#outer banks theory
multifandumbmeg · 6 months
Just stopping in to check because I haven't seen anyone mention this on any website but
I mean we're all in agreement that JJ's dyslexic, right? Like the whole "I can't read cursive" thing is not a joke. And it happens multiple times when cursive documents come up.
But Megan, the naysayers are naysaying, doesn't that just mean he can't read cursive? Still sad, but a lot of the letters look different and it's not very useful so maybe he flunked/ignored that unit of third grade.
Nay. Naaaay I have one more piece of evidence. Go back to the episode where they find Big John's compass and open it in season 1. John B says there's a secret compartment and JJ grabs it and says, "Let me see!" When the others ask what it says he struggles to read the single word etched in all CAPS (NO cursive) Redfield. While trying to sound it out, the others cut him off immediately by reading it out loud. They are able to read it at a glance, but JJ isn't.
So there's the compass, the letter from Limbrey where he admits he can't read cursive at all, and then again when they find Tanny's spyglass where he grabs it, sees the inscription, and then hands it to Pope and asks what it says.
Final solid evidence it's dyslexia vs. Not a fluke of writing (consistent pattern) or him being entirely illiterate, is that he DOES read John B's text message, proving he's alive in Nassau, texts Kiara to save him from the ambulance theft disaster, and texts Singh in Barbados with Portis' phone. So he can read, but he can't do it quickly and/or out loud.
Circumstantial bonus evidence - everyone headcanons/believes JJ has ADHD, which he definitely displays a lot of symptoms of, and there's a high comorbidity between ADHD and Dyslexia.
That's all I just wanted to note my theory.
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yuhilikewriting · 2 years
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So I was looking closer at this photo of kiara and this man on the instagram and realized he looked really similar to one of the three new cast members the crew had announced. The article says that this guy is playing a Caribbean leader on a mission to track down the gold…so what if he kidnapped Kiara so that she can help him get the gold? It’s possible that kiara also has some familial connection or ancestry in the Caribbean that connects her to all of this. I wrote another theory on my account about the final episode on the boat in season two…that might be how this guy finds out about the gold if Abihimi and the other boat workers are connected to this guy.
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oxpogues4lifexo · 3 months
My argument for Rafe Cameron
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I’d like to just point out how throughout the whole of season 1 Rafe was a somewhat reasonable, respectable kid.
The episode ‘Midsummers’ for instance, when Topper gets upset over Sarah in the beginning and he tries cheering him up. He couldve pushed it off or laughed at him like you’d expect him to but he doesn’t.
Again later in the episode when he’s chasing JJ inside, he apologises for running into a woman. The subtitles I’m pretty sure say it was Kelce but from the voice alone it clearly wasn’t. Netflix does that a lot with the subtitles I’ve noticed.
Also when you look at the show itself from both sides, the Pogues are close to being as bad as the Kooks in a way. They’re all just defending their own side of the island. With JJ and his gun in the first episode protecting his friend, John B. And Rafe in another when he hits pope with the golf club, he was protecting Topper from what he wasn’t there to do the day of the gun incident. (I am in no way saying pope deserved it because he didn’t and that scene makes me cry, I just like seeing everything from both perspectives) like as he mentioned when working out, that he thinks them pointing a gun to toppers head was unreasonable and should have a consequence. To him that was his way of helping a friend.
Just because the Kooks did worse and more bad things, doesn’t mean the Pogues aren’t in themselves just as bad. To them, the gold was theirs, they had been searching for it for years (well Big John - ‘the Pogues’) and so it belonged to them. But then on the other hand, Rafe thought it was his and Wards because he never knew the Pogues were looking for it as he only found out through Wards side of the story. Hence why he thinks the cross should be his later on in season 2 and 3.
Rafe had no connection to the gold (technically) in season 1 as his only role in the show at the time was basically preventing the Pogues from finding it for reasons outside of that like Sarah joining the Pogues, JJ and the gun incident etc.
