#organic vegetables Derbyshire
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Gourmet Delights Farm-to-Table Dining in Hathersage at The George
Discover farm-to-table dining in Hathersage at The George. Enjoy fresh, locally sourced ingredients and seasonal menus that highlight the best of Derbyshire's produce. Savour dishes crafted with care and sustainability in mind. Book your table at The George now and experience gourmet delights.
#farm-to-table dining in Hathersage#The George restaurant#seasonal menus of Derbyshire#gourmet dining Hathersage#organic vegetables Derbyshire#book The George Hathersage#Hathersage dining experience
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Circular thinker Ellen MacArthur: 'Simply consuming less is not a goal'

Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation: our timeline
As a child, she saved her lunch money to buy her first boat. At the age of 28 she became the fastest solo sailor around the world. Today, Ellen MacArthur is one of the most influential voices for a new, greener industry. 'Why would we make packaging that we throw away after one use? As humanity we can do better.'
Ellen MacArthur (47) became world famous overnight in 2005, when she sailed solo around the world in just 71 days, breaking the world record. “I didn't write much in my diaries during that trip,” she says. “But I remember clearly at one point writing down, 'This is all I have.'” If you run out of diesel or food, you can't just stop somewhere in the middle of the ocean and buy extra. With that idea in mind I went back on land. I realized: 'This is not just about sailing, but about our entire economy.' We have the raw materials we dispose of, and we have to do it with those.
That insight would determine her future life. 'I never thought I would stop sailing professionally. But I realised that I could use my fame to do something with it.' That 'something' became the Ellen MacArthur Foundation[1], an influential non-governmental organization (NGO) that wants to get rid of our throw-away economy and, together with companies, scientists and policy makers seeks for a better use of our raw materials.
The determination with which the British dogged herself in this is the same as that which took her to sea at the time. She grew up in rural Derbyshire[2], England. 'We grew our own vegetables. My favourite thing to do was to walk with the dog in the fields, hills and forests. There was no sea to be seen for miles.” But when her aunt Thea took her on a sailboat as a 4-year-old, she was sold. “It was a small boat, but I felt like it could take me anywhere. That was the greatest feeling of freedom I could imagine. All the doors suddenly opened at the same time.”
She saved the money she got for her school lunch to buy her first sailboat. Whenever she could, she went to sea. When she was told at the age of 17 that she was 'not smart enough' to study as a vet - even though she had prepared for it for three years by working at a local vet on Saturdays - her choice was made. “I would go sailing. I have no idea how I was going to do that, but that was the objective.”
Her foundation has now grown to a team of 200 people and she sits at the table with the CEOs of multinationals such as Gucci, Amazon, Philips and Morgan Stanley and at the highest political levels. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation advises policy, informs the general public through podcasts, and works closely with the various industries. She is working on better battery technology with the chemical company Solvay, the utility company Veolia and the car manufacturer Renault. In the project The Jeans Redesign[3], she is working with more than a hundred brands, spinning mills and producers to find out what sustainable jeans trousers should look like.[4]
“The idea to create that organisation was not there from the beginning,” MacArthur says. “I first thought: 'Maybe I can wake people up by sailing around the world with a large message on my sail.’ But what message should that be? I had to look for that first.”
How do you mean?
Ellen MacArthur
Ellen MacArthur: “I'm a sailor, not an economist. At first I didn't even understand what problem I had to find a solution for. I just felt intuitively that nothing was right.”
“After my trip around the world, I went to the south of the Atlantic Ocean in the winter of 2005 for a documentary about albatrosses. I stayed on an island on which there was a former whaling station. Thousands of people used to work there. An entire city had been built around it, with a church, refectories, dormitories and doctors' offices. Now it is completely deserted. They took 175,000 whales out of the sea, but then they ran out of whales.”
“Are we doing the right thing?” I wondered. “When one resource is used up, do we simply switch to another? How many times can we do that?'
Where did you find the answer?
MacArthur: 'Not by sitting and thinking on my own. I started visiting factories and power plants and talking to economists, environmental experts and CEOs. One day I was sitting with the big boss of Castorama. The French DIY chain was part of the Kingfisher group that had sponsored me for years. It soon became about doing more with less: using fewer raw materials to make products.'
