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magicicephoenix · 5 months ago
TA-DA!!! an oc animatic! who could’ve seen this coming!! certainly not me (genuinely)!!!
for real though, i had an absolute blast making this. been swamped with oc thoughts as of late and a two-and-a-half-minute animatic is probably the best thing to come of that lol
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morepopcornplease · 8 months ago
No word yet exists for the sorrow of being unable to find that 1 shippy amv from ~15 years ago
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adobedragon · 2 years ago
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A space elf and his dragon BFF.
I didn't quite get the scaling right because Orianth is huge and I wanted to get all of his haughty dragon self in the image because, like Lotor, Orianth is very proud.
Companion drawing to Allura and her gal pal.
Also, Pidge and Verdoth and Lance and Azureth.
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soartfullydone · 1 year ago
I absolutely want to hear some stuff about Celeste for the character fact list.
send me a character ask:
Favorite thing about them
Celeste has experienced so much in her life that she is relatively unflappable. She has a firm grip on her emotions and what she displays to other people. Not that she doesn't lose that grip from time to time. The Worst Vacation Ever has certainly been testing her, and I like that she can still be tested while having enough grit to stay classy about it.
Least favorite thing about them
She won't let me improv more silly stuff :( So on a character level, probably her rigidity. It runs counter-intuitive to how adaptable and flexible I am and often have to be, so I always have to watch myself in order to do her proper justice.
Favorite line
Ooh, probably when she "let slip" her inclination in viewing Ledo as a pirate, the rough sort. She was genuinely surprised that Ledo reacted as vehemently as she did, and that was illuminating and led to a very interesting conversation. There's also "Now, dear, it'll be fine. You held yourself very well with the horse man," which happened because the player (me) forgot the word "stablehand" midway through the sentence.
Using all these next terms loosely, so far I've been having fun with the Old Person Solidarity between Celeste and Foaly and the No-Nonsense Professionalism between her and Char.
That possibility is dead, I think.
This possibility is not dead, methinks.
Random headcanon
Despite living in Twalan the majority of her life, she never set foot on a ship until she traveled to Orianth. She'd be dismissive about the experience if asked, but secretly, she enjoyed sailing. It wasn't as daunting being out in open water as she'd expected.
Unpopular opinion
I don't fully know the scope of opinions about Celeste from the rest of you lovely people, so I guess I'll say... I don't know if I want her to get better. Or whether that's even in the cards for her. Whether that needle moves in one direction or the other is solely at the whims of what we discover in the campaign, if there comes a reckoning. But if she winds up being universally hated by the party, I don't think that would shock me or phase her—and it's the not phasing her bit that makes me sad for her.
Song I associate with them
"Eat Your Young" by Hozier
Favorite picture of them
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I genuinely love how menacing this screenshot came out. Celeste in cold calculation mode.
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sycamorre · 1 year ago
Ledo 💋 🍑 🥝. Remind me who the healer was who was dating Tural in the shipyard? 💙 💜. AND my beloved Oriana, 🌸 🌷 📀
[ Jumbo OC Asks ]
Yeeee thank you (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Ledo —
💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
Ledo, despite being a bit rough around the edges, is plenty affectionate to those closest to her. She genuinely tries to put effort into showing that she cares to family and good friends, as well as crew that she's on good terms with. Her affection does tend to be on the emotional side rather than the physical, though mostly because she knows metal arm hugs are not exactly the most... comforting. Most physical affection is minimal at best (a hand on the shoulder, fixing something that's out of place on the person's clothes, etc.). But she's generally honest with her words and she goes out of her way to show she cares in whatever way she is able to, whether it be a small gesture like sitting with them just to provide company, offering to fix some of their equipment, or even making entirely new things for them.
Her old crew on the ships were a bit different, just because there was a level of professionalism expected of her in the navy, especially once she reached senior officer status. But in the last few years of her service before she ended up on Orianth, she was definitely putting effort into learning how to become an effective leader. Perhaps not perfect, but her efforts were genuine.
