#or. multilingual/symbolic signage?
secondwhisper · 1 year
I'm currently attending a training on accommodating pedestrians in road work zones. It's really interesting to see how (ADA-compliant) accessible pedestrian infrastructure implementation is discussed in professional engineering spaces (as opposed to general disability spaces).
We have three groups of disabled road (+sidewalk) users that we must focus on design for: visually impaired & blind pedestrians, mobility impaired pedestrians, and cognitively impaired pedestrians. In this context, mobility impairments also include walking unsteadily, slowly, or with low endurance/stamina.
Generally, we must aim to provide the following accommodations for disabled pedestrians. For the visually impaired: high-contrast signage & markings, ground-level channelization as a "shoreline", a smooth and level walking surface, no protruding objects, smooth and stable hand guides / railings, and auditory and tactile guides at crossings or other complex maneuvers. For the mobility impaired: no protruding objects, no side barriers that could interfere with manual wheelchair or crutch use, a smooth level and grippy walking surface, smooth and stable hand guides / railings, and "refuges" on particularly long routes. For the cognitively impaired: high-contrast signage & markings that are clean and concise, arrows that point in exactly the correct direction, and channelization that reduces opportunities for someone to accidentally end up in a traffic lane.
We see some similarities across access needs: clear signage / guidance, barriers or other channelization to make wayfinding easier, no protruding objects, smooth and stable surfaces.
There's also one very glaring conflict in access needs: channelization. Barriers that reach the ground, and barriers with railings, help blind & visually impaired pedestrians move in the correct direction with confidence. Barriers to channelize the pedestrian detour path help cognitively impaired pedestrians keep within pedestrian zones and move confidently to the end of the detour. Barriers with railings can provide support for unsteady and fatigued pedestrians. But barriers at the edge of the pedestrian route give cane, crutch, and wheelchair users just one more thing to whack their knuckles, elbows, and devices on, and can reduce their ability to turn or recenter themselves, along with removing the ability of able-bodied pedestrians to get out of their way in narrow places.
I don't have some kind of big conclusion here, I just thought it was interesting to see that cognitively disabled pedestrians are included among those whom sidewalk closures can affect uniquely negatively, and to see a frank discussion of how not everyone with vision & mobility disabilities are helped by each other's accommodations. Within the broader context of "work zones are super inaccessible we have to start doing it right."
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designstudioasa · 2 months
Designing for Diversity and Inclusion: Making Offices Welcoming for All
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Creating an inclusive and diverse office environment is more than just a trend—it’s a necessity in today’s world. A well-designed office space that caters to the needs of all employees can significantly impact their productivity, job satisfaction, and overall well-being. Let’s delve into how you can design your office space to be welcoming for everyone.
Understanding Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and inclusion go hand in hand but are not the same. Diversity refers to the presence of differences within a given setting, encompassing race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, and other attributes. Conversely, inclusion is about fostering a setting in which every person feels respected, and valued, and has equal access to possibilities.
Key Principles of Inclusive Design
To create an office space that embraces diversity and inclusion, consider these key principles and commercial interior design trends:
Accessibility: Ensure that your office is easily navigable for people with disabilities. In addition, this includes accessible restrooms, ramps, elevators, and wide doorways.
Flexibility: Offer various types of workspaces to cater to different work styles and needs, such as quiet zones, collaborative areas, and private rooms.
Comfort: Provide ergonomic furniture and adjustable lighting to accommodate different physical needs and preferences.
Safety: Create a safe environment free from hazards, with clear emergency exits and procedures that everyone can understand and follow.
Creating a Welcoming Environment
A welcoming office environment fosters a sense of belonging and comfort. Here’s how you can achieve this:
Inclusive Design Elements
Universal Design: Adopt principles of universal design that ensure that everyone uses the space, regardless of their abilities or age.
Color and Lighting: Use a mix of colors that evoke a sense of calm and positivity. Ensure lighting is adjustable to cater to different visual needs and preferences.
Signage and Wayfinding: Implement clear, multilingual signage to assist everyone in navigating the office easily. Use symbols and simple language for clarity.
Flexible Workspaces
Variety of Spaces: Offer a range of workspaces to suit different tasks and preferences, from open-plan areas for collaboration to quiet zones for focused work.
Remote Work Options: With the increasing trend towards remote work, ensure that your office technology supports seamless virtual collaboration.
Breakout Areas: Create informal areas where employees can relax and recharge, fostering interaction and collaboration across diverse groups.
Gender-Inclusive Design
Creating a gender-inclusive office means considering the needs and comfort of all genders. Here are some key elements:
Restroom Facilities: Provide gender-neutral restrooms alongside traditional ones to ensure everyone feels comfortable and safe.
Privacy Options: Design spaces that offer privacy for everyone, including areas where nursing mothers can pump or breastfeed.
Gender-Neutral Language: Use gender-neutral language in signage, communications, and documentation to make everyone feel included.
Age-Inclusive Design
An inclusive workplace design should cater to employees of all ages, from young professionals to older workers. Consider these strategies:
Ergonomic Furniture: Provide adjustable furniture that can be customized to meet the ergonomic needs of different age groups.
Quiet Spaces: Include quiet areas where older employees or those needing a break from the bustling office environment can work or rest.
Technology Training: Offer training sessions for new technologies to ensure that all age groups can efficiently use the office’s digital tools.
Supporting Mental Health
Mental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being. Here are ways to design an office that supports mental health:
Quiet Zones: Designate quiet zones where employees can retreat to de-stress and focus without interruptions.
Natural Elements: Incorporate elements of nature, such as indoor plants, natural lighting, and water features, which have been shown to reduce stress and enhance mood.
Open Communication: Create open and transparent communication channels where employees feel safe discussing their mental health needs.
Encouraging Inclusivity in Office Culture
Designing for diversity is not just about physical space—it also involves fostering an inclusive culture. Here are some new office interior design ideas and tips to cultivate such a culture:
Training and Education: Regularly conduct training sessions on diversity and inclusion to raise awareness and educate employees on these important topics.
Inclusive Policies: Implement policies that support diversity, such as flexible working hours, parental leave, and anti-discrimination policies.
Employee Resource Groups: Encourage the formation of employee resource groups where people with similar backgrounds or interests can support each other and share experiences.
Studio AsA: Your Partner in Inclusive Design
When it comes to designing for diversity and inclusion, Studio AsA is at the forefront. Their approach is rooted in understanding the unique needs of each client and crafting environments that foster inclusivity and well-being. Let the experts help you transform your office into a space where everyone feels valued and empowered.
So, designing for diversity and inclusion is essential for creating an office environment that supports and celebrates all employees. By focusing on accessibility, flexibility, and well-being, you can cultivate a workplace that not only meets the needs of a diverse workforce but also drives productivity and innovation.  With the expertise of Studio AsA, the leading modern office interior design company, you can ensure that your office is a beacon of inclusivity and a model for others to follow.
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providenceadworks416 · 5 months
Unlocking the Power of Signages: A Journey into the Heart of Architectural Expression
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In the bustling city streets or the tranquil corners of a suburban neighborhood, signages quietly weave themselves into the fabric of our daily lives. These unassuming markers serve as silent guides, leading us through the urban labyrinth with their subtle presence. Yet, behind their simple façade lies a world of significance and artistry, where signages emerge not just as functional aids but as storytellers in the grand narrative of architectural design.
Navigating the Urban Maze: The Dance of Direction
Picture yourself wandering through a labyrinth of towering skyscrapers and winding alleyways, the city pulsating with life around you. In this intricate dance of concrete and steel, signages emerge as your steadfast companions, whispering directions and secrets in their subtle language of symbols and arrows. They guide your steps with gentle nudges, ensuring you never lose your way amidst the urban chaos.
Signages: Where Form Meets Function
Beyond their practical role in navigation, signages are also masterful storytellers, each bearing the imprint of its surroundings. From sleek, modern designs adorning corporate headquarters to weathered plaques marking historic landmarks, each signage speaks volumes about the character and identity of its host environment. They are not mere markers but guardians of a space’s soul, weaving together the threads of history, culture, and design into a cohesive narrative.
Inclusivity by Design: Bridging the Divide
In a world where inclusivity is paramount, signages emerge as champions of universal design, bridging the gap between language, ability, and culture. Through their clear messaging and universally recognizable symbols, they transcend barriers, welcoming all who tread their path. Whether it’s guiding the visually impaired with tactile cues or offering multilingual directions to diverse visitors, signages embody the spirit of inclusivity, ensuring that every individual feels seen and heard within the built environment.
Signage Consultancy: Crafting the Perfect Symphony
Behind every successful signage lies the guiding hand of a skilled conductor – the signage consultancy firm. These maestros of design and functionality orchestrate the perfect symphony of form and function, ensuring that every signage not only looks beautiful but also serves its intended purpose with precision. From navigating complex regulatory landscapes to harnessing the latest technological innovations, signage consultants are the unsung heroes who transform architectural visions into tangible realities.
From Pixels to Pavement: The Technological Frontier
As technology continues to advance at a breakneck pace, the world of signages is undergoing a revolution of its own. From dynamic digital displays to interactive wayfinding systems, the possibilities are endless. Signage consultancy firms are at the forefront of this technological frontier, harnessing innovation to create immersive environments that blur the lines between the physical and digital realms. Through the magic of augmented reality and IoT integration, signages are evolving from static markers to dynamic storytellers, engaging users in new and exciting ways.
The Human Touch: A Symphony of Souls
At its core, the world of signages is not just about pixels and pavement but about the human stories that unfold within their embrace. Each signage bears witness to the lives that pass by – the hurried commuters, the curious tourists, the weary travelers seeking refuge. They are silent observers of our joys and sorrows, our triumphs and tribulations, weaving themselves into the tapestry of our shared human experience.
Conclusion: A Journey Unfolds
In the grand tapestry of architectural expression, signages emerge as the unsung heroes, guiding our footsteps and shaping our experiences within the built environment. From the towering skyscrapers of urban metropolises to the quaint cobblestone streets of historic towns, they leave an indelible mark on our collective consciousness. Through their subtle presence and silent guidance, signages complete the architectural narrative, turning mere structures into vibrant stories waiting to be told. So, the next time you wander through the city streets or meander down a quiet alley, take a moment to appreciate the signages that guide your way – for they are more than just markers; they are storytellers, weaving together the threads of our shared human journey.
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boringsignss · 1 year
Navigating Melbourne: The Art and Science of Signage
Artistic Expression
Melbourne's signage is more than just a set of directions; it's an artistic expression. The city's creative spirit is evident in its signage, with an array of captivating designs that reflect Melbourne's dynamic personality. From the iconic Flinders Street Station clock to the colorful street signs in the artsy laneways, these signs are a testament to the city's commitment to aesthetics.
One of Melbourne's most renowned signs is the famous 'Welcome to Fabulous Melbourne' sign, a nod to the iconic 'Welcome to Las Vegas' sign. This piece of signage captures Melbourne's welcoming and inclusive spirit and has become a symbol of the city's unique character.
Cultural Diversity
Melbourne's multicultural makeup is mirrored in its signage. The city celebrates its diversity through multilingual signs that cater to its international community. Whether you're reading signs in English, Mandarin, Arabic, or Italian, you'll find that melbourne signage bridges language barriers and makes everyone feel at home.
Historical Significance
The signage in Melbourne also preserves the city's rich history. Heritage signs adorn many buildings, providing insight into their past and architectural significance. These signs allow residents and visitors to connect with the city's historical roots while enjoying its modern amenities.
Navigational Efficiency
While Melbourne's signage is undoubtedly artistic and culturally inclusive, it also excels in practicality. The city takes navigational efficiency seriously, ensuring that residents and tourists can easily find their way around its intricate streets. The clear and concise street signs, along with a well-structured grid system, simplify navigation even for newcomers.
