#oswald stays the same but just more fucked up and gross looking if you will. he needs to look more dead
cowchickenbeefpork · 6 months
why didn't Gotham make Edward hallucinate corpses more and why was the one time he did it with him look like a corpse they barely did. gotham make them insanely fucked up looking and make Edward's skin crawl
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gryphonfingers · 2 years
howdy here's a bunch of scattered Gotham thoughts mooostly about the Isabella plotline
[potential spoilers up to S3E8 just in case ur also watching this show in 2022, I haven't watched beyond there yet]
So like, Oswald and Ed have fantastic chemistry, they're undoubtedly the highlight of the show for me. I was hoping they would actually get a chance to be together!! I think they're both interesting interpretations of the characters [though admittedly theres some Ed stuff I'm not fond of, though I'm maybe bias because The Riddler is my favorite Batman rogue] and Oswald lowkey should just. be the main character. Jim Gordon does not hold the show at all for me.
introducing a new love interest for Ed who is LITERALLY played by the same actress as his girlfriend that he accidentally killed???? Inspired. Love it. Why. So fucking goofy.
It also in retrospect kind of seems implied that she directly sought him out?? Like looking back on their first meeting like, she approaches him and is like "oh sorry I don't usually talk 2 strangers haha.. but something about u.." and theres the scene after Ed freaks out seeing her wear the glasses that look just like Kristin's glasses where shes like looking down holding her glasses and smiling at them?? Which to me kinda felt like. "Oh she's been planning this"??? and I think there's something kind of interesting in that, like if that was the intent I would have wanted to see that explored more. There was kind of have a similar gross "oooh nice girl only wants dangerous men" thing with Kristin and her exes but this is ramped up to an insane level. I could totally just be misinterpreting those scenes, though the scene where she's like "Oswald I know you love him too :)))))" is kind of sinister. They also establish that she's read every article available about Ed's murders and stay in Arkham and learned what his dead girlfriend looked like from old newspaper articles about it and its like. Holy shit what.
I almost feel like she should have been alive longer?? Maybe also be a villain?? Really drive up that love triangle/romantic tension?? There is something so morbid and gross about her character that makes my brain fucking spin. Like it's bad weird writing but it's also kind of compelling. It's dark camp.
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kathemy · 7 years
[Nygmob/Batcat] One flame a day keeps the doctor away!
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I rarely get flamed on tumblr. I’m unclear why this is so. Maybe my blog is inoffensive. Maybe nobody reads it. Maybe most people just know better.
Today one or more people who clearly did not know better wrote to me. I realize that writing a long, detailed and reasoned answer to four supremely idiotic private messages may come across as pretentious, but I don’t really care. Frankly, they were a godsend, because that allows me to discuss the degeneration of the fandom by example.
Suffice to say the people who wrote to me are those hard at work perverting the fandom down the Road to Hell - a small piece I wrote nearly two years ago to tell people why the Gotham fandom was basically... you know, healthy. That, and how I’d like it to stay that way. Actually, it’s still pretty healthy - the gay bashers, the identitarians and the anal comic book fanatics taken as a whole only make up a fraction of the fanbase.
What is funny, however, is how some of these insults actually make a good topic for discussion. That’s what prompts this post; it’s not a mere counterflame. 
So, let’s get down to it.
Like just say you don't like Black People and go [...]  gross and transparent, feel free to choke you rancid bitch [...]  why don't you tell people the real reason you don't like tabitha you vapid idiot.
Now, this is... how to put it... “how to be an identitarian asshole”? 
In fact: this type of “gag order” even forbids you to address harmful stereotypes of these people on television! This would require me to defend Andrei Chikatilo for being a poor Soviet worker because I’m a Communist, or you to defend Margaret Thatcher for being a woman because you’re a Feminist.
Unfortunately, in this rotten postmodern world with fake leftists pissing all over the concept of working class solidarity, this is what people do. If you don’t like Barack Obama bombing the shit out of third world peasants you’re a racist. If you don’t like Hillary Clinton effectively destroying Libya you hate women. It doesn’t matter that both are Imperialist scum.