Season 2 all he’s doing is protecting what Ward had told him was theirs. To Rafe the cross belonged to Ward first and with the whole Peterkin incident, he needed a focus point. Thats why he attached himself to the cross as he saw it as a way to save himself. And a way to get closer to Ward which is obviously shown when Ward says to Sarah (infront of Rafe may I add??) that he’d pick her over Rafe despite everything he’d done for him previous to that. Like shoot peterkin and steal the cross back.
Also when he asks Sarah to stop and just stay with him after they thought that Ward had died. He just needed someone with him. He wanted to basically call a ‘truce’ in some way I guess. If she had stayed with him maybe they would’ve sided together earlier on? Maybe just my delulu brain working.
Season 3 he (controversially, this is very arguable I know this is just my opinion) genuinely wanted to help Kiara. He had no reason to help her, she wanted nothing to do with him through any of the seasons, her friends got him in prison and ‘killed his dad’ according to him, so why would he have any reason to help her other than the simple fact of, he wanted to. He cares more than he lets on we know that from the Sofia scenes. But I also agree with the argument that Kiara had no reason to let him help her too. Like I get why she pushed him off the boat, he ruined all their lives pretty much. But the intention of helping her was there and when she ran off to take a photo of the map, he waited for her, he could’ve run off and left her there again but no he didn’t.
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I’m not defending Rafes actions and in NO WAY am I an expert in psychology and all that stuff this is simply completely and utterly an opinion based post and I hope people can relate? Idk enjoy! 😘
I like seeing things from every point of view, it makes watching the show a lot more interesting when you don’t take sides yk! 🩷
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maybankiara · 4 months
obx brainrot but i really want them to reveal what happened during kiara's kook year. if we really get a whole show without revealing that... and what's the deal with her and rafe? they've been hinting at something for so long, but never elaborating... honestly. just give me info about kiara's kook year. please. please.
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dear obx writers, please don't make rafe have a dramatic coming out in season 4. it would be so much better if his relationship with barry was just casually treated as a given fact because it's the most natural thing that these two are together. thanks.
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jjclopelover · 1 year
JJPope arguments = hidden meanings?
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Is it just me, or do they feel more personal or real when JJPope argues/have serious conversations? Don't get me wrong, all the characters have their moment to portray their raw emotions, especially in arguments or fights. But with JJ and Pope, it's different. When they go at it (like about the restitution or the plan to get John B out of jail), it feels like there is more hidden in those arguments than the fans and the rest of the pogues see. Like they always get closer to each other and really maintain eye contact, almost like they are saying different things with their eyes. Like they had a history that we don't know about. I might sound absolutely crazy, but please let me know if you understand what I'm saying.
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fantasylandloser · 5 months
okay but after watching topper nearly drown john b why would sarah even consider staying with his crazy ass.
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Okay so it’s that time of the day (I’m over-analyzing the OBX3 trailer) and I’ve come to some realizations that I felt compelled to share.
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So, we’re all familiar with this shot of JJ punching the ground. There’s been a lot of theories that say maybe they lose Kie in this scene and that’s why he’s angry/upset - which I definitely thought possible because during the legendary hug, they’re wearing the same outfits.
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But this time around, I noticed the scene immediately before we see the shot of him punching the ground is the exact same scene. It’s hard to tell because everything moves so quickly, but it’s not two scenes cut together, it’s one.
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We can see JJ in the back, in the same position he’s in in the closer shot, and also we can see that Kiara is completely fine and present. So, that’s not what JJ’s upset about.
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It’s a small detail but it’s just something that intrigued me!
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hepaidattention · 2 years
OBX s4 ideas?
• flashbacks throughout the season of stuff we missed between the time jump. maybe show us some jiara missing scenes, show us jarah starting up their surf shop
• Rafe full villain mode now. with Ward being dead, there's no way Rafe won't blame Sarah (who he instructed to keep his father safe). I feel like Rafe will either go completely nuts or take a 360 turn as a good guy. good guy feels unlikely. he'll probably get that arc once he's done some more horrible things in the name of his father
• vengeful Topper on Team!Rafe since ya boys now a full fledged arsonist tsk tsk
• Kie and JJ are together, but they're gonna have a rocky season OR they're not together and we have to watch them work stuff out to go back to each other again. considering we already watched all s3 will they/won't they my guess is just a rocky season. jarah has been through too much for them to be the rocky relationship anymore and JJ is too damaged for their not to be difficulties to overcome. Kie's parents, for one.
