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cajon-desastre · 2 years ago
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@ Outlander STARZ
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voluptuarian · 4 months ago
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13 days of witches: the solitary witch of Downcast Cottage
"How sweet, how passing sweet, is solitude! But grant me still a friend in my retreat, whom I may whisper— solitude is sweet." — William Cowper
Downcast Cottage had sat empty and neglected for as long as almost anyone could remember, and there was no one still alive who could recall when or why the place had earned its ill-favored name. Passing those empty, sullen windows and the aging, ivy-choked facade or beneath the near-eternal overhang of gray clouds which covered it, none doubted it was a fitting moniker. Every year the house grew less fit for occupation, and Downcast became a still more fitting name. All expected the old place would one day simply crumble away, empty but for birds roosting in its ruins. Yet, without warning or explanation, one day the village woke to find the house taken at last-- by a witch, of all people, and an unfriendly one at that. Aloof and irascible, she wished only to be left alone; the house was as isolated and uninviting as herself, and it suited her purposes perfectly. Cottage and tenant, the villagers tutted, seemed made for each other-- their sentiment proved right in unexpected ways. The witch and the house, if such a thing can truly be said of a human and a pile of daub and stones, were in tune with each other; their coming together seemed almost a meeting of kindred spirits. Even as she worked to restore the place-- repairing the leaky roof, clearing the refuse of decades from the ancient chimney-- still the witch delighted in its dim corners, and cobwebbed beams, and the small creatures which sometimes came to hide within it. For the first time in memory there was a light in the windows now, even when the rooms within were dark-- a light almost like the twinkle in a happy eye. The house was still old and dark and shadowed by clouds but there was a warmth about it that was entirely new. And the spiteful coldness the witch had brought with her faded too-- though she spent most of her time alone within the walls of the cottage, her seclusion was no longer one of loneliness or angry self-exile, but a peaceful, contented solitude-- only lifted when she chose to emerge from her sanctuary to indulge in a pleasant taste of company.
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sdreamersc82 · 7 months ago
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Look at them 😏😍
📸 outlander_starz IG
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samheughanupdates · 7 months ago
outlander_starz What a journey @caitrionabalfe and @samheughan have been on together. #Outlander
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transparentdreamruins · 7 months ago
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📷 outlander_starz IG
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sgiandubh · 4 months ago
Group hug
Same MO as for the Taylor Swift concert:
Just a quick, furtive move, in the shadows, when someone thought nobody would really pay attention.
[Source: https://www.instagram.com/stories/outlander_starz/3481253763069988016/]
Exhibit #1:
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Exhibit #2:
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Blink and you'd miss it. He surely is exceedingly clumsy, isn't he?
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Thank you, dearie. Always.
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bcacstuff · 6 months ago
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Posted 11 September 2024 - Outlander_Starz
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thetruthwilloutsworld · 3 months ago
Instagram sheknows @outlander_starz Season 7, Part 2 returns this Friday! But first, let's see who remembers Season 7 part 1 better! @caitrionabalfe or @samheughan? 🎤: @reshmago
Posted 20 November 2024
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mziko-fraser · 5 months ago
outlander_starz Instagram :
My Friday plans? Trying to decide which of these BTS photos to make my new phone wallpaper.
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cajon-desastre · 3 months ago
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outlanderrepublic · 6 months ago
Hagamos memoria, República amada, retrocedamos a un 11 de septiembre de 2013, cuando Outlander_Starz anunciaba que habían encontrado POR FIN a su Sassenach!!!! La cantidad de audiciones que habrán visto, la cantidad de curriculums que habrán leído!! (La cantidad de #TestDeQuímicaCombustibleConBesoIncluído que habrá hecho nuestro #KingOfTodo picareta!!) Cuando Toni Graphia (una de las escritoras y productoras de la serie) encontró una entrevista de nuestra #QueenB en internet, se dieron cuenta que ella YA había mandado su audición y se le había traspapelado!! Y al ver su tape... ERA PERFECTA!!! La pusieron en una sala de audiciones con nuestro king y... FUEGOS ARTIFICIALES!!! Caitriona Balfe interpretaría a la genia de Claire Beauchamp Fraser en la nueva serie #Outlander. Todo un viaje en el que nuestra #QueenB se convirtió en una de las heroínas más grandes de las series. Feliz Castiversario #QueenB, sos la mejor del mundo mundial!!!!
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brian-in-finance · 3 months ago
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Inside Unfinished Business • Part 1
🧵Outlander_Starz: Outlander is back and so is "Inside Outlander," your scoop on the behind-the-scenes magic that brings this magical series to life! ✨ Let's dive into the emotional premiere, "Unfinished Business," shall we?"
Returning to Lallybroch and the location of Midhope Castle where Outlander films wasn't just magical for the fans but for the cast as well. Sam Heughan says this was his favourite location from this second half of the season.
Going back to Lallybroch was a really big moment, for Jamie but also for Outlander. It's where we started. I have a lot of memories working there. One of my first days shooting in Season 1 was at Midhope at Lallybroch... so it was quite a special moment.
