 strings, each string each wooden peg carries a memory of a golden year)
直道君心不美 日夜东流水
This straight path reveals a gentleman’s heart is devoid of beauty, just as in the northern river continues to flow day and night.
思悠悠 恨悠悠 何时方始休 半江信半江愁
Far is my longing, deep is my grievance, when will there be an end to my abjection, half of the river is filled with faith, the other half, worry. 
(From 2 poems. One poem being Everlasting Longing by Bai Wuyi:
The still flow of Bian River runs, The still flow of Si River runs, At the ancient ferry of Gua Zhou The confluence whirls, eastward. Beyond, Jiangnan peaks emerge as sorrows. Far is my longing, Deep is my grievance, No end to my abjection Till we are reunited. Now, In the moonlight a solitary one stands.
思悠悠 ,恨悠悠,恨到归时方始休。月���人倚楼。——唐·白居易《长相思》
Song of the River by Evening by Bai Wuyi
A sunbeam paves the water, the last of  a sun sunk low;
Half of the river rippling, half in red aglow.  
How so lovely this third night, ninth month lunar calendar,  
Dewdrops seem like pearl drops, the moon, like a bow
觥筹恍惚交杯 劝留几小辈
Wine and gambling chips intertwined, we absent-mindedly we raised a toast to each other, as we encourage our juniors to stay and join us.
(From the writer Ouyang Xiu: 觥筹交错,起坐而喧哗者,众宾欢也。——宋·欧阳修《醉翁亭记》
棋逢红颜一醉 千军万马退
Drunk with red faces, we played chess - where soldiers and horses fight and retreat.
剪不断 理还乱 哽咽锁清喉 饮曲肝肠碎
Unable to sever, Unable to think straight, Choked with emotion, my throat feels locked. Drunk with poetry and music, it feels like my liver and intestines are severed.
 (From the poem The Joy of Meeting by Li Yu
The cool breeze brings about a slight chill and irritation; one side of the woman’s face is dolled up beautifully, while the other side is wrinkled with worry
As she looks into the mirror doing her makeup, she spies upon the noisy conversations going on behind her
People full of feeling have always been full of distress.
梦断不成归 几分憔悴
My distant dream did not carry me home, as I feel somewhat withered.
(The following lyrics are all from Sumuzhe)
秋色连波,波上寒烟翠 山映斜阳天接水
There are even autumn colours in the waves.
Over the waves, there hangs an emerald green mist.
Mountains catch the setting sun; sky and water fuse.
芳草无情 更在斜阳外
The fragrant grasses are heartless,
but move further, now, beyond the setting sun.
夜夜好梦留人睡 楼高休独倚
When each night comes,only happy dreams afford me sleep. Leaning upon the balcony, as I rest alone,
酒入谁人愁肠 化作相思泪 The wine poured in my worry guts transforms itself to lovesick tears.
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nawapon17 · 3 years ago
Malaysia summons Chinese envoy for second time since June, over vessels in South China Sea | South China Morning Post
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ebisss-my · 4 years ago
M'sia, China bekerjasama dalam perjanjian perolehan, ujian klinikal untuk vaksin Cina yang lain, kata utusan China
M’sia, China bekerjasama dalam perjanjian perolehan, ujian klinikal untuk vaksin Cina yang lain, kata utusan China
PETALING JAYA: Vaksin CoronaVac yang baru tiba di negara ini menunjukkan persahabatan dan kerjasama antara China dan Malaysia, kata duta besar China untuk Malaysia Ouyang Yujing. Dia juga mengatakan bahawa kedua-dua negara juga bekerjasama dalam perjanjian perolehan dan ujian klinikal untuk pelbagai vaksin Cina yang lain. “Kedatangan kumpulan pertama vaksin secara pukal menunjukkan pencapaian…
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newsmatters · 4 years ago
China's military flight over Malaysia waters 'aimed at showing dominance'
China’s military flight over Malaysia waters ‘aimed at showing dominance’
The recent flight by Chinese military planes over hotly contested waters in the South China Sea, off Malaysia’s coast, is probably aimed at demonstrating Beijing’s growing ability to assert territorial claims against its neighbours, an observer said. Malaysia recently summoned Chinese Ambassador Ouyang Yujing for an explanation stating that 16 Chinese air force transport planes had flown within…
