#orym my beloved dude
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tangent101 · 8 months ago
Honestly? I don't think we're going to see Ludinus's story here. We're going to see the agents of the Gods working to overthrow the Shining Beacon of Civilization, Aeor. And Ludinus thinks this is going to turn the Hells to his side because it shows the Gods and their agents in a moment of their existences that was not that great.
But outside of Braius, none of the Hells are into the Gods. The closest we have to a God-Botherer is Orym... and he doesn't worship a god, he follows a path that is closer to the Titan worship of old. And this isn't going to show the Titans in a bad light. And as for Braius? He follows the God of Lies and Deception. He will see Asmodeus and his agent destroying a foe and he'll be hell yeah, baby!
Here, let's look at how each of the Hells might react:
Imogen: I never followed the Gods to begin with. However, you stole my mother from me and your agent, Otohan, murdered the girl I love and left me despondent. You're my enemy.
Laudna: Your machinations sent Delilah to Whitestone and resulted in the murder of my parents and myself. I'm stuck with her in my head now and it's negatively impacting my relationship with Imogen. You're my enemy.
Chetney: You weaponized my beloved furniture. I put so much of myself into crafting those chairs and you used them to kill people when they should be providing comfort. I want you dead.
Fearne: Well I mean I understand where you're coming from and if it weren't for your machinations I'd not be born but still you're hurting a lot of people and you hurt Orym. So I'm going to have to kill you now.
Orym: Dude. The Ashari don't worship Gods. You went after us anyway just to go after my boss's dead boyfriend. And that resulted in the death of my husband and my father-in-law, a man who was very much a father to me. You're dead.
Ashton: Dude, you have a lot of good points. But you're an asshole and I do not trust you to help people. Look at how much suffering you've caused chasing this goal. I'm taking you down.
Tevon: My Lord Asmodeus has ordered your death. His will is my command. You are dead.
Braius: You know, I was starting to wonder if I was doing the right thing in following Asmodeus... okay, I'm lying! I never wondered! And everything you showed me now proves I did the right thing in choosing Asmodeus! And he wants you dead so... you're dead!
One thing I'm interested to see from Downfall is: just how much weakness is Ludius willing to show to try and get BH on his side?
He's trying to garner sympathy, but there's a big difference between "this is a memory of the gods destroying Aeor, look how awful it was for everyone involved, and the implication is that I witnessed and experienced this" and "This is a memory which includes me personally as a child experiencing the deaths of my family and the collapse of my entire world". (Or anything inbetween)
Because one of those things packs a lot more emotional punch than the other, but it also requires a great deal more vulnerability, and I don't see Ludinus as the type of person to lightly show vulnerability to his adversaries.
I also doubt the Hells are going to be impressed by a "boohoo my childhood sucked feel sorry for me" sob story. Not after what Ludinus and his lackies have done to them. If he wants to try and convince them, he's going to have to walk a fine line.
Of course pragmatically it depends on the story Brennan wants to DM and the players want to play, but from a purely in-universe perspective...
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unicyclehippo · 3 years ago
this is the other conversation with laudna i have written. i will suggest a title of ‘orym is just a Little Guy’ set before the other one i posted, probably the night after their campfire convo the timeline is whatever
‘Does she know?’ a voice asked. 
The voice was family, the question quiet. It burrowed into her left ear like a curious worm. The voices in her head tended to stay there; they wandered neither left nor right, and never further than her own mouth. This one must have gone walkabout or else it belonged to one of her new companions. Laudna turned quickly; if it was one of her head’s voices, she wanted to catch it before it could go far. 
Not one of hers.
It was Orym, the dear little thing, looking up at her with such sad eyes, such solemn eyes. 
‘Hmm? What’s that? Who knows what?’
‘Imogen. Does she know?’
Imogen, Imogen, Imogen. Just her name was a comfort. Laudna repeated it a few times, filled her mind with it. After all, if it were full of Imogen, there would be no room for anything else to creep in. 
‘Imogen knows a great many things. What is it you wonder about? You’ll have to be specific. Go on, tell me. You’re acting all coy,’ Laudna teased when Orym hesitated. She smiled encouragingly. A closed-mouth smile. He was so on edge all the time, all nervous energy like that rabbit he reminded her of, reading to leap at a moment’s notice. One night, when they were better friends, she would frighten him and see exactly how high he could leap. But not tonight.
