urhotheway · 4 years
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Today on the Syriac Orthodox Church Liturgical Calendar we celebrate the "Remembrance of all Women Saints". The Syriac Church gives great importance to women. From the time of our Lord Jesus to today, the contributions of women preaching the Good News of the Heavenly Kingdom are innumerable. Countless female saints gave their life for our Lord & many labored to spread the Gospel throughout the globe. May the intercession of the whole company of saintly women be our refuge! #urho #UrhoTheWay #SyriacOrthodox #Malankara #MGSOSA #Syriac #Orthodox #OrientalOrthodox #Christianity #syrianorthodox #MalankaraSyriacOrthodox #Jacobite #knanaya #suryoyo #Orthodox #coptic #copticorthodox #armenianorthodox #tewahedo #ethiopianorthodox #eritreanorthodox #orthodoxchristian #WednesdayofWomanhood https://www.instagram.com/p/CFfKbEnlSil/?igshid=1waqawfq84199
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Those interested in Eastern Orthodox music will enjoy this compilation of Serbian, Greek, Russian, and Arabic language chants from throughout the centuries. 
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In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7). .
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syriacorthodox · 7 years
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Explanation of the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchal Emblem part 2/2 4. In the middle are the two keys which are held together & bound at the ends. This is in reference to St. Peter the Holy Apostle. Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to St. Peter saying, "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: & whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: & whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (Mathew 16:19) The prayers of the Syriac Orthodox Church call St. Peter as the keeper of the Keys of the Kingdom (Semavoon kabel kleede d'malkooso). St. Peter has traditionally been depicted with these keys in iconography as well. St. Peter is the chief of the Apostles (ris'ho daslihe) & he established the first Apostolic Holy See in Antioch (where believers in Christ were first called Christians, as written in Acts 11:26). The Patriarch of Antioch and all the East is the successor to this Holy Apostolic See. 5. In the bottom centre is a scale. This represents the justice, righteousness & impartiality to be carried out by the Patriarch as a judge in the Church while making decisions, & also symbolizes the protector of the Church's faith, constitution, laws & beliefs. 6. Below the emblem is the title of the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate written in Syriac, the official language of the Syriac Orthodox Church. However, in Syria the Arabic inscription is also present. The Syriac inscription is: Paṭriarḵo ḏ-Anṭiuḵia waḏ-Kuloh Maḏĕnḥo The Arabic inscription is: Baṭriyark li-ʾAnṭākya wa-Sāʾir al-Mašriq Both mean, "Patriarch of Antioch and all the East" #syriacorthodox #syriacorthodoxchurch #syrianorthodox #syrianorthodoxchurch #syriac #orthodox #patriarch #antioch #malankara #jacobite #knanaya #suryoyo #suryoye #aramean #christian #jesus #church #bible #orientalorthodox
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minimalismtalk · 5 years
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During a Xmas night service. A friend took this picture while I was resting for a short moment after long hours of service. #eotc #yotc #uotykansas #uoty2018 #uoty #ethiopiangena #ethiopianchristians #easternorthodox #orientalorthodox #ethiopiantewahedoorthodox #armenianorthodox #indianorthodox #forextrading #ecommercebusiness #entrepreneur #healthphysics #physicist #churchservice #orthodoxsermons (at Kentlands, Gaithersburg, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Lrdugg0p4/?igshid=j756rty9h0qa
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krujuice · 7 years
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What few realize is that the ancient Eastern Orthodox faith has always been a part of Africa, going back to the first century. #saints #africa #easternorthodox #orientalorthodox #bibleoverbrews #bible #christian
