mothroot · 6 months
H E R ♥
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uniiscorny · 1 year
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This girl, the Ordinary Woman aka Ippan Josei, deserves the world, she's so cute 💚💙💚💙
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piaisabell · 6 years
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Todays must do ❤️#team_materiel #RF18 #orangefeeling #makingafestival #roskilde #denmark #danmark #volunteer #sign #happy #handywoman #summer #sommer #june #juni #sunshine #warm #ordinary #ordinaryme #ordinaryday #ordinarylife #ordinarypeople #ordinarywoman #ordinaryworld #doityourself #sunday #instagood (her: Team Materiel-Depotet Roskilde-Festival)
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no-post-on-sundays · 7 years
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Just your average, ordinary kind of woman. Paideia School's Pippin's Catherine was so naturally beautiful it made my job easy. #costumedesigner #pippin #catherine #sewing #medieval #medievaldress #musicaltheatre #ordinarywoman #prettyinpink
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rideasyouare · 7 years
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Brilla😂😂😂....e sazia🍤Thanks! 🤣 #me #fashionable #xmas2017🎄 #babiladoing #dinner #femalerider #smile #badmum #raur #rideasyouare #raurstyle #style #food #ordinarywoman #❤️
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Want to know how to be a goddess? The differences between a feminine goddess and an ordinary woman who doesn’t stand out, are:
Her mindsetHer valuesAnd the value she adds to the people she cares about.
And how she shows these differences is through four areas of ‘practise’ (which we will discuss below).
But for now, let us quickly establish what a goddess actually is.
Learn How to Become the World’s Most Attractive & Feminine Goddess (Even if youhave no self esteem or no man has ever paid you any attention…)
What Is A Feminine Goddess?
Here’s the definition of a goddess:
A female God or Deity. A woman of extraordinary beauty and charm. A greatly admired or adored woman.
From this definition, we can gather that what makes a woman a goddess is a woman who adds real value to people’s lives, and she is also someone whom others look up to.
So how to be a goddess? There are four aspects…
How To Be A Goddess: 4 Main Aspects
There are four main aspects of what makes a woman a goddess.
LeadershipFeminine energy.Presence Charisma
Let’s take a look at what these 4 aspects of ‘how to be a goddess’ are now, shall we?
CLICK HERE to discover the ONE PHRASE you can say to ANY man that will capture his attention, trigger his curiosity and make him hang onto every word you say! (Works like magic in a high vale non-needy way!)
#1: Leadership
No woman can ever truly be a goddess without being a leader. What this means is that you can’t be arrested by peer pressure or “groupthink” and still be considered a goddess.
Because a goddess isn’t an ordinary woman, as we established above already. Simply put, a goddess needs to have her own direction and her own internal compass.
No woman can be a goddess if she doesn’t have deep connection to her own gut feelings, intuition and internal compass.
Because often in life, people will lead you to places that aren’t good. Whether that be encouraging you to make bad health decisions, bringing you down to their level, or just wanting you to ‘conform’ for no reason other than for the sake of fitting in.
You have to pave your own way, because this is the only way to be extraordinary, but also live an extraordinary life.
A goddess (going by the definition above), is someone who is greatly admired, among other things.
If you are going to be greatly admired, then you will need to have courage. And courage comes through raking responsibility for your decisions and your life path.
When you lead the way, you are showing others the courage that also exists inside of them, all by example.
You must lead people into higher good. You cannot be a follower. I don’t mean you should go out and start manipulating people. I mean that you should be absolutely untouchable in your personal conviction. If you believe in something and you know it to be right, you need to stand up for it.
“If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.” – Malcolm X.
It doesn’t matter whether you are religious or not, you can still care about more than yourself, still choose to listen to your intuition, and you can still stand for what is right. If you do this through thick and thin, your energy will contribute to nurturing others, making people smarter, happier, more aware and you’ll just make the world a better place. Whatever you believe in, you don’t have to force it upon people to lead them. You just have to have people’s best interests at heart. You can achieve that if you discover what is possible by giving, rather than holding back. The majority of the people you meet in your life will have low standards for themselves. To be a leader, you must have the highest standards for yourself. You must not settle for anything less than you can be, do or become. You can be a leader and still be a feminine woman. Leadership doesn’t mean being masculine all the time, leadership simply means you:Believe when everyone else doubts.Inspire people.Lead rather than follow.Become an example of what is good, do good and don’t exude negative energy.Care for others when no-one else will.Never ever give up.Follow your dreams with absolute conviction.Love even when people don’t deserve it.Give without expecting anything back.Seek understanding rather than resorting to quick, easy and subjective conclusions.Teach others what you know, and add value even when you feel they are in ‘competition’, and even when you are afraid. Give others access to the resources that you have.Never settle for anything less than you can be.Give and do more than anyone else can possibly do expect of you!SECRETS REVEALED… Discover how you too can use this little known “Dark Feminine Art” to weed out the toxic men whilst cultivating real emotional attraction with high value high esteemed men. (CLICK HERE to enrol in this free class before it’s gone.)