Orym cleared his throat. Scratched at an insect bite on his hand. ‘About you. About...what we discussed the other night.’
‘My death,’ she said frankly, when he didn’t seem inclined.
Laudna twined her fingers in her hair. Drew strands of it forward across her face, in front of her ears. ‘She knows plenty.’
Orym didn’t respond to that. Insects buzzed. A nightjar swooped, flat-headed beak opened wide on its hinge, and caught a luckless troupe of fireflies in that wide mouth. Laudna watched the dizzy tumble of one of the lucky ones and reconsidered. A single lonely light. Did fireflies love? Did fireflies have families? Was it quite frightened and upset at the loss of its swarm? Laudna stretched a long grey finger toward the little bug. It stepped onto her finger, trudged a long journey up and down and up the cresting hills of her knuckles, before it fluttered off. Orym was still staring into the fire when her attention returned. 
‘The voices are loud in your head too,’ she said. When he startled, she added, ‘Not literally like mine, perhaps. Unless...?’ He shook his head no. Laudna pouted. ‘Ah well. Even so, they linger, don’t they?’
He tilted a smile her way. ‘They do. How did you know?’
‘Oh, what can I say?’ she demurred with a coy shrug. The shoulder dropped from its joint; she popped it back into place. ‘One gets a sense for these things. After we die, that is. It’s only fair that we get something out of the whole...unpleasantness,’ she said with a cheery laugh. ‘People say I reek of it.’
‘You don’t,’ he disagreed, chin set in the mulish look he often gave when strangers spoke ill of his friends. It was sweet that he would defend her with no one around to hear. Well. No one but them. And the voices. 
Laudna ducked her head. Eyed him from behind the curtain of dark hair. ‘You’re sweet,’ she said, and couldn’t help but chide. Didn’t he understand yet? She explained, ‘It matters very little to me what they think. I mean, please, the sense is all wrong! They don’t even realise it’s not a scent at all!’ Laudna threw her head back - a little too far, requiring a quick adjustment - and laughed.
Orym didn’t. ‘What is it? If it’s not a scent. I’m sorry that I don’t know--I’d like to, if you’d like to share.’
Earnest, kind little man.
Twisted a clump of hair into a half-braid before she considered it might hold better in place with something attached. A bone, maybe? Another tool or hair clip, perhaps. Fearne would have something that would suffice. Laudna wriggled her fingers out of the net of hair, cupped it there behind her ear as if to listen closely. In a hoarse whisper, she told him, ‘You can always hear it.’
‘Voices?’ Orym seemed startled. ‘You can hear...what, exactly? You hear thoughts too?’
Iron burst hot over her tongue, her lip splitting on the inside against a too-sharp tooth as she grimaced. Nothing wrong with hearing thoughts. Nothing wrong at all. 
She had been quiet - and grim - a moment too long. Orym was pale under her glare. Laudna gentled her expression as much as she was able, blinking big black eyes as though her mind had merely wandered away into less pleasant pastures. A reassuring act. One she had grown quite adept at. 
‘Quite the opposite. They’re ever so quiet, the peaceful dead. They dull the sounds around them, the hum of living folk. Not chatterboxes like you and I, eh, Pâté?’ she joked. 
‘You didn’t really say,’ he pointed out a while later, when the fire had burned down to smouldering embers and the shadows had begun to crawl off for hollows and hiding places to escape the coming dawn. ‘If Imogen knows everything that happened to you. That night.’
‘The night I died.’
Orym went as green as his shield, and sad-eyed. Laudna looked away. His grief was kind, it spoke well of him, but it lifted the lid of some deep dark well in her chest that she would prefer stay closed. Latched. 
‘Yeah. That night.’
Laudna hummed, shrugged a crooked shrug. ‘We’ve talked about it.’ Sudden suspicion clawed at her throat and her shrug transformed into a paranoid hunch. ‘Why are you so interested?’ she snapped. ‘Eager to gawk at the dead girl?’
The biting words might have struck a bigger man; he let them sail over his head. 
‘I guess I was thinking how alike we are. In some ways,’ he said with a smile. Still a little tilted, still a little unsure whether it was something to joke about. She smiled back - a big smile - so he knew that it was. Orym gulped. Turned his attention to the fire once more. ‘I’ve lived a pretty ordinary life. I only really know how to be a fighter, a guard for people way more important than me. It’s the only thing I know, really. That, uh,’ he scratched his hand, the insect bite a welt now, ‘and love.’
