#I want mile and apo to move on
ohyesididnotjustdothat · 10 months
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fromperdition4 · 5 months
This has probably been pointed out before but…
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Kinn didn’t technically save Porsche in this scene
Like, he saw Mes raise his gun and sprung into action to try to save Porsche—
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But he doesn’t actually get there in time. The bullet grazes Porsche’s arm just after Kinn put his hand on his waist and before he started pulling him away.
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What Kinn does manage to do, though, is duck his head down to be right on level with the path of the bullet:
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So yeah - Kinn’s still being super heroic here, doing his best to protect Porsche even though he’s the one paying to be protected - but the actual reason either of them survived this scene was pure luck 😂
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ghcstvalleychief · 2 years
Looking at all of your asks so far makes me realize now why so many people were upset with Ep 8 of KP calling it a filler ep and upset that they “wasted” a episode that could have been perfectly used on that one couple 🥴 or that could have been used to developed the story further ……?
But what surprised me was the fact that some “KP” fans were upset too. And I was like, I want more of their lovey dovey sweet scenes and I wanted more deep conversations between them, call me cliche but I wanted those moments where you get to know your partner and what they love and what they hate. Their favorite drinks, meals, places to visit & many other stuff. So I was actually so happy to see some of it on Ep 8 and I was so taken aback by the fact that a lot of people were genuinely upset. Also a lot of people on TW are very verbal and explicit about certain scenes or how they wanted more NC scenes and proceeded to detail you what they wanted and it’s 😐. Like I enjoy a good scene and I read some ao3 stuff so I’m not like completely against it and I don’t think it’s bad to write your horniest thoughts it’s just that there are other sites made to do this , what made me even more uncomfortable was the fact that sometimes they would tag MA or literally write stuff about them under their posts. There are certain lines that as fans we shouldn’t cross. The fiction to reality is the main one, add to this the whole thing where they asked that one fan that saw mile if a girl was with him, the accusations towards Po having a thing with that guy. At the end of the day what these people want is for MA to fulfill some type of fantasy, and trust and believe that even if one of them turned out to be queer but not in a relationship that satisfies their fans those same fans would be the first to turn their backs on them, which is the saddest thing of all bc you would believe that having people that ship you with another male they would be the first people to support you if you were Really in a relationship with another Man. All I know is that even tho this is fucked up it is what the Thai industry caters too ( and I’m new in this) but seeing as to how companies have their actors do so many things to sell that illusion to fans is just messed up, and on top of that I may be wrong so correct me if I am but I’ve seen some famous CP’s with at least one underaged/ slightly of age partners and those are the ones that put me off the most, but apparently are the ones that appeal to people the most and the difference is very big from 9 to 12 yrs of difference between them which I find so disturbing. Oh wow I went off tangent but yeah MA were the first ones to really grab my attention and until then I will be supporting them fully. Together or individually they have my heart.💕
The BL fandom is garbage. It's full of children who have a Peter Pan complex who somehow are incredibly obsessed with the sexual behavior and fetishization of gay men at the same time. It's a very interesting dichotomy because these two things are not alike. At this point, no one can convince me that these fans aren't contributing to and supporting the fetishization of these men. I can't be convinced. Based on what I've seen and how the people in this fandom respond when you talk about it, these people are absolutely guilty of all of this. These people are foaming at the mouth and weak in the knees at the idea that they're getting to see two men engage in softcore porn. Like, they're losing their minds at the idea that they're about to see something like that and we're supposed to believe this isn't fetishization?
Honestly, I knew this place was weird when I saw people counting down the days until Barcode turned 18 so they can ship him with Jeff. Now, that is incredibly weird and disturbing. I absolutely judge people who do things like that because that's just downright disturbing and predatory. Why are you counting down the days until a minor turns 18 anyway? Why are you so excited for them to suddenly become 'legal?' Why is that even a thing in your mind? All it tells me is that you've always had impure, inappropriate thoughts in your mind about said minor and now you can legally tell the world about them because there's no fear of backlash anymore.
All I know is that I want MA far, far away from the entire BL industry as a whole. Just move on from it and only deal with mature dramas and opportunities, because a lot of the things I've seen from this fandom in general are sick. As someone who's in the minority of LGBT+ people in this fandom, it's not a good feeling to be surrounded by cishet people fetishizing gay people. It's an icky, gross feeling because you just know they don't care about your wellbeing out there in the real world where it actually matters and when it actually counts. Plus, these actors are not here to satisfy whatever weird fantasy these fans have. This is why people look down on BL dramas as a whole. Not because they're elitist and pretentious, but because the industry itself promotes this weirdness and the fans eat it up by supporting the industry that does it in the first place. It's like I've said before - why would the BL industry stop producing this type of content when the fans have already proven they're supportive of it? Why would they stop producing this type of content when the fans have proven that they don't actually care about the story just as long as two mildly attractive men are pushing the boundaries of these sex scenes by engaging in borderline porn? They don't care about the sole female characters in these shows being villainized and demonized. They don't care about literally anything else, and the BL industry is going to keep it coming.