Romantic partners... well let's just say her hesitation toward physical affection does go away once she's content in a relationship like that. Unfortunately she was not in a position to be publicly affectionate in this way (gotta try to keep rumors down to a minimum, because nobility/navy politics), but she makes up for it when alone.
🍑 Where is your OC’s favourite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them?
Back in Twalan, this would easily be her small workshop at her uncle's manor (though it's more a large shed that was converted into one when she moved in with him). It was the one place she could feel somewhat normal again after losing her arm, and it was the place she felt that she didn't have to be "proper" in order to win approval from the other nobles. It was also the one place the housekeeper wouldn't touch so she could organize it the way she wanted to, or let it be messy while she worked on things. And it served as a great spot for privacy when she wanted someone over without having others hovering around them.
It was a different situation when she was having to spend months at sea. On the ships, her usual favorite spot was either down on the lower decks where the only noise she would have to deal with were the hums of the arcane engines, or on deck after dark when most of the other sailors were asleep. One of her favorite memories is standing on the deck on a clear night, watching the moon reflecting against the crashing waves while she and her closest friend, Killian, talked well into the night.
🥝 What does a bad mental health day look like for your OC? Walk us through it with them. What kind of things can help them out of this slump and what kinds of things comfort them when they start to feel like this?
The biggest sign of Ledo having a Really Bad Day in general is if you ask her something and she either doesn't answer, or she answers in a gruff, monosyllabic way. She is pretty good about keeping a straight face when she is struggling either mentally or emotionally (life on a ship where duty and the safety of the crew often comes before self care can do that do you), but she is certainly not immune. Normally she counters it by minimizing her interactions with others to give herself a chance to recharge or straighten herself out first, as she knows good and well that trying to talk while her mind is racing with negative thoughts almost always ends with her putting her foot in her mouth. Easier to deal with someone grumpy about you being a bit unsocial for a few hours than having to apologize for a miscommunication.
Drache is also a comfort for her when she's having a rough time. He is very much in tune with her (quite literally through arcane means since her magic is basically his source of power), and can recognize when something isn't right. If she's getting tired but stubbornly trying to finish something, he will come over and put his head right over what she is looking at to tell her she needs to go rest. Or if she's upset about something, he finds a way to get her attention so she is no longer thinking about it.
Nidhel (aka that healer fretting over Tural) —
💙 What did your OC want to be when they grew up and why? Did they have any lifelong dreams or ambitions they never got to work on or are they currently working to achieve this dream? Has their life taken a very unexpected turn and put all these plans on hold for a while or have they given up on any dreams?
If you asked this of anyone in her family, they would say her dreams as a child changed like the wind: constantly shifting and never really settling on one thing for a long time. She was apprenticing under her mother as a healer from the time she was old enough to, but the main thing she had even more desire to do was to grow her skill with other types of magic, though she had little resources to do so.
Fortunately, this is a case where she was able to pursue this eventually! After the Great War between the Dominion and the Empire ended, Indes was able to talk to a retired enchanter she was familiar with to take Nidhel on as an apprentice, giving the sisters a chance to be closer again and to give Nidhel a chance to not only expand her horizons with magic, but also see a bit of the world outside Valenwood.
Her current ambitions at this point in their story, however, are a bit murky at best. She wants to find a new goal, but that is becoming a bit more complicated between trying to stay close to her sister, her relationship with Tural, and wanting to pursue even more magical studies. She's sort of feeling things out for now, seeing where things go, and she's okay with that. Thankfully, she has plenty of patience.
💜 Music or Silence? Swords or Spells? Cities or Nature?
The first two are easily music and spells respectively. While Nidhel isn't much of a singer, she loves to dance for fun and genuine silence makes her feel uneasy (probably a side effect of being raised in Valenwood, where the jungles were always noisy unless there was something very wrong). And the spells are because that is absolutely her strength between the two. She wouldn't know what to do with a sword if her life depended on it.