'It struck me that everywhere I went, 'less of everything' was the strategy towards sustainability. Let's just use fewer resources, travel less, buy less. But how can that be an objective? Where does that end? What are we going to use to make cars then? Or is it our intention to sell as few cars as possible? That's not realistic. “Always less” is not a goal. That's the problem with sustainability: we don't know where we want to get. In a meeting it was said: we need sustainable products. But no one could give an answer to what such a sustainable product could look like.'
'Then I saw a drawing in a book. There was a straight line and a circle drawn underneath it. “That's it,” I thought. Since the industrial revolution we have been in a linear logic. We use up raw materials and fossil fuels, waste piles up, we cause pollution and climate change. On the other hand, there is a circular economy. This is how life on Earth has worked for billions of years. There is no waste in a forest, everything regenerates. This is what our economy could also look like.'
'As humanity we are so inventive. Why on earth would we make packaging that we throw away after one use and that we can't use anymore? We can do better, right? From the design stage we should say: 'We are making something that will then be reused. That's just common sense."
To promote that idea of a circular economy, you launched the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in 2010. Where did you start?
MacArthur: “ We first identified with the consultant McKinsey what could we possibly gain by a different approach. The numbers were staggering. For the entire European economy, we arrived at an amount of 630 billion dollars if we make better use and reuse of our raw materials. We looked at what could be done differently, for example in vans, washing machines, smartphones or the use of cotton. In 2012 we presented that report at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Naturally, many raised eyebrows. But six months later we did speak in the European Parliament, and we spoke to top industry figures. That has put a lot in motion.”
What exactly can be done differently with washing machines?
MacArthur: 'Today this is the model: the manufacturer buys raw materials, makes a washing machine and sells it. He only starts to make money if he also can sell the next machine. In other words, he benefits from the machine breaking down. What do we see then? A cheaper machine will not last as long. The costs per wash are therefore almost one and a half times higher than with a more expensive appliance.'
'Shouldn't we strive to keep the costs per wash as low as possible for everyone? Perhaps we should evolve towards a model where the manufacturer benefits from the machine lasting as long as possible and being maintained as well as possible? Perhaps the machine remains the property of the manufacturer and he can reuse the materials if the machine breaks down? You simply have to rethink the entire mechanism.”
There must be time and space for that. For an SME that is busy managing everything that comes in its way every day - the pandemic, the energy crisis, geopolitical tensions, inflation - reinventing the entire business model is not an option.
MacArthur: 'When I hear that, I always think of the climate summit in Glasgow two years ago. I sat on a stage with Emmanuel Faber, the former CEO of Danone, and Philipp Hildebrand, the number two of BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager. An American moderator said: 'I understand the circular thing, but it is about a complex transition that will cost money.' Hildebrand turned to him and said: 'If we do nothing about the climate problem, our prosperity will decline by a quarter. So it's not a matter of what it will cost. Business as usual just doesn't work anymore."
'That's what it's all about for me. If you don't have time to think about it, you will soon cease to exist. Sustainability is not something you put in a separate report. As a farmer, why wouldn't you strive to grow your crops in such a way that the soil becomes richer, not poorer? Why not get to the point where driving a car does not harm the environment? How a company operates should contribute to solving our biggest global problems.'
What role can a circular economy play in our green ambitions?
MacArthur: 'If we want to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, 55 percent of the effort must come from the energy transition. This is about renewable energy and reducing CO₂ emissions from fossil fuels. But 45 percent will have to come from how we make things different: from food to clothing. This is about our manufacturing industry, but also about our agriculture. That makes it hyper-relevant.'
Do you see yourself as a climate activist?
MacArthur: “No. I just went on a personal journey. Our world population is growing. Our raw materials are finite. That is not sustainable. I want to spread that message. That doesn't make me an activist, I'm a realist.'
How pragmatic are you in this regard? The clothing sector faces enormous challenges. A company like Primark, which is criticised everywhere for the way it does business, is a member of your community. This way it can polish its image very easily.
MacArthur: 'Look, we work in an economic reality. I think there are good arguments for talking to everyone, not just those who are already doing well. We have also done the same with plastic. From conversations with many top people from that industry, it turned out that no one had an overview of the entire chain of plastic packaging. This is not different in the clothing sector. Everyone just produces. But what does that mean on a global scale? It is never about one company alone.'
'We spent a year researching plastic packaging, a business worth hundreds of billions. We presented the results in 2017. The numbers were dramatic. Barely 2 percent of all packaging that came onto the market was recycled into an equivalent material. However, we all feel that we have become very good at recycling.'