• jiara still be jiara. super casual about it all when with the pogues because they're still best friends, only when they're alone they get into a little more trouble ;)
• the pogues all dealing with a little bit of a identity crisis. they're rich but still pogues and still treated like pogues for the most part, and they'll have to figure out where they fit in now as young adults
• this is a longshot but always my dream: JJs mom comes back and turns out that Sarah and JJ are siblings
• they'll a be dealing with adulthood now and it'll be weird for them. jiara and jarah will have to face how to be in a mature relationship where they both have jobs and lives, and they'll have to now deal with their careers getting in the way of treasure hunting rather than school and parents
• JJ is going to try really hard not to screw stuff up with Kie and act on his natural self destructive tendencies and I think s4 might really focus on how damaged JJ really is, having to face those demons head on if he wants to really be with Kie.
• I would do anything for some pure full-pogue crew scenes, all of them just together and living life, dancing, laughing on JJs new boat
• Kie will still be working things out with her parents. she'll probably have some serious trust issues and probably a lot of fights.
• Jarah gets legally married. I would CRY for a Jarah wedding oh my god. And JJ and Pope the groomsmen and Sarah and Cleo the bridesmaids and JJ crying as John B gives his vows ALSO crying and Pope's dad marries them 😭😭 I literally would cry so hard it needs to happen.
• and meanwhile they'll still be trying to find Blackbeards treasure, which I am excited about because it isn't a personal treasure to find at this point. they're literally just looking for it because they love the hunt and they're a bunch of adrenaline junkies. there's no "if we don't find it I'll die of starvation" or "it belonged to my family legacy" mentality connected to it, so it makes the opportunity for seeing other characters growth much easier. I'm excited
• the Pogues being like official treasure hunters now, and JJ makes jokes about their new team name (bad ones only) and acts like they need to do a vlog and share it to the world.
• John B rebuilds the chateau with his new fortune and the Pogues still do most their hanging out there. JJ lives in his boat but he also docks it at John Bs dock and spends most his time annoying Sarah and John B, who I predict live together
• this season will likely happen the summer before Pope goes off to school, so directly after s3 ends. OBX is known for taking three months max in a time span for a season and Pope going to school will complicate things. if the show got a s5, they would either have to time jump AGAIN or only take place in the summer so Pope will still be there for the treasure hunting.
• Cleo and Pope will have to figure out what they really mean to each other, since Pope is going to school. my guess is the break up because of him leaving, but by the end they decide that's stupid and get back together.
what do you guys think will happen???
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hrts4mayward · 2 years
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- my gender/sexuality headcanon and then two random ones i think of on the spot (pogues!)
- he/him
- straight ally, cis gendered
- the friend who everyone falls asleep on. probably smells pretty good or has soft features (yk how some people have really sharp chins or elbows? yeah john b doesn’t. bro is COMFY)
- terrible texter. takes days to respond with “lol”
- he/him
- bisexual (or gay, i haven’t decided)
- adhd
- the biggest fan of everyone else in the group. he does his best to validate everyone’s feelings and make everyone feel good about themselves. great hype man.
- he/they
- bisexual, transmasculine
- autistic.
- love language is acts of service
- she/they
- lesbian
- asexual
- great gift giver. has notes in her phone to write down things the others say they want all year
- caught fireflies in jars as a kid
- she/her
- pansexual
- demisexual
- overthinker.
- would make the whole group friendship bracelets and tell them that with them, they’d always have each other even if they get separated again. the whole group would wear theirs religiously.
CLEO (no last name??)
- they/them
- lesbian, non-binary
- loves cooking with her whole heart.