Melbourne's public transportation system is another testament to efficient signage. Trams, buses, and trains are seamlessly integrated into the city's transport network, with well-marked stations and stops. Tourists can easily explore the city using these modes of transport, thanks to informative signage.
A Sustainable Approach
Melbourne is also dedicated to sustainability, and its signage reflects this commitment. Environmentally friendly materials are used in signage production, and efforts are made to reduce light pollution. The city aims to balance its signage needs with the preservation of its natural beauty and the reduction of its carbon footprint.
Event Signage
One of Melbourne's claims to fame is its vibrant events scene, from the Australian Open to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Event signage is integral to the smooth execution of these gatherings. Temporary signs guide attendees to venues, parking, and facilities, ensuring that the city's visitors have an enjoyable experience.
Challenges and Innovations
While Melbourne's signage is exceptional, it does face challenges. The city's rapid growth and construction can sometimes obscure or necessitate changes to existing signage. However, Melbourne continually innovates, embracing digital signage and augmented reality to adapt to evolving urban landscapes. This forward-thinking approach ensures that the city's signage remains relevant and effective.
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Popup Traffic Cones | machine safety signs
Popup Traffic Cones
 Popup Traffic Cones also are referred to as retractable traffic cones or collapsible road cones. With a weighted base and a inbuilt flashing light, which slots in under the bottom The Popup Cone is additionally referred to as a retractable traffic cone or collapsible road cone. Collapsible for compact storage. With a weighted base and a inbuilt APEXE SAFETY Collapsible Traffic Cones, 19.5 Inch crop up Orange Cones, Construction Cones with 2 High-Intensity Grade ReflectivePopup Cones also are referred to as retractable traffic cones or collapsible road cones. Features and Benefits. With a weighted base; inbuilt flashing lightCollapsible Traffic Cones ... Collapsable Pop-Up Lighted Traffic Cones are available Orange. 30" Heavy Duty Collapsible traffic cones have two 6" reflective collars Buy Collapsible crop up Traffic Cones, crop up Traffic Cones purchasable on Traffic Cones for fewer .An absolute must for all road users, the collapsible safety cone offers affordable protection for roadside emergencies like collisions, breakdowns and flatThe Popup Cone is additionally referred to as a retractable traffic cone, Collapsible Cone or Folding Cone. the large advantage of using the Popup cone is its low storageUline stocks an enormous selection of collapsible traffic cones, 
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collapsible safety cones and lighted safety cones. Order by 6 pm for same ... Pop-Up Cones. undefinedPop up traffic cone kits increase safety for emergency vehicles and roadside repairs. Cones illuminate to be used in the dark and collapse for straightforward storage. Shop Now.Collapsible cone; Ideal for places where instant public safety caution awareness is needed; Supplied in wall mounted storage tube for convenience Rubbermaid Pop-Up Cone 50 cm - Multilingual Caution Symbol - FG9S0000YEL ... Rubbermaid Folding Safety Cone - Wet Floor SymbolOur Collapsible Traffic Cone Kits offers full sized light-up traffic cones during a small handy carrying bag! Collapsible cone kits are available 18" or 28"Popup Cones also are referred to as retractable traffic cones or collapsible road cones. With a weighted base and a inbuilt flashing light, which slots in under the Buy RS PRO 600 mm PVC crop up Safety Cone or other Traffic Cones online from RS for next day delivery on your order plus great service and an excellent price5 Pop-up Traffic Cones 42 cm ... These pop-up traffic cones are lightweight and collapsible to simply slot in a car boot and be pulled call at the event of a breakdown Perfect for storage, this collapsible traffic cone is waterproof and stackable. Order this crop up traffic cone for a spread of pedestrian safety applications1PC Pack 18 inch Collapsible Traffic Cones/Traffic Cone Sign/Multi Purpose crop up Reflective Safety Cone, OrangeSize : 18 inch /45cm): Industrial & Scientific 1PC Pack 18 inch Collapsible Traffic Cones/Traffic Cone Sign/Multi Purpose crop up Reflective Safety Cone, OrangeSize : 18 inch /45cm): Industrial & Scientific
 machine safety signs
 Machine safety signs keep workers alert of kit hazards. ANSI / OSHA signs and labels direct from the USA manufacturer.Posting machinery safety signs round the areas in your facility where machines are used can remind equipment operators of the risks around them and the way Machine Safety Signs. Highlight pinch points, conveyors, and other hazards with our machine safety labels Machine safety signs help inform workers of present hazards and instruct them on the way to avoid danger. It's an employer's duty to guard workers within the workplaceUse durableConstruction Area Signs so your workers always take appropriate safety precautions. Made within the USA. Free shipping on orders US-made Machine Safety signs and labels for Lockout / Tagout, Emergency Shut Off, Conveyors, Equipment and more. Formats include OSHA, ANSI, safety tags Machine Safety & Machine Warning Signs. Bold equipment safety signs and symbols that promote machine safety. Protect worker safety and meet OSHA safety Designing Effective Machine Safety Signs · Write in “headline style.” · Use active . · Avoid prepositional phrases. · Use sentence-style capitalization. Machine hazard signs warn workers and visitors about operating equipment that would be potentially dangerous. Meet OSHA and ANSI Machine Hazard Signs · Fork lift trucks · Vehicle risks when moving, unloading, or reversing · Construction traffic · Charging batteries · Scaffolding · Fragile roofs · DustvEnsure workplace safety with Machine Warning Signs
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made from durable materials that last in extreme temperatures. Order Now at safetysignsdirect.co.nz.Machine operation signs communicate warning messages about the potential dangers of operating machinery and equipment in your facility.See our range of safety and warning signs to stay your staff safe in your workplaces. ... Machine Starts Automatically. Machinery Signs. ... Stop Machine Before Removing Guards - Landscape · As Low As ... Warning don't Reach Over Or Under Running Machinery choose between a good range of machine hazard signs and machinery safety symbols. Order online from the UK's leading supplier of commercial machinery signage. Protect workers from potentially serious injuries by posting Machine Guarding Signs near moving machinery.Identify safety signs and avoid potential hazards when performing on machines within the ... an easy slippery floor are often even as dangerous as a rotating machine part.Alert staff about safe machinery use in your workplace with Machine & Mechanical Hazard Signs. we provide a variety of ready-to-print signs to hurry up your order.
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kreativproject · 4 years
Black Django
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Download Black Django
Proudly present our new product “The Black Django “. I create this typeface inspired by vintage signage and decorative shapes.The Black Django are great and usefull for product logo, poster title, headline, packaging, badge, wedding card logo, clothing brand logo,Vintage design and much more. Features:Uppercase Lowcase Number and Symbols Ligature Multilingual characters
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jeramymobley · 6 years
The Force Of Brand Strategy And Design
Perhaps the legendary Paul Rand said it best; “design is the silent ambassador of your brand.” The importance of design to brand strategy cannot be understated; one cannot reach its full potential without the other. Brand identity, positioning and value are not only expressed in strategy, but they are fully articulated to consumers through design in any number of ways … whether by graphic identity (logo type, brand dress, etc.), marketing communication (advertising, web, social design, signage, etc.), product and packaging design (user experience, brand reinforcement), or environmental design (architecture, retail environments, displays, etc.).
As Wally Olins observed in his book Corporate Identity, design is what makes business strategy visible. And it can–and should be a beautiful thing. Think of the engaging visual closure of the arrow embodied in the FedEx logo, or the smooth, precise feel and heft of an iPhone in your hand. These and other examples like them are visible, sensual extensions of each brand’s strategy manifested in brilliant design.
Our attraction to brands that are exquisitely designed is as old as Greek philosophy. Plato surmised, beauty is found in the form and in the idea of beauty itself. So for thousands of years, whether it’s a beautifully fashioned crown or a modern day smart phone, humans strive for and yearn for good design. We instinctively “know” when something “works” and when it doesn’t. And in our modern day marketplace, design either bonds the brand with the customer or it doesn’t.
This “knowing”is actually built on what Lawrence E. Williams in Psychology of Design calls “Conceptual Scaffolding.” From birth, all of us construct conceptual scaffolding in our minds from our experiences in the world. Designers use these “physical concepts and their psychological analogs” to shape their ideas to serve brands they work for. Very often, these are universally understood concepts, such as more distance between buttons on a control pad means they don’t relate, or the weight or sound of a device or vehicle can create the perception of quality or power. For example, when we scroll down down our smart phone and lift our finger off the screen, the momentum of the menu will simply slow to a stop. Our conceptual scaffolding expects that to happen, even though the product engineers had no operational reason to create that effect. Good product design doesn’t disappoint and the screen scroll we did with our finger tip obeys our conceptual scaffolding of physics and inertia.
Design, probably more than anything, links brand and customer. Design relates brands to us and our world not only through mirroring our conceptual scaffolding, but through enhancing our identification, engagement, memory, and relationship with brands with all of our senses. We are, after all, sensual beings. Information about a brand is not only communicated verbally and logically, it’s also imprinted on the consumer’s psyche by sight, sound, smell, taste and touch … by design.
This need to experience the brand by sensory connection is one reason why retailers are still needed in an Amazon world in some categories, through the practice of “showrooming.”
The Visual Connection
Visual design, through symbols and iconography, provides communication shorthand for brands in today’s increasingly multicultural, multilingual society. Color selection is extremely important and can break through cross cultural barriers through universally understood meanings. Colors can also be “owned” by a brand within a category as part of its distinctive identity. Coca-Cola Red isn’t just any red.
How things are organized for consumption, be it visual hierarchy on the vertical axis or strategic placement of ad elements, also conveys relative importance of information because of the way we are conditioned to view and interpret. Lastly, how products are depicted will have a direct bearing on the intent to purchase. Does the photo or video stimulate the imagination for experiencing the brand—how it tastes, smells, feels, or sounds?
The Olfactory Connection
Our sense of smell is often the most under-rated, yet most powerful design component to make a customer connection. The tongue can only distinguish five taste qualities, however the nose can distinguish millions of scents and the brain is wired to encode, then activate memories associated with scents going back to our childhoods. Through their environmental and product deign schemes, automakers, retail and hospitality use unique smells to identify and imprint their brands on customers through polymer delivery systems and injected into their HVAC. And of course, the aroma of some brands, such as Cinnabon are truly irresistible.
The Auditory Connection
How does the turn signal sound in an Acura? Or the engine sound on a Harley Davidson motorcycle? Or the role of music in the brand’s retail space (like Abercrombie) or as a musical “stinger” in advertising (such as Intel)? Sound design promotes cohesive brand expectations and experiences as powerful as visual design.
The Taste Connection
Flavor profiles are meticulously created and researched to differentiate competing brands, like Coke and Pepsi. Some prefer the coffee at Dunkin Donuts, others prefer Starbucks. Taste can command loyalty.
The Touch Connection
Ask any floor covering shopper about their reluctance to order flooring online, and chances are they will tell you they have “to feel it.” In fact, the first thing anyone shopping for carpet will do is to stroke the sample. How it feels is important and carpet and rug makers are in a race to design their carpet to be softer and smoother. The quality of touch for flooring, clothing, tissue brands, even “mouth feel” for food and beverage makers, is important to its appeal and differentiation.
The merger of brand strategy and design results in one of the most powerful forces in our world, shaping perceptions and driving consumer decisions. Activate that power by linking design to your brand strategy and brand strategy to your design.
The Blake Project Can Help: The Brand Positioning Workshop
Branding Strategy Insider is a service of The Blake Project: A strategic brand consultancy specializing in Brand Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Licensing and Brand Education
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simplypsd1 · 5 years
100+ Best Modern Serif Fonts
It’s time to delve into a collection of the best beautiful, premium serif fonts. Serif fonts are ideal for printed literature, more detailed typography, or for creating a more formal effect. And these typefaces really stand out from the crowd.
Today, we have gathered more than 100 of the best serif fonts that you can quickly start using in your work. You’ll be amazed at what a difference they can make to your design project, compared to the more generic system fonts that get all too commonly used. There’s nothing like a distinct serif typeface to really set your layout apart, and create something beautiful.