'With those results we were able to bring competitors and policy makers to the table. Where should we get? Ultimately, 20 percent of companies signed a commitment in 2019 to set ambitious goals for 2025.'
The ambitious goals to reduce single-use plastic are now proving unattainable. You admitted that too. What is more: in some areas we have even gone backwards.
MacArthur: “Yes. We see that the companies that have endorsed the objectives are doing significantly better than their sector peers in tackling plastic waste. It does make a difference.'
'But to get the entire industry on the right track, an international approach is needed. This is currently being negotiated, and that is necessary. Small flexible plastic packaging is a disaster. The problem is only getting bigger. They are not collected or recycled, especially in emerging countries where there are no collection systems. One company that puts a lot of money and energy into innovation is not going to change that. It is a system error. You have to set that straight.”
Where is that starting point?
MacArthur: 'By realising that everything is connected. When you sail around the world on a boat, you also have to take several systems into account at the same time. You are a system yourself. You have to stay alive. That's easier said than done. You are not hungry, and yet you have to eat. You need to get enough sleep. Then there is the boat, which is also a system in itself. You have sails, electronics. If the batteries are not charged, the autopilot will not work and you will be upside down 20 seconds later. Sometimes I slept next to the wheel. And then there is the third system: the weather. You keep an eye on this via satellite images. You try to predict the wind, because that determines how fast you go.'
'That connection also applies to our economy. It is a large system that embraces the world, but at the same time it concerns each individual. It concerns every sector. That's a difficult balance. On the one hand, you have to zoom deep enough into the practical details of a problem, such as setting up a collection system for a specific plastic. On the other hand, you have to see the big picture.
Can't an agricultural waste stream be converted into a better type of plastic, for example?'
'You cannot solve any problem alone. That requires a different mindset than what we learned at school. We have not learned to think circularly.'
The consumer must also be on board. As long as he buys clothes from Primark and throws them away after wearing them twice, we won't get there.
MacArthur: 'The general public is needed to set the system in motion. People can certainly force companies to change through social media. But that is also not a solution. After my sailing career I changed my life. I started traveling less and I built a house that requires hardly any energy. But to be fair, I also had the means for that. Not everyone can say that. And even if everyone could do it, it wouldn't solve everything, precisely because the entire system needs to change. But it is true that the buy-in from the general public is needed. And it is true that many people are not yet on board today.'
So you hear politicians in Europe say that we should tone down our green ambitions. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak scaled back the targets.
MacArthur: 'That brings me back to Glasgow. Business as usual no longer works. We'll have to jump eventually. The question is simply: how long do you cling to your old ideas and when do you dare to jump? There are already opportunities. There are start-ups that focus on reselling or repairing clothing that is now worth billions.'
'What is particularly unfortunate about the political turn is that companies have already invested to achieve those objectives. They bang on the table and say: 'We need policies to be ambitious. There must be a level playing field.' Rightly so. That's the surprising thing about the criticism on Sunak. In the past, companies wanted to leave everything the same, but now they want to move forward more and more.'
You are a realist, you say. Are you also an optimist? Can we move fast enough to make the change in time?
MacArthur: 'I am convinced that it is possible. Whether it can be done quickly enough is another matter. Although we should not underestimate ourselves. During the pandemic, companies have accomplished in four weeks what would otherwise take four years. Covid was terrible, but as humans we have shown what transformation we are capable of.'
'My great-grandfather was a miner. He died when I was eleven, so I remember him well. He was born in 1894, when barely a handful of cars were on the streets. Everyone still moved by horse and carriage. When he was 45, the first computer was built. Twenty years later there was the microchip. When he died, the Internet had just been invented. And now we have artificial intelligence. If we really put our minds to it, things can happen quickly. We just have to determine what we are going for.'
Ellen MacArthur (47) grew up with two brothers in a small hamlet in England. Her parents were both teachers.
MacArthur became known as a professional sailor. In 2001, as a 24-year-old, she came second in the Vendée Globe, a tough competition in which sailors sail solo non-stop around the world. In 2005 she broke the record: she sailed solo around the world in just 71 days. Her achievements earned her the title Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE), the female equivalent of a knighthood.
In 2010, she launched the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, a foundation that promotes the circular economy to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss, waste and pollution. She wrote several books, including the autobiography 'Taking on the World' (2002), 'Race Against Time' (2005) and the second autobiography 'Full Circle' (2010).
