#other favourite success is successfully stealing more drugs and doing them in secret without her telepathic gf noticing
purralyth · 5 years
17, 20, and 7 for the Chariot DnD asks.
7) what do they think of their party members? — this one’s very fun bc i know i’ve been cryptic about her feelings in the past.. she thinks that frazier (our aasimar monk) is a little uptight and super easy to wind up but all in all a super good dude you could go to for decent advice, he can’t drink alcohol without disgusting repercussions though and that makes him a bit of a buzzkill (his wife is rad as hell though so it balances out). luke (our (now dead) human fighter) needed to stop worrying about what people thought of him and not try so hard to be impressive bc it showed, he needed work but overall pretty ok. lockjaw (half-orc barbarian) knows how to fuck shit up and party hard as hell and that’s really all that matters. same with pebblebelly (party mascot/NPC kobold rogue) who is just a little ball of horrible impulse control and compassion. she doesn’t know much about silence (luke’s replacement, tiefling ????? class) yet but he seems chill. and jia (human/barely just slightly half-elf fish cultist psion monk NPC and chariot’s very cool gf) is an angel who is ripped to hell and can kill with both her fists and her awesome dao and her mind so she’s obviously the best of any of them. in general she likes all of them a lot even though she’s kind of uneasy about that fact!! she hides it bc emotional vulnerability is for nerds and knuckleheads
17) what’s one thing about their backstory that came to you after you already started playing the campaign? — jia started out as just chariot’s best friend from neverwinter until i told our dm a little while in saying chariot probably had a pretty big crush on her, and a couple months later we started talking about the stuff they would’ve done and then wow suddenly they’re girlfriends!!! that’s probably the biggest thing, i can’t think of much more other than chariot kind of stumbling half-heartedly into her religion, and slowly developing other things about her backstory that haven’t come up yet! anything else is small enough that i forgot it came up or was just completely out of my control and i’m riding along and seeing what happens with it
20) what would your character consider their biggest success? or what is your favorite success your character has had so far? — what she would consider her biggest success is probably hitting the jackpot on gfs who roll nat 20s at the best times and can also (simultaneously??) suplex her over her head. my own favourite success of hers is tricky because she’s done a lot that i find funny or horrible or genuinely impressive thanks to luck alone but dice-wise i might have to go with that one nat 20 chromatic orb where she lit a dude up from the inside with electrical firefly type creatures to scare our poor cleric into popping jia back up, and then immediately after, being the only individual on an entire ship of people to resist jia’s AOE wisdom save despite having a -3 to it (or the other nat 20 chromatic orb that burst that poor yeti thing into purple flames and then started blooming with flowers after jia decapitated it. god they’re a power couple). and then flavour-wise i think it’s really funny that she made a whole aboleth angry and then i’m like pretty sure a massive astral elder god called her something along the lines of a little bitch or told her to fuck off. jia wasn’t there to translate but that’s what i’m assuming it said because chariot’s enough of a bastard for it to be true
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