hypmic-writings · 4 years
Hi there! I love your writing about jakurai and I want some moreee heehee. A scenario where jakurai is just so busy and his so misses him like A LOT but doesn't want to get in his way. But, the so kinda makes it obvious bc they can't hide their feelings (like from gestures or whatever). If you think it's too specific, feel free to change/alter it to your liking! Tysm!!!
Oooooh boy, this was intense to write for sure, but I love these kinds of prompts so it was totally worth it. Also, I really love imagining Jakurai comforting his s/o so that was nice Definitely a bit of angst in here, but there’s some fluff at the end too, so I hope that’s okay and that you like it~
Jakurai was someone that could read people in seconds.
Throughout your relationship, he was always able to tell what mood you were in, what you needed, or even what you wanted. Sometimes he could tell these things before you could even do so yourself. You knew this and absolutely loved it about him…sometimes you even depended on it.
So when you had barely seen your fiancé at all during the week and were missing him with all your heart, you vowed not to show it so easily to him. You knew he was working long hours at the hospital and picking up extra shifts due to a rise in the number of patients. You knew he was helping people and saving lives. You knew that he was putting his all into doing work for the greater good.
Did that make you selfish for wanting him to spend more time with you? You weren’t sure, and you might even feel a bit guilty for being upset at the lack of interaction with him, but you didn’t want to show it.
That didn’t mean he couldn’t see it.
‘I’ll be home late again tonight. Sorry, darling’ – 19:33
You stared down at your phone on the kitchen counter, still holding onto the spoon you were using to cook the ramen for that evening’s dinner. You let out a small sigh and dropped it heavily in the pot, feeling mixed emotions of anger and sadness flow through you.
You quickly texted him back with a reassurance that it was fine and that he should stay safe before finishing the task at hand. Once the ramen was made, you placed it in a bowl and sat down at the dinner table to eat. Alone. Again.
Once you were finished, you took a shower and made your way to the couch. You sat down, cuddling yourself as tightly as possible under the blanket but unable to fill the coldness you felt. Your eyes began to droop and feel heavy in the darkness of the room and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.
You awoke to strong arms wrapping around you and pulling you up from the couch. Willing your eyes open with a groan you could only vaguely make out Jakurai’s form in the darkness.
“Jak…u…rai…” you mumbled incoherently as he placed you on the bed gently.
“I’m sorry I woke you, love,” he said, his voice low and soft. He moved to pull his arms away but you tugged him back towards you with whatever strength you had in your half-asleep state.
“No…please stay…I’ve missed…you…” you muttered, your voice cracking a bit. Your exhausted mind could only think of the one thing you had been deprived of lately – Jakurai. You received a deep chuckle from the man as he shifted to sit up on the bed next to you, rubbing small circles soothingly into your back.
“Of course,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. Feeling him warm and right beside you, you were soon swept away by sleep once more.
When you awoke, you reached over to the other side of the bed, feeling the empty space and letting out a heavy sigh. He was gone. Again. You reached for your phone, already knowing that there would be a text from him saying that the hospital called him in early, but to your surprise, there was none.
You brought yourself out of bed and slowly made your way into the living room.
“Jakurai?” you called out, your voice groggy from not being used. You spotted him on the sofa, pulling on his shoes with a bag resting next to him. When he heard your voice, he looked up at you and frowned slightly.
“Ah, Y/N. It’s early, you should go back to sleep and get some rest,” he said, standing up and making his way to you. Any hope you had of him being able to spend the day with you was dashed when you saw his white coat.
“Oh…you’re going to work? I thought you were off today…” you stated, slowly in as measured of a voice as possible. Jakurai sighed and nodded.
“Unfortunately. The hospital called and said they needed me to come in. We’re a bit short staffed right now so…” Jakurai trailed off slightly as he watched you avert your gaze from his.
“Okay, that’s fine, I understand,” you said, trying to smile but failing miserably. Y
“Y/N,” Jakurai said, gently as he reached out for your hand. You held your breath and moved, keeping your eyes downwards as you turned your back to him to face the kitchen.
