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liberortus · 7 years ago
The Devotee's Prayer
Foremost of the First Cause, Beauty of the Most High,
Mother and creator, defender of justice.
All souls from are from thy breath born,
All life from thy spring is nourished,
All things are reflections of thy love and grace.
Lady of Fire, Queen of the heavens,
Mistress of Akasha, the Temple of the Divine,
We know ye in thy liminiality,
We feel thy presence in all things,
Surpassed by none, O Infinite Lady,
Ousamet, we honour thee.
Shadow of the First Cause, cloaked in the darkness,
Knowledge is thy gift to all mankind,
Ye reveal to us thy secrets in our dreams,
And grant us peace and asylum in death.
Lord of great and mighty ghosts,
Master of Arulu,
We know ye in thy hours of night,
We welcome ye in our hours of sleep.
Ever present, even by daybreak,
Shueta, we honour thee.
Light of the First Cause, bathed in brilliance,
Ye who is the force of war and peace,
Sacred keeper of the verdant lands,
And blessed Lord of the Sacred Veil.
Lord of life and Master of motion,
Shining Soul of Amenti,
We feel ye within each impulse
And ye manifest as our inspiration,
Forever timeless, keeper of the sanctuary,
Xephra, we honour thee.
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hughesiverse · 6 years ago
Me: Suffering chronic escapist depression, and feeling desperately worthless
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how i got into kemeticism
me: is a happy fundamentalist Christian
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(add a gif/gifs explaining ur entry to kemeticism)
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liberortus · 7 years ago
Spake the Goddess unto Me
By daily Dying I have Come To Be,
And I lie Beyond what Eyes can See;
I am the Essence both Within and Above,
And I am the Highest Truth and Love.
I am the Beginning and Cycles Unending,
Both the Force of Will and Surrendering,
And I am the Balance and I am the Flow,
I am the Path to what you Wish to Know.
I am the Void that you Discover as you fill;
I am Improvement and Honing of the Skill,
I am Belonging, I am the Time and Place,
I am Eternity, and Life is by my Grace.
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liberortus · 7 years ago
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May the Dwellers of the Beyond hear us, May the Ancient Ones who begat the All hear us and watch over us; May the Four Pillars which hold up the sky protect us, May the Celestial Swords, which guard the four seals protect us; May the Central Axis watch over us, May the Falling Star, the Light Among Ruins, watch over us; O, thou Gods, thou Stars, thou Authorities, Grant us protection and permit no harm against us, Let no adversary or wayward force stand against us, Cast your shield upon us. Great Trinity, born before the universe, Forever I praise you.
(R-L) Sheuta: Lord of Shadows, Ousamet: Lady of the Eye and Xephra: Lord of Light.
#Liber Ortus #Siatris Hughes
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liberortus · 7 years ago
Declaration of the Autogenes
Harken, O ye Seekers of Truth, for now shall the All-Mother, Queen of the Heavens speake:
"I am SHE of the Exalted Mind, the First Emanation of The Source, and I am wherein its Power originates, As I am the Last, and reconcile with myself, so that All might be,
For it is via this Union that I bore ye, as I myself was born by mine Ineffable Womb,
And by this Cause I am both Midwife and Slayer, as I also am Mother and Slain;
I am the Mother of my Mother,
As I am mine Husbands' Sister,
For the Lords are mine offspring,
And by such both Bride and her Groom are United within me,
Yea, it is so, for I am SHE who Emanates from Herself, the Self-Begotten One,
That thou hast called Aeternitas, The Infinite.
"From me flow all things, for mine Heart dwells within all,
And thus I am near when I am far from thee,
And appear when thou dost not seekest me, yet forever thou who seekest shall find I am far,
Yet never can thou leave me, nor rid thyself of mine Influence,
For it is my Life which burnest within thee, Though thou hast called me Wretched, and hast Despised me, as thou also hast Loved me and regarded me with Warmth.