She would probably feel bad saying it, but at this point in her life she definitely prefers the cities to pure nature. She is a wood elf, and she still holds an appreciation for nature, but she is so used to being in cities where everything is much more convenient and all of her people are close by, so going back to the villages of Valenwood or any other place that doesn't have a city near it would probably not be as enjoyable for her compared to how it would be for others in her family.
Oriana —
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
Oriana's voice is generally pleasant to hear, she speaks gently and rarely raises her voice unless she has a good reason to. She definitely has a noticeable Tyadosan accent, which absolutely gets stronger when she's around her family, Ranna, or specifically when she's having a sibling argument. Years of practicing in both the temple and the monastery have made her a good speaker in formal environments, though she still falters if put on the spot in front of too many people.
When she's nervous, she practically stops talking altogether. If she laughs, it's either a soft chuckle or this light, airy, sometimes almost nasally laugh that she thinks sounds silly so she gets self-conscious and will often try to cover her mouth to hide it a little. And despite not having any true formal training, years of attending temple services have made her into a pretty decent mezzo-soprano singer! She struggles with high notes and doesn't have the lung capacity for drawn-out notes, but she can hold a tune at least.
🌷 In what ways would your OC alter their body if they could? How would they do it using mundane means (hair dye, surgery, make-up?). What is their ideal look for themself?
If you asked Oriana this before the campaign, she would want to change absolutely everything that made her stand out. She would have made her hair darker, made her eyes look normal, possibly a shade of blue like her father's... Anything that would make her look like she fit in, at least with her family. She has actually tried hair dye in the past back when she was a teenager, but that attempt went horribly and almost made her self-consciousness worse. Thankfully, she is trying to be more accepting of herself after all that has happened, but some days are easier than others. She does occasionally use the thaumaturgy spell now that she has access to it to change her eyes. Sometimes just to see how they would look if they were normal. Other times just to make it so she doesn't have to deal with questions when she is meeting certain new people.
I don't think Oriana at this point has an "ideal" look for herself. She is not against using the occasional bit of makeup to enhance her features that she does like, especially when a certain bard is around, but otherwise she is rather fine with herself at this point and getting better as time goes on in that regard.
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
Oriana has a fairly healthy wariness about her. She is certainly not going to trust most folks at face value for the most part, but she's not rude about it. A lot of this is the result of hearing stories from the clergy at the temple and from the warnings of other Sun Soul monks when she first started doing outside work after finishing her training. I would say that overall, she is good about not being manipulated by those she does not know well. Tricking her would require spending a lot of time building up the trust first. It would definitely be easier to show or confuse her in a general sense, but she would still be wary from the get go.
Trust is something that is actually very precious to Ori in a sense. She has a lot of weirdness going on, and absolutely does not want to give the details to someone she does not trust. Her magic and appearance has earned her a lot of strife over the years, and it makes it hard to share those struggles with anyone who has not earned her full trust. Feeling like she can trust someone with that kind of information is one of the greatest reliefs she can have. And she certainly hopes those same people feel that they can trust her as well.
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sparkystarlight · 1 year ago
thank you to everybody who answered <3 I finished the bio art for my characters' dragons this morning :3
These are Brown Wulleth, Bronze Orianth, and Green Dioth 🥰 bonded to Alete (subject of the above question) Niylin and Tessera respectively
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Now I just have to draw the humans. and finish everyone's bios + bios & art for two firelizards for Tess. Which is gonna take a while 🥲
its been a mega long time since I read any of the books so I'm incredibly rusty but I'm putting together a character for a Pern rp & I cant remember: could a human survive after making contact with Thread? Like is there any way it could be stopped before fully consuming them or is it just insta-death
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shurima-demigod · 5 years ago
💝 To the Bravest Ascended with the cutest nose I know! - Orianthe
Send 💝to give my muse a Valentine’s Day card!