Quas Stencil – Modern Serif Font
This is the stencil version of the popular serif font, Quas. It features the same elegance of its original design but with a creative stencil design. This font is perfect for crafting logos, titles, and poster for luxury branding designs.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Kenjo – Modern Serif Font
Kenjo is a collection of modern serif fonts that features a design inspired by Japanese art and decorations. It’s most suitable for making logos and other designs for fashion and apparel brands.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Madelin – Bold Serif Font Family
Madelin is a modern serif font featuring a thick and geometric design that makes it stand out from the crowd. The font comes in 5 different font styles, including rounded and outline font designs.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Style Clubs – Creative Serif Font
This creative serif font is the perfect choice for crafting fashion, apparel, and luxury brand logos and stationery designs. The font comes in 2 styles and a web font version.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Lara – Sophisticated Serif Typeface
The simple and elegant design of this serif font makes it an ideal choice for designing sophisticated brand logos for fashion and luxury businesses. It includes all basic characters, symbols, and punctuations.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Maiah – Serif Font Family Pack
Maiah is a family of serif fonts that comes with 4 different font weights ranging from light to bold. It features both uppercase and lowercase letters as well as multilingual characters and punctuations.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Mailtoon – Fun Serif Font
If you’re looking for a fun and quirky serif typeface, Mailtoon is the perfect font for you. It features a creative design that will allow you to easily highlight your titles and headlines, especially when making kid-friendly designs.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Merova – Classic Serif Font
Merova is a modern serif font that features a design inspired by classic typeface designs. It’s made specifically for crafting logos and signage for high-end products and luxury brands. The font comes in 5 different weights as well.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Abell – Serif Font Family Pack
Featuring 8 different font weights, Abell is a family of unique fonts that will allow you to create all kinds of business and branding designs. The font includes both uppercase and lowercase letters as well as multilingual characters.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
The Holloway – Creative Serif Font
If you’re working on a creative greeting card design, poster, or even a social media cover, this modern serif font will help add a unique touch to your design. You can also use it to craft logos as it comes with a set of 24 premade logo templates as well.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Jerrick – Serif Font Family
Jerrick is a modern serif fonts family that include 6 different typefaces ranging from regular to bold and italics. The font features both uppercase and lowercase letters with multilingual characters. This is an all-rounder font you can use to design everything from greeting cards to logotypes, business cards, and more.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Caringin – Modern Serif Font
Caringin features a mixed modern vintage design that certainly makes it look quite uncommon. It’s an all-caps font that’s perfect for creating headers, titles, and posters. The font also includes alternate characters, ligatures, and swashes as well.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Little Summer – Creative Serif Font
This fun and quirky serif font is perfect for designing creating greeting cards and book covers, especially related to kids and fun activities. The font comes with all the standard characters, numbers, and punctuations.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Wavetone – Serif Font
Wavetone is a creative serif font that you would use to design a book cover, poster, greeting card, or a flyer. Inspired by classic ads and movie posters, this font comes with a touch of modern design that makes it one of a kind.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Thomas Craft – Modern Serif Typeface
Thomas Craft features a truly modern design with a clean and minimalist layout. You can use it to design logos, website headers, flyers, and much more. The font comes in 4 different weights.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Galvin Slab – Serif Font Family
Galvin Slab is a serif font featuring a narrow design. This makes it the perfect choice for crafting greeting cards, posters, flyers, and even T-shirt designs. The font allows you to choose from 8 different weights as well.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Picnic Caps – Serif Font
This is a decorative serif font you can use to create unique book covers and flyers for special events. It’s also great for crafting creative greeting cards and invitations. The font includes lots of alternates and glyphs too.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Quixote Obsolete – Serif Fonts
Quixote is the type of serif font you would use to design logos, website headers, and other designs related to luxury brands and corporate companies. It comes with a modern-classic design that just never goes out of style.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Samford – Modern Serif Font
Samford comes with a clean design making it a great choice for your minimalist website and print design works. It’s available in Solid and Outline styles.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Kula – Bold Serif Font
Kula comes with a bold serif design that can be used to design attractive titles in posters, website headers, and social media posts. The font is available in 4 different styles, including bold, outline, shadow, and blur.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Harold Modern Serif Font
Harold is a modern serif font with an elegant and a minimal design. It’s an all-caps font that also includes numbers and punctuations. It’s perfect for designing minimalist logotypes, badges, website headers, and business cards.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Vera Typeface
Vera is a serif font that comes with the perfect design for crafting logos, business cards, magazine covers, and posters related to luxury brands and products. The font includes multilingual characters with numbers, punctuations, and alternate characters.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
If you’re looking for a serif font with a unique urban design, this is the perfect font for you. This font is simply ideal for designing logos and branding works related to fashion and luxury products. The font is available in 2 versions.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Aspal Modern Serif Font
Aspal is an all-caps modern serif font that has a beautiful design for crafting elegant logos and signage. The font comes in both regular and stencil styles, which you can use with different types of design projects.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Whimsy is a handmade serif font with a whimsical and a quirky design. It’s perfect for designing book covers, posters, and greeting cards related to kids and teens. You can also use it with online designs and social media posts as well.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Croak Typeface
Croak is a unique serif typeface with a dry withered design. It comes in 2 different styles with a light withered effect and a rough effect. Both typefaces feature all-caps letters, punctuations, and numbers.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Portico Diablo
Portico is a modern vintage serif font that’s ideal for designing posters, website headers, banners, greeting cards, and book covers. The font also comes with web font version as well.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
EXPLORER – Sailor Original Typeface
Explorer is a serif font family that features 4 different weights, light, medium, regular, and bold. The fonts have minimalist designs that makes them perfect for designing greeting cards, logotypes, posters, product labels, and much more.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Deadhead Classic
Deadhead is a playful serif font with a classical design. It comes with an old-school look inspired by the 1960s and includes 300 glyphs, alternate characters, and tilting characters.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Fenrir Gothic
Fenrir is a serif font with a gothic design. It’s ideal for designing posters and bold titles for website headers. The font includes stylish alternate letters that you can type by using the caps lock.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Stay High Modern Vintage Font
This font will give a unique Victorian-era look to your posters, website headers, labels, and other print designs. It features a blackletter style design with both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and ligatures.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Jewel – Display Font
Jewel is a classic serif font that features a modern vintage design. It comes in 4 different styles, regular, bold, grunge, and grunge bold. The font is great for crafting logos, business cards, and greeting cards.
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Farmhand Font Family
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Farmhand is a family of fonts that include all types of typefaces from serif to sans, inline, and italics. It’s an all-caps typeface that comes with small caps letters for lowercase letters.
Morning Glory
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Morning glory is a modern vintage font created inspired by the culture and fashion from the Victorian era. It also includes a free poster and border vector featuring the same design style as well.
Bistro Font
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Bistro is a two-in-one serif and sans font collection that features a unique handwritten design. It comes in 3 weights, which can be customized with bi-color interior, fill, or slant. It also includes over 50 unique glyphs as well.
Minty March Condensed Serif Font
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Minty is a condensed serif font that’s ideal for designing greeting cards, website headers, and logotypes. According to its creator, the font goes well along when combined with a script font.
Zahra Typeface
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Zahra is the type of font that you can use to craft logos, business cards, and website headers for luxury brands and high-end products. It comes in 4 different styles, regular, regular-grunge, inline, and inline-grunge.
Marema Typeface
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
A yet another modern vintage font that features a design inspired by vintage posters and with a mix of a few modern aesthetics. It also supports OpenType features and comes with several vector graphics and ornaments.
Oatmeal Jack
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
This is a unique font that features a truly stylish hand-lettered design. It also comes in both serif and script versions as well as web font versions. As a bonus, you’ll also get 7 vintage badges as well.
Leah Gaviota
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Leah Gaviota is a serif font with a fun and corky design, which makes it the perfect choice for blog designs, logos, badges, T-Shirt designs, and more. The font comes in 6 different versions, including decorative, outline, and script typefaces.
June Morning Font
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
June Morning is an all-caps hand-drawn display font that’s best for playful and kids-related designs, including book covers and greeting cards. It’s also great for a blog and logo designs as well.
Reidfork Typeface + Textpress
Price: Envato Elements Subscription
Reidfork is a unique serif font that features a mixed modern vintage design. The font comes to you in 3 versions, regular, hand-drawn, and hand-drawn rough. In addition, it also includes a vector pack and a tutorial on how to create a Vintage Textpress design.
Price: $19
Venice is a typeface that’s been designed with a mix of minimalism and elegance. The Vogue magazine logo design is the inspiration behind this font.
Quas Typeface
Price: $15
This font looks ideal for designing logos and signage, especially for luxury and fashion related businesses. It comes in both Bold and Regular weights.
Price: $14
A great typeface for creating big bold headlines and banners. Morva comes in regular, italic, and ornament versions.
Price: $25
Isabel typeface has been designed for creating all-things related to children and teenagers. However, the font design looks perfect for crafting many other types of designs as well.
The Wild Hammers
Price: $14
Give your logo, headline, and print designs an American wild west look with this stylish typeface. It comes with Opentype features, alternate upper and lowercase characters, and supports international languages.
Price: $12
An elegant serif typeface suitable for all modern logo, headline, web design, and print designs.
Price: $10
The vintage design of this font makes it a great choice for designing cards, invitations, and website headlines. The font comes in 8 different styles including, regular and grunge, inline and inline grunge, and more.
Portland Serif
Price: $12
This minimalist font is designed for creating bold headlines and logos with all-caps letters. It comes in light, regular, bold, and black weights.
Price: $10
A fun and a beautiful serif font for all your designs related to kids. The font pack comes in three different alphabets, including extra-tall, extra-short, and extra-swirly letters, which allows you to create your own unique designs.
Sweet Wanderlust Font
Price: $15
This calligraphy style font with quirky letters gives its letters a unique handmade look. It will play well with many types of your design needs.
Price: $12
Featuring a special bracketed serif shape and a beautiful swirl ornaments, this font is ideal for designing logos and headlines for fashion and luxury brands.
Sugar Cake Serif Font
Price: $12
Yet another fun and a unique typeface with a handmade look for all your exciting and enjoyable projects.
Elak Typeface
Price: $6
This typeface will probably remind you of a dark horror movie. But it looks great for headers, logos, and print designs as well.
Ravenly Hand-Written Font
Price: $6
This handmade-style font with a vintage design is perfect for designing posters, cards, logos, and more.
Jacob Riley
Price: $32
This is a premium quality and a unique font that’s been designed inspired by antique 18th-century printers’ specimens. It can be used for designing cards, invitations, and even for the pages of children’s books.
HANDY-Vintage style
Price: $3
A vintage-style typeface with a mid-eighteenth-century design for crafting stylish logos, posters, and headers.
Hamilton | Hand Drawn Uppercase Font
Price: $5
Another beautiful typeface with handwritten letters. The font is perfect for crafting graphics, posters, headers, and even quote photos for social media.
Secret Society Font + Bonus
Price: $12
This hand-drawn font is inspired by “shady dealings, nefarious henchmen and ghost stories”. According to its creator, it’s suitable for tattoos, death threat, ransom note, wanted sign, and tombstone designs.
Carrig Roman
Price: $29
Inspired by classic letterforms carved into stone, this typeface comes with a full European character set and 410 glyphs. It’s ideal for headlines, logos, branding, and many other designs.
Yellow Umbrella Thin
Price: $5
This fun and cheerful hand-drawn serif typeface will fit in perfectly with your invitation, cards, headers, and even for children’s book covers.
For the better part of 2015 I spent my type design time on Flabbergast, a Didone for headlines with wide language support. After creating all of the design for my game assumptions using Didot, I felt inspired to create an even higher contrast font, for print and web. I set out only to make one weight (regular) but fell in love with even heavier verticals and added a bold weight. It was released in November of 2015 and the download includes OTF files for the regular and bold weights, as well as webfont kits for each.