Please note that my examples were carefully chosen. I could’ve brought up Valerie Solanas - though, let’s face it, the vermin I’m responding to probably likes Valerie Solanas - but it’s far easier to find a Black or a woman than a man from a proletarian background in the position as a world leader... which should tell you were the chief contradiction in society really lies. But, that’s a different story.
Let’s move on...
You ugly fucking roach. You have so much to say about tabitha, but Nothing to say about all the other villains. Not to mention you called her a "thug" [...]  how are you going to talk shit about tabitha when you stan and ship 2 murders. [...]  both penguin and riddler are fucking evil but you coddle them. [...] riddler is worse than her, he kills for chaos at least when someone dies at her hand it's for a reason! 
Wow, that sounds terrible, doesn’t it? Evil Kathemy discriminating against the poor Black woman...
Too bad it isn’t true.
The thing is this: I did not even attempt to bash Tabitha in my first post. I tried to give a fair assessment of her character, as I do with all the characters on the show. I also made this assessment not merely for the sake of putting down the character; I made it to point out why Tabitha and Selina might not be a good team-up. Tabitha is not a good role model for Selina. She’s a negative one, and will probably come off as a warning example in their interaction, which should be of some concern among those who are bothered by “negative representation of people of color on television.” Selina went to Tabitha in search of a purpose beyond survival. What purpose will Tabitha give her?
This is why I live a much happier life than most Nygmobblepot shippers. 
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Did you ever see me throw a tantrum at Ed for shooting Oswald? Yes, I enjoy their interactions - how could I not, Cory and Robin are fantastic - but I never lose sight of the bottom line that they are both violent, mentally unstable killers!!! Thus - I’m not surprised by their terrible behavior towards each other and people in general. I’m not saddened by it. I don’t dream up fake head canons of a happy-ever-after domesticated existence for either of them. And, I certainly never make excuses for them, as you do claiming Tabitha “kills for a reason” stabbing an old woman in the back leaving her to bleed out in the arms of her son!!! 
I review Gotham for Doux Reviews. Let’s take a look at a snippet from one of those...
The man shooting Oswald at the end is a deeply conflicted Edward Nygma, but this is still Edward Nygma. The notion that he could simply forgive such a betrayal, that he wouldn't consummate his revenge, is completely alien to his character [...] Last episode, in a signature don't-try-this-at-home move, we saw Selina "breaking up" with Bruce by physically assaulting him.  [...] 
And, Bruce and Selina aren't anywhere near as maladjusted as Oswald and Edward. As intricate as the Riddler's schemes may be, he always chooses the nuclear option in dealing with all his personal problems. Dougherty abused Kristen? Kill him. Kristen threatened to rat him out to the police? Kill her. Jim might be onto him? Kill another colleague and pin it on him to put him in prison for murder. Oswald? He kills people for a sandwich.
<Doux Reviews> <Gotham> <The Gentle Art Of Making Enemies>
Wow, I sure do coddle them, don’t I?! 
I called Tabitha “an impulsive thug” because she is an impulsive thug - a violent, reckless criminal prone to making rash decisions. She’s certainly not portrayed as a methodical or calculating person. She doesn’t scheme. In fact in this respect she’s close to Selina, and that’s exactly why Selina has little to learn from her - she’s the same, only worse, only more amoral. 
It’s actually true I don’t like many Black characters on Gotham - because there aren’t many Black characters on Gotham. Fish Mooney was a character that outlived her usefulness by season one and wasn’t played by a very good actress. Crispus was a non-character. Essen didn’t get much to do either. Tabitha is a bit erratically written, but she’s actually among the better of them, and I’ve enjoyed her interactions both with Butch, Theo and to a lesser extent Barbara. The only really good one is Lucius Fox, who’s more or less an antithesis of the Black stereotype.
That’s not on me. That’s on the show.
your faves are trash and your opinion on tabitha is gutter trash, much like Selina herself. kys 
Now, if I were to play your game, I’d conclude you’re a racist for calling a Latino actress “gutter trash” - but I’m not like you. I just realize you have very poor taste.
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