“You should at least let me make you some lunch, you have to make sure you eat if you’re going to be working so much. I think there’s so ramen from – ”
You were cut off by the sensation of Jakurai slowly pressing himself against your back and wrapping you in his arms from behind. You tried to move or say anything, but your body seemed to be frozen. You hadn’t been this close to him in days but it had felt like an eternity to you.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Jakurai whispered into your neck where he was resting your head. At his words you felt the hot sting of tears begin to well up and your throat begin to constrict.
No. You didn’t want to cry. You didn’t want to make him feel bad about doing his work – his passion. But you had just missed him so goddam much, that it hurt your heart to think about. Your mind ran a million miles an hour as Jakurai continued, speaking slowly and softly
“This has been hard on you, hasn’t it? I can tell it has. The long hours and night shifts…we haven’t had a proper conversation at all this week.” His hair slightly tickled your neck and you closed your eyes tightly, not wanting to speak for fear of breaking down.
“I should have talked about my schedule with you first. I’m so incredibly sorry for making you feel this way, my love. I should have known -”
“Stop it…please…” you croaked, interrupting Jakurai as you turned around, still in his embrace, to look up at him with eyes glistening with tears. He was slightly surprised at your words, but his look quickly changed into one of knowing as he began to understand your position.
“This is all my fault, not yours. I’m the one that’s being selfish! I’m being possessive and ridiculous and…” you said, a bit louder in frustration as your gaze became blurry with tears. You took a moment to gulp for air before continuing.
“Why aren’t you mad at me right now?! I’m so stupid, I mean, look at me! I’m crying because I haven’t seen you in days, meanwhile you’ve been of saving people’s lives and doing things for the greater good…and…and…”
This time, you cut yourself off as you gave into your emotions and began to sob hard. Jakurai instinctively pulled you into his chest with one arm and wrapped the other around the back of your head to support it. He slowly knelt down to the floor and rocked you ever so gently as he hushed you quietly.
“It’s alright, Y/N,” he whispered. “I’m here with you now, you can let everything out.”
Jakurai held you closely as you let out your wave of emotions, sputtering incoherent sentences into his chest every now and then that were met with soft touches of love from your fiancé. He waited for your sobs to subside a bit before tugging on your cheek lightly to pull your gaze up to him. As soon as your eyes met his, he gave you the gentlest of smiles.
“Listen to me, my love. I would never be angry at you for feeling upset. You’re haven’t been selfish at all and please don’t say those things about yourself. Your feelings are valid, Y/N. Nothing that’s happened is your fault,” he insisted, his words strong and comforting.
Jakurai’s reassuring words cascaded around you as your labored breathing began to return to normal with a few small hitches hear and there. You closed your eyes once more and shook your head.
“I’m sorry,” you began but Jakurai hushed you once more.
“Please, you don’t have anything to apologize for,” he said, kissing your forehead lightly. You gave up trying to argue, instead finding comfort in the warmth of his embrace. The two of you stayed like that for a few moments before he pulled away slightly.
“I have the day off tomorrow and I’ll make sure to tell them I can’t come in at all. So why don’t you tell me, love, what do you want to do?” he asked, gazing at you lovingly as he brushed away a stray tear from your cheek. You let out a small hiccup before leaning over to press your lips against his softly.
“I don’t care. I just want to spend it with you.”  
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sohin-ace · 4 years
I just found your blog and I love your writings! I can't get enough of soft jjba, especially kakyoin my cherry lover T_T I want to request a reader x kak scenario where reader is a part of starcru and in the middle of the journey she doesnt want their journey to end because it's been so fun (and she falls hard for kak). Feel free to change anything if you feel like it's too specific! Ty ty!
Oh I know this, gangster, because I stalked you 👀 We have a Kakyoin lover here guys.
This is your lucky day. Here you go gangster.
※ Jojo Scenario • Kakyoin - Enough for now
Kakyoin and you watched the warm sun setting down with an orange, almost vermillion glow.
The sound of Polnareff and Abdul arguing over the car's sudden disfunction was muffled by the distance that separated you from the group.
"Here. Have some more, Y/N."
"Oh! Thank you."
