#otp: i cannot lose you again
girl4music · 3 months
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Never been one for “Happily ever after - The End.”
Always been one for hard work and a continuation.
But getting both together really doesn’t hurt because while it still might be a happy ending, it’s not the end. There’s more to come for them. More to happen. More challenges, more conflicts, more rocky road, more compromises and likely more sacrifices. Hard work.
Love is always hard work so I always go for the ships that represent hard work. Enduring through the drama and chaos together and coming out stronger because of it. It’s a constant retesting of their love. There is no such thing as “happily ever after”. It’s a fantasy. And even in a supernatural/fantasy storytelling, I still much prefer ships that represent the hard work. That walk through a storm and come out the other side dishevelled and stained but standing - and hand in hand. That’s far more romantic to me than any “happily ever after” ever will be because what it shows me is that their love is based on a constant devotion towards each other and not on any kind of reward that can be had in being with each other. That even if no happiness was possible for them, these two people will still stick by each other. That’s what love is. To still be around for them - totally devoted to them - even when there’s no happy end because if the happy end is all you’re there for, you’re not actually in love with them. You’re in love with an ideal of them. An ideal life with them. But that ideal life may never come to fruition. Yet, they’re still there by your side regardless.
Waverly and Nicole really go through a storm together and all the while they’re clinging to each other tightly shielding each other from the oncoming debree. They get to see the sun eventually and that’s great. But they know that that’s not what love’s all about at all. They know love is hard work and that it will always be. That’s what I’m here to watch. Not happily ever after because that’s not a real thing and I’m glad that it’s not because it’s not interesting. It doesn’t say anything about love other than that it’s an ideal to fantasize and obsess over. But the person you picture yourself in this ideal life with is right there with you now and you’ve got to decide what matters more.
That’s what WayHaught represents as a WLW ship.
Hard work with how their love keeps building and evolving through everything that they go through together - be it negative or positive - because what they’re devoted to is each other. Their love is not based on an ideal of what they could be or can get to. It’s there regardless whether they happily end or not. And all ships that represent this are worth shipping.
I mean just look at all my other OTPs. None of them represent idealism. All of them represent hard work. And none of them got a happy ending like WayHaught did. None of them end up happily married in the end. But then again - what WayHaught’s tying of the knot represents is not a representation of happily ever after. It’s a statement of commitment and compromise and equality. It’s a way of expressing and attesting to one another that the love they have for and devotion they have to each other will not make them ignore their responsibilities and obligations as Guardians to Purgatory and the Ghost River Triangle. As Waverly told Jolene. She can be a wife AND a hero and she will be and Nicole has to allow her the agency of being both. Likewise, Waverly has to allow Nicole the agency to take on the supernatural alone as the Angel’s Shield. They both have to put aside their worries and anxieties and fears of losing one another to allow this. And their vows to each other are a promising of that which is why I find their endgame so damn powerful. Because it represents trust and faith and respect and support and all the things a marital partnership should do but rarely ever is in TV art/entertainment sadly.
I cannot wait for ‘Vengeance’ to see for myself where the narratives for these 2 incredible individual female main characters leads from where they were left off because there is so much we do not know about them. What I would really want to see is how much they’re upholding their vows in their next adventure together. How much they’ve truly allowed each other all the agency of being both domestic AND heroic partners. ‘Cause vows are just words. I want to see the actions. I want to see the proof that they are truly as equals now and neither of them are being overbearing worrywarts because they truly know what each other are capable of and understand that their individual strength and power is necessary to fighting for the greater good.
That’s all I really want to see in this next adventure. The evidence that they’re truly equal forces in love and life and they don’t try step on each other’s toes because there’s nothing more unromantic to me than lovers that don’t let each other be all that they can be out of some nonsensical excuse of “protecting” them. And what you’re really doing when you subject someone to a “love story” of “Happily ever after - The End.” is you’re making them feel incapable and therefore, unworthy, of achieving an ideal of true love when an ideal of true love is not, never has been and never will be true love because hard work is the truth.
You know, I got into WayHaught long after everyone else did. After the hype of watching and shipping them died down. And I don’t regret that fact because I feel like I would have looked at them with negative preconceived notions if I was introduced to them at the same time as everyone else was. If I was watching them at the time they were a pop culture topic, I would have had my “they’re just a trend and nothing more” glasses on when watching their scenes together. So I’m quite happy that I discovered them when I did. At a time when virtually no one else was talking about them because everyone had moved on.
But now with the news of the return of them through the ‘Vengeance’ Tubi movie - I can join in the hype of shipping them and I will feel really authentic in doing so because I know that I do sincerely view them as a significant ship that teaches a real meaning of LOVE and it’s not just some pop culture fad everyone is obsessed with because it’s cool to obsess over them. There’s depth there. There’s substance. There’s truth. Because it always make me feel really odd when everyone seems to get it but I don’t and vice versa. But as I said - if you look at every single one of my OTPs or favourite ships - all of them are the same as far as what they represent as a ship. It’s hard work and constant devotion to each other because of hardship. It’s not any kind of idealistic version of what “love” is. It’s not happily ever after. It’s not whirlwind romances. It’s not even “true love” as a concept like in all those favoured childhood fairytale stories. It’s hard work. That’s what I choose to watch and ship and it’s what I always will if I even care about any TV love story at all.
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spidermanifested · 2 months
Greed or Bido for the give me character thing so you can ramble for 3 hours straight grins
okay well i uave to do both of them now. you understand this.
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how i feel about this character:
he is the perfect man. i want to lick him. no further comment
all the people i ship romantically with this character:
BIDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know this. bido is such important representation as the first ever Fridged-For-A-Guys-Character-Development Barely-On-Screen Love Interest to be a middle aged bald man. every day i lose my marbles about how im cursed to carry this torch all by myself. four foot something homeless guy says fuck it ill do anything to save this person magnitudes stronger than myself, after ive already lost everything we built together. ill follow him into hell for the faintest chance of saving him. because hes my friend. and then he dies in his arms. abd a flashback of him looking lovingly into his eyes is the last straw to make greed accept friendship into his life again. royai WHO
i went into greed/scar in my scar post so im not typing all that out again but its also so good. extremely potent character development to be had. somebody validate me here im right
my goofy one is greed/madame christmas "married for tax benefits and also every couple years they meet up and have crazy sex" style. only a little bit because i thought about greed getting to say i fucked your mom shitlips to roy mustang.
is there ajybody else. im thinking. Uhhhhh. honestly i dont think so dvdggxf im too committed to the ones ive got and i have to put all my energy into those because NOBODY ELSE IS DOING IT!!! whole fma fandom spinning a roulette wheel to find a new random man they think is hot to ship him with every so often. when they could instead be sipping from my font of boundless wisdom.
my non-romantic otp for this character
the devils nest gang will never die. in our hearts and souls. also i need him and mei to be friends IMMEDIATELY
i DO appreciate the friendship between him and ling, but im not as nuts about it as a lot of people (i say with fondness). they can do bros attacks it is true. but they also knew each other less than a year, and sometimes it feels like people tend to. overstate i guess? the impact of ling and ed vs the whole, One Hundred Years Of Living In Human Society thing. i promise a couple of 15 year olds did not give him all that character development okay he was already basically there he just got set back a LOT because of the-- see now youve really got me rambling for 3 straight hours this wasnt even what the question was about
my unpopular opinion about this character:
wow i could have literally just waited one question to say all that. now i have to find a new one
uhhh "hes openly 200 years old and solidly established as an adult man from his very first appearance and the fact that his soul later gets a timeshare in a 15 year olds body does not change that fact and its alarming to stick your fingers in your ears and pretend that it does". is that unpopular. bbecause sometimes im so scared it is
one thing i wish had happened with this character
okay now BIDO
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how i feel about this character
would that i could simply transmit my feelings through a less uncertain interface than words. words alone cannot do them justice. look at my blog i guess
all the people i ship romantically with this character
greed and scar ive gone into already so now we can get into the even nicher stuff. Awesome
not quite romantic but i tjink he and ulchi had a fwb thing going on. bidos into hunks with sharp teeth we already know this
hmm i think theres a lot of guys in the series hed be INTO/would be into him to some degree or another, but i dont know if itd be romantic per se? like. theres only so romantic you can get with barry the chopper even if it would be really funny. "please please please let me chop up your tail it looks so juicy. itll grow back anyway right. ive never asked before"
also for catenation i thought itd be really funny to make him and greed and yoki into an extremely lopsided love triangle, where yoki develops a weird crush on bido which manifests in very odd ways that bido cant make heads or tails of and doesnt really care to because he doesnt like him at all. does that count.
