#otp: scydia
jessmalia · 5 months
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3.14 More Bad Than Good // 3.24 The Divine Move
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mcmxrtinski · 2 years
scydia is just so beautiful
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doyelikehaggis · 1 year
you know what I think about with scydia ? is how unnecessarily close they would sometimes, be standing/sitting next to one another.
like the hand holding scene in s3 has me on my knees, but the way scott leans in and tells lydia he will "do something about it" I remember watching that scene for the 1st time and thinking they would kiss because they were physically so close to each other
Don't even talk to me about the hand-holding scene in s3, it drives me CRAZY. There were a couple of times throughout the series where I genuinely thought that they were going to kiss, and the "I'll do something about it" scene was DEFINITELY one of them. Like!! Just kiss already!! It broke my heart a little that they never did (aside from that one time on a full moon)
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skywitchmaja · 2 years
*plagiarized with love from @manicpixiedreamkiller <3
teen wolf ship tier list
s tier: any pack polycule but particularly scilydalia (scott stiles lydia malia this one’s fun because they’re all besties and a little bit in love with each other <3) and scisaallistydia (scott isaac allison stiles lydia. this one’s fun because its like *scott voice* “this is my boyfriend isaac who’s gay for me but straight for my girlfriend allison, who’s straight for me but gay for her girlfriend lydia, who is gay but has a weird codependent thing with stiles, who is my other boyfriend and he loves me but he hates isaac so much. it’s not that complicated.”), sciles <3.
a tier: malialydira (malia lydia kira. cute & fun), scisaallison (scott isaac allison. genuine throuple-bait), scilira (scott stiles kira. they’re cute, i think this would be a scott centric throuple but it could work), allydia, malydia, malira, kalira (you get it), chriserek (chris/derek. SHOULD have been the otp of the adult cast)
b tier: liam/hayden (they’re like troy and gabriella with more drama, what’s not to love?), mason/corey (ride or die <3), jackson/ethan (glad being gay was the chill pill jackson needed), ethan/danny (sweet), jackson/danny (onesided. it’s cannon to me), stiles/danny (onesided. it’s cannon to me), thiam (i can’t say i don’t see it), stydia (i love both of them with my whole heart i love all their scenes together, i think they would be an absolute nightmare of a couple and that would be fun, but i do think lydia should be a lesbian), scilydia (scott/stiles/lydia. i think the three of them would balance each other out where the individual pairings might struggle. but i still think lydia should be a lesbian), scilydison (scott/stiles/lydia/allison. similar vibe to scilydalia but sorry i like malia more than allison sorry i’m so sorry), scalia (somehow they read more jock4jock than scott/kira, who were actually on the lacrosse team together, and i love it. but i do think malia should a lesbian tbh), jackson/lydia (as @manicpixiedreamkiller said: “lavender high school power couple”), scilydiallackson (scott/stiles/lydia/allison/jackson. the most high school soap opera group of kids. cause so many problems with such intricate rituals. go team!), scillison (scott/stiles/allison. similar vibe to stilira), scydia (i love their arc from “only manifests to cause problems which are immediately resolved” to “aw their so sweet, look at them teaming up to save their shared love interest (stiles. stiles. allison. stiles again. am i missing any? i’m sure i am.)), stydalia (stiles/lydia/malia. would be fun but without scott, i think they would be wanted in three states after 30 minutes of hanging out), scallison (sure, they’re sweet), scileo (scott/stiles/theo. good antagonistic dynamic but stressed me the fuck out.), scisaacles (scott/isaac/stiles. love the mess love the chaos love stiles and stiles lite tm vying for scott’s love but where is allison?)
c tier: stiles/isaac (antagonistic. fun & messy & i think if they were trapped in a room together they would melt windows with the sheer power of their mutual loathing, but i think they should both do better), stiles/theo (basically the same as previous but i like theo much much much less than isaac), chris/melissa (why did this happen?), sheriff stilinski/lydia’s mom (why did this happen?), melissa/chris (why did this happen?), stalia (never meant anything to me as a couple, but they had some fun scenes & some murder couple potential), lydia/aidan (boring), melissa/rafael (they are divorced for a reason, duh), sheriff stilinski/stiles’ ghost mom (scary!!)