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Ethiopia the Beautiful 💚💛❤️🖤🌍✨ "Ethiopia is not boastful, but her history testifies to the courage and bravery of which she disposes in defending her territory and her independence. She has been preserved with the help of the Almighty, Who is ever at her side." +H.I.M Haile Selassie I #ethiopianorthodoxtewahedochurch #ethiopianorthodoxchurch #ethiopianorthodox #ethiopian #ethiopia #eot #eotc #eritreanorthodox #eritreanorthodoxtewahedo #eritreanorthodoxtewahdo #orientalorthodox #easternorthodox #haileselassie #preservation #FreeEthiopia #PHOKISHIPHOP (at Tampa, Florida)
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urhotheway · 4 years
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According to the tradition of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch, during the week of Pentecost, a number of important events occurred. : On the Thursday of Pentecost, St. Peter the Holy Apostle baptised St. Lazarus of Bethany. The sisters Sts. Martha and Mary are baptized by St. John the Holy Apostle. Ref: The Book of Life | | | | | | | #urho #UrhoTheWay #SyriacOrthodox #Malankara #MGSOSA #Syriac #Orthodox #OrientalOrthodox #Christianity #MalankaraSyriacOrthodox #Jacobite #Orthodox #coptic #copticorthodox #armenianorthodox #tewahedo #orientalorthodox #Pentecost #orthodoxchristian #baptism #thursday https://www.instagram.com/p/CBA8ncRAbco/?igshid=1r0qdkavjz4f1
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urhotheway · 4 years
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How do I live my faith today? Is there any relevance to tradition? Is my faith old fashioned? When St. Paul said, 'be not conformed to this world' what exactly did he mean? How do I share my Orthodox faith with friends? These are among many of the burning questions posed by countless Oriental Orthodox faithful today, especially in the diaspora. : If you've had these questions as well, mark your calendars and don't forget to tune in to Urho, The Way on Saturday January 16th at 11am EST (9:30pm IST). Join Rev. Dr. Renjan Mathew in conversation with Rev. Fr. Anthony Mourad as they discuss "Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World." : Fr. Anthony is a priest of our sister Coptic Orthodox Church, and one of the founders of both 'Coptic Orthodox Answers' and the newly launched 'Skopos' initiative. In addition to his parish ministry, Abouna Anthony's efforts extends to engagement with Orthodox youth and inquirers from across the world in dealing with questions of faith and practice while living as 21st century citizens. | | | #urho #UrhoTheWay #SyriacOrthodox #Malankara #MGSOSA #Syriac #Orthodox #OrientalOrthodox #Christianity #syrianorthodox #MalankaraSyriacOrthodox #Jacobite #knanaya #suryoyo #Orthodox #coptic #copticorthodox #armenianorthodox #tewahedo #ethiopianorthodox #eritreanorthodox #orthodoxchristian https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ94THDpFC3/?igshid=zjxfqrm7dnyb
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urhotheway · 4 years
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We here at Urho, The Way send our joyful greetings to all our friends and loved ones in the USA who are celebrating Thanksgiving Day! Even though this year's celebrations will be quite different, may it be a day of love, laughter and good memories. All glory and thanksgiving be to God! : Below, a beautiful excerpt from Mor Babowai the Catholicos ♰ 484, in his Letter to Cyriacus: "When your mouth is occupied with nourishment, let your heart be occupied with prayer. While your right hand is looking after your body’s needs at table, let your mind be given to praise and thanksgiving to Him who provides for your needs. In this way your food will be blessed and hallowed in your body, without your being concerned about this." | | | | | | #urho #UrhoTheWay #SyriacOrthodox #Malankara #MGSOSA #Syriac #Orthodox #OrientalOrthodox #Christianity #syrianorthodox #MalankaraSyriacOrthodox #Jacobite #knanaya #suryoyo #Orthodox #coptic #copticorthodox #armenianorthodox #tewahedo #ethiopianorthodox #eritreanorthodox #orthodoxchristian #thanksgiving https://www.instagram.com/p/CID0onmp3fz/?igshid=zm5grqg7k6cd
