#our favorite biscuit 💕
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Eating biscuits with Beryl ♡♡
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fuxuannie · 1 year
Hii! Do you mind doing headcanons of jing yuan, blade and yanqing (platonically please maybe older sister/mother figure) with a sweet and optimistic s/o like they're not overbearing just affectionate and a ball of sunshine and positivity, making treats for everyone and want to make everyone feel comfortable and included(kinda like a mix of nilou and amber my favorite precious girls I love them so much 😭💕🤍) thank you so so much in advance and I hope you have a wonderful day 🥰💌
* pairing(s) : blade + jing yuan x fem reader
* prompt : request
* authors note : i wanted to do this really quickly, and its kind of (very,,) off track of the original request but kind of wanted to try something new! (part 2 will be written if asked by requester ♡)
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In your workplace, it wasn't uncommon for different ceos from several other companies to come visit your boss. Jing Yuan, one of the most famous ceo's, was a name you'd want to have sign a contract of yours. You were his assistant, but only ever to run simple errands while he was busy with his schedule. Not only that, but you were also Yanqing's older sister. Yanqing worked in the same office, but with a much higher position. (In which you were proud of him, but also veeery confused.)
When he told you about a meeting in which another CEO would be visiting the building, a small lightbulb popped in your head and you thanked your brother, a small kiss on his forehead as you went to Jing Yuan directly for this idea. "I hope you do not mind, sir. But I'll be happy to make a few treats for the guest tomorrow, however, I'd have to start early and leave at this moments notice.. I know that-"
"I'll be happy to let you."
Your eyes widen slightly, which he notices and chuckles. "Your idea is very cute, I'll be happy to entertain it and I'm sure our guests will greatly appreciate it." You feel a warm sensation on your cheeks, but bow to your boss and thank him for his time before walking out while covering your face in small embarassment.
He leans his head on his hand, smiling a little at your fluster. "Cute."
On the day of the visit, you weren't exactly informed of who it was. But just knew that the three visiting Jing Yuan's office were a big deal. You stood on his right, and Yanqing on his left, a tray of sweets on the table right infront of you as you waited quietly.
The first person who walked in was a woman who clearly walked with confidence and pride, her hair tied up in a neat bun as a much shorter silver haired girl followed after her. She was playing games on what seemed to be a nintendo switch as she immediately took a seat and focused on her game.
Lastly was a man, his presence slightly intimidated you as you immediately recognized him. His wealth was insane, being one of the richest people within your country, and so that alone made his aura unintentionally (or intentionally) intimidating.
You looked down, but don't notice how that action alone caught his attention. It makes him pause, which Jing Yuan immediately noticed. He clears his throat loudly, which makes Blade snap out of his trance and look at him. "Greetings, Jing Yuan." He greets, bowing slightly with a hand to his chest.
Your boss nods in acknowledgement, standing up as you and Yanqing both straighten yourselves and greet with him. "Welcome." He turns his head to you, then the biscuits you made last night and smiles.
"My assistant made you all snacks to enjoy during our meeting, please, help yourself." You swiftly pick up the tray and walk to the woman now recognizable as Kafka once she took off her glasses. "Thank you, dearest." Next was Silverwolf due to the iconic jacket she wore a little loosely on her shoulders, she grabs one that was slipping off the plate with her mouth without taking her eyes off her game. (A small muffle of approval from her end.)
Lastly was Blade, who smiled at you when you approached. You thought it would be the iconic smirk, the one with 500 edits of and plastered everywhere on billboards and magazines but something about it felt genuine. He took a cookie and thanked you for your kindness, and as you returned to Jing Yuan's side, that smile of his was engraved into your mind.
But seems like you're on a clueless streak, as Jing Yuan and Blade have a glaring contest from across the table after that small interaction. Blade was well aware of how fond your boss secretly was of you, how he knew is beyond him, but it was certainly pissing him off with the unnoticable advances Blade was making.
"(name), would you mind fetching our guests a glass of water? I'm sure they'll need it, as there's plenty more to have." He smiles when you nod and leave the room, as obedient as always.
"I believe our intention was to keep this purely business, old friend." Blade smirked, crossing his arms as Jing Yuan interlocks his fingers, keeps them near his lips and rests his arms on his desk.
"It was my intention, then you looked at my assistant."
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willalove75 · 1 year
Can you write something where instead of Ted being the one who makes Rebecca's biscuits he actually gets them from a bakery that Reader owns? And Rebecca finds out and visits and reader and her hit it off but reader is unsure if Rebecca keeps popping by the bakery just because she likes the biscuits or cause she actually likes her? Please and thank you 🥹
I LOVE this!! I've been so excited to write this one! Thank you so much for the request!!! 💕
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"Mornin' boss!" Ted says with too much energy for this early in the morning, as usual.
Rebecca looks up and her eyes light up as she sees the little pink box in his hands.
"Good morning coach Lasso." She says, reaching for the box.