i also have. a handful of crossover ships, which grew out of roleplays with friends. bidos boytoy and boytoy-adjacent collection includes
psycho mantis from your playstation
the bad guy in the harley quinn movie but not that version of him
and yes. they do smoke weed.
my non-romantic otp for this character
once again the devils nest gang at large has me in a vice. i care about greed and bidos friendship as well as the romantic aspect but the fact that bido doesnt really interact with any of the gang aside from greed SUCKS and i wish we could have seen some of that
however we do at least get a flashback of bido Standing Next to blondie and one of the bouncers. which in true "desperate enjoyer of a very minor character" fashion ive extrapolated into him having been good friends with that bouncer, because from what little pagetime he gets he seems levelheaded enough to win bidos trust. at a baseline i think bido would be wary around most humans and especially just after escaping, so knowing one reliably-decent human would have probably helped a lot with readjusting to the outside. & then i think out of the chimeras he was probably on the best terms with martel and ulchi, both from Reptile Solidarity and those two being more outgoing and upbeat than average
i ALSO WISH he got to meet mei because i think theyre really similar in a lot of ways. he would relate very heavily to being small and disregarded and saddled with the responsibility of helping so many people survive by whatever means necessary. they also both love yelling indignantly at rude people which is awesome. i think theyd yell at each other like that Once and then shake hands out of respect
my unpopular opinion about this character
all my opinions about him are unpopular babey Nobody is tjinking about him as much as me!!! he is important and memorable for one. and he is so brave and he loves his friends so much. he deserves as much focus as the rest of the gang if not more. he is the gayest fma character. and his face is HANDSOME he looks like an awesome muppet and if you cant handle that then get your ass off sesame street........
one thing i wish had happened with this character:
the chaptwr after greed gets introduced should have been just 43 solid pages of bido and greed making out rapturously, with the rest of the gang doing various tasks in the background. for flavor
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pearlsongfromstuff · 5 months
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay, all the way (Has he had relationships with women in the past, yes, but a certain ones fucked him up so bad, he realized he doesn't like women that way)
Gender Headcanon: Genderfluid!! (He/She/They)
A ship I have with said character: VanWorld and FallWorld are my ABSOLUTE OTP with him, which is really funny, because one ship cannot exist if they other one does lol (Someone ask me about FallWorld please plEASE PLEASE P L EA-)
A BROTP I have with said character: World and Reve during Jane's cycle. I want to know so much more about them as genuine friends, losing it. And Nevo too, I guess, fuck that guy (/j)
A NOTP I have with said character: REVE AND WORLD ROMANTICALLY PLEEEEEEEEASE NO jsjjddjjsnsns Bianca and World too, ugg
A random headcanon: World learned to do a LOT of things that some would seem strange for America to do. Crochet, Knitting, Cross stitching, embroidery, magic, sword fighting, botany, he has learned so much from just wanting to experience hobbies in the Waking World. Is it highly suspicious, yes, but America is a weird man, ya know?
General Opinion over said character: On my blog, this one, you can find an ask where I made a 3 paragraphs long talk about how much World means to me, I'm not gonna do it again lololololol
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kdramamilfs · 10 months
i was tagged by @sapphicscience to list 5 otps from 5 different fandoms, ty <3
person of interest - shoot listen. NO ship has ever made me feel as unwell as they do. i spent literal months crying myself to sleep over youtube amvs, changed my life for better or for worse idk you decide (its both). alsooo ive literally never seen two women flirt in such an unhinged way on tv before <3
warehouse 13 - bering and wells make me almost as insane as shoot does honestly.... the amount of fic i consumed when i first got into them is unreal probably. and ive never been in a fandom with fic as outrageously good as this one. cried myself to sleep over them so often (this is extremely positive) like.... when you just keep losing her and then she dies for you and you need to change the whole timeline just to get her back only to lose her again? 'forever destined to meet at gunpoint'?? okay okay okay
the expanse - draomi i cannot even decide what makes me worse. canon unrequited love or literally anything else. risking everything for the woman you love despite that? 'and i thought you came to check on me'............. kill me
unREAL - kingsgold i love toxicity i love whatever the FUCK those two had going on i love you I LOVE YOU youre fired
line of duty - flemson its so fun when you put an outrageously pitiful sad little lesbian whose entire storyline is a homophobic mess together with a woman who gives her a little hope only to destroy her fully and then try to save her again. isnt it? isnt it?? if youre sensing a theme here its just that i love heartbreak and being in pain
tagging @lonely-night @viharistenno @ladyalayne @deankarolina @natscatorrcio @wistfulwatcher @craintheodora if you feel like it and anyone else who wants to do this <3
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maybeimamuppet · 8 months
Veronica and Cady for the character thingy plss
eeep i just found this and don’t remember when i got it i’m sorry friend!! i’m assuming this is for the list and not the bingo but if i’m wrong i’ll do it again lol
ok i have to do cady first bc it won’t let me type beneath veronica’s picture so woo i love it here soooo much /s
favorite thing about them
she has so much depth! i love how adorable she is and how bubbly and high energy and yet soft spoken and sweet she is but she also has a dark and vindictive streak in her that’s really fun to play with. also she’s like really fun to torture sometimes lol whoops
least favorite thing about them
again i hate how many people she uses for her own gain and how power hungry she gets
favorite line
“shuck! i started to say shoot and i almost said fu-” for funnies and uhhh
“fearless is the one thing i can be now, no friends, nothing to lose” and whatnot for like more emotional. also all of i see stars i still get misty every time i listen to it
damiaaaaan. they wear matching outfits whenever they can, damian comes over to cadnis’ house for movie nights twice a week at least, they watch bootlegs together without janis bc she doesn’t like them. just. mwah. i could go off but i’ll hold back lol
aaron. they only worked bc of erikyle. if i could drop kick every other aaron into the road i would.
random headcanon
she can talk backwards!
unpopular opinion
there’s a point where she is fully aware of what she’s doing and how wrong it is and she actively chooses to continue for a hot second until the burn book being released and whatnot snaps her out of it that people do not talk about enough. i know i’m guilty of it too but she is not all innocent and naive and coerced into this shit like she’s a full teenager she knows damn well what she’s doing
song i associate with them
a change in me from beauty and the beast which hath inspired many a fic in my early days. at the plaza from the violet hour loosely inspired i’ll be there for christmas. like very loosely. uhhh and i think the like vibes of true love from frozen (or basically anything anna sings lol) even if it’s not necessarily the same meaning
favorite picture of them
i picked two for both her and veronica bc iiiim greedy lol
alright well one of cady’s is with ronnie for some fuckass reason thanks tumblr!!! i tried i swear
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favorite thing about them
honestly this isn’t as much to do with her as a character as it is to do with the people who’ve played her but she has done so much for my self esteem in a really roundabout way. as someone with dark brown eyes and frizzy kinda untamable brown hair reading fic about her helped me appreciate more things about myself.
if you struggle with self image i really cannot recommend highly enough finding a character who looks and acts like you and reading stories where someone is absolutely, irrevocably in love with them. whether that’s platonically or romantically. i know it’s weird but being able to look in the mirror or at some aspect of my personality that i don’t like and say “that’s still lovable” is WONDERFUL.
least favorite thing about them
i despise the way she treats martha and also baby girl is kind of a doormat!! she’s one of those shitty wicker doormats that scratches the hell outta your feet but like dang!!
