#ough I feel so guilty for sitting on asks like this for so long but I hope you know how much I treasure them šŸ„¹šŸ©·
defiledtomb Ā· 1 year
This is one of the best IFs Iā€™ve read, and Iā€™ve read A LOT. Probably more than is healthy lmao. Anywayyyys, your story and writing are unbelievably compelling. I cannot wait to read more as your story progresses, have you thought about a Patreon? Because I would throw all my money at it. Also Id has my emotions and heart in a stranglehold as well as my MCs throat. Good Luck and thanks for all your hard work!
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Your words are like red bull because I swear they are giving me wings. I'll see myself out.
It truly is messages like this that made me believe in myself and taking the leap of faith to finally create a Patreon, and I cannot thank you enough for sending it through. šŸ©·
I finally do have a Patreon! :>
šŸŒæI am answering some old asks, but if you have any new ones, please visit louroth instead, and send them through the inbox there!šŸŒæ
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lynzishell Ā· 9 months
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Phoenix arrives home exhausted after a long day. He canā€™t wait to slide into bed next to Dawn. It seems impossible to sync up their schedules lately, and heā€™s missing her a lot.
When he walks into the living room, heā€™s surprised to find her asleep on the couch.
He crouches down and strokes her hair, feeling almost guilty for waking her.
Phoenix: Hi. Dawn: Youā€™re home. Phoenix: Yep. You mustā€™ve been tired, youā€™re still in your work clothes. Dawn: So tired.
He stands to help her up, but she doesnā€™t move, doesnā€™t even open her eyes. Phoenix: Do you want to come to bed? Dawn: Mhm. Iā€™ll be there inā€¦ in just a minute. Phoenix: [unconvinced] Right.
The two of them wake up the next morning on the couch, still in their clothes from the day before, and wrapped in each otherā€™s arms. Their alarm is beeping faintly from the bedroom down the hall.
Phoenix squeezes Dawn tight before forcing himself to sit up.
Phoenix: Good morning. Dawn: Gā€™morning. When did you get home? Phoenix: Around eleven. I tried to wake you. Dawn: I know. I was so tired, I couldnā€™t move. Thanks for staying with me. Phoenix: Of course. It feels like sleeping is the only thing we do together these days. I wasnā€™t going to miss it.
Dawn: Ough, I know, we need a vacation. Phoenix:Ā  We do. Where should we go? Dawn:Ā  Hmm, somewhere tropical. I want to drink cocktails on the beach and swim with dolphins. Phoenix: Oh, thatā€™s different. Dawn: I know. I know you prefer the snow, butā€” Phoenix: No, letā€™s do it.
Dawn: Really? Phoenix: Yes, really. Itā€™ll be fun to go somewhere new. And if you have to walk around in your bikini the whole time, then so be it. Dawn: I see. You have ulterior motives. Phoenix: Definitely.
Phoenix kisses her then, softly but in a way that makes it clear just what those motives are.
Unfortunately, the alarm is still beeping in the other room, reminding them that thereā€™s another busy day ahead of them. They both sigh and look at each other, wishing they could soak in this rare moment together a little longerā€¦ maybe they can.
Dawn: Iā€™ll go shut off the alarm. Will you put on a pot of coffee? Phoenix: Yep. When do you have to leave? Dawn: About an hour. How quick do you think we can get ready? Phoenix: Thirty minutes? Dawn: Ooh, ambitious. Ā 
Phoenix: So, when should we do it? Dawn: Do what? Phoenix: Take a vacation.
Dawn: You tell me. You have that look. Phoenix: What look? Dawn: That Iā€™m-asking-a-question-so-I-can-give-you-the-answer look. Phoenix: I donā€™t do that. Dawn: So, you havenā€™t already come up with a plan?
Phoenix: Okay, maybe I do that. Dawn: Mhm. So, when should we do it? Phoenix: How about August? Itā€™s far enough in advance to plan, and itā€™s the last chance Iā€™ll have before things get crazy in the fall.
Dawn: And just in time for our anniversary. Phoenix: [feigning surprise] Is it? Dawn: That sounds perfect. I have to get going though, so weā€™ll have to figure out the rest later.
Phoenix: What time will you be home tonight? Dawn: Six. Seven, at the latest. Will you be here? Phoenix:Ā  Iā€™ll try to be. Dawn: Okay. I love you. Phoenix: I love you too.
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gingermintpepper Ā· 1 month
Writerā€™s ask game ā™” 4, 13, and 17 if youā€™d be so kindā˜†
Bestie beam,,,
4: How long was the longest work you've written?
The longest work I've ever written sits at a cool 130+k and is an au a very good friend and I made of a Pokemon/BnHA AU that we worked on together for years without ever posting any content for it LMFAO. The premise was a dimensional switcharoo brought on by Palkia and the google doc name (which, to this day, remains one of my favourites) is 'Strawberry Milk and Spatial Issues (I'm not looking up Einsteinian theories mom, I have limits)'! I never shared the document with my writing partner, but it's still in my gdrive somewhere,,,
13: How many WIPs do you have open?
OUGH Hitting me right in the weak spot! Damn!! Mm, that I'm actively working on? About 5. Manent and Like the Dawn are the big ones but inbetween those I'm working on an Apollo-During-Persephone's-Abduction thing, my Fields of Mistria Hyapollo AU and a 5+1 thing I started earlier today based on a concept I had before I fell asleep a while ago. In general though? It's constantly shifting - I'm constantly adding to the Greenhouse Floor and I'm also always collecting notes and research for concepts I plan to write later down when I have time/energy. Recently, I've been throwing around the idea of writing something for Aristaeus and Maera for example...