She excitedly opens the box and pulls out a biscuit, bringing it to her lips and takes a bite from it. Her eyes roll as she tastes the sweetness of it, making her feel warm inside.
"Ted, please, tell me where you get these from." She begs as she chews the biscuit in her mouth.
"Sorry boss you know I can't do that." He says with a smile. "Oh! By the way, I thought up a great idea for a new outfit for our mascot," he says, digging through his pockets.
He pulls out a piece of paper "Aha!" and a receipt falls onto Rebecca's desk.
Ted and Rebecca watch it fall and they look up at each other, they both quickly go to snatch it and Rebecca grabs it first.
"I got it I got it!" She says.
Ted reaches over her desk to try and get it back and she stands up and moves away from her desk, turning around so he can't get the paper. She quickly unfolds it and reads the logo at the top.
"Norma's." She says out loud.
"Dang it!" Ted says, disappointed that she now knows his secret.
Rebecca turns around and sees Ted's very disappointed face, he looks up at her and she rolls her eyes.
"We can still do biscuits with the boss." She says, reluctantly.
Ted's face immediately perks up "that's what I'm talkin' about!" He exclaims.
On her lunch break, Rebecca slips out of the office and heads to the bakery. Following the directions on her phone, she stops at the address and looks around, thinking maybe she's in the wrong place. Finally, she spots it, a small, hole in the wall-type place, sandwiched between flats. A small bell chimes as she opens the door and walks in. She's immediately hit with the scent of freshly baked goods, cupcakes, cakes, biscuits, brownies, pastries, everything you can dream of is here in this small shop.
You're wiping down one of the counters in the back of the shop when you hear the bell chime, you put down your rag and walk out to the front. You spot a beautiful, tall, blond haired woman walking in, she looks lost, or at least unsure of where she is.
"May I help you?" You ask with a smile.
The woman looks up at you, not noticing you had walked out from the back.
Rebecca looks up when she hears your voice, she would be surprised to see such a pretty young woman step out from the back if she wasn’t so focused on trying to find the biscuits Ted brings her every morning.
"Uh, I think so, do you sell biscuits in a little pink box here?" She asks, looking around.
"Yes we do!" You say, grabbing one of your signature pink boxes from under the counter. "What kind of biscuits are you looking for?"
You watch as the woman scans the display counter, you can tell she's looking for something specific.
"Um, they're these little rectangle biscuits, they're absolutely delightful-" her eyes light up when she sees the shortbread biscuits. "THESE!" She shouts, you're a little taken back at how excited this woman is over biscuits, but you find it endearing.
"Oh yes, our signature, and my personal favorite." You say with a smile. "Gram's shortbread biscuits."
"Yes, I'll take um," she thinks for a moment. "Half a- oh fuck it, I'll take a dozen."
"Of course! If you want to hang out for another few minutes, I have a fresh batch that's about to come out of the oven."
The woman's eyes flicker with excitement.
"Yes, sure, absolutely."
"Would you like a coffee or cuppa while you wait?" You ask.
"Sure, I'll take a cuppa, thank you." She says, eyeing the other desserts.
She takes a seat at the counter as you prepare the tea.
Rebecca watches you, fascinated at how your muscle memory seems to take over as you make her tea, noticing that you’re barely looking at what you’re doing but are doing everything perfectly.
"Milk and sugar?" You ask.
"No thank you."
You bring the tea over to her and place the cup on its matching saucer.
"Oh how lovely," she says, admiring the cup. "This is beautiful."
"Thank you! They were my grandmothers, all of them were actually." As you gesture to the stacks of teacups and saucers behind the counter.
"Wow, she must have really loved tea." She says, looking at the stacks, bringing the cup to her lips.
"She actually hated it, but loved collecting teacups oddly enough." You say with a smile.
She takes a sip of the tea and you see her eyes roll.
"Fuck me that's delicious."
You feel a shiver down your spine, you were not expecting that kind of reaction from her.
"Where is this tea from?" She asks.
"I grow it!" You say.
"You what?"
"Yeah, I have a little greenhouse behind the shop where I grow my own tea leaves."
She looks at you like she's trying to figure out a puzzle. She looks around the shop and back at you.
"Are you the only one here?"
"And you bake all of these?" She gestures to the desserts. "All by yourself?"
"Oh god no," you laugh. "I have workers who come here in the mornings to help me with all of these, but they are all either my own original recipes, or family recipes, most of them are my grandmothers recipes actually."
"Wow. So you're here all by yourself the rest of the day? When do you sleep?"
"Well I do have a small handful of employees, but for the most part I'm here from about 3 or 4 in the morning until about 5 or 6."
"Oh my god." She says, with a little bit of a horrified look on her face. "I sure hope your commute isn't long."
"It's about a thirty second commute, it's quite convenient actually."
She gives you a confused look and you laugh, you know she's definitely thinking that you sleep on the shop floor.
"I live in the flat above the shop." You say with a smile.
