#otp: a fool and an asshole
mo-ok · 1 month
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A little over halfway there, heres every hero I've met so far
❤️💙💛 a very brief and deeply serious word about every season 🩷🖤💚
( x x x x x x x x x )
Denziman: Scooby Doo but the dog is kind of an asshole 10/10 tits out Kenji Ohba
Goggle V: the most standard, normal sentai you will ever watch 10/10 lemme just red ruby beam that for u real quick
Dynaman: YUME WO KANAETE 🧨 DYNAMAAAAAAAAN 10/10 im fully convinced the black clone technique is just a thing Junichi Haruta can do
Bioman: this show is about ONE THING and thats MIKA JUN YABUKI 10/10 sexual lady saturday
Changeman: im not ok thanks for asking 10/10 im eating glass over this show
Flashman: OOF. OUCH. OUGH. 10/10 this one hurts
Liveman: OOF. OUCH. OUGH. 10/10 friends how could you
Fiveman: anyone that says this is the worst one hasnt actually watched it 10/10 sibling teachers save me. Save me sibling teachers
Dairanger: best suits in the franchise 10/10 dont let his baby face fool you that boy is ripped AND shredded
Kakuranger: 30th anniversery ending dance 10/10 silly ninja show is very very good actually
Carranger: red racer x Zonnette otp otp otp 10/10 let your kids play outside or else they'll become cops
Megaranger: they were just kids man they shouldnt have had to deal with all that 10/10 show me the silly man in the shiny jacket please
Gingaman: you know what? Maybe i WILL throw myself on the ground and lie in the sun for a while 10/10 kuro kishi Hyuuga
GoGoV: Matoi is there have you met Matoi he's a wanker bastard and i love him 10/10 killing the dad with hammers
Gaoranger: if you wanna feel like sentai is being beamed directly into ur brain watch this one 10/10 oh my god. Oh my god.
Hurricaneger: this one is a BL in disguise 10/10 Yousuke x Ikkou 4eva
Magiranger: some of the best monster and mech designs in the franchise 10/10 i love this magical family with my whole heart
Boukenger: my go to recommendation tbh 10/10 adventure for treasure boukenger START UP 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
Gekiranger: KEEP MOVING. DONT MAKE ME STOP. 10/10 if you want plot and character progression watch this one
Go-Onger: now THIS is super sentai 1000000/10 you should watch rpm as well. Watching both increases the enjoyment 1000%
Kyoryuger: dancing dinosaurs. Very good. You agree 10/10 otp confirmed after 10 year wait
ToQger: OOF. OUCH. OUGH. 10/10 just watch it dont look anything up just watch it
Zyuohger: most misunderstood and overhated season tbh 10/10 the characters are meant to be like that. Its kinda the central theme of the show. Stop being mean to Misao
Kyuranger: my first sentai 🥰 10/10 houou soldier is a change dragon reference
Kiramager: if Boukenger doesnt catch ur fancy this one would also be a good place to start 10/10 i'll take outdated meme for 100 thanks Grant
King Ohger: in a word? Ambitious. 10/10 you can go to the quarry. As a treat.
Boonboomger: TBD ❤️💙🩷🖤🧡💜
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goddessalthena · 2 months
UsaMamo Week 2024 - Day 1 - First Glance
It's that time of year again, so let's celebrate our favourite OTP!
(Tentative) Title: A Matter of Timing Summary: Aged up, Friends to lovers UsaMamo Non-Senshi AU told in a series of snapshots. Rating: T (for language) Words: 1055
First Glance
The day is ordinary. Average. Completely and utterly unremarkable in every conceivable way. Until he sees her. That’s the moment when the timeline splits. When his world is suddenly divided into ‘before’ and ‘after’. He doesn’t know it yet, won’t realize it for some time to come, but his life has just changed irrevocably. For the better or for worse, well…that all depends on whom you ask.
Day 9821 BU (Before Usagi)/Day 1 AU (After Usagi)
“I know, I know! I’m late, but you would not believe the day I’ve had. The magazine had me do, like, a thousand different poses. I swear, at one point the photographer was right up my asshole. I finally looked at Masami and said, ‘Is this a photo shoot or a fucking colonoscopy?’ Thank God I waxed!”
Minako sweeps up to their table, dumps her gigantic orange designer purse dangerously close to several drinks, and breathes a dramatic sigh. Her indisputably conspicuous arrival earns her a few cursory nods and a handful of waves. As far as entrances go, this is rather tame for Minako, and the table’s occupants have long since grown accustomed to her dramatic flair. It’s not until she snags a dumpling from the nearest plate that she garners any true notice.
Rei looks up with an angry scowl. “Hands off!”
Minako, who has already stuffed the entire dumpling into her mouth, closes her eyes and lets out an obscene moan between chews. “I haven’t eaten in twenty four hours,” she declares, reaching for another dumpling. Rei, who is clearly unsympathetic to her plight, slaps her hand away.
Makoto laughs from a few seats down the table and gestures to a nearby waiter. “Stop that before you lose a hand! You know how Rei is about sharing food.”
Minako looks down at Rei and mutters, “Stingy bitch,” before leaning forward and capturing her lips in a swift but fierce kiss. When she straightens up Rei still looks annoyed but her cheeks are noticeably flushed. Again, this behaviour is par for the course and few take notice. It’s not until Minako stuffs a finger and a thumb in her mouth and blows out a sharp whistle that heads finally turn. Only Ami has the grace to apologize to the waiter who has just arrived, but the woman waves her off. The staff are also used to Minako by now…and Makoto is good friends with the owner.
“Listen up, everyone!” Minako announces, producing a petite blonde out of seemingly nowhere. “This is Usagi! She’s just been dumped by her twat-wad of a boyfriend, and I’ve promised to get her drunk enough to forget he ever existed. Let’s make her feel welcome!”
There’s a chorus of much friendlier greetings for this new, unexpected arrival and as Minako goes around the table introducing everyone, the girl under her arm blushes and smiles and laughs as though she is absolutely delighted to be there. As though she’s completely at ease meeting a group of strangers. As though she doesn’t have a care in the world. Which can’t be the case if what Minako has just said is true. And yet, how can such a brilliant smile, such musical laughter, such sparkling eyes be anything but genuine?
“And this tall drink of water is Chiba Mamoru. Don’t let his looks fool you, he’s a total nerd.”
He’s heard his name, he knows this is his cue to say hello, but as soon as those big blue eyes land on him, Mamoru is struck momentarily dumb. Usagi smiles and appears unfazed by his sudden lapse. Whether she’s oblivious or just being polite is anyone’s guess, but the moment drags on long enough for others to take notice. The instant Minako’s gaze sharpens and her mouth curves in a cunning smirk, Mamoru knows he’s in trouble.
Minako pulls out the only free chair at the table with one arm and ushers Usagi into it with the other. “Mamoru, be a doll and get Usagi a drink while I go hunt down another chair.” She’s gone in a flash of blond hair and a clack of stiletto heels and Mamoru is left alone with the angel seated to his left. Well, not technically alone. There are still five other people there. Or at least there were. He’s not sure anymore.
When Usagi scoots forward in her chair and their knees brush beneath the table Mamoru wonders for a moment if he’s having a stroke. He’s trying to remember how to know for sure—troubling given the fact that he’s a doctor—when Usagi’s nose crinkles in an adorable smile and she extends her hand. “Tsukino Usagi. Photography assistant, recent dumpee, and hopeless romantic. Pleased to meet you, Chiba-san.”
Much to his surprise, Mamoru finds himself able to smile, raise a hand, and string several intelligible words together. “The pleasure is mine, Tsukino-san. Please, call me Mamoru.” He’s not sure what pleases him more: knowing he is not, indeed, having a stroke, or being able to interact with the beautiful woman next to him like a functioning human being. Before he can get too cocksure, he takes her hand and a bolt of lightning jolts up his arm. Metaphorically speaking. He thinks.