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firstkanaphans · 7 months
I know this post is only for like two people, but I’m going to make it anyway. So, my obsession with Dead Friend Forever finally reached critical levels and I resorted to binge-watching The Hidden Character just to get more content. For those that don’t know, The Hidden Character (which they literally call “THC”) was the reality show Be On Cloud used to cast DFF. It is bad. Like really bad. And not in a it’s-so-bad-it’s-good-type way. It’s one of the most exploitative pieces of media I have ever watched. I walked into it with a favorable view of BOC, Mile, Apo, and Pond (the CEO), and walked out of it hating all of them.
A small collection of things that happened over the 11-episode run:
Everyone was told that they had to share every single aspect of their life with the viewers or they would be eliminated. And, in fact, the first person eliminated was told that it was because he wasn’t being open enough with the audience. They filmed these boys—one of whom was only seventeen at the time—talking explicitly about their sex lives. Which is, of course, fine to talk about. It’s not fine to air it on television! Even some of the games themselves contained sexually suggestive content (i.e. Which do you prefer "eating" with—your hands or your mouth? If you were to cheat on your significant other, would it be just sex or a full-blown affair?)
During the first part of the show, everyone had a secret that the other players were supposed to guess. One of the player’s secret was that he used to be homophobic. (Questionable casting for a company that only hires men, but I digress). He was praised for having changed his mind. In contrast, JJay’s secret was that he was raised in an abusive household and had once hit his father. Pond crucified the poor guy for this. He made him sit there in front of the whole cast sobbing and apologize for hitting his dad who was an abusive asshole.
After the first half of the show—which served absolutely no purpose at all—we finally move onto the acting portion. This is, after all, supposed to be a talent competition. The judges were so mean. Especially Apo. He was like the Simon Cowell of BOC. There was no constructive component to their criticism. The fact that any of these people are still acting is honestly unbelievable. I would have gone home and cried myself to sleep and then never stepped foot on a stage again.
At one point, each of the groups was assigned a scene from KinnPorsche to act out (because BOC very clearly owns no other IP). One of the pairs was given the scene where Porsche gives Kinn a handjob in the bathroom. I wish I was kidding. 
The judges constantly told the contestants to make their scenes feel new and different but any time the actors actually tried to change anything, they complained it was “too” different and the original script was already perfect so who were they to think they could create something better. Once again, Apo and Mile, the original actors of these scenes, are the ones judging them! Like of course they like their version better. What is even happening??
And finally, the whole fucking thing was rigged for Ta to win. Like don’t get me wrong, I love Ta and I think he did a great job, but he was the only one who came into that competition with a built-in fanbase and the winner was chosen by popular vote.
It was all just…baffling. Especially from a company that claims to be trying to change the industry. Like if you want the industry to stop being so exploitative to its actors, maybe start with yourself? It also makes those condescending “how dare you watch our shows just for the NC scenes” press releases they do every week even more annoying.
I have no clue what the reaction to this show was while it was airing but god I hope they never do it again. It literally makes me feel so weird watching DFF now. I feel like those poor kids are being held hostage. Maybe CEO Pond’s been the one under the mask the whole time 🔪
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discluded · 1 year
Mile teased Apo while they were shooting the climatic scene of Man Suang with a dance move and Apo almost broke character and got scolded by Pond while Mile ran off. Apo didn't want Mile to get scolded 😂
Apo: "I was standing directly opposite him, and I happened to meet his eyes, and he did this to me"
Woody: "Okay, pretend you're there, stand here"
Apo: (meeting Mile's eyes)
Mile: '"nobody, nobody but you" in my head 🎶 pointing at Po' 👏👏👉
Apo: "Laughed at the end"
Apo: "When I'm done, P'Woody, you know, when the camera is filming me, I'm in a serious mode and character, and then when I'm in his face, I see this "dancing pose," in my In the back of my head, I was like "I screwed up" and I was like that...the camera was on me. After the scene. I was scolded by P'Pond he was like "Hey~ you come here", but P'Mile just walked away and ran somewhere."
