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lets-cdintheoc · 4 years
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“I surround myself with people so no one knows the hell I'm living”
Living under the sun in Irvine, Orion Masterson is currently 27 years old and is in the United States Army. In the land of hopes and dreams, Orion hopes to finish up his last two years and then get back into photography. The juicy scoop? Orion was taken as a hostage during his last tour. He was brutally beaten and tortured but refuses to talk about it or see anyone about it.  Here is a little more about him:
Positives: Creative, Courageous, & Optimistic
Negatives: Flirtatious, Non-committal, & Stubborn
His story:
Orion is the oldest of the Masterson children. When he was three his parents decided they could not give their children the proper care after hard times had fallen on them. After being adopted by the Masterson’s they moved from Australia to California where he and his sister grew up. Growing up Orion found a love for drawing and the camera and the ocean. If he wasn’t drawing, he was always out at the beach or taking hikes and exploring trying to capture the beauty of the world in front of him had shown. When he was eighteen, he joined the coast guard to help his community and the people he had grown to love so much and to help pay for school. He even attended community college for a Master of Fine Arts Degree specifically Commercial and Retoucher/Compositor. As life went on, he moved quickly through his ranks and in time had his heartbreaks closing him off to the world. One fateful day he met Tate Rodgers and his life changed. It didn’t take him long to scoop her ass up and lock her down. They quickly built a life together that made him change occupations so she would never want for anything. One tour he went away leaving a pregnant Tate in Australia where they had moved too and he wasn’t heard from again. Now he has been rescued and put through some treatments but he has returned to California. Who knows what the future will hold as he tries to reconnect with the world. 
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