He... didn’t know this person too well.  But, they had taken time out of their day to give him a card, and comment on his nose.  Part of him was expecting a comment on the ears, but he supposed both were in the same realm of possibility.
“Thank you.”
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slayerguitarsolo1994-blog · 7 years ago
orianthe replied to your post: Anyone wanna enact some of that trickle down...
I /am/ looking for someone to do gardening work around the grounds. $70 an hour is what I paid my last one, but I’m perfectly willing to negotiate.
Oh geez. My schedule’s REALLY full up. If I did any hard labor I think my heart’d give out haha. Thanks for the offer though.
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orianthe replied to your post: I am, frankly, shocked and appalled at the...
Perhaps we should get to know each other a little better, first, Reid. I don’t think I know you nearly as well as I’d like~
We should meet up sometime then, hm? I’m certainly not opposed.
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poysa-blog1 · 7 years ago
@orianthe Your support means so much to me. I believe you'll find something you love! :)
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spirithalloweenplanet · 3 years ago
discord is down im asking about ur ocs. which of them commit the most heinous food crimes + what are they? would any of them eat things from the mountain dew cookbook? (very important questions)
i'm trying to think if any of my rp guys have done food crimes and coming up short aside from benedikt who is a gross little man who puts human blood into black pudding and shit. i feel like that might be the most heinous food crime on account of the stealing human blood part being an actual crime
uhhh i'm gonna say most of the demons also count for heinous food crimes because they eat humans. orianthe has committed a different kind of food crime because they can manipulate sugar and make candy sharp enough to stab people with
i think fratelli and denver would definitely eat things from the mountain dew cookbook. the mixed drinks, at least. the smalltimore county hvz crew would eat the mountain dew grilled cheeses unfortunately. robbie and robyn are exactly the kinds of people who try any mountain dew flavored anything they can get their hands on
oh finn is also allergic to chocolate but eats it anyway. it gives him hives
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anupstairsharmony · 8 years ago
RP Summary: Down The Rabbit Hole
Characters: Silvain, Darcy, Or, Reuben, several Tartarus family members (Soren, Musetta, Moore, and Nyx)
Content warnings: Mindfuckery/gaslighting courtesy of Reuben and Or, child endangerment/injury, mentions of self-harm, mentions of eye horror/injury, mentions of human experimentation, a small domestic violence mention if you squint
Summary: Darcy and Silvain attend a fundraiser at the Tartarus mob family’s mansion, undercover as two (engaged) friends of the mayor who are new to El Asilo. They meet Soren, a Tartarus kid with the power of deductive reasoning who sees through their cover stories immediately, but offers to show them around regardless. Soren, Darcy, and Silvain wander through the hedge maze on the mansion grounds, eventually coming across Or and Musetta (and an invisible Reuben) in the center of the maze and getting obnoxiously toyed with for a while. Musetta reveals that they remember Silvain from the Vantage Christmas party, and Darcy high-tails it out of the pool area, Silvain and Soren in tow. 
Back in the maze, Silvain and Darcy question Soren about various aspects of the Tartarus family’s dealings with Vantage, and find out that one of the Tartarus kids (and Nyx’s biological daughter) has lived in a Vantage lab for most of her life due to uncontrollable powers that send anyone near her into a bloodthirsty rage. After a chance run-in with Nyx, who also sees straight through Silvain and Darcy’s covers, Soren takes off and leaves Silvain and Darcy to their own devices for the rest of the event.
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a-mythos-series · 3 years ago
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Join Lethal Tempo for A Thrilling Night ! 🌟
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smilinmilo-official-blog · 8 years ago
(( don't chase the rabbit for milo ))
((cw: #suicide #self inflicted wounds #blood #gore))
Quitting cold turkey really was harder than Milo had expected. It was for the best though, wasn’t it? 
