#otp; bette davis eyes
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holywitchkid · 2 years ago
Love is not an easy thing to admit But I'm not ashamed of it Love is not a weakening If you feel it rushing in Don't be ashamed of it And, oh my love, I lied to you But I never needed to Oh my love, I lied to you But you always knew the truth
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folkpunkbumbercatch · 5 months ago
ask game: nate?? 🥺🙏 or jan maas
From this ask game
A song that reminds me of them: Digital Silence by Peter McPoland
What They Smell like: new car and dryer sheets
An otp: nate jade 4 ever dude
A notp: colinnate
Favorite platonic relationship: if we get s4 i need Trent nate reformed self-serving prick bonding
Popular headcannon I disagree with: I've don't know enough headcannons about him tbh
The position they sleep in: fetal
Crossover au I'd like to see them in: magic. Give him a wizard staff
My favorite outfit: Richmond outfit. It's just nice :)
A song that reminds me of Jan: I will literally never be able to explain this, but Bette Davis eyes by Kim Carnes is Jan's song
What They Smell like: mint and soap
A notp: i will ship him with almost anyone like literally except the literal villains he should kiss
Favorite platonic relationship: Jamie and him
Popular headcannon I disagree with: that he can't read social cues. He can. He just doesn't care
The position they sleep in: on his stomach
Crossover au id lime to see Jan in: ......if I said transformers
My favorite outfit:
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she-wolvess · 8 years ago
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we were younger.
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malcolmbrights-archive · 5 years ago
(via https://open.spotify.com/track/0odIT9B9BvOCnXfS0e4lB5?si=Q6cq2YqcQMGSwasi4aHShw)
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merbear25 · 8 days ago
Edit: I forgot to thank you for tagging me because I suck 💀
What’s the origin of your username? Mer bear is a nickname among my close friends irl and 25 is a part of my birthday.
OTP(s) + shipname: I don't really have an otp (I'm lame)
Favorite color: lilac and black!!
Song stuck in my head: Bette Davis Eyes by Kim Carnes
Weirdest habit/trait: apparently talking to yourself is "weird". Boo I'm my own best company.
Hobbies: playing the piano, reading, watching horror movies, singing, writing (besides fanfics- horror and poetry), drawing, collecting living dead dolls
If you could have any job you wish what would you have? Being an author who translates their own works themselves.
Something you’re good at: finding things to be thankful for when I'm in a dark place.
Something you hate: how ill I usually am.
Something you forget: People's names. With some people it takes me an embarrassingly long time to remember.
Your love language: words of affirmation, acts of service, and physical touch (only with a s/o tho)
Favorite movies/shows: One Piece, What We Do In The Shadows (movie), Heretic, The Descent, and typically psychological thrillers and horror are my favorites. There are more specific ones but ain't nobody got time for all that.
Favorite food: My favorite type is veggies
Favorite animal: big cats. So beautiful, so deadly.
What were you like as a child? Angry and feral
Favorite subject in school: history, biology, foreign languages. All through school and uni they were what I looked forward to the most.
Least favorite subject: gym. I loved going to school tbh. I was a very sickly kid and teen, so gym class and doctor's notes suuuucked. Idk I felt even more like an outsider.
What’s your best character trait: Outspoken because I can stick up for myself.
What’s your worst character trait? Outspoken because I can be direct and a lot of people don't like that.
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be? The country I live in wasn't in a war.
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet? The only person I think I'd be interested in meeting would be Edgar Allan Poe. Reading his works made me feel like my own emotions and thoughts could also be transformed into something creative.
No pressure tags: @cinnbar-bun @bunnoxy @sigewienne-writes @escenariosinfumables @actuallysaiyan @myfangirlfanfiction @eurydiceauxenfers @srtruth @sacredwarrior88 and anyone who wants to!
Get to know mutuals ^-^ tagged by @bankaizen (thank you for the tag ❤️)
I'm sorry, it's so long!! I'm putting it behind the read more for easier reading.
What’s the origin of your username? It's a song by Armand Van Helden! He's one of my favourite DJs haha.
OTP(s) + shipname: TUna LMAO (Tidus/Yuna) from FFX, Fanille (Fang/Vanille from FFXIII), Touya/Yukito from CCS, GinRan and Unohana/Isane from Bleach. Yakuza: Daigo/Mine. Also a big fan of Canon Character/OCs!!!
Favourite colour: Turquoise/teal - most of my fountain pen inks are in that colour range lol
Song stuck in my head: The Macrodata Refinement Dance Party mixed by ODESZA
Weirdest habit/trait: If I'm at a restaurant, I fold my used napkins neatly to be disposed of.
Hobbies: I have a lot! Aside from writing, there are:
(junk) journaling, which in turn, lead me to my stationery and fountain pen hobbies
playing the piano (been playing since I was 5)
swimming (was a competitive swimmer for most of my child and teenage years)
I garden in the spring/summertime
I also love to cook and have done dinner parties for my friends (but I don't enjoy baking)
I'm also into photography
I wish I had more time in the day for it, but I also try to do some language learning!