Apo: "I just said good good kub, because I don't want him to be scolded"
Mile said that it was 3/4 days ago, during the shooting of the movie, the scene was very serious, it was the climax of the movie, and then he made Po laugh, and Po burst into laughter after finishing the performance
Mile replied to one of the fan edits of this scene
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If you're unfamiliar with the kpop second gen classics, it's a reference to this song:
my ridiculous babies 😂
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matan4il · 1 year
Cute little Mileapo things from their flight back from Paris. First of all, this is their luggage, Apo's is marked with hands emoji, Mile's with the heart one:
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Apo loaded most of the suitcases on, including Mile's (maybe because Mile has been feeling under the weather during this trip), but when he wanted to load his black one, the biggest of the bunch, Mile still wouldn't let him:
This is what I mean when I say that I love how they both take care of each other.
As far as I can tell, it was only Mileapo and Gift flying back together (and an Indonesian fan who was there has now confirmed this). Keep that in mind when I share this pic:
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It looks like that's Mile's suitcase with a pride sticker on it. IF it's not, the only other options for who it may belong to are Apo and Gift. It's unlikely to be Apo's since he brought with him two big suitcases for this trip, he wouldn't need an extra small one. I... do not think Gift walks around with a pride sticker on any of her belongings, she just doesn't seem the type. So yeah, I tend to think this is Mile's. Our man walking around with a pride sticker on his luggage just makes me so happy and proud of him!
Update after Mileapo had landed in Bangkok, as they and Gift are seen carrying their own luggage, it confirms that the suitcase with the pride sticker on it is Mile's. Here they are, Apo carrying his big red and black suitcases, and Mile carrying the big black one in his left hand (right side of pic) and the one with the rainbow pride sticker (in his right hand, with the smaller bag on top):
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And from the side:
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Lastly, Mile shared pics today from lunch at a restaurant on Sep 27. I wrote here that Apo's pic (posted Sep 29) showed he was at the same place as Mile and the gang (despite people initially thinking Apo spent that whole day separate from Mile). Here's that pic:
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Today, Mile shared a matching pic of him sitting in the same spot:
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Notice that other than one glass with a drink, everything else is just a part of the set up and decoration of this restaurant's table (yes, including the lemon). I mentioned in the above linked post already that the table where the whole group actually ate lunch is different to the one where Apo's pic was taken:
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So either the whole group moved (which I believe to be less likely) or at some point, Mile and Apo went over to the other table at the end of the restaurant's tables area to take pics with a nicer background, and then they took each other's pic in the same spot. Maybe they even sat there a bit on their own before returning to the group.
During lunch itself, it seems like they shared their food, Mile's fork has a piece of the dish that's in the plate in front of Apo (you can recognize him by the jeans shirt he was wearing in the above pic under his blazer):
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And since from this pic it's clear that Apo was sitting right across from Mile, I think it's also likely that it was Apo who took this beautiful photo, proving once more he's the best Mile photographer:
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(for more of my Mileapo/Kinnporsche nonsense, click here)
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nattaphum · 1 year
Mileapo x Srichand live [19.09.2023] - highlights ✨
*all translations without links are google translations from thai tweets*
Mileapo flirty eyes at the beginning of the live just to warm up the atmosphere ahahah
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They played a game where they had to put each other’s IG posts in chronological order
Mile got them all wrong except one lmao. He said it was difficult because Apo never posts according to the timeline; he updates his posts randomly (okay but that’s true jadjdkd)
The set of photos below is the one arranged by Mile, the one on top is the set in the correct chronological order
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It was very cute when Apo described all the pics and when he arrived to the pic from China, he said: “here, i didn’t go with p’Mile” because all the others were moments he has shared with him 🥹
When it was Apo’s turn to arrange the pics, he got the order perfectly right like a real greenyrose
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Apo's comment: i've been paying attention to pmile's life
Quiz from the host
Host: tell what the number 525600 represents
Apo: *answers fast because he feels he knows the answer* the time you take to walk from the earth to the moon.
Mile: the number of minutes in a year
*Spoiler: mile’s answer is correct*
Mile: *makes fun of Apo because he invented walking to the moon*
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Apo: *laughs* you make me feel dumb
Mile: naaah, you have good imagination
(he makes fun of him but always protects him <3)
Smoothiegate part 5 😂 (prev)
Apo said that one of Mile’s secrets he’d like to know is: "Do you think I like coffee or smoothies?" (Ahaakskhsh such a teaser)
Mile: suppose you could go back in time and solve any answer. Someone would ask again what drink Po likes most in life. Po would answer…..
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Apo: I like smoothies 😃
Mile: *bitter* Okay… Okay… Okay…….
The host asks them the same question:
To Mile: If you could switch bodies with Apo for one day, what would you do?
Mile: i would post on every social media that i love coffee
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To Apo: If you could switch bodies with Mile for one day, what would you do?