- can sleep just about anywhere (boat life 🤷‍♀️)
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Jiara Season 4 Prediction
I’ve seen a lot of conversation around whether JJ and Kiara are together post time jump and I saw Madison’s interview where she said it was left ambiguous which got me thinking. Personally I do think this is all just to generate engagement and to get fans talking about the show. From what I understand the Jiara fandom is pretty big and so by keeping them ambiguous they can keep the fans speculating and keep the interest in the show up during the wait for season 4. So I don’t think Jiara fans should be too worried about Jiara in season 4 because I don’t think they would have put all that effort into them this season, or setting them up in previous seasons, just to throw it all out the window come season 4. 
That being said I did wonder if they do decide to go the route of they broke up in the time jump what could have brought that break up about? What I came up with is definitely your typical teen drama cliché but I think it could work if written properly. So here’s my theory, in season 2 Kiara mentions that her parents are afraid that she is going to sleep with a pogue and get pregnant like her mum did with her. It’s one of their biggest fears and part of the reason why they don’t like Kiara hanging around with the pogues. JJ’s biggest fear, meanwhile, is that he is going to turn out just like his dad. We know that they are planning to do flashbacks in season 4 to show what happened during that missing time. Now I don’t think Kiara will get pregnant but I do think its possible that one of those flashbacks will be Jiara having a pregnancy scare. Kiara thinks she might be pregnant and confides in JJ who then freaks out. Facing the prospect of potentially becoming a father makes JJ think of his own and then his self doubt creeps in and he figures there’s no way he could ever possibly be a good father because he had such a crappy example, that he’d end up ruining the life of any child he has and messing that kid up. It would also create some potential drama between Kie and her parents if they find out because you know they would pull the ‘we told you so’ card and blame it all on JJ and it would be another reason why they disapprove of JJ and of Kiara being around the pogues. I think ultimately when they take a test it’ll come back negative, or they’ll get a false positive but it’ll later be confirmed by a doctor that she isn’t, but the whole situation will get JJ thinking about their future and how if things go well between them the natural progression over time would lead to marriage and children. But these things are triggering for JJ due to his parent’s splitting up and the result of that being Luke being a crappy ass father which feeds into JJ’s fears about becoming a crappy father himself. The pregnancy scare just makes things way too real for JJ so he breaks up with Kie figuring it would be better to do it now than to risk them becoming more serious years down the line. Seeing as JJ is such an impulsive and volatile character who is prone to self sabotage and the fact that Kie isn’t the kind to give up on JJ that easily as proven this season, I also wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to cement this break up and try to deliberately turn Kie against him by either deliberately getting caught by Kie with another girl or by telling her he cheated on her when he didn’t. It really depends just how teen drama messy they want to go with it. 
So that’s my theory, I just feel like with how strong they left Jiara at the end of season 3 pre time jump, what with them confessing that they love each other and having worked through JJ’s self doubt issues and fears it has to be something pretty big to cause that break if they do decide to have them break up. Also to me the most logical way of doing it is to stick with the issues that they’ve already established in past seasons such as JJ’s issues with his father and self worth and Kie’s issues with her parents and their fears around her being lead estray by hanging with the pogues. Hopefully though there is no break up and when we come back for season 4 it’ll turn out they were all just trolling us with this ambiguity talk and Jiara are happily in love and all the flashbacks will just be them being cute and adorable in the early stages of their relationship.     
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hmspogue · 2 years
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dayshipper · 2 years
YOU GUYSSSS!!! I can’t even begin to think about what all of this means!!! Fair warning, this is really messy and unedited, just like the inside of my head atm, so I’m sorry if it doesn’t make much sense. Ok so let’s build up to THE pic by starting off with Kie in the red dress. I’ve got a couple of theories for this one. The first is pretty much the same as what I’ve said before which is that she gets kidnapped by that ‘Don’ guy somehow. 