#2: Feminine Energy
Your looks fade. All our looks fade, no matter how beautiful we are. So the first way to show feminine energy is through how you show up.
The second way to give off feminine energy is through your feminine appearance, but it is not on par with the first way. It is a secondary consideration, because anyone can dress feminine and lovely, but often the well dressed women are not the most feminine goddesses.
Just like how the most masculine looking men on the outside (tall and/or imposing/ good muscle tone, macho gait, etc), aren’t always the most high achieving, high value men.
Bottom line:
Both matter, but prioritise cultivating deep feminine energy within your body and soul first.
QUIZ TIME: Is your man serious about committing to you? CLICK HERE to find out with this specially crafted quiz! (All the answers you seek about him lie within these 8 questions.)
How To Be More Feminine from the Inside:
Focus on allowing yourself to feel. Thinking is important too, but it’s often just a way to avoid feeling.Notice the pleasure and pain in your body and show it.Practise free (non choreographed) dance in your own home, to different types of music.Relinquish your rules. Rules will ruin your feminine energy.Do everything with grace and passion! If you’re dull, unemotional and invulnerable, it cancels out any other efforts you make!
For a complete guide on how to be more feminine and soft, read my article on the 18 ways of a feminine and soft woman.
And now on to the second part, your feminine appearance:
How To Be More Feminine From The OUTSIDE
This is all about the outer appearance that makes you more feminine. Here’s how to accomplish a goddess-like image from the outside…
Pay attention to your hair. I can’t stress enough how much a strong mane of hair helps. It needs to be healthy and well taken care of. (If you have curly hair, that’s perfect! Health is everything and it shows through your skin and hair the fastest). Feminine women do not find taking care of their hair a chore. They revel in the femininity and beauty that their hair gives them. Brush your hair regularly and condition it. See this post for more information on conditioning your hair.Taking really good care of your skin. Drinking lots and lots of water. If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. Drink water regularly and avoid getting dehydrated. This will help you flush out any unwanted toxins in your body and keep your body clean.Most real men are attracted to the presence in a woman’s eyes and her smileUse these to your advantage!Wearing a nice lipstick helps. Nude colors are great, as they look natural and makes you look even more alluring and mysterious because it doesn’t seem like you’re wearing any lipstick.QUIZ TIME: Is your man serious about committing to you? CLICK HERE to find out with this specially crafted quiz! (All the answers you seek about him lie within these 8 questions.)
#3: Presence
Having presence means your energy is noticeable. It means that when you are with people, especially your man, you put your whole heart and soul in to being with them. Many of us, due to stress or just due to an inability to offer ourselves emotionally, try to look like we’re present and listening, but then we just look in to space. So be 110% present.
What is presence?
Well it’s really simple.
You offer yourself instead of trying to escape emotionally or push people away.It’s something you give.
Presence also means that you can command people’s attention without being boisterous or obnoxious. It means people will turn their heads and listen to you. Not because you’re odd, or offensive, but because you’re amazing.
What is the ONE thing you can say to ANY man that will capture his attention, trigger his curiosity and make him hang onto every word you say! Click here to find out right now…
#4: Feminine Charisma
Charisma is a personal quality or spiritual power that gives you influence over others. Having charisma means that it doesn’t matter what happens to you, or what’s going on in your life, or how easy it is to give up on things, etc, there is always something more inside of you. How do you show charisma?Well, consider charisma to be a spiritual quality in your personality. A spiritual quality centred around empathising with others, understanding other people’s pain, and having compassion.The spirit is a vital part of having presence and charisma. The spirit is the part of you that is present, but cannot be seen. The spirit represents consciousness, and your spirit transcends any physical beauty and lasts for much longer than you can live. You can wow any audience, and you can wow any man with your charisma, or spiritual quality.Let’s face it, physical beauty fades. Your spirit will not. It doesn’t matter what happens to you on the outside, no-one can take away what you embody in your heart and soul. Yes, physical beauty has its value as all young women know, but only so much.(Click here to take the quiz “How Naturally Feminine Am I Actually?”)
What Makes A Woman A goddess?