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rhk111sblog · 1 year ago
Thailand and Laos are both benefiting from the increased Trade brought about by the China-Laos Railway; Thailand signed their THIRD Mini-Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with a Chinese Province; Indonesia confirmed that they are interested in joining the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) Group of Economies; A Chinese Naval Destroyer Vessel visited Malaysia, and their Trade with China was worth Usd 204 billion in 2022
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ayojalanterus · 3 years ago
Malaysia Langsung Ambil Tindakan Tegas Usai Lihat Kapal China Masuki Wilayah Perairan Mereka
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 KONTENISLAM.COM - Kuala Lumpur pada Senin malam (4/10) memanggil utusan Beijing untuk Malaysia sebagai protes setelah kapal-kapal China memasuki zona ekonomi eksklusif (ZEE) Malaysia di Laut China Selatan (LCS) yang disengketakan antara kedua negara. Kementerian Luar Negeri Malaysia mengatakan, pemerintah memanggil Duta Besar China untuk Malaysia Ouyang Yujing untuk menyampaikan posisi negaranya dan memprotes keberadaan dan aktivitas kapal China, termasuk kapal survei di ZEE Malaysia. Kementerian menuduh China melanggar hukum dalam negeri dan internasional dengan menghadirkan kapal-kapalnya di perairan lepas pantai negara bagian Sabah dan Sarawak, Malaysia yang terletak di Pulau Kalimantan. “Posisi dan tindakan konsisten Malaysia didasarkan pada hukum internasional, dalam membela kedaulatan dan hak berdaulat kami di perairan kami,” kata Kementerian Luar Negeri Malaysia dalam sebuah pernyataan, melansir Strait Times, Selasa 5 Oktober 2021. Langkah tersebut adalah yang kedua kalinya di tahun ini Malaysia memanggil utusan Beijing untuk memprotes aktivitas China terkait dengan perairan yang diperebutkan itu. Sebelumnya pada bulan Juni lalu, Malaysia mengerahkan jet tempur untuk mencegat 16 pesawat militer China yang terbang di dekat langit Kalimantan di atas Laut China Selatan. Diketahui Malaysia memiliki klaim teritorial yang tumpang tindih dengan China di Laut China Selatan. Malaysia menuduh China melanggar kedaulatannya dengan mengerahkan pesawat maupun kapal militernya, sementara Beijing mengatakan penerbangan itu adalah latihan rutin. Hubungan Malaysia dengan China biasanya terjalin dengan hangat. Namun hubungan kedua negara telah terganggu dengan insiden-insiden di Laut China Selatan kemudian memicu ketegangan. LCS merupakan jalur pelayaran utama dunia dan diyakini menyimpan cadangan minyak dan gas bumi yang kaya. Laut China Selatan memang menjadi salah satu wilayah yang paling disengketakan di dunia. Bagaimana tidak, sejumlah negara memiliki klaim teritorial yang tumpah tindih di laut tersebut, dari mulai China, Malaysia, Brunei, Filipina, Vietnam hingga Taiwan. China sendiri telah mengklaim hampir semua Laut China Selatan dan telah membangun banyak pos militer di pulau-pulau kecil dan atol di wilayah tersebut, yang sudah pasti membuat geram banyak negara, terutama yang bersengketa di atas laut tersebut. [/hops]
from Konten Islam https://ift.tt/2WHD7Jd via IFTTT source https://www.ayojalanterus.com/2021/10/malaysia-langsung-ambil-tindakan-tegas.html
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ebisss-my · 4 years ago
Dr Wee mengalu-alukan duta besar China yang baru
Dr Wee mengalu-alukan duta besar China yang baru
PETALING JAYA: Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong mengalu-alukan Ouyang Yujing, duta terbaharu China ke Malaysia, berharap dia berjaya dalam peranannya. Menteri Pengangkutan mengadakan sidang video dengan Ouyang pada hari Khamis (24 Dis), di mana mereka membincangkan beberapa isu yang akan ditumpukan oleh Malaysia dan China, seperti pencegahan dan kawalan Covid-19, vaksin, pengangkutan dan logistik,…
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