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Trying to learn how to animate using Ourem, a character from my Aussie based story Strahliana
#thylacine#animation#strahliana#ellennart#Ourem#I wanted to keep his tail stiff because he’s based off of a tassie tiger#definitely have a lot to learn about making fur move fluidly#I used that leaked suicune test animation as a base
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Vote for Zhar!! She's a grump but she's a loveable one.
Personality wise she was actually at least partially inspired by a little girl I used to babysit (she used to get grumpy at me for knowing more facts than her lol, and she didn't grow up with pets so she was kinda scared of animals). Zhahara's appearance was because I know a few little indigenous girls and I wanted to make a princess type character for them.
(Also I have no idea why all of my entries came up as a hard to read wall of text, could have sworn I formatted them? Oops)
Please vote based on the picture AND the description!
Zhahara [Strahliana @egglygreg]
Eighteen year old Zhahara is one of Ahleri's companions, and is the daughter of the elected ruler of Strahna. She is usually the more cautious voice of reason in the group. She's a clever bookworm with a vast amount of knowledge about almost any subject. As the daughter of a nobleman she is also very good at political maneuvering and knowing the ins and outs of high class society, which is why she is appointed Ahleri's etiquette guide and manager when Ahleri arrives at the castle. Her personality is mostly serious, but she has a surprisingly dry sense of humor. Very fond of plants, but generally more in a knowledge sense than practical, though she does help tend the palace gardens and has her own assortment of potted plants. Unfortunately she has little experience with the greater outdoors and other hands-on practical work, and is not fond of animals (which Nimble recognises and punishes her for- the little possum loves to destroy her things and stir her up. She does warm to Ourem quite quickly though, due to his gentle and noble nature). Hard to get close to initially, once Zhahara is attached to someone she is then fiercely loyal. Shrewd and perceptive, she does tend to hold grudges against those who have wronged her. She has few friends, usually preferring her own company, though is very close with her cousin Conell. She actually starts out heavily disliking Ahleri, but after some time she comes to love her dearly, and they develop a strong friendship. Similarily she also comes to enjoy the outdoors despite her initial dislike, and even gets attached to Nimble. Zhahara can be quite picky and particular about many things. She's surprisingly messy but has a weird system and knows where everything is. She often gets very caught up in a train of thought and hates if someone interrupts her or changes the subject before she has finished speaking. Will talk regardless of whether others are interested or even listening, and gets very annoyed when others know more about something than she does (although it's rare that someone does, she's a wellspring of knowledge). She is generally very good at negotiating and at conflict resolution, and can give very good advice. Doesn't always follow it herself. Despite her short stature, she is also a fairly good fighter, having been trained as part of her studies growing up.
Ziph [Welsh WIP @bookdragon1811]
complicated relationship with grief babeyyyy lets go!! also with sand. he's blind and is teaming up with an old lady to figure out why his dead grandfather was so obsessed with the sand that blinded him
#christian oc tournament#Strahliana#Conell won his poll Ahleri lost in a heated battle Ourem is losing and Nimble is apparently perfectly split currently
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Proposal for Reconstructed English
The thesis at the heart of this proposed reconstruction process is as follows: The English language, in its earliest recognizably attested form, that is Old English, or Anglo-Saxon, is a full and capable language, able to adequately and generally express the experience, internal and external, of its speakers and writers. It is fit for new life in the contemporary world. In the evolution of English, the language has lost much of its original lexicon and grammar. This is to be restored to it, according to its earliest attested meaning and usage. Orthography is to be formed according to what standards are discernible in Middle and Early Modern English, in order to increase legibility to contemporary speakers. Certain native letters (þ and ð) are to be avoided for this reason, but their usage may be preferential. Syntax is to be formed along the lines of original usage, but may be adjusted for legibility. Phonology will be largely untouched, as the vast chasm of English phonological diversity is now as frustrating to descriptive efforts as it has ever been in the past. This is not a second attempt at what has heretofore been called “Anglish”, which is in general a lexical swap-out project intent on the removal of Latin-derived words from the vocabulary of Modern English. In Reconstructed English, Latin derived words which appear in the language pre-1066 will remain firmly in the lexicon. Where native Old English alternatives exist for latinate words, the native will be preferred. Where this occurs with other Germanic languages (almost solely Old Norse), both the native and non-native will be equally retained. Primary lexical and orthographical preference is to be given to Old English and Middle English, with reference preceding thereafter to Old Norse and German.