The timer goes off and you excuse yourself and head to the back. Usually you cut the biscuits up in the kitchen, but you decide to bring the whole tray out to the front and do it there. You're enjoying your conversation with this woman.
Rebecca watches you as you walk into the back, she looks around the shop and notices a picture of you as a child with an older woman, who she presumes is your grandmother. A smile crosses her face as she continues to look around, enamored by the coziness of the shop.
You walk out with the giant sheet and place it on the counter behind the register. You hear her let out a small moan and you pretend not to notice, although your cheeks turn a light shade of pink.
"Those smell incredible." She says.
You cut a few strips and pull out two fresh pieces and put each one on a plate. You put the plate in front of her and she looks up at you.
"This one's on the house. But it's still hot so be careful." You say, holding your plate in your hand with a smile.
She looks like a kid on Christmas day, a sharp contrast to what you would expect her to be like since she seems very put together and business-like. You take a bite of the biscuit, and you're immediately transported back to your grandmothers house, her house always smelled like freshly made breads or biscuits. Memories of her teaching you how to bake flood your mind, a smile comes across your face, relishing in your treasured memories.
You're brought back to the shop when you hear the woman moan accompanied by another "fuck me." You open your eyes and look over at her and can't help but let out a little laugh.
She looks back at you, a little embarrassed, but is enjoying the biscuit more than she is embarrassed.
"These are the best biscuits I've ever had in my life, and I thought that before I had one fresh out of the oven." She says.
"Well I'm very glad you like them!"
"Where did this recipe come from?"
"It was my grandmothers, well, I think it was her mothers recipe, but she made a few tweaks and perfected it in my opinion."
"Well, tell your grandmother that they're divine." She says.
You give the woman a small smile, trying to hide the sadness in your face, but she catches on anyway.
"Is your grandmother still with us?" She asks.
"Uh, no, actually, she passed away last year, right before I opened the shop."
"Oh, I'm sorry," she says, taking another small bite. "Was her name Norma?" She asks, looking at the sign with the shops name hanging on the wall.
"It was, she taught me everything I know about baking. Ever since I got the idea to open up my own shop I knew I wanted to name it after her."
"That's very sweet, you two must have been close."
"Very, she was my favorite person in the world." You turn and look at the small picture of the two of you hanging on the wall. "I miss her every day."
You make your way over to the counter and begin cutting up the sheet of biscuits.
"I was very close with my grandmother as well," she says, empathizing with you. "I was very young when she passed, she's been gone almost 30 years now, but I still have days where I miss her terribly."
"I think it would be much more difficult if I didn't have the shop, not only does it keep me busy, I'm also able to honor her memory every day by making her recipes and sharing them with everyone. It's something she always wanted to do but never got the opportunity to."
You finishing packing her order and close the box, placing a sticker with the logo to seal it. You set the box in front of the woman with a smile. She looks down and sees the logo.
"Hm." She says.
"Something wrong?"
"Oh, no, one of my, uh," she pauses for a moment "employees brings me these every morning but I've never seen this sticker on the boxes he brings me."
A smile crosses your face.
"Are you talking about coach Lasso?"
She lets out a sigh.
"Yep, that's the one."
"Ah, so you must be Rebecca."
She looks up at you and lets out another sigh.
"That would be me. I'm guessing he's talked about"
"Biscuits with the boss."
You say in unison.
She nods her head and you laugh.
"Ted is very sweet, he actually always requests for me to not put the label on the box, he wanted to keep this place a secret. It must be fun having him around all the time." You say.
"Oh it sure is something alright." She says, rolling her eyes when she hears you mention that he asks for you to not put the sticker on the box.
You ring her up and give her the total. She hands you money and you give her the change. She pulls out another bill, worth at least what she paid for the biscuits, and puts it in the tip jar.
"Oh, wow, thank you so much!" You say, surprised but grateful.
"Thank you very much." She says with a kind smile.
“I hope you enjoy your biscuits!”
She gives you a wave as she leaves and you return to cutting up the rest of the tray. An excitement in your belly rises, and you’re not sure if it’s because you’ve probably made a new customer or because she was incredibly beautiful, or both.
Rebecca leaves the bakery, missing the smell of freshly baked good as it dissipates the further away from the shop she gets. Excited about the big box of biscuits she acquired, she also thinks about you, how you were incredibly kind and very cute. This is definitely a place she is going to frequent often.
A few days go by and you’re in the shop again putting a few cakes into the oven after the early morning rush. There’s a light chatter in the shop, filled with a few regulars enjoying their morning coffees and teas. You hear the bell chime again and head to the front. You’re a little surprised, but also very happy to see the beautiful blond woman in your shop once again.
“Good morning Rebecca!” You say with a smile.
“Good morning, uh, oh my goodness, I don't think I ever asked you for your name.” she says a little embarrassed.
"Oh it's fine, it's more important for me to know my customers names than it is for them to know mine. But my name is y/n."
She gives a little smile of relief.
"Well then, good morning y/n."
