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kaitou-archive · 1 year ago
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Otomedia Plus + SPRING 2017
(Below is a cleaned up machine translation. Please note that due to the nature of machine translation, the text may not be wholly accurate or may read oddly. Japanese is included after English for reference. The text was lifted from the images using this site, and though there's been care taken to make sure everything is correct, there is a chance of unintentional typos.)
I want to sleep together with you ♡ Spring Bedtime
アナタと一緒に眠りたい♡ SPRING ベッドタイム
Character Bio
Joker (Voice: Ayumu Murase) By making Joker frustrated with Hosshi, we got to see the Joker's funny, impatient faces in Season 3-4. (Director Teramoto)
ジョーカー (声/村瀬歩) 「ジョーカーにホッシーへ の苦手意識を持たせたこと で、シーズン3.4ではジ ョーカーの焦った面白い顔 が見れました」(寺本監督)
Hachi (Voice: Yumiko Kobayashi) Hachi is now "Hachi the Phantom Thief Apprentice" and is on the same advance notice as Joker, but one day we may be able to call him "Hachi the Phantom Thief". (Director Teramoto) ハチ (声/小林由美子) 「今は“怪盗見習いハチ” でジョーカーと一緒の予告 状ですが、 いつか “怪盗ハ チ” と言える日が来るかも しれませんね」 (寺本監督)
Spade (Voice: Hiro Shimono) In episode 44, Spade's bond with Ai alongside Spade's childhood was depicted, and the gap between episode 43 and 44 is quite drastic (laughs). (Director Teramoto)
スペード (声/下野紘) 「第44話のスペードは、 幼少期のスペードとアイの 絆が描かれた第43話との ギャップが激しかったです (笑)」 (寺本監督)
Phoenix (Voice: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka) In Season 3, the rivalry between Phoenix and Joker was emphasized, but in Season 4, the two became gradually closer.
フェニックス (赤井翼) (声/松岡禎丞) 「シーズン3ではジョーカ ーとのライバル関係を強調 していましたが、シーズン 4ではだんだん仲良くなっていきました」 (寺本監督)
Hosshi (Voice: Atsumi Tanezaki) Hosshi is a divine beast that loves treasures and Hachi's homemade kompeito. In the rocket in episode 52, the way it spins around and squishes in a gravity-free state was also very cute.
ホッシー (声種崎敦美) お宝とハチお手製の金平 糖が大好物な神獣。 「第52 話のロケットのなかで、無 重力状態でくるくると回転 したり、むぎゅっと潰れた りしている様子も可愛かっ たですね」 (寺本監督)
Roko (Voice / Misaki Kuno) Since season 3 he's had few appearances so at the production site Roko’s line in episode 36, "I'm free so it's okay" became a hot topic, "'Roko, are you sulking?' (laughs)" (Director Teramoto)
ロコ (声/ 久野美咲) 「シーズン3からは出番が少なく、 制作現場では第 36話のロコの『暇なんで いいですよ』 という台詞が、 『ロコ、拗ねてる?」 と話 題になりました(笑)」(寺本監督)
(Top left note) Joker and friends are surrounded by tasty food. The apple pie is for Shadow and Rose, and Hachi's oden is probably for Hyakkimaru (Director Teramoto)
ジョーカーたちの周りにはご馳 走がズラリ。 「アップルパイはシ ャドウとローズ用で、ハチのおでんは百鬼丸用かも」 (寺本監督)
Joker and company have finished their adventures in Season 4 so now we're here. It's Japan in Spring, where the cherry blossoms are in full bloom! It seems that everyone is enjoying Hanami (cherry blossom viewing) while feasting on Hachi's cooking. I wonder what kind of festivities they have in store, Director Yukiyo Teramoto!
"March 13th is Spade's birthday and April 13th is President D's birthday, so this could be a celebration for them as well. The apples may have been a gift from D."
I want to keep watching the peaceful atmosphere of the phantom thieves, but they must be waiting for the next treasure!! Until we see Joker and his friends again, 'smile and au revoir'!
シーズン4での冒険を終えたジョーカーご一行が、本日やって来た場所。それは、桜咲く春の日本! ハチの料理に舌鼓を打ちつつ、みんなでお花見をしているようです。一体どんなお祭り騒ぎになっているんでしょうね、寺本幸代監督! 「3月13日がスペードの誕生日、4月13 日がプレジデントDの誕生日なので、 ふたりのお祝いも兼ねているのかもしれま せんね。ほかのみんなも続々と集まって きて、りんごはDからの差し入れかも」 穏やかな雰囲気の怪盗たちをずっと見 ていたいけど、彼らには次なるお宝が待 っているハズ!! またジョーカーたちに 会える日まで、笑顔でオ・ルボワール!
Spring Blossom Interview with Director Yukiyo Teramoto
春満開インタビュー 寺本幸代監督
Please tell us about the secret story behind the production of the final episode.
Finishing and shooting lasted all night for about three days, and it seems that I could see hallucinations by the end of it (laughs). I am relieved that we were able to broadcast the content that we were able to show. The trick that the passcode to unlock the missile is "HEART" was thought up by Naohiro Fukushima, in charge of screenwriting. I think the highlight was the scene where Joker writes his name on the spaceship and tells Phoenix, "Be sure to come back." I wonder when he wrote the name, but in the shot of the spaceship just before this scene, the name is obscured by light to disguise it. So the name was already written at that point.
最後は仕上げと撮影が3日間くらい徹夜して、 幻が見えたそうです(笑)。なんとかお見せでき る内容で放送することができて、ほっとしまし た。ミサイルの解除パスコードが 「HEART」 というトリックは、脚本の福島(直浩)さんが考 えてくれました。 ジョーカー的には宇宙船に名前 を書いて「必ず返しに来い」とフェニックスに言 うシーンが、見せどころだったと思います。いつ の間に名前を書いたのかと思いますが、そのシー ンに入る直前の宇宙船が映るカットでは名前を誤 魔化すために光を入れて見えなくしています。な ので、あの時点ではすでに書いてあるんですよ。
What was the most memorable moment for you other than the last episode?
