#oshana (oc)
puppyluver256 · 2 years
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[Image Description: A Goron (rock people from The Legend of Zelda) sitting on the bed of a lake with a Zora (fish people from the same series) floating upside-down near him. The Goron has golden-brown skin with a brown rocky shell on his back and long rock "hair" in a ponytail. He is wearing a large brown belt across his chest, a brown and maroon bottom garment, and dull red wrappings around his wrists and ankles. He is scratching the back of his head and appears embarrassed at his situation. The Zora has aqua green skin with blue and yellow bits in her fins and lime green eyes. She is wearing plenty of silver and sapphire jewelry, as well as aqua green hoop piercings through her head-fins. She has her arms crossed and is glaring at the Goron with annoyance. End ID.]
Welp, this is an Interesting meeting here. Seems Blairmor's somehow found himself in Lake Hylia and Oshana's found him with no way out on his own, and this appears to be a frequent enough occurrence for Oshana to be merely annoyed and Blair to be merely embarrassed rather than either one freaking out, hehe. Guess she can help roll him back to the surface or something? But wait, I hear you say, Gorons can't swim! True, but apparently according to Twilight Princess they can somehow breathe underwater? If that one heart piece is anything to go by, anyway. I guess rock biology is weird like that XD
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~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are greatly preferred as they let more people see my artwork! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Gorons, Zoras, and other Zelda concepts © Nintendo Blairmor, Oshana, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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prclns · 5 months
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I forgot how to play with toys.
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clearlydiamondz · 1 year
Loyalty to Royalty
Erik!Stevens x OC
Part Five
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Princess Imani was the black sheep of her family, never really fitting the female royal type. When an arranged marriage between Prince   N'Jadaka and her is set up, she tries her hardest to get away... but she just can’t.
Warning: Smut
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Once the Wakandian Royal family left, it was now Imani left with her father and step mother. They didn't speak a word to each other, and quite honestly, Imani wanted just that. She was in the main kitchen, cutting her some mangoes and kiwis as she heard someone come into the area. She looked up and saw that her Amarah stood there with a look that could kill. She ignored her, continuing to cut her fruits.
After today's events, Imani came up with a realization last night... a hard one. Amarah's is the only one that doesn't know better. She's young, new to this world, and is easily impressionable by her mother. Her mother hatred for Imani stems in Amarah because of Oshana wanting to be ruler.
"Why are you such a horrid person?" Amarah said walking towards her, with a look of disgust on her face. "Your father and my mother are in distress because of this situation and you have the nerve to sit here and-" Imani cuts her off.
"Blaming for your mothers stupidity is quite the reach." she said plopping a mango in her mouth. "Your mother is playing you like a violin and you don't even see it." she chuckled shaking her head as she grabbed a glass of water.
"You are just trying to come up with lies against my mother. She would never do such thing." she scoffed as she shrugged her shoulders.
"But.. she has." Imani sighed then turned and look at her. "And I'm sure she created lies about me too." she chuckled.
"No she hasn't. Everything she's said about you is true. You only care about yourself, you'er rude and all you do is cause destruction." Amarah snapped at her. "You were jealous of me the moment we stepped in here because you thought I was prettier and smarter." That made Imani laugh.
"And lemme guess... Your mother told you that?" she said as Amarah kept quiet. "You let your mother poison your image of me."
"Throw your opinion about me out the window and just think for a moment. Your mother is queen, yet she had you go on international television and made you look like a complete fool. Not only that, when we go to America tomorrow and counteract your claims it won't be your mother that the world laughs at... it will be you." Imani stated. Amarah stared at her before shaking her head.
"That it's not true."
"Answer me then then, your mother is Queen. Not you. Would it not make sense for the Queen of the country to make this statement?" she asked her. Amarah didn't say anything, but Imani did recognize the look on her face.
"And another thing-" she said grabbing a piece of Kiwi. "She did not take credit for any of this. No news source on the planet has a picture of your mother, connected to that statement. It's only you. So when you get back lash, which you will, no one will think to bash the queen. All of the negativity, will be for you and only you. Politicians, military informants, the people of both Wakanda and Kambaho. She made sure it was you so if it did back peddle and it didn't end well, it wasn't her that would get the backlash. It would be you." she stated. Amarah face saddened as she realized what her mother has done. Imani never thought that she could feel bad for her, but at this moment she did. Her eyes started to swell up with tears.
"I-I thought I was doing the right thing. She told me that we could get money, a-and that you were going to hate this."
"No no, don't cry." Imani said placing the bowl of fruit on the counter. "I've already have a plan to try and save face for you. No one deserves to be laughed at by the world when you thought you were doing the right thing." Imani grabbed her shoulders.
"Wipe your tears, weakness does not look good on us."
- - - - - - - - - -  
Imani opened her fathers door to see him drinking a glass of whiskey. Sighing, she closed the door as he looked up at her. Holding the bowl of fruit, she sat down in front of his desk handing him the fresh fruit.
"It's been a minute since you came cut me a bowl of fruit." he chuckled grabbing it as she shrugged.
"Nakia sent me home with a bunch of fruit that some of the children grew at her school. Best fruit honestly." she chuckled sitting back in her chair crossing her legs, and placing her hands on her lap.
"I guess you'd like me to address the elephant in the room." he sighed. She thought about it, then shrugged.
"Honestly, I'm not even upset that you didn't show. Well, not anymore at least. I feel almost sorry really." she said to him. He didn't want to admit it but the meeting had him embarrassed and ashamed. He didn't even feel like a King in his own palace.
"Caught me by surprise." he said with no emotion as she shrugged.
"I hope you understand why, it wasn't intended to make you feel any kind of way." she admitted to him, he sighed wiping his hands over his head. "But I was hurt when I asked you to do one thing and you left me on my own."
"I know, I know it's just, I feel like I don't even have a say so in my own home without feeling like I'm making somebody upset." he responded as she nodded.
"Understandable. Well why is that?"
"You say go left, Oshana says I need to go right. You say yes, Oshana says no. My relationship is-" he stopped himself before finishing.
"Father you always say you trust my judgement, which you can assume is your judgement also?" she assumed, he nodded. "So why is that every time I make a decision, or anytime I do something, it's always the opposite with her." she said leaning forward. He thought about it.
"I'm the last person to even tell you this, because if you decide to love her then that's you. But your love should not in any way cross boundaries with the people who call you King." she snapped at him. "You sit in your office drinking your life away." she said pointing to the bottle of whiskey. "Letting her walk all over you while I have to pick up the pieces. I am tired." she whispered the last part.
"Are you even happy?" she asked him as he shook his head, making her scoff.
"I know. And I've been doing a lot of thinking." he said standing up. "I think it's time for me to finally step-down." he said as she looked at him in shocked.
"So soon?"
"You don't have to say it but I see how you look at me when I walk these halls. I have not been a great King nor father since your mother passed." he admitted to her. She stared at him, still in shock.
- - - - - - - - - -  
"Welcome to the U S of A!" Erik exclaimed stepping off the jet as Imani looked around in shock.
"Oh wow.. it even smells different here." Imani exclaimed looking around as they walked to the jet.
"Eh, back home is better." Okoye stated walking beside the three of them as Imani chuckled.
T'Challa, Erik, Imani and Okoye made their way to the cars that awaited for them that took them to the hotel that they would be at for their stay. Imani sat in her own room that was in the Suit they shared, making notes on what she should say for her speech at the mission, when she heard a knock on her door.
She looked up and saw Erik standing with two Champaign glasses filled with a pink transparent liquid. "Here's to a little celebration to being in America for the first time." he said. She chuckled as she placed the laptop on her bed, as she grabbed it from him, making a toast and drinking.
"Good heavens, why is it so strong." she choked out making Erik laugh. "Y'all American's really do love your liquor." she said placing it on the bed side table next to her as he chuckled.
"You think this strong, just wait till I get you some Henny." he winked at her smiling as she playfully rolled her eyes.
"Actually there was something I wanted to talk to you about. I wanted to wait till we were alone." she said grabbing his glass from his hand and placing it on the table.
"Something happened?" he asked worriedly as she nodded. He immediately thought about the kiss that they shared the night before, scared she may have regretted.
"So my father talked to me last night after y'all had left back, and he basically told me that he was stepping down sooner that we planned." she told him biting his lip.
"You gotta stop doing that." he said leaning in closer, softly pulling her lip from her teeth as she gasped.
"Don't be touching my lips."
"You weren't' complaining about it last night." he tested her. She looked over to the side fighting the blush that was creeping on her face but he caught it. He stood up adjusting her body so that she sat on the edge of the bed with him standing between her thighs. He placed both of his hands beside her, bent down so where they were face to face.
"Must you be so close." she backed up a little. Affection obviously wasn't her thing, but Erik was determined to make it.
"I just like looking at you." he whispered to her, she bit the inside of her cheeks to refrain from biting her lip. Not being able to take the heat any more she gave him a kiss on the lips again as Erik grabbed her chin deepening it.
"Stop-" she giggled as he continued to peck her on the lips. "-N'Jadaka I need to tell you about what we talking about." she laughed pushing him away.
"How was this conversation even bought up anyways?" he asked standing up right grabbing his glass, her immediately missing the feeling of him being close.
"Well he was admitting some things, things I already knew."
- - - - - - - - - -  
The following day, the travelers found themselves in front of the Outreach center with news reports from all around trying to get close enough to the podium. She wore a long white Sun Dress with her locs in a half up half down style, and some sandals. It was an understatement that she was Royalty from a different country.
To hear that three royals from two of the richest countries in America, that just so happened to be in rule of majority of the vibranium, they wanted to ask all of the good questions. Whether it was the scandal that Erik had addressed, or whether it was about the vibranium, or even just random questions.
It was decided that Imani would be the first one up to discuss her viewpoints, and to break the news to America about her father stepping down.
As they walked up the stage, questions and flashes started flushing in, the Dora Milije making sure no intruder made their way on stage. Imani stepped to the mic, tapping on the microphone to make sure it was on. As the crowd quieted, she begin to spoke.