It was the desire to be liked that had put the idea in his head. Sure, plenty of people had told him he was evil and needed to stop hurting others anyway but those weren’t the ones who mattered. Instead it was the idea he could have more friends if he wasn’t, for lack of a better term, a monster.
And so he had gone weeks and then months without hurting a soul. He wouldn’t crush a fly. He wouldn’t say a negative thing to anyone. He wouldn’t so much as allow himself to think of hurting people who wronged him. And somehow, life felt so much worse.
It was still hard to make friends and he felt so stressed and compressed and twisted up inside. He had lost his spark and gone numb and quiet. As it turned out, when he denied every part of him that was considered bad, there wasn’t a whole lot of ‘him’ left. And what was there was so tightly squeezed into a ball, he might as well have been physically restrained. He was sure that one day he would explode and it turned out he was right.
The idea came to him one day while he was in the kitchen, chopping up ingredients for a salad for dinner. He was lost in thought, missing the sensations he used to get when carving into meat and getting rewarded with the rush of energy, and chopped a bit too far. 
He took in a sharp gasp then looked down, slowly pulling the knife up from where it had embedded in the backs of three of his fingers. It was a deep cut that left his hand trembling and in pain, blood pooling around the cuts and on his cutting board. A little thought arose at the sight, accompanied by a smile. Do it again. The idea frightened and excited him in the same breath. Was this what he was missing?
He held the knife shakily, mulling this over while the impulse grew. It was this, or hurt someone else. Simple enough. He had already put in so much work, he didn’t want it to go to waste. And so, the knife found itself in the back of his forearm next, a shout of pain following. Even though it was his own voice he heard, his excitement grew. More, he thought.
Minutes passed and the soon Milo struggled to hold the knife steady, cuts carved all around his forearms and dangerously close to his wrists. They weren’t passing glances from the blade. They ran deep. But he only wanted more and he only suffered more pain. There was still some final satisfaction missing. He looked at his trembling hands in frustration and nervousness before it came to him. How obvious, how simple. There was no point to all of this without an end of some kind.
He wanted to be somewhere pleasant for this. A murder he could commit that no one would hold against him. But if it was to be his final one, he wanted to have somewhere nice to savor it. A beautiful garden belonging to an old woman down the way came to mind. He had wanted for quite some time to climb in and explore it after all.
He hardly noticed the frightened looks of neighbors who backed away or went inside when he came down the street, quite a sight with a kitchen knife in hand, gashes all over his arms, and blood trailing all along behind him. They didn’t even cross his thoughts, even the one or two who tried to get his attention to ask what had happened or if he was okay.
Without a word to them, he climbed over the white painted fence, a glassy eyed smile on his face as he saw all the flowers. So many colors. But all those he passed by turned red. It reminded him of a story but he was having trouble remembering, finding it harder to keep his train of thought as he went. He felt sluggish and dazed, like he was losing his energy.
But he still remembered why he had come there. Someone had to die for him to feel alive again, so why not him? No one could fault him for it this way.
He stood in the center of the garden and put the knife to his throat, savoring the moment before he sliced. And the cut ran deep.
He saw red. He heard a scream. Moments passed. He felt pain.
He saw black. He heard nothing. An eternity passed. He felt nothing.
He saw white. He heard footsteps. Beeps. Drips. He felt the cool sheets of the hospital bed.
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(( don't chase the rabbit ))
metronomemet██nomemetrononamemetronome█etronom█metronome█etronomemetrono██metronomemeatronome metronome
soundless mindless clawless.
somethingone too terrible to name.
“can you hear me?”
oh, yes you can.
“good.” bright light brighter teeth wider smile.
“try moving your legs and arms.” ███████████████████████
“very good, very very good. you’re doing wonderfully. we’re going to ████ ███ ███ now. i’ll see you in a few hours, yes?”
pain, unlike anything you have felt before or █since█.
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whatsadeadeye-blog · 8 years ago
Why not just eat garlic bread?
Because I don’t have any.
you fucking heathen
Love the cronch
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