Apo: I would take off my shirt and flex my muscles in the mirror.. he’s so handsome
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They both got scared lol
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The host asked them to role play as each other
Apo: if Mile likes something, he then comes and gives it to me and tells me, do you want it? He likes to share
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Then they both started doing an impression of the other and they were sooo chaotic.. apo was moving really slow while mile started running around while eating 😂
Mile then offered his mooncake to apo proving that what apo had just said it’s true ❤️
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Silly dance time :D
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Apo after finishing dancing: when i was dancing i thought i was BTS
(lmaoooo what 🤣)
By the end of the live:
Apo: Where are we going?
Mile: We’re going to France, right?
Apo: Yes yes yes
Mile: for Dior and Business of Fashion
YAAAAY. The date is september 26 btw;)
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ahdriking · 7 months
Mansuang Review:
Mansuang was amazing. I was particularly impressed by Apo's performance as Khem, which was emotional and complex and deeply moving. His story was riveting to me. I personally love characters with trauma in their backgrounds, who have been beaten down by the world into a certain way of thinking and behaving, and Apo captured that experience gracefully and expertly. There is palpable pain in his performance of the darkest moments. I will say that they could have expanded upon his character development a lot more. It would have been nice to have a bit more emotional nuance in his journey towards self-love and acceptance, but I definitely didn't feel unsatisfied by where his narrative ended up. The movie was already juggling so much they clearly just didn't have the time to dedicate to expanding upon the nitty gritty aspects of his healing.
I will say that I am honestly kinda surprised this didn't have any romance in it at all, because there is such a good foundation for it that it feels like they wasted? Like, Khem feeling that no one cares about him except for his body could have been the gateway to Chatra demonstrating care and affection for him outside of sex, proving that he's capable of being loved for who he is. That jumps out at me. That might have been an opportunity for them also to have expanded on Chatra's character, and given him more presence and personality. Khem is a protector, that's clear in the way he treats Wan, but he so often has to sacrifice himself in that role that it would have been devastatingly effective if Chatra had had an opportunity to take care of him in some way instead.
I loved the *bad touch* backstory, for whumping reasons, but it did leave me a little confused. Why did Khem have to have sex with those people? Was it because he's ambitious enough that he'll sell himself to advance his position? Was it because someone was forcing him to, like a boss or person in power? Was it because he felt he had no choice, or was protecting Wan from something? I just wish we could have gotten to know him better, because we get to see the impact of the trauma but we don't really get to understand it, and that leaves me wondering. It felt like, during the dance scene where Khem goes off script, that he did that as an attempt at seduction, because seduction is what he knows and what he expects. He's used to trading in on his beauty and sex appeal to get what he wants. That suggests so many characteristics to me that just... don't quite exist in the rest of the story. And there's no real conclusion to it other than Khem, at the end of the story, choosing to be a dancer because he's at peace with his place in society. Again, lots and lots of opportunities were built up that just didn't quite manage to hit a home run.
Mile did a fucking fantastic job with what he was given, but I was a little disappointed with his role in the story. I felt like the relationship between him and Khem was half-done and underdeveloped, but it had so much potential! He put in an absolutely solid performance, and knocked the emotional scenes out of the park, but I couldn't help but feel like he wasn't given the chance to really shine.
Tong killed it. Killed it fucking dead. That man has the screen presence of a King, which surprised the fuck out of me cos I thought he was a character actor based on his performance in KinnPorsche. But no, this guy has range. I was very impressed.
Bas did a great job playing a racist sad boy. RIP Wan.
In conclusion: a flawed movie, but still so enjoyable and so, so worth watching. I cannot fucking wait for Shine, I hope that it delivers in some of the areas Mansuang wasn't able to.
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swordswoman97 · 8 months
Post-Canon Pirates Headcanons
-The isles immediately outside the ice wall are pretty ravaged by corruption for about a fifty mile perimeter. Beyond that is a perimeter of uninhabited islands, any people who might have lived there in the past had long since fled for fear of the corruption spreading outwards. Due to this it takes several weeks sailing past where the ice wall once stood to actually reach inhabited land.
-The areas outside the ice wall meanwhile don't realize anything was beyond the corruption, they assumed the corruption just swallowed everything in that area. Needless to say it creates quite a stir when people claiming to be from the area inside the corruption start showing up.
-Owen keeps traveling with Luanne but also starts working with Gabriel to try to fill in any gaps/correct any misinformation in the history books.
-Scott explores for a bit before settling down on one of the uninhabited islands beyond the ice wall and setting up another animal sanctuary, though the island also ends up slowly growing into a town with many of the pirates who go explore beyond the ice wall using it as a sort of home base away from the faction isles.
-Scott cuts all ties he has to his parents, he ends up tossing his coat since it was a gift from his mother and getting a new wardrobe and changes his last name from Denholm to Smajor. He's also very careful to time his visits back to the faction isle to visit Acho's grave to ensure he doesn't run into his parents. He has no desire to confront his parents, they're not worth it and they won't listen to anything he has to say anyway. The other pirates do their best meanwhile to ensure the Denholm parents never find out where Scott went.
