infinite-xerath · 3 months
Hey guys. It's been a minute. I'm just going to be real with you all: I think I need to put this blog on a semi-hiatus. Let me be abundantly clear: I have no intention of shutting down or archiving. I enjoy roleplaying as Xerath far too much to ever give it up.
That being said, this community really isn't what it once was. League RPers are a rarity nowadays, and the few who are left seem more interested in aesthetic posts or casual threads within their friendgroup than long-term collaborative storylines. The occasional new blog I do see cropping up seems to shut down almost immediately, and I think that's partially because the community has devolved to a point where it's hard for people to feel welcome. I've been doing this for over ten years now, and even I feel like an outsider at times...
So yeah, I think I need to just officially announce that I'm taking a break from it all. Maybe a week or two, at most. To the handful of you who are still around and still willing to actually write with me: thank you, truly. I cannot say how much it genuinely means to me. I'll respond to any and all threads I owe when I get back into it.
For the time-being, though, I'm officially putting Xerath to side. It's just painful to see how far things have fallen. No one really sends asks or prompts, hardly anyone seems particularly committed to threads, and the vibe just isn't as fun anymore. Sorry if this sounds overly-pessimistic, but it's how I genuinely feel.
Anyways, I'll be back. I promise you that. In the meantime, have a good one.))
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//It's really only a matter of time until I have the whole P3 cast as muses
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mutantmuses · 2 months
thank you everyone for putting the spoilers for the new deadpool movie in the read more thingy. i won't be able to see the movie until Friday. ;3
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empowerxd · 10 months
I'm alive!
Sorry for not being around lately. Between surgery, being super sick and work, I haven't really been able to be on. I'm going to try and change that since it's the weekend.
Thanks to everyone for your patience! I really appreciate it!
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ofthecontinuum · 4 years
Mobilr today and wanna do things! Only logged on here though so:
•like for an ask
•comment and @ URL if for a sideblog
•also comment w/character name if you want one of the babes I’m tryna do from @stellaeluceat (or any other muse)
• ☺️
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Bullshit and complete fake! Erza would be slayed by Grimmjow without even knowing he was there. Fairy Tail characters do not have reistsu so they can not see the dead however there is an exception if a mage is close to death they can see them, but at that point they would be killed in the blink of an eye so would it really matter? Get your facts straight. Do not compare the World of Bleach to Fairy Tail. Grimmjow is on a higher level being an arrancar, an espada sixth in the ranks back then compared to a regular human with magic. Also Erza and non slayer type mages would not be able to replenish their etherno containers without being in Ishgar so in her case once her magic is depleted she is a sitting duck and would be killed instantly. Holders types like Lucy would be worse off having to rely on an outside source of where the magic is contained and summoned through. Take away their items no magic = dead mage.Only slayer types like dragon slayers, demon and god slayers would stand a better chance because they can consume their element(s) to replenish their magic more quickly, don't have to rely on etherno in the air to only fill up their magic containers as long as they still have etherno inside of them and thus would have a better chance of survival, but in the end their chances would be slim.
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infinite-xerath · 7 months
Better names for 2XKO:
-Runeterra Rumble
-Champion Showdown
-Arena Legends
-League of Fighters
-Champion Tag Battle
You're welcome, Riot.))
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infinite-xerath · 11 months
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It's my birthday, which means I once again get to bust out this image! Woo!))
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infinite-xerath · 4 days
Muse's Last Words
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Taken from: @cupcait
Tagging: Whoever wants to do it.))
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infinite-xerath · 9 months
Happy holidays one and all! I know Xerath might have like, negative festive spirit, but that doesn't mean I can't take over and wish you all the best! Activity will probably be sparse for a bit, so I'll hopefully see you all more in the New Year!))
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infinite-xerath · 1 month
I imagine fighting Xerath when he's going all-out to be like fighting a Souls boss. Just... Lots of energy, explosions and other bullshit constantly going off. Lightning falling from the heavens while blue flames engulf the area. Energy beams galore. Basically anything in the general vicinity is screwed.))
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infinite-xerath · 8 months
When did it become so commonplace for League RP muns to use Helluva Boss characters as faceclaims?))
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infinite-xerath · 5 months
Aurelion Sol is perhaps the one being that could actually intimidate Xerath. At the same time, meeting him and surviving would only convince Xerath that needs to aim even bigger and try to become a space god.))
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infinite-xerath · 3 months
Also, not gonna lie, kind of wild to me that Hestrelk isn't a part of Aurora's kit in any way, despite the fact that he's like her entire character motivation.))
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infinite-xerath · 4 months
You know, I feel like Xerath COULD be pretty decent at military strategy if he tried. However, he's also in a position where he feels like he doesn't NEED to bother with it. His armies consist of energy monsters and Baccai that can seemingly be resurrected at a whim. The Magus himself is capable of blasting most strongholds apart from a distance before they even have time to attempt mounting a defense. His magic can even turn enemy armies against themselves.
Xerath sees conventional war as little more than a game to be played among mortals. As a self-prcolaimed god, the arcane power Xerath wields makes any need for tactics or strategems moot.))
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infinite-xerath · 4 months
I think Aurora is a neat concept. It's fun to imagine her being like, one of maybe two people on Runeterra that Ornn can actually tolerate. I'll reserve my judgements about her actual character for when the lore drops.
I just hate that Riot refuses to get more creative with their female vastaya designs. Ugh...))
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