There is a scene in the end of episode 50 where Spider Ace protects President D from a sniper's bullet and shows him the "DF" ring on his left hand, saying, "I have sworn my allegiance to President D." When the first picture came in, the ring on Spider Ace's middle finger was forgotten, so I asked for the picture to be redone and a ring to be added. Then somehow, I ended up with a picture of Spider Ace with the ring on his ring finger (laughs). The staff around me and I laughed hysterically and rushed to have it fixed.
第50話のラストでスナイパー幻魔の銃弾からプ レジデントDをかばったスパイダー・Aが、「オ レはプレジデントDに忠誠を誓ったんだ」と左手 の《DF》の指輪を見せる場面があります。最初 に絵が上がって来たときスパイダーAの���指に 指輪を描き忘れていたので、リテイクで指輪を追 加してもらったんですよ。そうしたらなぜか、ス パイダーAの薬指に指輪がはまった絵が上がっ て来てしまって(笑)。周りのスタッフたちと大 爆笑しつつ、慌てて直していただきました。
By the way, In this issue, we are looking into the sleeping habits of Joker and his friends! Who among them do you think is the best at getting up early?
ちなみに今号では、ジョーカーたちの睡眠事 情に迫っております! 彼らのなかで、早起きが 得意そうな人物は誰だと思いますか?
Hachi has to prepare food, so I think he wakes up early. It seems that Hyakkimaru is also living a proper life. It seems that Spider Ace, who is in a pumped up state after drinking coffee, will wake up early, but I feel that he will be weak in the morning if he hasn't.
ハチはご飯の支度があるので、早起きだと思い ます。百鬼丸もきっちり生活していそうですよ ね。コーヒーを飲んでヒャッハー状態のスパイダ Aも早起きそうですが、コーヒーを飲んでい ないヘタレ状態だと朝が弱そうな気がします。
Is there a character you would have liked to explore more?
では、もっと掘り下げて描いてみたかったキ ャラクターはいらっしゃいますか?
I wanted to depict how Spider Ace came to be loyal to D. I liked Spider Ace and Detective Wolfe in the original story, and I really wanted to have Detective Wolfe appear in episode 35, but there was no room for him, so I gave up on the idea. I am glad that I was able to create an interesting combination with D and Spider Ace, but I also wish I could have drawn those two in the story. With Dai Sato, who is in charge of the series composition, I was also thinking about a story about Dr. Neo's astronaut days. When he was young, he had a moment when he saw a spaceship that was disguised as a comet for a moment due to the influence of a solar flare, and from that moment he came to believe that aliens existed. It was a shame that we couldn't depict it. Neo knew Silver when he was young, and I wanted to depict that with Purple as well.
スパイダーAがDに忠誠を誓ったキッカケを 描きたかったです。 スパイダー・Aは原作でのウ ルフ刑事とのコンビが好きだったので、本当は第 35話でウルフ刑事も登場させたかったのですが、 入る隙間がなくて諦めました。そのおかげでDと スパイダー・Aという面白いコンビが出来たので よかったという思いもありますが、あのふたりも 描きたかったという気持ちもあります。シリーズ 構成の佐藤 大さんとは、ドクター・ネオの宇宙 飛行士時代のお話も考えていました。若かりしネ オが太陽フレアの影響で一瞬だけ彗星の変装が解 けた宇宙船を見た瞬間があり、そこから宇宙人は いると信じるようになったという設定だったのですが、これも描けなくてもったいなかったです。 ネオは若い頃のシルバーとも顔見知りなので、パプルも交えてその辺りを描きたかったですね。
Finally, please tell us what "Kaitou Joker" means to you, Director Teramoto.
For me, it is a special work that fulfilled my dream of directing an animated TV series. I myself have loved anime since I was a child, and even now as an adult, there are many works that I still remember as my favorites. There are still many stories I would like to tell from the original work, and if there is an opportunity, I would love to do a sequel. The staff also said that they would like to do a sequel, so I feel that "Kaitou Joker" is a work that is truly loved by everyone.
私にとっては、TVアニメの監督をやりたいと いう夢が叶った特別な作品です。私自身も小さい 頃からアニメが好きで、大人になった今も好きだ ったと思える作品がたくさんありますが、アニメ 『怪盗ジョーカー』を観てくれた子どもたちも大き くなり、いつかジョーカーたちを思い出すことが あるのかなと思うと、すごく感慨深いです。 まだ 原作でもやりたいお話がたくさんありますし、機 会があったら続編もぜひやりたいですね。スタッ フも「続編がやりたい」と言ってくださっている ので、『怪盗ジョーカー』は本当にみんなに愛され ている作品だと感じています。
Spring Blossom Interview 2: The Phantom Thief Roundtable Discussion
春満開インタビュー2 怪盗座談会
Nice to meet you! To start off, what do you dress in at bedtime?
よろしくお願いします! まずは、夜に寝る時の格好を教えてください
Tsubasa: I don't change my clothes.
翼 「僕は着替えないよ。」
Joker, Hachi, Spade: Huh!?
ジョーカー・ハチ・スペード 「え!!!」
Joker: That's so dirty. Do you even take baths?
ジョーカー 「おまえきったねーな。風呂とかどうしてるんだよ?」
Tsubasa: Why should I take a bath if I don't like water? You can use flames to sterilize, so there's no problem. Even the dirt burns off.