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urhotheway · 4 years
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Today as the world celebrates 'International Day of the Girl Child 2020', we ask that the intercession of St. Mary Yoldath Aloho and the whole company of saints be with the daughters of our Holy Church. #urho #UrhoTheWay #SyriacOrthodox #Malankara #MGSOSA #Syriac #Orthodox #OrientalOrthodox #Christianity #syrianorthodox #MalankaraSyriacOrthodox #Jacobite #knanaya #suryoyo #Orthodox #coptic #copticorthodox #armenianorthodox #tewahedo #ethiopianorthodox #eritreanorthodox #orthodoxchristian #internationaldayofthegirl https://www.instagram.com/p/CGN5pGUlBQY/?igshid=1p9rert3orgvw
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urhotheway · 4 years
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This week, we look at the life of Mort Apollonia ♰ 245. Her story, which is narrated by Patriarch St. Dionysius of Alexandria to a presbyter in Antioch is found in the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius "Chapter XLI - The Martyrs in Alexandria." : During the reign of Emperor Philip of Alexandria, Christians were persecuted throughout Alexandria. St. Apollonia was among those who were persecuted. An angry mob seized St. Apollonia, broke all her teeth with blows on her jaws, and piling up a bonfire before the city, threatened to burn her alive if she refused to recite with them the blasphemous sayings. But she asked for a brief delay (as if to consider the proposal) and without flinching leapt into the fire and was consumed. : From an initial reading, one may consider her actions to be suicide, and therefore a justification of the same. However, the Church Fathers were quick to point out the parallels with the Biblical figure Samson, who put himself in harms way to follow God's commandments. : The feast of St. Apollonia is celebrated on February 8th in the Syriac Orthodox Church. | | | | | | | #urho #UrhoTheWay #SyriacOrthodox #Malankara #MGSOSA #Syriac #Orthodox #OrientalOrthodox #Christianity #syrianorthodox #MalankaraSyriacOrthodox #Jacobite #knanaya #suryoyo #Orthodox #coptic #copticorthodox #armenianorthodox #tewahedo #ethiopianorthodox #eritreanorthodox #orthodoxchristian #WednesdayofWomanhood https://www.instagram.com/p/CE6-aKTlnHa/?igshid=1vh72055bmb9j
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urhotheway · 4 years
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For this week's #WednesdayofWomanhood, we look at the life of Mort Anysia ♰ 304. : Saint Anysia lived in the city of Thessalonica. She sold everything she owned, distributed her riches to the poor, and led a strict life of fasting, vigil, and prayer. Emperor Maximian forbade Christians to assemble and issued the right to kill Christians without punishment. St. Anysia went to attend an assembly of the faithful at Cassandra, when a guard at the gate stopped her. He asked who she was and where she was going. St. Anysia replied she was a servant of Jesus Christ and she was going to the Lord’s Assembly. The soldier replied that he was going to prevent her from doing that and that he was going to offer her to the sun. : When St. Anysia prevented him from taking the veil off her face, he killed her with the sword. The feast of St. Anysia is celebrated on the 30th of December in the Syriac Orthodox Liturgical calendar. | | | | | | | #urho #UrhoTheWay #SyriacOrthodox #Malankara #MGSOSA #Syriac #Orthodox #OrientalOrthodox #Christianity #syrianorthodox #MalankaraSyriacOrthodox #Jacobite #knanaya #suryoyo #Orthodox #coptic #copticorthodox #armenianorthodox #tewahedo #ethiopianorthodox #eritreanorthodox #orthodoxchristian (at Thessaloniki - Θεσσαλονικη) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEpIxofl3F4/?igshid=1x45h2gp646wz
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urhotheway · 4 years
