#otp: treacherous trio
yzeltia · 2 years
Year of the OTP - March 'I Want to Be Your Cannary'
March: Fairytale "AU"
Characters: U'rahn Nuhn, @driftward 's Nyx Blackmoon &Zoissette Vauban's @saesama 's Kylnt Gohtawyn, @erickgage 's Erick Gage's @autumnslance 's Dark Autumn, @scalefeathers , @scalefeathers Bylti Blomstrandi, @healerstail Meya Ganajai, U'odh Nuhn, U'tyhka Tia, U'khuba Tia, Y'shtola Rhul, Most of Gridania, Y'zel Tia
Notes: Thanks to everyone who let me borrow their characters! Everyone also helped with line edits!
Script of the Play is from FFIX 's Stage Play "I Want to Be Your Cannary"
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U’rahn swallowed as he peaked around from backstage of Mih Khetto’s Ampitheatre. In the stands, Erick Gage sat, brow furrowed and arms crossed, Meya Ganajai and Dark Autumn at his sides, tapping his foot impatiently. Behind them, Y’shtola sat, one leg crossed over the other, watching with her lips pursed with amusement. Tail swaying, U’rahn looked back to his actors before jumping between his father and girlfriend before they could talk properly.
         “Ah! Son! Is that the lass that caught yourrr eye? I was just about to introduce myself,” U’odh laughed as U’rahn pushed him to the opposite wing.
         “There’s no time for that! Our audience is impatient! Just, go and wait until your que,” U’rahn huffed in a panic, feeling Nyx’s eyes on his back before hurrying out to center stage.
“Hey hey! So! This is the play  “I Want to be Your Canary” by Lord A’von Tia-“
“Lord Avonnioux ,” Zoissette called out from backstage.
“Er- Right. Sure. Anyway. This is the play…and, we hope you’ll consider funding it! I’m sure you’ll enjoy my take on it and if you green light it. We could bring in a lot of gil!”
         With that, U’rahn scampered off stage, U’odh rubbing his face with amusement then chuckling as he gave his son a thumbs up. Once the Miqo’te director ensured everyone was in place, he gave the nod to Blyti, Klynt, and Zoissette to take the stage. Giving a thumbs up, Bylti crossed out into the light, holding their arms out to the other two she cried, “Bereft of father! Bereft of mother! Nyxus! Thou hast lost even thy love!”
         Zoissette shook her head as she crossed her arms, voice unsteady as she dramatically flailed her foil, “Fortune hath escape’d thee! For what end shalt thou live?”
         Klynt stomped her foot while shaking her head, “For the sake of our friend…Let us bury our steel in the heart of the wretched L’eoh Nuhn!”
“Aye,” the other two said in union, holding out their swords before them as Nyx took stage, rushing in to cross swords with U’odh.
The two clashed away, U’odh seeming to earnestly defend himself as the other Miqo’te made several precise swings with her foil. As the trio hurried to their friend’s side Bylti stepped forward, “We shall back thee, Kinsman!”
“Pray, sheathe thy swords. This villain is mine alone,” Nyx responded mechanically.
Zoissette shook her head, stepping forward, sword out towards U’odh, “Nay, Kinsman! For I, too, have lost a brother to this fiend!”
U’odh shielded himself from Nyx’s attacks then let out a hearty laugh, “What ho? Out, vermin! Away! Though darest bare thy sworrrd before the Nuhn! All who stand in my way will be crushed!”
         “Treacherous L’eoh, my Kinsman’s sufferin’ shall not be in vain! For I shall instruct thee in his incomparable pain,” Kylnt shouted before looking back to U’rahn and hissing, “What’s with the swiven rhymin’.”
         All four soon brought their swords down on the Nuhn, who in turn parried them all, letting the quartet dramatically fall to the ground. Hopping back, he pointed his sword to Nyx as he backed off stage, “Arrr….Grrr….Thou hast not seen the last of me, Nyxus!”
         “Get your arse back here,” Klynt roared, starting to get up.
         Blyti stood up, getting in the way while whispering, “That’s not the line!”
         “I don’t care! Out of my swiven’ way!”
         “Consider this, Zidane! If Lady S'thola married L’rahn Tia, peace would reign over both their territories!”