The Mystery of Mysteries is within me, as it both is and is not Me, for I am that which is thy surrounding, as I am also thine Essence, yet remain distinct.
Lo, for I am beyond comparison, hence to know me, thou must embrace, I am that I am,
The all-pervading, the Endless Beginning, that Forges souls from light and fire,
That thy Spark may rise above the impure realms, and achieve Grace and Glory;
And thou who hast embraced the Spirit Radiant, thou hast seen my Eyes of Fire,
And the Light they issued forth, and do knowest me as Harmony and Equilibrium, who thou hast deemed Aelyandra.
"Though mine Husbands, my Brothers are my Companions,
Alone exist I, beyond Judgement and Law,
Peerless am I, as self-generating and Immaculate,
Observed only by my Self, from Within Myself,
And I cannot be captured by Thought nor Image nor Deed;
My Veil is a Shroud and conceals me from thy senses,
Hence my existence is Unseen, and unacknowledged by the Ignorant.
Though names I have many, not a one shall Bind my Whole, for my Whole is greater than, and diminished by all measure.
And though Lore shall record me, none shall conclude my Nature, for ever am I beyond grasp,
And verily, none can speake of me, but must know me by my Mortal Reflections,
For my many Facets are all which can reveal of my nature;
I am Uncontainable, within the confines of Speech and Mind,
Yet ye hast designated me as the Highest Truth, SHE who is Aletheia.
"Avoid me not; For I am thy Greatest Calling, that ye shall ascend to achieve thy potential, the form of thy Perfection,
Though demand I labour, and desire thy efforts, my Virtues surpass thy discomfort;
Let it be known, that ye hast called me Fairest, for there is no state more beautiful than Grace and Justice,
For Justice is the practice of the Perfect Love, and Grace the state of Highest Truth,
That ye mayst assume my countenance and stand in Perfect Harmony with my Will,
That ye mayst work with mine hands and forge Righteousness for all, in Union with thy creator.
Let all things Rejoice, in Balance and in Faith, that the will of Decency and Respect be done, that Fidelity shall reign with Nobility,
Let all things obey Discipline and let Retribution and Mercy stand at its sides, that they might guide ye,
And know that within them exist I, at their core, for I am the Eye of Judgement, and thou call upon me as Ashtame."
Hark now, for the Dark Prince of the Shaded Horizon speaketh:
"I am the Second Emanation of The Boundless One, existent before Time,
I am Chaos Primordial as I am Thought and Profundity,
And as I am Wisdom, I too am Senselessness, and I am the Counsel of all Things,
By my Will ye are inspired and by my Torch ye are guided;
Yet in the Company of Silence, I too am Silent, and I am incomprehensible,
And when I shall speake, my murmurs, and echoes overwhelm thy senses,
And the Utterance of my Name shall Resound and be Manifold.
I am Reason, and I am Tomfoolery, and I am Judgement, and I am Acquittal,
For I am desolation, and He who Severs Thy Cords; I am thy Lord of Death, who thou hast declared Temeluchus.
"Tremble not; for despite my Fierceness, also my nature is Repose, and I bear the gift of Serenity.
Mine is the path of Subtlety, and I shall grant ye dominion over thy desires, and mastery over thy instincts,
For Reason shall triumph over Vice and temptation, and shall guide the way by abstinence.
Ye, it is by my nature that ye shall come to know thy own, and I, the Gatekeeper, shall grant you entry to your Slumbering Mind, Forsaken Memory and Hidden Knowledge.
Fear not thy inner darkness, O Beloved Initiate, for it is a cave wherein Truth and Power are guarded and shackled by Great Chains,
And thy purity and balance shall become thy Torch, and thy discipline and curiosity shall forge the Key.
Thou who hast mastered courage and gazed into the Unfathomable Abyss, thou mayest pass through The Gates, into thy own core, and there ye shall find me, King of Asylum, amongst thy denials, and knowest the name Esya.