翼 「水が嫌いなのに、どうしてお風呂に入らなくちゃいけないのさ。炎を使って殺菌できるか ら問題ないよ。汚れも燃えつきるしね。」
Are you a good sleeper or a bad sleeper? Also, when you ask someone to wake you up in the morning, do you have a vision of how you want them to wake you up?
寝起きはいい方ですか? それとも悪い方 ですか? また、誰かに朝起こしてもらうと き、「こうやって起こしてほしい!」という理 想はありますか?
Joker: I can wake up on my own, so I wish people would stop pestering me. Also, when I'm ready to get up and someone tells me to hurry it up, I don't want to get up! I wonder why?
ジョーカー 「自分で起きられるんだから、放っ ておいてほしいよなー。あと、もう起きるって 思ってる時に限って「早く起きろ」って言われ ると、起きたくなくなるんだよ! なんでだろ うな?」
Spade: It's not good to so lazy. Because of that, everyone had to wait for breakfast.
スペード 「キミが怠惰なのがいけないんだろ。そのせいでみんなが朝食を待たされたんだよ。」
I see... So, since the season is Spring, do you phantom thieves have a particular favorite flower?
そうなんですね・・・・・・では、季節は春ということで、怪盗の皆さんは特に好きな「花」 はありますか?
Spade: I like roses. Unlike some people, I think roses are elegant flowers.
スペード 「ボクはバラが好きかな。誰かさんと 違って品のある花だよね。」
Joker: Why are you looking at me?
Hachi: Certainly, such gorgeous* flowers suit you, Spade-san.
Joker:A 'curry' flower!? (Heart eyes)
Hachi: Not 'curry'.
*Gorgeous (華麗), pronounced 'karei', which sounds similar to 'カレー' (karee, curry). The joke lost in translation is that Hachi has said a gorgeous flower, and Joker hears 'curry' because the word sounds similar.
Tsubasa: I like the flower called Hanabi that I saw when I went to Japan. It was a beautiful flower burning in the sky.
翼「僕は、日本に行った時に見た花火という花が気に入っているよ。 大空に燃える花できれい だったな。」
Hachi: Phoenix-san, that isn't a flower.
Spade: You're unexpectedly romantic....
Spring is all about flowers, but is there anything that attracts you more than flowers?
春といえば「花」ですが、「花」より心惹 かれるものはありますか?
Hachi: Cherry blossom viewing is great, isn't it? Let's all go to hanami together!
ハチ「お花見いいっスよね。みんなでお花見行 きましょうよ!」
Joker: Oh, nice! Don't forget the curry!
ジョーカー「お、いいね! カレーも忘れんな よ!」
Hachi: Joker-san, you eat too much curry. I'd like a different menu once in a while.
Joker: Ehhh......
Spade: I'll ask D and the others to join us. Hachi, Dark Eye and I would like to request to have meat and apples on the menu.
スペード「Dたちにも声をかけようか。ハチく ん、ダークアイと一緒に肉やりんごのメニュー も頼むよ。」
Tsubasa: No curry from Hachi this time? In that case, I'll request something extra spicy!
Hachi: Leave it to me!
It's going to be a fun hanami! Lastly, please give a message to the girls reading this book, who are always excited to read about your great activities.
楽しいお花見になりそうですね!では、最後に。皆さんの活躍にいつも胸を躍らせてい る、この本を読んでいる女の子たちへメッセー ジをお願いします。
Hachi: It's a little embarrassing to hear that I'm doing so well~
Joker: Is this really that interesting? If this is the end, can I go find a treasure?
ジョーカー「こんなもんがおもしれーのか? これで終わりなら、お宝とりに行っていいか?」
Spade: Yeesh, he's so impatient. I hope you've had fun. Well, I'll be on my way, too. Adios.
スペード「やれやれ、せっかちなヤツだ。楽しんでもらえたかな? それじゃ、ボクも行くこ とにするよ。アディオス。」
Tsubasa: I hope there's games next time. See you under the Southern Cross!
Joker: Alright! Let's go, Hachi!!!
ジョーカー「よっし!行くぞ、 ハチ!!!」
Hachi: Yes, Joker-san!!
Joker: See you next time! Welcome to the Shining Night!!
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tnbscans · 1 year ago
All scans are my own unless otherwise specified. There are hundreds in the queue, two posts per day (one art, one interview/other text) with occasional extras.
Messages are open for questions, comments, requests for specific scans, or just brain rotting this show. Donations of any material scanned by you are also gratefully accepted. Anyone can translate anything found here into English or any other language without asking. Please let me know if you do and I will add links to your translation.
The goal is preservation of artwork, raw and translated interviews, canon information and other rare print material.
I am working on a merch wiki for this show, look forward to it in the future.
Want list here
By Status: Partial Translation Translated Untranslated
By Magazine: Acteur Magazine Anan Animage Anime Flix Animedia Beat Magazine CG World Cinema Cinema Cool Voice Cut Magazine Drama Magazine Ent Magazine Figure Oh Great Mechanics DX Hayakawa Mystery Magazine Kikan Ace Kinezo Kyrabi Miracle Jump Misc Magazine Newtype Newtype Ace Otomedia Pash Screen Plus Spoon 2di TV Bros Unknown Issue Unknown Magazine
By Book/Pamphlet: English of Heroes Hero Gossips Hero TV Fan Vol 1 Hero TV Fan Vol 2 King of Works Katsura Artbook Katsura Artbook 2 Monthly Hero Multi Pouch Book Scenerio Document Smart The Rising Special Book Sum Up The Beginning Souvenir Program The Rising Pamphlet The Rising Pia Mook The Rising Souvenir Book The Rising Super Prelude Pamphlet The Rising Superfan Book
By Type: Article Cast Comments Comments Event Reports Interview Lyrics Novel Short Story
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By Character: Kotestu T. Kaburagi Wild Tiger Crapsuit Barnaby Brooks Jr. Karina Lyle Blue Rose Ryan Goldsmith Golden Ryan Nathan Seymour Fire Emblem Keith Goodman Sky High Pao-Lin Huang Dragon Kid Ivan Karelin Origami Cyclone Antonio Lopez Rock Bison Lara Tchaikoskaya Magical Cat Sengoku Subaru Mr. Black Thomas Taurus He is Thomas Yuri Petrov Lunatic Kaede Kaburagi
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Lyric scans can be found here
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magicalgirlsandcerulean · 7 years ago
You can sample the duet songs on YouTube here.