         “That’s foolishness! If all were so easy, why, none would suffer in this world!”
         The two began to exchange blows with one another, taking their dueling off stage and up the center aisle, onlookers starting to filter in the back rows. Clashing sword to sword, they yelled at one another before Blyti hopped back towards the stage. “We shall finish this later!”
         “Oi! Get your arse back ‘ere!”
         With that, everyone moved to the back of the stage where U’rahn was banging his head against a post. “Please, stick to the script!”
         “I was just given it some flavour! I feel like my character would talk like that.”
         “I think everything was fine son. Though your sweetheart doesn’t hold back. I thought she might actually strike me.”
         “Rahn requested that I make our battle scene look realistic,” Nyx chimed in.
         “Well, you had me genuinely fearrring for myself. Already has you calling him Rahn, does he?”
         “Hey hey! N-No time for this! W-We’ve got to get on stage Nyx,” U’rahn half-yelled before hurrying towards his wing.
         U’rahn let out a nervous sigh before watching Nyx come out the opposite side in a cloak. Hurrying out, he cleared his throat, side-eyeing the growing audience.
         “Nyxus? Sweet Nyxus,” he started before striding toward his girlfriend, “I fear I love thee more than I should.”
         “Rahn…Wilt thou be happy, married to lowly peasant such as I,” Nyx asked flatly, taking off her hood.
         “Prrrithee, call me ‘Rahn’ no more!”
         “Er. Nyxus, wilt thou truly cherish me, the Nuhn’s only son? Or is such a desire too dear to wish for!? After our nup….nup…nup,” U’rahn started before turning bright red and covering his face for a moment, earning a snicker from Klynt backstage.
         “Nuptials,” Nyx offered.
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         “Rrright. After those, I shall become no more than a puppet? A mindless puppet, never to laugh, never to cry? I wish to live my life under the sky. At times I shall laugh, at other times cry. For no life more insincere than that lived as a masquerade.”
         “So much consideration thou has given it! But worry not,” Nyxus assured him, mechanically, before letting him embrace her as she continued, staring blankly into the audience, “Cast away thy trappings of royalty, and I shall swaddle thee in a blanket of pure love! Never again will I part from thee! Pray, my love, make me thy canary to keep forever in the cage of thy chest! Let us embark on the first ship tomorrow, before the dawn can tell of our elopement!”
         U’rahn flicked his tail as he turned, watching Erick shake his head while Meya giggled. Dark looked on stoically, while behind her Y’shtola seemed to be sharpening her nails. He grimaced a bit then parted, taking a knee, “All my fortunes at thy foot, I lay, and I shall follow thee throughout the world!”
         “No cloud nor squall shall hinder us,” Nyx answered flatly before turning sharply and walking off stage, U’rahn reaching out toward her.
         “Oh, love is the sweetest joy and the wildest woe. All I wish is to be by my sweet Nyxus’s side.”
         Blyti moved out to the front of the stage, shaking their head, “Fie! It shall be war again unless this marriage is stopped. Ne’er will I let their plan come to fruition.”
         Hopping up on stage, he presented U’rahn with a rose, “Good day to ye, L’rahn.”
         “Good day…”
         “Wist thee of Nyxus?”
         “Nyxus!? What news dost thou bring?”
         With a sharp punch to the gut, U’rahn doubled over into the Viera’s arms before being carted off stage, earning a light applause from the growing crowd. Dropped on the ground, U’rahn looked up, ears wiggling with joy.
         “Nyx you were amazing,” he praised before getting hit on the back of the head by Kylnt.
         ‘You were swiven complain’ about me altering the words!” What was that stutterin’ out there?”
         U’rahn turned red then poked his fingers together, “Ah, well. That word…was going to imply that Nyx and I would…”
         “Oh for Navigator’s sake. That doesn’t bloody mean they're gonna swive!”
         “That is true. It is just a term for a ceremony. Did you not look up that word when you came across it?” Zoissette asked.
         “Oi! What are you teachin’ these damned Tia old man,” Klynt shot back to U’odh as he chatted with U’khuba and U’thyka, earning a shrug as he moved out to the stage for his next scene.