She is the founder and CEO of the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust, an organisation that inspires young people recovering from cancer through sailing.
How a company operates should contribute to solving our biggest global problems.
Stephanie De Smedt: Circulair denker Ellen MacArthur: ‘Gewoon wat minder consumeren is geen doel’, in: De Tijd, 4-11-2023, https://www.tijd.be/dossiers/changemakers/circulair-denker-ellen-macarthur-gewoon-wat-minder-consumeren-is-geen-doel/10503957.html
[1] The Ellen MacArthur Foundation, launched in 2010, works to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. It develops and promote the idea of a circular economy, and work with business, academia, policymakers, and institutions to mobilise systems solutions at scale, globally. https://ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/
[2] Derbyshire is a ceremonial county in the East Midlands of England. It borders Greater Manchester, West Yorkshire, and South Yorkshire to the north, Nottinghamshire to the east, Leicestershire to the south-east, Staffordshire to the south and west, and Cheshire to the west. Derby is the largest settlement, and Matlock is the county town. The county has an area of 2,625 km2 (1,014 sq mi) and a population of 1,053,316.
[3] https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/press-release-jeans-redesign-ellen-macarthur-foundation
[4] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/724173405892608000/from-10000-litres-of-water-to-zero-the-denim?source=share & https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/687936102220382208/mud-jeans-and-saxion-make-first-circular-jeans?source=share
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Our Silver City, 2094
This exhibition is set in Nottingham in 2094, well previously known as Nottingham as there was a fire in 2068 and Ice-age in 2071.
The exhibition is separated into 5 sections; artefacts (East), space (South), temples (West), messages for the future and weather (North).
Section 1: East
The East is full of Artefacts ranging from c.1800s (A confirmed date for another piece is 1904)- 2021. These would all be created when the Silver City was called Nottingham.

Nicola L, c.1976. Courtesy of Alison Jacques, London and Nicola L collection and Archive.
Made from ink, cotton and wood.
I really like this piece of work, it's quite quirky and draws a lot of attention as soon as you walk into the gallery even though it is all the way in the back slightly hidden by other works. I'm not sure why it stands out so much, perhaps it's because it gives a similar vibe to Cassandra from Doctor Who, or the fact that it gives the visceral feelings of either terror or wanting to wear it.

Nov. 8, 1989
On Kawara, 1989 (owned by a private collection in Derbyshire)
Liquitex on canvas
I don't like this. I just thinks it's very simple and can be made very easily over and over again. I decided to research the artist On Kawara where it seems that his date paintings often has some kind of significant date of history on the date however I couldn't find anything that happened in November and all the art looks the same.
Section 2: South
This part of the gallery is called 'Time to Understand'. This is featuring ways people work with textiles. In with coloursmiths in the '2070s' start experimenting with light and pigments thus creating new techniques. This gallery also features objects from another planet/solar system.

Reflective Aural Study
Céline Condorelli, 2021, Courtesy of the artist, commissioned by Nottingham Contemporay
Vegetable dye on Cotton
This was an interesting piece of work as when you walk into the gallery it is right above you head so you immediately notice it, although I suppose it does help as it is quite big. The pattern on the fabric looks like it is the surface of another planet (like Mars).

Air Rights 7
Agnieszka Kurant, Courtesy of the artist and Tanya Bonakdar Gallery (NY/LA)
Powered stone, foam, wood, electromagnets, custom plinth
This work was quite cool as it looks like a floating rock which you can even put your hand both below and above the 'rock'. This art piece was featured because of the slight space theme of this part of the gallery.
Section 3: West
'Time for Inner knowledge' is a temple part of the gallery where you have to take off your shoes to walk around.

The room is built to look like it's a temple with all the work display in a circular way in the room with bean bags in the middle.

More Matter, Less Art
Charlotte Johannesson, 2018, courtesy of the artist and Hollybush Gardens (London)
Acrylic on canvas with organic matter
I thought this was an interesting piece of work as it all one colour however organic objects are used and attached onto the canvas to create texture and shadows. I'm not really fond of the colour used however I think the colour makes this almost look like a clay slate sculpture.

Sheltering the Future
Armando D. Cosmos, 2019, courtesy of the artist
Woven tapestry
I like this artwork because it's showing a very futuristic looking design of architecture displayed on what is a generally old method of creating work, tapestry.