favorite line
not a line but her face in the musical when jd and kurt and ram start fighting
but also the way barrett delivers the “oH MY GOD!” over chandler’s corpse is immaculate
and i had one of her like super iconic ones everyone knows in my head but now i can’t remember it siiiigh
marthaaaaa buddies since babies. also like. still alive and post MUCH therapy jd has a lot of fun potential
poly heathers!! but to put them individually in order, mac, chandler (those two are almost tied), duke
JD. i know he goes by his initials and that’s just his name but i was trying to yell that. i do not like him i think he stinky get him outta there
random headcanon
she’s not allowed to wear pants with drawstrings anymore because she’s gotten stuck in them too many times. also she’s not allowed to use superglue bc she’s glued her fingers together too many times.
yes both of these are true of me shut up
unpopular opinion
she’s a lot weaker than most people think and a lot stronger than most people think st the same time
and i’m not always a huge fan of her being autistic i think she’s just that painfully awkward and dense
song i associate with them
it is so much harder than you would think to pick songs that are not from their shows?? like the only one in my head is i’m blue dabadeedabadie like i don’t KNOW OKAY
favorite picture of them
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Hi! I love your take on fanon as i feel certain things they try to hype are wrong. I wanted to ask you what's your opinion on fanon slade/dick? I for one am not happy with it, not because (as I've been accused of) being against the pairing being both males... I honestly don't have anything against, but because I feel it overlooks the fact that Dick was a teenager, held against his will to work for a man who stands for everything he is against with his friends' lives being the only reason for his bidding. Although dick and Slade may have a mutual respect sort of thing but I don't think it's right to pair them as lovers? Again I just wanted to ask, feel free to ignore this. Thank you
Hi anon! and thank you <33
Sladick is actually my otp! But that being said, I actually do understand and mostly agree.
Personally I don't really think about his apprenticeship and I know that sounds totally weird coming from someone who ships them but really...I only like it for the fact that Dick got trained by an extremely skilled fighter. I don't ship them during that arc because it's just meh for me aside from that.
Really, Slade, holding a kid you find interesting captive? Seriously.
The reason I ship them isn't because of the renegade arc, but because Slade shows an obsession in Dick that he does unparalleled to in anyone else.
Like Dick and his gang will literally be minding their own business and then there's Slade:
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This scene cracks me up because Dick has completely forgotten that Slade even exists but Slade cannot forgot about Dick for one second, physically stalking every single word and move of his. I love that dysfunctional behavior.
But also I completely understand why people don't want to pair them up. Their relationship is more like exclusive rivals than lovers so it's funner to see them fighting as equals. It's also on the fringes of what's morally right. Some of the things Slade has done has gone beyond acceptable parameters. But Slade treats Dick different from the rest of his enemies and allies and I like that.
And also my favorite trope is enemies to lovers which is another reason why I do.
I think you're right about the renegade arc and one of the reasons I don't care for it in romantic terms is that Dick was forcibly being held captive with the threat of his friends' lives over his head. It loses its shine to me because of that. Because I believe strongly in equal power dynamics no matter the ship. I don't understand the appeal in one person holding all the power over another! It's annoys the heck out of me when one person is subservient to another like - NO! It wasn't consensual and I'm a little worried to think about the implications behind his training. Did Slade really want to craft Dick into his image? What measures did he take to do so? Or did he treat Dick like he did in the comics- with a firm but admiring push? There's too many unknowns I don't want to know about so I just kinda push it to the side. Dick was also far too young, and he wasn't happy then. It's just...I don't mind when people do ship them because of it because it's their prerogative, but personally I’m into power battles. Also I really just don't care about renegade arc aside from loving how Slade saw the potential in Robin Dick like every other villain before him and took steps to bring it forward because he, like Lady Shiva, thought Bruce was useless in bringing out Dick's dormant potential. Some of the best fics I've read were ones where Slade acts more like a father or confidant to Dick than a lover and honestly I was perfectly happy with that!
Dick is strong and crazy and badass and that's one of greatest feats and they shouldn't be shipped because Slade wants to break him, they should be shipped because he wants an equal! I'm really into Nightwing+ ships with Slade because Dick is in a position to make his own choices, hold his own and win, and be able to be happy in a relationship of his choosing. I feel like sometimes fanon ships them for the wrong reasons. It's not about the circumstance, it's about the interest.
You know what? I got it. Why I'm into them. I just like people who let Dick be Dick.
I like anyone who brings out the best in him and Slade brings out the best of Dick's fighting abilities and intellect. Furthermore, Dick has met the entirety of Slade's family and formed close ties with them (enemy, friend, confidant, mentor, second-parent, etc).
So even though I do ship them, personally, I agree with you. I don't mind if you do or don't ship them because they can go either way, and I would never enforce my views on you because your beliefs are important, valid, interesting, and I love hearing about them! Thank you for submitting this ask, anon. I really liked hearing from you and think you're totally in the right despite our differing preferences :)
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wlwanakin · 19 days
lets do obi wan, padme, Leia for character ask meme
how i feel about this character: it’s complicated!! i love him and find him fascinating but i think there is too much of him everywhere and far too much of that is blatantly incorrect about him and due to that and how under-acknowledged his faults are i tend to go through seasonal intervals where i think he should be killed with a gun. but i love him mostly
all the people i ship romantically with this character: ventress, quinlan vos, darth maul a bit, i guess i tolerate his thing with satine. i’m not particularly serious about any of these though it’s just fun
my non-romantic otp for this character: i dislike this term! the dynamic that intrigues me the most is his dynamic with anakin but no way in hell am i calling that any kind of “otp”
my unpopular opinion about this character: he is not as important to anakin as y’all make him out to be. he is very important don’t get me wrong but like damn y’all love to make him #1. he’s not #1!! at all!!
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: i wish padmé had yelled at him just once
my otp: ventrobi <3 i like to think they have had extremely weird drunk bdsm sex as power play <3
my crossover ship: don’t have one
a headcanon fact: this will perhaps tie everything i’ve been saying together but mostly for my own amusement i really run with the “jedi are allowed to fuck” thing and hc that obi-wan essentially does the exact opposite of catholic celibacy and is the king of lackluster meaningless one-night stands. he fucks so much. this is of course very virtuous because there is no romantic desire involved. he would NEVER have post-marital sex that’s a sin
how i feel about this character: LOVE OF MY LIFE. top 3 star war. i love her more and more every time i get back into it. this hyperfixation resurgence was mostly about her from the start i can’t stop writing fics in her pov
all the people i ship romantically with this character: anakin. and dormé a little bit. sometimes sabé if i’m in the mood
my non-romantic otp for this character: does sabédala count for this? it’s romantic but unrequited and i find it boring to change that and i love thinking about padmé’s side of it regardless so i guess it counts
my unpopular opinion about this character: her death is mostly fine!! people are always complaining about her death but i think it works conceptually and was executed fine. could’ve been better but i’m not losing sleep about it. her surviving would’ve been stupid bc she’s dead in the ot and i’d rather her death be on-screen and impactful like every male main character who dies
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: i need to see her grieve cordé and versé more!! those deaths haunt her and you can’t tell me otherwise and not even queen’s hope gave me any details on her grief and that pisses me off so bad. show me her grief!!!!
my otp: anidala <3
my crossover ship: don’t have one
a headcanon fact: in my heart and soul i know she’s a vegetarian. if you show me something that contradicts this i will ignore you. she also gets periodically so weird about food because she is a control freak and this is worsened by the vegetarianism. and sometimes she cannot go to the market because she will have an ethical dilemma about how the food is sourced that is so debilitating she simply does not buy anything. being a child queen gave her ocd <3
how i feel about this character: I LOVE HER!! she is one of my favorites in the ot <3 i dressed up as her for halloween when i was like six
all the people i ship romantically with this character: pretty much just han lmao. but every time i see people ship her with a woman i’m like “yeah i see it” so i also support leia yuri on principle
my non-romantic otp for this character: once again dislike this term!! bc my favorite non-romantic dynamic she has is with luke!! and i’m not calling that a ship in any sense!!
my unpopular opinion about this character: i don’t really have one?