"Firstly, I would like to say the Oakland California has been very welcoming to me. As this is my first time here in the states, I was quite weary about the response I may receive." she started off. "And my lord, do y'all know how to cook up here." she stated as the crowd laughed.
"I would like to start off by saying, that my father, King Z'Kiri of Kambaho has grown into his age. He has come to the conclusion that he is no longer able to run this country in his state. My mother, Queen Zakirah wanted the two of them to retire while they were still able and in right mind, I am pleased that my father has decided to move on with those wishes." she replied. Questions started to pile in as she continued.
"Furthermore, I would like to address the elephant in the room. Four centuries, not only our mother nation but our sister nation Wakanda has delt with the use and supply of Vibranium. As you may heard, from a non-spokes person of both respected countries, that we were open and willing to trade. The information was not presented perfectly, though we are opened to helping we are not open to trade." she stated. The gasps and whispers went first, than the questions came after.
"We would like to apologize on all people involved that have made had the intensions or impressions to trade with us, but that offer will not be on the table for the near future to come."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Imani sat in her room, cress cross apple sauce at the foot of her bed switching between channels on the T.V mounted on the wall watching American News.
"First of all, she looks like she belongs in high school. Who is trusting Miss Imani to run a freaking country!?"
"Honestly, I don't blame them. All America is good for is sucking countries dry, and leaving them."
"Whoever that braud was to make that statement in the first place is dumb for getting the entire world hopes up."
"What America needs to do is demand their respect. Why trust these shit hole countries to run the most expensive element on Earth!?"
"They are offering any country help, what more can we ask for? Especially with aliens attacking us every five business days!"
"Amarah isn't even royal blood so who ever set up that interview only did it to embarrass her. Why would she ever be the spokesperson for Kambaho AND Wakanda!?"
She listened to all of the comments, the positive, the negative and the neutral. Her mind was racing, she didn't know what to do.
"Turn this foolishness off." she looked over and saw T'Challa walking in, grabbing the remote and turning off.
"Can't help it." she sighed scratching at her forehead.
"Stop." he said pushing her arm away from her forehead and leaning against the dresser as she kissed her teeth. "You tend to do that when your stressing." he chuckled.
"I haven't noticed." she mumbled.
"You know for someone who talks a lot, you haven't said a word since the conference. I am concerned." she looked at him in shock.
"Excuse me?"
"Not in a bad way." he defended putting his hands up in the air. "It's just, sometimes your mind runs a billion miles a minute so for you to be quiet.. it just concerns me." she sighed before standing up.
"I just hope I'm making the right decision." she stated playing with her fingers as she raised an eyebrow at him.
"Well this isn't the Imani I know." he said sitting next to her on the bed as she groaned.
"Whoever I hire, whatever decision I make, mistake or not I just want my people to know that I did it in the hopes of my people." she said looking at him. "If this turn around and bite us in my ass, I can never forgive myself." she whispered looking at him.
T'Challa never saw Imani this vulnerable. The weight of being the new Heir was weighing on her. "You know, this feeling is normal. I felt it, my father felt it, his father felt it, our ancestors felt it." he trailed off as she listened.
"Look. As long as I have known you, you have been preparing for this and I've known you my entire life. While we were out trying to sneak liquor from baba's cabinet, you were sitting outside the council room of both countries trying to hear what they said. You knew every single ally for both countries since you were five. You are more prepared than any royal I know." T'Challa comforted her.
"Who ever knew Challa would be so good with his words." she bumped into him as he chuckled.
"Just know I consider you my little sister Imani, just like Wakanda won't let her sister national fail neither will I." he told her as she smiled at him.
"Thanks Challa." she smiled at him.
"Now to the more important stuff." he said standing up. "I see you and Erik have been getting a little.. close." he smirked at her as she playfully rolled her eyes.
"I guess...." she blushed as he raised an eyebrow at her. "I don't know. I really like him."
"Whelp, that feeling is mutual. That man can't walk in any room without talking about you." he said in a matter of fact tone, that comment immediately peaking her interest.
"Is that so?" she said, not helping the smile that creeped on her face.
"Yeah, it's quite interesting since you couldn't stand him a few months ago." he joked as she threw a pillow at him as he chuckled. "You know how I am about these types of things, taking care-"
"Business first, pleasure second. Understandable." he mocked her rolling his eyes. "Who say's you can't mix business and pleasure?" he asked as she tilted her head in confusion.
"Literally everyone that owns a business?"
"Yeah well a country isn't a business." T'Challa stated. She was about to respond, but her door opened and she saw Erik standing there.
"Hope I ain't intrude in nothing." he smirked placing his hands into his pockets, as Challa shook his head. "Now, actually about to head out ourselves. Nakia wants to go out on a date." He gave Imani a knowingly look, before walking pass Erik and out the door.
"Talking about going out, let's go out tonight." he said standing up in front of her as she shook her head.
"No can do. We have to prepare for the interviews we have scheduled for tomorrow and we need to prepare ourselves for-" Erik groaned grabbing her hands.
"Let's just go out. Your in America for the first time and you want to stay inside and do work. I want to show you around my city." he begged her. "Please?"
There he goes with that fucking smile. She swears he could have anything he wanted with that smile.
"We go out tonight, in the morning we prepare." she pointed at him as he nodded.
"I got you."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"So, Jadaka, what's on our plans for tonight." she walked into his room. He turned around to look at her, but was caught by surprised by what she had on. His eyes wondered over her body than back to her lips.
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"You tryna not to go out?" he asked her with a chuckle, his eyes doing a once over. She blushed at the comment, immediately knew where it was going, but she easily covered it with a scoff.
"Oh noo, you convince me to get dressed up, we are leaving." she chuckled sitting down on the sofa that he had in his room and crossing her legs. His eyes then sat at the way her thighs sat perfectly, most definitely using some of the coco butter from home.
"I mean I can say you do look good, right?" he smirked grabbing two whiskey glasses and a bottle of Henny. He placed both of them on the table next to her as she looked at the bottle. She took this moment to drink him and all his glory in.
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"Oh is this the famous Hennessey." she chuckled as he poured them both an amount. He handed her the glass before saying,
"It is. Let's do a little pre-game." he state as the clinked their glasses together.
The taste of the drink caught her off guard as she started to cough. "Goodness gracious, what the hell is this!?" she coughed putting the empty glass on the table as he laughed.
"C'mon it ain't the bad."
"Ain't that bad!? It tastes like it belongs on the periodic table!" she claimed standing up. He busted out laughing as she grabbed the water bottle that was next to the bottle, chugging it down as she gagged.
"Okay I should've warned you." he said, wiping the tears from his eyes as she scoffed at him.
"No wonder why you Americans are so unhealthy. I think I just got level 2 liver failure from this sip." Even though it was nasty tasting, she immediately felt the affects of the drink.
"Okay... woah." she said sitting down as Erik sat next to her.
"Now you see why we like it so much." he smirked at her.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The two of them decided to have a nice dinner at one of the five star restaurants that his friend back home owned. Imani loved the different variety of meals, even sparking up conversation with him on how to cook such meals.
He finally wanted to take her to one of the lounges that he owned. With word that he and the princess was in town, it was packed with both paparazzi and people who just wanted to have a good time.
The two of them had a couple of more drinks at the restaurant, so they were most definitely feeling the drinks. Imani, sad to say it, haven't had this much fun in ages.
They stepped into the lounge as everyone started to make noise at their arrival. "Let's give it up for Erik and Princess Imani!" the DJ spoke as the two of them waved, walking through the paveway to their on VIP section.
As much as Imani was uptight, maybe it was the liquor or she wasn't on her Princess duties, but she most definitely enjoyed the lounge atmosphere. All she wanted to do was dance and have a great time.
And that's exactly what they did.
Luckily for the two of them, because of the Herb, they couldn't get too drunk but drunk enough to love the feeling.
Erik saw a whole other side of Imani. She had no shame on dancing on him, dancing on the sofa, hell even dancing on the table. Her shoes were off and her locs were now in a pony tail.
Something that he learned about her, this girl can dance and move. He loved it.
Luckily with her outfit on, she could move in anyway she wanted with out exposing herself, after all she was a royal. Erik sat on the couch with her on the glass table with a glass of Crown Royal in one hand, and a blunt in the other smirking at the princess in front of him.
"Mani, you having a good time?" he yelled over the music. She stopped dancing for a moment to look at him, with the goofiest smile on her face.
"Oh I'm having a blast." she said back to him before she stepped down. "Though I could be having way more fun." she said smirking at him as he raised an eyebrow at her.
"Mhm.. and how is that?"
"Well I'm not going to lie. That Henny drink made me feel a little funny." she admitted, a blush obvious. He knew exactly what she meant. In this moment, no matter how loud the music was, it felt like it was just the two of them in this club.
"Yeah... It does that." he laughed as she scoffed.
"You did this on purpose!" she said hitting his chest. "Though I really don't mind it." she finished. Erik knew she was a little tipsy, and wasn't sure if she was only saying it because she was. He knew if he did anything without her consent, his manly parts would most definitely be on display for the whole world to see by the morning. But it was like she read his mind.
"No worries. I'm still in my right mind about you." she told him then whispered in his ear. "About us." He closed his eyes, damn near taking her out right now but he stopped himself.
"Alright how about this? Don't drink for the next hour so you can sober up a little. Then, if you can tell me this again by the night at the hotel, I'll give you what you need. But I'm not touching you for the hour till you're clear." he looked her in the face before she nodded.
"Fair deal." she leaned over pecking him on the lips before standing up.
"Aye Erik!!" The two of them looked and saw two guys walking up the steps as Erik stood up.
"What up with y'all niggas!" Erik exclaimed giving each of them a bro hug.
"We could be asking you the same shit!" The light skinned one laugh.
Both of them were tall, one being light skinned and the other being dark skinned. The light skinned had tattoos running up his arm and neck, with curly hair. He was tall but slimmer than Erik. The darksinned one rocked locs with blonde tips, and had only one arm of tattoos. They were dripped out in Ice, most definitely looking like they had much money as Erik.