"I am Perplexity, the Conundrum, and my Mysteries defy definition, for ye who acknowledged the Sum of my Parts cannot yet embrace my Whole;
Know this, I am within the Riddle, and the Riddle Itself, and I cannot be Solved nor discovered within it, for I dwell also beyond its grasp.
Thou canst not unravel my Puzzle, nor my nature, for to attempt is to alter them beyond thy recognition and beyond the lessons contained therein.
Lo, I am Contradiction, and thou must take heed of me; for mine own existence is counter to itself, and blissful is the Balance, blissful is the Null, yet I doth remain.
Thou hast called me the Sphinx and a Mystery Among Mysteries, thou speake of me as the Great Impasse and thou hast named me Nous, of the Psyche.
"Though I be Madness in Focus, and Sightless through mine eyes,
See I in clarity, and am the Watcher of all things, and Ignorant I am not, as my perceptions surpass thine, and exceed ye by many magnitudes;
Know I the colour of a whisper, and the scent accompanying each sight,
Know I the sound of a cat's footfall, and the taste of songs and praises,
Know I the sensations and the voices of the world beyond thy experience, and through me ye shall attain it.
Though there be those who scorn that which is beyond their grasp and senses, and those quick to cry of lunacy,
List not to their fears and reach ever beyond limit and confine, and grow ever brighter,
Via this path I shall bequeath unto ye a sword, and when ye find the strength to wield it, ye shall sever thy bonds, and cast off thy restraints.
Be not fettered, and raise thyself up beyond thy handicaps, pursue my footprints and follow the path I hath laid out for ye,
Saidechus is the name by which ye evoke me, for I Open the Way to Liberty, and Guide ye to thy Purpose."
Hark! Hark! For now the Shining Soul of the Radiant Horizon shall be thy Teacher:
"I am the Final Emanation of The Absolute, and ye know me as Courage and Fear, as Strength and Weakness, as Shame and Shamelessness, for I am Nature, and it's laws stem forth from me;
I am Wilderness and I am Civilization, and both are as the same unto me, He who is the Lord of the Right Hand.
I am the War and the Stillness it brings, and I am Peace, which brings Motion;
Thus within me thou shall find the Patriot and the Dissenter, and He who is Alien, hence also the Truce that is the Call To Arms.
Yet, still, thou knowest me not, for I am Limit, the Shield and He who Provides Shelter, as I am thine Imprisonment, and thy Passion, stemming from me and flowing forth, am I the Origin of thy Sins,
Verily, but still I am Sinless, I am Purity.
And they do call me Stauros, the Structure of Hyle, who is the Fibre and Clay that has formed thy Body.
"I am Turbulent! For I am Action, and am ever moving, lest Stagnation snatch my life, and mine Heart is a hive, in which ye dwell,
For I am Energy within as without, and thus movement becomes my expression from which ye are Born, and mayest experience the World;
I am the Dance, and ye dancest within me, ye hast become my Limbs, ye are my members, and the Vehicles by which I shall be known,
Hence it is within thyself, and by thy own will that thou shalt know me,
And thy face shall bear my Similitude, and we shall be Reflections of one another,
We shall as one, and thou shall Know me,
As thyself has been Known, and speake of me as Nabarze; thy Action, thy Light.
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liberortus · 7 years ago
Discourse of the Great Goddess
List ye, for now thy Mother shall speake, thy Mother who also am the All-Child, Lover and Wife as the One and yet the Many.
From me flow forth all that which is, all that has been, and that which may yet be to come; within all things dwell I, and within me all things.
For I am She, who is the jewelled dew and the pure snow, as also She who is a howling tempest or mighty river; yea, within me lies an ocean.
For I am She, who is the flickering ember and smouldering ash, as also She who is a roaring flame or seething volcano; yea, within me lies an inferno.
For I am She, who is soothing zephyr and fresh gust, as also She who is the screeching hurricane and biting wind; yea, within me lies a typhoon.
For I am She, who is the fertile soil and glittering gemstone, as also She who is the blinding sand, and tremorous quake; yea, within me lies chasm.