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: i feel like i can’t answer this bc i don’t read enough ot stuff and it might just turn out anything i say did in fact happen in something i didn’t read
my otp: hanleia
my crossover ship: don’t have one
a headcanon fact: as a child she was really into a space equivalent of american girl dolls. her normalest childhood hobby was collecting a bunch of fucking…alderaanian girl dolls i guess and she would carry whichever one she was most excited about around and tell any adult willing to listen about the historical context the doll was supposed to come from in detail
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mooniladragon · 29 days
1 for every time you reblogged that post
the signless
haha Uh Oh. this is gonna be long. putting it under a cut.
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this is the post in question. putting for reference (so i dont have to flip between this and my gallery a bunch)
also this post will be a formatting mess. be warned.
fave thing about them? idk really. dirk is my favorite character. actually? probably design. yeah i like his design :)
least favorite thing? uhhh hm. idk this question is gonna be tough every time. i have a hard time picking least favorites. wait no i got this one. hes kinda relatable :/
favorite line? also a tough question. theres a lot of good ones. i think "2024. The last free election the world would ever see." is up there though
idk what a brotp is. cant risk swapping apps and losing the whole post so this question will be skipped.
otp? i like dirkjake. they have such a Dynamic (most of the shipping ones are gonna have pretty milquetoast answers. i dont do a lot of shipping really)
notp? uhhh idk dude idrc
random headcanon? um. hmm. he would enjoy heathers the musical i think
unpopular opinion? i dont know whats popular really sorry guys :/// this is gonna be a common answer for this question.
song associated? oh no by marina. (unknown if diamonds are included. im dumb) it has the vibes i guess
fave picture?
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i turned it into an emoji on my discord server. extremely usable 10/10 would recommend
fave thing? i also like his design. favorites are reeeeally hard though so idk
least fave thing? uhm. difficult again. cant answer :/ ohhh wait hes kinda relatable too :///
favorite line? the jupiter thing from act 1. really funny and also referenceable
brotp skipped
otp? i like davekat. boring i know, but again, dynamics good :thumbsup: also its funny
notp skipped too
headcanon? he would like hamilton. lots of musical theater headcanons here but its like one of five things i think about so :/ sorry
opinon skipped
song? telekinesis by lemon demon. it just feels right
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good panel
fave thing? i like her design too
least fave thing? i dont like her. just in general. but i get why people do like her. i get it i just dont that much. she does have the Complex Character Appeal, however.
fave line? uhm uh uhh hm. i dunno guys
brotp skipped
otp? vrisrezi as a Fucked Up Messy Relationship. they are messed up
notp? idk again
headcanon? if she were a human highschooler shed be one of those asshole drama kids. as opposed to the normal ones. i think that makes sense? idk i can picture the type of person in my mind
song? world burn from mean girls i guess idk
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no caption necessary. its just funny
fave thing? at this point everyone knows im a sucker for a good design. which she has.
least fave thing? i still cannot answer these questions properly. i think i know the reason now too. i think most things that could qualify for like.. a "bad trait" to me just makes them more interesting, so i dont count it as a negative. huh. not really related to roxy though i just wanted to write that down
favorite line? the miss zuipperpips bit maybe? i dunno its late and my computer is dead and i cant risk swapping apps :( sorry :(
brotp skipped again :pensive:
otp? okay i like callierox. plus john. i think thats fun (not sure about what the ship name for the three of them is tho)
notp? time to say that i only kind of half knoe what a notp is anyway. anyway idk again
headcanon? she would enjoy wings of fire. terezi would too but this isnt about her
song? fine by lemon demon. its fun! it has roxy vibes to me. maybe not the best candidate, but i cant check my playlists rn either :(
opinion skipped so much that i put it in the wrong spot
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party hat roxy!!!! woo!!
the signless:
fave thing? idk i dont really think about the ancestors that much. design ig
least fave thing? again nothing to report.
fave line? does he have any????
brotp, otp, and notp skipped because i have no opinions
headcanon? idk if he read warriors i think he would have mixed feelings about moth flight.
song? idk i dont have a playlist for him
opinion skipped
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we are going to beat you to death
congrats on making it all the way through. you get a little gold star sticker. good job.
i love receiving asks! keep it up. this did take a long time to write though because: 1. i am Bad at Formatting and 2. Typing on Mobile is Hard. (also 3. It was Bedtime and I Couldn't Use my Computer)
thanks for the ask!!
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inevitablestars · 3 months
for the character thingy, lily 👀
LILYYYYY big thoughts here!! zar i am so glad you asked
this ask game
starting with how i feel about her. i feel things so many things i love her so deeply so very deeply and i end up going insane about her a lot. there's just so much potential for tragedy without even taking into account the actual tragic fate of canon and that makes me insane. also just sibling. she's a younger sibling and not enough people explore her and petunia so i will take it upon myself to do just that !!!
people i ship lily with: (in no particular order and with more detail than necessary)
dorcas - dorlily will always be tragic to me idc if they are happy eventually it's always tragic
regulus - if i think too much about regulily i might explode :/ they are just like tragic again but also perfect in every way that makes no sense at all they don't intentionally fall in love ever it just happens by accident and then one day they're in love and no one saw it coming and just !!! also the younger sibling with a strained relationship with the older sibling thing .... why are more people not insane about that more people should be losing their minds with me
james - a classic! teenage love that's sweet and they just work. like james loves the way he loves and lily deserves that kind of love!! not as insane about these two but like they're always going to be good
mary - slowly have been falling out with marylily but i do still like them. even more fun if its unrequited on either end but great still as friends to lovers or just being sweet! when its requited there isn't as much angst which is usually what draws me to ships even more but like still fun
pandora - also not top of the list but still good! they're insane together and bring out the worst in each other (positive) and just very fun!
non romantic otp.... this is hard it really depends on the situation... bc like remus is right there and they deserve to be best friends and have an unspoken language together and be someone the other confides in. but then there is also platonic regulily which also drives me insane. and then lily and sirius are best friends you cannot tell me otherwise and the deserve that! like also back to siblings sirius and lily finding each other and helping to heal part of them with loving each other for the sibling that cant or won't and it's :( i love them
unpopular opinion on lily.... obvious answer is regulily but im not gonna talk about ships in this but im gonna go with idk if its unpopular but i feel like i dont see it that often but i feel like lily is kind of a bitch (again, positive) like if you take canon yeah she's a mom and thats the only trait she gets which is stupid. she's not soft at all unless you are one of her people and then she will adore you forever and ever and treat you like a princess but to anyone else especially anyone that is rude to her or her people she can and will kill them
one thing i wish would have happened to lily in canon - okay like i was just saying she should have more of a personality, but that aside and just considering a canon setting... she should have been the one to pick the secret keeper. like yeah all of them would have been in consideration including sirius and peter but lily would have been better at picking like clearly no one was thinking who are lily's friends that would be able to do this it was always just oh james! his best friend (also lily's bff but i digress) and then oh no not james' best friend let's go with his other friend! like cmon lily would have been smarter than to pick one of the three people closest to them that everyone knows is close to them :/ also she should have lived that would have been cool of her to also survive a killing curse
i um. i rambled quite a bit so i apologize for that... idk what happened :/
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violet-phoenix-nebula · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Actively: primarily Supernatural
Past: MCU, Harry Potter, Twilight, Divergent, Hunger Games, House M.D.,
4. Top 5 fics by kudos:
1. Disillusioned
Twilight, Bella/Carlisle, incomplete & on indefinite hiatus
2. Common Courtesy
Captain America, Steve/Bucky
3. Love Isn't All That It Seems (I've Been Sleepwalking)
Supernatural, [ship omitted out of respect for others]
4. The More That You Say, The Less I Know
Supernatural, Castiel/Dean
5. Plants Awoke and They Slowly Grow (Beneath the Skin)
Supernatural, Castiel/Dean Winchester
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to respond to all of them, though sometimes I miss an email and it takes me forever.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Going with only completed works, I'd say it'd be one of these two:
Knives In My Heart - Divergent, Eric/Tris, MCD
They're Burning All The Witches (Even If You Aren't One) - Captain America/MCU, Steve/Bucky, rape/non-con
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh god, honestly most of my works have happy endings, and a few with more open/ambiguous endings, so really there's no way to pick one.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
People seem more courteous now, but I used to all the time. I tend to add some kind of snarky iteration of "don't like, don't read" on most of my controversial ones now, but my ships have definitely gotten me hate.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, though I just call it porn. I'm in spitting distance of 30. I call it what it is. And I'd say I'm pretty good at it, overall.