-Alongside working to undo the petrifiction, Apo and Graecie also help lead the charge to put the faction isles back together following the cultists killing over half the townsfolk and a large portion of the recruits.
-Apo also takes on the extra work of working with any pirates who don't go beyond the ice wall but don't stay on the faction isles plus any new pirates recruited after Iris's defeat to try to track down the moving island so they can recover Hook.
-CPK helps bring in a lot more new recruits and some new townsfolk, his main goal is recruiting more Kites but he does still frequently send along pirates that, while interested in the factions, aren't entirely sure the Kites are the right choice for them.
-The bounty guild kind of falls apart without Saffrie. There's no one really ready to step into her role and thus it ends up falling apart.
-I'm stealing @minecraftrelatedrandomness headcanon that Ros helps Kyle turn the temple into a museum honoring those who who were petrified by Iris. Afterwards Kyle decides to finally focus on his music rather than pleasing his dead dad and Ros goes to help Scott run his animal sanctuary.
-Sausage takes Jellie with him on his interdimensional travels at first though later entrusts her care to Graecie and Apo, both because he doesn't want her getting hurt while he's out on his adventures and because if/when they manage to unpetrify Scar he wants Jellie to be there when he wakes up.
-The faction leaders track down the families of any of the petrified that have them and tell them what happened. It's a job no one enjoys but someone has to do it.
-I like to believe they manage to figure out how to undo the petrification, and when they do the first person Apo and Graecie bring back is Marnie, though they work to get everyone back as quickly as they can.
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bubbipond · 3 months
Ranting this late in the day should be a crime but I am exhausted by the people in the BL/GL community.
Have any of you seen those videos on YouTube that are like basically talking about the persons least favorite pairings? I just watched one where they said force and book look too similar to play love interest. I’m sorry but the way that is insanely racist and just not true??? Then I saw in the comment section of a different one people saying that Phuwin should stop acting in bl’s because he obviously dislikes kissing men. Then the rest of the videos are just really bullying these actors. Listen, I’m all for criticism, but these videos aren’t constructive. Normally they are just mean and vile.
There are pairings that I don’t love so I don’t watch them. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Kinnporsche but I promise you I do not go around saying mean things about Mile or Apo. But let me address the ones that I just find extremely rude.
Number one Force and Book look nothing alike. I have never had an issue telling them apart because they have such vastly different features. I think a lot of criticism for them stems from their original series being super annoying and Books character irritating a lot of people. That wasn’t a Force and Book problem that was a writing problem. There is a long history of racism in Asian communities. Where a very popular joke is you can’t tell them apart. I’ve heard it in real life, in the K-pop scene, in anime and dramas, and now in BL, I guess. Now don’t get me wrong, there are actors who I feel would play brothers amazingly because of similarities. But Force and Book are not one of them., at least not in the case of being “almost twins” like this person was saying.
Moving onto the Phuwin comment, I think this one is so stupid because he does not have to take BL jobs. Actors stop doing these all the time. Pairings dissolve and new ones come around all the time. Also pairings dissolve and the actors stop doing BL’s as a whole. We have seen it countless times. so if he really didn’t want to have to have intimate scenes with a man, he definitely does not have to. Now let me say, I do understand the critique about the way he kisses but I don’t agree with it being just blatantly because he is kissing a guy. If you watched him in the non-BL series he has been in, where he has had a partner who is a woman, you would know that’s just how Phuwin kisses. If you were really trying to give good criticism, that has to be paired with you paying attention. If you watch how he talks and how his mouth moves, whether he’s in a show or talking in real life, his mouth movements when he kisses makes sense. Also keep in mind, and this is not a slight at him, but he has very skinny lips. So when he’s kissing Pond whose lips aren’t big, but they’re bigger than his obviously it’s not going to look like he’s doing as much. But to try and low-key say that he has some repressed homophobia because you don’t enjoy his acting is weird. Also keep in mind, and I’ve joked about this before, this pairing almost always end up playing characters where Ponds character is seemingly more into the relationship than Phuwins characters. Not that his characters don’t care, but it’s almost always pond being the character that has an egregious amount of affection for Phuwins character.
I honestly don’t normally watch videos like these, but I clicked on it just because they were discussing a lot of popular pairings. and in my head, I was just like oh you’re doing this for views. There is no way this is for any other reason when every pairing you have chosen to talk about are highly popular pairings. You mean to tell me out of all the ones do you want to talk about the ones with the biggest fan bases and I’m supposed to believe that you aren’t just trying to get views on your page?
