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daniel-a-lord · 8 years ago
I never get tagged in things so I'm actually going to do this...but feel free to message me anytime to get to know me! Rules: tag 20 followers you want to know better Tagged by: @orangeisthe-neworange Name: Daniel Nick name: Dan Gender: Male Height: 5′10″ Star sign: Cancer Sexuality: Gay Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff Favorite color: Blue Favorite animal: Leopard or Cheetah (or any wild cat) Time right now: 9:04am Cat or dog person: I like both equally Favorite fictional characters: Daenerys, Tyrion, Severus Snape, Luna Lovegood, Hermione, (and so may more) Number of blankets: Winter I use three, summer I use one Favorite singer/band: Now this is hard cause there's so many so I'm just gonna say I like most Indie and Pop. (Lana Del Rey, Oh Wonder, Of Monsters and Men, Halsey, Melanie Martinez, Ariana Grande, Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj, and the lost goes on) Dream trip: I'm lucky enough to have already experienced my dream trip which was a three week backpacking trip in Italy. So I guess my new dream trip would be to spend a few weeks in Iceland! Dream Job: My dream job is a Production Designer for film...but honestly I'd love to travel for a living! (Also, I'd LOVE to be a model...specifically a Calvin Klein Underwear model) When blog was created: About 4 years ago Current number of followers: 371 Why did you make this Tumblr: Because Tumblr was the one place I felt I could be myself so it started off as just a random personal Tumblr. I changed the "theme" to a California theme because California is where I hope to be living in the not so distant future. But still, Tumblr is one place where I can just be myself without fear of judgement! Why did you pick your URL: Because it's me name...though it will probably be changing soon! Tag 20 followers: It's hard to pick 20 so I tried my best... @mynameisbondoo7 @theworldtravelinghippie @bitterama @kissmeandcrucify @garnetcohai @chestieee @tobleyman @timelessisonlyforsolong @nxexilx @nxctys @skate-n-babes @moxieanddapper @those-cute-boys
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fiveryy · 8 years ago
8 Questions, 8 Tags
Tagged by @hwaetever
last movie watched: The Empire Strikes Back, in the wake of losing Carrie Fisher. Last new movie I saw was Hunt for the Wilderpeople, which ruled.
last song listened to: “Zombies” by Childish Gambino. That’s the last song I voluntarily listened to, at least: technically the last song I listened to at all was on the store radio, but I don’t remember what it was—the last song I definitely remember playing during my shift was “Respect” by Aretha Franklin, but that was at least ten minutes before my shift ended.
last book read: Lost Stars by Claudia Gray; it was all right, but I liked Bloodline better.
last thing eaten: CAAAAAKE. The last slice of my Berry Chantilly birthday cake.
if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be: London. Or Laramie, weirdly enough, but that’s because I miss the people, not because of the place itself.
a fictional character you would hang out with for the day: This could be answered in one of two ways: who do I want to apprentice with, or who do I want to hook up with? If the former, Princess Leia Organa. If the latter, Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing. If both, Margaery Tyrell.
what fictional world/universe would you want to spend a week in: I’m gonna go with the “galaxy far, far away,” mostly because as I think about it, death seems pretty likely in most major fictional universes, and at least Star Wars takes place in a large enough area to even out those odds a bit.
last video game played: Does Pokémon Go count? I don’t really play video games; I wasn’t allowed to have a console when I was a kid, and then my (now former) stepbrother had a console I wasn’t allowed to use (he was a brat). As a result, I became very good at watching people play video games, but the act of actively participating in the narrative (which I am assured is the main draw to the form) is lost on me.
I hereby tag @houselanaster, @bedroomeyesbatman, @orangeisthe-neworange, @divabowie, @alien-leftist, @feedonthespectres, @truestoriesaboutme, and @some-random-junk. And also anyone else who wants to, because I want to read your responses.
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turn-up-the-future · 11 years ago
Addicted to Orange is the new Black within the first two episodes. Why yes, yes I am.
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