#otp: follow your heart Shay
tophsazulas · 3 months
Shiny & Zaya double datesssss
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chaoticbyebyebye · 6 years
I think I’m going to stay off the Voltron tag for the next couple of days. I have acknowledged that parts of this fandom is fairly toxic, if not very toxic, and I don’t agree with many people’s opinions on Season 7. 
Everyone has a right to their own opinion and I respect that, but since this season aired, there’s so much negativity going on. Come on, people! It’s barely even been 24 hours yet!
I have a few thoughts I would like to share first as my reasoning for staying away from the tag.
1. Adam’s death. 
- Let me just say, I’m not surprised. Voltron itself is mainly about teamwork, survival, and war. It may be a “kid’s show”, but these are three major things I have noticed that it’s about. Not everyone is going to survive, no matter how major or minor a character is. Hell, Shiro canonically died before his being was returned and put into his clone’s body, so that he could live again. I know a lot of people are going on about the bury your gays trope and how VLD killed off its LGBTQ+ representation, but... SHIRO IS THE REPRESENTATION. When SDCC happened, the news was about Shiro being gay. People seem to forget that Adam wasn’t the only representation we had. Shiro is a main character, who is gay. He is the representation we wanted and now have. Yes, it was sad when Adam died, but it happens. He was part of the war between Earth and the Galra. He was trying to survive and he didn’t. Not everyone will survive to live happily ever after when they go to war. It happens in many shows, books, movies, and games. It also happens in real life. Stop denying that things like this can happen. You don’t have to like it, but you should accept it. Adam’s dead and that’s how it was probably planned from the beginning. We can’t do anything to change it.
2. Adam and Shiro’s relationship
- Okay, so in my book, when a significant other gives their partner an ultimatum (i.e. It’s either me or your dreams), that relationship is done with because that shows they don’t support you when you want to follow your dreams. Adam said, “Don’t expect me to be here when you get back” to Shiro, which is him effectively ending their relationship because he can’t cope with Shiro following his heart and his dreams. I don’t particularly like Adam much because of this, but I don’t hate him either.
Shiro obviously loves Adam, I won’t deny that. Especially when he says that he’s sorry to Adam’s marker on the wall which shows everyone from the Garrison who fell in the battle between the Galra and Earth. And I’m sure Adam loved Shiro. I can understand Adam’s point of view. He didn’t want his partner, a man he loved and who had a chronic illness, to go into space and dying. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with Shiro before his illness got worse and Shiro leaving wouldn’t allow him to do that. 
But I don’t like how Adam gave Shiro that ultimatum, even while knowing Shiro would choose space over him. Shiro would rather spend his last moments underneath the stars he loved so much than to stay bedridden and waiting for his clock to stop ticking.
Adam and Shiro’s relationship was over when Adam walked away from Shiro after giving him that ultimatum and when he wasn’t there at the launch for the Kerberos mission to say goodbye to the man he loved. Shiro probably regrets how things ended between them, but we all know that if Shiro went back in time to that very moment, he wouldn’t change his decision. 
And to add on, I might be a multi-shipper and everything, but Shiro doesn’t have to be in a relationship to be our representation. You weren’t queerbaited because Adam died. Not every LGBTQ+ person in the world is going to stay alive forever, we all eventually die. Adam met his end too soon because of how young he was when he died, but it still happened. Like I said above, we can’t change that, so please don’t try to change it.
3. Ship Wars
- Since I’m a multi-shipper, I personally don’t care what pairing ends up canon tbh. My main OTP is Heith, but that doesn’t stop me from appreciating how cute Hunk and Shay’s relationship is. I was literally crying when they reunited and because of how Hunk was looking at her. Their relationship is precious.
What I don’t like is that the fans who ship Klance, the fans who ship Sheith, and the fans who don’t like the Shaladin ships are all at war with each other. It’s made this fandom completely toxic. I ship Sheith, yes, but I also ship many other ships that are just as amazing to me. Is that so wrong? So what if Sheith or Klance don’t become canon? So what is Lance and Allura end up together? So what is Axca and Keith end up together? Does it really matter in the end? I don’t give a fuck about what becomes canon. This is supposed to be a place where people who ship what they want can feel safe with the other people who share the same interests as they do. 
Why should people attack others for ships they ship? Why should people attack the writers and creators of this show to make the ship they like canon? Why can’t everyone just get along?
Before anyone responds, let me say this. Yes, I’m a Shaladin. Yes, I didn’t particularly like Klance, but this season has kind of changed my mind again. Yes, I ship Allurance, Hidge, Pidgance, Heith, Hance, and any ship with Romelle. Yes, I dislike Lotor and any ships he is a part of. Yes, I don’t ship Shallura anymore because I don’t want to erase Shiro’s sexuality. Yes, I can tolerate Shadam/Adashi because I know they loved each other, but their relationship ended. I don’t give a fuck what any of you say. Just don’t attack other people or the creators of this wonderful show. This show has helped me through so many depressing moments in my life and I love writing these ships because I feel happy and I feel free enough to express my genuine love for this show. I write about these ships to give back to the show as a thank you gift for helping me.
Please, for the love of all things Voltron, do not harass and harm people because their opinions don’t match yours.
That’s all of my reasons and I feel great after getting all of that off my chest. Feel free to respond if you agree or disagree with me. I am happy to have a discussion with all of you. Ship whatever you want, be whoever you want to be. All I ask is that you all please treat others with respect and kindness.