"Wayne and Jeremiah, this is my ole lady, Imani. Imani, these are my bestfriends Wayne and Jeremiah." she walked from behind the two with her hands out for them to shake.
"It's nice to finally meet you two. Erik always tell me crazy ass stories from back in y'all university days." she giggled as Wayne laughed.
"It's nice to meet you too Princess Imani." he said shaking her hand.
"Eh, I'm not formal type. Imani will do just fine." she told them.
"Okay Miss Imani." Jeremiah chuckled. As the three best friends started to catch up, Imani looked over the rail looking at all the people in the lounge. Some of them were waving up at her, and taking videos but one caught her eye.
Arianna Cope.
She was in her own VIP section across the lounge with her girl friends. With a twitch of her an eye, she looked back at Erik who was still talking to her. She looked back over and saw Arianna looking right back at her.
Giving her a stink look, Arianna rolled her eyes and started talking to her friends as they looked back at her also. Their fingers were pointing at her, it was obvious that they were talking shit about her and started to get aggressive. The next thing she knew, they were leaving their lounge and making their way across the club. The two men left as she she walked over to Erik before whispering in his ears,
"That Arianna girl is in here Erik." she told him. He turned around to look at her and saw that her face was annoyed.
"She is? Where?"
"She's making her way over here." she told him as he scoffed.
"There is security guards at the entrance of the VIP. They ain't coming up here." he reassured her. "Don't worry."
"Oh I'm not worried. Though she better be. I will fuck her up." she warned him. The threat caught him off guard as she usually isn't the one going out looking for a fight, though she did have a mouth on her.
"Oh I know, you don't have to tell me." he chuckled. He heard about the damage that the Silver Leopard has done, even on the personal missions she's done within the months.
As she was about to say something, she heard the commotion down stairs of girls yelling. "I fucking know him! Lemme up!" One voice exclaimed.
"Tell that gorilla lookin ass bitch up there to come down here with her scary ass!" Another voice said.
"Gorilla!?" she looked at Erik in shocked as he shook her head, scared that the liquor might just encourage her to beat all they asses. "Oh fuck no!" she walked to the entrance as Erik blocked her from exiting by grabbing her and holding her by the waist.
"Nah let the bitch go. Let's see what this hoe really about!" Arianna exclaimed as Erik attempted to push her to the corner. Erik knew as soon as he let her go, she could do some serious damage to all parties involved, maybe even a few deaths.
All by herself.
"Mani... chill. You know you have advantage over them, you don't want to cause a bad image for yourself." he reasoned with her. She looked at him. "Don't react to it. You got way more to loose than her." he whispered to her as she looked at him. She was mad, but it seemed like Erik was good, even great, at calming her.
"Go down there and fix it before I do."
Knowing there wasn't an ounce of a lie with that statement, without second thought, Erik was making there way down the steps to see that issue.
"Fuck you Erik! Tell that bitch to come down the steps."
"Arianna she ain't coming down to do shit! The fuck is you here for anyways!?" he yelled at her, a barrier of men between him and her.
"Nigga you do realize what the fuck happened right!? The whole entire world is making her a life a living fucking hell because of what you posted nigga." one of her bestfriends, Janiah, claimed.
"I should have my brother come up here and shoot you in your shit bitch ass nigga!" Arianna exclaimed chucking her stlleto at his head, but with his quick reflexes he dodged it.
"All because you lied on me?" he exclaimed with a laugh. "Get these bitches outta my fucking club." he told the guards walking up. They continued to protest and yell but they were taken out, cameras video tapping everything.
It was around 12 o'clock at night when Imani let her him know that she was ready to head back home. The two of them exit the club, with him carrying her as she couldn't properly walk in her heels anymore because she was sore and lightly tipsy.
"We love you Princess Imani!!!" She heard a couple of black girls say at the entrance as she smiled and waved at them.
"I LOVE YOU MORE!!!" she exclaimed as they fan-girled at the princess.
"Okay get in the car." Erik chuckled placing her in back seat of the SUV, him waving at the fans before he too entered. She sat diagonally across the seat, as Erik put her feet into hid lap massaging it.
"Ya know, it feels like I'm getting sobered enough.." she trailed off, moving her feet across his lap in a slow motion. He looked at her with a look that she didn't recognized, but boy did she love it.
He looked almost primal the way he was looking at her, and his mouth was sure as hell watering at the sight of her. All tonight with her dancing, she teased the hell out of him.
If he thought that was teasing, he was sure as hell in a rough ride back to the hotel.
"Do you mind letting the visor up please?" she asked the driver as he nodded. Erik knew she was bold, hell, every statement that went out of this girls mouth was nothing but bold. But this really was the icing on top of the cake.
"No problem Princess Imani." And with that the visor went up as he looked down at his Rolex.
"You do know you have exactly 23 minutes left right?" he warned her as she rolled her eyes.
"Are you really being so technical?" she whispered crawling onto his lap. His eyes were low from the blunts that he smoked, Imani damn near dripping at the sight of him.
"Imani... what are you doing?" he asked looking up at her.
"You said you wouldn't touch me. You didn't say anything about me touching you." she whispered, biting his ear lobe. He closed his eyes, with her placing small kisses from the bottom of his ear, down his neck. Her hips slowly started to wine, as she lifted her dress just a tad bit.
"Fuck Mani, your killing me." he grabbed her waist about to help himself but she smacked his hands. "Aht aht, you still have about-" she grabbed his hand looking at his Rolex. "About less than 22 minutes. You don't get to touch me yet." she smirked at him. If looks could kill, this girl would have been dead by the look he was giving her.
He nodded his head, his tongue gliding across the inside of his cheeks. "You playing with fire, I hope you know that." his tone was about a couple of octaves deeper as she bit her lip.
"Mmm something in me don't believe that." she smirked, questioning his ability. He didn't get offended, he didn't roll his eyes. He just smiled at her.
That fucking smile.
All through out the ride, Imani did everything in her power to get him to break. She don't know if she admired or was pissed off at his strength to keep his hands to himself. When they arrived at the hotel, he stepped out. He picked her up out of the vehicle due to the lack of shoes, before entering the elevator that was to the pent house floor.
He placed her down, his stare intensely on her as she bit her lip at him. He clenched his fist, again biting the inside of his cheek. They arrived to the top floor, as she turned around walking into the hotel suit. She was about to make her way to her room but he stopped her.
"And where you think you going?" he asked tilting his head, a smirk on his face.
"To my room to-"
"Take yo ass in my room Mani." he cuts her off, moving aside to let her walk in front of him. This cut throat Erik was new to her. If this way any other situation, he would have been cussed clean the fuck out. She stared at him in shock, before he laughed.
"Oh you thought I was playing. Take yo sexy ass in my fucking room. I'm not telling you again." he told her. Walking passed him, she walked down the hall to his room as he followed behind her, watching her ass jiggle in the dress. He walked behind her, shutting the door. He looked at the two glasses and the bottle of henny before he poured himself another drink.
As dominant as she was in the real world, she never knew she would get so turned on by a man telling her what to do. In her past sex life, she was always the one in charge. This.. was entirely new to her.
"I think you have about three minutes left." he taunted her. She bit her lip looking at the clock before turning to him.
"I can do a lot in three minutes." she told him, he nodded in agreement.
"Yeah I know." he chuckled taking the mint gum out of his mouth, throwing it away and taking the glass of Henny down the throat. He took off his jacket throwing it somewhere in the room. "You have no understanding how I'm about to fuck the shit outta you do you?" he bent down in front of her. The mint with the whiskey smell was damn near intoxicating itself.
"I don't, you do have two minutes to explain it though." she batted her eyelashes at him.
"I don't know whether I want to eat that pussy first because I know she's wet, or making you deep throat my dick for all this teasing. Either way you getting a treatment of both. Then, I'm bending you over the bed and making you take all this dick, I don't care if you cum a hundred times. Take you to the window, fuck you while you looking at my city. Take yo ass in the shower, give you all this dick in there." he spoke. Speechless, she started to move her thighs together. Licking his lips, he looked down at her moving her thighs. He stood up straight before saying,
"Play with that pussy for me." she stood up, slipping out of the dress, him seeing that she didn't have on any under garnments.
"Mani.." he tsked. "You were planning this entire time to get some dick." he said in more of a statement.
"How could I not?" she sat back on the bed. Opening her legs, she showed him her waxed pussy with her own happy tail, widening her legs to give a view of her pussy.
"Yeahhh." he kneeled down getting a front row seat. "Such a pretty pussy..." he whispered to himself. "Since you wanna show me this pussy like a lil hoe, gone head and fuck yourself like one." he said, still starring at it. Slowly, she moved her legs between her thighs as her hands were placed on her swollen clit. Using her index and middle finger, she moved her finger on her clit with pressure as she closed her eyes.
"Mhmm." she let out a moan. Her wetness was producing, knowing the fact that she was playing with herself in front of him. Months ago, if you told her that this is where she would be at, she would have laughed in your face. Yet, here we are.
"I said fuck yourself like a slut. Add a finger or two in there before I do it." he warned her. Trailing down to her entrance, following his instructions, she started to fuck herself with her fingers. She's done this before in the comfort of her own privancy, but it ain't never felt this way before.
"Oooh goodness..." she gasped, hitting her g-spot.
"Fuck you already creaming?" he asked her. He looked down at his watch. "You gotta minute to make yourself cum. Then your mine for the taking." she continued to fuck herself, she knew she wouldn't be able to do it in the moment, but this was Imani we were talking about. She always loved a challenge.
"Erik!!" she exclaimed as he shook his head.
"Nah, moan the name I was given."
"N'Jadaka..." she moaned. With the hour finally up, he slapped her hand away.
"Move." Was all he said. She moved her fingers, him grabbing them and placing them in his mouth and with the others slid two fingers inside her. "Yeah.... I like that." he heard the wet noise her pussy was making as she moaned.
