#otp:make each other shine
satellite-loved · 5 years
10/04/19 Hey Mark hyung, My mom just called me to tell me I have to consider being frugal. This month’s electricity bill came and maybe the fact that I’ve set up the air conditioner to its maximum for most of the past few weeks added too much in the total. Out of habit, my excuse. She said I should maybe save up now that the bills will all be on me until I find a new flatmate. I have been looking. I set up an announcement on one of the university group pages on Facebook but I guess no one really needs a room halfway into the semester. Hey, that was a shitty move you did there - leaving midway and leaving me to pay up all the expenses for a room for two that I can barely afford. That was foul. Now I can’t do retail therapy or else I’ll be demoted. I can feel a cold coming up with this negative temperature. I wonder how this calmed you and your Canadian ass. Anyway, you're weird. We've gone through this. Who goes away and moves continents just because their roommate AND best friend 'accidentally' drunk confessed? Weird. Anyway, fuck you. Anyway, I'll get my revenge one way or another. Pick up your phone some time. Donghyuck - 11/11/19 Hey Mark Hyung, I never got any letter back. Just in case you kept your response under your pillow to mull over every single night trying to decide whether you're sending it or not. You never sent it and I'm still waiting. Donghyuck - 12/01/19 Hey Mark Hyung, Finally got a new roommate. Boo you. Advance Merry Fucking Christmas to me. His roommate moved out too but for respectable reasons unlike yours and happened to scroll down to my month old Facebook post. Who knew they are many fuckers out there who leave a semester midway which then leaves many angels out there looking for new flatmates. Anyway, his name's Jeno. Bet you don't know any Jenos, he's got a unique name. He's my age and he looks like a cat but is allergic to them even though he owns 3! You may have seen him around if you look at my socials which in fact I know you do. We've been getting along well. He's kind of unfunny, sometimes even worse than you but at least he's here to help me with the bills and eat dinner with me everyday. Weirdly, I don't get used to eating alone. Donghyuck - 12/10/19 Hey, It's the last day of finals and I'm pretty sure I flunked that but at least Jeno came to pick me up and brought me to this good ramyeon place. He said at least I tried my best. Who knows a miracle comes and I somehow get to pass? Did you even get back to college yet or you sat this semester out and waited for the following year? If you did, I hope college's treating you right. I bet you're doing fine if you did. You always do. Take care, Donghyuck - 12/25/19 Hey Mark hyung, Jeno confessed to me and you know what I did? I didn't run away. Donghyuck - 12/31/19 Here's the summary of the story: Jeno's roommate never left. His boyfriend who coincidentally is Jeno's close childhood friend decided to move in with him which meant Jeno being kicked out of their flat. Both of their decision. The roommate being a 'kind person' found my old Facebook post about looking for a new flatmate. It so happens that roommate remembers me as I quote "Jeno's first college crush". We apparently took the same Bio lecture during my first semester. You know that class, that one where we skipped our college lecture for the first time because I suddenly felt dizzy and almost fainted and you took care of me. That one. Anyway, he must have been in a different lab. Point is, his old roommate set it up and now we're here. Jeno said he likes me but not to feel pressured to return his feelings. He just simply wants me to know is all. He even asked if I wanted him to move out which I said no, of course. I can't live frugally and he's well, he's kind and a good company. I don't even know why I'm telling you all these. Do you even read every letter I've sent? Or this goes straight to the trash bin as soon as you receive it? Anyway, that's the story. Just tell me to stop sending you these and I will. Donghyuck - 1/14/2020 Jeno and I went on a date. I have to stop thinking what it'll be like if it were you instead. That's unfair to him and unfair to me too. Donghyuck - 2/14/2020 Hey Mark hyung, this is what I have learned these past few months: you were never coming back. Writing to you was pointless and I wasn't rich enough to throw away my life and fly wherever you are. In Canada or in New York or wherever it's cold and snowing. Maybe I thought it will bring you back. Maybe I just wanted to get mad at someone. Maybe I just wanted someone to share what's on my mind without the brain to mouth filter. You were that someone because you were close, because you knew me best, because you understood me and despite not at times, you let me be. I'm trying to make peace with it now. I talked about you with Jeno and he listened. Sometimes it just happens. You lose people or they go away. Don't get me wrong, it was still too much for you to move continents. The normal would be to just move rooms or as far as move universities. Was I that distasteful? The answer is no of course but it would've been nice to hear that from you. This is the last one. Whether you read just one, or none or all of them, it doesn't matter anymore. Just hit me up when you're back in Seoul I guess. You owe me at least 2 months worth of electricity bill. Take care.