This is coming from somebody who doesn’t even particularly love half of the pairings this person discussed. But something I have noticed is that in a fandom/world of media dealing with oppressed peoples, there is bigger critique than in its counterparts. Because not only are these shows about a group of people who have long been suppressed due to sexuality, but it’s also about a group of people who have history of racism against their cultures. It is okay for a series to not be the most expressive and beautiful and extravagant series on earth. It is okay for things to be mediocre at best. Because even the LGBTQ+ community have very very boring stories. That does not make the stories unworthy of being told. We are allowed as a community and as queer people to have media the same way as everyone else. But instead, we get these very dismissive and low-key weird and social relationships in media.
Okay thank you for coming to another TEDTalk…I hate a lot of you and a lot of you are weirdos. (:
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cornyonmains · 9 days
Do you guys remember how RTD ran Torchwood into the ground trying to force everyone to like Eve Myles as much as he did?
This is literally what has happened with 4 Minutes. Someone with a lot of creative control hyper-fixated on Ton Kla's character and nobody was there to reel that back in.
I think the show got scared of how fans were going to receive Bible with a new scene partner, and they fell back to what was safe, a standard BL couple operating within the confines of established tropes and aesthetics.
This was a mistake, because what I truly think bought BOC out of this world success with KP was their willingness to lean into an attractive ship that defied a lot of aesthetic conventions with Mile and Apo. They had the chance to that again with Bible and Jes, who are an incredibly striking pair, and they wussed out because they thought fans were going to be mad about *checks notes* Bible taking it from an absolute smoke show.
The most popular ship that has ever existed on the face of this earth is Destiel. One is a clinically depressed middle aged man who looks like an incredibly attractive extra from Roadhouse, and the other is a clinically depressed middle aged angel that looks like a fed from a porno and talks like he ate sand for most of his formative years. BOC needs to give its audience more credit. People flocked to KP because it was different. They should have let 4 Minutes be different. These days, it's not hard to find explicit QL dramas operating within the binary. Now that they've seen what kind of money that shit pulls, there's whores in every house. I really feel like people are coming to BOC because they want something new, and I hope they acknowledge that with their next project.
What 4 Minutes could have been versus what it turned out to be is kind of disappointing. As much as I love Sammon's stuff, I have to be honest. I never hold a writer or a studio to a standard they can't reasonably meet, and I think BOC and Sammon is capable of much better than we got with 4 Minutes. The last episode could change my mind, but I don't think it will. Things have moved too fast. This project needed more episodes than it got.
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i was talking to @ticchina about how this drives me crazy bc it seems like apo is preparing to get down and--for whatever reason--mile unexpectedly bounces him on his thighs to keep him up
feel it mighta been improv on mile's part, which I love bc it's like they mess w each other that way haha
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beatricmalfoy · 2 years
About Pond
Trust or leave
Normally I just ignore all the drama and comments but I feel so angry about those “fans” who attack Pond right now, honestly in his place I would just shut down whole company, took Mile and Apo and moved to New York to live his best rich life. I may not agree with his every decision and I am not always agree with him, but how all those “fans” don’t understand that without him, Kinnporsche wouldn’t have existed, BOC wouldn’t have existed, and all the pairings and soundtracks, too. It’s all his that you love so dearly. Jeff wouldn’t be so popular, Barcode wouldn’t be even casted and Apo would be in NY bartending in some bar. He believed Mile, believed Apo and took on production, you can see in every bts video, he was non stop on set, even as CEO he doesn’t have to. All the sponsorships come through his connections, all magazines and everything, they are mostly people he knew. Even this evening, everyone thinks that they have a vacation and tour around the Tokyo, but he is having the diner with few influential people, which potentially will be, or already are sponsors of actors. I am not fan of his interactions on instagram with fans, it’s totally useless to speak to those crazy people, but overall he seem to do a good job with BOC and company. Everyone hates him because he’s not doing what they want, being it with projects, pairing, actors and everything else but guess what, if the companies or bands would be ruled by fans, they wouldn’t survive a month. And don’t even get me started on the whole bankruptcy things, he never said that actors where hungry or he did not have any money left, he said that even though the tours are not very profitable, guys still wants to do that, and that because everyone wanted to have more dishes, the budget on FOOD went in red. And about the whole “BOC protect your artist”, like, protect from what? Guilty or not, because of him there’s big shadow over the whole cast and their reputation, maybe even they would have to go to court, can you imagine what it will be like for Bible, Barcode? And how much money did the company already lost, including sponsorship, missed events, harm on reputation and Pond, who had to leave his home on Chinese New Year’s Eve and fly to Build to talk to him and to deal with the problems that he cased, because he can’t quietly break up with one of his many girlfriends. What I want to say, If you don’t like his company, if you don’t like what he’s doing, just get out and don’t whine on social media about it, don’t spread more hate there. I hate when I go to comments and apparently everyone are financial and pr specialist, marketing professionals and lawyers. Just let him do his job, if you liked KinnPorsche, if you liked what he did, don’t attack him, don’t criticize him. If he fucked up, the biggest lose will be for him, you will just move on with you business. Just trust or leave.