Simply put, it’s who she is and it’s how she shows up, as well as the value she has to add to others. So on your journey to learning how to be a goddess, remember that this is all about becoming more self-aware. You’re not being fake or manipulative. You’re bringing out more of yourself and you’re learning to show the traits of a high value, feminine goddess. A truly feminine woman has un-shakeable confidence and knows that there is more to her than what is visible. If you haven’t downloaded the “Goddess Report”, click here to get it for free.You are a goddess and you can attract any man, but what triggers attraction? Click here to find out the 17 Attraction Triggers and get him hooked.
By the way, I’ve just published my brand new program titled “Becoming His One & Only!”…Click HERE to find out more details and how you can get your man to fall deeper in love with you and beg you to be his one and only. 
Also, lovely, if you haven’t said hi yet, do leave me a comment and connect. I’d love to hear from you!
P.S. If you liked this article,CLICK HERE to check out my full article archives! Or you may greatly benefit from one of our highly popular paid programs, CLICK HERE to see what we offer right now.
If you want to be supported by a warm community of high value feminine women, then join our Facebook Group. (It’s free and so incredibly valuable!) CLICK HERE TO join thousands of other women in our “High Value Feminine Women” Community.
By the way, while you’re at it, connect with me on social media.
Here’s my Youtube Channel The Feminine Woman. Here’s The Feminine Woman Facebook page…Here’s my Instagram Pages TheFeminineWoman & My Personal Instagram.
By: Renee Wade Title: The 4 Qualities Of A Feminine Goddess Sourced From: www.thefemininewoman.com/how-to-be-a-goddess-part-2/ Published Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 17:02:00 +0000
#ordinarywoman #thepeople #mindset
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ultramaga · 7 years
Superman vs. Superwoman: Why is one more popular than the other?
By Tim Goldich
We often hear the lament: Why are there so few female superhero movies and why do they so often fail at the box office? The answer is simple feminism tells us, men are “threatened” by powerful women. Well, let’s think about this . . .
Powerful men have sex appeal. Movies exaggerate male heroes as “powerful,” “autonomous,” “privileged” and “entitled” for the sake of audience gratification in general, plus male fantasy fulfillment, plus female sexual arousal. To achieve maximum male arousal, the media need only present men with a pretty female showing some skin. To achieve maximum female arousal, the media must present women with a handsome man who’s heroic, strong, aggressive, confident, successful, wealthy and powerful. From a feminist perspective, Michael Keaton gets to be Batman while Kim Bassinger just stands there. From a masculist perspective, to have the same sexual impact as she, a man has to perform, achieve, and succeed at impossible, stratospheric levels, while a woman need only stand there.
Moreover, Ordinarywoman Lois Lane turns her nose up at mere Clark Kent (her own male equivalent) and holds out for Superman. If Lois Lane takes no interest in him, how can we credibly depict Superwoman falling hard for Mr. “Mild Mannered”? Wouldn’t Superwoman only have eyes for Godman?
In Superman I, our hero defies law and turns back time to save the woman he loves. In Suprman II, he gives up his powers, gives up everything, to wed the woman he loves. Seeing an ordinary woman bring the male superhero to his knees, the female audience member is given a hero that’s accessible, protective, and profoundly caring. Superman is hero to both sexes. But, let’s face it, female superheroes take little interest in men. In fact, both Xena and Wonder Woman are implicitly lesbian. In her essay, Wonder Woman: Lesbian or Dyke?, Trina Robbins quotes Robert Kanigher (Wonder Woman author since 1948): “the amazons from her home, Paradise Island, where no men are permitted, were all lesbians.” Her Paradise Island is “paradise” exactly because it isn’t blighted by men. “Marston [Wonder Woman’s creator] occasionally hints that Wonder Woman might be in a Xena and Gabrielle relationship with another woman.” Actually, two other women: best friend Paula and Marya, “a beautiful eight foot tall ‘Mexican mountain girl,’ who definitely has a crush on Wonder Woman.”
“Getting in the way of Wonder Woman’ relationships with other women is always Steve Trevor, the Token Boyfriend. The Lois Lane to Wonder Woman’s Superman . . . She always puts him off, when he asks her when they will marry, with statements such as, ‘When justice has finally triumphed over wrong!’ or ‘When evil and injustice vanish from the earth!’ In other words, it’ll be a cold day in hell, buster. . . . Steve Trevor is not only the Token Boyfriend in these comics, but often the Token Male in stories that otherwise feature only women. Any other males in these stories are usually villains, like Mars, god of war and sworn enemy of the amazons.”[i]
But Lois Lane’s no “Token Girlfriend.” She’s a tough, opinionated, independent career woman and the love of his life.
Is Wonder Woman “queer”?  “Obviously yes,” says current WW author Greg Rucka. “And it needs to be yes for a number of reasons. But perhaps foremost among them is, if no, then she leaves paradise only because of a potential romantic relationship with Steve [Trevor]. And that diminishes her character. It would hurt the character and take away her heroism.” So, basically, a Superwoman who could truly love a man just wouldn’t make any sense? Is that it?