"Fuck... finger my pussy just like that." she gasped out. He spat on her clit making her gasp as he stood back up. Grabbing the back of her hair, he pulled her so that she was looking at him.
"Daddy making this pussy feel right, ain't he?" he smiled at her.
That smile was what made the dam broke. "Fuuuck you..." she moaned as she came all on his fingers as he laughed. He grabbed her legs opening them before his face was between her thighs, and happily eating her pussy. He rotated between slurping on her clit and tongue fucking her. Her hands were in his dreads yanking as the pleasure overwhelmed her.
"Ohh my goodness.." she gasped out. Her head fell back as her eyes rolled to the back of her head as Erik continued to eat her out, purposely making the slurping sounds just so she knew her pussy tasted good.
"I-I don't think I can come again." he pulled away, slapping her clit as she bucked her hips.
"Shut the fuck up and let me eat this pussy." And with that, his tongue was back like it never left.
"Daddy.. shit!" she felt the familiar feeling in her stomach, her cumming all over again on his tongue and face, yet he still did not stop.
He was here to prove a point, and my God was the point being proven.
"Daddy please!" she moaned out. The sound of her calling him daddy could've made his dick rip his pants rip at the seems. Yet, she didn't know if she was begging him to stop or to keep going.
This feeling, she have never felt before. There was a pressure she felt that she just let go. "Fuck mamas." he whispered astonished at the juices squirt outta her.
"OOHHH MYY GODD." she grabbed the blankets as he stood up taking off his shirt. As he unbuckled his pants, she sat up kissing him on the lips as he deepened the kiss. Letting his pants fall to the floor and stepping out, he grabbed her face kissing her as her hands went to his dick pulling the waist down. With his dick free, he stepped outta his underwear as she grabbed it.
She pulled away to get sight of it how it felt, because the way it felt didn't make sense.. that was until she saw it.
"All this... for me to play and fuck with?"
The way she sounded innocent , but was talking about fucking his big dick made his dick jump in her hand. Astonished she pushed him back as she slid outta bed onto her knees looking at him.
"You want this dick in your throat?" he asked her, slapping her in the face a few times with it as she nodded.
"Yes please, sir."
"Open." Right on command, her mouth was open and watering as he entered her mouth throwing his head back. Taking a minute to adjust to his size, it wasn't long before his dick was down her throat.
"Put your hands in your lap, let daddy fuck this slutty throat." he begged her. Following his instructions, with her head against the bed and him, she had no where to go as he attacked her throat.
"That's it... fuck." With her throat tightening and the wetness combined, he wasn't sure if he could last this long in her throat. With one hand she played with her right nipple, and with her other hand she started to fuck herself again with his fingers.
He heard the wetness of her pussy as he smirked down at her. "I love a bitch that gets wet at sucking my dick. Ima make you a feen for this dick you hear me, Mani?" he groaned as she nodded choking.
"Ima have you willing to take this dick anywhere and anytime, no matter who fucking watching. You like that don't you." she moaned over his dick as slob ran down her chest and to her pussy. He pulled away making her gasp for air. He grabbed her by the throat, making her kiss him, messy and all.
He lifted her up on the bed, throwing her in the middle she opened her legs for him. He crawled between her thighs, teasing her entrance with the tip of dick.
"Mmm look all that." he whispered to himself, her wetness spreading across his tip. "You know how long I've been waiting on this?" he asked pushing into her as she gasped out loud.
"Oh my-" he grabbed her by the cheeks making him look at her.
"You know how long I've been waiting on this?" he asked her again, pulling out then entering again as she moaned.
"Since I met your pretty ass. Give up this pussy just...like...that." between each word, he fucked into her as she screamed. Covering her mouth with his hand, he smirked at her.
"You want everybody hearing how you giving this pussy up, huh?" she shook her head. "Alright, shut the fuck up." he said fucking her harder. Her eyes was half way open as she grabbed his wrist. She looked up at him with a surprise look on her face, his tip damn near beating her G-Spot.
"Look at the dumb look on your face. You didn't believe me when I told your ass you was playing with fire." he pulled his hands away. He grabbed the back of her knees pushing them to her chest, fucking her again.
"Daddy.." she gasped rubbing her clit as he leaned down kissing her.
"You look so pretty when you take this dick. Daddy loves making you look like this."
All this time he known this girl, she was never seen unkept. Not a hair out of place. The way she looked right now, he was happy he was the only one to be able to see her like this.
"Oh goodness, I think I'm gonna-" the splashing sounds that hit both her and his skin was heard between the two of them. The dangerous man didn't even stop fucking her, just kept it going.
"JADAKA!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. He sat back up, still fucking her, before flipping her on her stomach.
"Don't make me ask for it." Was all he said, and surprisingly enough, she knew. She arched her back, Erik smiling down at the sight.
"I think I know my favorite way to see you." he smacked her ass a good couple of times before forcing her on his dick. "Damn.. this pussy." he moaned out fucking her nice and slow. The mirror that was in front of the bed caught everything the thing two was doing. She looked inside the mirror at him as he continued to fuck her.
"Fuck daddy.." she whimpered as he continued to fuck her at the slow pace.
"I know... I feel that pussy tightening and getting wet on me. You like watching yourself get fucked don't you?" he asked her as she nodded.
"Come on, fuck this dick. Show daddy you deserve to get this dick when ever you want." Without changing a thing, she threw her ass back on him like her life depended on it.
"Mmm I love fucking this dick daddy." she whimpered out, the smacking sounds echoing in the room.
"That's right..." he groaned out smacking her ass cheeks a couple of time. "Show me how much of a slut you can be for daddy." he said watching her ass bounce on him.
He was caught by surprised by how much wetness and cream she was producing, she was most definitely turned on by the sight of him fucking her in the mirror.
"Kinky ass bitch." he told her, grabbing her locs, bringing her back to his chest. His face hovered hers, smiling in her face as he fucked her at a fast pace.
"Damn it daddy. Your beating up my pussy!" she gasped out.
"You mean I'm beating up MY pussy? Yeah I know. Shut up and take it bitch." he told her. Her hands grabbed the blankets below her as she bit her lip. He reached around with his other hand, rubbing at her clit as her mouth opened in shock. Erik took the opportunity to give her one last sloppy kiss before spitting in her mouth.
He knew she was a slut, but once she came again from the crude action, it confirmed it. He pulled out getting out of bed, before grabbing her by the ankles and lifting her up now that the bed was soaked. Turning her against the glass window, and facing her back, he lifted a leg up and inserted again.
"Fuck.. why are you fucking me like this?" she moaned out. It was a serious question. There was no reasonable answer on planet Earth why this man would be fucking her like this... or she thought.
"Walk around with a smart ass mouth all the fucking time, you just needed some good dick, right?" he taunted her as she nodded moaning. He smacked her cheek a little to let her know he wanted to hear words. "Mhm, speak when I'm talking to you. I know you got manners Princess Imani." he taunted her again.
"Yes!" she yelled.
"Noo say I needed some good dick."
"I just needed some good dick daddy!" she moaned out, with her hands on the window.
"Yeah.. and who's giving you this good dick?"
"F-Fuck you are!" she exclaimed as he smiled at her. He put his head in the crook of her neck before whispering.
"Ima nut." he pulled out, bending her over as he came all over her ass.
"Fuuuuuuck!" he groaned out. Breathing hard and heavy, he picked her up, taking him to his bathroom.
"Like I said I ain't done with yo ass yet. Take ya ass in the shower."
@youcanttouchthis1001 @softleosworld @bethy-baby @automaticdragonmugalien @mscarter213 @lynaye1993 @etherealluvrr @xsweetdellzx @ajenae @babbydollaaassignn @forevermoremagcon @babbydollaaassignn @ziayamikaelson @blmcd57110 @kaireads2020 @ts1mp0ne @luvvvjada @cozyashhh @ziirowe @blkmystery @princessmel-1995 @itsophiebby @thiswasnevermylifefromtony @trippyscotch @determinednot2fall @metra873 @ravynnn-12 @meeeeep5 @ts1mp0ne @jordyn-wkndafvr @nccu-rnc @christinabae @kanilive @tthatkidmimi @sourbabynaee @ejs398 @nanii2x @hippieonboard @reneinii @royaler1999
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guessilldie69 · 2 months
All of my Artfight attacks of this year!
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Oshana by MeltingChaos!
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2. Ketamine by Ryo_Dino_!
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3. Afei Kaulani by Henatza!
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4. Robin by Spikedheart! (revenge)
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5. Serenity by FairyLights!
I really wanted to make more but unfortunately my motivation went to other projects. But I am sure next year there will be loads of new OCs to be drawn!
All of these drawings took around 50+ hours together! You can guess which one took the longest ;')
My user is GuessIllDie69!
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greatvalueloki · 1 year
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Yeah,, new oc story,,, It’s called godhunters on a world I made up called Oshana and it’s inspired by its name! Godhunters by aviators is a very good song, and I recommend checking out aviators in general! they’re on almost every platform,, I use youtube to listen to them!
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The only hunter not shown is R,, because i didn’t draw him and I won’t remember to later
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gh0ullist · 6 years
for me the ‘dark’ side isnt something that automatically guarantees corruption. its all about control tbh? someone with a great attunement to the force is practically guaranteed to succumb to it regardless of their moral intentions If They Just Aren’t In Control. on the flipside, those who practice and extend the control to their studies / force manipulation can manifest it with relative ease, albeit in short bursts. i apply that kinda logic to my ‘light side’ sith inquisitor (although you can hardly call her light-side, since most of the force she use leans towards the opposite end of the spectrum despite her high moral ground) who uses it as a weapon regardless
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ghoullist · 7 years
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darth imperius.