Primary influential texts include: Beowulf, the Exeter Book, The Anglo-Saxon Gospels, The Ormulum, Chaucer, and the Wycliffe Bible.
Example Text of Reconstructed English:
Our Fader, thou the eart in héavenum Thín Name béa yhalwed, Thín Rích become, Thín Will béa yworden, so on éarthen as in héavene. Yíve us today ouren daylían bréad, And foryív us oure gyltes, as we foryíveth ourem gyltendum. And ney ylæd us into costnungum, Ack aleís us from evile. Amen.
Example paradigms, noun, verb, and adjective:
Héaven - m. heaven, sky. From OE heofon. Sing., Pl. N. héaven, héavnes A. héaven, héavnes G. héavenes, héavena D. héavene, héavenum
Halwen - to hallow, make holy. present, past 1. ic halwe, halwed 2. thou halwest, halwedest 3. he halweth, halwed plr. halwíeth, halweden part. halwend, yhalwed sub. halwe, halwed halwen, halweden imp. halwe halwíeth inf. halwen halwene
Our - our, of or belonging to us. masc., fem., neu. N. our, our, our A. ouren, oure, our G. oures, oure, oures D. ourem, oure, ourem
Plr. N. our, our, our A. our, our, our G. oura, oura, oura D. ourem, ourem, ourem
#english#anglish#reconstructed english#my work#our father#lord's prayer#archaic english#middle english#anglo-saxon#old english#medieval
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all the rest of my artfight attacks. frantic scribbling appears to be the way to do it for me.
@egglygreg's ourem siddashadowson's bawena @dreagonarchives' ancient mew @kazeharuhime's ithiel @silversteampunk's j. d. warfare's warfare
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And finally... this year I made my very first Mass Attack! I decided I wanted to draw as many thylacine or part-thylacine characters I could muster. (They are my favorite marsupial after all,) And I didn't actually even get to half of them that I wanted to. I'll have to do this again next year, I had a blast drawing all these guys, and they all have such neat designs! ;v;
The characters featured are:
Bravo and Foxtrot, belonging to Luna_Lazuli
Cereal, Gingerbread, Jellybean, Lavender, Mint, Nutmeg, Paprika, Rosemary, Saffron, and Thyme belonging to @thylacereal
Cider, belonging to vile_rodent
Dasymon, Joeymon, Lykamon, Rogue Taxidermon, and Taxidermon belonging to @palaeoplushies
Finn, belonging to @victobiousart
Heatwaves, belonging to @totally-neurotypical
June, belonging to @thylascream
Kit, belonging to @vriske
Lennox, belonging to @wearerofsocks
Matcha, belonging to DusterDawnhorse
Moonwalk, belonging to @sockrosma
Nadia, belonging to IlonaEntropy
Orbit, belonging to ThyDillo
Ourem, belonging to @egglygreg
Pennyroyal, belonging to Bellandthebeasts
Pixel, belonging to @squenble
Schrödinger, belonging to Nocturnal_Napalm
Sina, belonging to @bettabythesea (Me!! :D)
Tailia, belonging to @mysterypaws
Thylamine, belonging to bluegremlinbaby
Tinker, belonging to cheeber
Wither, belonging to ParadooxDrawings
I also made a silly little custom thumbnail for this since, I mean. I'll always take the opportunity for a Ty cameo. ...and a meme. That's under the cut!
Guess I'll Draw,
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Ó tu para quem escrevo – a quem chamava outrora por um nome que hoje se me afigura demasiado dorido, a quem eu agora chamo Camarada – não admitas mais nada de dorido no teu coração. Saibas obter de ti o que torne a queixa inútil. Não implores mais de ourem o que podes obter. Eu vivi; é tua vez agora. É em ti que doravante se prolongará minha juventude. Dou-te procuração. Se sentir que sucedes a mim, aceitarei melhor a morte. Transfiro-te minha Esperança.