Usagi beams and gives his tingling hand an enthusiastic squeeze before letting go. From what Mamoru can tell, she is not likewise affected. He should be relieved. Strangely, he is not. “Only if you call me Usagi,” she replies, flashing a set of brilliant white teeth. The eye tooth on her left side is slightly crooked. He doesn’t know why but he finds that incredibly charming.
Mamoru smiles, much wider than he ever does. So wide his cheeks actually hurt a little. It feels strange but in a good way. “It’s a deal,” he says. “So, Usagi,” her name slips off his tongue like he’s said it a thousand times and he realizes he wants to say it at least a thousand times more, “what’s your poison?” Usagi’s eyes twinkle with delight and he knows he wants to see them do that at least a million times more.
A chair slams down on the floor to Usagi’s left, startling them both. Minako slings an arm around Usagi’s shoulders and flashes Mamoru a saucy wink. “What are we waiting for? Let’s drink!”
Wanna read more? Ch. 2
Thanks for reading! ❤️ I'm flying by the seat of my pants this year, so all bets (and betas) are off. 😅
Be sure to follow @usamamoweek for all of this year's content!
Many thanks to our awesome hosts @random-mailbox and @lilliebellfanfics for making this possible. 😘😘
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elisela · 2 years
January OTP Prompts:
Old bookstore on a cold day for Sterek
Happy New Year! 🤍
mountain man sterek, bookshop au, fluff
“Mountain man is here,” Scott whispers in his ear, hands gripping Stiles’ shoulders as he carefully moves behind him in the narrow space. “Biographies.”
Stiles nods and glances around the small cafe space. The tables are occupied, but no one looks like they’re about to need a second cup, so he feels free to announce, “Just going to go get a new bag from the back,” to Kira, despite having just done that no more than thirty minutes ago.
But Scott must have also said something to Kira because she just nods with a grin, and Stiles leaves the counter before fate can intervene. And if he can just see into the history section from the very edge of the double doors that lead into their dismal excuse for a kitchen, that’s no one’s business but his own.
He stays there until Mountain Man leaves the shop.
Mountain Man is an enigma. Stiles had been certain, the first time he’d walked up to his counter, that he was going to be gruff and rude, like the assholes from the bank across the street that treat the small space like their personal conference room and bark out orders without any regard to the fact an actual person was taking them. But his eyes—which are so beautiful that Stiles wrote four atrocious poems about them in his Intro to Poetry class—had been kind, and when he’d given his order he’d said please twice, and Stiles had fallen head over heels.
In fact, the majority of Stiles’ assumptions about him have been proven incorrect, so he supposes that out of the two of them, he’s likely the rude one. He’d figured Mountain Man was there for the coffee, only to be surprised when he caught a glimpse of the man at the registers an hour later with a stack of books in his hands. His assumption that he was only getting the latest quickly read and easily digestible thrillers was shown to be wrong when Kira spotted him buying classics the next month, and then Stiles stopped assuming anything about him at all.
Except, of course, for the fact that he lives up in the mountains that surround their small little college town (the boots and beard give that away), works with his hands for a living (always calloused), is somewhere in his late thirties (laugh lines around his eyes, silver beginning to streak through his beard) and has no significant other—though that last one might just be wishful thinking.
“Stiles, could you go see if Allison can trade us for some ones?” 
He takes the twenty dollar bill from Kira and steps out from behind the counter. The store’s been dead all day, he’s pretty sure there are still a stack of ones sitting in the register. “You’re not fooling me,” he says, and she grins back at him.
“Who said I was trying to?”
Allison’s up at the front register, leaning her elbows on the counter and texting, phone in front of her face. It’s an act that would get the rest of them written up, but Allison’s clearly fine with taking advantage of the fact that her parents own the store and Stiles can’t really fault her for that. If his dad were running it he’d probably delight in kicking people out the moment they asked if someone could help them find a book with a yellow cover.
And in front of Allison, browsing the small section of puzzle books and journals, is Mountain Man.
“Hey hey, boss lady,” he says. There’s no way to angle himself to keep Mountain Man in view, but if he bends over enough he can sort of see his reflection in the poster-covered glass windows.
She sets her phone down and grins at him, snatching the bill out of his hand. “Hello yourself, coffee boy. No token of your appreciation this time?”
“Kira’s making it as we speak,” he says, and she shakes her head when he uses his in-store radio to quietly order it. “But if you could be so kind in the meantime—”
“You’re such a dork,” she says fondly, pushing a stack of dollar bills into his hand. “Go get my coffee, I’m practically asleep up here. I told Dad no one would come in today, there’s three feet of snow on the ground.”
“Maybe someone could convince him to close early,” he says, walking backwards out of the section. His gaze strays to Mountain Man and when their eyes meet, his heart starts beating double-time. He glances down at the books in his hands—a few that Stiles recognizes from the YA section, even more from the display of queer novels that Allison had set up for Valentine’s day. “Good selection,” he says, “Red, White, and Royal Blue was good,” and spins around in his haste to get back to the cafe.
Kira’s holding a cup in her hand, but pulls it back towards her when he flings himself over the counter. “What?”
He needs water. Or to plunge himself into a snowbank to cool his overheated face. “Please remind me that straight guys read gay love stories too so I don’t go do something reckless.”
“That hasn’t been my experience at all,” Kira says cheerfully, pushing him upright and handing the cup over. “Go get his name, at least.”
Mountain Man is gone by the time Stiles gets back up there. 
He stashed his marker somewhere. He knows he did, he always has it to write the orders on the cups, and most of the time he puts it back in his apron pocket—except when his pockets are full of the bags of espresso beans he was supposed to restock before the swarm of banker bros took over the place. He’d taken their orders, empties his pockets, and then promptly spent the last five minutes looking for his marker, which seems to have grown legs and walked off on its own.
A throat clears above him when he’s crouched down checking the overflow shelves under the register for the third time unsuccessfully, and admitting defeat, he straightens up.
Mountain Man is in front of him. 
“Hey,” he says, instead of welcome to Argent Books like he’s supposed to. “Whatcha havin’?”
“Medium vanilla latte, oatmilk, please,” Mountain Man says. He hands over cash, much to Stiles’ continuing dismay, because it would so much easier to get his name from a card, but doesn’t leave when Stiles calls the order to Kira and slides a cup along the counter. He just stands there, look of discomfort on his face, until he says, “Did you really like that book?”
Stiles raises an eyebrow.
“The, uh—Red, White, and Royal Blue,” Mountain Man says. “Did you really like it?”
“Yeah,” he says, and then, “well, no, it’s not really my thing, but everyone else liked it. I haven’t actually read it, I started the first chapter but I wasn’t in the mood for any kind of coming of age story and the romance—maybe if it were like, a gay detective novel, that shit would be cool. Or sci-fi—have you read This is How You Lose the Time War? That was good.”
He’s about ready to fling himself into the dumpster out back when Kira appears at his side, handing the cup over with a grin and Mountain Man, clearly sensing an opportunity to get away from Stiles, thanks them and walks away.
“Why don’t you go take inventory in the back until you don’t look like a tomato,” Kira says kindly, patting his flaming cheek, and he doesn’t need to be told twice.
The afternoon picks up and although Stiles doesn’t forget about the awkward encounter, he at least puts it out of his mind—until his phone buzzes in his apron pocket and he picks it up, expecting a text from Scott or his Dad, and promptly drops it straight onto the floor.
“Oh,” Kira says, peering around his shoulder at the picture of This is How You Lose the Time War laying on a couch, folded flannel blanket underneath. “Did I tell you I gave Mountain Man your number? I wrote it on the cup—you were never going to get around to it!” she says, whacking his arm. “And I’ll take your gratitude any day now, he’s clearly interested in talking to you, though sometimes I can’t imagine why.”