“How can I help you? More biscuits?” You say with a smile.
“Just one, and a tea please." She says returning your smile.
"Of course! Did you want that to say or to go?"
"To stay."
She takes a seat at the counter and you make her tea and bring over a biscuit on a plate.
"Excellent, thank you." She says.
"So is Coach Lasso no longer bringing you biscuits every day?" You ask as you wipe down the counter.
"Oh no he is, speaking of, please don't tell him I was here. I'll never hear the end of it if he finds out I've been coming here."
"Your secret is safe with me." You say.
At first glance, Rebecca doesn't seem like a very approachable person, she's always dressed sharply, her hair always either perfectly curled or pulled back, she carries herself in a very professional way. Once you started talking to her you realized that yes, she is those things, but she's also very personable, she's kind and funny. Her appearances in the shop became more frequent, first only coming in every few days, then eventually coming in most mornings, and after a few months, she was coming in every morning to sit at the counter, have her biscuit and tea and chat with you.
You had other regulars that came in most days if not every day, but Rebecca was different, she seemed genuinely interested in talking to you, there are some days you wondered if she was coming in for the tea and biscuits or if she was coming in just to talk to you. Either way, you thoroughly enjoyed her company and looked forward to seeing her every morning.
Usually very punctual, one morning Rebecca doesn't show up and it strikes you as odd, what struck you more was that you found yourself concerned. Usually she would mention that she had a meeting or an away game when she knew she wasn't going to be able to stop by, not showing up with no warning was unusual for her.
Also very punctual, showing up usually about half an hour after Rebecca leaves, Coach Lasso enters the bakery.
"Good mornin y/n!"
"Good morning Coach! How are we this morning?" You really want to ask about Rebecca, but you restrain yourself, you did promise her after all that you wouldn't tell Ted that she was coming in every morning.
"Not too shabby, although I am gonna need something extra special for my 'Biscuits with the Boss' today."
"Oh, why did something happen?" You try to not sound too concerned but you're sure Ted catches on anyway.
"Rebecca's father passed away yesterday so we're all goin' to the funeral tomorrow."
The news hits you harder than you expect, she never spoke about her parents, but losing a parent must be incredibly difficult and you've grown to care for her. You hope she's okay.
"Oh no, that's horrible. You know what, I'll do ya one better, I'll send you with your usual plus a little extra, and I'll send some pastries and of course, the biscuits to her house as a little pick me up."
"This is why you're the best y/n!" Ted says.
You package up his usual order of biscuits plus a few extra ones you think she would like and you prep a tray of fresh biscuits and pastries. After getting the address from Ted, you have one of your drivers deliver them to her home.
A few more days go by and you don't see Rebecca, you can't deny your disappointment, but you also understand why she hasn't been able to show up lately.
Your last employee goes home for the day and you begin to clean up and close shop. As you're finishing wrapping up the leftover cakes and pastries from the day you hear a tap on the door, you look over and see Rebecca, she gives you a little wave. A smile you're unable to hide crosses your face and you let her in.
Rebecca was a little nervous showing up to the shop so late, she was hoping you were still there by the time she got there. She was relieved when she saw you behind the counter, a bundle of nerves formed in her belly as she tapped on the door. There was a rush of relief when she saw your face light up when you saw her, she can't help but think how cute and beautiful you are, inside and out. It really touched her when she got the delivery, it made her question how much she really likes you, and how much you really like her.
It's a little strange for you to see Rebecca in jeans and a t-shirt, you've only ever seen her in her work clothes, but there's something about her dressed down that makes her look maybe even more attractive than she usually is.
"Hi! How are you? I'm so sorry to hear about your dad." You say.
"Oh thank you, I'm doing well actually. I just got in from my mums but I wanted to drop by and thank you for the tray, it was so kind of you."
"Oh of course, as soon as I heard what happened from Ted I knew that I had to do something, you're one of my best, and favorite customers. I couldn't not do anything."
Much to your surprise, she wraps her arms around you and gives you a hug. You wrap your arms around her and hug her back, you're not sure if it's something she needs or is doing as a thank you, but either way you're not in opposition.
The smell of biscuits and sweetness surrounds Rebecca when she hugs you, she isn't sure if the shampoo you use smells like vanilla or if it's just because you were in the bakery all day, either way it relaxes her. You two pull away and she looks at you with a smile on her face.
"Well, I don't want to keep you, I just wanted to stop by and say thank you."
"Oh you're not keeping me from anything, I'm just about done here anyway." You look at her for a second, you don't want her to leave. "Do you want to come up for a drink?"
She stands there for a second, looking a little shocked, but smiles.
"I would love to."
You shut off the lights to the shop and the two of you walk out. You lock the door to the bakery and unlock the door next to it, leading into your flat. You walk up the stairs, Rebecca following behind you and you walk into your living room. Flicking the switch on, the room illuminates, lighting up the photos and small pieces of art on your walls.
