#original work too I guess?
'Aight, because I am certifiably insane, here are my Au Slender family. TW for SA mention
First off! They are referred to as the Matheson Brothers in this AU as Matheson is their last name. Three of them are Valdernak, Splendor is Valderna. The Valdernak ones are also pureblooded, or purebred due to having full Valdernak parents.
Name is Charles Damian Matheson. Known as either Sir, or Mr. Matheson to those who are not family.
Physical and mental age is 26, while chronologically being 26 eons.
Eye colour: crimson
The Mansion is really a boarding house because this man decided that having a bunch of clearly supernaturally enhanced killers on the loose was a terrible idea.
He was not wrong about this, and is very confused as to why humans are so sensitive to becoming supernatural in nature
His best proxies are Hoodie and Masky, though the later has a tendency to revert back to Tim Sutton.
He has no idea why this happens, and just possesses Tim when he shows up.
Baby of the family, and despite his maturity, it does show
Also the most homicidal if we discount Splendor.
Has a human mate and was delighted to find she ended up being a cryptid along the line due to her being a true witch.
Is honestly a pretty good father, and loves his daughter very much.
Does not quite grasp the idea that humans are horribly delicate, and sometimes is a bit frustrated when his proxies die after doing tasks that he thinks they should be able to do.
Has gotten better, but is still bad.
Hates traditionalists with a passion, and is not above killing them.
Full name is Alexander Percival Matheson, also known as Alex and Al.
Age is 34, or 34 eons, and is the eldest brother.
Eye colour: bright yellow
Hates being called Ally.
Has a silk farm
This silk farm consists of genetically mutated spiders affectionately referred to as his little hellions. These spiders also bare frightening similarities to the varients found in both hell and the Path.
Owns a silk company and a tailor shop, both of which dating back to around 3100 BCE
Enjoys going into a human form and speaking with humans who are either artistic or into fashion.
The least homicidal of the siblings
Thinks humans are adorable.
Disappointed that he can no longer hunt as he pleases as all the humans he prefers to eat are highly influential people. No longer can they just die of an "illness" without humans figuring out Valdernak exist.
Very sarcastic, and protective of his younger brothers.
Full name is Joseph Xavier Matheson
Sometimes is called Joey.
Eye colour: dark red
Age is about 31, or 31 eons.
Adopted when he was around 3 years of age
No one knows what went on during those those three years, and Joseph ain't telling
Loves fucking with people, and enjoys pissing his brothers off
Does not care particularly much for humans but understands why they should be allowed to exist
Is very homicidal and has been known to kill creepypastas, and other cryptids.
Happy for the most part
Has been trying to kill Laughing jack for years
At this point it's a ritual between them
Full name Jackson Victor Matheson, also known as Jack, or Jackie
Age 28, or 28, eons
Eye colour: bright rose
Was assualted when he was younger by their sire, and has resulted in him being rather hypersexual
While caring to his partners for the most part, he seperates himself from them during sex. This has resulted in him disociating during sex and killing his partners as a result
Rather romantic, he becomes very anxious when it comes to sex around those he finds attractive
Hates being alone. Genuinely cannot stand to be alone.
Has a Cerebus named Inglebert Humberdink who helps him with this and hunting
Flirty, which is a part of the hypersexuality
A sweetheart for the most part.
Probably the chillest around humans
Smokes a lot
Owns a bar, that's been around for as long as anyone can remember
Likes trenchcoats, but does wear clothes beneath it. Just finds them comfortable
Aside from Charles, is the most family oriented
Name is Evelynn Veronica Matheson, has been known to go by Eve, prefers Evelynn
Age is 26, or 45 eons
Eye colour: very pale lilac
Has aged slower due to being a Void-kin
Eldest of the siblings
Grew up with ten younger siblings with adoptive family
Has been known to manipulate humans and cryptids alike
Like Charles, absolutely hates Traditionalists, mostly because they're trying to kill her
Never knew Birth Mother, just has the knowledge that she is dead
Has a pet Voidling named Lotus
Finds humans interesting little creatures
Eventually becomes an Aldritch
Preferably known as Elizabeth Maria Matheson
Eye colour: bright red
Age 16, or 102 years
Has just begun aging by the eon due to being half human
Helps out with her father often
Doesn't understand traditionalists
Quicker to come up with ideas in comparison to her father and uncles
Knows both traditional Valdernak magic, and witchcraft
Feels sorry for her father's proxies and privately vows to never have them
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chalkrub · 1 year
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strange fellas
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hajihiko · 11 days
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@somewhatidealname hi your design is rlly cool and caught my eye
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(Another) Ghost in the Machine
DP x Hellblazer (the original John Constantine comic)
Ritchie Simpson continued to search frantically for the connection out of the computer and back to his body as he begged John to explain what he meant by saying “Goodbye.”
Had John disconnected him? He knew John’s sense of humor wasn’t the lightest, especially after Newcastle drove them all a bit insane, but that felt too far even for him. Nah, he’d probably just gotten himself a bit lost in the wave of energy he’d experienced in the Tongues of Fire network and was accidentally looking for his body in the wrong spot.