He only spends a minute hyperventilating before leaving the cafe area, snatching a familiar pink book off a display table, and taking a picture in return. Thought I’d give this another try, he writes under it, and follows it up with maybe we could meet up for coffee and talk about them.
He presses send before he can think about it, and breaks into a grin when the reply comes back quickly.
I’d like that.
He’ll worry about getting Mountain Man’s name some other time. 
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ochrearia · 1 month
I dont know a lot about your other interests buuuuut maybe your favorite dragon prince character for the character ask thing, if you want? :]
Stares at you with the biggest eyes ever I'm picking RAYLA BECAUSE SHES SO FUCKING DUMB AND I HATE HER BUT NO I DON'T
Favorite Thing About Them: Can I be so damn honest. We share trauma. Like okay not like 1:1 but her parents """died""" when she was young and she had to deal with that. I had to deal with death early too. Not a family member but a friend and her entire family. And like. That's still rather traumatizing for an 8-9 year old kid especially because it was a fucking PLANE CRASH but yeah. Death trauma early on where the person dying had a really fucked up death. Rayla kind of runs away from her problems and so do I. Puts it all on herself and doesn't think that she matters at all so "doing the right thing" gets in the way of staying alive and she's fine with that but doesn't really clock that dying for the cause is going to traumatize someone else. But that's so like... me. I talk about seeing myself in Pico but Rayla steals the similarity contest from him easy. Also elf but like come on DSFDGF Rayla is to blame for my elfsona and my continuous use of pointed ears in my sonas ever since
Least Favorite Thing About Them: Girl you're an asshole. Like I'm sorry she can be a wonderful person but oh my god I am never forgiving her dumbass for doing what she did to Callum in Through The Moon. Dawg. Fucking idiot. I dislike liars man I already got trust issues but this BITCHHHHH she tells Callum they will go find Viren together and then she turns around and leaves in the middle of the night without him and only leaves him a NOTE to wake up to. On his BIRTHDAY BY THE FUCKING WAY ON HIS BIRTHDAY. ARE YOU DUMB??? ARE YOU DUMB. She's gone for 2 years. Girl what the fuck that's your boyfriend. Or you know was lol what is your issue. Like I know, you've got trauma and you believed that you were protecting him by going alone so he wasn't in danger but hoLY SHIT YOU DID SO MUCH MORE DAMAGE TO HIM THAT WAY. Christ. You would think that him jumping off the Storm Spire to catch you and save you from a splat death would tell you his damn dedication to you Rayla. Rayla. Look me in the eyes Rayla you cannot keep thinking in this mentality. I fully understand the idea that you think leaving someone would save them because I've considered that too but NO!!!! NO GET A GRIP OHUHUH I HATE YOU FOR DOING THAT RAYLA
Favorite Line: "Callum, you may be a dummy but you're not a fool!" ("Am I supposed to feel flattered about this?") Rayla is the reason "dummy" is in my vocabulary. Like dummy but in an affectionate way because that's the only context she uses it and it's always with Callum.
brOTP: Rayla and Soren <3 Rayla being the completely fucking done with this bitch adopted sister and Soren being his normal stupid himbo ass self. I love Soren ??? But like that's for another day to talk about
OTP: Rayllum, lmao, because I am in fact basic as fuck and am shipping the thing the show is handing to me. Honestly though pre-season 4 I was lowkey fucking with Claudia and Rayla in fandom context bc realistically they would. Never. Rayla would hate her ass. And its not elf-human racism because Claudia's dating Terry it's just Rayla would HATE HERRR
nOTP: Man I don't even wanna talk about it I've seen some weird shit but I genuinely think I have seen at least one instance of Viren x Rayla and absolutely the FUCK not. But I guess for one that's not just weird as fuck Soren x Rayla because they're not romantic to me in any context ever sorry to the people that do consider it though
Random Headcanon: Hitting this fucker with the bigender beam I do NOT care. She's bigender and uses she/he pronouns like me because I SAID SO
Unpopular Opinion: sighs... I'm no Callum guys. I think she deserved to suffer in the consequences of her actions more. 2 years with nothing but a note and a broken promise. Callum's stronger than me dude like I get it you love her and I like love but god that would break my trust for way longer. They never even really talked about it either. He just kinda forgave her after awhile. And yeah Rayla throughout the seasons shows that she knows it's on her but I THINK SHE DESERVED TO GET YELLED AT AT LEAST ONE TIME OKAY
Song I Associate With Them: Mama's Gun by Glass Animals and I am going to REFUSE to explain why because it's a years old thing and I'm not changing it. But just. Yeah that one
Favorite Picture Of Them: I could be mean and say the one where she's staring at the metal flowers in Ethari's pond and obviously about to cry but I won't. I'll be nice.
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My current one methinks. She's pretty :] Shakes her by the shoulders I wanna loOK LIKE YOU
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heytheredeann · 4 years
Ever waiting
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Episode: s07e16 Goodbye, Reunions, Pining, Unrequited Love, (Or is it?), Bittersweet, Fix-It of Sorts
Summary: Harvey dreams of him, sometimes.
Notes: I found this buried in my pc (I probably wrote it while season 8 was hiring), and I thought I'd share. Enjoy!
Harvey dreams of him, sometimes.
It’s always the same thing in a different hat, hugs and bright smiles, Mike reappearing with various excuses that Harvey barely bothers to pay attention to, tears burning in his eyes and his cheeks hurting with how wide he’s grinning.
(Often, when Mike pulls back, Harvey snorts, mutters ‘Come back here’ and hugs him again, because he’s there and letting him go feels worse than abandoning his composure.)
(He doesn’t know that he’s dreaming, but somehow he doesn’t fear rejection all that much. Maybe it’s the way Mike stares at him, bright blue eyes full of adoration.)
Harvey dreams of him, and when he wakes he thinks of calling. Sometimes he texts, and it often goes unanswered.
(Mike always answered, at first. Then it started taking days. Then sometimes he ignored him completely.)
Sometimes, he does call.
It’s usually at the end of the day, when he’s worn out, dropping on the couch with a loose tie still around his neck and wondering how bad it’d be for his back if he were to fall asleep right then and there, and he can tell himself that he’s just calling because it’s too good a story, that a text wouldn’t do it justice, that it’s too long to type and it’s just easier this way.
(Truth be told, he just needs to hear Mike’s voice. He might be starting to forget how that sounded like.)
(It generally goes to voicemail.)
Harvey can take a hint.
[More on Ao3]
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imperiuswrecked · 5 years
Namor calls him ‘Firebug’, and its cute?!? It’s the cutest thing he has ever called another man. And you know what Jim calls Namor? He calls him ‘Water Rat’, just a straight up insult and Namor knows it’s an insult bc Jim is an ass but he loves him for it.
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Wonderful and Warm
Way too Nice
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x fem!Reader (OTP- ninja and puppy)
Words: ~1.5 k
Summary: You and Ransom arrive at the resort and break in your villa.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (fingering, f receiving oral sex, unprotected vaginal sex, cream pie, dirty pictures, outdoor sex, multiple orgasms), fluff, idiots in love, I’m a big old tease, SMUT!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: They’re so adorable, you guys!! The fluff with them is going to kill me before the year is out. At least I can take you all with me.
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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You couldn’t stop giggling while Ransom nibbled on your jaw as the cart drove you to your villa, slapping his chest playfully when he tried to pull you into his lap as you kept an eye on the driver who was pointedly not looking at you. Apparently your accommodations were well away from the rest of the family, the cart going halfway around the mountain before finally coming to a stop in front of a tucked away villa surrounded by gorgeous trees and flowers.
“Fuck me.” You whistled when you followed the attendant into the foyer, walking all the way back through the open air lounge until you reached the back patio and exclaiming some more. “Shit, look at this view!”