PASH!, Newtype and Otomedia+ SUMMER 2018 (the Otomedia summer supplement) all have Boueibu Happy Kiss content which came out on June 9th (3 days ago).
Let’s hear Komata’s memories of Shuzenji for the Hapikome today.
Happy birthday to the ever-serious student council president who tries his best, Ata Ibusuki!
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leenaevilin-stage-market · 5 years ago
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[Mook] May releases
☆ アニメージュ 2020年 06 月号 (animage 2020 6gatsu gou) [May 9th, 2020] ♪ Amazon     ♪ CD Japan
☆ オトメディアステミュVOL.9 (otomedia stemyu vol.9) [May 21st, 2020] ♪ Amazon     ♪ CD Japan
☆ TVガイドdan vol.30 (tv guide dan vol.30) [May 22nd, 2020] ♪ Amazon     ♪ CD Japan
☆ awesome! Plus Vol.06 [May 27th, 2020] ♪ Amazon  
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otomedirectsales · 8 years ago
Spotlight on Anime & Manga Japanese Magazine Releases – (Newtype – March 2017, DENGEKI Girl's Style Magazine - March 2017, Pash-February 2017, Animage March 2017, Animedia March 2017, and more)
Spotlight on Anime & Manga Japanese Magazine Releases – (Newtype – March 2017, DENGEKI Girl’s Style Magazine – March 2017, Pash-February 2017, Animage March 2017, Animedia March 2017, and more)
Spotlight on February 2017 Anime & Manga Japanese Magazine Releases – Week #4, Issue # 3 In these weekly posts, I’ll be publishing information to help you keep track of all the weekly anime & manga magazine releases sold on Otome Direct Sales. After the cut, you will find a list of Japanese releases and upcoming issue releases. Lastly, if you see an issue listed below that you would like to…
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ioriku · 7 years ago
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Iori, Riku, Sogo, and Tamaki are on Otomedia+’s Winter 2018 Issue along with Jupiter from The iDOLM@STER: SideM! It releases on December 9th, 2017~
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daburuwosagase · 3 years ago
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Just in time for Valentine’s (or actually 5 years late, this is from Otomedia Feb 2017), here’s the short article/skit "Phantom Thief Chocolate Round Table” plus a few words from the staff.
According to Director Teramoto, the characters who would get the most chocolate on Valentine's would be: Silver Heart (ladies' man), Dark Eye and Queen (ALSO popular with the ladies), Spade (the most realistic). Also, if they ever made more episodes, she'd want to do the werewolf Joker chapter!
Note: the following translation is off-the-cuff, so don’t put too much stock in every little word.
What sweet treat do you want for Valentine's?
Phoenix: Valentine's? I don't know what that is, but I like spice, so I want spicy food I haven't tried yet.
Joker: Hey, Valentine's implies chocolate or cookies or some other sweet stuff.
Phoenix: Really? Then what do you want, Joker?
Joker: Me? Potato chips and snack foods for me, of course!
Phoenix: Are those sweet...?
Where would you want to go with your crush on a date?
Shadow: Crush? I don't care about that. Instead, I'd want to take Rose wherever she wanted to go.
Spade: You two really are close.
Spade, how would you react if you got a Valentine's confession?
Spade: I'd be surprised, definitely. I would want to know what made me so attractive.
Question for Shadow. If your crush was freezing from the cold on Valentine's, how would you warm up your crush?
Shadow: Huh? Cold? I'd light up flames of darkness with Bloody Rain, so it'd warm up in due course.
Joker: Shadow...
(Joker is side-eying Shadow with distaste...!)
O-Onto Phoenix! Tell us about a Valentine memory of yours.
Phoenix: Like I said, what's Valentine's? Somebody, please tell me.
...Last but not least, Joker! What would you give Spade, Shadow, or Phoenix as friendship chocolate?
Joker: I wouldn't give them any sweets!! In fact, they should give me some!!
Spade: You're always so selfish! Would it kill you to give a straight answer!?
Shadow: Why would I ever give you sweets!?
Phoenix: Hey, seriously, what's Valentine's!?
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katyatalks · 5 years ago
Otomedia April 2019 - Character Designer Kameda, Eyecatch Team Kenja, Series Co-ordinator Seko & Director Tachikawa - Interview Translation
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Here’s Character Designer Kameda, Eye-catch Team Kenja, Series Co-ordinator Seko & Director Tachikawa’s interviews from April 2019’s Otomedia! Semi-summary style as there’s a lot to get through - naturally, this is a long one, but there’s plenty of cool stuff in here that makes for a good read. Includes stuff like why certain scenes were cut from the anime (boxcutter Minori, the cat, etc.), Joseph’s original character design, where Reigen got some of his ‘wise sayings’ from, the reason behind the kaleidoscope imagery in the S2 intro and outro, and plenty more!
KAMEDA YOSHIMICHI Character Designer
Asked how the production environment was for season 2, he says that it was “strangely pretty hectic - lots of stuff going on (laughs)”. States that with season 2 they understood the direction that MP100 would take more than they did with season 1. Something he and Director Tachikawa struggled with in season 1 was what kind of anime style would be best for the manga.