10. Do you write cross-overs?
Not full on, no. I've had a crossover moment or hint before, but full crossover fics, no. I'd like to experiment with it someday, but not right now.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I'm 99% sure I have at least once, I know I've gotten at least one comment asking to. I never followed up on it though. Maybe I should.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Kind of? Though it was more a meshing of ideas and getting so much input from the other person that I credited them as a co-author, not them literally typing part of the fic.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Stucky (Steve/Bucky, Captain America/MCU) is my absolute OTP, forever and always. I have a few ships I love, but they're my #1. They're also one of, if not the only ship that's not problematic in any way, shape or form.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Sadly, most of them. I started posting chapters as soon as I wrote them and then my hyperfixation for the pairing/fandom passed, and I lost all motivation. If I ever did a multi chapter WIP again, I'd probably get most or all of it written before I started posting it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Definitely explicit material, porn, smut, whatever you want to call it. I've improved in the last few years for sure, and I know there's better than me out there, but I do pretty well.
I think I write well overall. There are some people who write and they have fantastic ideas but it just doesn't flow, and that's not a problem I've ever had.
I'm fantastic at one shots. I can write something short and sweet and tie it right up. Most of my work is under 10k.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I cannot write anything long worth a damn. My only longer works are unfinished, I completely lose steam. I currently have an AU in mind that I desperately want to write, but my history with abandoning multi chapter fics is scaring me away from starting it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I only speak English, so I don't. I used to try, until I was told that google translate sucks, so then I swapped to putting the English in italics.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh god, I have to go to FFN for this. Though before I actually joined any fanfic sites I sat down and wrote an alternate ending for the Twilight short story about Bree Tanner in a notebook, that was before I knew fanfic even existed. As far as posted works, it appears to be Hunger Games and Harry Potter.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Definitely All I Feel As I Get Closer To You, absolutely no contest. It's a Supernatural fic, Dean/Castiel set in season 10, at 9.2k words.
@aaronthe8thdemon is the only one I know for a fact writes fic regularly that I can think of off the top of my head, but I'll informally tag anyone who wants to participate.
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moonshotsx · 9 months
Give me ur top 5 otps from literally any piece of media ‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ - kit ✨
sorry but it's like all genshin ships atm 😭✋🏻
in this essay i will-
kokosara (kokomi and sara) - now hear me out, you have a general and a priestess/strategist on opposite sides of a war that despite everything have always respected each other. so, you got that enemies to lovers trope ripe there. not to mention, the HEIGHT DIFFERENCE!!! and the opposites in natures, with sara being a tengu/having wings while everything about kokomi is drawn back to the ocean
clorivia (clorinde and navia) - now you got the hot new entry that hit me like a TRUCK. you have the drama, the angst, everything!! they are childhood friends, spent countless hours together, it's inevitable they would fall in love, callas knew navia would be safe with clorinde. then you're hit with the worst of angst, as clorinde is forced to kill navia's father after he challenged to a duel with the intention to die there. clorinde has no choice, being a duelist is her job and she can't back down from a duel, no matter who she's going against. she is going to lose navia either way and that's exactly what happens, for three long years all she can do is honor callas' dying wish: protect navia with her life, even tho said woman doesn't want anything to do with her. after callas' name is cleared and navia got him the justice he deserved, she can't ignore how her feelings for clorinde never went away, they were just misguided by the grief she was experiencing -rightfully so- and that's when she makes the first move, inviting clorinde out for a meal, 'like the old days', starting the path to reconciliation (they last about a month before they hook up fdsjk). but then! tragedy strikes again, and poisson is flooded, navia loses the last two people she considers family. this time... it's different, because clorinde is there, she cries in her arms for hours, she doesn't know if they will all die soon from the prophecy, but, for what matters, she's not alone and she realizes clorinde won't let her go
beiguang (beidou and ningguang) - you cannot tell me these two aren't married. beidou is a smug ass but loyal when ning needs her, and ning will turn a blind eye to beidou's pirate shenanigans as long as liyue harbor stays intact. it starts off as more of a mutual political agreement that quickly turns into another type of agreement. it goes on for years before either of them finally admits their feelings, but from then on, it's an unspoken rule that the tianquan and the captain of the crux are together
eimiko (ei and miko) - these two have 500 years of history together and the way ei left miko before going into the plane of euthymia 100% sounds like an angsty break-up lmao. but miko is also the only person she trusted with her gnosis as well as trusting her judgement entirely. miko might be a cunning kitsune that is usually just caring about her own interests when it comes to work at yae publishing but it's clear as day that she infinitely cares about ei and waited all those years to see her again
ayamiya (ayaka and yoimiya) - noble woman and the commoner, introvert and extrovert... girlies got the tropes. i've always loved how yoimiya has never treated ayaka any different than she would other people, but rather always tried to get ayaka to break from the rigidness of her upbringing and let her experience the beauty of the world outside the kamisato estate. and we see how yoimiya is one of the few people ayaka feels comfortable with
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abnerkrill · 2 years
for trop (because what else??): galadriel, elrond, adar, kemen, arondir, bronwyn, isildur okay i am stopping now i'm SORRY
hello ily this is gonna be so long but im very happy with it hehe. answers below the cut!!
Why I like them: i think it's very sexy that she spends practically the whole season seething with rage. it's rare for female characters and it's also hot af.
Why I don’t: question canceled, i like everything about her
Favorite episode (scene if movie): 1x08 alloyed!!!!! i've said it before and i'll say it again, it's very special that a season finale pulls back on the action and actually focuses in so much on the characters! also the visions/temptation scene for galadriel... chefs kiss. (disclaimer, not a haladriel shipper, in fact i'm in favor of galadriel stabbing him, but it's a great scene!)
Favorite season/movie: i do prefer her in ROP over LOTR, she just has way more to do and she's much more compelling as a a vengeance-filled warrior than an ethereal queen 2 me.
Favorite line: many standouts, but i recall "what cannot be known hollows the mind; fill it not with guesswork" from her convo with Theo.
Favorite outfit: blue númenor dress :')
OTP: galadriel/celeborn!!! gimme my malewife celeborn, rop writers, pleeeeease
Brotp: elrond and galadriel are fantastic, and the moments we had between elendil and galadriel were also really great!! (don't ship them romantically tho obviously.)
Head Canon: hmmMMmmmm can't say I have many bc I'm very happy with her canon portrayal. i guess i don't think she's already had Celebrian at this point, if that counts, and there may be a future timeskip where she does, but I could be wrong!
Unpopular opinion: i kinda agree with the haters that the horse-riding facial expression was a little weird jkdfskjdfjkdlsfkdsj. i'm glad morfydd is having fun but it was a weird shot!!
A wish: more fight scenes, i ADORED the troll fight in episode 1!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: actual haladriel romance (or even any hints of it.) please leave her alone <3
5 words to best describe them: she's my beautiful angry wife <3
My nickname for them: i feel like i don't have one?? i've heard people call her Gal for short but that's just weird 2 me.
Why I like them: he's my babyboy!!!! also my actual boyfriend and husband :)
Why I don’t: shuT UP HE'S PERFECT. detractors will be shoved into the deepest chasm of khazad-dum, to meet their end via balrog.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): uhh quickly searches which episode the cave scene is in 1x07 the eye <3 WHAT ELSE than the cave scene!!!!! flushed cheeks mussed hair breathy voice--durin i stg you have to kiss that boy RIGHT NOW
Favorite season/movie: def prefer ROP elrond to LOTR/hobbit elrond. he's got more to do and rob is very pretty :)
Favorite line: the exchange "i always thought you were a mite dwarvish for an elf" / "and you are a rather elvish dwarf, durin, son of durin, grandson of..."
Favorite outfit: honestly i adore all his outfits but whatever the look is when he's all sweaty and disheveled in the cave? yeah <3
OTP: durin x disa x elrond!!! i also do ship my elrond/adar but that's a whole other canon lol.