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
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It’s been a good art day! This is another curvy lady OC, this one a more recent one. Her name is Oshana “Shana” Carver, her FC is ASHOURINA WASHINGTON from whom this was referenced, and she’s a mermaid
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puppyluver256 · 2 years
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[Image Description: A statue made of solid blue sapphire, depicting a Zora (fish people from The Legend of Zelda series) woman of noble status. The figure depicted has large fins at her sides and on her elbows, with gill slits at her chest. Across her body are several silver accessories; cross-band wristbands, solid ankle cuffs, an ornate necklace with an inlet tear-shaped sapphire, aqua green earring-like fin piercings with dangling diamond-shaped sapphire adornments, and a silver diadem depicting the Zora's Sapphire, an important artifact from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. In her hands is a long silver trident with sapphires on the pointy end and the base of the shaft. Her expression is one of shock, even as her pose suggests she is in the middle of battle. The base of the statue depicts large sapphire waves swirling around her. The background is a location in Zora's Domain, with the statue installed on a large stone platform surrounded by stone pillars. End ID.]
"And here we have this gorgeous statue depicting one of the great Zora monarchs of old, the young queen Oshana. Ascended to the throne much to early for her own liking due to her father, the late king Tidus, passing from a then-incurable disease, she nevertheless stepped up to the duty of leading her people and made an earnest effort to keep their best interests at the forefront. These actions led her to be colloquially known as 'The People's Queen'. Unfortunately, after a while the records of Oshana's life seem to just end with no warning. One day she is going about business as usual, the next she vanishes from history. Without a queen to lead them, and no heir to replace her given her decision to live child-free, the Zora people took the opportunity to form a democracy to keep things stable in her place. Curiously, the last known record of Oshana in Zora history is also around the same time that this statue is believed to have been created. The amount of sapphire taken to craft this likeness of the young queen must have been incredibly difficult to procure, and look at all the attention to detail at that! Not to mention the addition of silver accessories that are incredibly accurate to those worn by real Zora nobles at the time, as well as the real silver trident! One must wonder why the sculptor chose to give her an expression of surprise, though, considering the pose implies she is in the middle of a battle and one would assume a serious or determined expression would be more appropriate. The expression almost implies that the real Oshana was caught off-guard and instantaneously transformed into a sapphire statue by some sort of magic..."
Yeah, I just wanted to try and do another statue art, decided to give this one a bit of a more elaborate backstory too. I think I might've made my eyes go weird working on this, I mean look at all that blue, think it's making me see more yellow-y than my color vision usually is. At least I don't have to look at it for nearly as long anymore XD Don't worry, this isn't canon for Oshana's story, that would be silly hehe.
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are greatly preferred as they let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Zora species and other Legend of Zelda concepts © Nintendo Oshana and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 1 year
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[Image Description: Oshana, one of the artist's OCs, trapped in a large translucent bubble. Oshana is a Zora, fish people from the Legend of Zelda series, with aqua green skin, lime green eyes, and blue and yellow fins. She is wearing silver and sapphire jewelry, in particular a tiara shaped like the Zora's Sapphire. She appears to be trying and failing to get out of the bubble, gritting her teeth in annoyance. The background is pale turquoise and lavender, with bubbles of varying sizes floating around nearby. End ID.]
Looks like Oshana's gotten herself in a bit of a pickle somehow. This is not a dignified position for a queen to be in! Here's hoping she can get out of this sooner rather than later, she looks piiiiissed!!
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are preferred as they let more people see my artwork! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Zora people and other Zelda concepts © Nintendo Oshana and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 1 year
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[Image Description: Several multicolored slime monsters getting up to shenanigans. Clockwise from top left: a green slime with maroon eyes and glasses appears surprised by their fate; a white and black slime with grey eyes, glasses, and a black beret with pink star pins is hopping about; an aqua green slime with lime green eyes and jewelry is looking back at a ring that has fallen off; a blue slime with dark blue eyes and a yellow and black slime with blue eyes have become stuck together and are trying to pull themselves apart; a purple slime with amber swirled eyes is popping out of the spout of an ornately decorated teapot; a blue and green slime is so relaxed that he is melting. The background is a pixelated pastel rainbow gradient. End ID.]
I promise you, despite what the posting date implies, I had no intention of making "turn a bunch of random OCs into slimes" as an April Fool's joke. Y'all know I can't stand this "holiday" anyway ;P No, I've planned this weeks in advance at the very least (art queue! it is packed until August at the very earliest!!) and so this is just my normal shenaniganry :3
Okay, lessee, who do we have here? We've got Kusaoi, who seem to be less than pleased about having become slime, poor bean. There's Muette up there, they seem to be enjoying themself at least! Oshana's got some issues with a piercing not holding onto slime material as well as it does with her fin cartilage. Hachiro...is Hachiro, boy prolly thought he had some really potent edibles or something and is just vibing while trying to rest this off. Oolong is just taking to the nature of her original Pokemon counterpart. Aaaand oops, looks like Dimando and Potato have gotten themselves stuck together! How does one go about separating two stuck slimes? I don't think pulling like that will help all that much...though what do I know, I've never been a slime XD
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are preferred as they let more people see my artwork! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Polteageist and other Pokemon concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Zora race and other Legend of Zelda concepts © Nintendo Octolings and other Splatoon concepts © Nintendo Gens and other Engelbaum concepts © Spectramis Arts Kusaoi Watanabe, Muette the Mime, Oshana, Hachiro Nakajima, Oolong Chai, Dimando Oxford Blue, Potato Russet (and other Theia Historica concepts), and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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clearlydiamondz · 10 months
Loyalty to Royalty
Erik!Stevens x OC
Part Seven
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Princess Imani was the black sheep of her family, never really fitting the female royal type. When an arranged marriage between Prince   N'Jadaka and her is set up, she tries her hardest to get away... but she just can’t.
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Being back home, she was missing Erik. He and T'Challa had their own thing going on as she did too. As her being the Silver Leopard, she and Nakia infuriated a sex trafficking's ring down in South Africa that she caught wind on. She was most definitely was feeling the after affects of that mission, especially right after traveling between the states and home.
"So, how did you like America?" Amarah asked her.
"Honestly, I had so much fun. The food there was so good but I know I gained a few pounds." she said as they sat in the dinning room eating the Oxtail stew that Imani made. "Though they had so many cars. Like... it was unbelievable but it made sense. Everything was so far from each other." she said grabbing her napkin and wiping her face.
"Yeah when we went I noticed that too. I just thought because they were lazy." Amarah chuckled.
"I do too until I seen it. Even I wasn't going to walk that far." Imani stated. Amarah sighed before saying,
"Imani I should tell you something." Imani looked at her in a state that told her to go on but Oshana came in, a tad bit shocked that the two was sitting at the table.
"Hello mother." Amarah said with no emotion.
"Daughter." Oshana acknowledged then looked between the two. "What were you guys talking about?" she asked, confused on why the two of them were talking.
"My trip to America." Imani stated drinking her glass of wine. "I am excited on going back."
"Surprising. It seems like the politicians don't really seem to be a fan of you." she stated crossing her arms.
"Conservatives don't. I think everyone else was pleased." she stated looking up at her as she scoffed.
"Maybe because of the Prince. But you didn't really-"
"Mother just stop." Amarah snapped at her. Oshana looked at her daughter in shock. Almost like she was betrayed by the action. "There is no need for you to be so critical right now. Let's just be glad she made it home safe." Imani looked at Amarah in shock before looking at Oshana.
"Hmm... it seems like you guys weren't just in here talking about America. If you were talking about-"
"Ima cut you off there. You do not run through my mind enough for that." Imani responded to her. At this point, Oshana wasn't caring about Imani and what she was saying. She was shocked about the fact that Amarah replied to her in such a way. She heard the kitchen phone ring as she stood up answering it.
"Imani speaking." she answered.
"Princess Imani! It's Council Jean! Your father is not well! He collapsed at the meeting is on his way to the hospital!" he yelled in the phone as her world stopped.
"What happened to him!" she exclaimed, but her ears heard something.
That's when Imani heard something on the roof. With her eye twitching, she moved the phone. "Council Jean, the palace is under attack..." she whispered.
"Princess is everyone okay?" he exclaimed.
"Send help..." she whispered into the phone before hanging up. "Something is wrong with father." she whispered to them. "Stay behind me, understood?" she warned them. The looked at her confused, before she grabbed a few knives off the table.
"Please Imani, what are you going to actually doing that?" her mother whispered yell. Ignoring her, she heard the footsteps come closer before she through the knife at an angle, down the hall.
She heard a man yell before she ran around the corner seeing two men in all black gear with guns. She grabbed one of their guns in attempt to yank it but he held on to it, the gun going off and bullets hitting the ceiling. Kicking him into the stomach and having him fly through the window breaking the glass. She unloaded the gun before sliding it across hall before she was slammed against the wall, her head hitting it. The man had the in attempt to stab her, the man was about 150 more pounds heavier. She used her leg to wrap around his leg moving her body weight to the floor as he flipped with her. The knife slid across the floor as he flipped her off of him, with her getting back onto her feet in a fighting stance. He stood up, shocked by how fast she was up.
"I don't know who you are, but you are making a bad decision." she warned him.
"Says a lot coming from you." He pulled a pistol out in attempt to shoot but with her reflexes, she tacked him by the feet as the gun went off.
"AMARAH!!!" She heard her mother yell, as she heard Amarah fall to the floor.
She grabbed the gun that she slid before hitting him in the head three good times sending him to the floor. Making sure that they weren't getting up, she ran to Amarah and saw that the bullet hit her in the chest.
"No no no no no." she examined her and saw that there was no exit wound. "GIVE ME YOUR SCARF!" she yelled at Oshana forcing her to hand over her scarf.
"I-I need to call for help!" she exclaimed standing up.
"No! There are no telling how many people are here. We need to move somewhere else to be safe!" she whispered yelled in order. "They were able to sneak pass the King guards on the outside.." she reminded her. "Lemme take her into the wine cooler." she whispered. She picked her up bridal style before they snuck her into the wine cooler, hearing more foot steps above.
Grabbing one of the beads that Erik gave her, she called him.
"Hey gorgeous, I miss-"
"Erik, our palace is under attack." she whispered, holding the scarf on Amarah wound.
"By who!?" he yelled as she heard stuff ruffling.
