#out of character ┋ study ┋ a scarred killer  (  a victim of unjustified tragedy  )
shallpunish · 5 years
Political Structure
Ishval would be considered a Theocracy, a country that is lead by a group of Priests / Monks in the name of Ishvala. Each city district of Ishval has a High Priest who communicates the peoples needs to a council chaired by the Grand Priest of Ishval.1 The Grand Priest often has the final say in the majority of decisions should the High Priests come to a tie as, more often than not, The Grand Priest is often named as The Prophet of Ishval.
Religious Structure
The religious structure in Ishval is relatively simple but, it is divided into two distinct branches; it is important to note that whilst there are two branches, there are no differences in Ishvalas’ teachings, only how they are worship. There are the Priests and the Monks. Both branches are both extremely respected by society and, work together to keep Ishval together and working cohesively.
The Priests are ecclesiastical, they study the word of the Prophets and offer different interpretations on Ishvalas law. They are also likely to take part in the politics of Ishval and offer advice and guidance to the people in their city districts. However, being a High Priest required being able to recite the holy verses from memory and thus, can take a life time to achieve. Like Monks, Priests are also expected to have some understanding of how to fight and protect themselves and others but, this is not a necessity.
Monks are the physical embodiment of Ishvalas will; they are the peacekeepers, the warriors and deliverers of justice. Every Monk must train their body and mind for 18 years until they can be officially called a Monk. Whilst Monks don’t tend to be involved with the political side of Ishval, they have the capability to be chosen as a High Priest for a city district.2 The Monks are also responsible for overseeing the training of all Priests and Monks and for all military based strategy. More information on fighting can be found [here].
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shallpromise · 4 years
Political Structure
Ishval would be considered a Theocracy, a country that is lead by a group of Priests / Monks in the name of Ishvala. Each city district of Ishval has a High Priest who communicates the peoples needs to a council chaired by the Grand Priest of Ishval.1 The Grand Priest often has the final say in the majority of decisions should the High Priests come to a tie as, more often than not, The Grand Priest is often named as The Prophet of Ishval.
Religious Structure
The religious structure in Ishval is relatively simple but, it is divided into two distinct branches; it is important to note that whilst there are two branches, there are no differences in Ishvalas’ teachings, only how they are worship. There are the Priests and the Monks. Both branches are both extremely respected by society and, work together to keep Ishval together and working cohesively.
The Priests are ecclesiastical, they study the word of the Prophets and offer different interpretations on Ishvalas law. They are also likely to take part in the politics of Ishval and offer advice and guidance to the people in their city districts. However, being a High Priest required being able to recite the holy verses from memory and thus, can take a life time to achieve. Like Monks, Priests are also expected to have some understanding of how to fight and protect themselves and others but, this is not a necessity.
Monks are the physical embodiment of Ishvalas will; they are the peacekeepers, the warriors and deliverers of justice. Every Monk must train their body and mind for 18 years until they can be officially called a Monk. Whilst Monks don’t tend to be involved with the political side of Ishval, they have the capability to be chosen as a High Priest for a city district.2 The Monks are also responsible for overseeing the training of all Priests and Monks and for all military based strategy. More information on fighting can be found [here].
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shallpunish · 5 years
As stated in this post, Scar’s real name in this verse is Attaf Suddiqa.
He is Pakistani/Indian; his Father being Pakistani & his Mother Indian
They immigrated to America in the early 90s
Attaf and his Twin Brother were born in 1986
Attaf struggled with his studies at high school, preferring physical activities. 
Whilst he graduated high school, he didn’t do well enough to be accepted into college the first time round.
He went into construction whilst continuing to do sports (football, MMA & wrestling)
However in the 2017 he started going to night classes, as he finally felt ready to start studying once again.
Attaf is a very serious and motivated student who won’t let anything keep him back.
received an apprenticeship through a business in the city
he studies philosophy and politics with a minor in business studies with a focus on middle eastern communication & inclusion
he’s in college two / three days a week and works the remaining days
when not at college or working, he’s relaxing in his one bed flat
He is not particularly keen on the student life style.
he doesn’t drink, with the exception of truly special occasions ( ‘it’s friday’ doesn’t count )
whilst he occasionally gets invited to parties, he doesn’t go
he doesn’t text back; if he has nothing to say, you’re being left on read.
however, he does take part in the Mature Students Society, where he bonds with other over 25s.