“I see it.” Ransom couldn’t stop staring at you as he walked to join you outside, winding his arms around you from behind and nuzzling at your neck as he let out a pleased hum. “Beautiful.”
“Yeah. Stop, I wanna wash the plane off me before we start fooling around. This is so damn nice.” You slipped off a sandal and dipped your toes into the warm water of the infinity pool, sighing when you looked at the swing that was hanging over the water. “Too nice. I’m gonna have to talk to Harlan about this, we can’t ask him to pay for all this. What, are you gonna pro…”
He couldn’t let you finish that thought, very aware of the ring he’d hidden in his luggage and fighting off a wave of panic. So he did the first thing he thought of and dove into the pool with you still wrapped in his arms while you let out a shriek.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” You slapped his chest and arms as the two of you rose above the water again, shoving him off when he tried to kiss you while he laughed heartily. “You goddamn asshole.”
“What? We’ve gotta break this whole villa in, figured the pool was a good place to start.” He finally caught you and started pressing kisses all over the curve of your neck, grinning when he felt you relax in his arms as the two of you floated lazily in the water. “C’mon, with the sunset and everything? Lemme see how pretty that sweet little pussy looks in this light, bet it’s better than the damn view.”
“You fucking sweet talker.” You couldn’t stop from grinning when he nibbled on your ear, wrapping your body around his as he swam both of you towards the edge of the pool. “You wanna see your girl, puppy?”
“Always, goddamn.” He set you on the edge of the edge of the pool and growled when he struggled to pull your soaked clothes off you, regretting his impulse to jump into the pool now. “She fucking needs me.”
He finally got your leggings and panties off and whined when you spread your legs to frame his shoulders, biting at the insides of your thighs and purring as he watched you throb right in front of his face. You ran your fingers through his wet hair as he started pressing open mouth kisses all over your cunt, slurping up the slick that was leaking out of you with greedy moans as he worked you over methodically.
It hardly took anything for him to get you to the state he wanted you in, your folds puffy and swollen and flushed with heat after only a few minutes of soft attention from him. When he pulled the soft petals of your sex apart and dragged his tongue over your slit in a heavy stripe you collapsed back on your elbows, whimpering pathetically as arousal poured out of you until his face was coated in it.
A deep, appreciative groan made his lips vibrate against you when he dove in deeper, spearing his tongue as far as he could into your tight hole and curling it until he felt you shiver for him. The way his face was pressed against you had his nose rubbing against your swollen clit, the tiny bud throbbing against him as he kept fucking you with his tongue while you rolled your hips into his face.
When he dragged his tongue out of you and replaced it with a nimble finger, wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking gently at the same time, your whole body arched violently into his face. The sharp cry that fell from your lips only spurred him on, pushing himself knuckle deep and stroking your walls softly until he found that perfect spot that had your heels thumping against his back.
“Ran, oh god, Ran.” Your thighs snapped close around his ears when he added a second finger, his hand and his lips working in tandem to make your squirm against his mouth. “I’m… I’m gonna… fuck!”
He didn’t even move his face when he muttered “do it” into your cunt, groaning when you started fluttering and pulsing around his fingers as even more sweet nectar flowed out of you to be lapped up by his eager tongue. His fingers kept stroking that sweet spot as you rode it out, making your whole body quake with bliss as you let out a wanton shriek that seemed to echo off the side of the mountain.
As soon as he felt you sag against the deck he was peeling off his soaked sweats in a frenzy, pulling himself out of the water in a rush and stretching his whole body over yours as he smashed his lips to yours desperately while you clutched at his shoulders. There wasn’t any chance for you to even take a breath before he was plunging into you, his hips meeting yours with one vicious thrust that had you crying into his mouth as your limbs wrapped around him on instinct.
“That’s it, my good fucking girl.” He gave a dirty grind against you and you wailed, your nails digging into the bunching muscles of his back as he started slamming into you like a man possessed. “Fuck, I love this hungry little pussy, gonna keep her well fed the whole fucking week. Tell me who she belongs to, baby.”
“Unh… mm… your pussy, Ran.” You tilted your head back and gasped when he slid a hand under your hips and tilted you slightly, the way he was hitting you so fucking deep making it feel like your insides were constantly being rearranged. “Ransom…”
“I know, honey, all mine.” He traced the curve of your jaw with his tongue before pressing wet kisses along the column of your throat, purring when he felt you starting to tremble in his arms. “And this is your fucking cock, so you’d better keep him nice and warm and wet. Come for me, now.”
You let out a hoarse whine as you gave yourself over, your muscles quivering and releasing as you gushed all over Ransom’s cock and squirted against his abs. He sank his teeth into your jaw and growled as he followed you, his hips stuttering as he shot his warm cum against your fluttering walls while you painted desperately underneath him.
When you were finished the two of you collapsed against each other, your chests heaving in complementary rhythms as Ransom nuzzled at the hollow of your throat and let out a quiet hum of satisfaction. You smiled when he moved his face back to yours and rubbed his nose against your own, his cheeks flushed and a slightly wild look in his eyes that was covered up slightly by his hair falling across his face. He was beautiful.
“Don’t move.” He gave you a peck on the lips before rising to his feet, wobbling a little as he wandered to where he had set down his phone while you just laughed softly.
“Ran, seriously?” You were still grinning when he slid back into the water and held his phone carefully above the lapping waves, wading to where you were still spread open obscenely at the edge of the pool. “You and your fucking photos.”
“Don’t act like I didn’t warn you.” He grinned as he nipped at the inside of your thigh, snapping a picture of his cum leaking out of your swollen cunt in the golden evening light and humming appreciatively. “You think you can sit up? I want one with your tits in the shot.”
“Fucking perv.” You nudged his shoulder with your toe as you sat up and leaned on wobbly arms, arching your back in that way he loved as he got his shot and let out a low moan. “So this is gonna be a thing, then?”
“Yep.” He popped the p and tossed his phone back on one of the lounge chairs before pulling you closer, winding his arms around your waist and floating backwards with his lips pressed to yours so the two of you could watch the sun set at the opposite edge of the pool. “I’m thinking we’re gonna a get a shot of that sweet little pussy every hour for the next day, wanna figure out which light she looks best in.”
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smileposting · 3 years
Kamal for character hc please?
1: sexuality headcanon: i think he’s pretty fly for a bi guy
2: otp: alright fellas, say it with me: Habismal In Very Specific Circumstances That By All Accounts Are Technically Canon Compliant But Also Just A Little More Fleshed Out Than What Canon Implies Because I Have Diseases In My Brain
3: brotp: kamal and wallus, kamal and randy, kamal and mirphy - honestly kamal has the potential to get along pretty easily with a lot of folks when he’s not in Oh Shit Oh Fuck mode.
4: notp: none i can really think of?
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: also autistic but like. has a bit of a Complex about it. he’s perfectly willing to accept that other people’s disorders will cause problems for them and does everything he can to accommodate for them because he’s not an asshole, but he has a harder time accepting that he might Also need accommodations. he gets better about this post-game. also a pressure stimmer.
on a lighter note, i like to think he’s got a geocities page somewhere dedicated to like, garage kits or mech anime reviews. he’s more open about the garage kit part but you’ll have to pry the password to his anime review page from his cold dead hands. or just wait to gain that level of trust over time.
6: one way in which I relate to this character: IT TOOK ME A LONG TIME TO ADMIT KAMAL WAS RELATABLE. something about his whole implicit dilemma of like.  "how much self awareness is Too much self awareness. at what point are you so aware of every minute possibility that it becomes more of a hindrance than a help - or rather at what point does self awareness become like, self-fulfilling prophecy or more obsessive behavior" is Uncomfortably familiar.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Why Does He Talk About Dental Hygiene Like That 8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? problematic fave that unwittingly fools people into thinking of him as a cinnamon roll
[send me a character for some hcs!]