André Gide (Os Frutos da Terra)
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Kaden Groves, 25 anni, velocista del team Alpecin, ha vinto la seconda tappa della Vuelta di Spagna bruciando sul traguardo portoghese di Ourem tutte le ruote veloci del Circo.Secondo il belga Van Aert. Il vincitore si è preso anche 2 secondi di abbuono. Il belga si è consolato con la maglia rossa di leader della classifica superando McNulty di 3 secondi. Il miglior italiano in classifica è il mantovano Affini a 11 secondi da Van Aert.TAPPA TUTTA LUSITANASecondo giorno in Portogallo, e prima tappa in linea di una Vuelta di Spagna (21 tappe, 3.304,3 km) che promette spettacolo. Dopo la mini cronometro di 12 km sul lungomare di Lisbona vinta sabato dallo statunitense Brandon McNulty della Uae Emirates (sua la prima maglia rossa) la Vuelta edizione n.79 ha costruito una tappa, interamente lusitana di 194 km, da Cascais a Ourem; dal distretto di Lisbona al distretto di Santerem. Una galoppata con due soli e modesti Gpm. Primi 90 km con strade non del tutto pianeggianti, poi l’altimetria si è fatta tranquilla. Dislivello di poco più di 2.600 metri.DUE SPAGNOLI SUBITO ALL’ATTACCOPartenza alle 13.05, due spagnoli subito all’attacco, Luis Angel Mate scollina per primo primo Gpm (5,3 km al 4,8%). A metà corsa resta in fuga la coppia spagnola. Cioè Mate e Ibon Ruiz. Il gruppo lascia loro anche tre minuti di vantaggio. Giornata di sole e vento (spesso contrario). I due battistrada procedono di comune accordo.A 80 km dal traguardo il loro vantaggio è sceso a 1’48. Poi i fuggitivi risalgono. È il gioco del gatto col topolino. Insomma se il topo prova a scappare ricomincia la caccia. Le corazzate Uae, Jumbo Visma e Ineos vigilano, tengono tutto sotto controllo. La maglia rossa McNulty resta saggiamente al coperto. Andatura tranquilla. Dopo lo sprint intermedio di Alcobaça (vinto da Mate)comincia un’altra corsa. Ultimi 53 km. I battistrada vengono raggiunti e il gruppo si prepara alla conclusione.VUELTA, FINALE MOVIMENTATOTutta un’altra musica. Andatura più che sostenuta. Lunghi tratti a 50 km/h. Ai -20 km c’è un’ultima collinetta e una folla che eccede in entusiasmo e provoca cadute e rallentamenti. Ne approfitta il ceco di Praga Karel Vacek per allungare, una fiammata di pochi km. A Fátima (15 km dal traguardo) il gruppo lo mette nel mirino e lo aggancia in un baleno.Ultimi 10 km di bagarre. Si formano i treni per gli uomini jet. Un tratto in leggera discesa è affrontato a 81 km/h.Pazzesco. Rettilineo a 71 km/h. Brutta caduta a 1,8 km dalla linea d’arrivo (7 corridori coinvolti). Volata caotica. L’australiano Groves brucia le ruote veloci e vince di potenza e coraggio.