"I think Americans. I heard an American accent." she whispered. That's when she heard more glass breaking. "There are too many of them, I wont be able to take them and Amarah is in bad condition." she took another bead off before placing it in her wound, her gasping sounds slowly went down as the vibranium went through her system.
"Where are the guards that-"
"They attacked from the roof. We have no way of reaching the out side."
"We're on our way now!"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
In turn of events, no longer
(Y/N) sat in the chair in the hospital room as she starred at the two bodies that were on the tables, covered. She was still covered in blood, too deep into her thoughts. She didn't realize that her friends were outside talking about her.
"You don't tell me that this is a coincidence." Okoye whispered. "This would have been Wakanda if we didn't have the shield to protect us. Now their King is dead."
"We need to cancel out any other possible theories before we jump the gun and say it was the American's." T'Challa stated, Erik scoffed.
"Nigga, it was definitely America. I seen the footage of the fighting style and the guns. It was most definitely either a black op unit or a seal unit." Erik mentioned. "They were caught surprised because of her strength and wasn't able to take her down." Erik reminded him about the herb that ran through her body.
"I hate to say this, but it isn't suppose to be Amarah on that table. It was supposed to be Imani. The true heir to the throne." Nakia said looking at T'Challa.
"What we need to do is protect her, and protect the lands in Kambaho that has the vibranium. I've already talked to Shuri and the border tribe on what we could do to protect their citizens." T'Challa stated. They were about to say something but the door opened and Imani walked out, still in her gray dress with Amarah's blood.
"Imani beloved, let's get you cleaned up." Nakia whispered to her in a soft tone, but Imani stopped her handing her two tubes of blood.
"My father requested not to have an autopsy when he passed in belief that it would interfere with his crossover with the ancestors. These are mine and his blood samples." she handed them to her as Nakia looked at her confused.
"I'm confused, why-"
"I had the hospital clear out the basement labs for you to work. Can you find any abnormalities?" Imani asked.
"I thought that the Americans didn't get to you?" Okoye stated.
"No, I believe Oshana was working with the Americans to assassinate us." she said.
"Imani.. right now you shouldn't focus on this. You need to-" Erik went to touch her but she stepped back before yelling,
"No!" she exclaimed catching everyone off guard. "N-No, the Americans have no way of poisoning us unless they have an inside person to do so. When they attacked the palace, they knew exactly where to go and where we would be. Not only that, they were attacking and only jumping me. She-" She pointed at Amarah's dead body. "That happened by accident. I'm supposed to be on that table" Sighing, she scratched her forehead.
"If my father and I had died, the person to heir the throne would be Oshana and then her daughter. She would get what she wanted and so would the American's. Their assassination of me failed and I need to confirm it before I take further action." she told him. Nakia looked down at the tubes before grabbing them.
"If what she says is to be true, this is an obvious act of war." Okoye responded.
"It doesn't make sense. Why poison you if they were just going to come in and shoot?" Erik asked. "Seems a tad bit over-kill." he finished.
"Yeah... I have a few questions I need to ask Oshana."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
In the bunker that was miles from the castle, held Oshana. She was told for her protection. Erik and she entered the room as Oshana stood up.
"Where is Amorah!?" she exclaimed.
"She is-"
"She is in critical condition." Imani lied, cutting Erik off. Erik looked at her, catching on to what she was doing. "Wakanda health team is doing everything in their power to save her," she replied as she let out a relieved sigh.
"And my husband?" she asked.
"He's doing okay." Imani choked. She saw the disappointment in Oshana's eyes, but easily covered it up.
"Thank goodness," she said sitting down.
"We do have a few questions for you Oshana. There are some gaps in these events that aren't making any sense." Erik replied sitting across from her. She scoffed.
"What is this, an interrogation?"
"No, but we have to clear up every playing field that there could be a chance that the attempted assassination of my father and I," Imani stated as she looked at her.
"You mean the attempted assassination of my daughter and your father." she corrected her but she shook her head.
"See here is the thing. I'm not stupid. When we were attacked, they only attacked me." she said in a matter-of-fact tone. "In which I had to fight them off," she stated.
"Actually, about that. How were you able to do that?" Oshana asked leaning onto the table.
"Training with the Dora Milije proves to be very beneficial," she stated.
"I saw you throw almost a damn near 200-pound man into a window and shatter it. Ain't no amount of training in the world can do that," she told her. She was about to respond to the statement, but Erik handed her the tablet before looking at it.
The results for both her and her father came up. Cyanide was present in both her and her father's toxicology tests. He leaned down whispering in her ear,
"Even though the herb can protect you, we need to get you to a medical bay just to be sure. Cyanide is dangerous even with the herb," he whispered to her. She nodded looking back at him.
He knew that she was asking for a few more minutes with her before he nodded. "Oshana, I do have a question myself." He asked sitting beside her. "We took a toxicology report on both the King and Imani only to find cyanide in his systems. Do you know anything about it?" Erik asked her. One thing about Imani, she could read people like a children's book. It came to her easily.
The nervousness that Oshana attempted to hide ran through straight across Erik, but Imani caught it.
"Impossible if both the King and Princess had that in their systems they would be dead. And they are alive," she said pointing to Imani.
"Yeah about that..." Imani sighed. "My father is dead..." she snapped at her. The glimmer in her eyes was everything that concluded what she wanted.
"No..." she whispered standing up, creating a show. "No!" she exclaimed, thinking that Imani was next. Imani rolled her eyes, peeping at the exaggeration of her performance.
"How would Cynanide be discovered in his system?" she asked as Oshana scoffed.
"The hell if I know," she exclaimed. Imani nodded before standing.
"That's okay," she said picking up the rest of her stuff. "We will be talking to the people that decided to attack the palace," she said, she and Erik walking towards the door.
"Good luck with that. The black op units are trained not to talk Imani!" she yelled after her. Erik was already out the door before she said that, Imani was still inside the room but with the door open.
"How do you know it was the black ops," she yelled out. Realizing what she said the two of them turned around.
"How do you know it was the American Black ops?" Imani asked her. Standing there silent and in shock she exposed what she knew, Imani turned around to look at Erik. She then turned around and looked at Oshana. "Don't wanna answer that's fine. You can blame them for the death of your daughter also." A gasp escaped Oshana's lips as she stood up.
"You fucking winch. You lied about my fucking daughter!" she screamed with tears in her eyes. "You fucking monster with no empathy, you will die and burn for your sins." Within a split second, the door was shut, locked, and barricaded by a bar that even Erik couldn't get into. She walked closer to her as Erik banged on the metal door, attempting to get it open.
"You see him?" she asked pointing towards Erik and the guards attempting to get it open. "They think I'm about to kill you. I'm not going to lie I'm very tempted to do so," she responded as Oshana looked at her shocked.
"I know you killed my father and attempted to kill me you soulless beast," she whispered to her. "I know about the cyanide in my system," she told her.
"You would be dead if that-" she grabbed the end of the table throwing it against the wall. It caught Oshana off guard, and fear struck through her body.
"You killed my father... and your own daughter. You are the only person that's considered a fucking monster." she snapped at her, but Oshana stood up.
"Blasphemy! I did not kill my daughter. I did-"
"You may have not pulled the trigger, but you sure as hell gave them the gun," she whispered to her. Oshana looked at her in shock. "You get no sympathy from me. Sure you might get 15-30 years from killing your daughter, but killing the King. You might as well make peace with death."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _
She sat in the room on the bed as Nakia did tests and gave her treatment to counteract the poison. "Nakia I feel okay, just let me go." she groaned sitting in the bay of the Wakanda Medical Research Center in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
"And that is why I can't let you go," Nakia replied handing her the test results. "You are the one and only person that has experienced cyanide poisoning with the herb. We gotta keep a close eye on you." Nakia finished as Shuri jumped in.
"The herb could be preventing any type of symptoms from showing up in hopes of saving you, but the poison itself could be working through your bloodstream and not showing any symptoms because of the herb," Shuri said looking at her. "All we are doing is protecting the true heir to the throne. If you die, Evil stepmama takes place." she joked as Imani rolled her eyes playfully.
"So far, vitals are good. We want to keep you here for a couple of more days. Keep an eye on you for the next couple of days just to confirm you are okay." Nakia said rubbing her back.
"Days? I need to make a press conference about my father and Amorah.!" she exclaimed.
"I got that in control," Erik replied grabbing her hand. "As the future king, I'll make the statement about what happened. We will tell the people that you are under quarantine and watch because of the potential poisoning." Erik stated as she shook her head.
"That won't work," Okoye said taking the words out of her mouth. "Cyanide is a poison that can kill any human. Considering she is a human with powers, it won't work because then people will know about the herb." Okoye said. "Plus, killing the King and his stepdaughter is an act of war. We can't lie and say it's something else. She takes the throne, they'll just attempt to kill her also." Okoye mentioned.
"Plus, Americans can twist the truth. Say she killed all of them in hopes of establishing the power of the throne. It's not a good look." Nakia mentioned. Imani held her face in her hands, tears rushing down her face.
For the first time in her life, she was stuck and didn't know how to become unstuck.
All of them looked at each other, knowing what they had to do. "My love, I think you need to come clean about who you are.." Erik trailed off before Imani looked at him.
"I can't," she whispered shaking her head.
"Imani, it's the only way that the world will believe you," Erik stated.
"No!" she exclaimed catching everyone off guard. "My people will know that I kept this from them, and so will the people and council of Wakanda. I can't let you risk that, They will deem me ass untrustworthy," she told Erik and looked at T'Challa.
"I can't let either of you risk that," she told them looking between the two of them.
"You must have forgotten but I'm the king. I made that call because I trusted you." T'Challa told her. "At this point, it's time we come clean,"
"I hate to bud in, but you knew this was going to happen eventually. happened. Though the council will be upset, we can present them with the benefits of you having the herb." Okoye stated.
"With that attack on Kambaho, it wouldn't be surprising if they are going to show hostility towards us. Approaching them with this, and having three people rulers with the herb, we have more than protection." Erik comforted her, rubbing her back.