Section 4: North
This section is called 'Time to Transmit Wisdom' and is about predicting the weather. It has a lot of lines with symbols either end in which you put a stone and speakers covered in sticks which plays a pre-recorded voice of a children from Nottingham talking which is meant to be a radio playing.

Wet Spells
Femke Herregraven, 2021, courtesy of the artist, commissioned by Nottingham Contemporary with support of Mondriaan Fund
I like how this work is interactive in which you can kind of predict the future, however the idea behind this is quite confusing and hard to understand how it works.
I do quite like this exhibition. The concept behind it is really unique where you are basically seeing the future even though you are in the 'past'. My favourite section was the temple one as they built a whole set and made it so you had to take off your shoes thus creating a believable atmosphere and place where it really does come off as a temple. Another part I like which isn't included in the galleries is a massive wall in/next to the shop where you can add you own drawings, almost like creating a wall of messages towards the future (although most were memes and drawings) which shows what our culture is like at the moment.

#céline condorelli#nottingham contemporary#on kawara#nichola l#photoraphy#gallery#exhibition#Agnieszka Kurant#Charlotte johannesson#Armando d cosmos#armando cosmos#femke herregraven
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Instance of bridal headpieces of the past century
Pre Classical period nonetheless had its influences going into the 1900s where the bridal add-ons may be as an alternative lavish, declaration pieces. Brides frequently wore veils and sometimes their bridal headdresses have been more like headpieces due to their length and ornateness. Many had been encrusted with crystals and pearls and silk vegetation to create a massive and exquisite photo. However, after the wedding of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert, along with her very own real Orange Blossom hair vine become the start of brides who may want to manage to pay for, to put on real flowers of their hair. Queen Victoria’s Orange Blossom Hair Vine turned into preserved in wax and replicated the usage of wax plant life, designs that my sister and I have reproduced with modern sophistication and appeal in our little boutique in Bakewell, Derbyshire.
Moving into the 1920′s you have got the
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The 1930′s noticed a traditional revival with veils gambling an vital role and frequently would cover the complete head developing a laced veiled cap effect known as the ‘Juliet Cap’. every now and then brides chose halos of lace, ribbon and plants to create a gentle and feminine search for their bridal headdress, each very putting and demure.
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Response from Kendal Nutricare to Look What They're Doing in the UK - 2017
Baby Milk Action monitors the baby feeding industry against international and UK marketing standards and campaigns for companies to bring their practices into line.
We received complaints about marketing of Kendamil infant formula at events in the Lake District, where Kendal Nutricare is based, and online. We contacted the company on 6 October 2016 raising concerns about marketing practices and labelling. After promises over several months for a detailed response, we sent a preview copy of the company profile in our Look What They’re Doing in the UK – 2017 monitoring report. This brought the following response from CEO, Ross McMahon, the next working day.
This includes promises to end some of the practices in the report and to change labels. The Kendal Nutricare profile has been updated with this information.
The response received on 13 March 2017 is included in full below in italics, with undertakings for changes highlighted in bold. Baby Milk Action comments clearly marked.
Dear Mike,
Thank you for your email. I have been overseas exhibiting “Kendamil” as part of a British Trade Mission at Gulfood in Dubai, so have had no opportunity to reply to you sooner.
Firstly we fully support the new bill being debated in Parliament on the 24th March 2017 “Feeding Products for Babies and Children (Advertisement and Promotion) Bill” and are the only manufacturer to come out in full support of MP Alison Thewliss. The draft bill contains measures that Kendal Nutricare helped propose, for example, introducing proper traceability by printing the factory export number on each tin, so that parents are not misled by seeing UK addresses on products when the products are actually packed overseas.
Our factory in Kendal is independently audited yearly and after 55 years in production has being upgraded to BRC grade AA. These audits ensure that our raw materials contain no pesticides, no heavy metals and no GMOs. We also do not use the following allergens – eggs and nuts. Our facility has been through a very thorough assessment recently and received approval from the Soil Association for the production of Organic infant formulas.
‘Kendamil’ as a new brand genuinely wants to put the best quality ingredients in to infant formula, which is why we try to educate consumers about the benefits of “whole full cream milk” sourced locally from farmers in Lancashire and Cumbria. Consider for example that “whole milk powder” costs £2,500/ton and then look at competitors’ ingredient lists beginning with Lactose at £800/ton or “Skim Milk Powder at £1,500/ton, then you will realise why the multinationals are using up to 25% vegetable oils at £1,200/ton combined with skim milk in their formulas. It is purely to save costs.
