organiciltd-blog · 7 years
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ORGANICI LONDON NRP GHASSOUL Clay mask med Opuntia Ficus Indica (stikkels pæreolie) 1. Nemlig ABSORBET AF HUD De essentielle fedtsyrer i linolsyreindholdet i spinatfigenolie (60%) gør det absorberet i vores hud. Det trænger dybt ind uden at efterlade en fedtet rest. 2. ELASTICITET OG KOMPLEKSION Høj antioxidantaktivitet stimulerer cellefornyelse, reducerer rødme og hyperpigmentering 3. NÆRING, HYDRING OG HUDPLEJE Denne olie fugter alle hudtyper og fungerer godt på tør og moden hud på grund af høje niveauer af linolsyre. 4. LÅS PORENE De essentielle fedtsyrer i den tornede figenolie holder kollagenlaget i din hud sunde og stramme porer. 5. Rydder mørke pletter Det lyser huden og slippe af med mørke pletter. K-vitamin hjælper med at lette de mørke cirkler under øjnene og minimere edderkopper. 6. ANTI-AGING Høje niveauer af antioxidanter, der bekæmper aldringsprocessen, mere end Acai, granatæble, blåbær, Gogi. 7. LINNER OG SKRIVER E-vitaminindholdet, 895 mg / kg vitamin E, øger cellefornyelsen. Det høje fedtsyrindhold føder huden, reducerer rynkerne og tilføjer fasthed samt reducerer skaderne af frie radikaler. 8. IKKE KOMEDOGEN Med et højt indhold af linolsyre (60%) og lavt oliesyreindhold (20%) er denne olie absolut ikke-komedogen, hvilket betyder, at det ikke vil tilstoppe dine porer, hvilket resulterer i bumser og bumser 9. SENSITIV HUD Ikke-irriterende, dybt nærende og beroligende, beroliger inflammation og fugter huden. FATTSYRE SAMMENSÆTNING • Oliesyre 20,6% • Linolsyre 60,5% af • Stearinsyre 3,2% • Palmitinsyre 13,9% • Tocopherol 895 mg / kg • 150% mere tocopherol #InMaroc #CSR #Farmers #MadeInMarocco #Maroc #Maghrib #NorthAfrica #Africa #sensitiveskin #vitaminE #vitaminK #figoil #hyperpigmentation #skincare #organicilondon #fairtrade #moisturizer #organicimoroc #soothing #skin #nourishing (at Casablanca, Morocco)
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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#Raw #Organic #Bio #protienpowder #Trials #health #fitness #fitfam #girlswholift #squat #gym #gymlife (some of our ingredients) #madeinmarocco🇲🇦#organicilondon🇬🇧 #fairtrade #organicimoroc #madewithlove❤️
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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Desarrollo de productos #Shub #Scrub, #Bath #Salts, #Coffee Scrub #Argan #Rose #Coffee #Mint #organicilondon #organicimoroc #Madeinmorcco #fairtrade #organicilondon #organicimoroc #Madeinmorcco #fairtrade #madewithlove❤️ #handmade
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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Разработка продукта #Shower #Scrub, #Bath #Salts, #Coffee Scrub #Argan #Rose #Coffee #Mint #organicilondon #organicimoroc #Madeinmorcco #fairtrade #madewithlove❤️ #handmade
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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#Organici_LAB белая маска для глины для # пигментации #Blackheads #spots #conditioning #citrus #rose #lime #orange #benzonite #fairtrade #organicilondon #organicimoroc #Madeinmorcco #fairtrade #madewithlove❤️ #nottestedonanimals #
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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#Argan #Barbary #Fig Масло масло масло #lemon #ORGANICI_LAB смесь эфирных масел Тест партия сыворотки #Organic 3 #Hair #FACE & #Brow #fairtrade #organicilondon #organicimoroc
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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最后是发生了 - 继续看下几天产品正在添加完成选择#organicimaroc #organic_nrp #organic_lab #organici_hfbb #fairtrade #organicilondon #organicimoroc #Madeinmorcco #naturalmade #madewithcare
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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Por último, está sucediendo: sigue viendo los próximos días que se agregan productos para finalizar la selección #organicimaroc #organic_nrp #organic_lab #organici_hfbb #madewithcare #organicilondon #organicimoroc #Madeinmorcco #fairtrade
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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Finally it's happening - keep watching the next few days products are being added to finalize the selection #organicimaroc #organic_nrp #organic_lab #organici_hfbb #organicilondon #organicimoroc #Madeinmorcco #fairtrade
