siciliankeeper-blog · 7 years
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Guess who isn’t dead anymore and is also a college graduate. 
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((Not bad... A good portion of my skins are from me and my friends gifting each other, so I guess you can say that number is pretty accurate.))
Download link to the app I used to get this
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siciliankeeper-blog · 7 years
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Due to current stressful events in my life, I’m going to be taking a small hiatus from this blog and @roguexsubject. Hopefully it won’t last too long. 
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siciliankeeper-blog · 9 years
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
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(Hooo boy nothing grinds my gears more than when I see my South American boys left out of FFI group pictures. Teres and Roniejo are two of my favorite characters and it makes me sad that they don’t have as much fanart as the other FFI captains. 
Also on that same note I HATE it when Blasi is left out of Orpheus fanart and secluded away from the focal Orpheus boys (Fideo, Marco, Gianluca, Angelo) despite the fact he was just as plot important as they were.
Hell Blasi deserves more fanart period. )) 
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Mun and Muse Reunion
Don-mun: (barges into office) I'm home!
Donna: (lifts gun off table and points at Don-mun) You've been gone for months!
Don-mun: (raises hands into the air) It's.... been complicated.... You look nice, been taking care of yourself I see.
Donna: (drops her gun and returns to reading paperwork) I got a Visual Rework and a gameplay tweak.
Don-mun: Yeah and your base skin also got a lore rewrite. So we need to make some changes.
Donna: (intense glaring)
Don-mun: Hey blame Rito.
Donna: What does mean for me?
Don-mun: Still sorting that out... Pirate-Hunter You is more of a badass bitch than a community leader now.
Donna: I can be both.
Don-mun: You were always both and that's not changing. (Pulls out a notepad) You lead Graves and Tobias into a trap...
Donna: Tobias?
Don-mun: Yeah... Apparently that's TF's name. Almost killed Gangplank and distrupted the power balance in Bilgewater.
Donna: Almost? How did that fat maiale survive?
Don-mun: I don't think I'm allowed to tell you... Spoilers and such. Now I have to come up with a better backstory for you. Include your mother and your signature Shock and Awe guns in it.
Donna: What about my boys? Any changes to them?
Don-mun: Uh... (Frantically flips back and forth between pages) So there is a section about a First Mate the Base Skin of you has, may retrofit him in somewhere with a better name... The rest of our lovely crime organization remains intact.
Donna: Good. Now get out of my office.
Don-mun: Naw, I'm just gonna sleep in this chair, very plush.
Donna: (begins to reach for gun again)
Don-mun: (leaps out of the chair) I'm leaving, Good Night! (slams door shut)
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((Thinking about reviving this blog. Currently cleaning up the theme, digging through old threads, let's see where this leads.))
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Mafia Musings
Those of you that follow both this blog and my Sion one ( sion-the-undead-juggernaut) know that I have not been as active lately. Even when I am active, posts on this blog are… sporatic…
Donna is a difficult muse for me. I have goals and aspirations for her as a character. Her concept is so interesting and is something that I want to master as a writer.
So I’m going to ramble for a bit, about how I feel about my muse and what I think of when I write for her. Please excuse me if this devolves into madness.
Starting off Donna is based off the Pirate-hunter Miss Fortune. I make that distinction because while they are functionally the same person, the Mafia AU changes a nice bit.
Through her lore and her league judgement we learn of this benevolent woman who is a community leader in the dirty, scummy city-state known as Bilgewater. She sticks out so much against the backdrop that is her home. And they know it, one piece of lore discribes her as an exotic beauty. Think about that, in a world were you have many nations and most of them are white (topic for another post), she stands out so distinctly from everyone else.
So what does the Mafia AU add? Well it turns the swashbuckling pirates and dirty taverns into swanky mobsters and stylish speak-easy’s. All pirate hats become fedoras and tribillies, hipster paradise! This brings with it the situation of 1920s Prohibition America, alcohol banned, crime skyrockets as gangs step in to be THE provider of the forbidden nectar. With this Sarah gains some italian flair. (But Don-mun! Italian language doesn’t exist in the fantasy realm of Runeterra!) Shut up.
Her personality is a big struggling point for me. In her voice-over in game, we see this very playful and flirty girl. Sexuality is a big part of MF, she is desirable woman but is not attainable. She charms men (and women) just as much, if not more, than Ahri does. Then to her crew, she is this capable authority figure. Yeah, she is a bit younger than most mob bosses, but her boys have learned that she is a leader worth respecting.
On the topic of her crew, they have developed into a psuedo-OC group. I have some notes written down about some of them and their personalities, that I am considering expanding upon. They are fun to write about, nice to have something to have Donna play off of.
And I think that’s it for now… Kinda disappointed that I can’t find a way to tie up this post in a nice little bow… Hmm..
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//Insert complaints about tumblr update here.
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I has an idea for a headcanon
//Problem is it is swiftly turning into a drabble/short story. Contemplating writing it out then putting out a tl;dr version of it....
As a gauge of interest, if I wrote out something a bit longer would anyone really read it?
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Donna: What you playing?
Don-mun: Mass Effect 2
Donna: Haven't you beaten that game multiple times?
Don-mun: Yeah, I have. But I have not beaten Mass Effect 3 as a female.
Donna: Then just play 3.
Don-mun: You did not just say that!
Donna: What? What did I say?
Don-mun: The Mass Effect Trilogy is a saga, you can't just play a single one. Choices you make carry over.
Donna:*raises eyebrow* They can't be that big.
Don-mun: In the first game, Kaidan and Ashley are in danger. If you don't save Ashley, they both die.
Donna: What happens if you save Kaidan?
Don-mun: No one saves Kaidan, he is so weak. His backstory is cool, a very tragic story, but he is a wimp.
Donna: What about Ashley?
Don-mun: She is the granddaughter of the first general to surrender to aliens, so she is a bit of a racist, alienist? She gets over it later.
Donna: So you killed the tortured soldier and saved the racist?
Don-mun: Well it sounds bad when you say it that way!
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Good god, I love  Chris Hardwick
//He just went on a 5 minute rant on bleeping words. This man is amazing
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