#other than being yknow. an ancient thinkpad my dad bought in bulk off a random guy on ebay
gender-trash · 4 months
every single ubuntu laptop i have ever used, and i have used many, has been 99% totally functional and normal except for one bizarre and usually intermittent problem (different one every time), which i halfheartedly attempt to fix with no success every so often but mostly just resign myself to experiencing. my current work laptop occasionally freezes (display won't update, but if i ssh in everything seems normal; so far i haven't discovered anything that fixes it, including attempting to restart the display manager over ssh, short of a hard reboot) when connected to a particular breed of usb-c hub my work buys for everyone. at one internship, my work laptop would shut down instead of waking from sleep about one time in 20. with the laptop i had at my google internship occasionally the login lock screen would just fucking not let me log in and i'd have to ssh in from another computer and restart nautilus, which was annoying bc they were quite strict abt locking the screen if you stepped away for 0.5 seconds and i was spending a lot of time hiding in the bathroom that summer for unrelated reasons. the laptop i had at one of my random undergrad research jobs was some stupid gamer bullshit with a beefy gpu (for ML stuff) and a tiny-ass display resolution that i had to manually change every time i rebooted it so text would be readable, because the settings for some reason didn't persist. meanwhile every ubuntu DESKTOP i've ever used has been normal and fine
(dns is broken on my current personal laptop if i'm not connected to protonvpn unless i additionally use nmcli to disconnect a particular network interface every time it wakes from sleep, but this is 1. probably something i did by accident while iterating through every wrong way to set up the vpn and 2. technically it's pop!os so it shouldn't count towards Wack Ubuntu Problems.)
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