Actually, I'd never been in the actual castle because it's derelict. We were using the doorway. So, I actually got to go in this time and have a look inside, which was very special. — SAM HEUGHAN, JAMIE FRASER
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🧵Outlander_Starz: Showrunner and Executive Producer Matthew B. Roberts said, "Bringing one of our main characters back into the show... Scotland... she's such a beauty.
You miss her when you're not there. I love when we can play Scotland for Scotland at any point. And that iconic driveway going up to Lallybroch, it always makes your heart beat a little faster."
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🧵Outlander_Starz: Set Decorator Stuart Bryce, who has been on Outlander since the beginning, was nostalgic at recreating this set across decades: "New touches, like Mike Gunn's murals, were a great addition, but essentially we didn't have to change too much. We kept it as true as we could to the original Lallybroch.
The tapestries in the dining room had been in storage, and there were a few pieces missing, so finding the original plans and having to recreate them was a challenge."
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🧵Outlander_Starz: For Production Designer Mike Gunn, now that we're seeing Lallybroch in 1739 as well as the 1770s and 1980s, it was important to instantly recognize Roger was in a different time. He came up with the idea that behind the incredible tapestries from Season 1, there were murals created in the time of Brian Fraser, hidden after Culloden, then discovered by Bree and Roger in the 80s.
Read more about how Mike used these murals to plant Easter Eggs about Jamie and the story of Outlander itself!
I developed this backstory that the murals depicted the Jacobite rising and fight for Scottish independence. By the time the 1770s came and the Jacobites had lost Culloden, that's when the tapestries were hidden... In the 1980s, the tapestries were taken off. That was the starting point.
Then I decided to weave in the story of Outlander...
The unicorn, which I decided to depict in all of the four images, was Jamie. And of course, Claire is going to come into that journey. The central mural above the fireplace with the unicorn and horse, that's the two of them in love. But the unicorn is depicted as having his struggles throughout. He's depicted fighting a mythical beast that you could say is Black Jack. — MIKE GUNN, PRODUCTION DESIGNER
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🧵Outlander_Starz: Fans will be delighted to see Jamie and Claire staying in the Laird's bedroom again with the iconic blue wallpaper. Set Decorator Stuart Bryce says of this room: "There is something about that blue that makes people's skin look amazing and enhanced those early romantic scenes of Jamie and Claire.
When we came to put the room back together, though it was exactly the way it should have been, by some mystery, the room was bigger...something spooky happened there!"
Inside Unfinished Business • 1 of 2
Threads 🧵
Remember… you miss her when you're not there. I love when we can play Scotland for Scotland at any point. And that iconic driveway going up to Lallybroch, it always makes your heart beat a little faster. — Matthew B Roberts
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sdreamersc82 · 4 months ago
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Jamie and Claire ❤️
📸 outlander_starz IG
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samheughanupdates · 4 months ago
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samheughan Hard to say goodbye to this character… our crew, that have become our family, our friends.
That’s a wrap on pick ups, reshoots and the final drive home with @daviehollywood
Thank you to everyone that made @outlander_starz possible, @diana_gabaldon and to the fans.
“Nothing is lost Sassenach, only changed”
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transparentdreamruins · 4 months ago
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📷 outlander_starz IG
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margareth-lv · 8 months ago
☀️ It's Just Another Beautiful Day ☀️
And I hope the sun shines and it's a beautiful day And something reminds you you wish you had stayed You can plan for a change in the weather and time But I never planned on you changing your mind
[Last Kiss, Taylor Swift]
Oh, it's such a gorgeous summer day here! At high noon, the shadows I leave are short. Shadows on the asphalt, shadows on the road. Do you remember this photo? ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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In September the shadows on the pavements are longer than they were in June.
I remember when I first saw this picture, I thought I had almost exactly the same one. I'm in it with my husband. We took it at the very beginning of our story together. When you're just starting out in a relationship, it's easy to get carried away with the idea of 'us',
If you’re in love, you want to capture every moment of ‘us’.
But of course this is just a 'First Jamie and Claire selfie', to quote Caitríona.
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Anyway, this photo seems to have meant a lot to Caitríona because she reposted it again, on 21 September 2018, five years later. This time on Instagram instead of Twitter.
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She added, of course, an artistic comment about the ‘best Giacometti impression’.
But it doesn't really matter if it's Giacometti or not. It's hard to imagine a more private photo, isn't it?
She tagged @outlander_starz in the post to no avail.
Even so, it’s simply a personal photo of two people in love on Caitríona’s Instagram page.
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I've got another photo with the 'best Giacometti impression' in my archives.
Posted by Caitríona on 26 June, 2014 – exactly ten years ago.
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Caitríona must have been so proud of her 'best Giacometti impression' that she put it prominently in her trailer.
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[I also framed my 'best Giacometti impression' with my husband].
Such thoughts come to mind on a sunny day, after a nice walk.
[27 June, 2024]
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