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15.238) Vila Nova de Ourém- Pormenor do Castelo (não circulado) https://www.bialto.com/listing/15238-vila-nova-de-ourem-pormenor-do-castelo-nao-circulado/18406115
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Acaipoumor Acan Aceic Aceneim Acoimeiraun Acos Acoul Acout Acoutoces Afacopouc Afaifoip Afaupein Afet Afoil Afol Afoufoupot Aiceup Aifaf Aifain Aifefeup Aifeloum Aifen Aifenaral Aifoiroic Ailam Aileumoun Ailoil Aimeic Aimeifafais Aimones Aimoroineum Ainoc Ainoulair Aipaic Aipaur Aipefosan Aipeic Aipois Aipout Airafail Airem Airerosoc Aisaimoifeis Aisoim Aitam Aiteit Aitomanet Alaf Alaisaitar Alecef Aleul Aleuseilal Amac Amacoum Amaip Amaul Amaumanef Ameut Amon Amoneupoit Amoun Anas Anaupos Aneilatoip Anesor Anoipoil Apaitoumor Apal Apasaiseur Apatoc Apeunelop Apeutauros Apoin Apoitoteir Apouselen Araneupaup Arerasam Aresom Aroim Asaimon Asan Asar Asatouf Asaupaupaic Asautauroir Aseit Asenes Asepait Aseureun Asof Asofeton Asom Asoumos Ataif Atatem Ateitet Aterauf Ateup Atoiroiteit Ator Auceifocot Auceuc Aucos Aucoureif Aufacolar Aufeipeureim Aufeiteil Aufeun Aulaifeir Aulef Aumeimes Aumeineireup Aumep Aunal Aunameut Aunan Aunoim Aunomeifaun Aunop Aupeirais Aupoil Auponas Aupoun Auraimeirauf Auron Ausacour Ausainatos Ausecoup Auseipacan Ausoic Ausoin Ausot Autamat Autapeulair Auteifonel Autep Auteucot Auteup Autofeuc Autoseumet Ecateip Ecein Ecemeif Efacef Efairail Efamapeic Efaucef Efaum Efein Efeip Efel Efout Eicom Eicoroin Eifatafair Eifecec Eifeus Eifeusap Eifos Eifouneun Eilail Eilan Eilaroirout Eilec Eilep Eileseser Eilois Eimaicorem Eimairopoc Eimaloulom Eiman Eimeit Eimonot Einaureisan Eineup Eineusainem Einoc Einois Einonoipoc Einot Eipap Eipeteiteip Eiram Eirauteup Eirol Eiroucal Eisap Eiseum Eisopaitep Eitalonaf Eitef Eitemamoc Eiteutailot Eitoif Eitonailem Eitour Elac Elain Elam Elatounap Eleceneur Elet Eleurac Eloic Eloipaisaul Elomeunan Elonaret Eloul Elous Emaf Emalaur Eman Emeifol Emepofep Emoneuper Emopaitap Emor Emourac Emout Enaic Enairalot Enap Enauten Enecep Eneitaunol Enen Enon Enoteit Epafeuf Epar Epasorol Epaut Epeiran Epeiseilos Epel Epenat Epot Eralores Erasemaut Erausocer Erepait Eres Ereunaisoun Ereur Ereuroun Eroisois Eroul Esaim Esat Esatas Esaun Esefeseut Esep Esoiceuf Esoucapom Esounousof Eteum Euceic Euceifouc Euceureul Eucosoumouc Eucoul Eucoutamef Eufeipaus Eufeloleif Eufeumoirois Eulerof Eulomoleut Eumam Eumef Eumeiferaup Eunain Eunenaun Eunes Euneut Eunousois Eupail Eupaiposoup Eupeim Eupouc Eurac Eutamoreim Eutauc Eutoinain Eutoureines Ocac Ocait Ocaleitac Ocetaup Ocofoutous Ocoil Ocotanap Ocouceic Ofaifein Ofain Ofaumap Ofeuc Ofoun Ofout Oican Oiceifeus Oiceip Oifaif Oifos Oifout Oilaf Oilam Oileimoufac Oiles Oiletaipeus Oiloc Oimasop Oimof Oimoifaicor Oimol Oimon Oimot Oimouc Oinacoin Oinanonoic Oineceim Oinein Oineup Oinoir Oinop Oinosoit Oinounofoil Oipan Oipoinepoun Oiraimeir Oirautaur Oirois Oirop Oiroraureip Oisain Oitair Oiteic Oitoisacon Olaf Olaperac Olaum Olaupeceum Olec Olef Oloisaicail Omaum Omef Omemais Omes Omocois Omoifen Omomosaim Omoneim Omonofat Omonop Omos Onaureutef Onaut Oneic Oneil Onen Oner Oneurecen Oneutenoun Onoif Onoumauneit Onoun Opafeloim Opaip Opap Opaun Opaupas Opeim Open Opet Oponepep Opouteloc Orafoif Oraimoceun Orainelaus Oratoc Oraucamoup Orecosaum Oreim Orep Oresoicaic Oroifefas Oropof Orot Osais Osanareic Oselef Osol Otaf Otaisomot Otal Otapoum Otar Otaulopoc Otof Otoic Otoitoumef Otopomap Ototam Ototauroup Oucacoimol Oucaun Oucaus Oucefaiten Ouceun Oucoun Oucoupop Oufaulep Oufenaleis Oufeuf Oufous Oulet Ouletalom Ouleufelaus Oulol Oulotem Oumec Oumeilauc Oumol Oumom Oumon Oumoum Oumoumour Ouneif Ounosais Oupeip Oupeit Oupeuceur Ouponaum Oupop Ouraus Ourem Ourolaulas Ourotef Ousaiteuteut Ousar Ousotesas Outel Outoufoucaun
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Factos de Fatima e Medjugorje
Factos de Fatima e Medjugorje
1 – Quando Nossa Senhora apareceu aos pastorinhos em 1917 disse que os crimes da Russia iam se espalhar pelo mundo e os pastorinhos eram analfabetos e nem sabiam que existia um pais chamado Russia, chegaram a pensar que era a mula deles que se chamava Russa que cometia tais crimes. Mais tarde Nossa Senhora disse para os pastorinhos irem para a escola e foi o que Lúcia fez ; foi frequentar a escola a aprender a ler e escrever.