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shallpunish · 5 years
Ishvalans have long been taught non-lethal techniques when it came to defending its people as no one but God has the right to bring someones life to an end. However, with the rising death count during the Civil War, the people were angry and turned to more violent methods due to the supplies from Aerugo. Had Aerugo not escalated the situation, the Ishvalans would’ve had to rely on these techniques and, has Scar can still be seen using some its fundamentals.
The non-lethal techniques requires a vital understanding of pressure points and knowing how to swiftly and effectively break joints whilst staying out of the way of your opponents attacks. Most Ishvalan monks prefer to incapacitate their opponents by hitting the Vagus Nerve in the neck or by breaking someones knee cap and/or elbow. Scar, even as a monk prior to the events of FMA, was always a head-on man, preferring to flip and pin his opponents, break their limbs or, time his attacks to hit vital points. 
Its important to note that all Ishvalan warriors are well informed on how to effectively take down a person using their own weaknesses against them (see Scars first interaction to alex armstrong). Ishvalan monks are extremely smart about their fighting techniques but, they are inexperienced with dealing with ranged weapons and, of course alchemy (apart from Scar and his deconstructive arm).
I have based this of my understanding on Malla-yuddah, an Indian form of Wrestling.
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shallpunish · 5 years
PSA  (  NAMES  )
Purely for future reference, I have given Scar a name but, this is for MUN REFERENCE ONLY. Ishvalan names are spoken by their owners and their loved ones only, so your muse will not know Scars true born name/given name without my permission. However, in his Modern/College AU, his birth name is used freely.
ATTAF  (  AH-TAF  )  -  Scars Birth Name, PRE CANON ↳ Protector of the Weak and Oppressed 
SCAR  (  SC-AR  )  -  Given Moniker by the Amestrian Military, DURING CANON ↳ Description based on facial scarring
FIDVI  (  FID-VEE  )  -  Given by Ishvalans returning to Ishval, POST CANON ↳ One who is willing to sacrifice himself 
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shallpromise · 4 years
out of character ┋ posts ┋ what store are you in  (  im at the soup store!!  ) out of character ┋ psa ┋ important information ahead  (  please pay attention  ) out of character ┋ saved ┋ did you know that uhhh  (  i love this??  ) out of character ┋ prompts ┋ you should send me stuff  (  pls specify muse!!  ) out of character ┋ world building ┋ arakawa did us dirty  (  let me fix this mess  ) samantha howard ┋ interaction ┋ all of the words that we damn never speak  (   ghosts and secrets we do keep  ) samantha howard ┋ mirror ┋ heart of gold but it lost its pride   (   beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes   ) samantha howard ┋ musings ┋ she goes storming out  (  rolling like thunder clouds  ) samantha howard ┋ study ┋ stand in the mirror you look the same  (  just looking for shelter from cold and pain  )
scar ┋ study ┋ a scarred killer  (  a victim of unjustified tragedy  ) scar ┋ mirror ┋ his skin and eyes like god  (   the blood on his hands like a scar ┋ musings ┋ ishval and her people may cast him aside  (  but his wrath is divine and righteous  ) scar ┋ interaction ┋ revenge is a confession of pain  (  and he has been through hell  )
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shallpunish · 5 years
soups tags
out of character ┋ posts ┋ what store are you in  (  im at the soup store!!  ) out of character ┋ psa ┋ important information ahead  (  please pay attention  ) out of character ┋ study ┋ a scarred killer  (  a victim of unjustified tragedy  )  out of character ┋ world building ┋ arakawa did us dirty  (  let me fix this mess  ) out of character ┋ crack ┋ what’s my name?  (  fuck you.  ) out of character ┋ saved ┋ did you know that uhhh  (  i love this??  ) out of character ┋ prompts ┋ you should send me stuff  (  go nuts!!  ) out of character ┋ starter call ┋ mutuals only please  (  smash that heart button  )       in character ┋ verse 1 ┋ he will punish the wicked and cruel  (  they do not deserve forgiveness  ) in character ┋ verse 2 ┋ vengeance is a blight that nearly destroyed him  (  they will change how they see him  ) in character ┋ verse 3 ┋ reborn in the light and forgiveness of god  (  they deserve redemption  ) in character ┋ verse 4 ┋ modern au tbt  in character ┋ mirror ┋ his skin and eyes like god  (   the blood on his hands like a sinner  )   in character ┋ musings ┋ ishval and her people may cast him aside  (  but his wrath is divine and righteous  ) in character ┋ interaction ┋ revenge is a confession of pain  (  and he has been through hell  ) 
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