She wiped her tears, her sadness overtaken with anger as she stared at the blank wall. "Once I'm released, I will make my way to the Wakanda and Kambaho council." she replied, Okoye and T"Challa nodded.
"We do have the Americans in holding. Okoye and I will be questioning them while you get some rest for the next couple of days." Erik said playing with her hair. "You guys, give us a minute," Erik said standing up. Everybody exited the bay, leaving the two of them alone.
"A lot is happening," she whispered to him.
"I know," he said sitting on the bed beside her. Though she was precise with everything she did, she couldn't help but get anxious when too much was happening at the same time. It didn't help her situation that she was a sitting duck.
Her father had died, her country was under attack, she herself was poisoned, she was in line to become Queen now and she had to come out about who she was.
"I don't even know what to do." she sighed putting her head in her hands, in complete defeat. Tears rushed down her face as she tried to get a grip on herself but she couldn't help it.
"Mani.. calm down my love.." he tried to comfort her but she snapped at him.
"I can't freaking calm down!" she yelled before she instantly regretted it. "I'm sorry Erik, I didn't mean to be so hostile but this- this is a lot. I have so much on my plate and my father isn't even here too" she stopped herself before making the realization that her father was no longer with her.
"Oh my..." she put her hand on her chest, her breathing beginning to hitch. "A-And my dad is dead." she cried as Erik grabbed her, pulling her into his chest. "My dad is dead!" she screamed into Erik's chest. Erik seeing her like this made a feeling of rage and anger he had never felt before since his father was found dead.
Someone was going to pay for this.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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clearlydiamondz · 1 year
Loyalty to Royalty
Erik!Stevens x OC
Part Five
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Princess Imani was the black sheep of her family, never really fitting the female royal type. When an arranged marriage between Prince   N'Jadaka and her is set up, she tries her hardest to get away... but she just can’t.
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"I don't know whos face I want to ball up in my fist, Erik's or Amarah's." Imani snapped walking through the halls with her newly hired publicist and manager, Makiah. She walked behind her keeping up with every news article the presented the news typing away.
It's been weeks since she's been to Wakanda and everything has been going smoothly. Her step-mother and step-sister stayed out of her way, her and Erik seem to get closer, and her worries of Vibranium went away as it seemed to vanish in the wind.
That was until this morning.
As she was eating her breakfast, her phone started to ring of notifications with Erik's name in the headlines.
Prince N'Jadaka Ex Comes Forward, Trouble In Paradise?
Her face twitched at the news before she clicked on the article. A video popped up of a beautiful girl with a light skin complexion, and curly hair. It was a Tiktok.
"Yeah.. he called me asking if he could fly me out to Wakanda. Obviously in respect to Princess Imani I declined. He continued to tell me how much he missed me but honestly that was a bridge I burned long ago."
Arianna Cope was her name.
She stood up calling Erik's phone but obviously no answer.
And to top it all off, fucking Oshana and Amarah.
It was believed that the two of them were going on a Vacation to Mexico but last minute plans changed to them going to New York. As her and Makiah were coming up ways to come up with damage control ideas, another notification came up.
The City Kambaho Is Now Willing to Trade, and so is Wakanda?
"No.. no no no no no." she stood up looking at her phone. "What the fuck have y'all done. What the actual fuck have you done!?" she yelled in horror as she seen the video.
"Princess Imani, let's the put the phone down and take it one step at a time." Makiah said, but she couldn't. She played the video,
"As we all know both Wakanda and Kambaho are greatly armed with the material known as Vibranium. We also know how important this could be for trading with not only America but with other nations who are possibly willing to trade with us. We no longer want to be in the shadows of what our strength can do, and we call to our sister nation to help support those that are in need."
Amarah looked at the screen with a smile as everyone asked her a bunch of questions. The screen with black as her eye started to twitch. She stood up making a B-Line straight to her fathers office, where she knew he would be.
And here we are in present time. As she was going to cross the garden room, she saw Erik running towards her. "Erik I swear on every linage of ancestors I have don't you-"
"It's not true. I promise it isn't." he said running towards her. "I jumped on a flight just to let you know this, I would not do something like this to jeopardize your future." he said, damn near out of breath. She looked over his face to see that he was genuine, but looks could be deceiving.
"Prove it." He pulled out his phone showing that she was the one that called first.
"In the call she was telling me how she missed me and that she wanted to be together. I admit, before I came to Wakanda I wanted a relationship but she didn't. Once she got wind that I was royalty and I moved on, obviously she wanted to be a clout chaser."
"That doesn't prove nothing. She could have called you first but you initiated first. And there is audio of you." Makiah said as he looked at her in confused.
"Okay first of all, who the hell are you?"
"That's our publicist and our manager who's going to be saving your ass, so show her all of your respect please." Imani snapped at him. "Show me other proof." he sighed not knowing any other proof but then he remembered.
"I have a screen-recording of her turning me down. " she had her palm out as he went through old videos before finding it. He handed her his phone as she read through the text-messages. She looked at him before cringing.
"Jesus.. that's sad." she handed him the phone as his fascial expression dropped.
"You really didn't have to say all that." she looked back at Makiah before asking.
"What can we do to fix this?"
"If this is true, that means that she could have edited the audio. We could hire an audio specialist to clear the audio that was recorded. He would then have to put out a public statement explaining how it's chopped, and Erik put out a public video on his side of the story. I can easily write that up for him." she said as she nodded.
"You get started on that, I on the other hand have to deal with some other bull-crap. You-" she pointed towards him. "Are coming with me." she said.
"I'll be getting right on that Imani." And with that, Makiah ran back down the hall with to her office. Imani handed him her tablet that she was holding as he looked at the article in shock.
"Why would they do this? The Wakanda council will set hell for this?" he told her as she opened the door to her fathers office. "No idea, but most definitely will be having a meeting for every party involved." she stated as her dad looked up at the screen.
"Imani I-"
"Dad. It's not your fault. Just get them on a plane back to Wakanda." she stated as he looked at her confused.
"Why Wakanda?" he asked her.
"I'm taking initive and we will all personally take accountability for this mishap and you will explain to them what your next steps are on fixing this." she demanded him as he scoffed..
"Hold on, you just told me that it wasn't my fault. Now I have to take accountability for what they did?"
"Yes because that is your WIFE and the Queen! When you decided to marry the back stabbing manipulative women you signed up for taking full accountability of everything she does as her HUSBAND and KING!" she yelled at him. "The country of Wakanda is our one and only true ally and whatever she just did, just had the possibility of messing it all up." she lowered her tone. He looked shock at the threatening voice but she did not care.
"So yes, we are going to Wakanda and we are fixing this mess. Wakanda deserves our loyalty and you know this, and I do too." she snapped at him. She turned and looked at Erik.
"Prince, please explain to my king how detrimental this could be for my people." Erik cleared his throat before speaking.
"Because Wakanda helps regulate and distribute your country's share of vibranium, we will have all rights to simply stop production. This could mean your economy market will crash, leaving you defenseless against other nations if they do decide to attack us for vibranium." Erik says as her father sighed rubbing his temples.
"Like I said, we are fixing this. Get your apology ready and decide how you will tell the nations how your step-daughter has no authority to make decisions for this country, or Wakanda." she told him.
"Imani, I do this she will leave." he said as Imani scoffed.
"Are you seriously considering not doing it for a woman who went behind your back and put your people in jeopardy? Father if she decides to leave you over this, this just proves her motive of marrying you in the first place." she stated.
"I don't get my paranoia from no one. You taught me why I should fear this."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Imani sat down next to Erik in the Council room, as she stared back at T'Challa who sat in his throne, and he looked pissed right a long with Queen Ramonda. The council of Wakanda looked even more angry.
"I would first like to start off and says that me as well as the rest of the citizens of Wakanda is very disappointed in the actions that transpired over the course of the day." he stated as Imani hung her head low.
"Now, we do acknowledge that some people are more to blame than others, but the fact that you could come and apologize for any acts of betrayal that you guys may have caused. Princess Imani, we and the council appreciate you initiative to come to talk to us so we have decided to hear you out, but those who have done the damage is not here." T'Challa stated as Imani stood up and cleared her throat.
"Permission to speak." he nodded. "King T'Challa, I-"
"We have never used formals before, let's not start now." he chuckled as she nodded.
"Challa, first I would like to apologize on behalf of my father and his wife, and his step-daughter. As you know, my mother's death took a toll on my father more than he can admit and he's doing unwell. As you know, our loyalty as a country is with you and the Wakandians and we will never sway from that. We are working right now to get this fixed as we speak." Imani spoke. Queen Ramonda looked her in the eyes, as if telling her she was okay.
"I would further more like to explain that this is not in a state of where they think this will help benefit the world, but in act of greediness. His wife knew the dangers of exposing the world of our ability with vibranium, and out of spite went to America. I do not and have not recognize her as my Queen, as my queen and mother is long gone." she stated. T'Challa looks at the council as they still stared at her with mixed emotions.
"This is your King and your families. You speak of them like you don't associate yourselves with them." M'Baku states.
"That's because I don't." she sighed looking down. "Look, I say this from the heart and not because I'm trying to play clean up. Every choice that I have made is the betterment of my country. And those choices are influenced by those older and wiser than me. Every ruling, every law, everything has been influenced by my father, my mother, and even you. I ran through these halls with Challa and Shuri for more than I can remember. My mother would have never taken Wakanda for granted as she too was a child of Wakanda."
She tried so hard not to cry, but the state of her people was at hand. The severity of her love for her country showed as she tried to hold back her tears but she couldn't help but let a few drop.
"I hope that we can be forgiven." she finished, as her voiced break.
Erik saw her and realized that they had more in common than they think. Not the herb, not that they are getting married. But the love and protection of their own kind. Looking at her in pain, knowing that she her country could be in potential danger. He had to say something.
"Can I say something real quick." Erik said raising his hand as the council looked at him, a tad bit shocked. Hell, even Imani did.
