changedchapters · 1 year
I’m trying to figure out what I want to do with this blog. My Tsunade blog is always my priority but I have just gotten back into RPing her within the last month or so. That being said I WANT a multimuse blog because it has the benefit of not focusing on one single character and I can express myself more.
I’ve been gone for a very long time. I want new muses, drop some muses, and maybe change the whole thing. Which means creating a whole new blog or staying with this one. I might even make a single blog for a sunshine character to give it a try. So I’m going to sit and think about what would be best.
Anyways maybe give this a like if you’d like for me to hang around here more & stay?
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honey-coatedbones · 7 years
Hey guys!
I’m running a little slow here as I’ve been super busy these last couple days! I’ll be able to get to replies soon, hopefully by tonight!
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[[Okay so for all uh... two? of you following me who might be interested, I had the idea for a Dresden Files AU for Cori here where she's a regular human trying to get her life back together after spending an extended period of time as Red Court vampire chow and then the Red Court, y'know, all abruptly biting it.
So uh. More detailed info on my verse page when I'm home and not stuck on mobile, probably, but... any interest? Or does this seem completely ridiculous?]]
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ohbxther-blog · 9 years
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I do have an OC blog over here that I’m a bit more active on!! I’d love to interact with some of you lovelies over there too. I’ll leave a link to it so you guys can check it out if you’d like!! c:
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changedchapters · 5 years
OutOfHoney;; Hi guys! It’s been a hot minute. With that being said it’s a New Year! Happy New Year guys I hope 2020 treats each and every one of you the best. But onto the more RP things...
I’m going to be dropping most of my threads here and that will be in a separate post with the links and such. I’ll also be adding some new character eventually so that will be happening as well. I might do some revamping to my theme later as well.
But that’s it! Nothing to serious or big :)
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honey-coatedbones · 7 years
TFW someone clicked 'like' for a starter...
And Tumblr won't even show who it was
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tanaella replied to your post: [[Okay so for all uh… two? of you following me who...
I will repeat - I am always down for more threads. I have plenty of muses to pick from :)
[[Woo! You should tell me the urls... I only know of the one, I think.]]
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bipolarbumblebee · 10 years
updated theme now i need to draw a new icon for humanstuck verse that one is so bad eugh
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changedchapters · 5 years
OutOfHoney;; I just got two anons and nothing is showing up? :( I have no idea what Tumblr is doing.
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bipolarbumblebee · 10 years
i need a new theme, i had a really cool one originally but the links weren't working :(
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you motherfuckers
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changedchapters · 5 years
OutOfHoney;; Damn the Stars arc for Sailor Moon was so good I absolutely loved it as a child and still appreciate it today. It even makes me tear up now. And I had to read the captions too. (Lets be honest I loved it for the Outer scouts the most. Neptune and Uranus did me in guys.😩)
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