"Welcome! Please, make yourself at home. Do you want wine, mixed drink, anything?"
Rebecca looks around intrigued at the room she's standing in.
"Uh, I'll take a wine, red please."
"Coming right up!"
You walk into the kitchen and grab wine glasses and the bottle. Rebecca walks around the room looking at the photos scattered across the walls. Photos of you and your grandma, your family and friends, places you've visited. You walk into the living room and pause, watching her as she looks around. You can't help but be enamored at how she's looking at everything, almost like she's looking at art in a museum, carefully studying the photos on the walls and knickknacks on the shelves.
Rebecca can't help but smile as she sees pictures of you and your friends and family, just from the pictures alone she can tell how close everyone is. It's something she envies, but seeing the photos hanging on your walls makes her happy. She's able to see different sides to you she's never experienced, that you can be silly, funny, it's like she's secretly figuring out the little things that make you, you.
You put the glasses on the coffee table and fill each glass, the two of you take a seat on the couch and take sips of your wine.
"Your home is beautiful." She says, looking around some more.
"Thank you, it's not much, but I love it." You sit back and look around, proud of the home you've made for yourself.
"It's so cozy here." She says with a smile.
"Aw, thanks."
You two make small talk for a few minutes before you feel your stomach growl. You both giggle at the sound as you put your hand over your belly.
"I'm starving, are you hungry at all?"
She thinks for a second. "Yeah, I could eat."
"Do you want me to order something?" She asks.
"No you don't have to, I'll just whip something up, if that's cool with you?"
She looks bot surprised and impressed.
"Yeah that's totally fine with me."
"Great, come on!"
You lead her into the kitchen and she takes a seat at the island, you begin to pull things out of your refrigerator.
"Is there anything you don't like or are allergic to?" You ask, combing through the fridge.
"Nope." She says.
"Awesome! Is chicken good?"
"Yeah, sounds great."
You start slicing the chicken breasts and seasoning them, you prep a pan on the stove for the chicken and prep another pan for vegetables on another element.
"Wow, so you can bake and cook?" Rebecca asks as she watches you wide-eyed.
"Yup! My grandma taught me to bake, my dad taught me how to cook. Do you cook or bake or anything?"
"Oh god no, I can barely boil a pot of water."
"Do you wanna learn?" You ask as you look over at her.
She thinks for a second and then sighs "sure, why not."
She walks over to you and you give her instructions on what do to next. She starts cutting the vegetables and the knife slides a little.
"Can I show you a trick?" You ask.
"Yea absolutely."
You gently adjust her grip on the knife. You feel sparks when your hand comes into contact with hers. Knots begin to form in your belly and you do your best to ignore them. You also show her how to curl her fingers on the vegetables so she doesn't cut herself. You hold her hands and show her how to make slices without raising the tip of the knife off of the cutting board. There's something so comforting about having your arms around her as you show her what to do. You let her take over and you watch her, it hits you that you have such a beautiful person in your kitchen and you're showing her how to cook. You get lost looking at her and you nearly forget about the chicken in the pan. You put more pieces in the pan as Rebecca finishes cutting the vegetables, you saute the vegetables as the rest of the chicken finishes cooking. Finally you set out two plates and put dinner on the table.
"This smells amazing." She says, her mouth nearly watering.
"I hope it tastes as good as it smells." You say with a laugh.
She playfully rolls her eyes at you and takes a bite.
"Fuck me," her words send chills down your spine. "This is amazing."
"I'm glad you like it!" You say as you take a bite. "Not too bad." You're pretty pleased with yourself.
You pour more wine into your glasses and continue eating. You two chat about your favorite foods, foods you can't stand, and what foods you could eat every day without getting sick of.
You two finish up eating and you put the two plates into the sink.
"Do you want me to help clean up?" She asks.
"Oh god no, that's a tomorrow problem." You say with a laugh.
You grab the bottle of wine and head back into the living room, Rebecca takes a seat on the couch next to you, both of you stuffed and satisfied from dinner.
You don't know how you got on the subject, but Rebecca talks about Rupert and his new baby, how the funeral went and goes into a little about her divorce.
"No offence, but he sounds like such a dick." You say laughing, your cheeks flush from the wine.
"He really is." She says laughing.
"You know, you're not what I expected." You say.
She looks over at you.
"What does that mean?"
"I mean, when you first walked into my shop, you looked so, professional, I had a feeling there was more to you when you moaned at the biscuits" you laugh as you tease her "but you don't look like that kind of person. Does that make sense?"
"I guess."
"But I'm very happy that you're not what I expected, you're much more fun. I really like that you like me and the shop so much you're willing to come every morning. It means a lot. Plus, I like hanging out with you."
You look over at her and you feel your cheeks get red and you look down into you glass.
"I was worried when you didn't show up the other day, I thought either something happened or that I did something wrong. But then Ted told me what happened and my heart broke for you. I'm so sorry Rebecca."
You look up at her and she looks at you, your eyes meeting for a moment before she looks away.