"I will say, these past couple of months have been a tad bit challenging for the both of us due to some... unforeseen circumstances." he said throwing a little shade at the council. "But, I can say that within these past few months and getting to know her is that her nation comes first. She has mentioned to me on plenty of times where she stated that the distribution of vibranium was against her wishes. She has no fault in this." he stated as the council looked at her.
"Furthermore, and Challa and Auntie can account for this. Both his wife and step daughter is just weird as hell." he stated making Imani chuckle through her tears. That was just so outta line but also the perfect timing.
"Meaning?" one of the council elders asked looking at Ramonda and T'Challa.
"We did notice how resilient they were being about their step-daughter being the true queen of Kambaho instead of Princess Imani." T'Challa said as Erik scoffed.
"More than that. They were acting like I should be the one marrying Amarah instead, how she wasn't fit to be a queen, how her father shouldn't trust her." Erik continued.
"Princess Imani, is this true?" The elder asked her as she nodded.
"Yes. That's why I believe this was an act of retaliation. Those statements never came from our kingdom." she stated. The elders looked at each other before one said,
"Well then why are we questioning her. This does not seem like it's her fault."
"It doesn't matter who's fault it is." M'Baku said standing up. "Princess Imani, I am sure you'll make a fine queen. I admire your bravery but this does not fix what was said." he pointed at T'Challa. "We now have world leaders expecting T'Challa to hand over the vibranium and obviously we cannot do so." he stated as Imani closed her eyes sighing.
"We are working on-"
"Don't mean to cut you off but what can you truly do. You don't even have your title yet to be making decisions for the country yet, and it seems like King Z'Kiri has his heads in the clouds."
"M'Baku there is no reason for your to be standing up and towering her like that." Erik said stepping close as M'Baku clicked his tongue. She never saw Erik angry, but his eyes showed every emotion.
"Well she doesn't seem that afraid if she's here playing king." he stated making Imani roll her eyes.
"Then I will." T'Challa said shrugging his shoulders. "Like you stated, King Z'Kiri doesn't seem like he's in his right mind to making decisions, he's not here defending himself or apologizing on their behalf, but she is." T'Challa replied standing up. That's when the ideas in her head started going.
"Erik.. you should be there." she said out loud. "Your word over hers as the next ruler in line, and as King will have a lot more effect than hers considering she isn't royal blood. It will have even more of an effect because you are blood cousins with Challa and a child of Wakanda also." she stated looking at him.
"Then if that's the case you should be there too." Okoye said. "Your mother was also a child of Wakanda and you are the rightful ruler to the throne. That's three words against what? A step child? And it's the black panther and the golden jaguar making this statement." Okoye chuckled then sneakily winked at you. You looked at T'Challa.
"Then.. it is settled."
As everyone was dismissed, it was now only her and Erik in the room. She sat down on the steps as he sat next to her. "Ya know ya really did good. Not surprised but thought you should know." he told her looking at her.
"Thank you Erik. I also wanted to say I appreciate you standing up for me." she whispered the last part playing with her fingers. She then looked up at him. Out of all this time they've known each other, he has never seen her been shy or cry. More than showing that she was showing her vulnerability to him.
"It's just- I never had someone stand up for me. I'm always standing up for myself so this feeling is different." she whispered looking him in the eyes. He looked her in the eyes before smiling at her. The damn smile.
"I told you, I got you." he whispered back looking at her. He was most definitely going in for a kiss when her phone ring. Looking at it, she saw that it was Makiah.
"Oh would you look at that." she chuckled. "It was shown that the audio had traces of editing software." she smirked at him as he smacked his teeth.
"I told you." making her chuckle. "Well you're not in the light yet. You still need to put on a public statement about the situation." she said standing up as he looked up at her. "Now, I need to go confront dear father for not coming." she said. He could obviously see the anger in her face but lord did she look sexy while mad. She had her hand out for him to grab to help him up. He stood up, a tad bit close as she was faced with his chest, breathing in his cologne.
Damn he smelled good too..
"A bit close don't you think?" she whispered looking up at him.
"I don't see you moving." he snapped back at her, moving even closer closing any room the two had between them.
"Maybe I don't want to move."
"Maybe I want to be close to you." he said placing his hands on her the sides of her face softly as he traced her lips with his thumb. She bit her lip in anticipation. That was all he needed to make the first move.
He leaned in placing his lips on hers, with her gladly accepting his advances. She grabbed the bottom of his shirt bringing him even closer as the kiss became heavier. His arms dropped from her face as he kneeled down, still kissing, and wrapping his arms around her thighs and lifting her up into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and a hand through his locs as he moaned into the kissed.
"Ahem." They heard someone clear their throat in the door way. There T'Challa
"Well, I owe Shuri and mom two hundred bucks."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"I need everyone in the council room." Imani stated as she walked into the living quarters to see the three of them in there.
"For what?"
"We have some visitors."
"I hope you seen the conference set up in New York." Oshana claimed standing up as Imani nodded.
"I have." she said looking directly at her.
"It seems like the Americans love me." Amarah said with a smirk. She look down with a chuckle.
"Yes, congratulations." she stated as they looked at her weirdly. They were about to chastise her before she looked at her father.
"Prince N'Jadaka, King T'Challa and Queen Mother is here to discuss some exciting news with you guys." she stated looking at them as Oshana looked at my father with a smirk.
"See.. I told you they'll catch a long." she than looked back at Imani. "Don't get your head too full of ego and pride." she walked passed her as the two walked in front of Imani and her father excited about what the conversation may be. Her father looked at her, but she showed no emotion to him at all.
As they walked into the council room, they thought that they would be faced with greetings and hugs, but when they saw the three of them were three angry monarchs and some scary Dora Milaje. Their excited faces were then changed with confused and concerned looks.
"King T'Challa." the both bowed at his presence but her shook his head.
"Please.. take a seat." he pointed at the chairs as they all sat down in front of him. Imani took her seat next to Erik.
"So you may be wondering why we are calling this meeting with just the few of us." he told them leaning back in his chair.
"Well from Imani, you guys had some exciting news to tell us about the vibranium. We thought it was necessary-"
"Is that what you told them?" Ramonda asked with a little laugh as Imani shrugged.
"I had to tell a little white lie or they wouldn't have come." Imani confessed than turned to look at them. "That's not what they are here for." she finished off.
"I don't think you guys understand the magnitude of your actions of going to America and telling them we would be willing to trade vibranium." King T'Challa said, his voice was calm but his deamonr was nothing of it.
"You have not only put your own country in danger, but you have also put Wakanda in danger." Erik said looking at them. The realized how this conversation was going, they ended up going in defense mode.
"We apologize but we only did what we thought was best for both countries and-"
"No you didn't." Imani spoke up as they looked at her. Their face pleaded for her to remain quiet but she was long passed keeping her mouth shut. "Oshana I told you in my fathers office months ago why we shouldn't trade with them, yet you went behind our backs. Father, did I not?" she looked at her father as he looked between the two women.
"Imani did warn her, so did I." he admitted as Ramonda scoffed.
"For the love all ancestors." she sighed rubbing her forehead.
"Not only that, but King Z'Kiri the fact that your daughter had to come plead with us not to take action against this, and you as KING and her Father wasn't there to defend your country not only shows us how you think of her, but the kind of King you are." T'Challa told him as her father looked up.
"And I am forever grateful for that, but you have to understand, my wife and step-daughter knows no better." he stated. "That is why my heir goes to my only blood daughter, the daughter that has been trained since birth to do such." he admitted as Oshana scoffed.
"Excuse me!?"
"We are not here to fix any family issues that you guys may have. We are only here to talk about the mess that two of them have caused." Ramonda stated.
"T'Challa, Imani and I will be visiting the states tomorrow and holding our our conference in Oakland at the Outreach Mission there. We will disregard any of your statements made in New York, and let it be known that Wakanda has no intent on distributing any vibranium in the near future." Erik stated, Imani looked at her father.
"Father, as King, would you like me to also speak on your behalf and recant her statement?" Imani asked as her father sighed.
"I've told you before, I trust your judgement." he said with a whisper as Oshana scoffed.
"You just let that girl walk all over you." she shook her head.
"No, let me say this." Ramonda said as Oshana looked at her, scared for about what she has to say. "Any decision that Imani has made or have been making whether it has to do with your kingdom, or her marriage with N'Jadaka, or anything else for that matter is because she has been heavily influenced. Influenced by those who are wiser and older so when she makes a decision, damn well it is planned to a T." Ramonda stated.
"You doubt her, you're doubting those who are wiser and older."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: A digital illustration of Oshana, a Zora (fish-people from the Legend of Zelda series) woman and one of OP’s Zelda OCs, standing under a large silver and sapphire emblem and between two waterfalls. She has green skin with light green patches, bright yellow-green eyes, and blue and yellow fins. She is wearing silver and sapphire jewelry, including aqua-green "earrings" attached to her head fins and a tiara with the same silver and sapphire emblem as is above her (three sapphire circles around silver moons). She is holding a silver trident with sapphire accents and is looking down in a morose manner. End ID.]
Today's the day of Oshana's coronation as queen. It comes at the cost of her father succumbing to illness at what was considered to be much too soon for a Zora. She may be the people's queen, but she's allowed to have a moment of sadness goddammit.
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~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Zora race and other Zelda concepts © Nintendo Oshana and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 6 years
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I realized that both times I'd drawn Oshana, for her debut and ref sheet, she had a stern expression, and I wanted to draw her smiling. So here's her lovely sharp-toothed smile. :D
Commissions ~ Redbubble ~ Patreon
~If you like, please consider reblogging to show your friends!~
Zora race © Nintendo Oshana and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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puppyluver256 · 6 years
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I just randomly wanted to draw my non-human Zelda OCs as Hylians just to see how they might look. :3c
Commissions ~ Redbubble ~ Patreon
~If you like, please consider reblogging to show your friends!~
Legend of Zelda and related concepts © Nintendo Luzen, Blairmor, and Oshana (in any form) and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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