The red head poured a bit more tea from the thermos into your metal cup. Peaceful moments like these really put you at ease and made the whole adventure feel more like a nice family road trip rather than a race against time to save the world from an immortal menace and achieve redemption.
"It's getting colder.” Kakyoin shuddered, “I tend to forget it's still January.” He softly blew onto his own hot cup of tea, gripping it tighter to warm his fingers.
"January... It feels so weird... It's a new year already, and it's the end of the semester too..."
Kakyoin scoffed through a chuckle, amused by your remark. "Why are you bringing up school now? Let's just enjoy this journey for what it's worth, okay?"
You sipped on your mint tea and turned around to check on the other men accompanying you. Joseph was in the driver's seat of the car, pushing on the pedals to maybe make the engine work again, only for Polnareff to scream in frustration as nothing seemed to work.
"Polnareff! I told you not to mess with the brake fluid! Do you want the whole car to explode?!" Abdul shook the poor Frenchman as the car made a quite worrying noise.
"Yare yare daze..."
You turned back forward, not wanting to see or hear anymore of Abdul's painful scolding and Joseph's iconic 'OH MY GOD!'.
Mindlessly, you put your hand next to your lap and didn't react quite fast enough at the feeling of Kakyoin's hand just under your own.
As soon as you realised your clumsy mistake, he did too and you flinched back, tucking your hand back to yourself awkwardly.
"Ah- Sorry, Kakyoi-"
"Oh? Y/N I never noticed." Kakyoin cut you off. "Your hand is so small!"
Your eyes widened at his observation and you couldn't contain your heated blush when he suddenly grabbed your hand in his own, inspecting it.
He chuckled again, but this time, his little laughter sounded so charming, so pleasant and sweet, you lost your words and blabbered some uncharacteristic nonsense.
"A-uh...m... My-.. Uh-m-ma.... Y-y-.. Uh-! K--kakyo-..."
"Look!" He made your hand rest flat against his, proving his point, and relished in the size difference. "I thought I had small hands but yours are tiny."
Your heart raced in your chest and you couldn't utter a single word. It was unbearable, how adorable his eyes were, disappearing everytime he smiled. How his wide lips stretched so handsomely for you. You wished you could imprint that exact expression of his in your mind forever. 
You had a sweet spot for the boy ever since you two met and you were certain he was oblivious to your little crush on him.
"Y-... You're ridiculous, Kakyoin!” You could barely cover the slight wave in your voice with a scoff. “You just have giant hands!"
"Hah? Whatever you say... Babyhands."
You playfully slapped his arm and he laughed, apologizing without really meaning it. You faked offense but secretely, you loved his little teasing, and those simple affective gestures never failed to make your heart skip some unnecessary beats.
You kept watching the horizon in comfortable silence. Something still put you off, and it took you a moment to gather up the courage to spill out what you had in your chest.
"You know, Kakyoin..." The boy looked back at you in wonder as you stared at the darkening sky. "I... I don't really want this to end... This adventure... Our time together... I wish time could stop... So we could stay like this. I like being with you..."
Kakyoin looked at you and tried to search answers in your eyes, but you wouldn't show more than a melancholic yet content expression.
The red head shifted a bit from his position to lean in closer and move some hairs out of your face, his touch gentle, as he always was.
"Why do you look so down? We'll come back together after we defeat Dio, and we'll keep in touch. If you can't come to Japan, then I'll come to you, I promise. And I never, ever make empty promises."
You looked up into his purple gaze, completely mesmerized and enamored by his soothing deep voice. He looked dead serious, yet so loving. 
You graced him with a soft, reassured smile. Of course, you had nothing to fear. He was right here, next to you. What mattered was the present time only.
You grabbed his hand, still lingering at the side of your face, with the tiny hands that he seemed to love so much, and squeezed gently.  
You suddenly heard the cheer of Polnareff and the other men entering the car in a hurry, eager to finally get out of this hell hole you had been stuck in all evening.
"Okay, we’re coming! Y/N, come on."
Kakyoin got up and helped you back to your feet, walking you towards the car with a hand resting around your shoulder. There was still so much you wanted to say.
You smiled, bathing in the male’s warm hold.
Maybe this was enough, for now.
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