P.S After Build will leave company I hope all his fans will leave with him, it’s unbearable to even read what they are saying.
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guys. i've got something to tell you and it's so important....it's so important. but first a recap:
- news that mileapo are coming to Paris, arriving at the same time as @fulltimehabibti and i. ranya texts me the news, all of a sudden i, who has not thought about kinnporsche in a good long while, am utterly consumed by the idea of seeing them with my own eyeballs and confirming they are real human beings. my thoughts return to this constantly throughout the day. i do not want to speak to them or have them notice me! i just want to perceive them.
- our hotel is right next to the Dior Gallery and mileapo are here for the Dior show. the next day, we tap out of our day for a tiny 30 minute break, walking past the Dior Gallery to our hotel. we discover on our way back out that mileapo had been posing with fans only 7 minutes prior at the exact location that we were standing when we discovered this.
- ranya goes to the Dior show and sees them, takes great videos and photos. I literally could not go because of work deadlines. i think, perhaps having reached a neutral point, that there might be another opportunity soon but probably the universe has orchestrated a series of misses to humble me.
- I discover that I had booked our Louvre tickets for the wrong day. we can no longer go for our late evening ticket. during the exact window we were meant to be at the Louvre, mileapo end up there. i am heartbroken but i've made peace with the fact that i won't see them and i'm just glad Ranya got to see them
-today. we are all over, the Rodin museum, pointedly to a few stores looking for certain items, we end up walking by the Galeries Lafayette. ranya asks 'have you ever gone in?' and sort of with a light where-the-wind-takes-us attitude ('yeah lets go in im in the mood to look at stuff') we wander into the galleries and spend about an hour perusing the floors when ranya asks, 'do you want to get bubble tea at this shop?' we head leisurely to the nearest exit.
-we walk out one of the exit doors and me and ranya see him at the same time. i am thrown off because he looks so different in person but i know something is happening. stopped dead in our tracks, ranya says two words: 'that's pond.'
-literally dead in our tracks. we are four feet away from pond who has just stepped out of a van and is waiting patiently. we know something is about to happen and we don't move. mile and apo quickly pile out of the van with huge smiles on their faces. for about a minute they collect themselves, turn, and walk right past us to enter the gallery. five feet away from us, no one in between us. we were not noticed.
a city of 2 million people, an area of 104 km, a full day of activities and our steady stream of minute decisions led entirely by ranya's instincts thoughts and questions, brings us straight to the feet of mile and apo. the probability of that happening is absolutely insane. the previous misses, the way we (mostly me) were obsessing about it, the absolute perfect timing, exiting through that door, us noticing pond despite the hundreds of bodies around us.
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i snapped a photo as they walked away bc i couldn't live with myself if i didn't have proof that this insane luck befell ranya who is blessed and god's favorite (i entertain no delusions that i had any hand in this, if anything i was a disability her guardian spirits had to work around).
as i told ranya, i believe in god now. also, this moment was so perfect and absolute that i think im immune to celebrity culture now. i could see al pacino on the streets tomorrow and i wouldn't be phased. i think i also might be ready to die
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discluded · 11 months
👀 did Srichand drop Mile?
omg I saw this and went to look and am going to reply REALLY quickly now because if I don't and someone else notices, I wouldn't be surprised if things escalate between the toxic solos
My consultant-type opinion (which is not a fact!) of this is: I think Mile's contract with Srichand ended.
The announcement about MileApo's ambassadorship was released circa August 28, 2022, which would imply, given some things, that it started in September 2022. The last post the Brand Twitter made featuring Mile was October 1, 2023. They retweeted some fan photos of people buying the sunscreen with Mile's picture attached, but that can be taken as engaging with people who liked their products. A 13 month contract is - to be fair - kind of weird, but this might also have to do with the uncertainty of the Man Suang release date. Since Man Suang would be released late August, it would make sense to extend the contract by a month to cover it.
I think three different contracts were signed: one with Apo, one with Mile, and one with BOC in collaboration with Man Suang (a historical Thai movie where Thai makeup would be featured). Bill, who is the Chief Marketing(?) Officer of Srichand still has the Man Suang promo slot on his header that includes Mile.
So you might be wondering, if Mile (and BOC) have a good relationship with Srichand, why might the contract end?