Brotp: galadriel and elrond is wonderful!!
Head Canon: LOTS of headcanons about his past: his relationship with Elros especially and how it was to lose him :( let's be real, they're all sad lol.
Unpopular opinion: long hair wouldn't really look good on rob's face shape, i like his short hair :)
A wish: i REALLY want some good screentime devoted to the elrond/celebrian developing relationship plssssssss
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: well i like some good angst but let's just say i'm NOT ready for the aftermath of the last alliance or celebrian's departure (if they show it in rop), my poor baby :(
5 words to best describe them: KIND AS FUCKING SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & babyboy :)
My nickname for them: none, he's just elrond 2 me.
Why I like them: the whole dark elf vibe is extremely sexy and compelling. also when we were first watching ROP my mom took one look at him and said "he looks like loki from avengers" which is a devastating summation of my Type!!!!
Why I don’t: ...let's just say I don't love the fandom interpretation where he's overly soft/nice/good. like, let the guy be a little evil and fucked up. that's why we like him, i thought??
Favorite episode (scene if movie): MERCY KILLING THE URUK. AND THE FIRST CONVERSATION WITH ARONDIR. chills. chills. the actingggg!
Favorite season/movie: n/a
Favorite line: "you have been told many lies......... some run so deep, even the rocks and roots now believe them." mawle's voice is just :o and it's SUCH a banger intro to the character.
Favorite outfit: he only has one??? but it's a great outfit!!!
OTP: i love a certain interpretation of adar/arondir and adar/elrond but like....... again......... i'd never want to see it on the actual show, let him be a little fucked up and entirely unfit for romantic relationships and also doomed to die lol
Brotp: n/a but i think it'd be funny if he was forced to work with the good guys against sauron and he's just this grimy, angry, fucked-up guy in the corner they have to deal with dsjkljdksflfksdjl
Head Canon: one of the first, if not the first, to be stolen by morgoth. i kinda like the lack of clarity there too--he doesn't know if he was the first, but there's a good chance he was. anyone who would know is dead now.
Unpopular opinion: I have many. uhm...... i think most of the adar fic and especially the adar x reader stories are kinda gross and weird.... read what u want ofc, but the daddy dom stuff reeks of objectification and internalized sexism 2 me... besides it's giving lack of interest in actual character exploration, and just using him as The Latest Tortured Whiteboy to project onto. i actually want deep, cutting, incisive, dramatic, tragic character studies is that too much to ask klfdsjklfdsjklsd
A wish: i have LONGED FOR adar to actually lead his uruks against Sauron in the last alliance and get ruthlessly, brutally massacred, therefore leading to the state of the Orcs in LOTR (entirely enslaved by sauron with no hope of rebellion.) like, talk about TRAGEDY.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: dead in his first s2 scene lmoaoooo please don't kill him so fast, like, i know he's doomed, but PLEASE give him some juicy scenes!!!
5 words to best describe them: my emo bf. loml. doomed <3
My nickname for them: don't love the implications of everyone calling him "dad" esp if i'm writing a romantic relationship, so my quenya name for him is aladil, lover of day :)
Why I like them: i'm so sorry, i do not!!!!!
Why I don’t: college republic vibes (read: privileged, annoying, bad haircut)
Favorite episode (scene if movie): none <3 isildur is better than me bc i would've gone okay boy then perish <3
Favorite season/movie: n/a
Favorite line: okay i'll admit the flirting w/ earien was funny (paraphrasing but "i'm not in the habit of going off with strange men" / "that's wise, if i see any i'll be sure to tell you")
Favorite outfit: does he have more than 1??? i'm so sorry i did not care to recall them. i do like the númenórean looks overall but his haircut is so bad it really makes it hard to pay attention to other things kjldfjkfdskjldfs
OTP: none!
Brotp: drowning in the ocean? (jk but....)
Head Canon: too wimpy to be a ringwraith so i'm gonna guess he dies...?
Unpopular opinion: i'm not too interested in his storyline tbh. like, he'll probably either go full king's man or rebel against his father and either way i'm very meh.
A wish: better haircut!!!!!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i really don't want earien to marry him flsdjkjkfldjfdskjlddjklfsjkljdks pleeeease girl have some self-respect
5 words to best describe them: "whitest white boy in númenor"
My nickname for them: none! just kemen.
Why I like them: i don't think there's anyone else alive who could've done this much justice to a tolkien elf, literally none, ICC is IT.
Why I don’t: none. can't believe it this question fjkldskjlfdkjlfdskldf
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the failed escape in 1x03 adar is INCREDIBLE, i love how the stunt team/fights are getting recognized, and ICC's hard work showssssss <3 also special shoutout to the fight scene with the giant orc in 1x08 udun!!!!!!!!! literally fire.
Favorite season/movie: n/a
Favorite outfit: love a dirtied-up man elf so gotta be in 1x04 the great wave when he's absolutely filthy and escaping the orc camp!
OTP: BRONWYN X ARONDIR IS THE ONLY ANSWER. okay, soapbox time: i think it's very telling of typical sexist behaviors in fandom/that slash fans esp have when bronwyn is erased/marginalized in arondir/adar fic, and i want writers to actually pay attention to what an arondir/adar fic would mean, you know? like yeah alternate universe where bronwyn isn't in the picture whatever, the point is you're erasing an Iranian woman in what is a groundbreaking relationship between two leads of color and i don't likey :) if you're gonna write those ships (and i say this as someone who has written arondir/adar) like. you gotta be Aware.
Brotp: really miss médhor, they were great :(
Head Canon: médhor befriended arondir, who was kinda a Lone Wolf type until he made friends :)
Unpopular opinion: i don't really want arondir/bronwyn to have a canonical happy ending, and i don't think it's in their cards tbh. they're doomed! it's great! it's a powerful star-crossed love story that's sure to end badly. i hope it's done well in the show, but i don't want it to be all picture-perfect lol.
A wish: lots more screentime and fight scenes!!!!!!!!!!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: wouldn't :) it :) be :) tragic :) if :) they :) were :) always :) like :) arondir :) will :) outlive :) bronwyn :) but :) then :) she :) outlives :) him :)
5 words to best describe them: the show's male lead (bitch)
My nickname for them: none, just arondir :) i do enjoy calling ICC ICC though, it's fun!
Why I like them: she's such an incredible female fantasy character; subverts the mother-archetype by not dying in s1 and also by both fighting and being defeated; lots of depth and nuance to her character and also. asian women onscreen, central, important, loved? we love to see it <3
Why I don’t: shut up she's perfect
Favorite episode (scene if movie): LOVE the siege of tirharad in 1x06 udun; bronwyn's POV in the lighting of the fires is incredibly tense and so well done.
Favorite season/movie: n/a
Favorite line: i ADORE "new life, in defiance of death?" and also love that she gets to have this sick parallel with adar!!!!!! oh wait hang on this is giving me thoughts (what if adar/arondir/bronwyn lmaooo let me get back to you about this in approximately 10-15 business weeks)
Favorite outfit: i really like the red cloak outfit in 1x07 the eye!
OTP: arondir x bronwyn of course :)
Brotp: I think Bronwyn should get to be friends with basically everyone. I'd love to explore the Bronwyn and Miriel or Bronwyn and Galadriel friendships more, mostly because Women, but also because they're all female leaders with varied and interesting backstories and takes on leadership.
Head Canon: I wrote this into a fic but I think Bronwyn fell in love with Arondir over many years and it felt like it took a long, long time to her; meanwhile Arondir is over here like I'VE ONLY KNOWN HER FOR 5 YEARS AND WE'RE TALKING ABOUT LOVE OH GOD WE'RE MOVING SO FAST. Because Elves.
Unpopular opinion: you said unpopular, unpopular i will be. i don't love that she quoted sam's LOTR "light and high power in the sky" line? kinda wish they had written her own pep talk for her? i get what they're referencing and why, and it's really a gorgeous line, but i want her to have her own words & wisdom, unique to the southlanders. also....... don't rly care who Theo's father was. Sometimes single moms exist??? so wild.