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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芙蓉茶(阿瓜德牙买加)有许多健康的好处, 芙蓉茶含有15/30%的有机酸。 这些酸是苹果酸,酒石酸和柠檬酸,常见于水果如葡萄和浆果。 芙蓉茶红宝石红色,具有类似蔓越莓汁的味道,有时被称为“酸茶”,它是由蜂蜜,水果和切片如橙,柠檬肉桂和肉豆蔻赞扬。 芙蓉茶热量低,无咖啡因。 芙蓉茶的健康益处。 芙蓉帮助促进免疫系统促进更健康的皮肤,头发和指甲,降低血压和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇,减少炎症和改善消化功能。芙蓉茶具有利尿和利胆作用,通过降低血压和增强消化来控制血液粘度。 血压。 AHA(美国心脏协会)指出,饮用这种茶可以降低高血压前期和轻度高血压成年人的血压。 Odigie IP进行的一项研究表明,它具有抗高血压和心脏保护特性,对于患有高血压的人和心血管疾病高风险人群是有益的。据波士顿塔夫茨大学(Tufts University Boston)的数据,由于其抗炎特性,芙蓉茶能使血压降低10分,每天三杯。 降低胆固醇 它有助于降低LDL(坏)胆固醇从体内的水平,从而有助于防止心脏疾病和保护血管免受损害。 糖尿病 芙蓉茶的降血脂和降血糖特性对于那些患有血糖障碍的人是有益的。对II型糖尿病患者进行的一项研究表明,食用芙蓉酸茶可以降低胆固醇,甘油三酯和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇,有助于控制糖尿病。 #hibiscus #tea #rubyred #liverfuntion #lowerscholesterol #diabetes #fairtrade #organicilondon #organicimoroc #Madeinmorcco #naturalmade #madewithcare #bloodpressure #caffeinefree #organicacids
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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There are many health benefits of hibiscus tea ( Agua De Jamaica)  Hibiscus Tea contains 15/30% organic acids.  These acids are malic acid, tartaric acid, and citric acid, commonly found in fruits like grapes and berries. Hibiscus tea is ruby red in color and has a taste similar to cranberry juice, Its some times referred to as 'sour tea' it is complimented by honey, fruits and slices such as orange, lemon Cinnamon & nutmeg.  Hibiscus tea is low in calories and is caffeine-free. Health Benefits Of Hibiscus Tea. Hibiscus helps boost the immune system promoting healthier skin, hair and nails, lowers blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, reduces inflammation and improves digestive function.  Hibiscus tea has diuretic and choleretic effects, controlling blood viscosity by reducing blood pressure and enhancing digestion. Blood Pressure. AHA (American Heart Association) states that consuming this tea lowers the blood pressure in pre-hypertensive and mildly hypertensive adults.  A study conducted by Odigie IP suggests that it has antihypertensive and cardioprotective properties that can be beneficial for people suffering from hypertension and those at high risks of cardiovascular diseases.  Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, hibiscus tea can reduce blood pressure by up to 10 points, according to Tufts University Boston, Based on three cups of this tea daily. Lowers Cholesterol It helps to lower the levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol from the body, thereby helping to protect against heart diseases and protecting blood vessels from damage.  Diabetes The hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic properties of hibiscus tea can be beneficial for those who suffer from blood sugar disorders. A research studyconducted on patients with type II diabetes suggests that consumption of hibiscus sour tea lowers cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which helps to manage diabetes.   #hibiscus #tea #rubyred #liverfuntion #lowerscholesterol #diabetes #fairtrade #organicilondon #organicimoroc #Madeinmorcco #naturalmade #madewithcare #bloodpressure #caffeinefree #organicacids
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organiciltd-blog · 7 years
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ORGANICI LONDON NRP GHASSOUL Clay mask med Opuntia Ficus Indica (stikkels pæreolie) 1. Nemlig ABSORBET AF HUD De essentielle fedtsyrer i linolsyreindholdet i spinatfigenolie (60%) gør det absorberet i vores hud. Det trænger dybt ind uden at efterlade en fedtet rest. 2. ELASTICITET OG KOMPLEKSION Høj antioxidantaktivitet stimulerer cellefornyelse, reducerer rødme og hyperpigmentering 3. NÆRING, HYDRING OG HUDPLEJE Denne olie fugter alle hudtyper og fungerer godt på tør og moden hud på grund af høje niveauer af linolsyre. 4. LÅS PORENE De essentielle fedtsyrer i den tornede figenolie holder kollagenlaget i din hud sunde og stramme porer. 5. Rydder mørke pletter Det lyser huden og slippe af med mørke pletter. K-vitamin hjælper med at lette de mørke cirkler under øjnene og minimere edderkopper. 6. ANTI-AGING Høje niveauer af antioxidanter, der bekæmper aldringsprocessen, mere end Acai, granatæble, blåbær, Gogi. 7. LINNER OG SKRIVER E-vitaminindholdet, 895 mg / kg vitamin E, øger cellefornyelsen. Det høje fedtsyrindhold føder huden, reducerer rynkerne og tilføjer fasthed samt reducerer skaderne af frie radikaler. 8. IKKE KOMEDOGEN Med et højt indhold af linolsyre (60%) og lavt oliesyreindhold (20%) er denne olie absolut ikke-komedogen, hvilket betyder, at det ikke vil tilstoppe dine porer, hvilket resulterer i bumser og bumser 9. SENSITIV HUD Ikke-irriterende, dybt nærende og beroligende, beroliger inflammation og fugter huden. FATTSYRE SAMMENSÆTNING • Oliesyre 20,6% • Linolsyre 60,5% af • Stearinsyre 3,2% • Palmitinsyre 13,9% • Tocopherol 895 mg / kg • 150% mere tocopherol #InMaroc #CSR #Farmers #MadeInMarocco #Maroc #Maghrib #NorthAfrica #Africa #sensitiveskin #vitaminE #vitaminK #figoil #hyperpigmentation #skincare #organicilondon #fairtrade #moisturizer #organicimoroc #soothing #skin #nourishing (at Casablanca, Morocco)