? tier (on screen for all of 5 seconds but fun while they lasted): ericallison (homoerotic worsties <3), scott/boyd (would be sweet, like aww they’re both so sweet <3), cora/stiles (basically stalia but i like it more for reasons i can’t define), erica/boyd/cora (or any combo of the three i’m not writing them all out. i mean, they seem to care for each other at least as friends), scott/jackson (intricate rituals, fun while it lasted), stiles/jackson (so much potential for chaos and problems), jacksallison (there to cause problems for two episodes and that is IT!), isaac/erica/boyd (sure, why not?), derek/evil-sexy-english-teacher (it was funny), derek/brayden (the actress has a young looking face so i was thrown off at first, but i too have a young looking face so i can’t hold that against them. fun while they lasted.), peter/deucalion (i just think it would be fun <3), kali/evil-sexy-english-teacher (horrible toxic dyke drama!!! 16 dead!!!)
f tier: derek/kate, sterek, parish/lydia, any adult with any teenager ffs
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metagalacticx · 2 years
there’s a hierarchy of respect based on what people ship that i have to abide by or i’ll die
at the top of the list is scira - but i always assume everyone ships scira so that means i respect most of you. anyway this is the otp ever and i get so emotional over how scott and kira will probably never be together again and it breaks my stupid little heart
next is scydia - if you ship scott and lydia or if like me you are obsessed with their friendship then you have my respect forever and it would be pretty hard to lose it
number three is morey - i feel like most people ship them but very passively so if you’re a hardcore morey enjoyer pls scream at me about them i love them so much and i will respect you forever
next is scoyd - when i say i think about them a lot i’m not exaggerating if you are a true scoyd believer there is almost nothing you can do to make me lose respect for you
scallison - i respect scallisons but i respect divorced scallison enthusiasts even more sorry. their story was perfect and it ended perfectly which means i don’t think scallison is endgame (but i won’t be upset if it is) also i’m scallison trash like they mean so much to me i don’t talk about it ever but scott and allison truly were it
scisaac- what can i say, i am not immune to this perfect pairing that i hope some way, somehow is endgame for the movie.
josh & tracy- not romantically or sexually or anything but if you think about them a lot together you have earned my respect
liam/mason- their smush ship names annoy me but yes if you ship them eternal respect
stackson - this one is tricky because i respect stacksons but only the stacksons who truly understand how stackson works
lydia/tracy - there’s something about this that just makes me so insane and everyone who ships them deserves a kiss
layden - there are virtually none of you left. every single one of you died with the great thiaming of 2020. and as a layden enthusiast i resent that. so respect to anyone who still sees this pairing for what it really is <3
*every pairing with theo raeken is automatically last on this list im so sorry i don’t make the rules xoxo
**there is a secret theo pairing that is actually number four on this list but i won’t say what it is hehehe but everyone who ships them is enlightened and deserves multiple kisses no it’s not thiam sry xoxoxo
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partiallypearl · 2 years
a, i, o, t, y for ask game? 👉👈
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Sambea (duh lmao), Rivusa, Skylora, Scydia (my loves i miss them!!), Riarkle, Rina, Flora & Terra, Musa & Terra
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Andi Mack. My hatred of TJ Kippen remains in my heart and most likely will never leave. Also, to a certain degree, Teen Wolf bc of the S*les/S*ydia fans.
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T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Yes! Riley Matthews has ADHD, Musa did ballet as a kid, and Terra gets to kill a man at some point 😏
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
The Rookie bc of Ish, Supernatural and The Last of Us bc of Jo (I also live in one of the cities where TLOU was filmed primarily lmaooo)
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braedenhales · 2 years
teen wolf, if no one’s asked yet 👉👈
Favorite character:
I always go back and forth between Braeden and Kira.
Least Favorite character:
This is a Peter Hale hate blog.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Scira, Stalia, Draeden, Berica&Scydia
Character I find most attractive: Listen Deucalion could...
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Character I would marry:
Age appropriate Boyd. Or Braeden.
Character I would be best friends with:
a random thought: I hate that the Ghostriders plot wasn't used to bring back old characters. Everyone that just disappeared like it was the perfect explanation but the writers just went "Fuck everybody except for Peter."