         “Where is he!? Where has my only son gone!? Oh! Blank, good man! Has those seen L’rrrahn,” U’odh projected as Bylti returned to stage.
         “Worry not, Nuhn! I shall make sure L’rahn marries S'thola. Be thou at ease.”
         “At ease, sayest thou? How can I rrrest not knowing he is safe? Could it be…thou hast betrayed me!?”
         “By my truth, sir, I betrayed none other than poor Nyxus!”
         “Thou has the gall to betray thy dearrrest friend! Wouldst though not betray me as swiftly?”
         Bylti took a step back as U’odh pulled his sword, “Stay thy hand, I merely…”
         U’odh ran his sword through the other’s arm, letting the Viera fall to the floor to play dead. Weakly, the violet haired Viera looked up, arm outstretched to U’odh, “I merely sought a lasting peace between the two tribes…”
         U’khuba soon ran onto stage with U’thkya, pointing to Bylti. “The traitor is dead!”
         “Oh! Cruel fate! A rose wilted before his time. Seeking only to preserve the peace between the two tribes. Such a noble heart, extinguished in his prime! A-“
         “Ahem,” U’khuba interrupted, elbowing his brother.
         “You two…quickly! Find L’rrrahn and bring him beforrre me,” U’odh ordered, once sure the hammy theatrics of his nephew was done.
         “Yes Nuhn,” the two answered before running off stage.
         “Wretched son! How dare he disobey his fatherrr’s wishes!”
         With that, U’odh stormed off stage, beaming to the group as Kylnt held U’rahn back from pouncing on U’thyka in a rage. Nervously, Zoissette peaked out at Y’shtola as Nyx walked by and moved to center stage.
         “The time for departure is long past. Where is Rahn?”
         Zoissette moved on stage, beelining to Nyx. “Nyxus, the ship soon embarks! Board ye the boat alone, and peace could come to both kingdoms, as Blyti- uh, as Blank so said….Speak Nyxus!”
         “He told me that he could not live without me,” Nyx answered, looking up as Lavendar and Rose, Zoissette’s fairies, fluttered the best they could in heavy bird costumes behind her, the latter thumping to the ground loudly by the time she got to the end of it.
         “So, the sun is our enemy too. The eastern sky grows bright. Will we not spread ourwings, as yonder birds in joyous flight,” she continued, Rose scooting off stage in the deteriorating costume.
         A whistle sounded out, causing Zoissette to turn away, facing away from the audience, barely orating as she scuttled sideways off stage to collect her fallen fairies, “Hark Nyxus! They cannot wait any longer! The ship departs!”
         “Could he have betrayed me? Nay, ne’er would my love speak false. I must have faith! He shall appear if I only believe! As the sun lends me no ear, I pray instead to the moons! Mephina, Dalmund! I beseech thee, wondrous moonlight, grant me my only wish!”
         Nyx staring blankly into the audience, Klynt wandered out, crossing her arms. “Tribes be damned. This is more than a swive and sail! Wait, what villany is this!”
         As Nyx stood, U’khuba and U’thyka ran out with a net and pounced on her.
         “Gotcha,” U’khuba announced proudly.
         “No more shall you prevent the union of the darling S'thola and our cousin L’rahn,” U’thyka started, pulling a rose from his sleeve and holding it out toward the audience, “Then we too shall be allowed to find our own happiness, as our feuding tribes shall cease their squabbling over territory. If only I could be so lucky that this rose finds my waiting love.”
         With that, he tossed his rose toward Y’shtola, only to have it float right into Meya’s lap. U’khuba gave the other’s ear a pinch then pulled him off stage while Erick stomped down the center aisle and into the wing. As U’thyka’s scream sounded out, Kylnt moved to center stage, while Erick moved to return to his seat “Nyxus! Damned L’eoh and his minions! I shall find L’rahn before it is too late!”
         With that, she ran off stage, letting the now filled stands clap. Arriving backstage, Klynt tilted her head, finding U’thuka knocked out cold and U’rahn cracking his knuckles. “He’s got another scene! Why’d you flatten ‘em out!?”
         “Not sure about the boss man, but he keeps stealing the show!”