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This week we look at the term "Qaddish" which means holy. As mentioned, various forms of the Syriac term Qaddish and its root are found in the Syriac language. For example, when addressing our Patriarchs we call them "His Holiness" or Qaddišuṯeh. Regarding holiness, Mor Babowai the Catholicos ♰ 484 says, "Do not neglect your soul, but persevere in stilling unclean thoughts in its depths, for they habitually hinder the heart from progressing in purity and holiness by making it impure." Today, let us all make a commitment to strive for holiness in our actions and words, for as we read in the Holy Scriptures, "But be ye holy in all your conduct, as he is holy who hath called you. Because it is written: Be ye holy, even as I am holy." I Peter 1:15-16 #urho #UrhoTheWay #SyriacOrthodox #Malankara #MGSOSA #Syriac #Orthodox #OrientalOrthodox #Christianity #syrianorthodox #MalankaraSyriacOrthodox #Jacobite #knanaya #suryoyo #Orthodox #coptic #copticorthodox #armenianorthodox #tewahedo #ethiopianorthodox #eritreanorthodox #orthodoxchristian #FaithFriday https://www.instagram.com/p/CEcK-O1FwzG/?igshid=4cjym58g7gd2
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urhotheway · 4 years
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This week, we look at the term "Shunoyo" ܫܽܘܢܳܝܳܐ. The term Shunoyo is used for the Feast of the Departure of St. Mary the Theotokos. The Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch celebrates this feast every year on August 15th. The Syriac term Shunoyo may also be translated as Transitus or change, corresponding to the bodily transfer of the Virgin Mary into paradise after death. : Shunoyo is also known as the Feast of the Grapes. In the Byzantine tradition this feast is known as the Dormition, while the Latin west calls it the Assumption. : On this day, St. Thomas was given the Girdle (soonoro/belt) of the Virgin as testimony to the other Holy Apostles that she was translated to heaven. Syriac tradition reports that St. Thomas took the girdle of the Virgin Mary with him to India where he was martyred at the hands of pagan priests. When Thomas’ relics were taken to Edessa in the fourth century, the Holy girdle was brought with them. Finally the girdle reached the Church of the Virgin in Homs, which has been called the Church of the Virgin’s Girdle (Um al-Zennar Church) ever since. This church was originally built in 59AD by Melea, one of the 72 Evangelists. Portions of this blessed relic have been placed in the reliquaries of churches around the world. : May the intercession of St. Mary Yoldath Aloho be with us all as we celebrate Shunoyo tomorrow! | | | | | | | #urho #UrhoTheWay #SyriacOrthodox #Malankara #MGSOSA #Syriac #Orthodox #OrientalOrthodox #Christianity #syrianorthodox #MalankaraSyriacOrthodox #Jacobite #knanaya #suryoyo #Orthodox #coptic #copticorthodox #armenianorthodox #tewahedo #ethiopianorthodox #eritreanorthodox #orthodoxchristian #FaithFriday https://www.instagram.com/p/CD3_j7dlnqz/?igshid=n6pbg1u7u6vc
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urhotheway · 4 years
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This week we look at the life of St. Agatha ♰ 251. : St. Agatha was born in Palermo or Catina, Sicily, She vowed her virginity to God. When she refused to marry the Consul Quintian, he made laws against Christianity and she was tortured. When her breasts were cut off, St. Peter appeared to her in a vision and healed her. When she was rolled over hot coals mixed with broken pottery, an earthquake shook the town. Quintian, fearing from protests, sent her to prison where she died of her tortures in 251 A.D. : After a year following her death, Mount Etna erupted and threatened to engulf the town. The people in the town took her veil and interceded to Saint Agatha. The lava changed directions and the town was saved. The intercession of St. Agatha is specifically requested in earthquakes and breast disease. Her feast day is celebrated on February 5th annually. | | | | | | | #urho #UrhoTheWay #SyriacOrthodox #Malankara #MGSOSA #Syriac #Orthodox #OrientalOrthodox #Christianity #syrianorthodox #MalankaraSyriacOrthodox #Jacobite #knanaya #suryoyo #Orthodox #coptic #copticorthodox #armenianorthodox #tewahedo #ethiopianorthodox #eritreanorthodox #orthodoxchristian #WednesdayofWomanhood https://www.instagram.com/p/CDg9r3KlM0d/?igshid=157enve8a6a05
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