The other possibility turning in my head is that all of them had signed a contract that would cover until the end of 2023 BUT, drumroll, Mile got a significantly more lucrative offer.
And what offer would that be? What other makeup/beauty brand is he now a friend-of that could easily afford to buy out the rest of Mile's contract with another company, and probably Srichand wouldn't begrudge Mile for, since business is business?
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Hopefully you guessed it.
From fan reports, the Guerlain store in Bangkok had sold out of the perfume scent Mile endorsed the most, and likely moved other product from fans who didn't like the scent but wanted to support him by buying another perfume. Mile endorsed the L'Art & La Matière, where 100mL is between $285-380 USD. These brands do not drop their prices for the Asian market*, and even conservatively estimating that he sold like 100 bottles of 100mL perfume and no other residuals like the Guerlain lip stick or the 200mL sizes, that's about ~$33k USD in product. Comparatively, for the first Srichand live they did, MA moved about $112k USD in product, which we can only attribute half the value of to Mile... $62k. Howevr, that took selling ~8000 units of makeup, (4000 attributed to Mile here, let's just say.)
If selling 200 units (~$66k USD) of product grosses more than selling 4000 units of product ($62k), I think both Guerlain and Srichand can see eye to eye on the value each would get from buying out the rest of Mile's contract. (Another way to add up to ~$65k+, 100 units of 100mL perfume at the $285-380 range, 150 units of perfume at the $110 range, 100 units of meteorites - Guerlain's best selling highlighter, 200 units of their $40 lipstick that Mile promoted - 550 units vs. 4000 units of product to make the same amount of money)
If anything, the weird 13 month length was likely negotiated to accommodate the release of Man Suang with MileApo marketing push to move product associated with their joint ambassadorship AND the release of the movie (their last Srichand live was Sept 19). It would be weird if Mile's face appeared on the movie makeup stuff but he wasn't appearing in the lives.
I think Mile still likely has a friendly relationship with Srichand as a company, it's just that business is business, and I'm sure whatever happened, if it was an extension or a contract buy-out Srichand likely got more than a sweet deal out of the relationship they had.
again, just my opinion. I could be wrong. But I doubt it was any sort of bad-blood reason that Mile got dropped for. The business case speaks for itself.
*luxury brands actually often have a luxury brand price increase in Asian markets. US brands are usually the most affordable in the US, and European brands most affordable in Europe due to import taxes the companies have to pay to ship product.
** also the other possibility is that they're focused on promoting the translucent powder now, which Apo is attached to but Mile is not...
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matan4il · 11 months
I'll start my daily Mileapo silliness with these adorable pics from the HOWE awards yesterday. It's the way Mile is smiling at Apo's cuteness, while Apo is seemingly doing that mini heart for the fans, but then he stares up at Mile, not down at them.
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I know there's a whole debate about whether Apo sat in Mile's lap as they left the venue. Here's the vid:
I find it hard to believe 'coz:
they're in public, and they know the fans sometimes film them in the van after an event.
if you compare the level of Apo's head before he moves back and after, it's more or less the same? So I think the height difference between him and Mile that made people think Apo is sitting on him is just about skewed perspective.
That said... I DO think it's interesting, telling and way too intimate for just co-workers that Apo IS all up in Mile's personal space, probably pressed up against his legs, enough that he needed to lift up a bit in order to get into his seat, rather than just lean back. Even if Apo wanted to talk to someone, he could have leaned a bit without completely invading Mile's space. If Apo wanted to grab something, he could have asked Mile to pass it to him. He didn't, because they're both comfy with this, because it's their space anyway.
Afterwards, Mile gave us 3 fruity likes:
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I don't think I need to say anything about why the first is fruity. With the second, I think the focus is more on Apo than Mile, so it's cute:
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And then the last is all Apo. Mile isn't even hiding, he's just full on telling us that he's all about his boy...
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Apo also had a fruity moment! Someone made an edit that compared how Apo is gatekeeping Mile's chest more since he declared himself a Romsaithong.
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I'm less convinced that Apo covering Mile up is about that, but what's cute is that Apo was intrigued by the caption. This person had several edits they tagged Apo in, but he only cared to watch the fruity one...
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And then he was also kinda fruity on IG. Of all the fans he could have re-shared a story from about his EMV success, he chose the one where they added a gif of a kitten (Apo) playing guitar (Mile)... Am I reaching? Maybe. But if that gif made me smile instantly, I doubt Apo saw it and didn't think of this symbolic Mileapo combo, too. ;)
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In today's news, Apo seems to have started rehearsals for the Man Suang tour...
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Mile was maybe in Kalasin, with his mom...
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Which reminds me... she was being a supportive mom AND mom in law yesterday:
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(for more of my daily Mileapo/Kinnporsche, click here)
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