"Thank you. My dad and I didn't have the best relationship, so it was strange, but my mum and I got the chance to get close again, so it was kind of nice actually."
She looks back up at you and you meet her gaze.
"Well I'm glad it ended up being a somewhat positive experience then." You say with a smile.
The knots in Rebecca's stomach tighten as your eyes meet. You slump into the couch and rest your head on her shoulder, you feel her relax as you lean into her, your body relaxes as well.
After a minute of you two sitting in silence, you look up at her and your eyes meet once more. Her eyes sparkle as they look into yours, the knots in her belly turn into butterflies as a flutter erupts in your chest. She slowly leans down and you meet her halfway and your lips meet for the first time. You feel a rush of energy in your heart while a sense of calm washes over your body at the same time. You reach up and place a hand on her cheek, stroking her soft, smooth skin with your thumb. You sit up more and she holds onto your waist, your other hand resting on her chest. You gently suck her bottom lip when it slips between yours and she lets out a small moan, you smile into the kiss as your tongue slides into her mouth. Your tongues dance around each other, exploring each others mouths. The kiss slows and you finally part.
You look into her emerald eyes and can't help but let out a small giggle.
"What?" She asks, her lips curling into a smile.
"Nothing, I just never thought in a million years this would have happened."
She smiles and pulls you in, placing a kiss on your head.
"Well, you do know I have a sweet tooth."
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Spring OTP prompts and me not sending one in? Unheard of! 😂 If you're so inclined, how about Rhett x Honeybee + "Caught in a sudden rainstorm"? Happy Spring! 🌺 🌼 🌷
Hehe, I know I can always count on you to send in some really good prompts! 💕
The picnic in the pasture had been your idea.
With spring finally here, Rhett’s duties on the ranch had doubled and you knew he was in desperate need of a break. Just the other night, he’d had to cancel your dinner plans at the last minute because he was too sore to even think about getting behind the wheel of his truck.
“I’m sorry, honeybee. I feel awful,” he apologized, his regret hanging heavy in the air, even over the phone. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“Don’t worry, baby. You just get some rest. I’ll see you soon, okay?” you responded, already formulating an idea in your mind as you kicked off your shoes.
You could hear him yawning on the other end of the line and imagined his blue eyes growing heavy as he laid down on his bed. “G’night,” he mumbled, his husky voice heavy laden with exhaustion. “Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
The next afternoon, you’d set out for the Abbott ranch, armed with a picnic basket full of all your boyfriend’s favorites—the fried chicken you’d learned how to make in your grandma’s kitchen, homemade mashed potatoes sprinkled liberally with bacon bits, your mama’s award-winning green been casserole, buttermilk biscuits, and a freshly baked apple pie. Cecilia, grinning all the while, pointed you in the direction of where Rhett was working for the day, while Amy begged you with her best puppy dog expression to bring back any leftovers.
Rhett was in the middle of repairing a busted fence when you came over the crest of the hill, but as soon as he saw you, he dropped everything and came running, a wide grin on his tired, but ever handsome face.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he smirked, taking the picnic basket from your hands and lowering it to the ground so that he could gather you into his arms and press a hungry kiss to your lips.
You’d missed him these past couple weeks, so much so that you didn’t even mind the fact that he was drenched in sweat and soaking the front of your sundress.
“I figured since it was hard for you to make our dates, I’d bring a date to you,” you told him with a teasing grin, running your fingers through the damp hair at the base of his neck. “Up for a picnic, Abbott?”
“Depends,” Rhett replied, humor winking in his blue eyes. “What’s on the menu?”
He had the picnic basket in hand and was tugging you across the pasture before you’d even listed half the items you’d packed for him.
It was a perfect afternoon. Sitting in the bright spring sunshine, Rhett scarfed down lunch before you could even finish slicing the pie.
“You really did think of everything, honeybee,” he grinned, gratefully accepting the mason jar full of sweet tea that you’d packed.
Everything except the weather, apparently.
Nothing about the forecast had suggested rain, but before you could fully register the change, dark clouds suddenly blew across the expansive Wyoming sky, blocking out the sun.
“Uh-oh,” Rhett groaned, glancing upward. “We better get—”
Your boyfriend hadn’t even finished his sentence when the sky suddenly opened up, the heavens themselves appearing to weep as the rain began falling in buckets.
“Shit,” Rhett sighed, the two of you racing to grab all the remnants of your picnic and toss them back into the picnic basket. “Come on, honeybee,” he called over the din of the downpour, taking your hand in his and leading you back across the pasture, in the direction of the house.
As the rain began falling harder, the two of you soaked through, you began running, though to be honest, you weren’t even sure why. It wasn’t like you could avoid getting wet at this point.
Just as the house came into sight, however, you suddenly felt your foot slipping on the slick grass, your free arm flinging out precariously as you felt yourself toppling over.
“Rhett!” you cried out, unable to stop yourself from pulling your boyfriend down with you into a rain-soaked heap.