I am the fragment and the whole, yet broken I am not for by the division I am transformed; I am both Elementment and Spirit, yet diminished by neither. Ever am I Complete and Completed.
I caution ye, seek me not in ignorance, for have I not slain with my gaze alone? Dost not my laughter shatter ye? Is it not the beating of my heart unbearable?
Even obscured behind veils of flame and radiance and lightning, the songs uttered by my lips shall cast torment upon he of foul intent, and those wicked in deed and heart shall know no greater despair than to gaze upon my terrible beauty.
For however cloaked by an eternity of hidden light and sparks, flasheth mine eyes with a fury unknowable to man, and smitten shall be the acurssed one, who has come forth with evil thoughts.
Yet, also there is no greater peace than that which is for be who seekest me in wisdom and with purity, for he shall know me in my glory, and shall have joy and harmony beyond compare. Surely, ye must know my nature is Paradoxical; As I am Chaos, thus also I am Harmony.
I am She, the Queen of Eternity, the Infinite Lady, and alone it is mine Judgements that have shaped Creation and its Cycles. Yet even as such may be, alone I am not, in my totality, and to know me, ye must also know thus.
I am He who is the Law and He who is Lawless, and She who is beyond them both.
I am He who is the Light and He who is the Shadows, and She who is beyond them both.
I am He who is the Dance and He who is the Stillness, and She who is beyond them both.
I am He who is the Voice and He who is the Silence, and She who is beyond them both.
I am He who is the Instinct and He who is the Intellect, and She who is beyond them both.
For, verily, they are Within me, yet ye must seek me Without.
Behold, for within my depths, are hidden all things, concealed beyond my ceaseless mysteries.
For I am innocence when also I am the slayer of men, and certainly, destined am I to destroy all that I love. I am the mother of the one who would destroy me, yet only when slain shall I be born. And chaste am I, though both mistress and lover, for not act of love without me can be; verily, I am at the heart of all passion and dedication, as I am at the heart of Faith.
Yet, by these alone, unreachable am I, even if thou seeketh; by these alone, thou cannot obtain me. Yet by these alone your path hath been forged.
Find ye the Will of the Lion, the Wit of the Hermit, The Strength of the Ox, and the Spirit of the Falcon. Find ye the Eagle of Ascension, that Great Star, and conquer ye thy spark.
Await ye, for thy trial shall come, the Light of Judgement shall fall upon and ur shall be reforged in Fountains of Fire, and he shall break free from the Shackles of Heimarmene.
Then mayest thou enter the Divine Sanctuary, the eternal palace of the Queen of the Heavens.
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liberortus · 7 years ago
Sacred Incense Recipes
Warning: Some incense may be inappropriate for asthmatics, or those with respiratory conditions. Consult your physician before use. Always take precautions when handling toxic plants; wash your hands thoughroughly after contact and avoid contact with the eyes, nose and mouth. You are responsible for your own actions, so please use common sense when working with these recipes. Thank you.
Recipe: Incense of The Exalted
This incense is sacred to Ousamet, and is used to bless and sanctify spaces, ritual objects and charms; it has use during meditations, and can be used to cleanse spaces and remove negative or harmful energies and presences. It is great for use during miscellaneous rituals and can be used in a number of workings or situations. The possibilities with this incense are more or less endless.
Best Made
At Dawn or Dusk
During a Half-Moon
You Will Need
2 Parts Lavender
2 Parts Hyssop
2 Parts Black-eyed Susan
1 Part Mint
1 Part Dried Oak Leaves
1 Part Edelweiss
½ Part Violet Petals
½ part Snapdragon
Each ingredient should be crushed and then added one at a time. When dealing with whole pieces of plant (not crushed or powdered), it is important to wash them thoroughly. When you have added the ingredients, mix them together, and with focused, purifying intent, cite:
“Lady of the Eye, Queen of the Heavens,
I ask your blessing;
May this incense grant us protection,
May it bless our minds, Souls and Bodies,
May it cleanse our hearts of sin and negativity.