For season 2 the majority of the staff working on it had seen season 1, so production was steady.
He says that before season 2 he’d been working on “Doraemon the Movie: Nobita's Treasure Island”, but work for season 2 began before he was finished with that film.
Just before working on season 1 of MP100 he’d worked on One Punch Man, “and it’s thanks to that that I was able to snap into work on Mob Psycho 100, but this time around it was a bit of a hard fight.” While drawing the designs for the new characters who’d appear in season 2 he eventually found himself readjusting to the proportions of MP100 (vs. Doraemon’s style)
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Mentions how Tachikawa has been working on the MP100 OVA previously so getting back into work on Mob Psycho didn’t seem to be that strange for him, but for Kameda personally it took a bit of getting used to.
He’s asked if there’s anything regarding Mob’s character design that is essential to maintain a certain ‘Mob’-ness about him, to which Kameda replies; “The length of his fringe/bangs, ie. whether or not you can see his eyebrows.” Discusses how there’s only a certain amount of space between where his hair ends and his eyelids start to give an expression, and the depth of his expression varies greatly depending on if he has eyebrows or not.
“Mob is a character who isn’t really expressive, but regardless, it is important to be able to show his expressions. That’s something I told everyone to pay attention to.”
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“In season 1 we avoided drawing Mob with eyebrows as much as possible, but in season 2 we see them again and again, and then we have the super handsome sparkly-eyed Mob that we see in S2E5! Since that episode, even in his normal state, it became fine to give him eyebrows (laughs).”
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“This season, he’s had a lot of angry scenes. The start of episode 9 has him quite notably angry. For that, you’ve got to give him eyebrows.”
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Q: “Would you say season 2 lifted the ban on eyebrows?” A: “Season 2 lifted the ban on eyebrows!�� States he himself didn’t draw eyebrows much at all during season 1. “Right now, I’m doing work on the final episode, and I’m giving those eyebrows a certain plumpness (laughs).”
He is asked if there were any other changes made to the characters. “This is a very minute change, but for certain characters like Mob and Reigen I made a change to their silhouettes - beforehand, their hair had a rounder shape, but now their hair has become a little more playful.”
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“I suppose rather than a choice I made on purpose, their hair ended up this way because it’s easier to draw. It’s probably the result of the great amount of advertisement art I drew after season 1 finished broadcasting.”
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Asked what he thinks season 2’s “power-up” point is or where it’s changed compared to season 1, he says that they had a lot of young animators participate this season and the quality of their digital work was amazing.
Mentions how with digital animation the look of things like smoke and sparks, and spatial representation, improves.
“For example, in S2E3, when Reigen is looking through the window, the camera passes by him and while approaching the girl, the camera turns to the wall and enters it… the animator made the environment for that scene in 3D with a virtual camera.”
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Q: ”A good amount of new characters show up this season - which of them is your favourite?” A: ”Shinra Banshoumaru! I made him chubbier than he is in the manga. His belly that sticks out, his short legs, his harem pants… I drew those, but Tachikawa-san told me I was going too far. But I persisted; ‘Tachikawa-san, we live in a time where there’s no chubby characters in anime! If there’s any anime that can challenge that it’s Mob Psycho 100!’ I was like a bulldozer with the things I said, and as a result I got him how I wanted him!... I say that, but Tachikawa-san also topped-up the amount of belly-sways Shinra has (laughs).”
He's asked about characters post S2E9, to which he mentions Joseph's clothes being different in the manga. "He wears a greyish suit in the manga, but I feel like Joseph has more of a white image. Plus, a grey suit would overlap with Reigen. At first I had Joseph wear a black leather jacket, but a few days later I reviewed that and went, 'nah, that's not right.' I had it changed to white."
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He is asked about any scenes up until S2E9 that he particularly fussed over, or any that left an impression on him. “Episode 7. It’s a great Reigen story, and I had the privilege of being the animation director for it. I paid great attention to Reigen’s expressions. It’s an episode with a lot of good cuts, so I wanted to make sure they were all the best quality they could be.”
Q: “Of those cuts, which would you say is the best?” A: “It really leaves an impression on you in the manga - when Reigen says, ‘You’ve really grown up, haven’t you’, a message for beyond the camera. [...] Then, in the final part of the episode, when he talks to Mob on the bridge. Episode 7 truly has some great expressions; my favourite faces.”
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He’s asked if there’s anything coming up that he’d like us to pay attention to & any highlights - mentions the battle between Shibata and Gouda. Says the anime brings action and originality that only anime can achieve.
His final message to readers is that if you haven’t read the manga yet, don’t go running to read it, wait for the anime first, so you can experience the tension of not knowing what happens next. “The quality of season 2 is insane, right up until the end.”
KENJA Eyecatches Kenja are described as a video production group, who have made promotional advertisements for MP100 (both for the manga and S1 of the anime), and were in charge of the eyecatches for season 2. The eyecatches were mainly made by koya, Takarai & 0gt. koya, their representative, has worked as ONE’s assistant, and Takarai participated as an animator this season.
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Asked how they ended up doing the eyecatches for season 2, koya says that Satou Miyo (who was in charge of the season 1 ending) was a classmate of his when he was a graduate student. “We got back in touch and the message I got was, ‘I’m doing work on the ending of Mob Psycho 100, do you want to work on something too, koya-kun?’ (laughs).”
Takarai had his way in via already being an animator for the show, and koya discusses being ONE’s assistant. “ONE-san and I get along very well, so I’d tag along to anime events. I got talking to Director Tachikawa and now here we are.”
They were originally told that it’d be fine to have the same eyecatch for before and after the commercial pause, but they were worried that watching the same thing twice would be a bit unbearable, so they made two for each episode instead.