A wish: don't kill her off to further Theo's journey lmao. like, I think she'll probably die, but I want it to be done via her own narrative/story's importance, not just a side death for Theo's Emotions/darkside turn.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: evil!bronwyn is silly to me kdfsklfdkfjdkljfds
5 words to best describe them: Middle-Earth's Best Mom Friend (tm)
My nickname for them: none, just Bronwyn!
Why I like them: disaster baby.
Why I don’t: can he pls stop fucking up??? (i'm sorry to isildur stans. he is such a disaster.)
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I do love his intro in 1x04 the great wave!!
Favorite season/movie: n/a
Favorite line: you get one free hit. (three.) two??? (gets punched real hard twice.) that felt like three!!!
Favorite outfit: sea guard cadet tunic!!!
OTP: i mean, isildur x isildur's wife, SOMEDAY, but also isildur/valandil thanks to @aadmelioraa thanks a lot for the brainworms
Brotp: poor dead ontamo :( also when is anarion gonna show up??
Head Canon: honestly....... s1 is way funnier if you see it as isildur and valandil having been childhood sweethearts who grew up and, like, pushed that aside, but are still really into each other.
Unpopular opinion: valandil was totally in the right to be furious at him and not want to stake his reputation on him, and isildur probably should not have gone on the expedition. quite literally a nepo baby.
A wish: i really want to see his future wife and i want isil to be SMITTEn and it's so funny until everything gets sad lmao
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: NAMES HIS SON AFTER VALANDIL BC HE LOVED HIM SO MUCH AND THEN LOST HIM??? brb, crying.
5 words to best describe them: disaster baby becomes disaster king. (oops, sorry.)
My nickname for them: Isil <3
if you made it this far, congrats, here's an Elrond and Durin in the cave.
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send me some character asks!
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
zane for the character ask thing?
favorite thing about them: waaahhhh so much. god i love zane. his character arc is so so good. His dub voice is I think my single favorite dub voice so far ( a high honor; I love a lot of the dub voices!!), I love how he can go from mumbling to a snarling roar in an instant. I love his Hell Kaiser design, I love the way the show storytells through his deck and how he plays it. He's also in my Single Favorite GX Duel so I think that counts as a Favorite Thing.
least favorite thing about them: genuinely trying to think about. what my least favorite thing about him is. hm. I do adore dub zane but it's a shame a lot of his relationship with respect re: dueling and himself and others got cut in order to play up a little bit of a "edgy mid-2000's tough guy bully older brother" characterization with him in the dub; the respect thing is such an important part of his character and it sucks to lose that!!
favorite line: sorry theyre all dub lines but "CYBER END DRAGON.... IT'S BEEN REAL" *EXPLOSION* still makes me go absolutely insane and "he's got one" re: jaden desperately telling him that he cant go, that syrus needs a big brother, literally makes me start crying. Also special shoutout to the fact that the dub specifically had zane tell syrus he loves him on two separate occasions!!!! That's so dear to me. Sub wise I do also love "I don't need an assistant" re: yubel being like 'i'll help you down on your way to hell.' he just goes hard.
brOTP: his bond with syrus is my single favorite yugioh siblings dynamic and every time i think about them im just like ;__; aauuaaghhhwwaahhhh......could talk about them. for ages. I also love his friendship with Jaden and Alexis!!! Zane Truesdale has Three Whole Little Siblings!!!!!!!!! I know and see the truth!!!!!
OTP: you know i gotta be on that idolship babeeeyyy!!! I did not expect a gx ship to weasel into my brain but he and Atticus just make me so soft. Why don't you come with me into the light and maybe you'll fucking calm down. love CAN bloom between a NIN fan and a Jimmy Buffett fan.
nOTP: never could vibe much with zane/jaden as a ship????? idk. thats his little brother to me. also again if you ship him with syrus im biting you. and im biting you. and im biting you. and im killing you.
random headcanon: zane alan truesdale my autistic aromantic gay nonbinary competitive pokemon player........... he is transneutral to me. his ideal gender is a 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 floating steel cube with the hell kaiser jacket on it. He listens to Tool. He'd go to raves and stand again the wall with his arms crossed. His special interest as a small child was printers. He loves old computers. His favorite Pokemon is Dialga. i could go on.
unpopular opinion: HE'S NOT. EVIL?!?!?! PEOPLE ALWAYS ARE LIKE "my sexy evil husbando >:3" WITH HELL KAISER AND IT'S LIKE. HES NOT EVEN EVIL!!!! HES JUST MENTALLY ILL!!!! HES HAVING A MANIC EPISODE SOMEONE HELP HIM. also. his 'death' is better in the dub than in the sub imo (it's the telling sy he loves him. for me.) <3
song i associate with them: Heel Turn 2 by tmg is the Zane Song Ever for me but also Bleed Out off their latest album.... "I will go down punching, but I will go down/ and my corner men won't bring me back around...."
favorite picture of them: sorry it's not an in-show screenshot but it's always going to be this pic from tag force
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i cannot fucking believe this is a real picture of ryozane marufujitruesdale from a Real PSP Game that Really came out and that you can play but it IS. emulate Tag Force 3. my final message.
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dangermousie · 2 years
One of the reasons this relationship has a chance is that unlike Dilruba, Efnan will never hide away and confront things head on, forget pride, masks or fear. Aziz, much as I adore him, is a genuinely difficult man to live with, and he has a tendency to clam up in his hurt feelings and his disappointment and just withdraw and if you let him, because you don’t want a confrontation or because you think he should start or because of pride, it would fester forever. Efnan will never let that happen - she confronts things immediately and head on.
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Yes!!! This is what is needed and I cannot imagine D doing this.
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She lays it out so plainly and while she doesn’t blame him for part of her hurt, she doesn’t hide it either.
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His bitterly asking this from her is actually a good sign because it means she broke through his shell. They might end up having an epic fight but this actually means they are actually talking, and expressing their feelings - you cannot work things out if you don’t express yourself.
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Bwahahahaha jealous unreasonable Aziz cracks me up! Better than frozen hurt coldness though. Go off, drama king!!!!
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And he’s finally spilling everything out. Honestly, in between all the plot about revolts and business and family backstabbing, I love how the show slowly and gradually and believably is teaching these two people how to have a functional relationship - he is way older than she is but he’s not even as good at close relationships as she is - with Dilruba they were the gilded perfect couple with no fights or depth before his flight and permanently out of sync after, with Efnan it all feels real - he put her on a pedestal before but that is not healthy; if they make it past this (and they are the OTP, of course they will), it will not be ideal unreal but actual based on reality. She is not a literal angel,she is a very good woman who will nonetheless occasionally drive him mad and make mistakes and etc etc and that’s fine; you cannot expect perfection and then blame the other person for your disappointment. But you can expect a loving person and you can expect to fight and make up. I think this is teaching them that. Because they haven’t had a single fight since they got together; they’ve been in blissed out paradise (even when he walked out during the engagement, he explained and they made up without fighting) and this is actually perfect - because they are both wrong and she’s not a wronged saint and neither is he.
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Aaaaaa and now this is out!!! I am glad it wasn’t dragged out but the fight is about to get bigger. (But also, how telling that even after all this, it didn’t occur to him she lied about the telegram too. He really does have a lot of faith in her.)
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Oooooof! But he’s also starting to clam up again because that’s his default reaction to being hurt... which is vvvv bad.
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But I love that she won’t let him walk off and freeze her out...he has understandable trust issues in general and has a right to be mad here but she is not as wrong as he makes her out to be either and I love that she will fight. He’s difficult and prickly and closed off (and I love that the show does not make him perfect) but she just smashes through everything with a hammer.
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(his face at her words because he knows she is right...)
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And now she’s the one walking off and he calls for her and I lose it because he clearly cannot be without her - he does not want her to leave and it’s not just because he loves her and cannot be without her and now the concept of her walking away (even if for a bit) is real, he does not want it, but because it means she got through to him - man who walls himself off as a reaction to hurt or anger or disappointment does not want to do so because he realizes none of this matters in light of her loving him and his loving her and basically without meaning it, she proved their relationship is worth it because she didn’t let himself close himself off but fought for him and for them, and I don’t think anyone ever did before, Dilruba retreating in light of his spikes or putting out her own, his family at best just going “oh, it’s Aziz, he’s crazy, we are not going to deal with it rn” etc. But here is someone who is fighting with him while loving him - hell fighting with him because she loves him and she’s fighting for them and I bet it’s novel as hell.