         U’odh sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose while U’khuba pushed up his glasses. Zoissette, freeing her faires, sent them to tend to the knocked out Tia and looked up at the group, “Is Zel ready? I wouldd very much like to finish this up.”
         “Right then, Lady Vauban,” U’odh said, nodding to her in thanks before sauntering out onto stage with a laugh.
         U’rahn sighed, watching U’khuba sit back up. Ears drooping, he hung his head and shook his head, “This is a disaster.”
         Feeling Nyx’s hand on his shoulder, he looked over and found her lifting up onto her tiptoes, kissing his nose. “This has been enriching.”
         His ears fluttered happily, “Yeah? You’re enjoying yourself?”
         “Yes, I do not think my acting ability is sufficient enough to be practically cast in a role like Nyxus. I am direct and lack certain inflection. I do not believe I’d have been cast as such by anyone else.”
         “What? I think you’ve been amazing,” U’rahn cooed, fluttering his ears.
         “You have bias due to your affections….I believe I am required on stage.”
         With that, she kissed his nose again then moved to stand between U’khuba and U’thyka, waiting for her moment on stage. Flushing, U’rahn touched his nose while Klynt made a gagging noise, then gave U’rahn a playful boot to the butt.
         “Tonight I shall finally see my son L’eoh betroth’d to S’thola! And then S’thola and her tribe will be mine! Gwahahaha,” U’odh roared out while her nephews escorted Nyx onto stage.
         “Your majesty,” U’khuba said as he bowed.
         “We’ve caught the worm,” U’thyka announced, black eye wincing.
         “Why, my poor Nyxus! Hark, m’lady. No matter how much thou dost treasrrrure U’rahn…er, L’rahn. No matter how deeply he might believe he doth love thee….Never shall I see him marry a peasant such as thee!”
         A bell rang across the stage, causing the Nuhn to point skyward, “When the bell strikes three, under the ax thou shall be.”
         As the bell rang again, the cousins put Nyx on her knees, and as the third sounded, U’khuba moved to pull an axe up high over his head.
         “Furthermore,” U’odh started before Klynt swept in with U’rahn, Y’zel following after, promptly tripping in a wedding dress, earning a hearty laugh from the audience.
         “Nyxus,” U’rahn cried out, Nyx soon breaking past U’khuba and U’thyka to embrace him.
         “Oh, Nyxus! I missed you so! I wish never to leave thy side. Prithee, lead me from this place,” the Nuhn let out, pointing off stage.
         “See L’eoh Nuhn!? Thou should give them your swiven blessin’,” Klynt roared.
         “Never! Never leave her side, thou sayest? Foolish banter! I’ll not allow it! L’rahn shall marry none other than this woman- S'thola Rhul! Is that not so, S'thola?”
         “A-Aye,” Y’zel answered, struggling to get himself up on his heels, wobbling as he tried to take steps toward the rest.
         “Aye! And this traitorous crew, I will put to death,” U’odh yelled out.
         Nyx and Klynt quickly punched into U’thyka and U’khuba’s stomachs, causing them to stagger back.
         “We are no match,” U’khuba grunted.
         “We cannot go on. Let’s away brother,” U’thyka echoed, fainting into the other’s arms to be drug off stage.
         “Pray, sweet son, come home to the castle with me!”
         “Nay, father! I shan’t return!”
         “L’rahn…trouble me no more. This wedding is for thine own welfare. Be mindful of that.”
         “Not if I can help it! Now is my moment of vengeance! For my parents, and for my love, L’rahn,” Nyx shouted loudly as she drew her foil, “I shall cut thee down.”
         The Miqo’te soon rushed in, attempting to stab into U’odh, only to have Nyx step out in front of his father while the cast screamed, “L’rahn!”
         “No…Rahn…” Nyx said flatly, looking down at U’rahn as he dropped to his knees.
         “Nyx…us…, forgive me. I still love my father…”
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         “L’rahn,” Y’zel squeaked out, falling over in the dress again.
         Rolling over, U’rahn reached up, smiling weakly up at Nyx as he took her hand, holding it to his cheek.
         “Prithee, forgive my selfishness, Father,” he loudly whispered, kissing her palm as he spoke to his father, “Spare my sweet Nyxus…”
         “What have I done!? Am I never to hear his loving voice again,” Nyx let out, speaking softly, “Am I cursed never again to feel his soft touch!? O, cruel fate! Thou hast robbed me of all I treasure.”