If you could have any job you wish what would you have? A food/travel writer/reviewer!
Something you’re good at: I've been told I'm good at giving advice and listening to people. Personally I'm very good at directions! There have been a few times where I've been stopped on the street and helped people navigate their way around.
Something you hate: Oranges :(, I can't stand the colour, the smell and the taste.
Something you forget: Hmmm not sure! I guess phone numbers. I only remember the numbers of my immediate family...
Your love language: Gift giving! I love getting people gifts and try hard to get something meaningful and/or practical. I'll try to remember little details about my friends and find something along the lines of that. I also love receiving gifts lol.
Favourite movies/shows: Ahhh so many! For animanga: Bleach, Samurai Champloo, xxxHOLiC, Sailor Moon, JJBA Diamond is Unbreakable. For movies: Spirited Away, Sorry to Bother You, Drive, Kill Bill Vol 2, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, The Fall. Shows: Hannibal, Regular Show, 30 Rock, Prison Playbook (k-drama), Hotel del Luna (k-drama), Racket Boys (k-drama).
Favourite food: Too many... I think I could eat soup dumplings/xiaolongbao by the bucket loads. Or Sri Lankan crab curry mmmm. I also can't say no to chocolate cake 🫣
Favourite animal: bears!!! I know they could kill me, but why are they friend-shaped :(
What were you like as a child? I was an easygoing child and VERY curious. I would wake up in the middle of the night to do "science" experiments. Like one time I woke up around 3am and I dug up the front yard to find "cool rocks" 💀 or buy mentos from the local convenience store, wait for everyone to go to bed, then sneak into the kitchen and put the mentos in my parents 2L coke bottle to see it explode LMAO.
Favourite subject in school: i've been in school for too long: french & geography -> science -> physics -> biology -> advanced health economics for low and middle-income countries & biostatistics
Least favourite subject: Wood working... to avoid a fail, I asked the guy who had a crush on me to help me with my final project 🫣 I also hated organic chemistry in undergrad.
What’s your best character trait: I've been told I'm very caring and calming to be around! I had a friend describe me as a "human version of a spa" 💀
What’s your worst character trait? I cut people out of my life very easily. I think I should be more forgiving, but I just... can't get passed whatever slight was made to me/loved ones. I'm trying to be understanding and compassionate, but I also don't want you near me ever again lol.
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be? I hope trump and his administration dies. In my immediate life? I'd like a higher salary.
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet? It is definitely a tie between Johann Sebastian Bach and Muzio Clementi!! They are my favourite composers. My piano exam repertoire for the Baroque and Classical periods were from their piano repertoire. I have so much fun playing them and would love to learn their thought processes.
I tag: @soprawrites @villainsrtasty @nail-art-no-jutsu @muzansfangs @snuggetfish @if-dreams-do-come-true and any others who want to do this too (also feel free to ignore if you don't wanna do this, no obligation at all!!)
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holywitchkid · 6 years ago
But we might just get away with it Religion's in your lips Even if it's a false god We'd still worship We might just get away with it The altar is my hips Even if it's a false god We'd still worship this love
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justanotherwriter280 · 6 years ago
The rules are: tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
I was tagged by @glimmerglittergirl (thank you so much for tagging me!!!! this is so cool!!)
Relationship status: in a relationship, but it’s not super serious
Favorite color: Yellow :)
Top 3 ships: 
1. Slexie (bc Mark Sloan and Lexie Grey BELONGED TOGETHER don’t @ me)
2. Hayffie 
3. uh...i don’t know? i don’t have a lot of OTPs. i just read all the fanfic lol
Last song you listened to: Seven Bridges Road - The Eagles
Last movie you watched: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
(I’m tagging some people I don’t interact with that much so I’m v sorry about how creepy that is??? i don’t have the app on my phone rn or i’d be interacting with you guys constantly)
@sass-and-suspenders @carisi-dreams @coffeewithcarisi @shes-got-bette-davis-eyes-blog @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @defiant-in-your-name @sydnubabu @oh-little-owl @somewhatcarisi
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a-shakespearean-in-paris · 7 years ago
Movie Questions
1. What is your favorite movie of all time, and why?
Used to be Gone with the Wind. Still love it, but I think it’s switched to Howl’s Moving Castle. I love the visuals, the music, everything. Every time I watch it I feel like I’m in a warm hug, or I’ve returned home after a long journey. And Howl and Sophie encapsulate the perfect OTP in my eyes, because they both learn something from each other. Not change, but learn something. She becomes freer, he more responsible. 
2. What was your favorite movie as a kid, if different from #1?
I pretty much watched movies all the time as a kid. I’m an only child, so movies became my company. I loved the Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, pretty much all the disney movies, and the Wizard of Oz. That’s my answer, the Wizard of Oz. I was Dorothy a few times for Halloween. 
3. Is there a movie adaptation of a book that does the book justice?
Me before you is both a great book and movie. (I understand why some people have a beef with it, I still really like it.) Other than that, even though I hate the Goblet of Fire movie as a whole, it has the single best adapted scene in the HP movies: the graveyard scene. Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort, the joining of the wands, all great. Dan Radcliffe gets criticized, but i find his acting great, and there’s a part in the book where JK writes “harry was going to die like a man,” and you can see that decision in Dan’s face during the scene in the movie. 