Price: $25
Young Heart Typeface
Introducing Young Heart Typeface – a western style display font. OpenType features with Stylistic Alternates. To access the alternate glyphs, you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS and Adobe Indesign. You can use this font for various purposes such as logo, t-shirt design, posters, labels, letterheads, book covers and more.
Price: $16
Argent CF Expressive Serif Font
Dashing and expressive, with an overstated x‑height and evocative letter­forms. True italics and lots of character. Featured on Typography Served, Argent is both a tribute to the past and a step into the future of typography.
Price: $19
Turquoise contains small caps, many discretionary ligatures, ornaments, swashes as well as several brushy nature-inspired ornaments, accessible via Opentype. Ideally suited for headlines or body text in advertising, packaging and visual identities, its delicate shapes, curves and endings give projects a harmonious elegance and stylistic feel in unique turquoise style.
Price: $59
Quincy CF font family
Quincy’s warm, flowing letterforms, tall x-height and medium contrast provide a pleasant reading experience for longer passages. Quincy also doubles as a stately display font. Five weights and true italics ensure versatility, with a compliment of Latin and Cyrillic alphabets for good measure.
Price: $19
Night Still Comes
A serif font in two styles: regular & italic, and in 2 weights. With over 550 glyphs for each font, including: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, punctuation marks, accents, small caps, ligatures, and much more.
Price: $15
Victorian Parlor
Victorian Parlor is a traditional victorian decoration typeface based on clean looks and ink textured. Containing 350 glyphs of clean looks (regular font) and 350 glyphs of ink textured (vintage font). Each letter in the font was painted manually one by one with lots of detail and consistency.
Price: $17
Endurest Font
Built to withstand the challenge of trends and time. Inspired from the graphing technique of the late Sir Raymond DaBoll but with markers, acrylics and digital touches to create balance among heights and spacing. Call it modern vintage. Changing the size and kerning were made automatic for a perfect combination. Endurest in short is perfect for your work.
Price: $12
Caston is a revival typeface based on Morris Fuller Benton’s modified litho – initially designed and issued by Inland Type Foundry back in 1907, later modified and issued by American Type Founders in 1917 after the merge. Not only the typeface is now in the hands of public domain due to the defunct of ATF decade ago & lacking of active descendants – no known digital font was found in the web, until now.
Price: $19
1805 Jaek Map
This font is mainly inspired from the engraved characters of a German Map depicting Germany’s roads and parts of surrounding lands, edited in Berlin probably in the end of 1700’s. The engraver was Carl Jaeck or Jaek (1763-1808). The Map was bought by the French napoleonic general Louis Pierre Delosme (1768-1828) probably during the Napolenic campaign against Germany, circa 1805 or at least 1806, his sole staying in Germany.
Price: $30
Naive Inline Font Pack
Naïve Inline is a serif handwritten font designed by Fanny Coulez and Julien Saurin for La Goupil Paris. The three weights of this retro-Parisian typography can be enhanced with a bicolor interior, ribbed, full or demi, to improve your designs and bring a nostalgic and unusual feeling. To do so, you can simply superimpose the 2 elements: the weight above, the interior below. We also designed a sans serif version, Naive Inline Sans.
Price: $19
Naive Font Pack
Naïve is a serif handwritten font designed by Fanny Coulez and Julien Saurin from the french foundry La Goupil Paris. The three weights of this new parisian typography can be enhanced with three weights of two alternates fancy glyphs for each letter, the “Fantaisies”, to improve your designs and bring a more poetic and unusual feeling.
Price: $19
Lettersmith Design Kit
It’s no secret that I love all things hand-lettered, but recently, I also can’t get enough of letterpress printing! And with all the gorgeous script fonts in the marketplace, I wanted to create a fun typeface to compliment them. But of course, I couldn’t stop with just a font. Nope, I went ahead and hand-sketched over 300 vector elements, added 10 cotton paper textures, and designed 50 Letterpress Styles, so that you can make anything and everything you want.
Price: $25
Metropolis – Font Family
This elegant and versatile serif typeface captures the essence of classic and modern city, the dualism between the working class and the city planners. Through the elegant lines and sinuous curves this font works perfectly for a display reading or beautifully as a headline or as body copy.
Price: $14
New York Font
A vintage style display serif font for your new projects. Great for your retro/vintage projects, the pack contains 4 font files (otf & ttf) – regular, grunge & line, and line grunge.
Price: $10
Sonten Typeface
Sonten Typeface is a modern serif-semibold for title and bodytext in a medium look. The name ‘Sonten’ originally from Sundanese word means ‘Afternoon’ that inspired from the process when I created the font every afternoon after my “business” done everyday. The design prefers to use in insignia style, so I presented the different styles including 3D, Bevel, Contour, Deboss, Outline, and Shadow. Most of them can texted in a regular way (1 color) or being combined by 2 font that have the same position like a multi-layers.
Price: $17
Alitide Typeface
Introducing western style display typeface it’s a alitide. An All-caps font with modern western style, OpenType features with stylistic alternates. To access the alternat glyphs, you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS and Adobe Indesign. You can use this font for various purposes such as logo design, t-shirts, posters, and much more.
Price: $12
A handcrafted serif font by Jackrabbit Creative. Inspired by elegant cityscapes. Tigerlily brings a handmade feel to an otherwise “sophisticated” feeling typeface. Font comes as both .ttf and .otf font files. Includes numbers and basic punctuation.
Price: $9
Colombos Typeface
Introducing the new Colombos Typeface, another display serif font. It is a great idea to use it for logos, inspirational quotes, t-shirt graphics, typography art, apparel, labels, badges, posters, business cards, stylized wedding invitations, prints, signs, emblems, book cover designs headlines, titles, etc.
Price: $12
Alice is a fun and quirky all caps serif font. While creating this font, all I could think about was Alice in Wonderland and her adventures. Comes in 2 weights; Regular & Light and includes OTF and TTF files.
Price: $12
Bold Riley font
Introducing Bold Riley a handmade serif display typeface. To give it that human touch each glyph was hand drawn with pen and ink.
Price: $10
St. Monique Typeface
St. Monique is a display typeface inspired by medieval typography and visual motifs. Serifs and subtle details were designed to evoke the medieval feeling while keeping the typeface clean and contemporary.
Price: $12
The Wallington Pro
Wallington Pro is a decorative-serif font embodying vintage and elegant curves with functional structure. Style is adopted from Old English cultures with their descendants around mid-12th century and Art nouveau in 19th century, it was inspired by natural forms and structures and the curved lines. Crafted with love and easy-to-read letter design.
Price: $24
Black Oval
Black oval is a font with a vintage style and simple, very suitable for your brand or posters, band, shirts and others.
Price: $9
Deathcross Capital
The death cross vintage font is very similar font can help in your work with designs — especially vintage designs.
Price: $8
Nadirii Font
Nadirii Font is a handwritten, multilingual, display font, with greek/greek polytonic and latin characters.
Price: $4
Flored Typeface
Introducing Floren Typeface, a simple and beautiful font made with persistence and passion. Floren typeface has a unique character when compared with its peers — it has a unique, special bracketed serif shape.
Price: $12
Slow Pony
Just outline the stroke instead of trying to maneuver letters with tracking and kearning. Those swirls are ruthless. A beautiful font for you to use in your designs.
Price: $6
1592 GLC Garamond OTF
This family was inspired by the pure Garamond pattern set of fonts used by Egenolff and Berner, German printers in Frankfurt, at the end of the sixteenth century. All the experts said it was the best and most complete set of the time. The italic style used with it was Granjon’s, as in 1543 Humane Jenson. A few fleurons from the same printers have been added.
Price: $34
Marthas Typeface
Introducing Marthas, The time-machine between that classic wave typeface and nowadays vintage enthusiasm.
Inspired by vintage hipster enthusiasm, the needs of classic fonts are raising high for any industries that bring the trend as their red carpet to attract the market. So that’s what the Marthas was based on. It comes with a complete set of Uppercase, Lowercase, Numbers, Accents and Punctuations.
Price: $16
Corporative Cnd Family
Corporative Condensed, by Latinotype Team, is the narrowed version of Corporative Basic that offers high performance when using for headings and subheadings. The family consists of 8 weights plus companion italics.
Price: $31
Carrig Rough
This is a hand drawn, all caps display typeface inspired by classic letterforms that have been carved into stone and then weathered by time.
Price: $15
Bold Riley font
Introducing Bold Riley, a handmade serif display typeface. To give it that human touch each glyph was hand drawn with pen and ink.
Price: $10
Quiroga Serif Pro
This typography was designed for continuous text, legible at medium and small sizes, with great saving of space, optimized for 6, 8, 10 and 12 points. The morphology is a mix between tradition and innovation; it has a vertical axis, thick serifs, tall x-height, light modulation and a lot of internal space between letters: key to improve legibility at small sizes. Formally, my idea was to make a serif type that had a unique color, this is visible due to the light modulation. This is also complemented with the incorporation of not common, alternative signs. Some parts of the letters that are usually curb or diagonal where made horizontal (for example: a, q, p, etc.), this makes the eye of each character to be wide and unique.
Price: $29
Vidiz Pro Typeface
Vidiz Pro Typeface is serif font designed to help you create stunning work. Suitable for logos, posters, invitations, greeting cards, quotes — you name it.
Price: $14
Real Talk
Real Talk packs the same lip flapping smacks and pharyngeal grunts as any old nonsense. But while a baby can only babble, a grown man can mean something. Put words in perspective, located on the axes of breadth and depth, and live by them. Do what you say. Say what you know. Know what you feel.
Price: $27
Archive Garamond Bold Pro
Archive Garamond is a typeface roughly based on the designs of Claude Garamond (ca. 1480 – 1561) , a French publisher and a leading typeface designer of that period.
While the majority of contemporary digital interpretations of the “Garamond types” are cleaner and more polished versions of that genre, Archive Garamond tries to keep the rough nature which was typical in the early days of printing. Archive Garamond has a rather unique, distinctive temperament which is even more emphasised with the preserved non-uniformity, such as irregular glyph shapes or a variable baseline. Although Archive Garamond was clearly made to be used for display sizes it works surprisingly well in text.
Price: $29
NT Rudolf Gagarin
Rudolf Gagarin is part of the Gagarin Family. Made by Novo Typo. Designers from Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Price: $26
Karl Whitefoot
Karl Whitefoot is a hand drawn font that comes in two different variations, regular and oblique. You can combine the different styles of the whole Karl family to make variations to your design.
Price: $12
Daisy Dog Hand Drawn Font Serif
It’s my hand-drawn font, Daisy Dog. Created in some of my favorite hand lettering that I always find myself including with my illustrations and surface patterns, I wanted to share it with the world.
Price: $12
AZ Vintage Tattoo
AZ Vintage Tattoo font was inspired from Early 1900’s Amateur tattoos. This font utilizes an “old look” to the line work which is designed to have a “worn feel” to it. Ideal for use as headline or sub-head text in you design.
Price: $20
Brave New Font Pack & Graphic Extras
A handmade, Brave New Font sketchy, illustrated, and hand-drawn with love. This is more than just a typeface – this is a pack, and it allows you to be even more creative than you would have been with just the font.
Price: $20
Opentype features ready with Stylistic Set, Contextual alternates. With Opentype features you can applied to logos, product, display, clothing, quotes and many more. You can applied to all typography with mix and match pairs of letters to fit your own designs.
Price: $17
Warrior – Hand Drawn Typeface
After many hours with my pen and sketchpad my first font has finally landed. Taken from one of my hand lettering styles which regularly features on my Instagram and Dribbble feeds, it is inspired by the love of vintage, the outdoors and a time when everything was made by hand.
Price: $16
Dacota Layered Typeface
Dacota Typeface is a layered type family, Inspired by vintage american west poster and circus poster that have a strong shapes so it will create more attention for people to look more closely. Comes with 4 font system that can be layered to create different effect (basic, rough , dropline & dropshadow).