An unpopular opinion:
Scott isn’t a bad character, people just like Dylan and that’s fine but just say that. He’s not a bad friend, ask your friends how you acted with your first girlfriend or boyfriend.
My Canon OTP: Scira
My Non-canon OTP: Scydia!
Most Badass Character: Toss up between Kira&Scott.
Most Epic Villain: Story telling wise it’s Void Stiles. I like when villains are important to the protagonists otherwise it’s like what are we really waiting for here?
Pairing I am not a fan of: Any pairing involving Peter especially with minors, it's weird.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
All of them. Mainly Kira tho, she was the most interesting character but they got rid of her and brought back crustys over her when she actually brought something to the show.
Favourite Friendship: Scott&Stiles.
Character I most identify with: Erica&Boyd
Character I wish I could be:
I wouldn't but if I had to chose I would be Danny. I appreciate how he knew about the supernatural and went "Nah, y'all be easy tho."
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eevylynn · 15 days
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
For the salty ask game
In Teen Wolf, I don't really have a NoTP, tbh. The closest would be Sciles, Scerek, or Scydia, but that's because I see those as platonic ONLY. But not really NoTP level.
For OUAT, Captain Swan is my renowned NoTP, and it was so popular that my favorite character was killed off because the Captain Swan fans would send the actor death threats, and he noped out of that situation.
I hate Captain Swan and always will.
I'm a ship and let ship person, but fuck Captain Swan.
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rosy-pugs · 4 years
Scydia is an underrated ship! Friendship-wise and romance-wise!
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martinskis-lydias · 4 years
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Moodboard: scydia (scott x lydia)
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teenwolf-rarepairs · 4 years
Important OTP Questions Lydia and Scott
Who is a master of the Puppy-Dog-Eyes look? Scott. Have you seen those sweet big brown eyes? Yeah, hard to beat. Lydia doesn’t even try there. 
Who is the big spoon/little spoon? Lydia likes to be the little spoon, especially in cold nights, where she gets to enjoy Scott as her personal furnace. 
Does the bigger one carry the smaller one in their arms? Oh yes. Lydia is petite, and he likes to lift her and spin her around to make her laugh. 
Who wakes up early to make breakfast in bed? Scott with more frequency, but she does it for him too. Especially after the nights of full moon. 
Who checks on the baby in the middle of the night? Both, but mostly Scott. Werewolf hearing makes him wake up way before Lydia does by the noise. And he likes to let her rest. 
Did they cry at their own wedding? No, but Scott was jittery in his spot with a huge grin on his face while she walked down the aisle. 
Who would cuddle the other for no reason? Scott initiates that kind of contact more often. Lydia gets used to it and starts doing it too, eventually. 
Who sings a lullaby to help the baby sleep? They take turns, but she likes when Scott does it. He has a very nice voice.
Who makes who sleep on the couch after an argument? Lydia tries to make him sleep in the couch, but Scott refuses to go to sleep while they’re mad to each other. 
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jessmalia · 1 month
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Mal's Teen Wolf rewatch: Lunatic (1x08)
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ilvermourn · 7 years
Person a: you're a heartless prick
Person b: not my fault you stole my heart
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doyelikehaggis · 1 year
you know I can't resist... scydia
His fingers glide down the curve of her hip like a skier on a slope. It was only because of Lydia that Scott ever went skiing, when she took him last year during the winter. He hated it. It was like ice skating but worse because when he fell, he slid in the snow and down a hill where he faceplanted like an idiot.
Smooth skin turns thin and white. Stretching out along her side in a curve that almost meets in the middle to form a full moon.
Lydia had laughed when he fell in the snow.
The soft noise floats out of his mind and into the air between them as her body both pulls away and pushes closer to his light touch. She murmurs something, muffled by her pillow, then turns her head to look up at him. Her eyes crinkle when she finds him gazing back intently, caught in the act with hasty innocence.
"Sorry," he says quietly, aware that there are other sensitive ears around them that could easily tune in. "What did you say?"
She gives him that look; her lips press together, forming a little heart as the real one skips a beat like it's playing a familiar game on a warm, sunny day.