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greyjackwatcher · 3 years
sorry I forgot that I asked about tomura last time dfniudsfds
how about spinner for the ask game?
Oh don't worry! I often forget about thing as well a LOT of times as well so don't mind that too much.
favorite thing about them
His caring nature and tenderness towards Shigaraki as well as his loyalty.
least favorite thing about them
That they are so underrated by many people in the fandom.
favorite line
''That warped, crumbling horizon...i'd never seen anything prettier.''
Spinner and the LoV, especially with Shigaraki.
Don't have any.
random headcanon
He is actually very strong and fit given from the fact that he can hold this large amount of swords.
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unpopular opinion
I legitimately dislike that there are quite some people that think Spinner will die and that's what he deserves, as he succumbed and/or got tricked like a fool by AFO, as if we already don't know that AFO is very good at manipulating people to do his bidding and, not to be an asshole on main, but if you really think that Spinner wouldn't betray AFO the moment he learned that he is hurting and using Shigaraki, you are a goddamn idiot and you need to read the manga again, because i can't aid you with this.
song i associate with them
I don't have any song in my mind for him sadly
favorite picture of them
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bnhasimpgirltm · 4 years
Stop Being A Brat (Dabi x Reader)
Pairings: Dabi x Reader
Warnings: swearing 
Genre: Fluff (a little angst)
Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 2217
A/N: I basically just said Dabi is a Todoroki, so I hope that’s okay anon. I’m so sorry I couldn’t get to this sooner! I hope you like reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Disclaimer: I don’t condone vandalism
To say you were angry would be an understatement. 
To say you were infuriated would still be an understatement. There were no words to describe the red hot anger that was flowing freely through your veins.
“DABI!” You scream, waiting a second for your boyfriend to appear. When he doesn’t you scream again. “DABI, IF YOU DON’T GET OVER HERE I’LL SKIN YOU ALIVE!” 
You hear a shuffling, and then cursing. “What?” Dabi asks, rolling his eyes. He was clearly annoyed, but you weren’t having any of it.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” Your fists were clenched at your sides, and you were trying not to cry and make a fool of yourself.
“Tell you what?” Dabi asks, kicking his feet up on the counter of the bar and pouring himself a drink.
“You know what, Dabi. Or should I say Touya?” There, you said it. 
He sets his drink down. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he lies smoothly. You knew better though.
“Stop trying to lie to me!” You cry out. “You think you can get away with lying to me? Just stop it!” 
“How did you know?” He asks you, smirk adorning his scarred face.
“I put the clues together,” you answer him simply and vaguely, not wanting to give yourself away.
“You were never supposed to know,” he grabs your hand and rubs the back of your thumb. “But it doesn’t matter now.”
“I hate when you do things like this,” you quietly whisper. “I hate when you try to flirt your way out of things, and you think it’ll work just because I’m in love with you.”
“So you do love me,” he says, smirk returning.
“I’m so done with you right now,” you scoff and shake his hand off. 
“Aw come on, wait-” he starts, but before Dabi can say what he wants to say, you’ve left. 
Walking down the hall, you go to the only place you can think of going to that isn’t you and Dabi’s shared room.
“Toga, are you in here?” You knock on the door and crack it open a little.
“OO (Y/N)! Come in!” Toga swings the door open and you walk in then sit on the floor. “I thought you were with Dabi?” 
“Yeah I was, until he pissed me off and I left,” you explain.
“Yes! You go and be a badass!” Toga laughs and shakes you by the shoulders. “Now we can have more girl time without stupid Dabi always getting in the way!” 
“Toga we didn’t break up we just had a fight!” 
“About what?” She asks, curious.
You hesitate to tell her what you fought about. It seemed so personal to Dabi, but Toga is your best friend. So you tell her. 
“Remember how that Todoroki kid died in a car crash or something?” You lower your voice, making sure no one else can hear.
“What was his name again? Tuyo or something like that,” Toga thinks.
“Yeah, that kid. That’s Dabi. He’s Touya Todoroki!” You whisper yell.
Toga sits in shock for a second, then her eyes widen, processing what you said. 
“WOAH!” Toga yells, then she screams.
“Toga! Keep it down!” You clamp your hand over her mouth and she giggles. Loud footsteps come running down the hall, and Shigaraki and Magne push the door open, looking for the threat.
“Why are you two always doing strange things?” Magne asks, shaking her head. You release your grip on Toga and she puts her arm around your shoulder.
“We’re best friends, that’s why,” Toga pulls you closer to her and you grin at Magne.
“Best friends or not, you need to buy more groceries tomorrow. Bright and early, remember? Wouldn’t want anyone recognizing you,” Magne says.
“I can transform into other people remember Magne?” Toga says in a “duh” voice. 
“I’d like to avoid leaving bodies behind for the heroes to track back to us,” Magne walks out of Toga’s room and into the hall. “But I guess you can have your fun.”
“Yes! Thank you!” Toga jumps up and climbs into her bed. “I’ll go to sleep now so I can get up early tomorrow.” 
“What about me?” You ask. “Can I sleep in here?” 
“I love you (y/n) and you’re a great friend, but I need my sleep and I can’t get that if you’re complaining about Dabi all night,” she smiles at you. 
“Ugh, fine. Good night Toga,” you groan and get off the floor. 
“Night (y/n)!” She says back, turning off her light and leaving you in darkness. 
Leaving Toga’s room, you quietly make your way to the room you shared with Dabi. Standing in front of the door, you contemplate whether or not to go in or not. You could sleep on top of the bar or on the floor. It might be uncomfortable, but you it would spare you from having to see Dabi.
“Screw it,” you say out loud, knowing that having to see Dabi isn’t as bad as sleeping on top of a bar counter where countless villains have thrown up and put their hands on. 
When you open the door, it’s dark, and Dabi is asleep.
Or so you thought,
“So you did come back,” Dabi snarkily notes. 
You ignore him and get on your side of the bed.
“Talk to me,” he tries again. You don’t want him trying to talk to you, so instead of ignoring him, you stare at him, and them push him off the bed. He lands on the floor with a thump.
“Stay down there,” you growl, covering yourself in a blanket, then turning your back to him.
“Fine,” he retorts, then tries to grab his pillow and an extra blanket on the bed.
You see this, and grab his pillow and wrap the extra blanket around you.
“Give me my damn pillow,” he grabs for the pillow, and you hug it tighter.
“No,” you roll over so you’re on top of his pillow.
“Stop being bratty and just give me the pillow,” he sighs and tries to roll you over. You activate your quirk, the ability to make things bigger, smaller, lighter, or heavier at your will by rearraging the molecules and slightly altering the chemical composition, and use it on yourself.
“Stop making yourself heavier,” Dabi grunts trying to lift you up. “You’re such a nuisance, did you know that?” 
“How do you know I used my quirk? I could just be a heavy person,” you argue.
“Earlier this week I was able to throw you over my shoulder and carry you around like a feather.”
“Well, I ate a lot of protein and carb-loaded,” you smirk and continue to crush his pillow. 
“Protein and carbs aren’t going to make you one hundred times heavier,” Dabi scoffs and gives up. “Fine, I’ll just make myself comfortable on the floor.”
“Great, and I get this huge, soft, nice, warm bed all to myself,” you sink into the bed and starfish out over the mattress. The only response you get from Dabi is an annoyed grunt as he lays back down on the floor.
When morning comes, you yawn and smile because you got such a good sleep. You look down at the floor and see that Dabi isn’t there. Either he already got up, never went to sleep, or is sleeping in someone else’s room. 
When you push the door to the bar open, Dabi is sitting next to Twice, both of them on bar stools. Twice is waving his arms around and animatedly talking about something, while Dabi nods and probably pretends to listen and care about what Twice is saying. 