Dacota Typeface includes a full set of capital and lowercase letters, as well as multi-lingual support, currency figures, numerals, and punctuation.
Price: $15
Carrig Refined
“Carrig Refined” is the polished version of Carrig Rough. I have taken the essence and personality of my original hand drawn typeface and refined it. Carrig’s clean, curved lines, uniform serifs and precise kerning combine to make a unique, distinctive typeface that could be the perfect solution for your next design project.
Price: $15
Champloo is very unique typeface which combines serif features and brush stroke. Some letters have serif, but some don’t. Serif to be found on left side of stem only. It gives a quirky impression on short text. However the larger the text become, the more consistent look it gets as a whole. These two versatile weights let you play with the typeface freely and beautifully.
Price: $15
Udang Typeface
Introducing Udang Typeface classic display font. Inspired by victorian style which is combining classic and modern typography. You can applied to all typography with mix and match pairs of letters to fit your own designs.
Price: $15
Claire – Serif font & illustrations
Claire is a handwritten font created by brush and ink which gives it sharp edges and a little bit scary look. It is delivered with over one houndred thematic illustrations. So, if you’re looking for something sharp but pleasant you are on the right way.
Price: $7
The Brodze
This font is specifically designed with a variety of alternate, ideal for posters, t shirts, typography, writing etc.
Price: $11
Ana’s Rusty Typewriter
Hand-drawn font based on an old Underwood typewriter (hence the limited character set).
Price: $5
Bendy Goose
A contemporary fun font that would be ideal for funky designs and graphics.
Price: $6
Always Here
A simple, yet elegant, handwritten font. It will be ideal for minimal or typographic poster designs.
Price: $2
Horseshoes & Lemonade
Inspired by vintage fifties and sixties design elements. The lettering features exaggerated angles with the square borders popular at the time. All letters are capitals but the lowercase characters provide variations. This package includes an additional font containing only the letters without the borders. This font supports basic Latin and Western European diacritics and the download contains both TTF (True Type Font) and OTF (Open Type Font) files.
Price: $15
AZ Plug Italic
AZ Plug Italic font is inspired from a combination of original early 1900’s Edward Penfield and Franz Hazenplug poster art. This font is designed for use as a worn and antiqued headline or subheadline.
Price: $20
Teco Serif Light
Teco Serif is a simple and modest display font design. It supports a wide variety of languages — Albanian, Cyrillic, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Faroese, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Malagasy, Norwegian, and Swedish.
Price: $20
Hoods & Capers
This font was inspired by a song titled “Hoods & Capers” by Asteria.
Price: $19
Uncle Lee – Regular
Meet Uncle Lee – ahand drawn and playful serif! A upper-case-only font with upper-case-variants on the lower-case letters, and three happy versions – regular, outline & thin
Price: $13
Victoria Typeface
Introducing Victoria. Available in Regular And Bold.
Price: $15
Quiet the Thief – Thin
A modern serif font with a nice medieval outlook that will bring out the true vintage nature of your designs.
Price: $9
Aviano Wedge
Aviano Wedge comes in six different weights and is packed with OpenType features. As a complement to these characters, Aviano Wedge includes 40 discretionary ligatures for artistic typographic compositions. To see these features in action, please see the informative .pdf brochure. OpenType capable applications such as Quark or the Adobe Creative suite can take full advantage of the automatically replacing ligatures and alternates. Aviano Wedge also includes support for all Western European languages.
Price: $72
Mekicki is a typeface based on a poster designed in 1928 by Polish artist Rudolf Mękicki. It is part of a series inspired by the aesthetics of Poland, circa 1908 to 1939.
Price: $10
Black Heirloom Artcraft
Heirloom Artcraft is available in Thin, Thin Italic, Book, Book Italic, Demi Italic, Black, and Black Italic. It also features Metrics and Optical kerning– metrics displays characters with letterpress-traditional spacing that is pleasantly askew, or more rigid optical kerning which displays characters at identical distances for times when the importance of readability exceeds that of stylistic merit.
Price: $29
Exquise FY Italic
With its round and elegant shapes, this new didone typeface is developed in six styles, including a “poster” weight. Though inspired by classical thick and thin shapes, Exquise FY’s design is innovative with its sharp drops.
Price: $50
Hilton Serif Font
There is something special about thin fonts. On one side is the sensitive, charming and warm touch, on other side they are uncompromising, thoroughgoing. Here the contrast can’t hide the clear shapes. Hilton Serif and Hilton Sans is a pair of highly legible, subtle and elegant sans-serif and semi-serif display faces. The quality of spacing and kerning ensured by Igino Marini.
Price: $39
Skooled Serif – A Hand Drawn Web Font
Skooled Serif is a clean hand drawn font face that is perfect for creating a handmade look on your website. The text is easy to read, even at smaller sizes. The download includes all of the formats needed to embed the font in your webpage. The font features 195 glyphs including accented characters.
Price: $10
Marker Typeface
Marker is an all caps, this is my my first typeface using fontographer, i think marker its good for your headline.
Price: $10
This unique art font comes with new set of ornaments as well as many ligatures and Zodiac signs.
Price: $49
MARINA is typeface inspired by sea, sailing, boats and wind. Enjoy the seashore.
Price: $10
Gauthier FY Medium
nspired by Renaissance typefaces, Gauthier FY is a contemporary old-style serif typeface with big x-heights and quite small caps. Accompanied by a lovely and detailed italic, inspired by artworks from the punchcutter Granjon‚ Gauthier FY is perfect for any text design. Gauthier was co-created by Jérémie Hornus & Alisa Nowak on fontyou.com, the first collaborative type foundry.
Price: $50
Bosman_empty is perfect font for apparel, labels posters with vintage, marine feel. Package contains also Bosman_dings.
Price: $8
Old Venexia
Unlike many of our other fonts that are strict interpretations of historical exemplars, Old Venexia is a loose interpretation of Aldus Manutius’s typefaces. Aldus was one of the greats in typography whose work influences vast amounts of typefaces to this day. This font has nearly 600 defined characters. Suitable for a wide variety of applications. This font contains regular, italic, bold, bold italic and small caps in both TTF and OTF formats. Every Proportional Lime font comes with a full character map.
Price: $30
Brush Serif – Percy
“Brush Serif” was inspired by all the classic serifs you know and love, but as an illustrator I’m not enthused with straight lines and perfect corners. Every font was styled off of one or more “classic” typefaces and completely redrawn and hand painted with a Chinese calligraphy brush and Indian Ink.
Price: $15
Brush Serif Family
The Full family. Much love, Ed.
“Brush Serif” was inspired by all the classic serifs you know and love, but as an illustrator I’m not enthused with straight lines and perfect corners. Every font was styled off of one or more “classic” typefaces and completely redrawn and hand painted with a Chinese calligraphy brush and Indian Ink.
These are as versatile as they look but are particularly striking at large sizes when all of their beautiful imperfections, dry brush edges and speckled fills are visible.
Price: $60
Dust Overhaul
A unique dusty font inspired by the American dust bowl during 1930 – 1940.
Price: $49
Australis is a hybrid roman font that won first prize in the Morisawa International Type Design Competition in 2002. After 10 years the family is finally complete and its release coincides with the reopening of the competition in 2012, in Japan.
Price: $99
Caitiff Family
Caitiff is a unique hand drawn serif. It includes about 25 ornaments to compliment your text and a couple of stylistic alternatives to your capital letters. Caitiff Slanted is an oblique version of Caitiff. Caitiff is a decorative typeface. You can use Caitiff in any setting; children’s books, beer labels, organic food packages and menu.
Price: $25
Sergio FY Bold
Sergio FY is an antique latin font family inspired by a 19th century wooden type font, found in an italian print – Gazetta Musicale di Milano, 10 Guigno 1897. This typeface is characterized by its large, sharp, and triangular serifs, which give it a very singular look. With its complete character set including small caps, oldstyle figures and discretionary ligatures (amongst others), Sergio FY comes with 3 weights and italics, as well as an amazing set of ornaments. Its large width, its short ascendants and descendants allow it to perfectly fit in small size. It will also show all its originality in big sizes for headlines or posters (absolutely fabulous in its black version). Both robust and elegant, spiky and friendly, oldschool and contemporary. Sergio FY is for sure the next celebritype.
Price: $70
Sperling FY Medium
Sperling FY is a geometric and condensed high contrast font, characterized by its long vertical serifs. Its big i-dot as well as some other deliberately naive disproportions like the W are wonderful signs to identify Sperling FY. The accompanying italic style illustrates well designed creative forms like the k or the z. Due to its good legibility in small size, you can use it for editorial texts like in magazines. You can also take great pleasure by using it in poster size.
Price: $35
Canberra FY Regular
Canberra FY is a contemporary and low-contrast serif typeface that shows legibility with personality. Its asymmetric and short serifs render a versatile look, always usable and friendly.
Price: $50
Rocking Bones Typeface
Rocking Bones is Serif Handdrawn like a Bone with handmade feel. You can use this font as creative as you want. Just imagine and touch the sky.
Price: $12
Mayonez regular
Mayonez is a typeface with rational structure and axis but softened with rounded contours and cupped serifs, getting as result a balance between seriousness and friendliness. The shapes have a soft appearance but without lacking definition.
Price: $28
Sprout Writer
I like typewriters. Heres two handwritten fonts inspired by them, regular and bold. Download includes two .TTF files compatible on both Mac & Windows.
Price: $10
Bonerica Typeface
This is Bonerica typeface is serif font made by hand. This is good for logo,greeting cards, posters, labels, t-shirt design, modern vintage, etc.
Price: $12
Boucherie Block Regular
Boucherie Block is part of the Boucherie Collection – a series of 16 distinct, yet related typefaces. With its thick wedge serifs and steeply angled crossbars and terminals, Boucherie Block cuts a bold impression. Set it large and tight for searingly effective headlines.
Price: $20
Achille II FY Black Italic
This Slab serif typeface is characterized by its curved and angular serifs which give it a special character. Not too rigid, no too round, its well balanced shapes make itself both legible in small size and powerful in big for headlines, with its robust structure.
Price: $70
Murmers Typeface
Introducing murmers typeface is a serif font . murmers typeface inspired by old films about a murder or crime . This is a great for vintage design, t-shirt, logo, labels, posters , badges and etc.
Price: $12
Brington Font
Brington font made with a mixture of ornament adds a classic and vintage. very well suited to be used for book titles, bands, movies, advertising etc.
Price: $12
Piramid Font
Piramid Font is suitable for use make design using style of racing. This font is also used a great vintage style used in your design that has a vintage concept.
Price: $9
Hansom Slab FY Bold
As its cousin Hansom FY, this font has friendly shapes and rounded terminals. Slabs reinforce its masculin and technique appearance.
With 3 weights and their accompanying italics, this modern and functional slab font family is well-suited for all kind of application. From packaging to editorial design, from screen to branding – Hansom Slab FY guarantees optimal readability.
Price: $35
DJB Holly Serif
Holly Serif is a handwritten font in the style of type with a flair of the handwritten. It contains language characters for European languages and comes in 2 styles.
Price: $7
Catalina Typewriter
Earlier this year I visited a bakery in Newport Beach, CA and fell in love with the organic design and typography of the place. Hand-drawn menus, table cards, chalkboards, and wall quotes surrounded the charming spot. It inspired me to create a new font family based on the combination of hand drawn fonts.
This typewriter inspired hand-drawn font family works great as either a display or paragraph text. It has contextual alternatives with 3 versions of each letter, and comes in both upright and custom italics versions.
Price: $45
Deputy Serif
A Gentleman Rascal of a font. Serious but fun. Responsible but quirky. He is good enough to meet your parents and your friends. He has your back in a fight and adds class to your dinner parties.
