newtechforteachers · 7 years
Classrooms of the future?
Classrooms of the future?
A quick post today to share this great infographic about technology in classrooms right now!
If this data represents the average classroom now, imagine what schools might look like when our grandchildren are learning in schools!
  Find more education infographics on e-Learning Infographics
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newtechforteachers · 8 years
Getting off track is great learning…
Getting off track is great learning…
I had a great class the other day. I was teaching a group of Masters students and we were talking about how to use social networks in schools. One student pointed out that social networks are relatively new – e.g. Facebook has only been around since 2004! Then we began chatting about how social networks are everywhere and whether they were useful in schools. THEN we moved onto social…
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newtechforteachers · 9 years
If we turn off the device, do we turn off the child?
If we turn off the device, do we turn off the child?
In the workshops I run with school leaders I do an activity that gets them to look at a lot of quotes around education and technology today. The idea is that they start talking about what’s possible in their schools – based on what the experts say we should be doing.
One of these quotes from Stephen Heppell is always, always controversial:
If we turn off the device, we turn off the child
What do…
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newtechforteachers · 9 years
Has chatting with our kids become a lost art?
Has chatting with our kids become a lost art?
I was sat in a coffee shop the other day when a dad came in with his little kid. She must have been about 4. THey sat down, he asked for menus and helped her choose her breakfast (pancakes with exxxxtraaaa berries pleeesse).
Then for the next 25mins they just sat and chatted. He told her about his work and the people in his office. She explained at length why her new best friend was Sam not…
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