“Wow Dabi, you look exhausted,” you joke. “I wonder why.”
“Shut the hell up, you know exactly why,” Dabi snaps back. 
“Am I interrupting something?” Twice looks back and forth between the two of you, watching your glaring match.
“No Twice, I was just leaving,” you give Twice a strained smile and throw another glare at Dabi. Then, you storm out of the room, a menacing aura floating around you.
After you leave, Twice looks at Dabi.
“What?” Dabi asks, scratching at the counter with his nail.
“Whatever you did, you should probably fix it,” he glances at the door, making sure you aren’t listening. 
Dabi scoffs and rollshis eyes. “I didn’t do anything wrong. (Y/n) is just being a brat.”
“It needs to be fixed immediately,” Magne cuts in. “If you and (y/n) can’t resolve your issue, you can’t go on missions. It messes up the team dynamic.”
“Yeah right, you need me on these mission,” Dabi looks at Magne and Magne keeps a poker face.
“We don’t need you unless we’re burning something or someone,” Magne says. “It doesn’t even have to be you. Fire quirks are common, we can replace you.”
“Fine, I’ll go talk to her,” he sighs and gets off the barstool. “If she won’t apologize it’s not my fault.”
“If she doesn’t apologize you two are going to be here until she does,” Magne announces. 
By the time Magne is finished talking, Dabi is leaving the bar and trying to find you.
“I hope she isn’t permanently mad at him. I like them together, they’re good for each other,” Twice sighs and dramatically throws his head against the counter.
“More importantly, if they’re mad at each other it could mess up our missions,” Magne trys to explan to Twice.
“They’re my OTP,” Twice ignores Magne, and goes on and on about his OTP.
“(Y/n), get off the bed and talk to me,” Dabi stands in front of you, and you take his scarred hand in yours.
“Maybe, I shouldn’t have gotten so angry about you being a Todoroki,” you say thoughtfully.
“Are you trying to apologize?” Dabi laughs loudly and puts his arms around you. “That was the most pathetic apology that I’ve ever heard.” Dabi climbs into the bed next to you.
“Whatever, it’s all you’re going to get,” you roll your eyes and snuggle closer to him.
“I’m glad you’re not angry at me anymore,” Dabi nuzzles his face into your hair. “Magne threatened to make us stay out of missions until we made up.”
“You're talking to me because you didn’t want to stay out of missions?” You gawk at Dabi and swat at him with the back of your hand. 
“Well yeah-” Dabi starts.
“I knew this had ulterior motives,” you frown and start to get up.
“No wait, I’ll make it up to you,” Dabi grabs your wrist and you look at him.
“How?” You question, wondering what your boyfriend would offer.
“What about we egg Endeavor’s house?” He suggests.
You think for a moment. Vandalizing the property of the asshole hero who turned out to be your boyfriend’s father? Hell yeah.
Voicing your thoughts to Dabi, you smile and say, “Well what are you waiting for?”
You and Dabi snuck four brand new cartons of eggs out of the hideout at eleven at night  (Toga had gotten back from grocery shopping earlier that day) and went to Endeavor’s house. It was extremely large and could probably be better described as a mansion than a house.
It was the perfect canvas for your little “project”.
“Why don’t you throw the first egg? He was the biggest ass to you,” you hand Dabi the egg, and he smirks.
The egg hit the front wall of the house, and  cracked open, the wet yolk sliding down the wall.
You and Dabi repeatedly threw eggs and spelled out a quite nice looking ‘Fuck you’ on the front of the house.
“Wait look at this,” you grabbed a couple of eggs and threw them against the garage door, creating an exclamation point to really send the message across. 
“It’s great,” Dabi steps back to admire the art you two had created. 
“I know, I can’t wait until the news finds it!” You clapped your hands and gushed excitedly. 
Getting back into the car that the League hyjacked from a civilian, you flip off Endeavor’s house and scream one last “Screw you!”
It didn’t take long for the media to find out. By the time everyone was awake, Toga had turned on the little television shared by the League, and the first thing that you saw was the headline “Pro Hero Endeavor’s House Egged By Unknown Perpetrators”. 
“Ha! Dabi look we made the news!” You yell.
“Wait that was you?” Twice screeches, “That’s how you made up? By egging Endeavor’s house?”
“I can’t blame them, Endeavor is a jerk,” Toga flops down on the couch. 
“You guys wrote ‘Fuck you’ on his house with eggs?” Magne questions. “That’s very childish.”
“Good thing we’re pretty much children,” you twirl around and kiss Dabi on the cheek. “You’re forgiven, that was so fun!” 
“Thank God, I was beginning to think that Dabi would just be mopey and sad forever,” Twice says.
“Be quiet Twice,” Dabi shoots back. 
“I’m just saying,” Twice puts his hands up defensively.
“You’re the best!” You move kiss Dabi again, this time on the nose, but he moves up and you end up locking lips.
When you both pull away, he looks back at you with that signature smirk, then says, “I know.”
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saltandlimes · 3 years
Felix Fraldarius for the ask game (also sidenote but i Love your fics so much, thank you for writing!)
OMG thanks!!! I love you readers so much! Y’all are all so sweet to me. <3
Felix is my favorite character, so I have FEELINGS. SO MANY FEELINGS.
Favorite thing about them: Felix is a good man. Yes, he’s an absolute asshole, but in the end, he’s the kind of person who cares so deeply about other people, and about the world that it hurts. There’s this moment in his paralogue, when he’s talking to Rodrigue, and he is just furious that anyone could care more about a dead man’s feelings than about actual people getting hurt and I just love it so much. Everything he does is fundamentally motivated by the desire to protect people weaker than himself, even when he says he scorns them. @aleksandrnevskii and I were talking this morning about how Felix is the sort of person to leave The One Ring by the side of the road if he found it, to never take it no matter what. He’s the asshole version of Faramir (another favorite character of mine).
Least favorite thing about them: His failure to recognize that there are many kinds of strength, beyond physical and magical. Sylvain’s willingness to keep going in the face of despair is strength, Dimitri’s attempts to keep a hold of his sanity are strength, Ashe’s devotion to his ideals is a type of strength, and Felix has so much trouble seeing that.
Favorite line: “Yet knowing someone well does not mean you know how they feel. Whether family or friend. To know someone's sorrow and turn blindly from it... That is the act of a fool. But pursuing your ideals is not foolish.” [From his B support with Ashe]
BrOTP: Annette! I love their relationship. They make each other so happy, and Felix relaxes with Annette in a way that he has trouble doing with other people. But also Seteth and Leonie. I love all their supports.
OTP: Dimitri/Sylvain. I love Dimilix and Sylvix as well. Felix loves Dimitri so much, it’s painful. He’s so terrified of him for such a long time, and he still can’t let him go. His and Sylvain’s relationship is beautiful - he lets himself be honest with Sylvain in a way that’s hard for him with other people, and vice versa. [I also really like him and Jeritza, but WOW TINY SHIP OMG]
NoTP: I don’t really have a notp for Felix. I don’t love him an Annette romantically, but I don’t hate it. He and Ingrid would be horridly awkward, but it’s not a notp.
Random headcanon: Felix has a good luck charm that Dimitri gave him before the Western Rebellion that he always carries with him. It’s a reminder that things used to be better, and he can’t bear to let it go, just like he can’t let go of Glenn’s spur. (OMG SADDEST LOST ITEM, AM I RIGHT?) After Gronder in AM, he starts carrying the charm openly.
Unpopular opinion: He and Dedue will eventually end up as friends. They don’t see eye to eye on devotion, nor do they agree on how to take care of Dimitri, but eventually Felix’s ideals are going to force him to see Dedue in an even better light than they end their support chain in. Anyway, they’re going to have to spend so much time together when Felix serves as Dimitri’s advisor, and it’s impossible to spend time with Dedue without loving him.