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And then the French show up, boo!
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'Vancula' Questions...
obligatory otp asks for vancula ;) 4. Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’? 6. Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other? 18. How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind? 20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship. 37. Which is more likely to swear? 38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla? 56. What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood? 59. Who tops? Who bottoms? 60. Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping? (sorry so many! answer at your leisure!)
4. Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’? To be fair, it depends on the situation even if they will in their way vehemently deny it. For instance, if Dracula is dealing with someone hunting him and they've gotten too close or aggressive in ways then it makes Helsing feel like he has to step in and take care of his vampire. For Van Helsing, Dracula feels he needs it if he's dealing with vampires or a great many other people that he deems having ill-will towards the hunter he is very territorial over.
6. Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other? Van Helsing would be the one begging in my opinion and it would be Dracula leaving to try and protect him if he feels like he's too dangerous for the other to be around. Noted that it never lasts too long but it's always accompanied by a terribly heart-breaking fight that both of them are at odds only because they want the other safe but in the end, it ends up having them realize that the danger apparently isn't worse than the distance is.
18. How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind? Van Helsing loves animals and will have any he finds that are injured nursing them back to health and at least one or two of his own which involves so many sticky notes with variations of 'you will not see our pets as snacks, Count' all over the place. Mostly cats of a particular color especially if they tend to have familiar traits that he is so very fond of. Dracula is very sure that the other is testing his bloodlust though the fact that they make his hunter happy is enough for him to let it go (and perhaps he does like the ones who curl in his lap purring and warm and strangely sweet but only when Van Helsing cannot see). That and he finds the sticky notes amusing.
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
I am cheating and using two because these two have such a complicated relationship so it would be a mix of 'Hit Me with your Best Shot' and 'Time after Time'.
Their relationship spans decades and iterations mixing enemies to/and lovers but always in a circle dragging them together again. It's a constant so it was very hard to find one song that eclipses all that.
37. Which is more likely to swear? Van Helsing is the more likely to swear; he's got the vocabulary and knows more of them and when he's angry will definitely drop into a tirade. Not usually in regular speech but when he wants to get a point across. For Dracula, it takes a huge loss of control and those are the moments that Helsing chases because it's when he's fully into certain amorous activities and is a mark of pride for him to have his partner losing such control of himself.
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla? At first, Van Helsing is more vanilla. He has more sexual experience than his vampire bf but when he finds out how much Dracula enjoys the sensations and intensity experiments wanting to grant him all best of things. And while aspects of his sexuality still make him leery (a personal hc for said character), the end result is that he wants to enjoy and have his partner enjoy their time together as much as possible.
So he definitely brings Dracula to a sex shop and goes through the various items extolling the virtues and downfalls and it has Dracula just staring dead-pan while looking bored out of his mind even as he's already making a list. Can't have anyone but his hunter know what he likes after all
56. What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood? While I do not think it takes much at all, my favorite thought on this is surprisingly enough to do with how they plant nipping kisses on the other's jaw and throat. This is especially and strangely effective on Dracula who has never had someone do this and Van Helsing has learned exactly where to nip and pull to get his attention. Dracula has always been pretty direct though he has found along the way that there is something to be said for slowly shifting into the doctor's space especially if he's been working at a desk for hours and slowly lean into let himself nuzzle at his neck before dragging the tips of fangs along it. Definitely will always get his attention and the more sudden the more jerking of a response and a sharpened breath that the other finds rather intoxicating...
59. Who tops? Who bottoms? To be honest, they switch but more often then not, Dracula prefers to have the other in more control especially if he's feeling in a mood where he's not sure he's amenable to being "safe" for the other. He doesn't trust that something terrible won't happen in the midst of intimacies and while he's never really concerned himself about such encounters or if someone survives while with him, Helsing is different and he'd prefer not to have some terrible accident befall him.
It's more an illusion of control in some ways but it's enough for him to feel like the other might have a bit more of a chance if instincts override all else.
And Van Helsing is never one to deny his partner's comfort at all.
60. Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
It depends on the events of the day and their moods. If Van Helsing has a particularly bad time of it then he's prone to tuck himself into the other seeking just a familiar weight and presence. Or if he's feeling poorly and needs to lower his temperature. Other than that, it's Dracula draping himself around him seeking his warmth and entangling him which Van Helsing will never not find endearing of the other.
Regardless, they end up tangled and it has led to many embarrassing tumbles to the floor that ends in a bit of well-meant teasing and insults.
@thatdoodlebug because I am absolutely living for not just answering things about our shared ship but fine-tuning how their relationship unfolds. So never apologize for any amount of questions, darling. <3 <3 <3
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empirelead · 1 year
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Answer the following for your muses so people know how shipping works on your blog.
Baavira! I know a lot of people do not like this ship because they believe there is no chemistry between them and they don't share scenes where they act like a couple, but I honestly disagree with them. It seems like they've already been together for a long time so they're no longer in the honeymoon stage, and they don't look like the type of couple that would constantly be all over each other.
I know people don't like this ship for another reason, that reason being the fact Kuvira shot the warehouse without hesitation and they all believe that is proof she never cared for him. Again, I disagree with that. Kuvira was in the middle of trying to achieve her goal, that goal being a promise she made to her people, so of course she wasn't going to emotionally breakdown or go back on her promise for her own selfish desire; if she did, the people would lose faith in her. Remember, she gain a big following because she sees things through. And if people actually paid attention, Kuvira did had to hold everything in before she steeled herself to continue on after she made the difficult decision to sacrifice the man she loves.
She was also originally suppose to cry in the scene, but that idea was thrown away since Bryke believed the impact in the Spirit World scene wouldn't be as emotional. AND the comics did confirm Kuvira still has feelings for him.
Oof, this turned into a rant. Haha. I apologize, I am very defensive over this ship.
I do headcanon Kuvira to be twenty-five years old until stated otherwise, so I don't think she would want to date anyone that isn't even old enough to drink or still has the maturity level of a peanut; I say anyone under the age of twenty is a big no. The oldest she'll go for is someone in their fifties. As for immortal characters, they just have to look like an adult.
When it goes beyond kissing, like touching and clothes starts to come off. Any moments like this would be placed under "read more", discord, or fade-to-black. Though, I don't do much smut content these days because I'm not that interested in writing them, but that doesn't mean I hate it. It could still happen as long as the ship is well established.
Yes, like, Kuvira isn't exactly an easy person to be ship with due to her past trauma of being abandoned by her biological parents and Suyin as well, she's not going to trust anyone that comes to her way easily and will make her distrust known. There is also the fact that she can be difficult in general, she cannot be please so easily. So if you are trying to win her heart, you're gonna have to do more than giving flowers or showing off fancy tricks.
Korra! That Spirit World scene is just so divine.
It all depends if you're brave enough to poke the bear, like I said Kuvira isn't easy to be with so I am picky with who I'm going to ship her with. Though, sometime, it just happens and I have that occurrences where it all work out, but it is better to ask than to assume. You may feel the chemistry, but the same cannot be said for the other person. That doesn't mean I am oppose to the idea of shipping our characters together, there's a high-chance I will give it a shot.
Chemistry isn't always instant, we can always try to build it up just by discussing it together.
I'm more in the middle. I do like shipping because it's fun to see what kind of dynamic Kuvira will have with other characters, but I'm not going to ship Kuvira with every character that comes to her way.
I'll respond it with my other muse: Kai'sa, from League of Legends! My favorite ship with her is with Akali! Though, I also do like her with Ahri and Evelynn as well.
Just ask or read my rules, it also helps if we interact together a lot and talk behind the scene. And I also do wanna add that I do like oc and crossover shipping as well.
Tagged by: @nameaprice (thanks~) Tagging: anyone! if you're reading this...or skimmed through it, considered yourself tagged~
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