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quaxorascal · 7 years
Shay nudged me toward filling out this meme for each of my Wardens and honestly I had been looking for reasons to do just that so Here We Go
full name: Ilse Anika Valda Endrina Aeducan
gender: cis girl, intersex
sexuality: aroace
pronouns: she/her
family: younger brother Bhelen, older brother Trian, mother Abha, father Endrin (all deceased); nephew Endrin; Rica and Naoka are definitely family in some way or another, even if unofficially
birthplace: Orzammar’s royal palace
job: Paragon Queen of Orzammar, Commander-in-Chief of Orzammar’s military, Deshyr of the Assembly of Orzammar, Captain of the Grey of Ferelden (honorary)
phobias: failure, marriage quite frankly
guilty pleasures: being able to sit down, sea salt dark chocolate
morality alignment?: lawful neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: surprisingly extroverted? Though it’s certainly handy when you’re a queen and have to be in contact with people through the majority of your day
organized/disorganized: organized!
close minded/open-minded: very very closed-minded at the beginning of the Blight, has been opening up more since
calm/anxious: calm but attentive
disagreeable/agreeable: she knows how to make herself agreeable, let’s put it that way lmao
cautious/reckless: she’s naturally cautious, though she’s prone to the occasional “fuck it” decision
patient/impatient: she’s a Pro at the long game
outspoken/reserved: verrrry reserved
leader/follower: a born and raised leader if there ever was one
empathetic/unemphatic: she’s honestly not the most empathetic person around but she does like being nice and giving people compliments (provided the people live up to her standards)
optimistic/pessimistic: honestly she’s more of a pragmatist than either of these
traditional/modern: traditionalll
hard-working/lazy: she’s a hard worker, exemplified by the fact that since the Blight began she’s more or less had to work for everything she has
otp: nah
ot3: nah
brotp: she and Naoka are the absolute best QPs, and she and Tess are wonderful friends
notp: nah
The other two are under the cut!
full name: Idina Mullein Surana
gender: cis girl
sexuality: quoiromantic lesbian
pronouns: she/her
family: fathers Isador and Evan, two aunts and one uncle on Evan’s side (not in contact with); wife Theresa
birthplace: Sothmere, Ferelden
job: Constable of the Grey of Ferelden
phobias: imprisonment, failure
guilty pleasures: any sickeningly sweet food, sleeping in, kissing her wife over and over and over
morality alignment?: neutral good?? yeah
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: definitely ambiverted, and the company of Certain People recharges her almost always
close minded/open-minded: open-minded when she’s learning about new things, closed-minded when being told she’s wrong about something
calm/anxious: mostly calm until she thinks she’s done something wrong
disagreeable/agreeable: very agreeable! She loves people and being around them
cautious/reckless: on the reckless side usually
patient/impatient: she’s so very patient especially with her loved ones
outspoken/reserved: she tends to keep her opinions to herself unless she Knows you
leader/follower: she’s more of a leader than she believes!
empathetic/unemphatic: very empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: she is Eternally an optimist
traditional/modern: modern I would say?? Shrug tbh
hard-working/lazy: I mean she’s a pretty passive person, but especially when she’s hyperfixated on something she works hard to achieve her goals, so I suppose hard-working?
otp: TessIdina of course ;0
ot3: Idina in the poly Wardens AU is just like “I’m happy with just one wife, the others can have their fun”, then she meets Celia and is like “Oh,”
brotp: she and Sutton in certain AUs snuck right up on me but I love them so much, also she and Naoka are So Good
notp: Idina/dudes I guess
full name: Fyfa Yrneha Sabrae Mahariel
gender: agender
sexuality: panro ace
pronouns: she/her/they/them
family: father Theron (deceased), mother Yrneha (absent), adoptive mother Ashalle; wife Leliana, platonic husband Zevran
birthplace: somewhere in the southern Frostback Mountains, Ferelen
job: Lieutenant of the Grey of Ferelden
phobias: ghasts, abandonment
guilty pleasures: starting shit™, draping herself over her friends in affection
morality alignment?: chaotic neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extroverted!!
organized/disorganized: her alignment is chaotic and so is her life
close minded/open-minded: more closed-minded I would say? Especially at the beginning of the Blight, but she definitely opens up
calm/anxious: calm content until given a reason to be anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: if she doesn’t want you to like her you won’t, if she does want you to like her there’s a good chance you might
cautious/reckless: 100% reckless and 0% apologetic
patient/impatient: Fyfa?? Wait for things?? Who do you think she is???
outspoken/reserved: she keeps her opinions loud and her feelings quiet
leader/follower: honestly she’s not a half bad leader but believes she wouldn’t be good at it so she’s happy to follow her friends’ lead
empathetic/unemphatic: she’s something of an empath and it is, in her opinion, a frequent pain in the ass
optimistic/pessimistic: shrug tbh?? It’s more that she tends to fixate on One possible end result and becomes intolerant of deviation
traditional/modern: definitely a traditionalist
hard-working/lazy: she’d like to be lazier than is required of her tbh, but she’ll see her given tasks through to the end
otp: Leli and Fyfa have had my heart for the past three or so years and honestly they always will
ot3: Leli/Fyfa/Zev Hell Yes
brotp: I honestly have so many??? Calen, Naoka, Tess, Ali, Zev
notp: if I Have to pick one it’s her and Ali, that’s her great big kid brother
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tophsazulas · 3 months
Tiny making and holding up a sign saying “Go Shay” is the cutest ever! Giving Fabneesa honestly <3
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tophsazulas · 3 months
Shay is Tiny’s Maya. It’s canon fr.
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