#otp jomas
kaescapos · 4 years
THE BIG EASY RP WEEK 2020 [day three]
↳ best written otp ship (yours)  → KAE + ELLE (#VISAR & #JOMAS)
so maybe i cheated a little bit but idk how i’m suppose to choose between these two ships.  they’re best written because they’re my most written ships.  and i think that’s pretty impressive because they’re pretty even thread wise throughout the year and they’re both a mix of fun and angst, big plots and little filler moments of cute. which means that i get to delve into these characters, (mine and elle’s) so much more then my others.  its so nice writing the two ships side by side they’re so different yet we’ve found parallels between them as well.  its even more fun because of the connection between vince and tom so there has been a little cross over which i always find amusing.
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VINCENT armstrong x CESAR cortez
i really don’t know where to start with these two.  but i’m certain they’re going to be the cause of my death.  see mlm is kind of my kryptonite and has been since before it was mainstream. so i’ve always wanted a ship like this, but i didn’t think i’d get one quite like this.  and its such a pleasure to write even when i hate them.  if you were on tbe prior to visar you might have noticed the difficulty getting a writing partner for a m/m (or even f/f) ship to stick.  i watched elle try it multiple times with a couple different characters, i had an ad up a couple times for a male love interest.  nothing stuck.  i almost took the ad for terry but it was bad timing for me. but i will never regret holding out for vincent.  because oh my god vince.  i absolutely adore this literal beam of sunshine.  but if you think that’s all he is you need to take a closer look at him.  he’s multidimensional, he’s got real feelings and hurts deeply but loves fiercely. he’s got such a big heart, he gives more then he should but he is learning to value himself and his feelings more.  and for some reason the man fell in love with cesar. tez is the polar opposite. he’s storm clouds and trauma, guarded, he’s harsh and selfish.  he doesn’t know how to sugar coat anything. but tez is also learning.  he’s learning from past mistakes.  he’s slowly coming to realize what it is he wants and knows what its going to take to get that.  tez may never learn how to love conventionally or traditionally but he will figure out how it works for him.  that is one of their tragic components the way they experience and show love and how it does not match up.
i laugh every time i remember they weren’t suppose to be this. they were suppose to be a stepping stone to the next chapter in their lives, apart.  but god am i glad it didn’t play out that way.
the thing with visar currently is they are either really good for one another or really bad for each other. they have not figured out how to find that middle ground, that balance.  i like writing the two of them because they are complex.  together, in their own right and both elle and i stay true to that, we don’t come up with easy fixes, often we make things worse. i love to hate the fact that they’re built on miscommunication and bad timing.  that would be the second tragic thing between them, tez does not realize what vince is preparing himself for and vince doesn’t realize what tez is preparing himself to do.  they’ve gone through so much this past year. from redefining their relationship to one another a couple of times, to committing murder.  tez has been more open with vince in the last year then he’s been in six.  their whole thread series of their tarot cards threads were some of my favorite stuff to write last year.  i know where they’re going and i can’t wait to get there, because i can’t think of two people that deserve to be happy more.
tez may be the worst thing to happen to vince, but vince is the best thing that’s happened to tez
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JOSEPHINE jayakumar x TOMAS pelletier
SIGH jomas. i love jomas.  i adore jo.  i stalked jo when the her big friend group was still around on the board and interaction with one another frequently and i just really adored her from the start.  for the longest time i didn’t really know how to interact with her, lbr because i didn’t know how to branch out.  but i have never been happier that i did not have romantic plans for tom when elle brought it up.  i wasn’t sure what to expect because i’d never shipped with elle before and visar was still only a month old, but i’ve stalked a lot of elle’s ships on tbe so i knew shipping with her would be a great experience.  i have regrets on the daily like one does when there are emotional connections with plots and characters.
i stalked jo but i never really truly knew her and it has been quite the trip getting to know her and i love every inch of her.  she is such a good fit for tom and i like to think that he’s a very good fit for her.  they’re similar to one another, with their experiences in abandonment, their mothers having been big influences in their lives. but when you look at them you can see how their similarities affected them differently.  it hardened jo a bit while tom still allowed himself to be open and vulnerable.  they’ve gone from hating one another to dating and one of my favourite things has been the fact that tom had no idea they were dating until just before may.  one of the funnest things to write with them is the fact that they roast one another constantly though jo usually gets the best zingers in there, it doesn’t bother tom because he brings up the mark consuelos comment.  i appreciate that they have not lost that part of who they are nor the fact that even though they’re dating they don’t always say the right thing with one another.
i feel for jo every time i read that she thinks that she’s not good enough, that she thinks she’s always someone’s second choice. i hurt for her whenever she picks apart her appearance and those insecurities come across her mind.  i think this is where one of the most authentic things about them comes into play.  tom does not see her like that, which should not be confused with tom thinking she’s perfect.  because he doesn’t think that. but he does not care about all those things that make her normal and keep her from looking like a victoria secret model.  tom sees those flaws and he’s still all heart eyes over her because he does not need perfect, he just needs her to be jo.  she centres tom, calms him down but she also encourages him and you have no idea how happy i am about the fact that jo will encourage tom’s rough play on the ice and then turn right around and mother him the moment the game is over.
i’m gonna cry a lot over these two in the next few months.
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