Song I associate with them: Undone in Sorrow by Crooked Still or Control by Halsey.
[Send me a character and I’ll tell you my opinions]
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
‘Love and Redemption’ eps 51-59 (final thoughts)
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I feel empty but I’m happy. I finished it, it’s over and it’s going to my top favorite dramas of this year. What a crazy, beautiful, painful but rewarding ride! Also, that’s a huge ass poster but it seemed appropiate for the final post and it’s just gorgeous.
This is a very long post, you’ve been warned lol
First thing first: WE GOT A HAPPY ENDING. I loved the story but I knew, going into it that it was a hell of angst fest and that held me back a bit, except that I learned that it ended happily, and hey, I’m down for those endings. What can I say? I don’t do sad endings, real life is already messed up enough. Also, my boy Sifeng remained from beginning to end, my favorite character in the drama AND enters my honorable list of favorite male leads in dramas I keep thinking about making a real post with that list, maybe soon 
I love Xuanji a lot. I want to make that clear before saying what’s next. While I think that she was definitely a lot dumber and gullible that I’d liked her to be, I understood why she was acting the way she did. During  eps 41-50 she didn’t know what Sifeng was doing the way that we as viewers did. She had no idea. Could she have figured it out if she’d tried? Yes, but also, she had a precedent of letting revenge and resentment get the best of her in another 9 lives... so it was not really that crazy that she tried to kill Sifeng. Did I wanted to slap some sense into her? Totally, but I think she was punished enough for doubting him. Not only because she learned the truth of all those past lives and that she always hurt Sifeng but because our male lead himself punished her by pushing her away and given her the cold shoulder once she found him. After two years, mind you.
I think that, if you add all that up, it’s actually a bit more than what she deserved. Poor girl. Also, she totally made up for it once Sifeng forgave her, my heart melted/broke while she cared for him before and after finding out he was dying yet again, because of her, because he saved her.
And then Xuanji made the biggest, most in your face declaration of love and devotion in the whole three realms, when she found out that she was in fact not only the God of War but also the Star of Mosha aka the most terrible and evil dude to ever exist (Dijun’s words not mine) and still opened the crystal lamp... Because only by doing that she could save Sifeng’s life. She basically said “fuck the 3 realms and their peace, if Sifeng’s dead then I don’t care for anything” even when she knew she’d become a man which is hilarious to me bc what the fuck censors?
So Sifeng was no longer on mortal danger but he lost Xuanji sort of since she was now a man lol and thus we never broke the cycle of “we must make Sifeng suffer throughout the whole show”. I can appreciate the consistency of it, even if it broke my heart to see him like that.
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And then the drama turned into a BL drama. Which made me laugh for a good almost 4 episodes. I loved it, it’s true. I can’t deny watching Sifeng stare lovingly at a man while holding his hands and telling him “I won’t leave you” didn’t do things to my heart and that my fangirling personality was left unaffected. I do have trouble coming to an understanding of the censors and their mystical ways because they were just not watching the drama. Or maybe they were, since they cut the ep count from 70 to 59. I do wonder what else was in that part of the story we’ll never get to see. Probs more gay stuff and hey! how dare you deprive me of it, censors?
I’m so glad most side plots and problems were resolved before these last 9 episodes, because then we had all that time to focus on OTP achieving a well deserved happy ending while exploring BL options AND the whole “God of War/Star of Mosha are the same person” was finally explained. Which, wow, it was heavy and fucking Dijun, you really are the shittiest shit excuse of a God to ever shit-exist. What an asshole. I felt really bad Luohuo Jidu, to be betrayed and mutilated in that way by a person you cared for and trusted... that’s a terrible violation to suffer. Truly horrible. He didn’t deserved any of that, he was innocent and he wasn’t going to harm anyone or bring war to the heavens. And the ending they gave to Dijun is my one problem with this drama, the one thing that I hated. But tbh no ending would’ve ever felt satisfactory to me. In the end, Xuanji’s attitude, indifference, was the best position to take, since revenge and hate wouldn’t have done any good.
I did enjoy a bit Dijun’s breakdown when the Heavenly Emperor showed him what could’ve happened if he’d never meddled in the whole affair with his stupid motivation to “save and guard the 3 realms”. It was all caused by him... and as much as I hate to admit it, without him, there wouldn’t be a drama. Think about it, had he not created the God of War, Xuanji wouldn’t exist and Sifeng would’ve never fallen in love with her. Everything was Dijun’s fault, including the love story and I feel conflicted about it ngl hahaha.
Which brings me to the revelation that Sifeng was XiXuan while in Heaven, the son of the Heavenly Emperor, a prince of the Heavens and the gasp, the shock, the screams out of my mouth!! It made a lot of sense that only someone in a high position would fly right in the middle of a heavenly execution and say “You’re not dying today, I will make them send you to the mortal realm and go through 10 tribulations. And I’m going with you.” Like !!!!!! Sifeng was SOOOOO Sifeng even before being Sifeng. Which is the reason why even Luohuo Jidu fell for Sifeng ha! 
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This was just Sifeng being a sexy badass telling his bf/gf “You need me”
The whole thing while Sifeng was on hell or whatever it’s called, with the Star of Mosha, was totally a BL drama plot and I was loving it. What a way to truly love someone, Sifeng. No matter if she was a dude or a woman or public enemy number 1, he was loyal and supportive of Xuanji in whatever form. Of course no one could resist that level of adoration and ultimately, Sifeng’s fierce love is what saved his life at the end since Luohuo Jidu gave him half of his heart, which reminds me, Heavenly Emperor is really one bad father he barely showed any concern for a son he hadn’t seen in 1000 years and died like 10 times. Wtf? He was also not only a bad father, but also the worst Heavenly Emperor, since he did nothing to prevent any of the problems in the last thousand years!
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That was sooo straight of you, drama ;)
I didn’t really understood how Xuanji and Luohuo Jidu got separated but since they already had an independent mind and personality of the other, I guess that was the key? Whatever, love conquers all, and always wins.
After all the big revelations and stopping the end of the world, Sifeng was also in a coma for like a year or who knows how long and poor Xuanji waited/cared for him patiently. To me, it feels safe to say she suffered as much as Sifeng did and loved as loyally as him. Their wedding and their wedding night was stuff out of a fairytale and ChengYi’s ost was the perfect song for it, I was soooooo happy and couldn’t stop smiling like a fool.
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The scene with the party, demons and mortals united and celebrating like equals and getting drunk, with Sifeng following his wife around the place while carrying their baby on his arms and trying to get her to put down the wine hahaha was the perfect and a well deserved ending for them.
I like to think they ascended again after a long, happy mortal life, and were free to love and adore each other for eternity. Sifeng, Xuanji, yours was a crazy as f*ck ride, full of pain and tears, but I’m so glad you loved each other so deeply, against all odds, curses, lies and whatnot. Cheers to you and your happiest ending!
I don’t know if I want a season 2! On one hand, if it’s the same cast I’d just have to see it, no question about it, though it ended perfectly. And if it is another cast, why do a second season at all?
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theolddivorcedzukka · 3 years
Sokka for the ask game?
1: sexuality headcanon
he is BISEXUAL and he is NONBINARY. end of discussion (but like who is discussing this??? there's nothing to discuss, it's evident if you just look at him)
2: otp
3: brotp
sokka&toph and sokka&aang. together, they will give katara the worst of headaches
4: notp
sokka/azula, sokka/aang, sokka/toph, uhhh uhhh theres more i think
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
did you know that sokka is the little spoon because he's the little spoon. but also, he loves having his hair played with. you brush his hair for a few minutes and he just passes out
6: one way in which I relate to this character
its the everything for me. i <3 covering up my emotions with jokes and i love having imposter syndrome. but i think i can also be a pessimist most of the time and really cranky
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
sokka baby ilysm but your jokes are...
okay i do actually feel second hand embarrasment for him all the time because the universe just wants to make him into a fool every five seconds
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
he's my asshole fave
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heytheredeann · 4 years
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Screw Harvey. I mean, what’s he done for you?
