#otts prim
risesthemoons · 2 years
random post where I could put all of my OCs tags
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gurguliare · 7 years
please do beren for the sex meme!!
Probably a weird mix of like…… very, very frank and very uptight, depending on what mode is triggered—I imagine that Beren pre-Bragollach was a healthy enough dude who was a little overserious around superiors and who maybe kind of LARPed prim correctness @ his peers and younger relatives, and as a result… was single into his twenties even though considered kind of a catch, as a minor scion of the ruling house etc. ETC.; not a virgin though, I kind of assume he would have had friendly flings and then been vaguely dismayed when his feelings became protective/familial rather than romantic.
cue apocalypse! Anyway, I think by the point he meets Lúthien he barely remembers what his own original feelings about sex/sex with women/courtship etiquette were; he’s basically trying to reconstruct authentic Beorian mores from through a filter of unbelievable dissociation, which is part of why he’s so exaggeratedly rigid/OTT about getting her father’s permission. (Not the only reason, it’s also just plain contrariness + consciously devoting himself to a cultural ideal, which has a different meaning now that the culture is almost gone than it did when he was some dude.) But at the same time they have sex the very first time she comes back, and like, on a physical level Beren is super in-tune with things at this point, he’s been living off that partnership between his brain and hammerhands and can’t afford to weaken it; so that’s why I say he’s probably jarringly able to go from unhygienic forest nonsense to clamming up because she suggested living in the forest… forever. Also to be honest I bet he tends to think about sex in terms of like, animals and insects doing it and has terrible blue planet montages going in his brain THAT LÚTHIEN CAN SEE, BECAUSE SHE’S A TELEPATH.
Sexy sex life: I think he initially takes the lead for a whole bunch of reasons—Lúthien is curious and assertive in bursts, per canon, but that’s still kind of intermittent and done to prove something to herself while they’re in Doriath; then over the course of the rest of the story it shifts until she’s primarily in charge but is also like a super depressed service top. THEN they die and come back as switches
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Dr Stone – 02 – King of the Stone World
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Yuzuriha literally in hand and mere moments before freeing her from the stone casing, Senku and Taiju taste the perils of stone age life for the first time. It’s October in the year 5738AD and humans no longer top the food chain.
A pride of lions gives chase and our heroes are only saved by luck and proximity to Shishio Tsukasa casing. You see, Shishio was the ‘super primative’ high schooler back in the day and in pure OTT Dr Stone fashion, he is immediately able to slay the male lion. By hand.
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While Taiju is immediately bro-swept by Shishio’s strength and earthy values, Senku (and foreshadowing) quietly sound the alarm. Shishio’s strength is a threat because no societal structures or technological advantages exist to keep it in balance.
His ability to hunt and protect the tribe is welcome, and his respect for Senku’s brilliance keeps things on the rails for a while. However, Senku’s late night crossbow building and intentional omission of calcium carbonate’s importance as a weapon, make it clear rail-riding is only temporary.
And Just as Senku feared, Shishio becomes the new stone age’s first murderer. Shishio doesn’t want to bring adults back, and doesn’t really want the structure of society to return either. But before a second stone head goes flying, Senku lays it down: he’s bringing everyone back and Shishio is going to have to kill him to prevent it from happening.
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The Good: While no one could argue that Dr Stone is educational, I really appreciate the care it takes to explain the science and application of things. This week’s item was calcium carbonate, which is used for soil management, mortar and soap. The value of each application is clearly spelled out, and Taiju’s enthusiasm just makes it fun to take in.
I also appreciated Senku’s explanation that lions are in Japan because they were probably in a zoo during the event and have had free reign to eat the other zoo animals and unattended pets for 3,700 years. It’s a completely unnecessary detail that feels crafted for the vlog critic era who would otherwise cry ‘nonsense’ about Lions being in Japan, even though this is a nonsense show about global petrification.
The Meh: The show’s exaggerated art style and get-you-pumped-bro shouty dialog are take it or leave it. Honestly, I’m not a fan but it somehow works with the goofy story.
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Verdict: I can’t imagine rating Dr Stone higher or lower than a 7 all season. That may make it boring to review but I doubt it will ever get boring to watch. Annoying, perhaps, but not boring.
In the mean time, I’m wondering how tragically funny Yuzuriha’s death will be and spending too much time wondering why some species of birds were turned to stone, but no other non-human animals? You’re probably better off just taking the show at face value. No wondering necessary.
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By: oigakkosan
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