"I said" --she catches his hand in hers as he moves it, just a little bit, sliding up the slope of her ribs-- "that tickles."
Scott bites the inside of his cheek but it does nothing to tone down his smile, which is mirrored back at him when he unabashedly says, "Sorry. My bad."
He strokes his thumb over a small indent between her ribs, feeling her sharp inhale. It's quickly pushed back out in a chuckle that she smothers when she presses their lips together. Neither one of them are entirely awake yet -- hell, they've barely slept in the last forty-eight hours. Yet somehow none of it seems to matter.
They meld together so easily, his arm winding around her to pull her body closer to his as her own hand travels up his bicep to his neck. It's been a hectic two days. They've nearly died a few times. Scott's not entirely sure they'll survive tomorrow with the way things are going.
But it doesn't matter. The world could be ending right this very moment, and he still wouldn't want to be doing anything else. With Lydia, everything else is quiet. Ironic, maybe, but it's the truth. When things get bad, he reaches for her, and she's there. And, somehow, he just knows it'll be okay, one way or another.
She hums quietly in the back of her throat and pulls away. She doesn't go far, just enough to lean their foreheads together as she caresses his cheek. He's torn between opening his eyes to see the tiny smile he knows she's wearing, and the way her eyes flutter beneath closed lids -- or keeping them closed and letting his other sense be enraptured by her touch, the softness of her skin, the smell of her perfume mixed with the nearly overwhelming scent of something neither of them has quite put a name to yet.
But they know. Words aren't needed to say it.
He opens his eyes and finds her already gazing back at him. They both smile, and they know. It's in the way Lydia's eyes flit between both of his, pulling her lips between her teeth with a sudden shyness. It's in the way Scott gently tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear and lets his fingers linger, caressing her cheek with a softness that would have startled her a few months ago. And it's in the way that he knows that, and so he shows her that softness and tenderness at every given opportunity, through caresses and kisses and looks and words. The way he holds her hand and body and heart in his own and she doesn't doubt for a second that she is safe, and he knows that even if he does faceplant in the snow, she'll be right there to help him laugh it off and help him back up.
So, yeah. They don't say it. Not yet.
But they know.
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exlibrisfangirl · 2 years
Scott McCall for ask game
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Thank you, Nonny! 💛
do I like them: I don't adore him, but I do like him. Scott antis can gtfo, tbh. In this house, we appreciate Scoots McGoots. ✌🏻
5 good qualities: He is SUCH a himbo, loyal, brave, caring, determined. He is basically the human embodiment of a Golden Retriever... and who doesn't like Golden Retrievers? (I mean... I'm allergic to dogs, but even *I* can't resist a goofy, enthusiastic, tail-wagging Golden.)
3 bad qualities: He is SUCH a himbo, can be an idiot sometimes, can also be a bit obtuse when it comes to other people's feelings and motivations.
favourite episode/scene/etc: Probably something from the first few seasons. Pre-S4, peak himbo, beta!Scott is my favorite Scott. That said, I love the scene in S4 where he breaks free of the berserker curse and whoops Peter's ass, lol.
otp: I don't have one for him, but if pressed, I'd say Scallison.
brotp: Sciles is my BROTP, hands down. But I could be persuaded to consider Scerek, Scydia, and Scisaac, as well.
ot3: I don't have one for him, but I find the concept of Scott/Allison/Isaac intriguing.
notp: I don't really like Scalia, but I wouldn't go so far as to label them a NOTP.
best quote: “My mom does all the grocery shopping...”
“I'm the hot girl!”
“Give me the finger!”
head canon: After Allison died, when Chris returned from France and finally moved out of the apartment he had shared with her, he had a hard time bringing himself to get rid of Allison's things. Scott offered to help him, so he wouldn't have to do it alone. That's why we later see Malia wearing some of Allison's old clothes; donating them to her was Scott's idea. <3
give me a character and i'll answer
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metagalacticx · 2 years
scydia, stalia and scira for the ship bingo
hiiiii omg <33
Scydia (i’m so very in love with the potential)
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Stalia (don’t come for me pls)
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thanks so much for askinggg <33
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