[Baby Milk Action comment: On the basis of these figures, Kendal Nutricare spends just over £2.00 for the whole milk in a 900 gm tin of formula that it sells for £9.49. While there are other processing and marketing costs, these cannot be very significant if the cost of the milk is the most significant one to consider. Not for nothing is formula seen as a highly profitable way of selling milk.]
Has anyone investigated the side effects of putting so much oil inside an infant’s stomach? is this why the multinationals have developed so many products to deal with these side effects? Kendal Nutricare is not selling ‘comfort formulas’ or ‘Good Night Sleep formulas’, because we have gathered evidence from parents that Kendamil is more wholesome and filling and more settling and that infants sleep better as a result. Please note again that, following your previous correspondence on this matter, we have not mentioned this in any material that we have produced for external use.
[Baby Milk Action comment: These are not permitted health claims for infant formula or follow-on formula and anecdotal evidence from customers does not provide the necessary substantiation. The Kendamil website continues to claim: “Better suited for sensitive babies’ digestive systems than skimmed milk products.” This is not a permitted health claim either.]
I believe that Baby Milk Action and First Steps Nutrition genuinely want to inform parents about which formulas are for sale in the UK and whether manufacturers are making unfounded claims. I enclose links below to scientific evidence of studies into the beneficial effects of using “whole milk fats” which contain naturally palmitic acid in the sn-2 position and I also attach a scientific paper from UC Davis and a paper from Dr Emma Derbyshire. Manchester University is finalising a report from their research study this September. The evidence attached exposes the reality that, although certain vegetable oils are needed to provide ‘Linoleic acid’ and ‘alpha linolenic acid’, the multinationals, over the years, have increased the use of vegetable oil blends only as a cost saving measure. I hope that the government Agency proposed under the new law, will carry out independent research into the benefits of whole milk fats in formula production and, in the interim, I call on First Steps Nutrition and Baby Milk Action to carry out their own independent scientific studies. The use of formulas with over 25% vegetable oils could be leading to later life obesity and this should be investigated.
[Baby Milk Action comment: Under current regulations claims are only permitted after expert assessment by the European Food Safety Authority. We have no resources to conduct our own research, nor is that our role. We have highlighted that a UK agency such as the Food Standards Agency or that proposed in the Feeding Products Bill will be necessary following Brexit to ensure claims are reliable.
[Baby Milk Action comment: First Steps Nutrition Trust publishes guides on infant milks available on the UK market and will critically appraise these references. We note, some are blogs or editorials, rather than research papers. The paper by Emma Derbyshire is an opinion piece, not a scientific study, and has been submitted for publication in the British Journal of Midwifery, which we note runs misleading formula advertising (some to be featured in the monitoring report) and published a highly-flawed article on Nestlé’s practices with multiple errors. One study supplied (Bourlieu et al) states: “Data on the structure of human milk throughout lactation and its evolution during digestion is still lacking to get a basis of optimization for infant formulas”.]
We are a large employer in the Lake District of 118 staff and we often get asked to sponsor local Food festivals and Agricultural shows who then print their own literature. In future we will refrain.
[Baby Milk Action comment: This is welcome as seeking direct contact with pregnant women and new mothers is prohibited by the marketing requirements. As the monitoring report shows, sponsoring a Baby and Chill Zone promoted the Kendamil range, including infant formula.]
The literature that Kendal Nutricare printed has already been shown to Trading Standards, and depicts stage 2 and stage 3 formulas and cereals only.
[Baby Milk Action comment: As the monitoring report explains, the leaflet refers to infant formula and quotes a mother of a 5-month-old child (too young for follow-on formula). Including pack shots of products for older babies is insufficient to bypass the law according to the Guidance Notes to it.]
We have not engaged with any toddler groups since early autumn 2016, nor have we posted anything on social media that you may see as linking doorstep milk to Kendamil.
[Baby Milk Action comment: It is unclear if this is an undertaking to permanently stop these practices. Marketing formula direct to parents is prohibited. The promotion of Kendamil “whole milk” infant formula through supposed benefits of whole milk for older children and adults is a concern because it undermines the message from the NHS and independent experts that whole milk should not be fed to babies under 12 months of age.]