The two of you lay there in the mud for a moment or two, too stunned to say or do much of anything. Sitting up slowly, you glanced down at your dress, now marred with grass stains and mud splatters. And then you opened up your mouth and laughed.
You laughed so hard, your sides ached and you found it hard to catch your breath.
Falling backward onto the wet ground, you continued to giggle as the raindrops splattered violently against your face, the onslaught only easing up when Rhett hovered above you, grinning down at you with rain trickling off the bridge of his nose.
“You alright?” he asked with an affectionate smile, brushing his calloused fingers against your cheek.
Beaming, you nodded and pulled him down for a kiss, albeit a rather damp one.
“Right as rain.”
Spring OTP Prompts 🌧️
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Heyyy~ I don’t really kno how to use ao3 so i was hoping for some fic suggestions from you lovely peeps!! Do you have any fics with like a mental health focus? Like one of the bois has depression, anxiety, add, or a personality disorder or the like? Preferably nothing dark or really sad?? thanx in advance! 💕
sorry it took so long for us to reply but we've rounded up some of our member's favorite mental health centric fics just for you!
fics marked with an ‘♦️’ are written by our server members, can have been written before or after they joined 💙
♦️ Stim Boys Drabble Collection by Gilded_Quill | T, 17K, on-going
A collection of one-shots and drabbles based on a list of Autism-Centric Writing Prompts.
Featuring Stimming, Special Interests, Hyperfixations, Meltdowns, and two boys navigating the highs and lows of neurodiversity. Each chapter will be a stand-alone, and their relationship status won’t be consistent throughout. Nor will the timeline be.
hold on hope (it’s the last thing that’s holding me) by orphan_account | T, 4K, complete
in which shane has an autistic meltdown and is head over heels in love and ryan’s trying his best
Taking Risks by orphan_account | G, 2K, complete
Events were predictable, people are not. That’s why Shane’s fears usually center around the ever changing nature of others. The what ifs. Non-constants. He’s taken precautions in establishing a tolerance of sorts towards such kerfuffle but there will always be times he has to risk it for the biscuit. He takes a chance on one Ryan Bergara.
♦️ The Vindication of Mr. Bear by RedLlamas | G, 1K, complete
When they go to Costco, Shane spots the giant teddy bears and has a feeling about it, which accidentally spurs Ryan into action.
if you enjoy, consider leaving a comment or a kudo! authors appreciate it!
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🧠 💖🏡 for our baby boy Steven
🧠- MBTI/Enneagram headcanon
Ohhh I love this. Ok it’s been awhile since I did a thing with MBTI, but I’ll take a stab.
E- now hear me out. Introvert is an easy answer for sweet book-loving Steven, but we see him light up in the presence of others. He’s actively pursuing a more engaged and engaging public-facing role at the museum, and on his breaks he seeks out companionship (in the form of a living statue, sure, but still). We see him excited to date, crushed to be alone, and come alive with Layla and Marc. While I’m sure he values some quality quiet time, I do think he recharges in the company of people - especially the ones he loves. We also see him connect with new people fairly quickly (the girl in the museum, Taweret, etc), and I think he’s just more social than he’s had the opportunity to be.
N - I think our boy is very intuitive. Yes, he loves his books and research, but he also strikes me as an out of the box thinker, one who isn’t (solely) about logistics and facts.
F - look at his face and tell me that boy doesn’t feel everything intensely. Also, the empathy. My god.
And as for J or P… I’m actually a little torn. I think Steven does thrive on routine and doesn’t necessarily love flying by the seat of his pants. I’m almost leaning more J, if only bc I think Marc is more P.
So, let’s go with ENFJ, although I’d love to get input from you and @letterfromvienna bc I see some of these as flexible, and could easily see Steven as an ambivert, or, like me, an introvert who relaxes in the presence of loved ones.
💖- Happy headcanon
The baristas at Steven’s Starbucks adore him. He’s friendly and learns their names and asks for drink recommendations, and calls out customers who don’t tip. When he can’t stand being alone in his flat anymore, he’ll take some books to the cafe and settle in for a few hours.
🏡- Domestic headcanon
Steven’s go to move to make people comfortable? Learning how they take their tea and making it exactly how they like it. Their favorite blend, how long it steeps, whether they like biscuits, what mug they prefer, etc. And if he’s dating you? This man will overwhelm you with cuppas. When you’re cold, sick, tired, stressed, whatever - he’ll be there pushing a steaming mug into your hands so you have something comforting to hold.