He pulled himself back and let his mental connection to the digital world expand outward, probing the rest of the machine for the connection. He knew he was in the right system, so as long as he looked thoroughly he’d definitely fi—
Everything flashed a surge of blinding white and then was replaced by pure darkness. He thought he screamed, but he couldn’t hear his own voice. Couldn’t even feel his own thoughts. Trapped in one single instant that stretched for indeterminable eons. Then, eventually (or was it immediately?), awareness began to trickle back.
He was still in the computer, though it felt… different, somehow. His thoughts still weren’t entirely in order. The first possible hints towards his location he found were the sound voices trickling through from the outside world. Voices he didn’t recognize. Young voices.
“I’m happy to help, Tuck, but I’m not really sure what you expect me to do here. You’re way better than me at this computer stuff than me.”
“By all means, feel free to keep complimenting me, but this has been frying my brain, man. I got this thing secondhand, and the system should be quite powerful, but there’s something using up a ton of its processing and I can’t figure out what. I was hoping you could do your ‘enter into the computer’ thing and see if you see anything.”
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darkforze · 1 month
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Over the months, Primes methods of trying to get Ricks attention pretty much narrow down to two ways: Rambling on and on to him in hopes Rick will finally get overstimulated enough to snap at him, and watching him sleep.
So during the day, Rick has to listen to a barrage of unwanted nonsense from his lifelong enemy while doing his best to stay focused on appearing normal to the Smiths and finding a way to get rid of Prime for good. Then when night falls, all he can focus on as he tries to fall asleep is the heavy breathing of the man who killed his first family.
Rick refuses to give Prime the acknowledgement that he's starting to desperately crave, and Prime isn't going to start backing down now. Somethings gotta give.
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star-trek-dumb-comics · 10 months
Am I the only one who thinks Kes feels like a Doctor Who character ? Like she has strong Classic Who companion energy
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bonkalore · 10 months
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So the scepter here is what makes you Primus, who is in charge of all of the magic world basically... and is also the key to opening the coffer to the rest of the Dread magic that Jayce has been trying to get this entire time. He thought it was something he could start "a new Golden Age of Magic" with, but eventually realized it would only do more harm than good and now is out of plans as he's being torn apart from the Dread.
In the AU towards the end of the story, he and Lucy got the scepter together but he's the one that technically got it, even tho he gave it to Lucy so she could become Primus and avoid further temptation.
So during Lucy's coronation, the scepter ends up shooting across the room into his hands in the audience bc he's the actual owner. This isn't just his nerves about becoming Primus instead and is FAR, far worst unfortunately... Apocalyptically bad even! 8')
Was everything he had wanted before and now it's a literal nightmare.
(Also "Everything You Ever" from Dr. Horrible's Sing-ALong Blog is very fitting for this part whoops.)
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papyuuno · 9 months
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absolutely smitten
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I love becoming reobessed with a toxic ass fandom that I definitely wasn't completely utterly cringe about back in 2017. No not at all.
I hate being obsessed with creepypasta because people are mostly like "oh mansion and they're all one big found family". Than I remember the shit I do and shut up about it. Personally the worst part is the fact that my three lovely species are shamelessly based on Slenderman, Splendor, and the Look-see respectively. All because I didn't want to call Slender's species the slenders. It just feels wrong.
Of course, I have since created the Hollows, who are based on Shadow people. These fuckers also have actual lore behind them despite their origins, and I am convinced that my fanfiction of creepypasta is teetering very dangerously on the line of being original work.
Anyway, how's your life.
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guysonroblox · 27 days
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adastra121 · 3 months
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Beautiful and mysterious, the blue water lily lines the rivers that flow through the land like fate through life.
In temples close to the water, the aquatic blooms are often used to brew calming remedies for sleep and dreaming. Some believe that this flower may even bring dreams of your destiny.
Template is from @redspringstudio.
Other OC Flower Bios:
Alon the Stray Hound (Spotted Touch-Me-Not)
Jin the Abandoned Alchemist (Plum Blossom)
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strawbebbiesart · 8 months
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clean 🦆🛀🫧
(part 2)
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4lph4kidz · 8 months
i was thinking about your dirk and hal poll and i want to mention that i think your concept for ink and iron where dirk creates hal from his reflection by enchanting a mirror is so cool 😌
thank you! hal's predicament and purpose within the canon narrative is so fascinating and i felt it was really important to find a way to explore what i find most interesting with him. i can't take full credit for the concept though i took inspiration from a few placees (one of my friends pitched the idea of the mirror accidentally dumping him onto jake's doorstop for example) but overall i think the idea is very fun and i'm really excited to write more hal stuff!!! also i'm going to take the opportunity to share this oldish doodle i found:
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the mispelling of angel as angle was NOT intentional (<- dyslexia haver) but it probably explains a lot. he's pointy
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antirepurp · 4 months
you know i think im going to pirate nintendo's and sega's games out of spite from now on. im going to buy a hard drive at some point to specifically fill it with pirated games i'll never play. i'll download tears of the kingdom just to be a penis. fuck them
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lamentfulwarbler · 9 months
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Losing my shit at this passage from The Untold Origins of the Detective Agency-
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