Our latest formulations, with no palm oil and reduced vegetable oils and increased ‘whole milk fat’, will go for sale nationally in the UK in July 2017. This formulation is already on sale in China.
[Baby Milk Action comment: It is a particular concern if the “whole milk” claims are being made in developing countries because there is a known problem of mothers living in poverty using whole milk powder for infant feeding if they are not breastfeeding because it is cheaper.]
A mammal’s milk contains over 50% saturated fats which are needed to transport fat soluble vitamins A,D,E and K into the blood. The phospholipid layer in full cream globules binds with calcium to help absorption through the intestinal wall into the blood. Vegetable oil globules are much smaller and do not help the bio-availability of calcium, because the palmitic acid is not in the sn-2 position. The Multinationals have confused parents and led them to think that saturated fats and cholesterol are bad for infants, but they are the building blocks of tissue cell structures. All mammals produce colostrum in the first 15 days of lactation, which is full of proteins and which has vital immunity properties. Thereafter mammals’ milk fats provide the nutrition and energy for their offspring. Proper nutrition with the full goodness of whole milk fats helps combat illness, as milk fats protect against bacterial LPS toxicity. As a parent of two grown adult sons, one breast fed for three times longer than the other and then both formula fed. I am thankful to say they are both equally strong and healthy.
[Baby Milk Action comment: Animal milks all differ. Cow’s milk is not necessarily closer to human milk than that of other mammals, but it is more readily available and so it is used.]
Mike, Kendal Nutricare has listened carefully to your previous recommendations and are redesigning the front of our cans to replace the word “Whole Milk” with “Contains Formulated Full Cream Milk Fats”.
[Baby Milk Action: It is welcome that the “whole milk” claim is being removed, even if this is the first time we have been informed. It is misleading: the formula has 47 other ingredients or ingredient types to address some of the differences between cow’s milk and human milk, including the whey:casein ration. Any front-of-label claims are promotional and should only be used if approved.]
We are also going to replace the illustration which was not actually a “Heart” but a drawing modified after our original submission to the Dept. of Health.
[Baby Milk Action: While it is a legal requirement to send a copy of labels to the Department of Health it does not approve these, but uses them to register what is on the market. The current formula label with what we saw as a heart logo is shown below.]
We are also considering going forward with the NHS recommendation of “First Infant Milk” from Birth to 12 months, but we wonder will this confuse parents if they just see two formulas on the shelf when our competitors have three. It would be helpful if we could state on the packaging “as recommended by WHO guidelines or NHS guidelines”.
[Baby Milk Action comment: All infant formulas on the market are currently labelled for use from 0 – 12 months and have a feeding table giving number of scoops to add to a feed throughout this period. There is no need to add a “recommended by WHO or NHS guidelines” phrase, which is ambiguous and could be read as a product endorsement. Companies promote follow-on formulas for use from 6 months of age to bypass the restriction on infant formula advertising, but they are unnecessary products according to WHO and the NHS. The same is true of the milk for older babies Kendal Nutricare suggests it will continue to market. It would be more of a public service to note on labels that all infant formulas are for use from 0 – 12 months and other formulas are unnecessary.]
We do not intend marketing products on TV.
[Baby Milk Action comment: This is a very welcome undertaking. Aside from undermining independent information on infant feeding, the cost of such advertising goes onto the price of formula for parents who use it.]
Instead we aim to offer the best quality ingredients at a competitive price to consumers. Although butter fats have increased in price by 120% so far this year, we have not increased our prices. We work closely with the British farming communities in the North West to have full “Red tractor” traceability. We also work with them to build export markets, by promoting the benefits of full cream whole milk.
[Baby Milk Action comment: We will ask Kendal Nutricare to make the same changes to its “whole milk” marketing strategy for exports, not just for the UK market.]
We encourage them to produce organic whole milk sustainably and we pay them twice the price for organic whole milk, that we would pay for normal whole milk.
We help create livelihoods for hard-working people in Britain and help feed nutritionally the most vulnerable in our society, to allow them grow up to be healthy citizens of this country.
(Response from Kendal Nutricare please reproduce this email in full, thanks)
[References are being critically appraised by First Steps Nutrition Trust]
Response from Kendal Nutricare to Look What They’re Doing in the UK – 2017 was originally published on Baby Milk Action
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Instance of bridal headpieces of the past century
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Moving into the 1920′s you have got the
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