2 – Nossa Senhora também disse em 1917 aos pastorinhos que a Guerra ia acabar ou seja a primeira Guerra mundial e acabou em 1918 e também falou que os Homens; se não se arrependessem e não voltassem a Deus por causa da revolução na Russia uma Guerra viria e que seria muito pior que a primeira e assim aconteceu em 1939 começou a II Guerra Mundial como sabemos de proporções desumanas que nenhuma outra guerra até então era sendo mais devastadora.
3 – Em Medjugorje, Nossa Senhora pareceu a seis os videntes, quatro mulheres e dois homens que em 1981 eram ainda crianças com idades entre 10 e 16 anos, quando a Virgem Maria iniciou a transmissão a cada um de uma série de mensagens.
4 – Medjugorje fica na Croacia que em 1981 era uns pais Soviético pertencia ao Bloco do Leste ou seja era um pais comunista que não falava em fenómenos religiosos.
5 – Mesmo assim Nossa Senhora apareceu em Medjugorje em 1981 e Nossa Senhora falou aos videntes que ia terminar o que começou em Fátima Portugal ou seja os videntes ficaram a conhecer que nossa Senhora também apareceu em Fátima a outros videntes pois desconheciam disso que ate existia Fátima pois viviam num regime comunista que nada falava do Fenómeno de Fátima como o milagre do Sol em 13 de Outubro de 1917 e etc…
6 – Cerca de 70 mil pessoas foram testemunhas do milagre de Fátima pois muitos eram descrentes e foram a Ourem para ver a “fraude” das visões dos pastorinhos pois não acreditavam que algo sobrenatural ia acontecer como foi anunciado pelos pastorinhos e como a republica Portuguesa era agnóstica e ateu mesmo contra a igreja era um bom motivo para fazer a descrença na igreja Portuguesa, até foram jornalistas descrentes para reportar a “fraude” que ia acontecer pois não acreditavam nas visões dos pastorinhos.
7 – Acontece que sucedeu o milagre de Fátima a 13 de Outubro de 1917, presenciado por cerca de 70 mil pessoas muitos descrentes que inclusive foi reportagem no Jornais da altura por jornalistas descrentes que passaram a acreditar em Fátima.
8 – Arthur C. Clarke era um cientista que não acreditava em Deus, mas quando perguntaram então o que sucedeu em Fátima, ele respondeu que talvez se deu uma ilusão histérica coletiva, não nega o fenómeno e não consegue explicar o sucedido nem tão pouco o que na sua ótica explique o facto que fez gerar tal ilusão histérica ou seja não explica o que originou tal histeria coletiva na sua tese e também a 45 km de distancia longe de Ourem e da multidão onde aconteceu o milagre de Fátima não explica que outros viram o Sol a bailar e sem saber o que estava a acontecer em Ourem Fátima a 45 km de distancia e etc e naquele tempo não havia autoestradas nem carros abundantes como hoje onde a distancia hoje pequenas naquele tempo eram grandes pois as viagem eram a pé e de carroças e alguns veículos em caminhos e estradas de terra e etc…
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Keeping it a Secret from Families, Couple on Valentine's Day Sojourn Drown in Goa 'After Dinner & Cocktails'
Last Updated: February 15, 2023, 10:40 IST The police believe that Dubey was drowning in the water, and Sharma was trying to rescue her when he also drowned. (Representational Photo: Shutterstock) The deceased have been identified as 26-year-old Supriya Dubey and 27-year-old Vibhu Sharma, residents of Uttar Pradesh. Police said that they were washed up on the Ourem stretch of the beach at…
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Ourem run cycle is done!