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free-pancakes · 4 years
ask prompt
My otp for them: Jeankasa :)
My brotp for them: Jean and Marco!
Any other ships: Jeanmarco, jean x pieck maybe?
Their best friend: Marco! But also the trio of fools- -him, sasha, and connie
My favorite nickname for them: Jeanbo of course
My favorite AU of them: Soccer team AU? He gives me those vibes oddly enough, team captain and a defensive position i’d say
My favorite outfit they wear: he looks so good in the new s4 scout uniform
Defining color: His hair color! Pretty unique
Would I date them: ooooh probably yes lol
First impression: Kind of an asshole
Current impression: Best boi omg, literally one of my top 5 fav characters. Just trying to do what’s right and struggling to figure out what “right” even is. I empathize with the hesitation with big decisions. Also love that line Marco said about him, that it’s because he’s weak is what makes him a good leader, someone who knows how to empathize with and understand others and can also make good judgment calls from that perspective. Also love his relationship with Hange, i love that he seems to look up to them so much
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Which Pokemon starter they’d be: I associate him with fire, brave and full of like yknow? I know it’s not a classic started but can he be ponyta/rapidash
thanks for the ask @ryuna-q !
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sheikah · 4 years
favorite darklina moments?
Anon I’m so sorry because you did not sign up for the crazy long post you’re about to get but..HERE WE GO! (The “read more” no longer functions on mobile and I’m SO sorry to everyone this annoys.)
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uM??? Soft. Literally the moment I knew I was trash. He takes his glove off to touch her??? Romance???
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Okay so a few things here. 1. This is just my stupid emotions clouding my judgment but I think that if Alina hadn’t cut and run after Baghra told her the truth about him, she probably would have been able to convince Aleks not to expand the fold and instead to destroy it. Why? Well, I know he is playing her throughout the first book but he’s showing a lot of self-awareness here. Knowing he’s the only Darkling means he’s calling his own deeds greedy and evil. I think he might have been convinced to right those wrongs under the right circumstances and I like the vulnerability of this conversation for that reason. In R&R he tells Alina that he only decided to expand the fold and force her to take the stag’s amplifier after she left and “chose…” (clearly meaning chose Mal). Is that a viable motive for the murders he committed afterward? No lmao but I’m trash. 2. Alina is literally 24/7 checking him out. This is her POV. She is constantly calling him “perfect” and other very complimentary things 🤣 3. The inherent longing and romance of that last line. I’m sorry but that’s Good Shit and I love Alina’s dubious response as much as the declaration itself lol. 
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I just love the cute lightheartedness of this scene and also the fact that he has taste. I mean we been knew because of The Aesthetic, but still. He knows garish when he sees it.
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This whole scene because reasons. Idk man it’s just hot. It’s a YA book so we aren’t going to get the kind of smut I crave but the pining that results from this moment being cut off early is MY SHIT and I love the unexpected soft politeness of what he says before he leaves…
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Bitch!!!! Say yes!!! 
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This!!!!!! I wanted powerful and uninhibited Alina SO BAD. And obviously, so did he. (And lbr, so did Alina herself lol).
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Idk I just love the angst of this. This is a clear admission that just like he was playing her, she was affecting his judgment too. He was a fool. A fool in love maybe??????? Lol ignore me.
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On one hand, this is a bit creepy and possessive. But on the other hand I fucking love it. They’re both deeply lonely and at the end of the day? That’s the kind of tragic OTP I thrive on.
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And see, THIS is why it’s so important that we get the story in first person. Because while the Darkling IS very problematic and I can see why people who hate the ship are squicked out to some extent, what matters is that we know that Alina still struggles with her feelings about him throughout the whole trilogy. After everything he has done a part of her still wants him and a part of her still acknowledges that he accepts her power in a way no one else really does. Also, lol at her once again commenting on how good he looks.
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What can I really say? I live for this. My favorite moments in Alina’s story are ones where she allows herself to confront, if only in her mind, her own desire for power (”I was eager”) and I love that even while she just admitted to loving Mal, she can’t help herself with Aleks. “I could drown in it.” Bitch, me too. 
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Just the way this is worded idk. She’s literally killing him. He’s been evil and conniving af. That’s not lost on me. But Alina doesn’t hate him. There’s no, “Just a little longer so I can kill this asshole” or “Just a little longer so I can send this monster to hell where he belongs.” No. She’s sending him “to the next world” and she’s gonna follow? Ok. Nothing to read into that at all.
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Everything about this!!!!! “I respect your ruthlessness”??? A line that would work on me lmao. Also I live for hurt and vulnerable Aleks showing this bitterness. He’s allowing her to see that she hurt him, you know? Also love that it’s honesty when she says she wanted to see him. There is so fucking much mutual pining in this ship it’s torture. And even after everything they’ve done to one another they’re still like this!! How dare they! Let me live!!!!
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Idk I love this because they’re such opposites in everything from appearance to ideology but they still have this pull on each other that drags them each nearer the middle. He brings out Alina’s ambition and she brings out his softness. Also, “I had a taste for you once” is probably my favorite line in all their interactions. I know everyone else loves “make me your villain” but this line is just sexier somehow and it comes from Alina! Alina toying with Aleks’s desire?? MY SHIT!
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Give me dark!Alina! GIVE IT TO ME!!!
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SO MUCH in this passage. This is in R&R so by this point the damage and history and pain in this ship is off the charts and Alina is still sitting here thinking about how she wants him. “I didn’t want to go …  I wanted this whispered confidence.” We love to see it. And then there’s his name. I actually love his name. It’s my husband’s name lmao (though he spells it with an x). And I agree with Alina that it’s kind of laughably cute that the big, bad Darkling has such a common (but pretty!) name.
More than that, I feel like a lot of people overlook the significance of this moment. In “The Demon in the Wood” we learn that Aleks was on the run for basically his entire youth. He’s gone by fake names since he was a child. That story is so heartbreaking, being in his head while he’s coaching and drilling himself to adapt to these false names and identities in a convincing way. He couldn’t share his real name with anyone. But what must that have done to his sense of self? Especially being so young, his ability to develop an identity like a normal person was taken away. He must have wanted, for years, maybe even centuries, to be able to be his real self. But he’s clearly never trusted anyone with the truth. Until Alina. And this isn’t soft, naive S&B Alina. This is “ruthless” book 3 Sankta Alina, his enemy in every sense of the word who has multiple times left him for dead (he deserved it but that’s not my point). And he trusts her with this and shares this intimacy with her and it makes me weep ok?
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This is sexy. What else can I possibly say? It’s hot. My favorite piece of Darklina art is from this scene lol but I wish there was more fanart of this moment that actually depicted them as they are, with him basically sitting and Alina all up in his junk between his legs. I accept the Darklina isn’t canon but there are no other shippy scenes in the trilogy that match this one imo. THEIR POWER. It’s so good lol.
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She literally killed him lmao. She was literally the one doing the stabbing here. She ended his long life and he’s still being sweet with her?????? The last thing he wanted to hear was her voice and his name???? Ok thanks.
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K the funeral scene broke me but I am glad they gave him a proper funeral. But what I’m really here for? Alina Starkov’s last line of dialogue and last thought in The Grisha Trilogy is about Aleks and no one can take that away from me.
Anyway sorry for the giant trashy post I just have a lot of feelings about them. This is almost every scene so I failed to tell you my favorite moments rofl. They’re all my favorite. I guess if I had to pick three? The Winter Fete scene, Alina trying to kill them both in the chapel, and “let me.” Oof. 
Thanks for tolerating my insane and overwhelming love for this ship!!!!!
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