‘And grief,’ Laudna murmured. 
Orym pulled a sad grimace. Nodded. ‘Part and parcel with love.’ Laudna nodded too. He cleared his throat and continued on. ‘From everything you’ve told me - and I’m, I’m sure I don’t know everything,’ he assured, speaking carefully, ‘you’re a little like me in that way. You had a pretty ordinary life and then.... Died. And then Imogen.’
‘I remember what it was like, loving someone and...not wanting to tell them when you were hurt. Or the details of it. Trying to spare them that.’
‘There’s little point in dredging up the ills of the past. It happened. It hurt. It’s over now.’
Orym frowned. He didn’t believe her. He was kind enough, or uncomfortable enough, to let it go and merely nodded again. He was a quiet soul. The deaths he carried hung from his shoulders, a willing burden. They made his eyes sad. Tonight, his grief sat in the open beside him; he let her see it plainly. 
Laudna wished he wouldn’t. Something clawed inside the cage of her ribs.
‘Again, I’m just really sorry that happened to you, Laudna. And I know I’m new here, I don’t know everything about your relationship with Imogen but for what it’s worth, I think you should tell her.’
‘Why?’ Laudna snapped. ‘So she can have a new nightmare to occupy her sleep? Hasn’t she been hurt enough?’
Orym bowed his head. ‘Just a thought.’
‘Well keep it to yourself,’ she hissed, and turned her back. Another swarm of fireflies swarmed a nearby tree. She wondered if the survivor had found them. 
Behind her, Orym shuffled through the camp. Nudged the last shift awake. He resettled a few feet from her and, eventually, called softly to her. ‘Goodnight, Laudna. Goodnight, Pâté.’
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cattycaleb · 3 years ago
i’ve watched the first 2 eps of campaign 3 so far and i wanna give my first impressions of each character for posterity’s sake!! :D here we go
fresh cut grass: my absolute beloved. fave so far. such a cute little robot that is also already making me very sad. i can tell he only cares about himself for what he’s able to provide for other people. he doesn’t think he has the same level of importance as beings with a soul, and he constantly makes himself subservient to them because of it. i wanna watch this lil robot develop self worth outside of their “purpose”
bertrand: my second fave. he’s so funny, like a posh grunkle stan. and he seems like he has a lot of room for god tier character development. we need more old people as main characters in these dnd campaigns
laudna: ohh my god. can you get any cuter than this. love characters that repurpose an evil and spooky aesthetic while being fundamentally good hearted
imogen: she is so great but she also scares me to death tbh gHgBHGJHK. something about her screams “hidden darkness”. she seems very sharp and cunning. let’s just say i wouldn’t want to see what she’s like when she’s actually angry. very intriguing. very mysterious
fearne: hands down the funniest character. ashley’s comedic timing and physical acting is absolutely impeccable with her
dorian: yet another cutie. he’s very earnest. a baby. thats about all i have for him
orym: i dont think ive quite clocked him yet. he seems like just a down to earth dude. grounded and stable. i wonder how long that’ll last
ashton: a goody two shoes punk! quite an interesting combo. he seems to have very set rules in his mind for acceptable criminal behavior. almost like a robin hood type figure. likes fighting but won’t pick a fight without reason (?)
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nochiquinn · 3 years ago
campaign 3 episode 2: two characters with southern accents are gonna make mine come back permanently
(I never LOST it per se, it just isn’t as strong as it could be) (or at least it WASN’T)
fhsdkfjsdlk are they EACH OTHER
"marisha looks like a wicked and the divine character" she DOES
is sam wearing marisha' engagement ring
sam hold your hands still
dfsakldfj ashley in the muscle suit
"once esteemed" rude
tigers and bears as rugs, oh my
I was watching campaign 1 earlier, I'm gonna get all fucked up
...I was watching the first halloween episode too, time is a flat circle
"put me as far away as possible"
there's the reaction to ashton's rage I wanted from travis last week
"take away the cane! don't trust it!"
oh good thing they have paper versions too
"waiting for fearne's voice to come out of that beard"
travis: what's a chaos burst?!