Price: $9
from Design Shack http://bit.ly/2i8M9tl
100+ Best Modern Serif Fonts See more on: Simply PSD Blog
from http://bit.ly/2DD5co1
0 notes
glenmenlow · 6 years
The Force Of Brand Strategy And Design
Perhaps the legendary Paul Rand said it best; “design is the silent ambassador of your brand.” The importance of design to brand strategy cannot be understated; one cannot reach its full potential without the other. Brand identity, positioning and value are not only expressed in strategy, but they are fully articulated to consumers through design in any number of ways … whether by graphic identity (logo type, brand dress, etc.), marketing communication (advertising, web, social design, signage, etc.), product and packaging design (user experience, brand reinforcement), or environmental design (architecture, retail environments, displays, etc.).
As Wally Olins observed in his book Corporate Identity, design is what makes business strategy visible. And it can–and should be a beautiful thing. Think of the engaging visual closure of the arrow embodied in the FedEx logo, or the smooth, precise feel and heft of an iPhone in your hand. These and other examples like them are visible, sensual extensions of each brand’s strategy manifested in brilliant design.
Our attraction to brands that are exquisitely designed is as old as Greek philosophy. Plato surmised, beauty is found in the form and in the idea of beauty itself. So for thousands of years, whether it’s a beautifully fashioned crown or a modern day smart phone, humans strive for and yearn for good design. We instinctively “know” when something “works” and when it doesn’t. And in our modern day marketplace, design either bonds the brand with the customer or it doesn’t.
This “knowing”is actually built on what Lawrence E. Williams in Psychology of Design calls “Conceptual Scaffolding.” From birth, all of us construct conceptual scaffolding in our minds from our experiences in the world. Designers use these “physical concepts and their psychological analogs” to shape their ideas to serve brands they work for. Very often, these are universally understood concepts, such as more distance between buttons on a control pad means they don’t relate, or the weight or sound of a device or vehicle can create the perception of quality or power. For example, when we scroll down down our smart phone and lift our finger off the screen, the momentum of the menu will simply slow to a stop. Our conceptual scaffolding expects that to happen, even though the product engineers had no operational reason to create that effect. Good product design doesn’t disappoint and the screen scroll we did with our finger tip obeys our conceptual scaffolding of physics and inertia.
Design, probably more than anything, links brand and customer. Design relates brands to us and our world not only through mirroring our conceptual scaffolding, but through enhancing our identification, engagement, memory, and relationship with brands with all of our senses. We are, after all, sensual beings. Information about a brand is not only communicated verbally and logically, it’s also imprinted on the consumer’s psyche by sight, sound, smell, taste and touch … by design.
This need to experience the brand by sensory connection is one reason why retailers are still needed in an Amazon world in some categories, through the practice of “showrooming.”
The Visual Connection
Visual design, through symbols and iconography, provides communication shorthand for brands in today’s increasingly multicultural, multilingual society. Color selection is extremely important and can break through cross cultural barriers through universally understood meanings. Colors can also be “owned” by a brand within a category as part of its distinctive identity. Coca-Cola Red isn’t just any red.
How things are organized for consumption, be it visual hierarchy on the vertical axis or strategic placement of ad elements, also conveys relative importance of information because of the way we are conditioned to view and interpret. Lastly, how products are depicted will have a direct bearing on the intent to purchase. Does the photo or video stimulate the imagination for experiencing the brand—how it tastes, smells, feels, or sounds?
The Olfactory Connection
Our sense of smell is often the most under-rated, yet most powerful design component to make a customer connection. The tongue can only distinguish five taste qualities, however the nose can distinguish millions of scents and the brain is wired to encode, then activate memories associated with scents going back to our childhoods. Through their environmental and product deign schemes, automakers, retail and hospitality use unique smells to identify and imprint their brands on customers through polymer delivery systems and injected into their HVAC. And of course, the aroma of some brands, such as Cinnabon are truly irresistible.
The Auditory Connection
How does the turn signal sound in an Acura? Or the engine sound on a Harley Davidson motorcycle? Or the role of music in the brand’s retail space (like Abercrombie) or as a musical “stinger” in advertising (such as Intel)? Sound design promotes cohesive brand expectations and experiences as powerful as visual design.
The Taste Connection
Flavor profiles are meticulously created and researched to differentiate competing brands, like Coke and Pepsi. Some prefer the coffee at Dunkin Donuts, others prefer Starbucks. Taste can command loyalty.
The Touch Connection
Ask any floor covering shopper about their reluctance to order flooring online, and chances are they will tell you they have “to feel it.” In fact, the first thing anyone shopping for carpet will do is to stroke the sample. How it feels is important and carpet and rug makers are in a race to design their carpet to be softer and smoother. The quality of touch for flooring, clothing, tissue brands, even “mouth feel” for food and beverage makers, is important to its appeal and differentiation.
The merger of brand strategy and design results in one of the most powerful forces in our world, shaping perceptions and driving consumer decisions. Activate that power by linking design to your brand strategy and brand strategy to your design.
The Blake Project Can Help: The Brand Positioning Workshop
Branding Strategy Insider is a service of The Blake Project: A strategic brand consultancy specializing in Brand Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Licensing and Brand Education
FREE Publications And Resources For Marketers
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2018/07/11/the-force-of-brand-strategy-and-design/ via IFTTT
0 notes
joejstrickl · 6 years
The Force Of Brand Strategy And Design
Perhaps the legendary Paul Rand said it best; “design is the silent ambassador of your brand.” The importance of design to brand strategy cannot be understated; one cannot reach its full potential without the other. Brand identity, positioning and value are not only expressed in strategy, but they are fully articulated to consumers through design in any number of ways … whether by graphic identity (logo type, brand dress, etc.), marketing communication (advertising, web, social design, signage, etc.), product and packaging design (user experience, brand reinforcement), or environmental design (architecture, retail environments, displays, etc.).
As Wally Olins observed in his book Corporate Identity, design is what makes business strategy visible. And it can–and should be a beautiful thing. Think of the engaging visual closure of the arrow embodied in the FedEx logo, or the smooth, precise feel and heft of an iPhone in your hand. These and other examples like them are visible, sensual extensions of each brand’s strategy manifested in brilliant design.
Our attraction to brands that are exquisitely designed is as old as Greek philosophy. Plato surmised, beauty is found in the form and in the idea of beauty itself. So for thousands of years, whether it’s a beautifully fashioned crown or a modern day smart phone, humans strive for and yearn for good design. We instinctively “know” when something “works” and when it doesn’t. And in our modern day marketplace, design either bonds the brand with the customer or it doesn’t.
This “knowing”is actually built on what Lawrence E. Williams in Psychology of Design calls “Conceptual Scaffolding.” From birth, all of us construct conceptual scaffolding in our minds from our experiences in the world. Designers use these “physical concepts and their psychological analogs” to shape their ideas to serve brands they work for. Very often, these are universally understood concepts, such as more distance between buttons on a control pad means they don’t relate, or the weight or sound of a device or vehicle can create the perception of quality or power. For example, when we scroll down down our smart phone and lift our finger off the screen, the momentum of the menu will simply slow to a stop. Our conceptual scaffolding expects that to happen, even though the product engineers had no operational reason to create that effect. Good product design doesn’t disappoint and the screen scroll we did with our finger tip obeys our conceptual scaffolding of physics and inertia.
Design, probably more than anything, links brand and customer. Design relates brands to us and our world not only through mirroring our conceptual scaffolding, but through enhancing our identification, engagement, memory, and relationship with brands with all of our senses. We are, after all, sensual beings. Information about a brand is not only communicated verbally and logically, it’s also imprinted on the consumer’s psyche by sight, sound, smell, taste and touch … by design.
This need to experience the brand by sensory connection is one reason why retailers are still needed in an Amazon world in some categories, through the practice of “showrooming.”
The Visual Connection
Visual design, through symbols and iconography, provides communication shorthand for brands in today’s increasingly multicultural, multilingual society. Color selection is extremely important and can break through cross cultural barriers through universally understood meanings. Colors can also be “owned” by a brand within a category as part of its distinctive identity. Coca-Cola Red isn’t just any red.
How things are organized for consumption, be it visual hierarchy on the vertical axis or strategic placement of ad elements, also conveys relative importance of information because of the way we are conditioned to view and interpret. Lastly, how products are depicted will have a direct bearing on the intent to purchase. Does the photo or video stimulate the imagination for experiencing the brand—how it tastes, smells, feels, or sounds?
The Olfactory Connection
Our sense of smell is often the most under-rated, yet most powerful design component to make a customer connection. The tongue can only distinguish five taste qualities, however the nose can distinguish millions of scents and the brain is wired to encode, then activate memories associated with scents going back to our childhoods. Through their environmental and product deign schemes, automakers, retail and hospitality use unique smells to identify and imprint their brands on customers through polymer delivery systems and injected into their HVAC. And of course, the aroma of some brands, such as Cinnabon are truly irresistible.
The Auditory Connection
How does the turn signal sound in an Acura? Or the engine sound on a Harley Davidson motorcycle? Or the role of music in the brand’s retail space (like Abercrombie) or as a musical “stinger” in advertising (such as Intel)? Sound design promotes cohesive brand expectations and experiences as powerful as visual design.
The Taste Connection
Flavor profiles are meticulously created and researched to differentiate competing brands, like Coke and Pepsi. Some prefer the coffee at Dunkin Donuts, others prefer Starbucks. Taste can command loyalty.
The Touch Connection
Ask any floor covering shopper about their reluctance to order flooring online, and chances are they will tell you they have “to feel it.” In fact, the first thing anyone shopping for carpet will do is to stroke the sample. How it feels is important and carpet and rug makers are in a race to design their carpet to be softer and smoother. The quality of touch for flooring, clothing, tissue brands, even “mouth feel” for food and beverage makers, is important to its appeal and differentiation.
The merger of brand strategy and design results in one of the most powerful forces in our world, shaping perceptions and driving consumer decisions. Activate that power by linking design to your brand strategy and brand strategy to your design.
The Blake Project Can Help: The Brand Positioning Workshop
Branding Strategy Insider is a service of The Blake Project: A strategic brand consultancy specializing in Brand Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Licensing and Brand Education
FREE Publications And Resources For Marketers
0 notes
markjsousa · 6 years
The Force Of Brand Strategy And Design
Perhaps the legendary Paul Rand said it best; “design is the silent ambassador of your brand.” The importance of design to brand strategy cannot be understated; one cannot reach its full potential without the other. Brand identity, positioning and value are not only expressed in strategy, but they are fully articulated to consumers through design in any number of ways … whether by graphic identity (logo type, brand dress, etc.), marketing communication (advertising, web, social design, signage, etc.), product and packaging design (user experience, brand reinforcement), or environmental design (architecture, retail environments, displays, etc.).
As Wally Olins observed in his book Corporate Identity, design is what makes business strategy visible. And it can–and should be a beautiful thing. Think of the engaging visual closure of the arrow embodied in the FedEx logo, or the smooth, precise feel and heft of an iPhone in your hand. These and other examples like them are visible, sensual extensions of each brand’s strategy manifested in brilliant design.
Our attraction to brands that are exquisitely designed is as old as Greek philosophy. Plato surmised, beauty is found in the form and in the idea of beauty itself. So for thousands of years, whether it’s a beautifully fashioned crown or a modern day smart phone, humans strive for and yearn for good design. We instinctively “know” when something “works” and when it doesn’t. And in our modern day marketplace, design either bonds the brand with the customer or it doesn’t.
This “knowing”is actually built on what Lawrence E. Williams in Psychology of Design calls “Conceptual Scaffolding.” From birth, all of us construct conceptual scaffolding in our minds from our experiences in the world. Designers use these “physical concepts and their psychological analogs” to shape their ideas to serve brands they work for. Very often, these are universally understood concepts, such as more distance between buttons on a control pad means they don’t relate, or the weight or sound of a device or vehicle can create the perception of quality or power. For example, when we scroll down down our smart phone and lift our finger off the screen, the momentum of the menu will simply slow to a stop. Our conceptual scaffolding expects that to happen, even though the product engineers had no operational reason to create that effect. Good product design doesn’t disappoint and the screen scroll we did with our finger tip obeys our conceptual scaffolding of physics and inertia.