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organicilondon-blog · 7 years
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LIVE CONSULTATION FOR PERSONAL PRODUCTS MADE JUST FOR YOU IN 2018 #Raw #Organic #DairyFree #Glutenfree #Wheatfree #Artisan #Hair #Nails #Nutrition #Aesthetics #Lifestyle #HNY2018 #Nochemicals #Nofillers #Noartficalcolours #Noartficalscent #NoPerfume #Nobulkbatches #Notallow #Nochemicalextraction #Organicilondon #Organicimoroc #Madeinmorcco #Madewithlove HANDMADE TRADITIONAL MOROCCAN HEALTH BEAUTY WITH PERSONAL TOUCH
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organiciltd-blog · 7 years
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Organic_LAB traditional natural herbal blend of oil and extracts rich in vitamin E and natural vegetable oils Benefits: Remove dead cells, addresses cracks, filter body, blessed with feet, handles spots and acne and helps to relax and calm the nerves. Is used in Moroccan bath to remove dead cells from the skin, it helps to reduce enlarged pores with regular use. Extracts dirt from under the skin. Lift the body gradually removes and reduces the appearance of scars and pigmentation. It enhances the skin color and softens the skin from the first use. Excellent dry epidermides. Very useful for sensitive areas, open areas of friction and under hands and feet. Perfect for addressing raised spots, eczema, grazes and wounds. It is helpful in treatment of vitiligo and psoriasis, itching due to eczema and allergies. Balances the moisture in your body. Suitable for sensitive and delicate skin. Size: 250 0r 500g Origin: Made in Maroc. #argan#البشرة #الجلد #maroc #plage #maroc🇲🇦 #healthylife #gym#fitness #أعشاب#organici maroc #inmaroc @inmaroc #organic #raw #Vegan #glutenfree #DairyFree #halal #fairtrade #organicilondon #organicimoroc (at Rabat Agdal)
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organiciltd-blog · 7 years
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Organic_LAB tradicional mezcla de hierbas naturales de aceite y extractos ricos en vitamina E y aceites vegetales naturales Beneficios: Elimina las células muertas, repara las grietas, filtra el cuerpo, bendice con los pies, maneja las manchas y el acné y ayuda a relajar y calmar los nervios. Se utiliza en baño marroquí para eliminar las células muertas de la piel, ayuda a reducir los poros dilatados con el uso regular. Extrae la suciedad de debajo de la piel. Levanta el cuerpo y quita gradualmente la apariencia de cicatrices y pigmentación. Mejora el color de la piel y suaviza la piel desde el primer uso. Excelentes epidermidas secas Muy útil para áreas sensibles, áreas abiertas de fricción y debajo de manos y pies. Perfecto para abordar manchas elevadas, eccemas, rasguños y heridas. Es útil en el tratamiento del vitíligo y la psoriasis, picazón debido a eccemas y alergias. Equilibra la humedad en tu cuerpo. Adecuado para pieles sensibles y delicadas. Tamaño: 250 0r 500g Origen: Hecho en Maroc. # argan # البشرة # الجلد #maroc #plage # maroc🇲🇦 #healthylife # gym # fitness # أعشاب # organici maroc #inmaroc @inmaroc #organic #raw #Vegan #glutenfree #DairyFree #halal #organicilondon #organicimoroc (at Rabat Agdal)
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organiciltd-blog · 7 years
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Organic_LAB tradicional mezcla de hierbas naturales de aceite y estrattios ricos en vitamina E aceites vegetales naturales beneficios: Elimina las células muertas, repara las grietas, filtra el cuerpo, bendice con los pies, maneja las manchas y el acné y ayuda à relajar y calmar los nervios. Se utilizzi un baño marroquí para eliminar las células muertas de la piel, ayuda a reducir los poros dilatados con l'uso regolare. Extrae suciedad de debajo de la piel. Levanta el cuerpo y quita indica la apariencia de cicatrices y pigmentación. Mejora el color de la piel y suaviza la piel desde el primer uso. Excelentes epidermidas secas Muy útil para áreas sensibles, áreas abiertas de fricción y debajo de manos y pies. Perfecto para abordar manchas elevadas, eccemas, rasguños y heridas. Es útil en el tratamiento del vitíligo y la psoriasis, picazón debido a eccemas y alergias. Equilibra la humedad en tu cuerpo. Adecuado para pieles sensibles y delicadas. Tamaño: 250 0r 500g Origene: Hecho en Maroc. #argan #البشرة #الجلد#maroc #plage #maroc🇲🇦 #healthylife #gym #fitness # أعشاب# organic maroc #inmaroc @inmaroc #organic #raw #Vegan #glutenfree #DairyFree #halal #organicilondon #organicimoroc (at Rabat Agdal)
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