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enjoyrdl · 5 years ago
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Looking good! Thanks for your sorry @inkdshooter #Repost @inkdshooter (@get_repost) ・・・ When you think you’re cool after adding an adapter to your pic rail for usage with a tripod then @utah_airguns streams a live video with @saber_tactical 😐 All joking aside the components the guys are coming out with are the kinds of things when we say “I wish someone made this” and they do it. #cantwaitfortherail #andthebuttplate #sabertactical #utahairguns #fxairguns #fximpactx #25cal #donnyfl #hoguegrips #warnescopemounts #athlonoptics #prometheusdesignwerx #orcaindustries #rebounddesignlab #leofoto #tripod #airgunner https://www.instagram.com/p/B4iKxrvjeiC/?igshid=eukdpkqc6aro
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knifehabit · 8 years ago
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Repost from @rmkartisan ・・・ Yesterday's mail calls did not suck! @marshcustomknives MAC Roxstar, @orcaind Crusader Kuma Corp and @steelflamejewelry Marsh tag. Thank you @knifehabit 🤘😎🤘 . . . #knifehabit #marshcustomknives #jeremymarsh #macroxstar #roxstar #orcaind #orcaindustries #kumacorps #steelflamejewelry #usn #usualsuspectsnetwork #usnstagram #usnfollow #grailknives #knivesdaily #knifefanatics #knifesociety #knifecommunity #floridaknifegroup #samsunggalaxys7edge
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nobluenogreen-blog · 7 years ago
Trail Freedivers - Trash Hunt
Simon’s Town Jubilee jetty, False Bay, Cape Town, South Africa Saturday 16th December 2017
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Background to our dive group:
I started our freediving group on Whatsapp approx. 2 years ago, so that new, and experienced, freedivers, and snorkelers, are able to find buddies to dive with.
Over time the group has grown and we dive most weekends, and sometimes during the week - conditions dependent. We prefer to dive in “no-take” marine protected areas around the peninsula, as the marine life is phenomenal in these areas, where the marine eco-systems are more in balance. The group also share marine conservation information, attend talks and films, and generally attempt to spread awareness about the ocean and the incredible local marine protected areas and unique kelp forests along the Cape Peninsula.
Inspiration for the "Dive Against Debris" - Trailfreedivers "Trash Hunt":
As we spend a lot of time in the ocean, we are of course inspired to do as much as we can to raise awareness about the issues facing marine life. Issues such as pollution, and plastic especially, are a growing concern globally and something we are very aware of, especially outside of the marine protected areas.
Some of the dive group recently attended an ocean inspired film festival (arranged by Wavescape), where we saw films like Plastic Ocean and Blue – which highlight various threats to our oceans.  So, as I had been planning an end-of-year "treasure hunt" dive for the group – these films really struck a cord with all of us, and I decided we should rather do a "TRASH HUNT".
All the divers (and our shore based friends') dedication to the initiative was truly inspiring. I chose the Simons Town jetty because I expected a great deal of trash there, and we did find a lot.. but we were also pleasantly surprised at how beautiful it was under, and around, the jetty. We encountered a lot of endemic marine life; from puffadder shy sharks (cat sharks), crabs, different fish species and an octopus, to fan worms and nudibranchs.  Although we were saddened by the marine debris we saw, and removed, we were also inspired to want to do more, and I will be arranging another dive in January 2018, and hope to host these events monthly.
We feel that the conservation message has been well received; by sharing images on social media and even with onlookers on the day; where we, and our friends and family on the shore, explained to the public what we were doing. Through this event, and sharing the images and stories, we know that we have raised awareness around the dire issues caused by marine pollution. All in attendance are looking forward to the next Trash Hunt! - and I do think we will have more divers next time! Maybe see you there!
The international organisation, *Project Aware, have a great initiative where one can log the debris divers collect from around the globe (see link at end of this writeup), our log and data are estimated but it was great to get some data loaded.
Additional Information:
LINK TO EVENT DETAILS – FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/events/500572826993613/
LINK TO *PROJECT AWARE “DIVE AGAINST DEBRIS”  – event and estimated marine debris collected is logged :  https://www.projectaware.org/debris-data/jubilee-jetty-simons-town-harbour
Our group would like to thank: Kevin Graham and Duncan Pattenden at Orca Industries (Claremont) for the 2nd hand tank bags (used to collect debris) and the great prizes for the group. As well as Darren Zimm from the NSRI   for his advice, the SA Navy ops room, and Dennis (Jubilee square) for his advice and for alerting the boats in the area.
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Photo credits :-  Group: Johan Pool || Underwater: Collen Burrows & Lisa Beasley || Topside debris: Sharon Martin
For more information, contact: [email protected] 
and to find out more about how to get involved in the next TRASH HUNT!
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spoooky-fox · 8 years ago
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Have my one piece of #StarWars flair on my #Maxpedition work bag today. It's a Christine the Fett Boba Heart #Patch from #OrcaIndustries. Happy #MayThe4thBeWithYou everyone. #MoralePatch #MoralePatches #PatchGame #Patchaholic #BobaFett
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tacticalpandabear · 11 years ago
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Have you answered the call? 
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enjoyrdl · 5 years ago
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Looking good! Thanks for your sorry @inkdshooter #Repost @inkdshooter (@get_repost) ・・・ When you think you’re cool after adding an adapter to your pic rail for usage with a tripod then @utah_airguns streams a live video with @saber_tactical 😐 All joking aside the components the guys are coming out with are the kinds of things when we say “I wish someone made this” and they do it. #cantwaitfortherail #andthebuttplate #sabertactical #utahairguns #fxairguns #fximpactx #25cal #donnyfl #hoguegrips #warnescopemounts #athlonoptics #prometheusdesignwerx #orcaindustries #rebounddesignlab #leofoto #tripod #airgunner https://www.instagram.com/p/B4iKxrvjeiC/?igshid=eukdpkqc6aro
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nobluenogreen-blog · 7 years ago
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~ Trail Freedivers Festive Trash Hunt ~  Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/500572826993613/  Saturday 16th December 2017 Meet: 10h00 Location: On the beach in front of Bertha’s Restaurant, Simon’s Town - False Bay (steps down from Jubilee Square) Map: http://bit.ly/2o7BceG Hunt Time: 10h30 – 11h30 (hunt limited to ONE hour) Prizes from ORCA Industries + its good for your blue soul! Thank you Orca Industries and Kevin Graham http://www.orca-industries.co.za/ https://www.facebook.com/Orca-Industries-140789779324384/ Lunch: 12h30/13h00 – Glencairn Hotel, Glencairn - False Bay Map: http://bit.ly/2yxae05 Pls join us even if you aren’t going on the hunt. RSVP: by 19h00 Friday 15th December: Please let Shaz know via whatsapp - you have my number / or email: [email protected] (not Facebook messenger) .Dive – I need to update the authorities .Lunch – to confirm table booking *NB - what is trash: Be aware that some “trash” has become part of the ecosystem, and if the item is doing no harm and has potentially become a home to fish or other marine life .. we don't want to destroy anyone’s home and safe place. So please check the item before removing. *Please take a lot of photos and video* I would like to log the event with Project AWARE Foundation Project Aware’s “Dive Against Debris®” and share images and videos! More info: https://www.projectaware.org/diveagainstdebris We will also be sharing on various facebook pages! + pls use some #s: #DiveForDebris || #OrcaIndustries || #CapeTown || #freediving || #FalseBay|| #PlasticPollution || #ProjectAware || #DiveAgainstDebris
Plastic in our local marine protected area image by : Keri Muller
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