Design, probably more than anything, links brand and customer. Design relates brands to us and our world not only through mirroring our conceptual scaffolding, but through enhancing our identification, engagement, memory, and relationship with brands with all of our senses. We are, after all, sensual beings. Information about a brand is not only communicated verbally and logically, it’s also imprinted on the consumer’s psyche by sight, sound, smell, taste and touch … by design.
This need to experience the brand by sensory connection is one reason why retailers are still needed in an Amazon world in some categories, through the practice of “showrooming.”
The Visual Connection
Visual design, through symbols and iconography, provides communication shorthand for brands in today’s increasingly multicultural, multilingual society. Color selection is extremely important and can break through cross cultural barriers through universally understood meanings. Colors can also be “owned” by a brand within a category as part of its distinctive identity. Coca-Cola Red isn’t just any red.
How things are organized for consumption, be it visual hierarchy on the vertical axis or strategic placement of ad elements, also conveys relative importance of information because of the way we are conditioned to view and interpret. Lastly, how products are depicted will have a direct bearing on the intent to purchase. Does the photo or video stimulate the imagination for experiencing the brand—how it tastes, smells, feels, or sounds?
The Olfactory Connection
Our sense of smell is often the most under-rated, yet most powerful design component to make a customer connection. The tongue can only distinguish five taste qualities, however the nose can distinguish millions of scents and the brain is wired to encode, then activate memories associated with scents going back to our childhoods. Through their environmental and product deign schemes, automakers, retail and hospitality use unique smells to identify and imprint their brands on customers through polymer delivery systems and injected into their HVAC. And of course, the aroma of some brands, such as Cinnabon are truly irresistible.
The Auditory Connection
How does the turn signal sound in an Acura? Or the engine sound on a Harley Davidson motorcycle? Or the role of music in the brand’s retail space (like Abercrombie) or as a musical “stinger” in advertising (such as Intel)? Sound design promotes cohesive brand expectations and experiences as powerful as visual design.
The Taste Connection
Flavor profiles are meticulously created and researched to differentiate competing brands, like Coke and Pepsi. Some prefer the coffee at Dunkin Donuts, others prefer Starbucks. Taste can command loyalty.
The Touch Connection
Ask any floor covering shopper about their reluctance to order flooring online, and chances are they will tell you they have “to feel it.” In fact, the first thing anyone shopping for carpet will do is to stroke the sample. How it feels is important and carpet and rug makers are in a race to design their carpet to be softer and smoother. The quality of touch for flooring, clothing, tissue brands, even “mouth feel” for food and beverage makers, is important to its appeal and differentiation.
The merger of brand strategy and design results in one of the most powerful forces in our world, shaping perceptions and driving consumer decisions. Activate that power by linking design to your brand strategy and brand strategy to your design.
The Blake Project Can Help: The Brand Positioning Workshop
Branding Strategy Insider is a service of The Blake Project: A strategic brand consultancy specializing in Brand Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Licensing and Brand Education
FREE Publications And Resources For Marketers
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simplypsd1 · 5 years
40+ Best Hand Lettering & Handwriting Fonts
If you’re looking for a different type of a font to make your design stand out, a cursive font can be a great choice. Cursive and script fonts aren’t new, but they’re a less common choice for many designers. This gives you a chance to use cursive fonts to add some originality to your next project.
Fonts play an important role in every design. Whether you’re designing a book cover, a website header, social media post, greeting card, or a poster, the typography is the main aspect that captures everyone’s attention.
In this collection, we’re featuring some of the most beautiful and modern cursive fonts you can use for your various types of designs. All the fonts come from Envato Elements and you can download them all for a single price.
Daytonia – Hand Lettering Script Font
Daytonia is a beautiful hand lettering scrip font featuring a modern-vintage design. The font comes with multilingual support, alternates, swashes, and more. It’s perfect for designing greeting cards, invitations, and posters.
Seabright – Modern Script Font
Seabright is an elegant script font with a handwriting design. It includes both TrueType and OpenType versions with stylistic alternates, over 250 glyphs, and much more for crafting unique designs.
Matilda Anderson – Handwriting Font Duo
Matilda is another modern handwriting font with a creative design. It comes with alternate characters, multilingual support, and more. This font is most suitable for making wedding invitations, business cards, greeting cards, and labels.
Supremacy – Modern Script Font
Supremacy is a modern calligraphy font featuring an elegant design that’s ideal for making product labels, posters, and logos. The font includes both uppercase and lowercase letters as well as symbols.
Lovestrong – Elegant Script Font
Lovestrong features a beautiful hand lettering design which will add a unique personal touch to your designs. The font also features uppercase and lowercase letters and plenty of alternates and glyphs.
Dellatine – Creative Script Font
Dellatine is a stylish script font that comes with a unique hand lettering design. It features a playful and fun design that will fit in nicely with your casual and quirky greeting cards, posters, and many other types of designs.
Melissa – Luxury Script Font
Melissa is a modern script font featuring a luxury handwritten design. This font is perfect for making logos, labels, and business cards for luxury brands and high-end products.
Steelmond – Hand Lettering Font
Steelmond features a thick bold hand lettering design that will make your designs stand out from the crowd. It comes with 326 glyphs, 158 alternate characters, and much more.
The Jacklyn – Hand Lettering Signature Font
Jacklyn is an elegant hand lettering font you can use to design modern invitation cards, badges, posters, and more. The font includes lots of glyphs, alternates, and multilingual support.
Winchester – Signature Script Font
Winchester is a beautiful signature font featuring a minimal design. This font is perfect for making business cards, labels, and greeting cards. It includes 240 glyphs, ligatures, alternates, and much more.
Shadowy Script – Cursive Font
Shadowy Script is a modern and elegant cursive script font that features a unique signature-style design. This font comes with 2 typefaces with lots of symbols, punctuations, and both uppercase and lowercase letters.
Rattem Hullax – Cursive Font
Another modern and creative cursive font you can use to design both print and digital designs, especially for businesses and luxury brands. The font features stylish alternates, ligatures, and lots more.
Guilty – Brush Cursive Font
Guilty is a brush font that comes with a cursive design. It’s perfect for making website headers with bold titles, book covers, greeting cards, and much more. The font features a natural flowing design and includes numbers and symbols as well.
Red Bright – Cursive Font
Red Bright is a unique cursive font that features a brush design with natural and rough brush strokes. The font can be used to design all kinds of print designs such as book covers, posters, greeting cards as well as web designs and social media posts.
Delight – Calligraphy Cursive Font
Delight is a stylish calligraphy font with a cursive design. The font is ideal for fashion and apparel related branding and design work. As a bonus, it comes with 34 creative brush strokes as well.
Boisterous – Signature Cursive Font
A signature-style script cursive font that includes both OpenType and TrueType font formats. This font is ideal for crafting business cards, letterheads, and many other professional and branding designs.
Chaniago – Natural Brush Cursive Font
Chaniago is a cursive brush font that features a natural design with creative brush strokes. The font comes with lots of swashes, glyphs, ligatures, symbols, and much more.
Ematodas – Cursive Font
This cursive font also features a handwritten brush design. You can use it to design greeting cards, T-shirts, posters, banners, and all kinds of digital and print designs. The font features all basic ligatures and stylistic alternates.
Purnama – Cursive Font
Purnama is a creative cursive font with a modern design. It’s most suitable for making website headers, logos, posters, and social media posts. The font features all standard letters, numbers, and punctuations.
Whestley – Cursive Font
Whestley cursive font comes with a modern vintage design. The font is great for designing product labels, posters, flyers, and even food menus. The font includes both uppercase and lowercase letters.
Matilna Samuela Font Duo
This is a collection of two cursive calligraphy fonts that feature two different designs, one with clean typography and the other with a rough textured design. Both fonts are ideal for using with your branding designs, social media posts, posters, and website headers. The natural design of these fonts will definitely add a certain originality to your work.
Savo Bawdy – Cursive Typeface
Savo bawdy is a handcrafted cursive font that’s perfect for designing greeting cards, book covers, and wedding invitations. It comes with an elegant and a modern design with a slightly playful vibe. The font includes both uppercase and lowercase letters as well as 91 glyphs.
Cursive Brush Script
This font doubles as both a cursive and a brush font. It can handle all kinds of design projects from product packaging to wedding invitations, blog headers, social media posts, and greeting cards. The font includes all the basics with letters, numbers, and support for OpenType features.
Coffeelover Font
Coffelover is a cursive font with a modern design. It comes in three different versions, OpenType, TrueType, and a web font version along with the basic letters, numbers, and punctuations. The handmade design of the font gives it a unique look, unlike most other cursive and script fonts.
Goldiana – Font Script
Goldiana comes with a creative cursive design that quickly captures attention. It has a simple handmade style with smooth curved edges. The font will make your website header designs, logotypes, greeting cards, and many other types of designs look extraordinary.
Bakerie Font Family
Bakerie is a massive bundle of 42 fonts. It includes a family of fonts featuring 7 weights in 3 widths and 2 different versions. The fonts also feature both rough and smooth styles as well as alternate letters and ligatures. This font pack will fit in nicely with almost all types of your design work.
Banoffee font
Bonoffee is a handmade cursive font that features a quirky and a modern design. The font comes with a set of western, central, and south-eastern European glyphs. And it also includes a set of symbols and decorative ornaments, which makes it the perfect font for crafting professional greeting cards.
Sweet Mia – Modern calligraphy font
Calligraphy and cursive fonts have a very close relationship. This is a font that plays well with both categories. It features an elegant and a modern design that allows you to use it with your creative projects as well as greeting cards, wedding invitations, social media posts, and more.
Almond Font
Almond is a cursive font you can use with your logotype and branding designs. It comes with all the basic characters, numbers, and symbols. The font features a minimal and a clean layout that makes it compatible with any kind of design work.
Ramblin Font Duo
Ramblin is a rough handmade font that comes in 4 different versions, including clean, vintage, paint, and a sans font. The font is ideal for crafting signage, posters, website headers, and social media covers. As a bonus, you’ll also get a set of vectors for creating custom designs.
Reckless Font Trio
Reckless is a hand-drawn brush font pack that features 3 different styles. One with ragged edges, another with a shabby effect, and the other with sloppy outlines. The font will go along great with your greeting cards, posters, and social media posts.
Leviafan Font
This font comes with a very modern design that truly makes it stand out from the crowd. The script cursive font also comes in 3 different versions, including a regular, grotesque regular, and splashes regular. All fonts include ligatures, splatters, splashes, and alternate letters as well.
Tristan Brush Font
Tristan is a cursive brush font that features a luxurious design, that makes it perfect for fashion branding and high-end product based design work. The font also includes a web font versions and a set of swashes.
South River Font
This cursive font features a playful and a natural design. It’s most suitable for book covers, posters, logos, and other designs related to kids and children. The font comes with 2 versions with all the basic characters, numbers, and symbols.
Versaced – Handmade Font
A handmade font with a clean design. This font is great for designing a website header, banner, logo, and even posters. The font supports all platforms and works with all apps and software, including Word and Photoshop.
Rogan Winters Font
Despite its name, this font is not a winter-themed font. In fact, you can use this cursive font to craft greeting cards, posters, and banners for all seasons and holidays. It will also look great with your social media posts and blog header images as well.
Quacky Font
This script cursive font comes with a unique design that makes it the perfect choice for designing website header and backgrounds. It features an inconsistent design that quickly grabs attention.
Solecha Font
Another creative cursive font with an original design of its own. This font is ideal for crafting wedding invitations and other greeting cards. And it will also look great with t-shirt designs and logos as well.
