#ought to just copy this post to her bio and post it lol that's basically the summary
house-of-mirrors · 2 years
ooh I don’t really know anything about Lucretia, what’s she like?
Hi there! Yes, I haven't quite finished up the bio sheets for my other two, but I ought to get back to working on those. Anyway, Lucretia is a very close friend and honorary "sister" of Orsinio's, she's the same age as his brother Horatio was (ten years older than him) and was basically adopted by the family when they met because she didn't have anyone else. Very rough background growing up in poverty and losing the rest of her bio family to illness, so she became a doctor so she could help others with no cost. She was hit quite hard when Nemesis happened with Horatio, but she stayed strong for Orsinio and actually encouraged him to go to the Neath to pursue a lead. She may or may not have had romantic feelings for Horatio, but she never processed them (she's also demi which makes things more complex), and it's too late now.
She came to the Neath two years after Orsinio did to check up on him; she really sees him as a little brother. She found the situation to be dire, which is a whole other story (involves my other OC Miles who was a seeker and a stay for Orsinio at the Royal Beth), and she didn't feel comfortable leaving while things were still tense and her help as a doctor was still needed. Now that things are better, she keeps insisting she doesn't intend to stay permanently, but she still hasn't left.
Lucretia is incredibly strong-willed and not intimidated at all by the horrors of the Neath. She's still not used to it here and doesn't think she ever will be, but when confronted with a new oddity, she raises an eyebrow and moves right on. And she can and will yell at anything and everything.
All of that being said, we delve into her connection with the Manager. She became acquainted with him while she was taking care of Orsinio during that whole mess, and she frequently argued with him as a doctor over conditions at the hotel and why he had to be "spooky" about his care. He almost got inside her head. Still, she feels... something about him. She refuses to process what that might be, but she becomes motivated by learning more about him, which leads to involvement with the Marvellous. She gets in waaaay over her head with that, doesn't care about high society or riches at all and has always loathed gambling, but the more she gets into it, she sees how damaged everyone involved is and she's drawn again to help. "All of you are in need of serious therapy!" I haven't finished the ambition yet with her but she'll be relieved when she learns of Beechwood's plan to end it.
I was going to have her get the Doctor profession, but I was too curious about the wheels. It felt fitting to have her become a silverer; she can heal people in dreams after becoming more focused on mental health since she came to the Neath. Course that sets her up as more of a foil to the Manager. She's still struggling to process her potential old romantic feelings and the concept of pursuing romance again, and since the Manager is unattainable, it feels safe. They'll continue to have tension through railway, until they come to a point they can be something like friends and Lucretia is ready to seek new connections.
I've said a loooooot already and I'll save the rest for when I post her bio. But thank you for asking about her! I've had her in my brain for a while but only in the past few months have been developing her story and I love her :]
Also she's a MILF
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