Well, except that after all that work I still managed to make an animation colouring error 😬
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Round One Schedule
may 27 (group 1 left side)
Joy O'Connor vs A'den
Adelle vs Adrian Alyward
Ahleri vs Aithus
Aleksander Thunderblade vs Alice Liddell
Amelia vs Amaranth
Andre Caron vs Anwedd
Anise vs Lt. Strike
Aqua vs Ariella
may 28 (group 1 right side)
Adrian Mori vs Alexander
Andris Harkin vs Ashley Bethaz
Arkyn Thornburn vs Athaliah Taveet
Aris vs Atlas Fletcher
Arryn va Azarias
Barir Stelmer vs Beck Valentine
Bela Balogh vs Betani D'Agia
Billie Way vs Black
may 29 (group 2 left side)
Betty vs Bob Guppington the 1st
Blodeuwedd vs Brat
Burr vs Caldren
Cpt. Ambivalent vs Casey Dickenson
Caroline Schaeffer vs Cedric Blackwell
Cassidia Reynolds vs Christopher
Celeste vs Cluinn
Bobbert Guppington the 2nd vs Clair
may 30 (group 2 right side)
Bobby Guppington the 3rd vs Chris Carnovo
Conas vs Crispin
Copper vs Cusick
Connell vs Cymin
Dae vs Dallow
Daniel Grace vs Daven
DeathScreen vs Derik
Doc vs Domitius
may 31 (group 3 left side)
Dr. Victor P. Henly vs Dhrake
Dorothy Gale vs Dr. Elliott Sinclair
Eabennor vs Edith Wickham
Ellie vs Edlyn
Elysia vs Elwin
Emma Gardner vs Erin
Ephesia vs Eniss
Epic Palustre vs Eriol
june 1 (group 3 right side)
Dr. Riku Honda vs Edmund
Ethylene Petra vs Eva Blythe
Faraena vs Farold
Evelyn Vordur vs Felix Rodzic
Feire vs Gail Goffrey
Gerdie vs Ferir
Ghost Lad vs Gigi
Evangelinne vs grandma Maudie
june 2 (group 4 left side)
Haru vs Heather
Henry Pebbleton vs Hibiscus
Hiromi vs Hope Espy Chase
Hugo Mallory vs Ilumi
Ilias vs James Zauberen
Ilya Severin vs Impossible
Jacer vs Jack Archer
James (Loriair) vs Isidore Kavi
june 3 (group 4 right side)
James (Eyurenia) vs Isabel
Jarryd vs Jasper
Jett vs Joden
James Bracegirdle vs Julia Cook
Kabos vs Kate Riley
Kathryn vs Keres Blake
Keyto vs Kimera
Kodi Archer vs James Mulligan
june 4 (group 5 left side)
Korosa vs Kylin
Laughing Hare vs Leeli
Kurtis vs Kyra
Len vs Licia
Leo King vs Lt. Matthew
Lina Lane vs Loch
Logis vs Lucas Greydawn
Lt. Madeline vs Logolas
june 5 (group 5 right side)
Kyr vs Laurentiu
Maddox Darling vs Luria
Kestler vs Matthew Johnson
Marin of Yuneth vs Meridian
Mathilda Talbot vs Mina
Mihalis vs Max Way
Mip vs Milton
Misty Way vs Maristella
june 6 (group 6 left side)
Miranda Hayes vs Nikki Way
Mochrar vs Myra
Mr. Guardian vs Nabikio
Naru vs Ms Hallifax
Nimble vs Nevin Imre
Orchid Finch vs Prince Adar Griffith
Nokh vs Obsidious
Onne vs Peter Pensworth
june 7 (group 6 right side)
Mr. G vs Ourem
Pandora vs Owen
Oriana vs Peg
Peter Dragonsbane vs Percy
Pietro vs Princess Torva
Peter Bethaz vs Prince Adric
Princess Rovyna vs Prometheus
Protagonist vs Naphtali
june 8 (group 7 left side)
Puddles vs Queen Alyth of Avena
Quinn vs Ragunoe
Ramona vs Rannis
Relaner vs Rhyin
Ril'siya vs Ripple Fisher
Riema vs Riser Way
Rocoroi Markus Mikko vs Rosemarie
Ryphl vs Santeri
june 9 (group 7 right side)
Saskia vs Senaka
Sh'zkai vs Shleaema
Shiido vs Skylar
Sonrisa Firiel vs Syx
Sly Bastion vs Stelemi