Eventually he’ll realize you’d rather hold him. 💕
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nostalgicoldsoul · 3 years
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Happy one year adoptiversary to this crazy ass cat. Thanks for constantly driving me crazy, diving into water cups, using all of our garbage as a clubhouse and for (my absolute favorite thing) always attacking my feet when I get up in the middle of the night to pee. 💕 Despite all of that, I’m absolutely crazy about her, think she is the prettiest cat in the whole world, the best little sister to the pups, the biscuit QUEEN (she is kneading Lucas into a perfect little pastry) and wouldn’t trade her cuddles for anything. (at Long Island City) https://www.instagram.com/p/Caf7cVds9M6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cowardlycowboys · 6 years
All the cute asks please!!!! You are a sunshine child and I’m so lucky I have you as my best friend 💕
angel - what’s one character trait you like about yourself? I like to think I'm friendly!
doll - what’s your favourite outfit? winter/fall: sweaters and my favorite hoodies! summer/spring: anything that compliments my boobs really
pumpkin - what’s your favourite weather and why? I like days in spring where it's sunny with a few clouds and a light breeze but it's not super chilly!
baby - what makes you feel better when you’re down? I like to read self-insert fan fics (i know omg) and sing musicals and then make up my own musical numbers
sugarpie - what’s your favourite sweet treat? I love strawberry ice cream! and at the l farmers market in the summer this van sells fruit biscuits and chocolate croissants!
kitten - are you a dog person or a cat person? I have both so both! but I will be honest dogs still scare me so I will always love cats a bit more
princess - if you could live in any other time period, which would it be? I dunno maybe 1980's?? maybe late 70's?? I'm white so I could basically go anywhere
peach - what’s your ideal aesthetic? it varies but most likely spring time maiden (like in a field with a white lace dress and flowers in my hair) or 1980's babey (like Marty Mcfly)
darling -  what romantic gesture makes you feel the most loved? I love the little things that lets me know you listen to what I like and dislike. like my ex boyfriend knew I loved (and still do) Saturn so he bought me a Saturn necklace that I still have by my bedside
button - do you have a type? what is it like? I like boys that are tall and look like they could probably do hard drugs in their lifetime but they probably won't (you know the kind) and girls that are sweet and pretty and could absolutely top me
sweet pea - what’s your favourite flower? hydrangeas and sunflowers! but i also love the little flowers like daisies and those lil blue flowers
petal - what’s your favourite smell or perfume? I have rose scented perfume! and chapstick! and moisturizer! so probably roses
sunshine - what’s the nicest compliment you’ve ever gotten? you look like the cat that advertises fancy feast and you are really hot (because I'm short i only really get called cute so hot is like a big compliment)
baby girl - how do you like to be held? anytime there is physical contact I'm down but my ex used to hold me from behind and tall friends hug me and hold my head so those are top notch
lover - how do you show someone you like them? I like to tell them nice things (as my friends know) and also show them or give them things I know they'd enjoy (like I said it's the little things)
buttercup - what does/would your online dating bio say? fall time is 80's time for this bi icon! plus other dumb things but people seem to like it sooo it stays
boo - what’s your dream date? going on one, at this point I'll take anything they suggest
cupcake - if you’re treating yourself, what do you do? buy myself ice cream and toys like before my surgery I bought calico critters and I love them so much
wild thing - what’s something about you that surprises people? they always get shocked when I say I can do the wave with my tongue but also when I say I'm not the biggest fan of mexican food (and then they say isn't your mom's whole family like really mexican or whatever?? yeah i guess but i don't like it leave me a l o n e)
bubba - tell me a funny story from your childhood. 
once my elementry school had a moose come down and stay on our field (they canceled recess) and it chased a cop down the field, which looking back now must of been terrifying for him but we were like 7 so we all were laughing
honey - what’s your favourite hot drink? I actually can't really drink hot drinks they make me sick but I won't turn down hot chocolate if offered because it is very cold
love bug - what song would you love to have sung to you? women in love in guys and dolls (duets babey) or any song on across the universe (more duets babey!) anything we can sing together and enjoy I'll love
cutie - what’s your favourite fairytale? disney version? the little mermaid. actual version? probably Cinderella really love the part where the sisters go blind and the step mother has to dance for the rest of her life of she'll die
dumpling - what’s your favourite movie right now? hairspray cause it's on netflix now but also true romance always has my heart it's the greatest love story ever
my love - what would your dream home be like? check the tag dream home or the dream! but mainly either a cozy house with a garden or big ole victorian bastard of a house with a balcony and a space for a flower garden with a fountain
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gorgchinita-blog · 6 years
Ashyyy The Dachshund 🐶
We all know that dog is man's bestfriend, aye? But as we keep our little fur baby it is more than a bestfriend rather it is a family. Dachshund is a short-legged, long-bodied, hound-type dog breed. In short, hotdog 😂 Dachshund is a boisterous type of dog that's why, tuwang tuwa si daddy sakanya tho babae sya eh sobrang napaka harot nya. Kahit anong ibigay namin eh kinakain nya. Nakain ng prutas, jellyace, biscuits, ayaw na nya nga ng dog food. Pinaka favorite na gawain nya is gumala and magpakamot sa tyan.
She's caring and canorous, I don't know how would I feel pag nawala sya. She's turning 1 year old this may 17. Hope she get more birthdays to come with us. Wuv u 🐶💕
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