#otherwise; we're going to be dealing with a constant stream of shit for the next two years
ghcstvalleychief · 2 years
Jaye, I've been on this KP fandom, for some time and let me tell its fricking exhausting especially if you're on KP!Twitter lmao like it's an never ending drama: From a very incompetent company, two duscusting and abusive writers, a shitty incel misogynistic actor, toxic and invasive fans and stupid fanwars. I salute you for still standing lol but something that bothers me the most its how many KP fans target and trash Mile for EVERYTHING... do you have any idea/theory why? As far as I know he's been very respectful and polite to fans, he seems diligent and professional in everything he does and let's not forget he pretty much saved KP from cancelation but some people really go their ways with blaming him for everything that happens in the fandom and sometimes the company... I mean he's NOT the CEO and I know fans joke about millionaire Mile that funded KP for the experice but it's truly only that "rumors and jokes". I personally think all Mile did was contact P*nd, absorb Filmania debt and get major sponsors for the new show. Atp I don't even think he's in the board of directors of that filthy company... like I don't even think they have one to begin with lmao they all operate on family-good vibes and no professionalism. Ugh/: I really feel bad for Mile cause he's been nothing but gracious, humble and supporting of his coworkers this whole time.
Sorry for the long post, I just needed to vent and I know how much you love Mileapo while simultaneously hating B*C lol.
I’m glad my reputation precedes me, because you’re absolutely right. I do hate BOC while loving MileApo at the same time. 😋
I’ve been very .. careful about what I say on my Twitter these days. I used to be quite reckless but I decided to take a step back from all of that because the nonsense is incredibly draining these days. Every day, there seems to be more and more bullshit happening in this fandom with this company so .. it’s exhausting honestly, anon. There was a time where I didn’t mind the trash talk, but that was before I realize how much this fandom thrives off of chaos and drama. I’m sure you’re aware of all of this.
I always say that people are entitled to how they feel, but I’m also entitled to speak my own opinion even if it doesn’t match up to what the more vocal fans think. So, here we go. I saw a screenshot once about a couple of weeks ago (or maybe less than that) that pretty much showed that Pond owns the majority of the company and Mile may own 1 share, if that much. 1 share in a company isn’t enough to make any serious or long-term decisions in said company though. Mile is not the CEO of BOC. It was a joke, but the dumbasses who hate him have taken it and run with it so it’s best to reiterate that. With the way this fandom has treated Mile over the last few months, I’ve transitioned from a Kinn apologist to a Mile one. Isn’t that funny? 🤣
At one point, I thought maybe people were coming at Mile because of his former girlfriend. I know the fans within this industry would much rather prefer the actors continuously sell the fantasy of them being non-straight people so their fetishized fantasies aren’t destroyed. I’m not saying that Mile having a girlfriend or dating women in the past makes him completely straight nor am I assuming anything in regards to his sexual orientation. I’m merely stating an observation based on the ways in which these fans think when it comes to this. Most fans in this community want to be lied to and they want to be sold a dream. They don’t want any of these actors to dash those dreams by making them realize that a huge chunk of their faves just may be straight men and nothing more. It could be all of this, or maybe not.
I have yet to wrap my head around why Mile receives the majority of this vitriol. Apo gets some of it sometimes, but Mile has been consistently receiving this bullshit for months on end. I doubt it has anything to do with them not liking Kinn. Honestly, they have no true reason for hating Mile. Let’s be serious. There’s nothing concrete that they’ve found to prove that he’s anything other than what he portrays himself to be. I’ve seen the lies they attempted to spread that’s been debunked a long time ago, and that was their one chance of making the fandom believe him to be something much more awful than he is. I’m not saying that he’s a perfect little angel. All I’m saying is that there’s nothing that justifies the abuse and harassment he gets, and that’s mainly why this show and this fandom needs to be burned to the ground. This is just a breeding ground for people who have no real lives who feel the only way they can get attention is if they start drama and create hate campaigns against actors who haven’t done shit to deserve it in the first place. This fandom is full of immature children if you ask me. There’s a huge chunk of people in this fandom who have yet to live or experience life and that’s why they feel the need to do all of this. 
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