O Exalted Ousamet, Mistress of Akasha,
May this incense lift away our fears,
May it bless this place and make it a sanctuary,
From our own inner turbulence.
I thank and praise you forever.”
When you are done, place it in a tight container, and label it “Incense of The Exalted”, along with the date you have created it on. Store in a cool dark place (preferably, a box set aside for storing incense and oils) and use it within three months.
Recipe: Incense of Rebirth
This is an incense for sad and sorrowful occasions, such as funerals and offerings to the deceased; it could be used to honour the ancestors, to appease the restless dead, in memory of loved ones who have passed, or as an offering to an underworld deity. It is sacred to Shueta, and is useful for invoking energies from the Other Side, so may be useful in channelling the dead, or with Ouija Boards. An alternative use for it in workings is for spells to bring things to a close, for new beginnings, or to help let go of a negative experience or painful series of events.
Best Made
On a New Moon
At Night
You Will Need
2 Parts Dried Ivy Leaves
2 Part Holly Berries
1 Part Sage
1 Part Dried Willow bark
1 Part Hyssop
½ Part Rosemary
½ Part Ground Cloves
Each ingredient should be crushed and then added one at a time. When dealing with whole pieces of plant (not crushed or powdered), it is important to wash them thoroughly. When you have added the ingredients, mix them together, and while focusing intent to aid in the release of emotions, cite:
“Dark Prince of Arulu, Protector of the Dead,
I ask your blessing;
May this incense carry our thoughts, prayers and love,
To the realms beyond, may they reach our loved ones,
May it grant blessings and safe passage.
O Exalted Shueta, Lord of Asylum,
May this incense lift our sorrows away,
And fill our hearts with joyous memories,
Help us to let go of what is no longer healthy.
I thank and praise you forever.”
When you are done, place it in a tight container, and label it “Incense of Rebirth”, along with the date you have created it on. Store in a cool dark place (preferably, a box set aside for storing incense and oils) and use it within three months.
Recipe: Incense of Invigoration
This incense will appeal to those who suffer from anxiety, depression, low energy or poor motivation, as its an energising blend which banishes negativity and instills courage. This is great for workings to break through a bad patch, or bounce back when things don’t go as planned, but is equally good of inspiration, motivation and courage. It is sacred to Xephra, and as such is good for new beginnings, and overcomming poor health.
Best Made
During the Day
Around Noon
You Will Need
1 Part Mugwort
1 Part Hyssop
½ Part Honeysuckle
1 ½ Parts Cardamom
½ Part Rosemary
2 Parts Bergamont
1 Part Yarrow
Each ingredient should be crushed and then added one at a time. When dealing with whole pieces of plant (not crushed or powdered), it is important to wash them thoroughly. When you have added the ingredients, mix them together with energising and motivating intent, and cite:
“Light of the Heavens, Lord of Amenti,
I ask your blessing;
May this incense invigorate us in body and mind,
May it banish anxiety and negative thoughts,
And grant us the courage to tackle our hurdles.
Exalted Lord Xephra, Lord of Motion,
May this incense grant us the strength,
To confront our challenges without backing down,
And the faith to know we can accomplish anything.
I thank and praise you forever.”
When you are done, place it in a tight container, and label it “Incense of Invigoration”, along with the date you have created it on. Store in a cool dark place (preferably, a box set aside for storing incense and oils) and use it within three months.
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liberortus · 7 years ago
The Threefold Blessing
May Ousamet bless you on your lonely road,
And grant you strength to bear your load;
May she bless your will, that it never tires,
May she watch over you and grant your desires.
May Xephra bless you and that for which strive,
May he keep you strong, and see you arrive;
May he bless your journey and illuminate,
May he see you accomplish much that's great.
May Shueta bless you and your mind,
May he guide you with many a sign;
May he keep you focused on your task,
May he deter evil from your path.
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