I interrupt this combat to ask why laura looks so good with a goatee (see: this, the gentleman)
the muscle suit is killing me
she even drew his tattoo on I'm
mala: this is most taliesin has ever looked like just some dude me: he looks like he's in front of me in line at kroger
b e r t r a n d
"I'm gonna unhinge my jaw" robbie: D: taliesin: :D
"I have temporal morass" "what is THAT?" "it's just 2021"
I cry every time fcg uses transfer suffering
"somebody get laura a donut, she's out of control!"
cut his ankles orym
"this is going to be f u n n y"
"seeing what he did to laudna, my eyes are going to flash white" getting kind of rwby in here
ashley no the twitch tos
so if things get Real Stressful is sam gonna perch on his chair how committed is he to this bit
dad council ground meeting
"that's what real healers do"
oh no the beard
"I'm gonna throw a knife at bertrand"
imogen hanging out with laudna
...sam is wearing marisha's necklace
w h i s p e r s
"we provide...leverage"
bertrand: [ashly burch voice] I'm canonically a coward!
tacitus kilgore
"you guys seem like you have a really good deal going on" g a y
(I don't even ship it (yet), it was just gay)
fcg: always just a book by its interior design
bertrand: m'tit's bleedin
"you can suck on my hair if you want" I'm
"I don't know how to handle a dare"
travis: I don't even want any now >:(
"I'm working with children"
quietly threatening fearne
dorian backing up fearne
"do I even need to roll for this, it's so obviously full of shit"
marisha making the crazy eyes at travis
travis blocking the crazy eyes with his hand
imogen my beloved
turn the exu crew up by the ankles and shake their backstory out
holy robit
"we normally patch those" ashton
he was gonna get it in there
"it's better to let stories happen slowly" shut up taliesin I want the backstory
taliesin's face
I'm fucking dying
he's a squib
I'm gonna die on my Undead de Rolo Laudna theory hill
"I go wherever you both go" cries about it
"democracy's great, fuck yeah"
"we've come to kill you"
"fuuuuck that's cool, I want one" "that knife is actually nunchucks" "I want it MORE"
everyone diving for their pencils
"the means are up to you" so murder, got it
fearne no
go to break so ashley can escape her costume lmao
"does [the hammer] talk too?" "you'll find out!! :D"
OH I didn't see that sam already perched on the chair, I take back my doubt of his commitment to the bit
dorian storm 🤝 dorian pavus getting manipulative magic cast on them as kids
oh no ashley is still in the suit
free her
Fantasy Dennis
ashley resting her chin on her plastic tiddies
"my ONE that I can REROLL because I'm a HALFLING"
"it's just a dial tone"
imogen getting sensory overload from using her ability too much is Relateable
"why don't they constantly think about their crimes?!" "goat cheese is pungent and overpowering"
man I missed liam/laura gigglewhispers
cardcaptor sakura jump boots
the polycule grows
I keep getting distracted by how natural that goatee looks on laura
fucking JOUST sam don't remind me how old I am
"we're bad! we're very very bad at this!"
fearne what
"I was eating trail mix and laura made it go bad" liam what does that MEAN
fearne ilusm
travis' hair dye spray whatever is bleeding onto his forehead
I love imogen so much but her accent makes mine come out SO HARD
f e a r n e
"orym falls on purpose"
I'm a halfling and I can't get up
they just have social anxiety leave them alone
the catheter of kas
"no, my weak nerd arms!"
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survival crimes
literally just saw that sam also drew marisha's tattoo on
them still not being used to the lighting makes me smile
marisha in taliesin's shirt is also v cute
"is it gonna be creepy?" "that's up to your interpretation, darling"
Team Back Door
"this back door has no crack"
"I'm gonna have anxiety for a week!" "good! me too!"
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hauntedfalcon · 3 years ago
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@lotsofcatsandcheapwine everyone's great but no one is Dorian!!! this is the first campaign I've been watching from session one and I feel like for the first time everyone is just about on equal footing when it comes to characters' potential and intrigue, you know? I've even gotten attached to Ashton, which I did not expect. but. no one else is Dorian
I desperately want to see Orym resolve his back story hooks, but I feel like that's gonna take a bigger chunk of the campaign than some of the other back stories and the little dude is gonna fade into the scenery most of that time like he does, and worst of all, Dorian probably won't be there to see him do it 😭😭😭
for the moment I'm just holding on until the next Exandria Unlimited arc. come back Aabria my beloved
I'm flipping a table I'm kicking a puppy they're taking my blorbos
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