4. What is a movie you can watch a million times and it never gets old?
Bridesmaids, and My Big Fat Greek Wedding too :)
5. What is your favorite “bad” movie or guilty pleasure?
For some reason I can’t explain, I really like 27 Dresses with Katherine Heigel. And also, Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 2 is pretty good. I hate the book, but the movie I can stand. I do also like The devil wears prada a lot, even though it makes me want to tear my hair out.
6. Is there a genre of film or a movie trope that you just can’t deal with?
I really hate the liar revealed plot thread, as seen in movies like Shark Tale and that stupid James Franco Oz movie. When downplayed, it’s not so bad.
7. What is your favorite “classic” film, if it hasn’t come up already?
Oh, I love old hollywood. Gone with the Wind though, as said above. I also love That Hamilton Woman, (1940) and Wuthering Heights (1939) Laurence Olivier is bae in that movie. Now Voyager with Bette Davis too. 
8. Is there a director or actor whose movies you will always watch no matter what?
Laurence Olivier or Vivien Leigh. to a lesser extent, Tom Hiddleston
9.Favorite holiday movie?  Can be any holiday :)
I like the claymation santa klaus is coming to town. (PUT ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER) I also like the other rankin bass, Jack Frost a lot. And Elf. 
10. What is the prettiest or most visually appealing movie you’ve ever seen? 
The Sound of Music, because Austria, AKA the homeland of some of my ancestors, is GORGEOUS. 
And even though I really don’t like it, I’ll admit Moulin Rouge has pretty visuals. 
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aparoxysm · 7 years ago
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samtrapani · 8 years ago
i'm making a playlist for otp (think indiana jones and marion. they're like that) and i want to put happy, love-related songs on it but i only know angsty romance songs... so do you have any suggestions?
indy and marion-type relationships are the Best! i’m all abt sad love songs tbh, but i think these will be okay?
fix  this- the colourist
can’t deny my love- brandon flowers
bette davis eyes- kim carnes
sleepyhead- passion pit
sailing- the strumbellas
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holywitchkid · 6 years ago
I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends I'd never walk Cornelia Street again That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend I'd never walk Cornelia Street againAnd baby, I get mystified by how this city screams your name (city screams your name) And baby, I'm so terrified of if you ever walk away I'd never walk Cornelia Street again
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colferwesley · 7 years ago
Taylor Swift Songs Ranked
After seeing Rolling Stone’s ranked Taylor Swift songs, I decided to do my own because I think it was very unfair to some songs. My list doesn’t include all the 129 songs because I didn’t add the Christmas songs and there were a few songs that I haven’t listened or forgot over the years. so here goes nothing...
Long Live
State of Grace (I prefer the acoustic)
Wildest Dreams
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Blank Space
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...Ready for It?
Should’ve Said No
Back To December
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Holy Ground
I Did Something Bad
Out of the Woods (this song deserves awards for its music video only)
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This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
New Romantics
Dear John
Sparks Fly
This Love (there might be a selfish reason why I love this so much - aka my otp: outlawqueen)
All Too Well
White Horse
Safe and Sound
Love Story
Come Back... Be Here
Drops of Jupiter
I Almost Do
All You Had To Do Was Stay
End Game
Never Grow Up
Last Kiss
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You’re not Sorry
The Story of Us
Shake It Off
Welcome to New York
Stay Stay Stay
I Know Places
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The Way I Loved You
How You Get The Girl
I Knew You Were Trouble
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Don’t Blame Me
The Moment I knew
Speak Now
The Lucky One
Girl At Home
New Year’s Day
Everything Has Changed
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You Are In Love
I’m Only Me When I’m With You
Getaway Car
Forever and Always
Picture to Burn
Hey Stephen
Look What You Made Me Do
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I Wish You Would
You Belong With Me
Our Song
Tim McGraw
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Eyes Open
The Last Time
Stay Beautiful
Both of Us
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King of My Heart
Better Than Revenge
I’d Lie
Tell Me Why
Jump Then Fall
I Don’t Wanna Live Forever
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We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Teardrops on My Guitar
So It Goes...
If This Was a Movie
Bette Davis Eyes
Sweeter Than Fiction
Cold as You
Begin Again
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Bad Blood
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Call It What You Want
Highway Don’t Care
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A Place In This World
American Girl
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I Want You Back
The Best Day
Sad Beautiful Tragic
Beautiful Eyes
The Sweet Escape
A Perfectly Good Heart
Two Is Better Than One
Mary’s Song (oh My My)
Come In With The Rain
Tied Together With A Smile
Today Was A Fairytale
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It was so hard to place Reputation songs as I haven’t got used to all of them yet but I’m pretty sure they’ll level up in my rank in some time.
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holywitchkid · 7 years ago
Give You What You Like
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holywitchkid · 7 years ago
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#best friend goals.
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