As if to underscore Wonder Woman being a hero to women only, there’ve been female-only showings of the new WW film.[ii] Males who protest are being shamed as “fragile” and “crybabies.” And it gets worse. The male hero protects good women from bad men. Will our female hero protect good men from bad women? Of course not, that would be “absurd.” So our heroine will also protect good women from bad men. The hero becomes female, but the villain remains male.
However, “threatened” and “sexist” and “misogynist,” and “male chauvinist” accused men may be, I for one will forgive them for not packing movie theaters to root for a heroine who is indifferent to his kind, beats up others of his kind, and aligns herself against others of his kind—films in which the basic dualism of virtuous feminine/villainous masculine holds as usual, but without even the one hero male to help balance the scales.
What would “female-ism” demand of us? What is there in all this for self-respecting males (and I think there are still a few of us left) to embrace? If, in defiance of feminism, we were to take gender reality under consideration, then there’s no mystery; no need to resort to “misogyny” for an explanation as to their unequal popularity. Supermen are heroes to both sexes, but Superwomen are heroes to women and women only.
What equalism understands, but feminism does not, is that women ply influence in all the above. And a balanced (equalist) view of gender reality cannot be achieved until this influence is properly entered into the gender-political equation. Much of the depiction of men as “supermen” is, and always was, an effort to turn on the ladies. As the media caters to male sexuality by giving them beautiful women to look at, so the media has catered to female sexuality by giving them Supermen to look at. For Lois Lane, nothing less will do. In this dynamic women are not pawns; they are powerful participants.
Tim Goldich:  Author of – Loving Men, Respecting Women: The Future of Gender Politics
[i]  Heroines of Comic Books and Literature: Portrayals in Popular Culture (edited by Maja Bajac-Carter, Norma Jones, Bob Batchelor) (Hardcover – Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2014), pp.145-47
[ii]  “Texas Theater's Women-Only 'Wonder Woman' Screening Is Infuriating Fragile Men” MoviesBy TooFab Staff | May 26, 2017, http://toofab.com/2017/05/26/wonder-woman-gal-gadot-women-screening-outrages-men-alamo-drafthouse
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piaisabell · 7 years
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Thats me #battletag #gaming #wow #worldofwarcraft #instagood #ordinaryworld #ordinaryday #ordinarywoman #ordinarylife #ordinary (her: Roskilde, Denmark)
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no-post-on-sundays · 7 years
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Cathrine is coming along! #pippin #ordinarywoman #medieval #costumedesign #musicaltheatre #sewing
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academicbarbi · 7 years
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An Internal Dialogue of International Women’s Day
I observed many social media posts in celebration of women. For how a “woman” is defined I guess was left to the subjective judgment of individuals. So here goes my subjective judgement. I believe in celebrating Women’s Day, we have allowed the voices and the images of the “privileged, powerful, famous and dominant” to overshadow our need to expand the spectrum for celebrating women. I do understand why prominent images of women that have broken boundaries like the Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Nigerian feminist and author Chimamanda Adichie amongst others are important reminders of how far we have come as women and our capabilities. I believe these women are celebrated every day of their lives and rightfully so, And not just women that possess the characteristics of the ones mentioned, but women like me, the perceived “ordinary, educated, exposed, polished, well-travelled, with fancy academic degrees” are celebrated in subtle ways every day. And this celebration (recognized or not) is what I call “being privileged”. During my fieldwork in Ghana, I met a lot of amazing women that work as teachers and officers of the district unit of the Ghana Education Service. Having the chance to interview them, I realized many have poured their lives into what they do considering the lack of resources, low incentives and poor infrastructure with which they function. And all I have been asking myself is why are these women not celebrated or recognized. Why are the women that sit in the sun for hours in our markets not hyped on women’s day? The petty trader, the cleaner, street porters, the fishmonger etc. Why are their contributions not amplified? Michelle Obama always speaks about her mother (an ordinary woman) as the most powerful woman she knows. Oprah’s life was shaped by her grandmother that worked as a housekeeper in the home of a “White Family”. We must as women realize that some of us are privileged because others, mostly unrecognized laid the foundation. But who celebrates those women in the shadows that continue to lay foundations for the next generation of powerful women? I honour the women whose daily struggles are not recognized unless it’s “Mother’s Day”. Your voices might not be as strong as some of us, but your strength is valued, although it is shadowed by “recognized images of some women”.
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thedevilsparty · 8 years
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#thedevilsparty #theshow #immersivetheatre #ordinaryman #ordinarywoman #journey #surrender #wonder #explore #theunderworld
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