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koya: “Ended up being tougher than I thought (laughs).”
Takarai: “Well, simply put, we doubled our work load (laughs).”
The eyecatch for episode 3 is brought up. Takarai; “Eyecatches have this image of being stand-alone things, but for this episode, it snuggles up to the plot. It was a choice that made me anxious, but looking at everyone’s reactions to it, I was relieved.”
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Their final message to the readers comes from koya, who states that going on Twitter and seeing everyone react to mob psycho 100 stuff as it happens in real time is very encouraging. “Even just, ‘I wonder what the eyecatches will be today?’, makes me happy.”
SEKO HIROSHI Series Co-ordinator
Asked where he thinks season 2 has powered up compared to season 1, he says that season 1 had to introduce all the characters - season 2 starts off with the characters introduced, so the action kicks off full-throttle.
He’s asked what his thought process was in choosing what parts of the manga to leave out of the anime. “My process is, I first write with absolutely everything from the manga in the script, then choose what to cut from there. The flow of the story as a whole is important - I keep that in the forefront of my mind, and choose to keep things that are vital to the story. Other than that, I try to keep scenes that show off the personalities of the characters. There’s been moments where I’ve had to cut scenes, even though I really like them, just because they wouldn’t fit into the length of the episode…! Other than episode length, there’s also parts of Mob Psycho 100 that we wouldn’t have been able to include due to broadcasting code.”
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He’s asked which character he thinks grew the most, to which he says Mob. “What stuck with me was episode 3. ‘Mob’s been thinking about this kind of stuff’... I was like, ‘oh’. 
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He’s asked if there’s any other character he feels has had a big change since season 1. “Naturally, Reigen. [...] I feel like Reigen has had a layer peeled back, after episodes 6 and 7. He’s an adult, and he does act that way sometimes, but there’s parts of him that haven’t matured… but I feel with the completion of that arc, he’s taken a step closer to becoming a fully-fledged adult.”
He’s asked if there’s been any part of the season up until episode 9 that’s particularly left an impression on him, to which he says episode 8. “The marathon. [...] That was a part that made me think, wow, this manga is amazing. You have a regular school marathon, and then come home to find your house on fire - not something you’d be quick to find anywhere else, huh. (Laughs)”
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He discusses how originally season 2 was 12 episodes, and the house fire would’ve come at the end of Part A of the original episode 8, and Claw Arc would commence with the B part. It was with Warner Brother’s intervention that season 2 became 13 episodes, as an individual from Warner Bros. wanted to have the fire come at the end of episode 8.
He’s asked which of the new characters in season 2 has particularly been on his mind. “His entry is a little later on, but I love Serizawa from the Ultimate Five. How should I put it… it’s not surprising that he’s the way he is. He was a hikikomori, and he doesn’t know anything about society, so he believes in and follows his ‘boss’. I think this sort of situation can happen to anyone. He was brainwashed, so to say. But, what becomes of him? His story is one that I really love, so he’s definitely the character on my mind.”
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He’s asked what it is about Mob Psycho 100 that makes it Mob-Psycho-100-ish, to which he says that the characters don’t feel like they’re just characters - they’re all a bit hopeless but that’s what makes them loveable. 
“The Telepathy Club guys, for example… if they were real they probably wouldn’t be able to become proper members of society, but we still think of them fondly. Perhaps we’re too harsh to people who we deem hopeless in this world of ours.”
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“No matter who you are, ONE-san will be warm to you. I think the goodness in Mob Psycho 100 comes from ONE-san’s personality.”
Says that the average age of people working on season 2 dropped slightly compared to season 1. “We had people who love the manga, people who had only seen season 1, and those who love both. So there was a harmonious atmosphere.”
States that there was a lot of creative freedom given to the staff. “We can play around. That’s a merit of a show of this calibre - you can do as you please.”
States that Season 2 powered up compared to season 1 when it comes to emotions. Says that even in fight scenes, the personalities of the characters and their relationships shine through, which is something he wanted to maintain when shifting the MP100 manga into anime form.
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“There’s quite an oscillation when it comes to emotions in the first half of the season. Episode 1 is warm and fluffy; episode 2 has a mix of laughs and horror; episode 3 impacts you… as do 4 and 5 (laughs). Then, episodes 6 and 7 moved plenty of our staff to tears. They’re full of heart.”
States that within all this oscillation, “from the start to the end, something we paid attention to was making sure the theme of ‘Mob’s ongoing growth’ was present. That ‘he is able to change himself’.”
“He’s able to change because he has everyone, and everyone around him is able to change, too.”
Discussion of season 2’s ED. “The emotional intensity of season 2 shifts a lot, and when the show makes you feel down it makes you feel /down/. So, I asked for an ending that’s warm and fluffy - something that calms you when you watch it. The illustrations are incredibly cute, but actually, the ending is not just cute - there’s stuff depicted that holds a deeper meaning.”
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He’s asked about the kaleidoscope imagery present in the intro. “Originally the S2 outro didn’t have any kaleidoscope imagery, but I wanted to add it in, so now there’s that link between the intro and the outro. Mob continuously changes as a result of the people he meets… that’s a theme of the outro, but it’s also a theme of Mob Psycho 100 in general. There’s several parts within a kaleidoscope, but put the parts together and they create something new and charming. Mob gains friends, and as a result of all these different friends, he’s able to grow… that’s the meaning behind the kaleidoscope, and why it’s present in both the intro and outro.”
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Interviewer brings up that Tachikawa previously said that season 1 was written with Reigen & Mob’s shishou-deshi relationship at its core, and asks what is at the core of season 2. “Reigen is also a protagonist-type character in Mob Psycho 100, but this time around we focused on Mob… season 2 has ‘The people surrounding Mob and his relationships with them’ at its core. Episodes 6 and 7 are pretty firmly about Reigen in that ‘people surrounding Mob’ role. Then there’s Mogami, and Serizawa later on. But, even deeper at its core season 2 focuses on how Mob grows as a result of the people he meets.”