Realm Font
Realm is a hand-lettered brush font with a cursive design. If you work with a lot of social media posts, banners, and blog headers, this font will definitely come in handy.
Bold Ink Simple Font
Bold ink is a font with an artistic and a natural design. It will give your designs a truly unique look making your typography look as if it’s hand-drawn. The font will look great with your logos, website headers, posters, and greeting cards.
from Design Shack https://ift.tt/2FE3Ibn
The following post 40+ Best Hand Lettering & Handwriting Fonts was originally seen on Simply PSD
from https://ift.tt/2CLMZo6
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simplypsd1 · 6 years
40+ Best Fonts for Logo Design
Crafting the perfect logo often takes a lot of hard work and time. You have to come up with a design outline, pick the right colors, and find the perfect logo font to match the branding. Don’t worry. We’re here to make that process a bit easier for you.
No need to spend hours surfing the web to find a great font for your logo design, we’ve already picked the best ones for you. Have a look at this handpicked collection of the best logo fonts and choose the one that works best for your project!
Are you in the middle of a logo design project? Don’t forget to check out our in-depth guide on how to design a logo!
Boomerang – Script Handtype Font
Boomerang is a modern and creative script font with a handcrafted design. The font features both uppercase and lowercase letters with ligatures and symbols. It’s perfect for making a logo for a modern startup, fashion brand, alcohol brands, and much more.
Richardson – Signature Brush Font
Richardson is a stylish signature brush font featuring an elegant luxury design. This font is most suitable for designing a logo for a luxury brand, jewelry business, or even for using with your business card designs.
Gibsons – Modern-Vintage Font
Gibsons is a unique font featuring a modern-vintage design. It comes with several different styles including regular, bold, bold-vintage, and more. You can use this font to craft logos for vintage-themed hotels, bars, restaurants, alcohol brands, and more.
Indigo – Chunky Font Duo
Indigo is a modern font featuring a chunky design, which makes it perfect for designing logos for startups, websites, and creative brands. The font is available in 2 versions: Regular and outline.
Aable – Modern Serif Logo Font
Aable is a modern serif font that comes with an elegant design. It’s most suitable for making logo designs for luxury and fashion brands. The font includes all characters in both uppercase and lowercase letters.
Audacity – Vintage Font Duo
Audacity is a vintage-themed font that comes in rough sans and hand-lettering script designs. Both typefaces are ideal for crafting logos for vintage-themed brands and businesses. The font also includes multilingual characters, symbols, and swashes as well.
Barcelony Signature Logo Font
Barcelony is a signature font you can use to make modern logos for business cards, luxury brands, fashion and apparel brands, and more. The font includes lots of glyphs, ligatures, and comes with a web font version as well.
Estylle Madison Calligraphy Font
This creative calligraphy font features a unique design that will help give your logo designs an identity of its own. The font can be used to design modern logos for blogs, fashion brands, beauty products, and much more.
Twigs – Hand-drawn Logo Font
Twigs is a creative hand-drawn logo font that features a unique design. The nature-inspired letter designs and the authentic handcrafted look and feel of the font will surely make your logo designs stand out from the crowd.
The Huntsman – Vintage Script Font
The Huntsman is a vintage-themed script font that features a stylish handmade design. The font comes in 4 styles including script rounded and sans regular. The font also includes lots of swashes, alternates, and symbols.
Nixmat – Brand Identity Font
Nixmat is a font that comes with a completely unique design that makes it perfect for creating your entire branding identity. The font can be used to design logos, resumes, business cards, and much more.
Bowlist – Logo Type Font
Bowlist is a creative and bold font that lets you design modern and playful logotypes. The font can be used to design posters, website headers, and T-shirt designs as well. It comes with 376 glyphs and 161 alternatives characters.
Oxigen – Minimal Logo Typeface
Oxigen is a unique and minimalist logo font that’s most suitable for designing logos for fashion and luxury brands. It features a stylish design that will also help you design a brand identity that stands out from the crowd.
Raisa Script – Logo Font
This elegant script font comes with a natural flowing design that makes it truly one of a kind. The font is ideal for designing logos for many different types of businesses as well as crafting greeting cards, T-shirt designs, and wedding invitations.
Magehand – Logo Font
Magehand is a modern logotype font that comes with a creative design. It features both uppercase and lowercase letters as well as many different alternate characters, ligatures, and multilingual characters.
CAOS – The Logo Typeface
Caos logo font not only features a unique monogram design that attracts attention but it also turns your designs into art. The font is perfect for designing a logo for a creative brand or an agency.
Metropolia – Futuristic font
Metropolia is a futuristic font that features a creative design. It’s most suitable for designing logos, business cards, and website headers for tech startups and web design agencies.
Duffish – Logo Font
Duffish is a creative logo font that comes with a bold script design. The font includes a variety of alternate characters with unique layouts to help you design attractive logos, website headers, letterheads, and more.
Ornacle – Futuristic Font
Ornacle is another logotype font with a futuristic design. It features a creative design that makes the font look like an ancient inscription art. You can use it to make logos, posters, website headers, and much more.
Lineat III – Creative Font
Lineat font features a design mixed with both modern and futuristic elements. Its’ creatively flowing and line-based design makes the font ideal for designing logos for modern businesses, startups, fashion brands, and even for bloggers.
RADON Monogram Logo Font
Radon is a monogram font with a modern design that features a unique look that’s ideal for crafting logos and titles in websites, greeting cards, and print designs. The font also comes in regular, bold, and decorative styles as well.
RibOne Logo Font
This stylish and unique font has a beautiful design that’s great for designing a logo for a creative brand, agency, or even a title for a product. It also includes a web font version and an EPS color gradient version.
Adrift Font
If you’re working on a logo design for a minimalist brand or a label for a product, Adrift font will come in handy. It comes in 4 different styles: Regular, medium, bold, and roughened. The handcrafted font will surely add more value to your designs.
Vintage Modern Fonts
Modern vintage designs are all the craze these days. This font is crafted to help you build a brand logo to follow that trend. The font comes in 3 styles with smooth edges, round edges, and another with a modern vintage mixed design.
Casses Font
Casses is the perfect font for creating a logo or a product label for a clothing and fashion related brands. The font features an elegantly handcrafted design that will surely attract more attention towards your design.
Rhino – Display Font
Rhino is a font that comes with an odd and a bold design that stands out no matter where you see it. It’s suitable for vintage, creative, or children’s brand and products. The font comes in 4 styles: Regular, grunge, inline, and inline grunge.
Ruas – Vintage Style Font
This is another stylish font most suitable for fashion related logos or even drink bottle label designs. Ruas features a grunge-style vintage design with a textured surface. The font is available in 6 different styles for you to choose from.
Break Stones Pro
Break Stones is a brush script font with a unique design. It features a retro style design that’s perfect for creating logos, titles, labels, and greeting card designs. The font also includes over 1200 glyphs as well.
Advio Logo Font
Advio is a creative and a futuristic font that includes a glossy and stylish design, unlike any other font you’ve seen. It’s perfect for any fun and multimedia related logo designs, as well as business and tech-related branding works.
Thousand Lake – Handmade Font
Another beautiful font with a handmade design, Thousand Lake comes with a gorgeous design for crafting logos, headers, wedding invitations, and much more. It comes in both normal and monospaced design styles as well.
Liner Logo Font with Frames
Liner is a modern font that features a smooth design with rounded edges. The tall and bold design makes this font stand out from the crowd. It comes in regular and bold styles. You can use the font to design logos, T-Shirts, signage, and more.
Havania – Script Font
This font is ideal for creating logos and titles for feminine relate brands and products. Havania is a script font that’s suitable for many types of brand design works. It also includes a web font version as well.
Emerald Script Font
Emerald is another elegant script font that’s most suitable for fashion and clothing related logo and signage design. It includes two fonts: Emerald and Splatter, which you can combine together to create unique logos of your own.
Raph Lanok Typeface
The perfect font for crafting a logo for a luxury brand or a high-end product. Raph Lanok features a unique design with a luxurious look you can use to craft many types of design work. The font also comes in 3 different font styles.
Take your brand logo back to the Victorian era with this elegant logo font. This unique font features a design inspired by the Queen Victoria’s era from 1837-1901. It’s perfect for designing a logo with a classic and retro look.
Mushroom Font
If you’re working on a logo design for a children’s website or a title for a book cover, you won’t find a more playful and fun logo font than this one. Mushroom font has that same fun look of Spongebob Squarepants that all kids love to see everywhere.
Montana Font
Another font with a luxury design for creating logos and titles for high-end products. Montana font comes with 6 different font styles with that attractive embossed look.
Wild Zova – Brush Font
Wild Zova is a brush font that comes with 5 different font families, which you can use to design many different types of logos for various brands and businesses. According to the designer, this font design is inspired by a mix of “zombies and vampires hybrid”.
Acids Font
Another playful font for all your kids-related product and branding works. Acids is a carefully crafted font that you can use to design logos, T-Shirts, signs, badges, and much more.
Grotesque Font
This font is perfect crafting a title for a horror movie or designing a movie poster. Of course, it can also be used for designing logos as well. The font includes uppercase, lowercase letters, and numbers as well.
Fibre – Vintage Font
Even though it’s dubbed as a vintage font, Fibre is a font that features a retro-modern design. The rough and textured look of the font makes it the perfect choice for crafting a logo for a creative brand or a product label designs.
Atlantis Heart Font
At first look, the Atlantis Heart font design will remind you of an opening movie title scene from a Disney movie. Although, this font is capable of designing logos, signage, posters, and much more.
Maroon – Vintage Style Font
Maroon is a vintage font that you can use to create logos, badges, and product label. It’s most suitable for designing drink labels or fashionable product signs. The font comes in 6 different styles, including bold and grunge styles.
Megeon Font
This is a font that’s ideal for crafting signage and badges, but it’s also more than capable of using for logo designs and T-Shirt designs as well. It comes in 3 different styles: Bold, vintage, and grunge.
Atlantis – Vintage Style Font
Unearthed from the land of the lost, Atlantis is a unique font that’s perfect for creating logos, movie posters, website headers, and much more. The display font comes in 6 different styles.
Freeline Font
A monogram font with a futuristic design. Freeline font can be used to design logos for tech-related brands, movie titles, posters, headers, and more. The font also comes with a web font version for using with your online projects as well.
Airy Font
Airy is another creative font that features a design similar to the Advio font. However, this font features a wavy and a colorful look. It’s great for designing a logo for a creative agency or a startup.
Postmark Typewriter
Postmark is a modern vintage font that features a design similar to the old typewriter letters. It comes in 2 styles: Regular and rough. Both fonts include over 110 glyphs as well. It’s ideal for designing logos, posters, flyers, and more.
Aurora – Brush Font Trio
This font is perfect for all your feminine brand logo designs, product labels, and badge designs. Aurora is a calligraphy style brush font that comes in 3 different styles: Regular, light, and an alternate version.
Azteker – Ancient Logo Font
Inspired by the ancient Aztec symbols and letters, Azteker is a creative sans-serif font that’ll give you plenty of options for crafting a unique logo design. The font also comes with a set of bonus content, including line art elements and a custom framework.
Hemingwar Font
Hemindwar is a hand-lettering font family that comes in 3 different styles: Regular, stencil, and roughened. It features a mixed design of both modern and creative elements. You can use this font to design logos, greeting cards, website headers, titles, and so much more.
Foundry – Font Pack
Foundry is a unique handmade script font that comes in multiple styles, including bot monospace and normal font styles. It’s perfect for creating fonts for modern brands, fashion-related businesses, coffee shops, and even to craft product labels.
Stingo Digital Font
Yet another retro-futuristic font that you can use to design logos for tech and video game related brands. The font is also suitable for designing posters, signage, website titles, and blog headers as well.
Continue your search for the greatest fonts with our best poster fonts and monospaced fonts collections.
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40+ Best Fonts for Logo Design is available on www.simplypsd.com
from https://ift.tt/2NGaWRK
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