17: Could you or could you not successfully pull of a murder (at least in theory)?
Absolutely! I'd be able to get away with it too for about four-five years before the guilt and paranoia make me have a minor psychotic break during which I confess to a dozen other things that aren't the murder but were also weighing on my mind enough to trick my brain into thinking that I'd confessed. Of course, based on who I killed and why, I mightn't feel guilty at all but if it's murder, I'm assuming I'd feel guilty.
Why? Need an accomplice? :3c
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hotchupacabrasinmyarea Ā· 5 years
can be used for RP Ā && Ā non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen
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1. FIRST NAME Ā : clineĀ 
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF Ā : i canā€™t drink tea. itā€™s not that i dislike it, thereā€™s some tea flavors that are really good! but tea...drinking it, being around it for too long (as in i canā€™t go into a fucking teavanna for v long)...it makes my head fuzzy and i start feeling dizzy so i have to sit down. it seems apple cider has a similar effect, but itā€™s worse when itā€™s hot. and itā€™s definitely not the caffeine bc i subsist on caffeine. but like i donā€™t know ifĀ ā€œfresh airā€ helps bc my best friend dragged me to teavanna at a mall and even when i left the store and sat down on a bench it took me a WHILE to even begin feeling better. donā€™t know what it is!Ā 
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON Ā : i...hm. i donā€™t really know what i find attractive in real people? because itā€™s pretty all over the place. fictional characters is like... glasses, long hair, and women who can kill me
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF Ā :Ā i am a highly picky eater so i donā€™t know i actually have smth that fits this, but probably potatoes...and i have an issue where my body doesnā€™t like eating things after having them for a while so!!Ā 
5. A FOOD YOU HATE Ā : cabbage. mushrooms. bacon. tomatoes. donā€™t like most steaks, either.Ā 
6. GUILTY PLEASURE Ā :Ā  i feel guilty for every pleasurable thing i do so jokeā€™s on you but i sure love collecting pins and my father gives me shit for it!!!
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN Ā : Ā ask my partner and they will tell you--i hate shirts. so honestly? my underwear LMAO. otherwise comfy shirts and softe pants.Ā 
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS Ā : ooc--serious relationships. ic--depends on the muse. date here isĀ ā€œwhat he thinks are flings but turn into serious relationshipsā€ honestly.Ā 
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE Ā , Ā WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE Ā : hahahaha boi this is a question you should Never ask me. if it was something that i could Change No Matter What? then thatā€™d be my mom dying. if itā€™s smth thatā€™s dependent upon my own power then i wouldā€™ve just...idk. ig talked to her abt some stuff that i need answers to and also say goodbye properly.Ā 
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON Ā : Ā very!!! esp when iā€™ve had alcohol then i tell my friends how much i love them repeatedlyĀ 
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN Ā : Ā barbie princess and the pauper barbie princess and the pauper barbie princess and the pau
12. FAVORITE BOOK Ā :Ā  oh damn. i havenā€™t like, actually read a book in so long. i would probably say....dealing with dragons tho, the first book in the enchanted forest chronicles.Ā 
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE Ā : i just want a cat. and a dog. i want a POM. i know this is supposed to probs be like for exotic pets but even in a world where i can acquire one--not happening.Ā 
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS Ā  ( Ā IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG Ā , Ā YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL Ā ) Ā : okay umm...hm. top ships rn on date are just date/yomiel, date/kite, date/anna--theyā€™re ALL GOOD. but ough otherwise? sunshine cupcake, fluri, wrightworth, science richass, and juleezen the moon is beautiful tonight. what are half of those ships you ask? it is a mystery ;)
15. PIE OR CAKE Ā : hmm...i think i like more cakes than i like pies ngl
16. FAVORITE SCENT Ā :Ā  pink. just. just pink. i went to bath and body works and bought p much every pink soap i could find.Ā 
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH Ā : Ā lynda carter probablyĀ 
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO Ā : hmm...i would like to go to japan. but only if my partner is with me.Ā 
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT Ā : Ā introverted as HELL. i go thru long periods of no human interaction and i build up my energy and then expend it all at once and then i have to go home and die.Ā 
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY Ā : nnnnot really when it comes to horror. but irl? i hear a strange noise late at night or if iā€™m alone? a man raises his voice? iā€™m in fuckin fight or flight mode baybee
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID Ā : android bc itā€™s. the only type of phone iā€™ve had gksehgh
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES Ā : yea. like so many. (gestures @ aitsf??) i like visual novels, jrpgs, and calm shit like animal crossing & story of seasons. literally like. all my current muses (and strongest in reserve muses) are from viddy games. also if i donā€™t answer ur messages assume iā€™m either playing pocket camp or sleeping.Ā 
23. DREAM JOB Ā : 50s housewife. which...is very similar to what sanchan mun said HM. i would love to be an author deadass. and childhood me yellsĀ ā€œballerinaā€ in my ear. but i havenā€™t done ballet since preschool rip...
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS Ā :Ā  i would...buy myself and my partner a cute lil house. and some pets. and save for our singular child. and also pay for our wedding. and donate to all my friends who need it...
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE Ā : matoba seiji? itā€™s on fucking sight.Ā 
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT ARENā€™T ANY LONGER Ā : on god? i feel like quite a few. but thereā€™s one in particular thatā€™s a very cursed...VERY CURSED series and i donā€™t want to admit to it.Ā 
TAGGED BY Ā : Ā sandalphon!Ā 
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