Interviewer brings up that Tachikawa previously said he wanted to animate Reigen’s press conference, and asks how it was having that wish become reality. “We have it in season 1, that scene where Mob meets Reigen for the first time. When we put that in season 1, we thought if we’d ever get to animate the press conference, we’d use that scene again but have Reigen’s monologue from the manga this time around. I’m glad we were able to do that.”
Reigen’s past not being in the manga is brought up. “With the anime, I wanted to show a bit of how Reigen ended up where he is now. We don’t see the company Reigen used to work for in the manga. Occasionally, Reigen will come out with some ‘wise sayings’, such as ‘the secret behind business success lies in your smile’, so we thought it would be good to have those words come from where he used to work. We struggled deciding whether Reigen’s past should be as a water filter salesman, or as an insurance salesman. Ultimately, we asked ONE-sensei, who decided for us: ‘I like the idea of him selling water.’”
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Discussion of Tsubomi coming to S&S as not being in the manga. Tachikawa wanted a scene in which Reigen, Ritsu, Teru do something for Mob - “something that sets things back to normal, after Whitey Arc.” ONE gave the idea, then published it as an omake manga.
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He is asked what he’d like us to pay attention to with the final episodes. “Each character has their own motivation, but at the end of the day those motivations all add up to  ‘defeat claw’.” Mentions a bunch of new characters making their entrance.
His final message to readers is that a lot of work went into the final episodes and attention was paid to detail, so please enjoy.
Original twitter thread has a few more pictures in it, link to that is here.
Otomedia April 2019;
ONE’s special interview here.
Sakurai Takahiro [Reigen VA] & Itou Setsuo [Mob VA] joint interview here.
Kokuryuu Sachi [Shou VA] interview here.
Itou Setsuo [Mob VA] & Irino Miyu [Ritsu VA] interview here.
Character Designer Kameda, Eye-catch Team Kenja, Series Co-ordinator Seko & Director Tachikawa's interview here.
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jippy-kandi · 5 years ago
Do you know if in tri , Sora and Matt Arent together? Or they are suposed to be boyfriend and girlfriend?
No, Sora and Yamato are not “officially” dating in Digimon Adventure tri. – producer Shuhei Arai gave some answers regarding them in a few magazines.
What’s going on between Taichi, Yamato and Sora? Taichi and Sora are classmates at the same school. High school is complicated period, so it’s not like there are any official relationships going on between them. Furthermore, due to Meiko transferring-in, new relationships are being born, and honestly, I think that it shouldn’t be very surprising to see changes between their relationships in any way shape or form in the near future. (Animage September 2016)
For whatever reason, after getting together at 14, Sora and Yamato broke up sometime before tri. starts. I think the most reasonable explanation is the cliché that a romantic relationship might “ruin” their friendship. But they get back together sometime after tri. ends (because how can the universe keep them apart?). Last Evolution Kizuna also doesn’t refute this, because though the movie doesn’t acknowledge whether they are dating or not, it’s implied that they at least keep in touch with each other. But even though they’re not “officially” dating in tri., for all intents and purposes, it seems like they kinda are?
What is Yamato’s Christmas present? Yamato will give Sora blue earmuffs. He might buy earmuffs of a similar colour to the hat Sora used to wear when she was an elementary school student.
What is Sora’s Christmas present? Sora will give Yamato a pair of hand-knitted gloves, because she wants him to take care of his hands for bass playing.
How Sora will spend Christmas ♡ Sora will go to Yamato’s concert with Jun Motomiya. She still can’t get into Jun’s aggressive moshing. However, she might get carried away by Yamato’s voice … and watch over him fondly. (Otomedia December 2015)
They sure are affectionate exes. Friends … but with strings attached.
How would Sora spend Valentine’s Day? She’d make a large amount of handmade chocolate for the Chosen Children and their Digimon. This year it’s absolutely essential for her to make some for the KNIFE OF DAY members, so in order to multiply her efforts she’d work hard with Piyomon to make them. (Otomedia February 2016)
It’s a romantic tradition in Japan for girls to “confess” to their crushes with homemade chocolate, and here Sora is making it for Yamato and his new band … which is what Sora did for Yamato in 02 on Christmas Eve (basically Valentine’s Day 2.0 in Japan). In tri. itself, there’s a bit of “background Sorato” where Sora and Yamato appear to be arriving together (like they were previously hanging out), plus their reactions and comments towards each other makes it seem as though their friendship runs just a bit deeper to be purely platonic (like they still harbour feelings for each other – I think this is more obvious for Yamato towards Sora). It’s fair to say that Sorato, canonically, have an on-and-off romantic relationship.
And the very last “Sorato” scene in tri. is supposed to imply that there’s something romantic brewing between them. I don’t actually like the scene itself because … Yamato, who is usually perceptive (though the tri. writers really don’t think so), would definitely notice something as obvious as Sora getting a new haircut – especially one that drastic. But I like the intent of the cliché anime scene – which is to give viewers the impression that Sora and Yamato are going to become a couple … eventually.
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emet-selch · 6 years ago
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early valentine chibis based on the otomedia poster!! (plus sg, because i love him)
1/16 update: decided to draw a bonus serizawa!! please enjoy! 💖🐻💖
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pescado-diabolico · 6 years ago
so, so much love ;w; thank you
UtaPri Ask Me!
💗Who’s your OT3?
Reiji/Natsuki/Ren!  I think they’d have a wonderful chemistry together, and i already like them in their own pairs with each other, so why not all three at once? (thank you @pastpassages for your galaxy brain-level fics with these three, you’re the reason i like them together so much)
💖 Top four favourite characters?