[end of chat] ---- [new chat from Lee..] 2/15/2020 Hey Donghyuck....-
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satellite-loved · 5 years
return / (700 words letter, markhyuck her!au sort of. mark is an operating system who has left donghyuck behind. donghyuck writes to him one night.)
dear mark,
the new operating system sucks. they upgraded into a new version, his name is jungwoo by the way. he says he knows a certain mark too, called his mark a goofball, pretty and precious like a gemstone. he liked his mark very much i could tell, but i doubt it's you really. mark is such a common name and you're NOT a goofball. you're stupid.
the manual said he'd be very quiet. still talking about jungwoo. something about new protocols that the developers are applying for this new set of OS but he likes chatting with me so maybe he's an old one (is that how os updates work? talk to me about it in another time.) but well if he is from your time, maybe that's a reassurance that you are there, somewhere in the vast vast pace. maybe you're just next door, how would i know.
jungwoo doesn’t really suck. really. it was an overstatement. he just talks so much and what i need is some peace and quiet. or at least my therapist says so. "separations are hard, donghyuck. be easy with yourself." be easy. be easy. how do i do that? if you were here, maybe i'd ask but who i have is jungwoo, i don't think i can do quite the same.
how is it there though? did you get a new owner yet?
maybe it’s unfair to even expect him to do like you do. no one else is like you.
me being sappy? i know you're marking it in your calendar mark. marking mark. it's june 2 dumbass. gemini season. it's my season.
dear mark,
i know you're not supposed to put two introductory lines if it's just one letter but it's late now and i can't sleep. this bounded body can't travel far when it's awake so i have all the time to add unnecessary words in this. your freeform body must be nice at this time. you can be anywhere you choose to be. if you choose….
sometimes i think about your face. i try to sketch something out. i've picked up drawing two weeks after you - , it was very hard work to draw your picture when i didn't know exactly how you look. i only know your eyes are bright and large, reflective like clear waters from old rivers a hundred years back. i spend a ton of time painting your background. yellow, as it should be. sunflower, maybe sunflower, maybe i picture you as the sunflower and i as the sun. something along the lines, maybe even reversed. still i don't know how exactly you look, what shape do your moles form if i connect them with my fingertip. what hair color do you have (i think it's black but you stay blonde half of the time). i don't know but sometimes deep in the night, i love to think that i do.
it doesn't matter. you're not coming back are you? [Donghyuck scratches the words and then his thoughts. He's a brand new person.]
i have a party for my birthday this upcoming weekend. jeno's planned it. he's got a new one too called chenle. laughs a little too loud. you two would have gotten along well. jeno's doing better. he said he might know where renjun is actually. luck.
i feel you're about to return. i know it's crazy but i have a feeling that you will one of these days.
do you remember that day at the beach where you played symphonies and i tried to fill in the words to it. do you remember that day back when i let you takeover my overwatch account and made me lose shit. do you remember discovering new kimchi jjigae restaurants to eat at. do you remember visiting that garden and you talking to the kids and when they asked.. you said yes.
"yes. he is." "he's very pretty mr. mark." "he is."
admissions. i kept all our ticket admissions. i could call jungwoo up to recall all them right now but doing that will make him call my therapists and him doing an exaggeration of what's actually happening. he might be an actor in his past life. and you, you might be a hero. a real one.
it's not very me to go through this meltdown. i have a reputation to keep but it's late, late, late…. i haven't been born to a new person yet.
if somehow you get this, you're not stupid.
tell jaehyun i said hi. i know you still talk to him.
till next time, donghyuck
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satellite-loved · 6 years
so i got itches that scratch
3.8k / itch au or mark needs affection au? / markhyuck short fic / Once upon a time, Mark wakes up with an incessant need to be touched, held and kissed. Donghyuck seems to be the only cure for it.
read here on ao3
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satellite-loved · 6 years
loss city
2.7k markhyuck short fic • dystopian au • inspired from 2011 movie 'in time' • the plan is this and it's simple: get out of the area and move into the city. read on ao3
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satellite-loved · 6 years
prequel to mh hang the dj au 'i want the sunset to stay' / the infamous mark and hyuck's first meeting / year -end special in a non-screenplay format this time! 
  It's pairing day. Donghyuck meets Mark for the very first time.
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