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Now I’m kinda thinking that after they’ve all been on the island for a bit, they venture off to find the nearest town to get a change of clothes, food etc. When they’re there, they find the ‘Don’ guy and overhear him talking about treasure/ bounty. They either decide to trust the guy and believe that he is working with them to get the gold, or they are playing him at his own game. Either way, I think Kiara is the bait. Maybe the guy takes a shine to her, or maybe thinks that she is someone that she isn’t. Maybe the pogues all get caught by him and she’s the only one who didn’t so she makes out that she isn’t with them in order to save them all and is working from the inside.
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As for the photo of the moment! Ugh, the ANGST!!!! I actually don’t think that he is going in for a kiss here! 😬 I mean, I would LOVE for that to happen but I just don’t feel like that’s it. I also don’t think that he is touching her wrist/bracelets 😭 I know, I know it's blasphemy to say at this point. But I thought that JJ and Kie were grabbing each other's hands in the obx2 promo poster when they were on the dock but that wasn’t right, so hopefully I’m wrong again this time. Except this time, I’ll be happy to be wrong!
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If we do go with the idea that he is holding/ touching her bracelet/ wrist, I’m thinking that the photo was taken right after he returns the bracelet to her (maybe she loses it 🤡) and lets go of her hand after putting it on her. They then have a moment because they realise how close they are to each other. Or he's touching the bracelet to make a point of how she's one of them and they're in this together.
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However, I actually think that this scene is more about JJ trying to persuade her into doing something and Kiara is sad and defeated because she knows that it’d be the last thing she ever does if she goes along with it because of her parents. His hand looks like it's in a bit of a fist which makes me think that he might be frustrated or feeling resolute about whatever he is talking about to get his point across.
Or, maybe he is confiding in her about his dad. Maybe he heard something on the grapevine about him and he’s conflicted about what he thinks he should do. Or maybe his restitution is finally catching up to him and she’s trying to stop him from spiralling. He’s feeling sorry for himself (a bit like how he was after he escaped the ambulance) and she’s feeling upset that he thinks of himself the way he does.
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I’ve tried not to read other people’s opinions on what they think is going on in this picture so that I wasn’t influenced but I did see some people think that JJ was confessing his feelings to Kiara after their hug in the previous episode. I don’t actually think that that’s what’s going on here. Again, if I’m wrong, I’ll never be happier (and as a Taurus, that means something), but I’m just agh I don’t know. I keep flip-flopping on this one!! I guess I just don’t see him confessing his feelings to her that early in the season! She looks too sad and he doesn’t look conflicted enough about it.
Overall, I think this picture shows JJ is continuing to realise his feelings for Kiara even more and will be making it more and more obvious as the season goes on.
It'll be subtle and monumental all at the same time. Anyways, these are just some ~preliminary~ thoughts that spring to mind. I’ll be sure to add more as I think of it 🥰
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maybankiara · 4 months
anyway i'm planning on making my boyfriend join me for my obx rewatch (it'll be his first time) and if this boy has bad takes (which, i love him, but he usually does) it might be the final straw that gets me fully back into the fandom. just to spite him
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My favorite OBX theory is that JJ and Sarah are really siblings 🥹
It might be a long shot but let me believe this could end up being true. They already radiate sibling energy.
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jjclopelover · 1 year
Is Blackbeard connected to Sarah and JJ?
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For a while now, there has been a theory that Sarah and JJ could be related (twins, cousins, separated siblings), and I came up with another small theory. Every season had a character take more of a lead and become more of a focus point because of some personal reason (John B's missing dad and continuing his dad's mission to find the gold, Pope being related to Denmark Tanny and finding his ancestors cross, Kie getting kidnapped twice and we saw way more of her parents lack of trust in her decisions.) S1 had John B, S2 had Pope, and S3 had Kie. So I believe that Blackbeard is the new ancestor/family member that could be related to JJ and Sarah, which could also develop the JJ and Sarah being siblings theory. In this season, John B, Sarah, and JJ live together (I'm assuming) since they are all parentless (and homeless the last we saw them since the chateau was burned down by top.) but maybe I'm stretching It lol, but definitely interested to see what's in store.
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