(in order of most to least) eiichi, natuski, reiji, and… tbh, probably nagi!  second-fave in heavens, and i think at this point i like everyone in heavens more than everyone else in quartet night or starish
👀 Do you own any merchandise?
yes i do, and i will show you (under cut bc this got long)
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dunno if this counts as merch but it’s a spread from the Feb. 2019 issue of Otomedia, I’m so happy Heavens got something like this!!
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an eiichi vinyl key chain, a rubber strap of camus, and a rubber strap of syo.  i got the straps from blind boxes and used to keep them on my lanyard, but now i just have them on a cork board with other stuff
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heavens rubber straps that i keep on my lanyard!  i’d love to get the others from this set, specifically eiichi ofc
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and finally, my two favorite (and priciest) pieces of merch, a Super Reiji-kun plush and Tokiya’s alter figure! (you can also see the otomedia magazine plus another utapri-related magazing in the background)  i posted about tokiya months ago when i got him, and i got super reiji-kun from ebay and he arrived last saturday!  i’m super happy i got him, i think he’s one of the best bits of utapri merch in general
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sasuke-revolution-blog · 6 years ago
What the hell is going on with Sasuke's mission!?
The manga tells us that he left the village to investigate a threat greater than Kaguya when Sarada was little, and that he is the only one who could do it because he's the only one who possesses the Rinnegan and Sharingan and also that the mission is top secret and that he would return once it's over.
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The anime tells us that he is still guilty because of his past and that his mission is also about redemption. Which makes no sense, because he literally came back to the village after stating his sins have nothing to do with Sakura's and going on a redemption journey
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If he wasn't done with that redemption stuff he wouldn't have come back to the village in Sasuke shinden to begin with (and travel with Sakura and conceive Sarada). The manga implied nothing even remotely close to him still being guilty but the anime decides that it is good plot(it's not!) And they made it about atonement for some reason. And after that mission ends, the anime again goes against the manga which states he would be home once it's completed by sending him away to chase after a villain that only appears in the anime.
And then there's Sasuke's voice actor's interview (https://sasuke-revolution.tumblr.com/post/177806538465/sugiyama-noriaki-interview-for-otomedia-magazine) where he stated that "Sasuke's position can be understood, because if he were in Konoha, it could bring danger to his family, so he wanted to "eliminate" all those who sought revenge on him". That also makes no sense because who would want revenge on him? The only people who would logically want revenge on him is the cloud village and there is literally a scene of the raikage forgiving him. Everybody forgave him, and he helped save the world. I don't like how they highlight only his wrong doings and things like him freeing Orochimaru's prisoners get glossed over. If I were a ninja in that world, I would be grateful. Plus, Sasuke is so powerful, there is nobody in that world who can give him problems. Nobody is on par with him. He can literally blink any would be attacker's existence away. I'd say, Sakura and Sarada and Konoha are safer with Sasuke actually being in the village. And last time I checked, the villages were created to protect shinobi's to begin with, not leave them to fend for themselves against people who want "revenge". And also Sasuke is not the only one who has op powers, there are a lot of people who possess desirable abilities so why aren't they leaving the village to keep their families and village safe? Lol everybody in Konoha should leave the village according to this logic. So seriously what is this bullshit about "in the village, he has people dear to him, to whom he can't return, and he strongly feels that he must protect them from the outside" I guess, the peace and people being able to understand each other that they all talked about was a lie and it never came to fruition. So what the fuck is going on with Sasuke's mission? I don't think even the people who wrote this shit know what they're doing tbh, if you do, please enlighten me. At this point it just feels like they're looking for excuses to keep Sasuke away because they're incapable of writing this man or don't want to write him for whatever reason.
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runawaycarouselhorse · 2 years ago
Yeah, Pokemon seems to prefer a sort of timelessness, so Ash will always likely remain ten (the recent Kunihiko Yuyama interview in Otomedia's Spring 2023 issue confirmed it again, too), plus, specifying a specific ship as canon would be intruding on fandom creativity, which is very important to Pokemon.
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They don't want to dash fans' hopes or make it harder to fans to be creative (I know fans can still ship whatever they want in fiction, while ignoring canon, but a lot of folks like to ship things, hoping they'll really be canon, especially younger fans, so they try to just tease things without giving concrete answers.)
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They're not even allowed to confirm or deny ages of characters whose age doesn't come up in canon! Unless it's plot-relevant, this level of ambiguity is intentional, so fans can be creative and feel like their stories have as big of a chance of being canon as anyone else's.
Do you think there’s any chance for Ash and Misty to end up being canon in the remaining episodes? I always thought that if he ended up with someone it should be with her (I think it’d make the most sense) but then Serena was introduced and I guess AmourShipping was the closest we got to a Pokémon ship being canon so… thoughts?
As much as I love Pokeshipping, I don't think it'll become canon at the end of the remaining episodes. But, to be fair, I don't think any ship is going to become canon. I think the writers want to keep Ash as a forever 10 year old who is always on a journey, so I don't see them going in any sort of romantic direction.
If it happened, I would be pleasantly surprised, but I don't really expect it.
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otakunews01 · 7 years ago
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The iDOLM@STER Side M in the cover for Otomedia Plus ~WINTER 2018~!!
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peipapicoz · 6 years ago
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Boueibu Happy Kiss poster and article from Otomedia Plus Summer 2018
Water gun fight!
Let’s discuss who would win
(As usual click and then open in new tab for a much better quality! And also feel free to post them on other site, as long as you credit me! )
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pkjd · 7 years ago
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Otomedia Plus ~WINTER 2018~ cover featuring The iDOLM@STER SideM.
Source: https://twitter.com/HIGAN0M/status/938788743426789376
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