         Nyx lifted their sword, staring at it a moment.
         “Wait! Don’t!” U’odh cried out before Nyx plunged it into herself, playing dead beside U’rahn as the Nuhn dropped to his knees and hugged both into his arms and feigned sobbing.
         The crowd soon erupted into cheers as they finished. Perking up, U’rahn jumped to his feet, lifting Nyx up along beside him to bow before waving the rest out to bask in the applause. Eyes sparkling with excitement, U’rahn bowed over and over before hurrying off stage with everyone else.
         “Where did all those people come from. It was enough that the Archon joined the audience, but all of Gridania,” Zoissette moaned, trying to help Y’zel out of his dress.
         “I do say, it seemed we gathered quite the crowd. I’m sure Mr. Gage will be throwing Gil at us,” U’khuba agreed, offering to unzip Y’zel out of the mess of tul.
         “Wait, we have to do this again?” Kylnt asked, “If we’re doin’ this again I want my script changes written in.”
         “Ah, we’ll see about that,” U’rahn laughed before turning white as his father started to engage in conversation with Nyx.
         “My son is rrrather taken by you. You’re all he talks about,” U’odh laughed.
         “Rahn is still experiencing the limerence phase of our relationship. It is quite enriching.”
         “Haha! If that’s not a 5000 gil word! My late wife was full of those. Seems the Drake men have a quite the flame for those with brrrains.”
         “Rahn has not said much about his mother. Though, he does enjoy telling me the storytales she’d read him.”
         “Does he now? He’s neverrr been good with words on paper, but he could recite every story L’lolamo would read to him. I think he memorized them so that he could convince her he was picking up the words on the page,” he mused.
         “Ah! Hey hey! C’mon dad! Let’s not talk about that,” U’rahn breathed out, cheeks red, “Look! It’s the bossman!”
         Erick sauntered in with Dark and the two Miqo’te in tow looked around then set upon U’rahn who eagerly wiggled his ears.
         “So! What did you think?” U’rahn asked.
         “I’d very much like to ask about your naming conventions,” Y’shtola quipped, eyes piercing into U”rahn from behind Erick and Meya, “If I recall, the story was about a Hyur-“
         “Ah…well, I just kinda went with what I knew! Seeing that we’re mostly a Miqo’te cast,” U’rahn answered, “Wh-What about you boss? Miss Autumn? Miss Ganajai?”
         “I rather liked it,” Meya answered, looking to the other two.
         “You had a few hiccups; however, I think with some practice and maybe another look at casting it would be a fine production,” Dark answered with a cautious smile.
         “It would be…In fact, I believe we could have made quite a mint,” Erick started, “IF YOU HADN'T SWIVING PERFORMED IT FOR ALL OF GRIDANIA FOR FREE.”
         U’rahn blinked a bit, ears swayed back from the screaming before perking up as the realization hit him, “Oh. I guess we did do that.”
         “For Thal’s sake,” Erick groaned, shaking his head, the rest of the company and his family laughing from behind.
         U’rahn laughed too, then leaned over, putting his cheek against Nyx’s as he fluttered his ears. “Well, then there’s Limsa and Ul’dah next, right? If you’re giving us a green light then it’s playwrrright time!”
         Erick looked up; brow furrowed. “No! Not it’s not,” he called out, earning more laughter from the company. Exasperated, he shook his head again then turned to leave with Meya on his arm. U’rahn beamed then gently tugged Nyx back toward his father, taking a deep breath before once more letting his father get to know his girlfriend.  
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lovelyjasmari · 5 years
The return of a shadowy old foe sends Kalai into whirlwind of fear and doubt that her loved ones try to keep her from before it’s too late. Most of this is exposition for the next few chapters.
Warning, this chapter contains some angst and disturbing imagery (fucked me up writing may fuck some up reading) but ends with a sickening amount of gratuitous, self-indulgent fluff. Also gets kinda suggestive, though not enough to change the rating. XD
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lovelyjasmari · 5 years
Alright! Time to write some sin, let’s get in the right mood. 
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