Spike vs Sz'nami
Tad vs Tamaki
Teasel vs Tannufia
june 10 (group 8 left side)
Tehvlar vs Thaendric
the Enemy vs the Mailman
the Poppy Queen vs the Runaway Prince
Theo Gray vs Tiger
Thomas Hargrove vs Tiny
Thessaly vs Tsuname
TJ Valentine vs Toka
Trajeda vs Val (Keepers)
june 11 (group 8 right side)
Veelia vs Trevin
Verity vs Vokku
Vellatra vs Waizu
Valentina vs Wendy
Wryden vs Yasmin
Wisteria vs Zac O'Connor
Yuro vs Zaire
Zhahara vs Ziph
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O metrô de Pombal
O Pará esconde um segredo que poucos conhecem: um metrô subterrâneo que nunca foi finalizado. A história começa no século XVIII, quando o marquês de Pombal planejou fazer do Pará o estado mais desenvolvido do Brasil. Entre os vários projetos, o metrô foi o mais ambicioso, com o objetivo de ligar Belém ao restante da região nordeste do estado, passando por Ourem e se estendendo até Paragominas.
Infelizmente, as obras duraram 30 anos e mais de 30 mil pessoas perderam a vida no processo. Quase pronto, em 1810, um grande terremoto destruiu as estruturas do projeto, que acabou sendo engolido pelo solo, dando origem ao rio Guamá. Diz a lenda que o nome vem do som que os trabalhadores exclamaram quando tudo desmoronou, a expressão "égua macho" foi contraída para "Guamá".
Apesar de nunca ter sido concluído, o metrô do Pará continua sendo um mistério que desperta a curiosidade de muitos. Será que um dia será possível explorar esse tesouro escondido?
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Back for my second year doing Artfight! These are my main characters, all in the same Australian inspired universe
Ahleri, the accidental hero, and her little possum companion Nimble:
Conell the royal guard, who is assigned as a sort of guide/trainer to Ahleri (ft Emerald the magpie he befriends)
Zhahara, Conell's cousin and the noblewoman tasked with training Ahleri in court etiquette (ft Taavi the royal vihari seabird)
And finally Ourem, the okari livestock guardian "dog" (actually a marsupial, based on a tassie tiger) who belongs to Ahleri's family, who has taken it upon himself to keep Ahleri and co safe and out of trouble.
See you guys on July 1st!
As July crawls ever closer, now is the time to dust off your profiles and start bookmarking some good characters to attack. Are you ready?
If so, reblog this post with a link to your profile and a picture of your favourite OCs! Show us what you got, and check out the reblogs to find worthy opponents >:)
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Lazy days. 📷 Cherri, Safira & Ruby, Ourém, August 6th, 2021. 📷 📷 📷 #canon #canon5dMK3 #35mm2 #RJC #color #colorPhotography #digitalPhotography #documentaryPhotography #ourem #portugal #6aug2021 #aug2021 #p3top #vsco #vscoFilm #kodakPortra400 #cherri #safira #ruby #vacations #estouAquiPúblico #somewhere #burnDiary #burnMagazine #lensCulture #everydayEverywhere (at Ourém) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYXcyPzswky/?utm_medium=tumblr
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